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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1928, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1928 PAGE SEVEN il TEA a"8 Dark-sknnd natives-glowIng sunlight-cool mountain tops---great ships ploughing through troplc seas-these thIngs ail corne to mnd. when a cup of "1SALADA" UIs sternIng before you. Such flavour-such fragrance. Try "SALADA". -ý "KeeP in mind you;' re Riding on Airl" AR 1lifts the load off the road. The heavier f .thýe lead the moi e air it takes. That's why tire makzrs have worked out the correct infla- tion pressure for every size of tire for different icads. K'now the correct pressure for your tires, and tick te it. Don't guess it - gauge it. Two cr r ounds under pressure cuts miles off the Of atire. Keep in mind you're riding on air, and if there isn't suificient air, you're riding straight into troublc. Pay a weekly visit te a Dominion Tire Depot andI have vour tures examnîned. You are neyer far away from a LûUMINION TIRE DEPOT JAMIESON BROS. King St. West Bowmanville v1UONUt Better Values kiFOR Baking Week1 Cook's Friend 1 lb. fin White Satin 24 lb- 9C Bakig es, Pastry Bag Powder 29 dFlour 7 lb. B-g 32e S ,i*. Baking Necessites afn Skedlb.ooaut FI.,.,.t 2... 10, Seediesa 0, n...p"ISb.de 21cE. Etactas 8o.25c IMarmaladel Desîeeted 18c lb. Salt 31f, lb. Bg 6c Raisins Aunt Pnnab M.,.Ch.,3 Il oz. 12e b. 7 "19C Molasses lcCherres8oz sc Velveeta Cheese Eagle Branld tn'> 5c ~21c illk ~ Finest Quality Smyrna Cookinu FICS 2Ib. j! L Fore iSur 23 bottie Lukts. Idei Wfriia 32c -%Pur Jui.2e ecela 2 boffle Cake 6 -" 25e Dixie Biscuita MeaLibby' c__i_ 25cBUTTER_15c tin M.L,.n ~ Braeside Vitone Olives i17e Brand A'Cb- 54c ,a 3 . - -rh F.., 4 c Ii ,16O3 Prunes 21!-.23cN.5 i Mayfield Brand 38c ib. Honey 72e c.tFl.- i. F y8-. Yelio- Cling F.or .no Peaches 23tinSpeCial Combination Sale Ned 25c C.& B. 4 cakes FeI-Naptha Il%25 . &B.Soap and Damn Faste;s.I 27c j., 1 pkg. S.O.S. 37e TDimet27C 35CFFlush is HilLUPS'- e NOeutfvt L,4AciU ^CID~~H Mi! .jUmm Sick stomache, saur stomacha and indigestion usualîy mean excess a.cid. The stomaeh nerves are over-stimu- lated. Tea much acid makes the stom- adi and intestines sour. Alkali kilîs acid instantiy. The best form is Phillips' Milk of Msgnesia, be- cause one harmiess, tasteleas dose neu- tralizes mazy times its volume in acid. Since its invention, 50 ysars &go, it ha, remained thob àincàd iL phyiciarns ,everywhon, Reduce the Acid I sick stomachs-instantly Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in five minutes. Tien you will always know what te do. Crude and harmful methods wilI neyer appeal ta you. Go prove this for your own sake. It may save a great many disagreeable bourg. Be sure ta get the genuine Phillip' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correctlng exossa acida. Eaoh battis cat"jIQ LlJ4r," tlM-tzy drugutorg, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HOLD CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING AT HAMPTON1 1Cartwright Council met June 2nd j (Continued from page 3) as Court of Revision. AU nienbers, good is better, and your bette" best.' 1 present, Reeve F. J. Hyland presid- In concluding she said. "Pluck flotlI ng. iue], is the reason why we women suc-1 Following were granted dogs eras- ceed in the W. L." i ed f rom the Roll: E. Batten, Wm. Mrs. (olville favoecd with a Scotch1 Brown, Reid Dickey, M. E. Fallis;ý song, "The wee house 'mang the Harris & Harris of Port Perry appea1-ý heather," that evcryone appreciated. ed for H. S. Osler's assessment. Oni Hampton ladies again favored wjth a motion lowered $400, as building on i chorus. one lot as taken down; Roll as now Prof. J. B. Reynolds, ex-President revised is the Roll for 1928. of Ontario Agricultural College, Regular meeting of Council follow- Guelph, and an old Durham boy who cd when minutes of last meeting readi is always cordially welcomed in this and adopted. Commissioner Nlarlow district, gave a very interesting and complained condition of road lcadin g, reminiscent address, recalling the to County gravel pit. On motion' rivalry exîsting in his boyhood days Reeve and Mr. Marlow te investigate. between the villages of Solina and By-Law was passed empowcring Hampton, the foot-baIl gaTnes, the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow mon-1 foot races between Chas. Goodman ey to meet current expenditure. and W. Ward, when notwithstanding- eus a ratdt aewl Dad Hooper made the shoes for th4 Reqestewas granted tohae wak former, the Hampton racer proved the gatelste nsed wic a better man. He ase referred to the gatdls er late Chas. Horn, foreman in the El- Orders were signed as follows: liott Mill, whom he regarded as a H. Beacock, Sec.-Treas. S. S. typical man, one whom he always No. 5 ................... $300.00 highly respected. M. Emerson,, S. S. No. 9 ... 300.00 Speaking of the changes he told a R. J. Bruce, S. S. No. 3 .... 150.00 humorous incident in the writings of F. Gibson, S. S. No. 4....... 300.001 Booth Tarkington that hrought out W. G. Philp, S. S. No. 6 .... 300.00 the changes in women's dress, etc. G. Wright, S. S. No. 8..300.00 He also recalled the days when Prof. M. Emerson, 70 rods. wire Kent lectured on the wonders of fence.................... 17.50 elcriiyande1 wmay f hee n-Municipal World statutes.. 15l.00 to the days of the self-binder, first . Nesbîtti, dsamager 7.7 introduced to this ncighborhood by S McLaugh...in,.damage . to .0 the late John Van Ncst; to the cream she..........120 -eaaothe auto and now the radio, J. G. MarI ow, roads.......... 501.53 seartoH S Temsurier, refund tax % 6.00 showing the wondcrful changes wvhich: H.* A. Haîbut, 1927 grant to had taken place. After referring te: Williams' Point Rd....... 100.00 the change in the church, school and Councdl adjourned to meet July 7th other things in this neighborhood, he1 t73p.m asked, "Is this part of Durham a 73 W. E. Beacock, County as well looked after miorally,j onhpCek spiritually and financially as of To1hp 'ck yore?" In a section il1U square. miles there werc nine churches and'1 Sweet and palatable, Mother five denominations. Now there arelGraves' Worm Exterminator is ac-1 four churches and one denomination.1ceptable to children, and it does its As far as could be seen nothing had work surely and promptly. suff ered. In relation to the schools ____________- in the samne area there were 61 schooLs. There arc the samne num- JACK SPEILL AND ber now. Why not two? «"GALLAGHER'S" There is no use crying for the oltI times. If we are to be happy we We're a pair like "Gallagher and miust learn te cultivate spirt of Shean." always together. 1 like goodi adaptability, fit ourselves inti the company. 1 like that which relieves chanring conditions. H1e believedlpain and sickness, which builds up the young people of today conipared mankind to better physical bodies favorably with any other generation, jantI enables thcm to enjoy life more notwithstanding their wonderful en-ifully and to be of more use in the thusiassm, their brutal frankness antI world. This is our slogan, "Galla- seeming extravagance. He believed'gher's BuiltIs the Body" and it does. the boys of today were casier te con- Listen. We have a letter from a trol than 35 years ago. Parents xere man wvho was having hemorrhagcs of responsible for bringing children in- the lungs requiring a doctor's attend- to the world and should show them ance twicc a week, was emaciated their gratitude. and altogether discouraged when he The tensperance situation wa, began taking Gallag'her's Indian Lung touchcd on. He advised the revival Rcmedy with a little of the Blood of temperance work. Darlîngtonî Purifier and Kidney Remedy, and now township was converted into what it; he is well andI strong, working every is now by hard work and he advised1 day and steadily gaining wveight. renewed effort on the part of every- Results of this kind are wvorth ivhile, one if the standard is te be maintain- lare they not? If you have ANY cd. Nothing geod keeps geed unless 1lung trouble go te Jury & LovelI, we keep stirring it up and workinglBowmanville, and get some "Galla- at it. If we arc te kecp the prin- gher's." Till next week, good bye. ciples of the British Empire alive wej Yours truly, mnust net relax our efforts. He be Jack Speill. lieved the success of the Wemen's Watch this space next week. Institute rests upen the fact that it______________ had taken up outside intarests. Keep at it. _________________ Rev. J. R. Bick, pastor of Hanmp- ton Circuit. expressed his pleasure at having the Institute meeting here andI vas pleased with the reports given. He could mention one where an In- stitute wvas looking after the grave of an early pioncer preacher. A vote of thanks, moved by Mrs. A. L. Nichoîls andI scconded by Mrs. W. A. Van Camp andI hcartily sup- ported by the visitors, was given the ladies of Hampton 'Branch for the' splendid hospitality, te the officiaIs 'This Preston ef the Church and te aIl those assist- F l O DG a ing on the pregramn. F R F R m Mrs. Colville favored with another Size8f. 6in. x16f1. solo, and after a few closing words oc"C d$«Codi n m from the President in which she ask- VF.PROOF,redy-cSStom cd for the co-operatien of aIl in the L at Preston Garages ame coming ycar, the meeting closed with peret in dsig and a source ffie National AntbeRn. of real satisfaction. Next annual meeting ill bc heldITe eittivs st. at Solina. Te eittivB.ls . Brandi Offices-s are handsome in appearance ..low in cost. Victoria n-Presid ent-M rs. Leslie wfo g,îw Graham; Vice President-Mrs. Albert rtfof-8aeolk Wright; Secretary Treasurer-Miss Et~!L1e1OU~ Esther Strong, R. R. 3 'Burketon. Bowmanville - President - Mrs. Frank Jackman; First Vice-Mrs. L. PRESTON, ONT. Buttery; Second Vice-Miss M. Web- Toronto - Montmda ber; Secretary Treasurer-Miss E. M. Bueiar ta Weekes. Metal Singla & Sidins Co. Ltd. Soli na-.Presidcn t-Mrs. R. J. Mc- Kessock; First Vice-Mrs. G. Lrsask; Second Vice-Mrs. H. Annis; Secre- tary Treasurer-Miss EtIna Reynolds, R. R. 1 Hanmpton. Newtonville President-.)rs-. Er- nest Haigh; 'First Vice-Mrs. M. Jehnston; Secretary Treasurer-Mrs. W. D. Jones. Clarke. Hamto Prsi Mn-Ms . . .1 ~.. child, as there is nothing of an injur- ious nature in its composition. They wilî speedily rid a child of wornis andti li'"de -mar resftore the health of the little sufer- f t,, inCndlt ers whoee vtality bae become imýpair- 1 C¶ow tJat 2'mtn,,=a. a" etI by the attacks of these internalI &Mpubl&au" the8&oui pesta. mà-t Hear thai moto? "Il -a-m-rn', MARATHON HI-Test Ga CYCL-O Mator Fuel U M___ il I Sweet Music! it', worth a lot ta keep yaur engine purring. les worth mnaking sure what kind of ail goes into thse crankcase. Thousands upon shousands af car owner, the kind that listen ta thear M[[O059 Listen 10 the mother': evening lldlàhy; tesweet Iow crooninglunie of lot,# that luils to rest the levers of the dl in perfect peace. In afilthse w071d tisere if no0 .weeter son£. motors, won't have anything but Red Indian-won't take a chance. Whether your car j, just off thse lac or haî turned its first 50,000 miles, it shouid have goodoil. Playsafeî Askfow Red Indian--and aee tai you gel Lt. MOTOR OUL McOLL FRONTENAC OIL CO. lmited ICOLE'S RED INDIAN STATIONi Phone 54 AND GARAGE CYCLO MOTOR FUEL No Carbon No Knocks No Chemicaîs More Power More Mies-Try a Tank I O. M. L. OFFICIAL STATION- EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE Most feed Value for least Money For ail general livestock feeding, Quaker Schuinacher Feed is unexcelled. It is the perfected carbohydrate ration- a scientiflc balance of corn, oats, wheat and barley feed, together with oiîcake meal, edible bone meal and calcium carbonate-mineraIs so vital to the health of animais, and which are usually deficient in ordinary feeds. As a base for a dairy ration, or as the sole grain ration for young stock, dry stock, bulis, hogs or horses, Quaker Sehumacher Feed is most economical. No waste, hecause of the perfect balancoe. Low moisture content, because kiln dried. Paiatable, easy digested. andi quickly assimilated. Quaker Schumacher Feed provides most feed VALUE for least money. Write us for free advice on your feeding problems. The Quaker Oats Cum. pany, Peterborough, Ontario. Quaker S.CHUMACHER FEED Also Quaker Dairy Ration, the best feed for dairy cSw% and Quaker FuI-O-Pçp Feeds for Poultry. SOLD BY HARRY ALLIN, King Street East Bowmanville Sam BUY QUAKER FEESIN TRIPED ÂcKsS .,. Motor ~eo~ Bowmanville AGENTS FOR:- RED INDIAN MOTOR QILS MARATHON HI-TEST GAS SEIBERLING ALL-TREAD TIRES RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE GENERAL AUTO REPAIR SHOP 'i I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1928 PAGE SEVEN

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