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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE 28th., 1928 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. A. Hunter and Mr. Ross Hunt- Depew Bus Line runs to lake dally er, Deloro, were Sunday cailers on starting from main corners at 9.30 their cousins, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. a. m. Washington. Miss May Clarke is visiting friends Mr. Wm. Wiliams and son John at Mary View Cottage, Port Sydney, Mrs. Watson and babe, and Mrs. C. R: Muskoka. Stapies and son Port Hope, and Mrs. Community celebration, Fair Calder, Lindsay, visited the former's Grounds, Bowmanvilie, July 2nd at sister, Mrs. Mary Bragg, on Sunday. 2 p. m. Oshawa Reginient Band in Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker attendance. and sons Charlie and George, and Messrs. Ed. and Frank Downs, De- Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell. Orono, troit, were in town lat week visiting 1recentiy calied on Mr. and Mrs. their mother, Mrs. Robt. Downs, who ,Martyn Pethick and daughters, Mill- is iii in Bowmanviiie Hospitai. brook. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Keachie, Tor- Messrs. T. A. Dustan and E. L. onto, spent the weekend at the home Wiiamson have received a consign- of Mrs. Thomas Tod. Mr. Keachie ment of four hundred baby White sang a solo at the morning service at Minorca chicks froni the famous, St. Pau's United Church, which was worid-renowned Eden C. Broth Poul- very much enjoyed by the congrega- try Fam, Missouri, U. S. tion. Dress Up for the Holiday JULY lst We Offer You Many Wonderful Values This Week-End Boys' Bloomer Pant Suits $4.95 6 only Suits in Navy Blue Irish Serge, also Grey Tweed Wor- $ steds, values to $8.50, ; Clearing For $4.95 Boys' Long Pant Suits at $9.95> Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, "- also Navy Blue Serge Suits, some have 1 Bloomer, i Long, I- 1 Vest and Coat, while others have 1 Long, 1 Short, and Coat, values that were up to $ 15.00, On Sale $9.95 Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits at $18.50 A splendid Wool Serge Suit, double breasted models. Snappy styles and a big special For The Holiday at Only $18.50 Men's Work Sox, Special Line, On Sale 5 Pr $1.00 Boys' Cotton Stockings, ail sizes, This Week 4 Pair For $1.00 Men's Work Shirts Khaki and dark blue, black and values to $1.25, On Sale 98c Each white stripes, Men's Athletic Underwear Combinations, -buttoned garnients also buttonless garments at 98c Suit. Men's Pullover Sweaters and Sweater Coats 25 only, the very finest quality aIl wool sweaters and sweater coats, all shades and values to $6.00 each On Sale This Week End At Only $3.95 Each T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Montreal Bankc Phone 61 Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Masonic Grand Lodge meets in Lon don July 18-19. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Chaso are oi a holiday trip around the lakes. Mrs. Mary McCutchoon, Toronto lias been guest of ber sister, Mrs. Wil lard Caldwell. Mrs. Han-y Tapson, Mexico, Mr and Mrs. Shirley Dennison, Toronto spent the weokond with Misa B. B~ Fairbairn. Miss Hattie McCutcheon, Toronto Mrs. Gordon Powers and two chiidren Brooklin, wetoe Sunday guests of Mi and Mns. Wilard Caldwoll. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Webber ani two cildren, Harold and Ethel Manitou, Manitoba. are visiting Mr Roy and Miss Minnie Webber, Or taria St. Bowmanviile Women's Institut meeting will be heid in S. O. E. ha] on Friday afternoon. Prograini i charge of gnoup 4. Ail ladies corc iaily invited. A panty of Lindsay Kiwanians an, their ladies ta the numbor of fift3 enjoyed a visit ta tho Boys' Traininj Schooi ait Bowmanviile on Wednesd& aftornoon, June 20th. Mn. and Mns. Clarko P. Taylor an daugbters Gwen and Dorothy, Mn. an Mns. Sidney Hughson and son Gier Tornto, spent Sunday with Mrs. A Taylor, Concession St. Mayor T. S. Hoigate and Mn. J. 1: Carnuthors, President of Chamber o Commence, are in Ottawa attendin anual session of Eastern Ontari Chambers of Commerce. Messrs. F. C. Pethick, W. A. Ed gen, Sid Little and George Young r' presented Florence Nightingale Lodg I.O.O.F., No. 66, at the Grand Lodg of Odfellows hoid in Toronto la week. Mr'. and Mrs. John S. Down, Roc] ester, N. Y.. wore in town Tuesda calling on fniends. Mx'. Down casr monted on the many changes ai-aur town sinco he left hero nearly 4 years ago. Three yeans ago when the herdo Mn. W. J. S. Rickard, Shaws, was ir spected fan T. B. several went dowt in the test. A thonough dlean u was made and lat week when th herd was again tested, a dlean sheE was given. Bowmanville High School is W vetising for two new teachers. On ta fil Miss R. Haines' place, who rE signed, and one extra teacher. Wil the increased attendance at this papi Ian institution of ieanning the teaci ing staff is being augmented ta seve next fail. It wîll anly be a mattE of tume before the high school wi have ta be enlanged as the accor modation is already inadequate. On Saturday last the Mission Bar of St. Paul's Church beld a pantyi the Lecture Rooni. This onjoyabl ovent was attended by twonty-si members of the Band. The fini meeting of the yean was held on Moi day, June 25, and was well attende( At the close of the meeting the mer bers were veny pleasantly entertaine by Mx. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury at the home "Woodlawn", Silver St. Miss Mytie Salter. Pickering, receni vislted Mrs. Wm. Cnossey. Dr. and Mns. John Spencer, -Dundurn visited frlends in Ottawa recently. Rev. and Mrs. L. S. Wight, Beflevill were In town Wednesday and called on ferflends. 1 Mrs. S. Edgar Werry, Roselandvale, Si lina, la visltlng Mrs. N. S. B. Jarni Lonne Villa. ly le, ta o0- Dr. E. W. Sisson and Mn. James Devtt,' Jr., attended the funenal of their cousin, Mn,. (Bey.) J. E. Griffith at Blackstock on Tu esday. Creani of Barley bings you back. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. J. Thickson, Ontario St. wish- es ta thank the many kind Ïriends who sent her such beautiful flowers during her recent illness. 26-1* The family of the late Wesley Couch desire to thank ail their friends and neighbors for their kind- ness and sympathy duing the iliness and death of their father. Sale of High Class TRAVEL COATS Regular Value $29.50 to $45.00 12 only left your choice $19.50 AIl Silk Lined every one different Children's Spun Silk "Betty Brown" Pantie Dresses, sizes for 6, 8 and 10 years, assorted colors, Clearing at $2.98 Each Women's Spun Silk.Dresses, ail colors, $5.00 Betty Brown Figured Pattern Pique Dresses $1.98 and $3.25 Collie Coats, hand embroidered, Black, Copen Blue, Rose, Yellow, Pink $1.89 Dresss for the Holiday Arrived on Wednesday And Now Await Yotr Inspection Clarence S. Mason THE LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK (ONlE DOOR WEST 0F F. F. MORRIS CO.) PHONE 161 BOWMANVILLE Russell Hobhs, Liberty St., Bowmanville. 26-3W Salesmen Wanted "We have an opening fan a live w-e salesman ta handle Watkins cuality pro- ducts in Bowmanville. Write giving age to J. R . Watkins Company, Dept. H,i Hamilton, Ont.' 26-1w* Articles For Sale PIANO FOR SALE-Dominion, upright,j la good condition. Mn,. John Uglow Newcastle. FOR SALE--Good Holstein and Jersey~ cow, just renewed. Caîl or phone F. W. Battle 219r3. FOR SALE-Electric range with oven, for sale cheap. Apply Mrs. W. F. Dale, King St. E., Bowmanville. 26-t STOVES FOR SALE-Coal and wood range with reservoîr, 2-humner ohl cook stove. Mrs. A. C. Hawley, Bowman- vill Beah, est Side, Cottage 31. 26-10 FOR SALE-Mitchell Gramaphone, cab- inet style, beautiful walnut finish, 35 records. bargain for cash. Ernest A. Jones, Brown St. N., Bowlnanville, phone 289J. 26-20 GRAIN FOR SALE-Quantity of buck- wheat, good grain, $100 per bushel; also sonie Cobbler potatoee, 90c bag de- livered. Apply to Bert Rice, (Long Sault), R. R. 1 Tyrone. 24-30 ducoed last season. in good running or- der, good set of tires (6). Sacrifice for quick sale. Chas. Herning, over States- mnan Office, Bowmanville. 24-tf BABY CHICKS FOR IMMEDIATE DE. LIVERY1 irom Canada's Oldest andi Greatest Laylng Straîn White Lesbornis. Reducefi price 12c_ each-aynme.Sf arrivaI guaranteed. We were firet In Canada to advertise and shlp chlcks.ý Forty page Catalogue Free. FSE 'POULTRY FARM, BO0X 0-83 ATTON ONTARIO. 26A~ Creami of Barley bringa you back. Help"Wanted WANTED-Middle aged womftn to act as housekeeper. No washlng. Apply ta Mrs. Geo. Weeküs, 1al-man Villa, or to Mr. C. Rehder at Bowmanville Found- ry. 2-tf WANTED-Woman over 30. permanent position. ls your automobile earnlng money? The largest manufacturer of strictly cusom supporting garnients off- ers wonderful opportunitr. Also a full fine of lingerie confinons stockings and sanitary goods. tw,.nty years In buoineBB. Apply Statesman Office or 47 «Coîborne St.. Oshawa.201 Houses to Rent HOUSE TO RENT-% mile west of Bownmanville on Highway. Apply R. R. Stevens. 26-1w FLAT TO RENT-Four roonis, modemn conveniences. possession at once. ApplY ta Nanman James, Statesmian Office. APARTMENT TO RENT-In Cowan Block, 4 rooms, aIl conveniencea, heat, botl and cold water*supplC(i. Apply J. J. Mason & Son, Bowniiinville. 26-t Wanted WANTED-Hear front owner good farmn for sale. Cash price, paticulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Mion. 26-4w CATrTLE TO pASTURE--Cilt taire In a number of cal tle to pasture on Lot 37, Concession 9, Darlîngton, near Enfleld. Apply A. M. Hardy, Box 37, or Phone 389, Bowmanvllle. 23-tf. LAUNDRY WANTED Real Estate For Sale DESIRABLE PROPERTV FOR SALE- Double brick re@idence, now occupied by Mrs. T . G. Mlason; large and email fruit; best location In town of Bowina.nville; 3 miutes walk ta echool, church or C. P. R. station. Bargain for quick sale. Owner leaving town. Also fiat to rent, sauth sIde King St. Appy ta Mrs. T. G. Mason, phone 200, Bowmanville. 26-1w FARM FOR SALE-100 acres being lot 6, South Thames Road in the far-famed township of Usborne, Huron Co.. 114 miles east of Exeter. Large brick bouse and large bank barn; silo, implemnent shed; garage; ail wire fences never fail- ing spring creek at back of farm; 7 acres of good sugar bush; well drained; farn has neyer been rented. Hydro passes farm. Proprietor has refused 11.0001 for farm. Will sell now for $8.600. Apply ta Andrew Gibeon, R. R. 3, Exeter, phone 175r22. 26-2w PASEIVI FVACATION PLANNING That's what scores of folk are doing thes e days. We have been planning for your convenience for week's past and now have to offer you LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS ________REYNOLDS-At Courtice, June 19th., r- Bowrnanviile Chautauqua Juiy l7th 1928. ta Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds, Miss Ruth Poilard. Toronto, la vis a son. SANDERSON-At Victoria Memorlal n iting her aunt, Miss Aima Poilard. Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday, June 26, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bragg, Tor- 1928, ta Rev. and Mrs. Milton R. Sander- ,, onto, spent Sunday with Mr. and ,, Birch Clii! Heights, a son. (Stanley 1- Mns. R. K. BraRR, Kingaton Road. E. Roy.) Rev. R. H. Rickard, B.A., and MissMRRAE r. Clarke, B.A., Belleville, spent the AR GE o, weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. G. BROCK-BROOKING-At Trinity Unit- ERickard. ed Church Parsonage, Bowmanville, on Saturday, June 23, 1928, by Rev. J. U. Mn. and Mns. Russell K. Bragg, Robins, Ray Brock, and Alice Georgina, o, Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Eiliott enjoy- daughter of Mrs. Brooking and the late n, ed a motor tnip to Montreai and Ot- Geo. Brooklng, bo*:h of Bowmanville. rtaalast week. CAREW-SURNS-At S. A. Quartons, r. tawaLindsay, on Wednesday evening, June Mr'. and Mrs. John Rice, Cottani, 20, 1928 by Major Ritchie, Toranto, Mary id Essex County, spent the weekend Meloriti, youngest daughter of Mr. and d, wth hs ucleMr.Thos. Jackson, Mns. Frank Burns, Bowmanvllle, ta Wes- 1, wth hs ucleMr.ley Carew eldest son of Mr. and Mns. r. and other relatives here. Geo. Carew, Lindsay, - Pieased ta neceive a cali fr'mm Mr-. KERR-WEBBER-In Bowmanville, on John Ayre of Solina, last week. He Saturday. June 23, 1928, by Rev. J. U. te i nowin ie 8th yar ut wiksRobins, Pastor of Trinity United Church, e isnowin hs Sth yan ut wiksLawrence Wesley Kerr, only son of Mr. il anound as biskly as a boy 18. ami Mrs. Wesley Kerr, Toronto, and Ada in M. Chs. Cx, mporum, a.,and Laura, Youngest daughter of the late Mn. Mn. has.CoxEmpoiumFa., anid is. Wesley Webber, Bowmanville- - Mrs. W. Addinaii, Bienheini, Ont., are HENRY-WITHERIOGE-At the resit1 bei-e visiting thein father, Mr. Chas. dence of the brides parents, Carlisle d 1 Cox, Sr., who continues very ill. Avenue, on Wednesday, June 20, 1928, by Rev. J. U. Robins, Gladys May, only Y, Mr. Samuel Allen, Sholnîiker, diauglîter of Mnr.and Mrs. Edgar J. With- ig Westmount, showed us a sample on' entdge. Bowmanville ta Mn. Leonard J. ay SturayJune 23, of Pink 1',ye po Henry,' Phm. B., Hamilton, son of Mn. y Satrdayand Mrs. S. J. Henry, Bowmanville. tatoes grown this season in bis gard--- __ - - d en. Mr. Allen is usually among the d fi-at to report "new potatgcs". DEATHS i, Mr. and Mrs. William WilCox, BOW-i 1-OA R-la Darlington, on Monday, June L.manvillo, announce the engagenrent 25th., 1928, John Dyer Hoar, In bis 84th of their youngest daughtor, Ethel Fu~neral from iebi late residence, Lot D.Maude, and Mn. Harold R. Elford, 5, Con 2, Dalington, on Thursday, June of son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Elford, Osh- 28th at 2 oclock (standard time). Cortege ta Bowmanvillç Cemnetery. gawte anig taaepic MILLSON-At Bowmanville Hospital, .to Juiy. on Sunday, June 24, 1928, Walker Dick- The Guest Tea held bv Ladies' Inson Milîson, beloved husbaad of Eva d-Auxiliary of St. Andnow's Church at Bebee, aged 71 years. a h ei Funeral service will be held a h ei the home of Mrs. J. Ross Stutt on ileace of bis son. Lanson E. Milîson. lot geFriday afternoon wasa decided suc- 10, con, 2 Clarke Township, on Thursday ,e cess, there boing a large attendanco, Itermeat t Ono Ceme, ter1.30 ede-lo dethe toxnptig luncheon servod day une27 192,William Edger, aged by Mrs. Stutt and her assistants. Pro-, -d years. hl- gram. consisted of vocal solos by Mrs. Fuaeral from bis late residence, Brown ay Street, on Saturday, June îth. Service yAlox. Coivilie, Mrs. C. F. Rice and , 1 2 oclock. Cortege to leave at 2.30 n- Miss Hamilton; readings by Mrs. Win. [onthe cemetery.. Members of Flon- id Adamns; violin solos by 'Bradley Hon- ence Nightingale Lodge No. 66 wlll meet 0 eyman and piano seloctions by New- at Lodge Roorn at 1.30 p. mi. ta attend ton Hakney.funeral of Bra. Edger. ton ackny. . GLOVER-In Bowmanville, on Satur- of Mombers of the Layai Orange day, June 23, 1928, George Gloven, aged n- Lodge. No. 2384, met at their lodge 78 years. 'n roonis on Sunday evening, Juno 24, STEWART-At Port Hope Hospital, on June 24, 1928, John Fraser Stewart, be- apand hold thoir annual church parade loved husband of Charlotte Young, in his te to St. Andnew's Proabyterian Church. 41st year. et About one hundred and fifty members HAWKINS-At Windsor, June 20, 1928, were in attendance. The service Frances Gnace. daughter of Frank W. and Grace Hawkins, aged 4 yeans, 10 monthe.1 was conducted by Rev. R. McDerment, Interred at Newcastle. d- M. A. In his sermon he spoke of BRITTAIN-At "Hughenden", Bow- te the wonderful heritage of the Bri t.sh manville, on Sunday, June 24, 1928, EMien, e- peoples in Canada. Appropriate mua widow of the late Joseph Bittain, foirn- .h ic was sung by the choiruneth erly of H. M. Customis, in ber 85th year. and Mx. f a Darlington, at te resîdence a- direction of Mr. R. J. Logan, ad r fhie son-in-law, Mn. Albert A. Hilîs, (t- O. R. Bragg, soloiet. on Friday, June 22, 1928, Wesley Couch, en Ceamof Brie brngs ou ackIn bis 67th year. Interred at Bethesda. .n CanofBrebrnsyuac. CAMPBELL-In Strathcona Hospital, lx'_________________________--- -Toronto, an Friday, June 22, 1928, Lucy iIIj Mantha Campbell daughter of the laite I~..1. N ticeRoland H. Campbell, North Dalington, Tak N tic aged 47 yas CORBETT-At Toronto, on Saturda.y, id ,,Tqase owing Dr. Tilley inay pay at June 23, 1928, Herbert Stanley Conbett, te Baak of Moatreal, Boianvllle. on dearly beloved husband of Arlelgh Jean in rnay send it ta tDr. A. S. Tilley, 119 Prince 'Watson, and son of the late Dr. R. A. fle Arthur Ave., Toronto. 26-4 Corbett, Port Hope. ;iX -_ GRIFFITH-At the Parsonage, Black- ial stock, on Saturday, June 24, 1928, Vera ,n- N TICEBowles, beloved wife of Rev. J. E. Griffith, n. N TICEB. A., and daughter of Rev. Chancellor ýd and Mn,. Bowles, Toronto. Interred In rn Hemstitching and picot-edging done. Mount Pleasant Cemeteny. SWork delivered fnee In Bowmanvllle. Al__________ ail r n _olyateao o1Ms Bazar Blades, aIl kinds Films ta fit Youn Camera Vacuum Bottles 49e Mloton Juge $2.49 Adhesive Tape Absorbent Cotton Sketofax 011 Citronella Fanny Parker Candies for youi friends 4 L* a' - ID I. More Extraordinary Values In Warm Weather Dresses SOn Sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday At Prices That Mean Genuine Savings To You. You will have to see these dresses Vo emphasize their style points, their fit and workmanship. Priced at rock bottoni, sensational values they offer the utmost for the least possible outlay. Again more fresh shipments are just arriving daily, just in from the factory. They are crisp and lovely. .A certain customer was in our store Saturday with a friend who was buling dresses. She.was amazed Vo find a $6.95 Printed Craysheen Dress in a large size nearly $2.00 chearer than the "éon sale price of a well known Toronto Departmental Store! This is not an isolated case either. Anyway the "On Sale" dress went back with regrets and she bought two more besides froni our store. Ask any woman who has purchased dresses froni our de- partment this year as to style, fit and reasonable prices. They without exception' are ahl delighted. Every dress we sell bears our guarantee, satisfaction or your money back. SEE THESE DRESSES BEFORE THE HOLIDAY, YOU WILL AGREE WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO BE ENTHUSIASTIC We Deliver-All Charges Paid to Destination PHONE 106 S, W. MASON & SON DRY CIOODS AND LADIES' READY.TO.WEAR BOWMAN VILLE. All kindi of laundry work done prompt- lx aistactorilyv and at reamafble priea 1Write Post Offlo. Box 12. or oall 1fr.. W. Marjorain. King St. B. BowmanvlO.1 Tooth Pastes Vanishlng Creams Cold Creanis Shaving Creanis Bora Emnolient Face Powders Tooth Brushes and Listenine ln sgizes conveinent for travelling and at prices for 10e to 25e Il- We can supply all these and more at such attractive prices that you will tell your friends where you got your supplies. KERSLAKE'S P49N -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- GRANITE WARE SALE Any Article 65c Double Boilers Dish Pans Water Pails Potato Pots Straight Kettles EXTRA SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY At Only 65c Each OTHER SEASONABLE ARTICLES Wright & Ditson Tennis Balîs 1928 only . . ..40é Dry Dust Mops ................................... $1.09 Then we are featuring Insectitudes, Sprayers, Screen Doors, Oil Stoves, Refrigerators. You'îl Enjoy Shopping At Dustan's Cash Hardware *"WE SERVE YOU WELL" LET JACOBS DO IT Oh my, it's getting hot! You should worry about the baking-"Let Jacobs Do It". Just as good as homemade and more often better than mother used to make. Something fresh every day and a big variety to choose from. The Bowmanvilie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville

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