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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE 28th., 1928 PA r!.'W.E'ýTr' DEIHFLRCPINFROBITUARY Higb School student.s held anenjoy- MR.IGHT DUL RCEPTOHN FRHYDEP 1. . ~4. able pîcnic at 'the lake on Monday MR. AND MRS JOHN HYDE Mrs. Vera B3owles Griffth, fflackstock The j~ ~ ', J l . afternoon. ThisA (From Pincher Creek, (Ait.) Echo) Pheir numerous friends in this district M.Ens ereo h tnadt nr Arcpini oooftiisosincerely sympathize wlth Rev. John E.- Bank bas been promoted to the office the publi Mr. John, and his bride, (Mary 1c Griffith and daughter In the dealth of hie T U S A ,JN 8h,12 beoved partner, Vera Bowles Griffith, H R D Y U E2t.198o elrithNwonlebac m tSr Clellan, Bowmianville). wa.s held on wîîo Passed away at the proae being succeeded in the New.castle reliable ii Friday afternoon ait the home of Mr. lhiackstocIk, rifler a longieltss hravely- branch by Mr. Geo. Gaines, Jr. th t and Mrs. H. E. Hyde. Thbrdre borne. ?Jrs. Gift a h fi ment secý daughiter of Rey. Chancellor Bowles of ECSL ULCSHO ECSL r n r.Tre n aiyo i id ceived with M1rs. Hyde and Mrs. Mit- victoria Coliege, Toronto, and Mrs. Bowles ECSL NEWCASTLE PUBIC______NWCATL Toronto,haves leasedr "nBroadlawn" ' ing Donm baain, erofthsgromteorasbeofesthneo tegroromea.CG Titlip lias been J SenorRom rs Saney ibangduone frm r.Wato-Bllandexec t cpa. Nestietcon during her daughters lnl .Go.T.wl inn telk n RprtfrJn-eir og- r.Sane obaddugtrfo r alo-aladeIett iaM The fallirig showers intermittent Mîs. lrs Griffith wa.s an edncaipd l'riday afternoon. 1V class Entrance finals-% approx-' Gwendolyn, Toornto, are visiting hier move in next week. Mrs. Turner is dealt in, with lovely sunshine enhanced the ainti talented womian and many artie es Y. P. L. will hold ls annual ricnlic atimae.prns r-ndMs atrCuh a daughter of the late Hon. Dr. along the lovely lawns and plants in bloom have appeared In the Christian Guardiani Lakeview Park, Oshawa, on Saturday vClmFre wan74,Ge r e n Mr. and Mrs. lt er Csuch Sproule, one time speaker of the Mrs. E andals ofthegloingfir inth otuer magazines from her gifted Pen. next, June ',Otli. House of Commons, Ottawa, Gurane and hic f hde d aown adinthel lesides ber hushand she leaves one United Church Suntiay Scijool will have Buckley 67, Dave Gray 67, Lewis Mand nMis lrenceMilngRbton T o CampCopper Beechtawla.oen f r 89. fireplace. he adda adto augberAnnie, aged 10 years, her par- lisa nnual picote in the creani of Barley Clark 66, Blle Toms 64, Jamie ontoisp oene Wekn tonMr-nd mthe sum er Bext Saturoaen June 89. welom toth gest a thy ntredcusindSout hrothier ifed aritrgr ounds on Wednesday afternoon. July 4. Wright 64, Gordon Garrod 64, Adair Mrs. W. H. Pearce's. Ms enth is Oier iegleatrdathe ne hea tihs e re pin cipamT lrl do ec ong The finerai which was largely attend- Miss DaniMs, Toronto, daugliter of Hancock 64, Florence Spencer 60,1Cli TrnoMi pnissJpart o oftheMisUOivesietlem te nt.oro- Wek tion wee pinciall doe inlon edtook place on Tuesday afternoon to Canon Daniels, formierly of Port Hope, Voe enn 0 ainRnh6,Clil ooti pnigpr fo h nvriyStlmn.Trn ek spiked colorful gladiolus. The table Toronto, interment taking place In MountJ ias guest of lier frienul, Miss James. atViltHnng6,MroRic6, summer holidays with lier uncle and t nc inth dnngrom a equsiey 'Iasn CmeeI.the Iectory lasi week. Bessie Lake 59, Helene Hayes 57, aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce, in- tncarge. She and Miss Evelyn were: M in hedinngroo ws equsîelyIlasat emSert. George's Chureh, Rev E. R. James, Dorothy Bonathan 56, Mary Brere- Ctcnding to go onasaternttoaWelcoxne ladies' ladadcnee wt ldou n Wesley Couch, Betbesda Reetor. Sunda.N, July 1, 4th Sur.day ton 56. Velma Brown 45. tnigt oo ae oWlcrelde arrived on Tuesday to get the cousins, eu la candeter it gadioelu and Tiit. .m.Sndyto visit lier uncle and aunt, Mr. and cut~O glass candelaura.rMadnanweDu -o_________ af . r 1Trini . 9.45 a.r .-unay r.IV-ree Berton62Miloncamp în order for the arrival of the son Hub uand Mrs. . . Frser tthpordta OFtdJnc2.ler as rest SebIoyommnion.7a . m.mnngP aer no IBrown 54.s cuthrp.first contingent of fresh air seekeris. Toronto. and~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~a rsW.AFrsrctteceaIthe'bomne of is son-in-Law. NIr. Albert loyCmuin .m-vnog and Mrs. Mitham and Miss Ouilette A. Mis, t-ar lnnislkilI, a. after several. Reuve W. F. Rickard aceompanied by III-Year's Averaes-Jean Rick- The editor received a copy of the iotnlis' illness, one. of îarlngton îown -1lIra. Rickard, Master John and miss Jean ard 78, Hu'bert Anderson 77, Mary Bideford and North Devon Gazette served. sittîts native sons nd hghly *respected took in the Warden's excursion 10 Ro- Chaplin 74, George Graham 72, Marie from Miss M. E. Oke, (Little Lizzie), The bride made many new friends r'sdents ln the person of Wesley Couch , chster lat Friday, returning in time Hnîg7 during the afternoon, who expressed in bis 67tA s'ear. so1!ielI for churob service on Sondas' evening. Billi Brunt Audrey Bonathan 70, Northam, England, which contains an ther ishs orherhapinss a d feceased ivas asoofteli Joseph Fulis' ive score relatives and friends Bli rn 68, Margaret Toms 67, article saying that the Mayor of Bide- H ryAlnsSoei e thei wises fr ler hppinss, an tI, Elizabeth Hlocken Couch, and was of '.%r. and Mrs. Norman Allun surprised Dorotby Trenwitb 67, Gwen Williamis f ord, (Alderman W. T. Goamaný sH ryAln'i.Sor is e elle in turti expressed bier plasure in born on Auguat 28, 1861, on 'the Couch tlîem at thieir home on Saturdéab- even-j 65, Alicia Williams 64, Harry Couch going on a trip to the sister town ber visit to Pincher Creek. She is a hofitstt'ati fow occulietl by is son, Mr'. iag of last week, on the twenty-llftb an-, 62, Mary VanDusen 60. Karl Bentz of Biddeford, Maine. His sister youn lad ofmuchnatral har fîoardCouch, near Bethesda. Save niversary of their wedding and preseate<l 1 youn lad ofmucbnatual f,,m sears ai Tyrone and Hampton themn with a land1somt uavenport, a' 53, Marlon Aldread 52, Harold Brown Miss Goaman accompanies bim. They and hier husband bias been the subjeet tiis' ha been is borne during al is silver-wedding cake and an address o!fI137.ilatedte apit ordsCn of very genuine congratulations since ilk ni ertrd!o amn isgo-iladbs ihs inner of General Proficiency gress in Toronto and visit different uivlite. Since M. Cotcha îieath un. Cowansyille who went 10 TorontolP ei hr ls-enRcadtownsin naiiSeuig ecl Mr. and Mrs. Hyde left on Sunday abouti two s'ears ago, mueh of lia time a sat Saturday week t0o ndergo an opera- 78. le, Ont., where they will be guests morning via the Kootenay and Ar- bits been spent at tbe home of his daugli- lion for internaI trouble In St. M ciaess Promoted on yoar's work witb 75 of Ex-Reeve A. A. Colwill.6 rowbead lakes route on a continued ter. lIra HMis, wbo bas tenderly cared i 1lospital, la doing nicely, the oleration % total and 5 0% pass mark on eacb honeymoon trip to Vancouver. Vict- aiud him lat iiinesonimrt 0th buerbin l e successful. H er glittIe uh-subject-Jean Rickard 78, Hubert The Newcastle United Church Sun- Groceries that you know ti oria, Banff, Lake Louise and other Becbg of a retirlng nature he neyer Mrs. James Stapîrion, North St. Anderson 77. day Sschool anniversary will be bnld I sorte and fresh add to youri poins ofinteestafte wbih t e ral, aînubaile officete.Esa stuua Rev. E. R. James ivas confineil 10 bis Report of final Promotion examina- on Sunday. July lst. Mot ning ser- wilretura for a trip to Wîîeîa hurlandti embef r oft habouse airl at week with the fin which is tions: ivice in the W.. e cmb Park, and to say good-bye to Pincher uhurch, Bowmanville. Unie vs' prevalent in tbis localiuy. Last Jv.iVtaer.ivn. tpes, Supt of anrîdge St. Cre bfrelavn frthi hm im oerai î'as bell frorn the resi- Sunday Bey A. H. Pippen, retireti Angl-JrIVtS.IVW apeut fCmbigS. and value. That's why we' Cine T oro. ufolthirhoe nce of -'%I. IHoiarul coucb M ,Nondas' can clergyman of Port Hope, took tîte Passed-Irene Brereton 64; Pro- C rbS.1S. Lindsay; singing byuaerfohuswvs hoK in Toronto. ti~~~'fternoon, service lîeing conducted by Rey services in St. Georges morning and ey- mtion conditional-Milton Brown 55 children of school and Uxbridge M îx- qatr o osw swoK _______.1. R. Tromîtour. pastor of Tyroat' Cir- entng, Archdeacon Warren of York, hav- M 0e uret. Eeigsriei "EYS CF LVE"cuit, assiatu'] lus'Rev. J. U. Robins of îng taken them the Sunulay previous. Sr. 111ta Jr. IV ed Quartette.l;Evenikervice. Tnt. i o plt neer ea fýownaniIl. Ms. Preyflae'shomewasthese--ne Passed-Mary Chaplin 73, Dorotby Gold, Uxbridge; music by Uxbridge "EYS 0 LOE"The hearers xert '.%Mssrs. B. F. f5airin- tf an enjoyabI l utIlefonction l'tstpakg ei, A. Hl. Brent H-. M. Scott, Roi, Boy, Tbîtrstiay eveniug when Mrs. H. W. ui Trenwitb 72, Billie Brunt 69, Aud- Business Men's Orchestra; service of Cne eosa The resetaton o th pla "Eys E-,.rnn hite Frak Wrry.it,"s zoupof tht .tisAt, of whlch rey Bonathan 67, 'Marie Henning 65, song hy niembers of quartette. Ytu C odpcaea The prsentaton of he pla "Evos evo Whte. FraktWerry. f I go terconsItosttss is a membur, Servetl George Grahanm 64, Alicia Williamss r ni o ohsrie. No adt ut m s offovLove" sawatblnt OshatlieatwtalentL underlbet A utmhsl toaamoromtra. 11t-ct',kblas nvofd a btgserice. adlegeabgr t sitlheuss dietoto r.A.W elMEE, riuEn itibien rs, MRev) . Aliter lk-Ta tIt eda îarlsza arnro d b tust k63, Mary VanDusen 6, Mrae udySchool. 25-2 in the Opera House on Thursday night ituatn. Vu'ctortut Roatl. antI one' son, air. eilicaci-s tas sîtrels' ieft p)lasaut in- Toms 63, Gwen Williams 60; Passed vgtals h drew a fairly good atendance. The Ilowarui Couteit, Betheaular, alsn Ibret' ories. MIrs. J. H. M.%iltiiton îoîred lea on Year's work with 6 2%-Pr.- Recent arrivais at Newcastle-on- eth flseaywi F. cast sustained the story of the iplay roîbrs. Rev. isaac ('ouci. TLambethi, 'Mr. fti airs. ifluv.l E . :t(ooke, 1,entontttlt. HaryCuh5;Fie-u 7rteLk-hsicesnl oua in averyînteeatîg mntie throut Xlîua (ottcb ant i lr. Herbuert ('ouchl, I ttrith ie t vt'ning lira. Geo.Ilîoney 'antid r oc 4 aldOtfrtoLk-haicesnl oua onlnil odi 0,6 in averyinteestig mainerthru ut 'ta, MutaMant nlithr,,e siaters, lir. Wm.Ilira. Il. Htriîttrtentertuinoc îith solos, ver 3 weeks at end of term-Karl summor resort, are Mr. and Mrs. E. B w avll. Sl i 0,6 the vonng. he iaywas ive in l pus'anti 'Miqsa Entls' (otch, Toronto.,utiad asler ,Jack ilir' wiih ipiano satIee- Bentz 42; Failed-Sc o vrfu .Oeodadfml nMs e.wihsryr tbree acls. Mise Edith Evans, s nI %irs. Tîtos. Scot, Tyrone. ioiia.Aniong tht' gîesis fronti Bow-, weeks-Marion Aldread 36. LeGresley's cottage, "ýApple Blos- thsry . Carolina thivoe aii ýl ,re A lilîow from tlie famils': wreatlhs, antiNlir. tandl lirsa. \tuts ant i ltîer. Thos. A. Radger, Principal. somn", and I'. and Mrs. Graham Joy bardly be btter impersonateul, Mi.ss il. aac coiich tuai ftîmity. %Ir ad Iis mnyls friu'nula und ui tainltlîces in Jr. 111 ta Sr. 111"arkum Hall",r.alo n-al'rsPon.adI. E.y eri Evelyn Sanders, as Gailya Barry, ivasiraTîtos. .Sott, NMr. anti lira. Iiu'rii- INwea u ere shoeketb on imélSîtudu Hll"Promoted . E assetand wholesome as the char- urt Scott uni Mr. anti lrs. Ronalul Scott, ntorniîgto leairit tuf 1h,.uittth inii Ttow-iPooe on the year's work-B elangrnautrMsId as Wet iranti lra. Gpo. W. .IcTAughiin: Bas- manvie lHospitail of lir. lVtlkt'r atlîon-iEvelyn Allun 86, Jack Haro 8 1, Ha- BwPank who have been Mipondin ah jN acter she represented; Jim Rankiiî, k. t, Mr'. anti lra. J. Ir. \Verry: Siirass, 1 Neutonvilî,, front blooti poisoiîing wîtielîi oPDare7k ajr Lct 7. wner in oohavto. in sedn theec- J tefleyimprisoned fathor waa re-ltr. amiulNira. W. J. Trager, llslirdevuloiît from a mere scratch îvbichli le oo ed 9 Mon June emtions- modein Tom boro. i Mrs Graa e coN nIi-L thded aey Bob Ireland îvho took \i'scottu lir. antI 'irs. (l'o. RohertShaw, [receiytI ont lis hluthbbc Ion dits' ltrev- Vera Breown Jn xmntosioiu oehe r.Gaa AR L produced by ~ ~ ~ ý% 1rs W. ('oram, lr,. anti lira. as. Hosk-, loua ulule loaliing nimnre into a sîtreaul- V rw 78, Charlie Brereton 77 s, "akmHl" saduhe HN 8 cath r ao yMse .GladF 'tomr i.at ia t iais part well. Other parts of the ia, Mri. anti lira. H.hMislMr. anti lra, er on flt furai o! hia son, Mrî. iutaon David Noden 70. Jack Toms 66, Bob- of D-r. rinall"e. Dea f the MediNEca8 castwer takn b Mises . Gilar F. . Clmpr Mr andMrs B.F. G('ti- rliiiiu Ili ýti'utbis.'ai th ii'tur,' bisDuck 64, (conditioned in Aritb.) olege, Tronto.a f h Mdc Eva Hastings and Frankie Branton imer. P-,thtu.iuîioaniniiy, l'.%tI ndM. ira 'luti io Istharsr. îIllison urus In tite CleTrno andMesrs.Lot Stnebrg, Bob.'rtittr T..Smith. Ilbosîituil atthe' sanie liaie', conîiýsing Sr. Il ta Jr. 1C1a1fBaiybnnsyo ak Kn eelW. LEn Sn PatWannBorb .mong flue relattiveaslrefll w'tre: Beu'.- from luooti poioning wbioh titycloiteti. Promotef on year's xvork-Rutbk Keel, W. Evans and Pat Waisauer. 'oTtqii.ir ambueth; Dr. Harolti(oticli. from aut notaireceiveul from 'a Pll in Pooe nya' okRt Betweon act.s Miss Hanna gave ai r,siti"al surceon, Toronto Goneral Ilos- flite botise. Tht'lute 'Mr..Nlillson's mur- Honey 80, Norton Cowan 79, Joe clever exhibition of toe-dancing, Miss ltal: isis Mury' Aracott, Toronto: Nir i' rldaîuutghers came bonie from western Hockin 78, Ralph Gibson 76, Ilean ElenorWoo sag to slosan MrIe. oW'%. 'Lauýtigiin, lii. Buts'Canadta on it arîiag o!fte serionsacon- Clark 75. ElenorWoo sag to slos an MrieTc,autebiin, '.%Ir.nti lir. .P. Siepheli- dition of tleir parents. flecuastulsas Pooe Francis Sutton played two violin son, Nir. W. F. Stephenson anti IVilma, a ni ember of Ne wton Lodge S.O.F .S Gerotrud on June examinations- soos al f hih ecivd ueap Irs Gr. Bobprlahaw, l'Mr. and Mrs Js z Ger'rud Bonathan 80, John Van- sooal fwih eevd u ioskin anti son Etdgar, Oshîawa:;lira. «%VCm lisoNwatlarepese plause. Mr'. Sutton, violin, and Miss 'oram, lii'r. anti lra. John Tambili 1frnarthe' goot] neis that tht' Counties' Dusen 76~ Louise Hancock 75, Dor- v nR a o a l H. G. Morris, piano, also supplied FrAti Tamiîisn, Mir. anti lra. Rutse.sthionci ut lils recent session passeti a lis- otby Aldread 75, Muriel Shaw 75, several numbers previous to the en- B tI Orono: alan a large number of oii 1%'to issue uelentures for the' itavitîs Kathleen Spencer 70, Katie Clark 68, K tertainment. ~frienuIs anti neighîuors in Darlinglon andi of certatin sections o! coutîsRoauis antio a' R aoa l Mi'. A. G. Holiday on behaîf of St.. Newcastieý, fremin he station corner~ Winner of Stephen Jose Memorial Lu u - the Lodge tbanked ail who had giveni Miss Lucy Martha Campbell on Tronîo ino uîong Manvers t., t rz o eeal Poiiny ~I ~ I anootno i.ngaolhwat avers St., rootiAtfrearealPrfiiec it their patronage. Juinclion witii Northi Si. and thence aîong Evelyn Allun. R e ia le Fo t-a ___________________________ On Friday, June 22, Lucy Martha fle road 10 Orono tolite norihrnims Winner of F. W. Rickard Proficien- Campbell passed away at the Strath- o! tht' municipalits' near Mr'. ra cy Prize-Ruth Honey. cona Hospital, Toronto, after a pro- Alins, te work to be done nexl s'etr.I Hattie A. Maton, teacher.Fo thH li a Outatanding Values Tihuunks o! tlie citizens are due BeeveFo th H li a Outtadig ales tracted ilness. Miss Campbell was Riekari for the forceful was' be prescrit- Primas-y Room In umm r ercandse the youngest of four daugbters of the ('11 Newcastbe's nueds aI tbe Countiesý I u mrM rhnie late Roland Hill Campbell of tbe Sth parlianteni and it lbuheing Instrumental Namnes in order of merit; *-not S atS m e Styles of Daiingon, outhofil sectrIng a hoon whicb air drivers of promoted; a)-absent for examina- ~m e Concession ofDrin-oebt o Iicles wiii stireis' appreciate. The tion but promoted on year's work: Men's or Young Me ns Enfield. She was born on July 23, Ontario Goverament pays bal!t te cost.1 Sr. 1 ta Il.1 Here sparkling with newness and beauty are new summier attactve uit, sngl or 188, ad fr 2 yers esiedat The, deepeel sympatby o the commun- attaciv Sit, inleorhome wbich bad been in the Campbell it s exlendedti 10Mr. andi Mrs. Fraik Those promoted on year's work- doublename for 85odyears. Hawkis of Windisor, so sorels' be- Reta Powell 82,( winner of Proficien- syes in Footwear that will give the feet of the best double breasfore85models. aued li'te death o! their onîs' daughie, 4y tailored fromn newest Mat- Tet funeral wbieb was private was Frances Grace. on Xednesday. Jun, ~: . cy Prize) ; Clarence Clarke 80, Fran dcsdpol ntecm uiysyeadcmot ermseghtrdakshds fid awm Union Cemetery by a theas >of 4 years and to0 ong1s. cesBrereton 77, Helen Robinson 76, desdpol n h onjnt syead cmot ValuesMontrealrToontoand i)eaïh w t itre ta pneumonia olwn tanley Brown 75. $lO.OO to Bow rmanviie. Re. ro.nht amda months ihiness. The fumeraI service Toewowoe eaiain-V C TO PCA S I P R H E Special Vaue $10.00 o Bownianvlle. Rev. . A. What a i filehome o! ber grantiparen te, Mr. andti oewowoe xmntos ,1.5of Oshawa, conducted the service,. lIrs. Beni. Moise, Beaier SI. on Satur- Lois Rowe 83, Mary Quigg 78, Archie V C TO P CA SI P R H E $1.5duy afternoon a largeis' attenledl hs Martin 77, Victor Garrod 75. Jack elthuhse Caborell itbpaee aretvesC. W.deihtend rr erndpastr en 72, Lloyd Hancock 67, *Helen -. in raelt rathougl heMisbCme ll suffpatee RieIs'aC.yW. antiethe f rosi' ntiat. Gben 62(1).* ' Sport Shoes ith Running Shoes for Womien' Mens Fne roacloh and cbeerfulness. of King St. Cburcb, Oshawva, hat charge G~o2(F. ae nya' panco soie and rubber heel, everybody at Re- S( Shirts, plain colors or Miss Campbell is survived by tbree Of to!h e sueas' o e ry111e birtworoiny Prize $2.98 doced Rate striped, cut roomny, R eg. to bobr-on H.o btw ,anti Hie callng Ibis sweet 11111e girl t110 _____________________ Sask.,.wbo was present at the funerai, His home in Hea'.en. Bey. E. B. Cooke Jr. I ta Sr. I -.Dr. C R. of Whitewood, Sask. and assisteti. Mi'. Roht. W. Wallon, brotheri Patricia Pearce 88, Margaret ........ Secil $.29of rs. B. E. Moses, sang "Safeis', Safe-t $ 2.00.. . Seil$>2 Frank Camnpbell, Chicago, 111 .Re. , atmer, I n." The numerous anti Pearce 76 ,Tommy Brereton 73, Har- SPECIALS FOR THE HOLIDAY Ladies' Patent Strap Shoes E. A. Tonkin of Bowmanviiis, is an loveis' floral pIeutes among wblch the1 oid Hockin 68, John Arycb 68, Sain A uncie of deceased. Dr. Webster of lle casket resteti as la a pretîs' hower1 Cawan 67, Ethel Spencer 67, Helen 1 many difl'erent styles and. Toronto, who was bier physician for atteetedthbee s'mpatby o! relatives and Ed 2 Afe ry5 Grl hrdy rdyadStra patterns, at thîs popular many years was with the family in rndaens ueesad ut ntr Henning (absent.) their bereavement and followed the ment took place la Bond Headl Cemelers'. m.P.tJ.I prce................$2.95 remains ta its iast resting place. St. George's Church, Newcastle, Bruce Dr. peciarW.me Ladis' Slk osereliblewill hold its annual garden »artv and i sn 4,anue osn68, DîcaMBond-ad Lde' ikHoereabe STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL strawberrs' festival on Wednesday,1 51, *Wilson McMannus 29. M ns O frs a n n quaiity, ail colors to choose Juiy lltb on the Rectory lavn. Re-! r r.t r.P.Biack f rom, Special 79c Lake Shoro Union Sunday Sebool serve the date and plan to came and J.P.t r r ____________________79C (Clarke), wjll hoid its annuai straw- enjoy a happy social gatbering, and, Vivian Dtick, Douglas. Branton,i $3.85 Boy' Bouss f srip ~ berry festival on William Lake's lawn bountiful repast. 26-2 Stanley Coucb, Jimmie Keech, tIJim-I Bos lue fsrp r on Thursday, July 5th froin 5 p. m., Congratulations ta Miss Dorathyi mie Lovekin, tDick Wright, *Charii __________________ checked material, fast col- foiiowed by a good program. Admis- Gibson, daughter of Mr. William H. Aldread, *Margaret Aldread. ors,............Special 65c sion, aduits 40c; childron 25c. Gibson, Newcastle, a graduate of Beginners to Jr. Pr. dsa _________________Bowmanviile High School, one of the Reita Cooke, Barbara Bentz, Rass~ Men's Oxfords in Black or dsa Silk Lingrie f havy ENFELDsuccessful menabers of thbe Associate Aln Keith Rawe, Dora Martin, Reg-Tasyis1hea wear- Silk Lngeri of havy EFIELDClassat MaDonal Hall Guelh. 1 ie MedowsRager Meadows, Cam- ainls hea quality, will launder per- 1 iior: M' adMs JcbThere were 82 graduates. laBon Grace Powell, Norma Van-.$29 fectly ,double gussetts, col- NIMrs. J. Grievos, and Mn. Jas. -ap ue G. Elizabeth Hnok.tb Ier ors peach, white, nile, Charltte, N. Y., at Mi'. W. J. Ormis-,flO. acr , Men Look This Up J)ifk, lueand rchd. _n'; Mi'. and Mrs. W. Hudson and FAREWELL SERVICES I Vests 69c; aBlomrs $d fanaiiv. Hartney, Mani., at Mi'. Johný congreýgtlion o! î1v-ýu'ltntrti or moai 21 candidates wrote on the en-il ais .NcCulloc's; Messrs. Jas. Stark and t;'ongeui lte î'nituuI ('liorcli on SunuLay1 tranco examinations bore this ek Return Faro Leave Bowmanville 7.00 a. ni. - $450 Leave Courtice 7.15 a. ni. - $425 Leave Oshawa 7.30 a. rn. - $4.00 Leave Whtby 7.45 a. mi. - $3.75 10 mnutes stop at Burhington. Arrive at Falls 12.30 noon. Leavs aftur illumination 9 p. m. For information Phonîe Bowmanviile 412, Oshawa 2283 Tickets may be purchasod from any of oui' Bus Drivers or office girl Thase making trip may leave cars at aur garage witbout extra charge. T. A. GARTON, Propoietor î.îîiain oNIr.'.W. J. S. Rickarti, lire, tors will proceed ta distnibute the 1).î Bragg, lir.g. o hines'N. llai'- estats among tbs parties sntitled ol hi ttLolr"o. atiCtesagthereto, havin8r regard only' ta the dlaims of which tbey thon shail have notice. ~uuv,,~v.e"g~wvm Dated at Toronto thi slsit day o in eacb o! Shaw'e Tweive Schools The Toronto Generai Trusts !ollows the rreent Session ln regu- ar order !rom July 3rd i wtb no forcet Corporation, vacations.' Enter ans' day. Bookiel 253 Bay St., Toronto, Executors, free. Write 1130 Bay St., Toronto, aoe aoe egwc n W. . SawSecetas'.23-4 biontgomery Solciters. INVESTMENT .gency, always on the lookoiit mse the services offered to ic, now provides an Invest- mvice Branch, through which nformation may be obtained, charge, regarding any invest- curities offered to the public. iof soUud securities, includ- ninion and Provincial, Muni- [rtgage Bonds, etc., will be and we solicit your business tse lin es. Edith V. Scobeil, General Ir7 Agent, Bowinanville. Phone 25-2 nd guests at the parsonage Ir. Cooke's parents, Mr. and nplin of Unionville, and ber Mr. and Mrs. Rooney and bert, and Mrs. Clarkson of adquarters for )ceries to be dlean, whoe rneals a zest that mie quality, serviceI are grocery head- N4OW. Our stock xticles, fresh fruits fastidious. ly Fume made in Oc and $1.00 bottie ce, of course. C, rocer BOWMAN VILLE 's Sport Shoes, crepe 3oie and heel, $2.98 >s latest styles Beige Patent Shoes at $3.95 md ends in White -all prices from 88C Up one-strap cuban heel in E width. in either patent, size 2½/ to 7, $2.45 ir of stylish Strap rs, Regular $5.00, n Room Special $2.98 59c dquantity left only. )m Slippers in ail opular shades, 55c Pair Storel Phone 528 On The Sunnyside BowmanyilIe Foimerly Claude Ives1 it rAUL blWil r

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