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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1928, p. 3

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAtNVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l2th., 1928 PAGE TERIE 1SINGLE ROOM CARS POPULAR W Then Cýnadîan National Railways introduccd the single rooro sleeping ca IVthe cieven o'clock night trains between Montreal and Toronto, it very became evident that this type of high-class service would be welcorned b3 travelling public. As a rcsult of the immediate popularity, it has already found neces.cary to place these cars in service on other trains of the company since june 20, these cars have been in service also on the ten o'clock night t between these two c'ities. The single roon sleeping car rneets the demand of those who require a additional comfort and privacy during their travels. Each car contains fou single bedroomns, and each roon] is completely fitted mith toîlet requisites. cars, introduced in Canada for the first timne by the Canadian National Sy are designed especially for night journeys, where the passenger boards the1 between ten o'clock and midniýht, and reaches bis destination at an early nextmîorning. As they are not intended for daytime travel, there is no addit' seating accommodation in the bedrooms. In these rooms, which are delighl decorated, the passenger finds a real bed awaiting, which is placed cross-wiseo car instead of lengthwise as in the case of an ordinary sleeping-car berth.1 pair of roomns have a connecting door, so that couples or parties travelling tog( my use th is door, which, however, has boîts on eaclx side for use when the r( are sold individually. The rooms are equipped with every device for the cou and convenience of the passenger and are filling an importaqt place ini furjiE the traveller with added corfort and convenience during bis ourney. These cars are operated in addition to the club cars ~ other latest e ment which bas become a recognized feature of the aul-steel Canadian Nati Railways trains between the two cities. O f Interest To Yoi IBIOSW1MNEWS MENDELL BURDITT swam fourteen miles la the Second Wrlgley Marathon at the Canadian National Exhi- bltion last yoar before ho was taken out wlth cramps. Ho was thon rlght up wlth the leaders, and at times looked lîke a cer- tain wlnner. Ho had nelther manager, traîner, non coach. Ambition prompted hlm to enter the swlrn. and shoor determin- ation provod hlm to be the dark horse. His unasslsted perform- ance stirreti the pulses of over two bundred tbousand spec- tators. This yean ho l13 a vastiy hm- >~proved swlmmer. His stroke la Incalculabiy btter. Ho bas put on the necessary welght, and ho is strong as a lion. Ho bas been Straining daiiy ln Lake Ontario sinee the middle of May, and seenis to ho uttenly lmpervious to (olti. A two-mie jaunt la merely a breather to hlm. Wateh this boy-ho bas the eearm'rks cf a wnner-bulld, tstv: r 2n a. stroke and, above ail. lý7iii's. fle ]Parned bis swlmmlng la Winnipeg, under Coach Wilson, of thte Tankers Club. Burditt wIli carry the crest of the Canadien National Rallways on hie husky '.hest ln the Big Swlm this yoar. Follow employa.. Ir tonu of thousanda wlll root for hlm. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1"KihIjie-BJies-" THE CANADIAN WEST Secure your tickets now for Chau-1 f J. By Claude E. Law, Winnipeg I tauqua. 1 '-ope, i umiorous The Canadian Statesman's many I Miss Catharine Pinch, Toronto, j. friends and readers in the Canadian spent Sunday here. 1 L0VcLurer, 'aomfifl West, doubtless, at times, would like Miss Hilda Curtis is visting rela- to see it representèd in your valuable - tN.es inIRochesterLe.nYp tournalk for no one from Durham Miss Vida Worden, Torontoi ebr enCp oSekcudke bes ihtemn n W spending holidays with relatives here.' at Redpatb Tent. teresting happenings in the old home _______county but for the newsy pages of .lî Miss Dorothy Richards is visiting Th, Canadien Statesman. hier aunt, Mrs. Alex. Wilkins, Salemi. The aninounicenient that 4'KilI-thie- ;lt is in an attempt to summarize Mr. Ted Humphrey, Whitby, spent Blues" Cope Is to lecture here on the western conditions that the wrîter Sunday with bis mother, Mrs. F. 0. fourtb night of the Doriinioa Redpath proposes to write a monthly letter on Maton. Cliautququi is good ne-. for titis coin- what bas happened in the West for Mr. F. H. Mason bas returned froin i unity, for, ns bis subriqutet denotes, the month just past. and forecast a visiting bis son, Mr. L. L. Mason, Mr. Cope is calculated 1 te(do to thie little into the immediate future. Orillia. dentît amy case of "bluvs" which mciv Starting with the weather of June, Miss EvelynCollins, Toronto, spent cross bis path. - Providence has been very indulgent. the weekend with Miss Margaret Me- The title of 'Kill-tbe-l3Iues" attached May was dry, giving the fax-mers and Gregor.gardeners an excellent chance to get GrgrItself to Herbert Leon Colie duigtetheir crops in uniformly. Occasion- Mr. and Mrs. S. ýBrooks, Toronto, IWar, wltile as a li-cturer-vîiertainer hie al showers the first two weeks brought spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. was mah-ing an arn'y Iaugh. More the crops well up and the heavy show- Frank Bottrell. than a million soldiers andi marines ors of the third week made every- Miss Dorothy Belîman, Blackstock, were brightened by his biibhling liumor thing in plant life grow. is taking a summer course at Queen'a andi gooti cheer. [le w:iý a briglht spot A few acres of lowland wero flood- University, Kingston. ed but the bulk of the west had what Miss Lillie Spry and Mr. Ernest was needed at the time required. Spry, Toronto, visited at their sis heat is well on in the sheath, rye ter's, Mrs. A. Dewell. is well out in head, barley and oats Mri n r.HraeGenie while a reduced crop due to shortage visited relatives at Streetsville and o ed r eldvlpd h Cooksville over the weekend. hay crop xill be large; pastures are i MisesJea an Rut Thmpsn, ,,, well supplied with abundant verdure. PortHop, ae vsitng hei grnd-Gardens are splendid. The moist- I Pot Hoe, re vsitig teir rand \~1 ure bas aiso brought along weeds and parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Creeper. ' hindered cultivation. However, the Miss Marjorie Collacott of Dar- .i fourth week of June was warm and lington township bas been engagedas dry and allowed the cultivation to teacher at the South Ward Sehool.' overtake the weed growth. At the Miss Lillie Hathway and Mrs. beginning of July crops as a whole Bertha Bailey have been enjoying ten bý.J-ýï ave nover looked better-even in days' holidays with friends at North - 95tebgco er Bay. The spirit of the people is optimis- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston and tic. The construction prograni in famuly are holidaying with relatives -18iserexniv. Wnpg 1 so atColingwod nd therWesernand the suburban towns bave bun- Lsn atpoin ndohr etrn '~dreds of buildings under construction, soon pints.many quite large mercantile build- ýy the Miss Marjorie A. Cole, "Wood- nsaebigbitadhmsgn been lands"' School, St. Catharines, is visit- ,e ,a ingsare ofbengui]tadherstgen- erjyr o eteamtrindta 'ad ing ber parents, Mr. and MIrs. J. E.~ formerly. For many years the great trains L. Cole. bulk of residences were frame. To- ý ite Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Quinn and Mr. HERBERT LEON COPE day stucco and concrete with a con- rteen and Mrs. John Cann, Exeter, spent siderable amount of brick bungalows The the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. W. in tîteir camp lUfe. Fie chaseti away are being erected. stem, H. Spargo. the ,,Iooi-.tnd the soltiers oick- The Wheat Pool is about to add ex- train MisNli elro litnan ae ni"ilti-ls. tensively to its elevator storage cap- hor MisseHair eler of Allston, vantd mmt ia"iIteIlc"acity throughout the West, and a very hour Mrss VHaol DunarlisBeeto, vted Mr. Cope is cote cf the best-known large elevator is to be startodimi- :ionl Mish erCowlarieAv, over lî unorists on thxe lecture pîatform to mediately in St. Boniface. Large of the MisMlrdF oeacm id ay. Anti not onl13 a lîuinori'st, but a structures are being added in Calgary, Mtisbybrs un, Mil rs A. oervi nWind- kîntly philosopher a-, ivell. There is Regina and Saskatoon. At present soareiitnteltve tFobr a sermon in bis every sentence-yet a strike is on in Winnipeg among the mm a viiin atvs.tFobr no one suspects hinm of preacbing. carpenters, but it is expected to be shin r and Mrs. Tmas . HiTo-Fe simply reflects the sunsbine of settled soon. onto, are spending a week with bier life anti spreads lis gospel cf bealthy Mîning continues to hold the at- qu aetM.adMs .H aclaugîtter. tentions of a large class of people. tulp-. an tsMr.landi rs. J. H. Doearchadle s n-Brokers have started into business in tona an oter rlatves "Tere B oe Cpe ad h ison-Winnipeg in hundreds and apparently Miss Helen McGregor, Principal ofcn~ifei~ says a prominent 0w Spa- are doing a thriving trade. Continuation School at Manotick, per editor. "An attentpt to analyze Expert mining engineers bave made Ont., is holidaying with bier mother, bsmlnec ufnyadfc very close isfspection of the central, - Mrs .D. S. McGregor. would make a wrîter a9 fit subjoct for Manitoba, the Flin Flon and Sberrett- Mr. and.y~rs. M. Eckardt, son Wal- the sanltarium or asyluni. He created Garden areas and give much encour- lace and daughter Lois, Trenton, more real mlrth to tbe square inch agement. Mining corporation finan- - spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. F. than any man who bas vislted us ln ciers have visited these regions and B. Hermon. Carlisle Ave. years." have enlarged their investments. I Mr. W. Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. ý During June a large group of tbe ooeyan Rss ndMr E. Rd. BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA Manitoba Legislature members took visited their niece, Mrs. Harvey Aik- JULY 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 an extended tour of the northern enMlboko udy mining filds at tbe expense of the ens, aidlbrokF. on Suny. ,C Be sure to buy a sea.son ticket-It's Government and have just returned Mr.an Ms.F.G. renfel, o0 cheaper-1 2 performancs-Aduîts with sucb first band knowledge. we borne, have been bolidaying witbh hs $2.50; Child $1.25. expeet our Legisiature at the next parents, Mr .and Mrs. Robt. Green-1 session to legislate progressively. at field and other relatives flere. The controversy over the permit Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg. M r. for develcspment of the Seven Sister and Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg and family, Biaciaer Yveakness Falls power sets atill keeps keen and spent Sunday witb Mr. Wmn. Wil1- Jrbably will until finally settled. I liams and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Staples, l~I. The extension of Hydro power PortHope ~s aJ £aaa~J~a~., througb tbe soutb and central part M.DvdGray, Winnipeg, Man.R, e ' f Manitoba will soon require tefl who bas been holidaying witb bis son ReivVU inl24 z uUis development of the power available in Kitchener, was in town last week ____ on the Winnipeg River. visiting bis nieces, Mrs. C. T. Her- Ch.mnist Teils off Great New Remed- base beoen obteds or a bout ring and Mrs. S. B. Leggott. That Gives, Qtaack, Certain Relief thre mohs for theldopnfgofbote Mr. Ralph H. Carruthers, B.A., Invites Ail To Try It. trves, bth s foxted opnhofpush-, B.Sc., head of the Photostat Depart- rvrbti sepce ob uh 0. ment. New York Public Library, is While serions, if neglected, it is now ed orwat ragainon. eUnte ;. spendigag month's holiday with i ordinarily an oasy matter to quickly Staters itrafc n the UnidanWeteda DO parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Car- relieve Bladder WIeaknesa and Inni- weîî tat heeCan ainWes t bas >0 Mis aefM tation. pains in Back and down tbru it will ho an increase over last year. DO Miss JaneMason, daughterMr groins, frequent daily annoyance and Not only former Canadians trek back and Mrs. Clarence S. Mason, a pupil troublesome nights-by the pleasant -but also many Americans who find a of Nina Gale, Toronto Conservatory home use of Syrol Tablets, wbich any bearty western we]1come. of Music, bas been awarded the de- good druggist will furnish in sealed Conditions generally are bealt.by gree of A.T.C.M. at the recent ex- packages containing 2 weeks' supi- and western people expect to maire amnations. ply on guarantee of monor back on gains. Thousands of citizens foxrn- id Miss Helen Thornburn, Paisley, flrst box purcbased, i f resu? ts are not erly farming or in business, in the B. A. of Queen's University, bas been fully satisfactory. past seven years have changed their ie engaged as seventh teacher of Bow- Nomte o tbontrul-cupinsadre akgafeh y- ianville High Sehool to teach mainly om attor ofhow lnstandintroule ocatioans aepnd r mkng onres mathematics and science. Miss sm rofbwlngsadngyu salthy a deend ery mucb o a Thornburn is a recent graduate of the case niay be, you can easily prove thehely arseut. Wibago ColegeofEduatin.value of Syrol Tablets in a f ewdys year of good erops and a good harvest, Collee ofEduction western Canadians will ho firmer sot Miss Pearl Wbitton, BA., Bright- ithout sligbte isk of c ostueso in their endeavors to develop than on, graduate of Queen's University, pleased witb resu is ocStart he est evor before. specialist in Moderns, bas been engag- of Syrol tday and you may ook fort Winnipeg, July 2nd., 1928. ed to teach French and German i n ipoeetisd f2 or- Bowmanville Higb Scbool. Miss impr rvnint.isd f2 or-s Stop the Cough.-Coughing is Wbitton has bad exporience in Parry yu rgit caused by irritation in the respiratory Sound Higb School and in Picton-- passages and is the effort to dislodge leand Kingston Collegiate Institute. obstructions that corne from inflani- Tbursday last the Past Noble mation of the inucous membrane. Grans ofWhity, shaw, BomanTreatient witb Dr. Thomas' Eclect- ville and Port Hope, Rebekah LodgE:- i i ilalyteifamto beld a district meeting at Oddfellow's and in consequenco the cough will us- eal otHp. ititDp ually Stop. Try it and you will ho Shaw of Oshawa, installed the new - -sfed District Deputy, Mrs. I. Bruce, int - expressed the wish that Mrs. Neabîtt have a very pleasant time during ber L M visit in :Canada. Mrs. Nesbitt la replying said she bad enjoyed ber IIO T visit s0 far- and thougbt the country -H N 4 was beautiful, baving spent Dominion Day at Omiarea. Mis. Nesbitt la st.aying witb her sister, Mis. P. Mar- td tin. Br., and during ber stay wlll visit K. her son and daughter in Toronto and knoua that Awi1. her daughter il a Lfal'o and other rB ti .1J friends. . ud. -AOL. LET JACOBS DO IT Oh my, it's getting hot! You should worry about the baking-"Let Jacobs Do It". Just as good as homemade and more often better than inother used to make. Something fresh every day and a big variety to choose froni. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery BowmanvilIle Ove, 300,000 Louves 0f "rAir9 "BREAD Sold weehly lx the beat JWOarens -pooj'or t iaqufhity. INVINCISEI MadeinDominionilaheridms IJelIyPouaderi,. and usrapped for, your 9Lout proternloll.s «S fo la "Tastyl" Fruit Bread '4L oof C1'EELRTO CANNED CEREALS For Maklng P E A Shrede-edWheatl'ne Home-M4ade GOOD QUALIJI Post Brar . 121/20 Preuerveu No 2 Tin Puffed W-ieat.. 14o =9Rottie 2 tt 0 Grapz Nutr. . . Clos-k'. Potied Ms-at, 3 for 25elau tj T Libby's Meahescb Ms-at 15c SANTA CLARd c. & & ates 27cEti. rtaeside c. & BB Fi.h P..ts-. 27c Bti. Large Size. Mdaty Brassd lb. âiI Fasey Shrimps 25c Tin PUN S40ndl. GR"PEFRUIT 27 2 27c aphl RLD . e Ib.Matl Preaervng Requialtes M. P.R suo CROWt4 FRUIT JARS SRWFM AC smaIl Medium, Lrg.IAMeI 5Dtd FRUIT LARGE <JA CAKE JELLY 1119Z 1AKE ,MOr.FPS#ROLL8 Ei*-*IL790 CoPnFla e s orCbP"Doio . l.690 t la r 350 Rb15 Eab DeL l b. 590 E : gA DICRRD QI= OLIES mwm,. -,N OTT- lws Acid Sto mach Exems.aold la thse comma cause of indigestion. Iii resulta ln pa rnnd sournosabout two bourgs itar tatin . The quiek corrective la an aIkali which neutralises acld. Thse bout eorrective la Phillipa' 1(11k ct Mar nesa. It ha rolned standard with physicians la the 50Oyaraines Ita invention. O*. spoonful et Phiflipa' 1(11k et Magmealaneutraises laatantly .any litéVolume neId. I*lshuw lmi &Bd tasteleasada tu MBC*il quleis. Tou wil nover roly on cru44 unthodo, nover continue to suffes, whon you bain bow quickly, boW pleuat Ibtis premuier method aut& B.esure taItb.thné nePhll. ; n MI&kof Mag"Wia'Procrby pbysaleans for 50 years in correotlnà sens m aida. Eaeh battiseo04#M 9Qi dblsetos.SBZdrupoe Summer Drinks Canada Dry and Belfast Ginger Aie; Lime Juice; Grape Juice; Orangeade; Lemonade 10 Bars Surprise Soap and Aluminum Kettie $1.65 Value-FOR $1.15 9 Bars Sunlight Soap and Rubbenized Tea-apron $1.63 Value-FOR 98c Ail seasonable fruits at riglit prices ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bownianville If ouDesreSolid Comfort Next Winter anda the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $1500 per ton; Pea $12,5ý Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) ............$1C Oto Nut Coke ...................................$1c Delivered to ail parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumber an Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have th the opportunity of furnishing estimates for an: thing required. Call and inspeet our stock and prices McCflellan & Co. Ltde Phoe 15Bownianvil]i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l2th., 1928 If You Desire PAGE TRRM Phone 1

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