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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1928, p. 4

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fAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 12th., 1928 DARLINGT0N COUNCIL TYRONE COURTICE Minister of Health and Labour Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Awde, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot and fani- called attention of council to a cerne- Mabel Awde, Toronto, spent Sunday ily, Maxwell's, were Sunday guests tery at Lot 28, Con. 6, which is ap- with bis sister, Mrs. E. Wight... . of Mrs. Eli Osborne . ... Miss Perry, parently receiving no attention. Re- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodgson, Mr. Toronto, is guest at the Parsonage.. ferred to Road Supt. to make neces- and Mrs. Lewis Phillips, Lindsay, vis-. . Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gay and fani- sary repairs ,as well as to all ap- ited at Mr. B. F. Gardiner's. . .. Miss ily, and Miss Leta Jackson of Bow- parently abandoned cemeteries in the Ethel Skinner, Toronto, is visiting at manville, are holidaying in Windsor. township. lier home here .... Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Mr. Gay is enjoying hiniseif in a big Counties' Treasurer gave notice McDonald and Katharine, Cobourg, shooting match there .... On Wed- that the following amounts would be vsted at Mr. W. Stewart's. .. .Mr. nesday afternoon, July 4th., froyn required to be raised as county rates and Mrs. Thos. Richards, Lola and 3 to 10 p. mi., Mrs. L. J. Courtice's for the year 1928: County rate, Arthur visited at Mr. Howard Find- group in the W. M. S. served tea in $23,290; Public Scbool rate, $220.00; ley's, Unionville. .. ..Mr. and 'MrC. Miss Mabelle Walters pretty tea rooni. Debenture rate, $330.00; County George Scott and Florence, Oshawa, The roon isl pink and white and the County Road Rate, $ 5480.00; a total visited at Mr. L. Skinner's. ... Miss' little tables had pink and white cloths, of $29,320.00. Viola Shortt is with bier sister, Mrs. bouquets of pink and white fiowers Council decided to purchase 3/4 ofA. W. Prescott, EnfielcL. . .. Mr. and and altogether miade an attractive ap-i an acre of land for use as a gravel Mrs. Talbert Findley and Master Blert' pearance. Numbers of people took pit, the saine adoining the Township are witb bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. tea there, some froni Bowmanville Gravel Pit at S%~ Lot 4, Con. 8, fort ....... Mr .and Mrs. James Souci, and Oshawa. The ladies served an the sum of $75.00. Bownianville, visited at Mr. A. W. appetizing tea, the firat course, press- D. J. Gibson, Corn Borer Inspectar, Hawkey's... .Miss Elva Virtue, Bow- ed veal, potata salad, cabbage salad, presented account for $ 18.00 for' nanville ,and Mr. Charles Emberley, decorated with pickled cherries and plougbing corn land stubble. Pay- Torontoa, visited at Mrs. Laura Virt- bread and butter. Afterwards a good nient was nmade and same will be e's.,.. Rev. J. R. Trumpour preacli- serving of delicious cake, tea andj cbarged up in taxes for year 1928e an ecellent sermon ta the Orange- biscuits. Proceeds $27.00. .Last to party assessed for property at S Y4inen on Sunday marning taking for Thursday Mr. Sanm Trick of Oshawa, Lot 4, Con. 3. bis text Judges 7:20 .... Church ser- took same of bis friends on a trip tO A. O. Bain, representing the vice next Sunday evening at 7 p. ni. Norland, bis old home. Mn. Camer-1 Globe Indemnity 'Co.. Toronto, ad- Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Johni on Trull and Mr. W. Mutton, Oshawa, dnessed council and requested renewaî Hilîs on the arriva] of a daughter. . and Mr. Blake Courtice and Mn. W.c of policy, premium on samne being -. Regular meeting of the W. M. S.R. Courtice accompanied hlm, leav-1 $280.25. Council decided to have was he Id Thursday atternoon, July 5. ing Courtice at 6 a. ni. They wentj policy renewed. Prograni was in charge of Mns. Dud- thraugh Port Penny, Fenelon Fallse A By-law ivas passed for the ne- ley's group. Study book was deait and other places calling on friends ini pel f B-lw asedonMachwith by Mns. Dudley; solo "Choose Lindsay on the return trip. Mr.5 26, 1887, whiich permnitted ca run at large froni May l5tht lSth inclusive. AIl parties i will kindly take notice that cat now not permitted to run at h Treasurer acknowledged nec, $155.29 as taxes for 1927. Orders were drawn on TrE as follows: Road Supt., salary & office Road Supt., road material and construction........ Road Supt., road mainten- anýce..................4 Municipal World, statues of Ont. 1927, 1928......... N. F. MacNachtan, 50% maintenance J. Parker for May ............... W. R. Allun, salary 2nd quarter ................ Geo. F. Annis, sheep dam'ges Noble I. Metcalf, advance T. S., S. S. No. 6 .......... Fred G. Smith, advance T. S. S. S. No. 13 ............ F. G. Kerslake, work in park K. E. Courtice, bonus killing dog.......... D. J. Gibson, poughing corn land stubble............ Wallace Miller, rent of road allowance 1914 to 1928.. Treas. of Town of Bowman- ville, proportion of cost of Clerk and Bailiff at Divis- ion Court 1927 ......... N. F. MacNachtan, calcium chloride, Hampton -. J. J. Mason insurance on roads ....... .... W. R. Allin, Township Farm For Sa 10% CASH-BALANCE IN YEARS The Soldier Settlement Boarg Canada offers for sale by Pl Tender 72 Acres, South Wes Lot 12, Concession 7, Town of Darlington, Durham Cou The purchasen of this prop must rely on bis own inspec and knawledge of the fanm not on the above or any ather ticulars or representations n verbally or in writing by emp ees of the Sldier Settlen Board. Ternis of sale are 10 per of the purchase price in cash acceptance of the tender, and balance in twenty-five equal nual instalments, with interes 6 per cent per annum on aniartization plan. Each tender must be acconI ied by an accepted cheque $100. If tender is accepted, sum will bie credited to the1 cbase price of the land. If ti er is not accepted the money be returned to the tenderer. Tenders will be apened Toronto, Ontario, July 25, M The highest or axiy tender necessarily accepted. If the1 is not sold on the date above 2r tioned, the Board will be prepa ta receive offens te purchase u sucli time as it is finally dispc of. Tenders should be in plain velopes marked "Tender for purchase of S. W. 1/ Lot Con. 7, Township Darlington, ham C.", Address tendersi enquinies ta: The Soldier Settiement Bo of Canada C. M. Nixon, Dist. Si Dated at Toronto, Ontario,1 l4th June, 1928. 28-2 Canada D DURING TE Take home a case of wi The flnest summnerd Special Pri W* Po Bakr a9 ýattle ta INUow- y Muis £Elizaeh Dgelow;- a'Tricamet many af rus old iriends in ta Dec. pretty piano duet wa3 given by Mrs. Norland and they aIl had a mont en- erested Barr and Miss Annie Gardiner, Mrs. -joyable and jolly day. . Sunday nionn- ttîe are S. Hoan and Mrs. H. Hilîs gave gaad ing at 10Oo'clock our Sunday School ceipt ofi ratsgane in final football series largely attended. At il a. m. the at Sauina, Saturday, July 14, at 6.30 church service wbich was a reception easurer P.*nm. sharp. Be there. service, apened. The church was Creani of Barley good for everybody. filled and seventy-faur people, nine- 147.22 -____ teen girls, sixteen boys, sixteen young men and twenty-three adults 624.36 SALEM were received inta the church. Rev. Dr. Chown, Toronto, conducted the 4095.75 Despite the very warmi weather on reception service and afterwands gave Sunday, Rev. J. W. Bunnen journeyed a beautiful address on the subject 17.00 out from Bownaneille and delivered "Holiness". His kindly wonds of anoth,2r of bis good practical ser- advice were mast impressive and in- nions at the afternoon service... On spiring. The sacrament of the Lord's 21.75 Thursday night of last week the Y. supper was then adniinistered. Be-auti- P.L. again presented their play fuI fiowens deconated the altan of the 175.00 'Nanc*.- Ann Brown's Folks" at Ty- churcli and the munic by the chair 26001rane Comniunity Hall, having been tended ta make it a bight ser- requested ta do so by the Bethesda vice. Rer. W. S. P. Boyce was 125.00 folk. There was also a cafeteria present and taok part in the service. luncheon served at the close, the night For three inintbs pa.st, aur pastor, 200.001was fine and a lange crowd in at- Rev. J. H. Stainton bas been carry- 28.60 tendance, and niany coniplîientary ing on a pensonal evangelistic work neniarks were tendered the cast on by calling at every home in the corn- 5.00 thein choice of a play and their man- munîty and sametimes calling many ner of presenting it and financially it tumes ,and in this way bas won these 18.00o netted the Y. P. L. $20.00. . .. Mns. people into the chuncli. Our Paston Gillson and little daughten Louise, are pneached Sunday evening ...Next 28.00 visiting their cousin, Mrs. F. L. Sunday Rev. Mn. Honey of Welconie, Squair they wil also spend a few will occupy the pulpit and aur pastor days with Mrs. W. Moffat, Orono, will preacli annivensary sermons at accompanied hy Mns. Squair... Mn. Kendal. .Saturday afternoon a meet- 24.60 and Mrs. J. Irwin entertained a can ing of C.G.I.T. was held at the home load of fniends who motored down of Mrs. Blake Courtice. Our Pastor, 63.13 froni Toronto and spent Sunday with Rer. J. H. Staintan ,gave an intenest- ... ... . Kirby anniversary services ing talk ta the girls on "Jesus' advice 280.25 were held last Sunday, and an Mon- ta ten young Wamen". Sangs wene day a stnawberry supper aften which sung froni C.G.I.T. sang sheets and Clerk. aur Y. P. L. put on their play "Nancy afterwards cammunity singing. It - Anna -Bnown's Folks". The church was a ifine meeting and Mrs. Courtice was full ta overfiowing and the aud- was most tboughtful in ententaining ience expressed much satisfaction the girls. ~< with the play. Later the niembers Creani of Barley good for everybody. of the cast did ample justice toa ah the good things provided, and came awav witb a feeling of goodwill andi HAMPTON - satisfaction and hoping the sanie s eln a netie yteKr Mn. Ray Williamson and Miss de b fen ws ente00tain e by ed Ko-Glad ys Hallett, Sonya, Mn. and Mrs.1 -u .P ,Qie ubro te Albert Wragg and sons, Oswald f N25 Salemi folk wene inaratennancet.at Clanke, and the supper and c ncert. Ia University, Mn. and Mms. Sidney see several of aur boys starting o n gad-aghesEn on th ight course; keep up the goodd Myrtle Snell, Newtonville, Mns. ok bos Maggie Bawks, Bowmanville, Mn. and rd of C'rmof are go frevrhoyMrs. Percy Edgertan, Nestleton, Mrs. lblic alygo freeyoy Albert Beacock, Cosarea, and Mr. and; it% Report of Salemi Scboal fan June Mrs. Robertson, Bobcaygeon, were ~t~ examinations, nanies in onden of nier- weekend guests of Mn. and Mns. E. L 'nhîp it: To Sr. IV-*Donis Collacott, Williamsnn. Mnty. Ross Richards, Marion Honey, (aeg- Hampton Women's Institute beld ntat). To Jr. IV-Lamne Foster, thein annual Grandmotbers day in The' ,perty Bert Foster. To Sr. flJ-*Audrey Bungalaw on Thursday, July 5th. ýction Cowling, *Daris Dudley, Beatrice President, Mrs. H. E. Rundle, pre- iand Caton, Henry Francis. To Jr. III sided. Meeting opened hy singing rpar- Marie Collacatt, Willîe Darch, Lela "The National Antheni" followed by made Weish. To Sr. II-Viola Francis, The Lond's Prayer. After business the kplOy- John Foster. To Jr. II-*Cbarlile following prognani was nendened by ment Foster, *Isabel Brown, Benyl Thomp- the Grandruathers: Chorus, "The son, Bert Francis, Hilda Richards, Male Leaf"; M ns. T. Wilcox, nead- cent Hanley Cawling. To Sr. Pr. A- ngetil "Grannie"; Mrs. Peters bh on Margaret Irwlïin, Oscar Conlin. To and1 Mrs. Salter, sang "Dreaniing of d the Sr. Pr. B-Elvie Wright, Frank Con- Home and Mother"; sang, "The Lit- 1 an- lin. Class B ta Jr. Pr. A--Btrenton tle Brown Church in the Vale"; Mns. ýt at Darch, Rhada Wright. *..Hanaurs. W. Allin, reading "Grandnia's Patch- the L. Savery, teacher. work Quilt"; reading, Mrs. Doîdge; sang, "Silver Threads aniong thel, ipan- SCHOOL REPORTS t Gold"; song, "Tenting Ta-night"; for Mrs. Burns, neading "Sang of the this Promotion examinations for S. S. Fanm". A hearty vote of thanks Pur- No. 5, Clarke, nanies in order of mer- was tendered the Grandniothers for end- it: Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Mildred Bed thein splendid pragrani. A dainty rwill win. Jr. Ill to Sr. III-*Junè lunch was senved by the younger lad- Brown, Helen Roblin. Sr. Il ta ies. A social houn was enjoyed by at Jr. III1*Bessie Law, *Stuart Mc- aIl. Attendance 40. On Tbursday, 928. Intosh, Kenneth Stephenson, tAnthun August 2, the Institute will bold the Bdi. Sr. I ta Jr. II-*Eddy annual children's day picnic, and also rnot Roblin. Jr. Pr. ta Sr. Pr.-Annie celebrate the Twenty-fif th binthday of land Tkatch, Jane Tkatch, Lillian Wilson. our Inatitute. All are welcome. msen- * Honous; t-Rejected. Came and bring yaur children and )ati Vera A. Power-, teachen. youn baskets .... Madani M. deRosney _______ with Master Fred Plunin, Atlantic« )osed Solina promotion examinatians: City, N. J., are visiting their cousins, Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-*Vera Kenslake, Mn. and Mrs. E. C. Flo...... Col. L. i en- *Jean Hogarth, Raipli Wilbur, abs. E. Taylor and daughter Connie, Tor- the Sr. III ta Jr. IV-Stuart Hogarth, onto, visit.ed their uncle and aunt, 12, Percy Westlake. Russe] Balson, nec. Mn. and Hrs. W. J. Clemens aven the Dur Jr. Ill ta Sr. IH..-*Audrey Ayne, weekend. and *Jessie Hogarth, *Tomi Baker, *R05- Creani of Barley good for everybody. coe Baker, *Hazel McEwen, Ruby Report of Hamipton Sehool for ýoard Parker, Jini Parker, Kathleen Mac- June. Names in order of menit: Lean, nec. Jr. Il ta Sr. lu-Jean Entrance-~*Florence Burns, F. Hol- Scott, Wesley Werry, Bruce Hogarth well, Erne-st Horn. Sr. II*ElsieI upt. Alan Wilbur, Rager Shortnidge. Sr' Moore, *Elias Greenaway, *Ted this Il ta Jr. II-Harold Balson, Ralpb Johns, Merwin Cryderman, Helen Taylor, Billie Parker, Downer Park- Knox, Elwaod Shackelton. Jr III er. Jr. to Jr. I-Bobbie Scott, Han- -* Austin Barnon, *Gordon Phillip,t aId Patter. R. J. McKessock, teacher. *Jackson Wray, Bloyd Wilcox, Jeanl Stainton, Violet Petley, Nelson Rob- bins, nec. Sr. II-*John Virtue, *Anna Wallace, *Annie Stainton, *Harold Martin, *Harry Wintenburn, Mandy Connaghan, Bruce Clarke, Ir G ng r ieAndrus, nec. Jr. II-Flossie Cn ne. n onaghan, rsCyemn, KMied HE HOT WEATHER Jones. Sr. I-*4Betty Knox, *Eva Johins, *Jennie Adanison, *Muriel Scott, *Thelma Rabbins, Lena Nov- f"Canada Dry". The famiiy ick, Vera Martin, nec. Jr. 1- iienjoy it. *Walter Holwell, *Gladyq Cbapman, *Jack Cowling, Ruth Golwill, Ruby lrink to serve t oyour guests. Colwill, Jerold Black. Sr. Pr.- Isobel Rogers, Wanda Clarke, Jack ices on Case Lots Jones, Nellie Armour. Jr. Pr.- *Dareen Penrett, *Ruby Connaglian, *Gladys Trull, Jean Johns, Donald Adcock, Hanry Adcack. *-Hanours. F. J. Groat, Isobel Campbell, teachers ndCorbett BUY COA NOW ENNISKILLEN MAPLE GROVE Enniskillen is favored with a gif t Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Phipps, My- froni one of ber aid boys-MnI. Wil- rtle, and Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Ern bur Hutchinson of Winnipeg-who Phipps, Gwen and Reg., Tarante, vis- bas engaged the T. Eaton Company ited their sister, Mrs. F. Swallow, to redecorate the intenior of bis aid aven the weekend .... Miss Dora home church. Men are now at work Ame.s, Town, spent Sunday with Mns. and the reopening services will be Noble Metcalf... Misses Winnie and beld Sunday and Monday, August Evelyn Lancaster, Mn. Sidney Lan- 5th and 6tb. Let this be a reunion caster, Port Granby, spent Sunday of as niany of the aid boys and girls with their sisten ,Mrs. Ivison Munday; as possible. Mn. Hutchison expects Miss Winnie Rickard, Newcastle, ta be present and toalal wbo are in- spent the weekend with Miss Greta terested please accept this as an in- Munday. .Mn. and Mrs. Jini Burnett, vitation ta be present. Particulars Toronto, visited hen sister, Mns. F. late . . .. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Avery Swallow, on Fniday .... Mn. Chanlie and daughber Ruth, Mr. Douglas Mas- Wight, Osbawa, spent Sunday at Mn. an, Woodstock, Mn. and Mrs. W Avery J. D. Stevens' .... Mn. and Mrs. L. T and daugliter Allie, Raglan, visited Skinner and daughter Dorothy, Tor- at Mns. Wni. O....... Mr. and Mrs. onto, Miss Lila Bennett, Alliston, Miss Arthur Webben and family, Manitoba, Eliza Kirkton, Bowmanville, visited ~Misses Minnie and Ethel and Mn. ROY at Mn. E. W. Faley's aven the week- Webber, Bowxnanville, visited at Mn. end and took in the tnip to Rochester Wm. Hening's. .We welcome ta aur on Saturday with Mn. E. W. Foley village Rer. and M.Nrs. J. M. Whyte and daughten Hilda ... . Miss Dorothy and sans Arthur, Joe and Donald.... Stevens is visiting her sister, Mrs. Glad ta report Mn. Elmen Beech s Ray Snowden, Toronto .... .A numben improving nicely after bis necent froni here attended the funeral on operatian fan appendicitis in Bov- Monday of the late Dr. and Mrs. A. manville Hospital. . .. Ladies' A id et S. Tilley ..Annual Snowden picnic at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson will be held Thursday ta-day) at an Thursday, Julv, 5th. A gaadly nuni- Hampton Park .... Mn. and Mrs. ber were present. It was entirely Moore, Mrs. Norman Williams and son a business meeting. Committees were Earl, Sarnia, wbo have been visiting appointed ta look after the reOpen- jMr. and Mns. M. Munday, Sr., and ing of aur church. The executive other relatives bave netunned home.. served lunch. . Mre. Davidson and1 Miss Reta Power has resigned hen daughter Vilda, and Masten Cliff ord ]position as chef apenator of the Bell and Mn. Ross Davidson and wife, 1Telephone Office, Bowmnanville. .Miss~ Chicago, Mn. and 'Mrs. Stanley Prest- Ruth Stevens, Town, spent the week on and faniily, Toronto, Mn. and Mnsiend with ber gnandpanents, Mn. and Ambrose Nesbitt and Bernice, Osh- Mns. J. D. Stevens. .Mr. Fred Stev-- awa, and Miss Thelma Gilders, Osh- ens sports a new car. .Paston Staint- awa, visited at Mrs. Thos. Gildens'. on preached a veny forceful and im- Zian vs. Sauina football game at pressîve sermon on "Indiff enence" Solina, Saturday, July l4tb at 6.301 last Sabbat b afternaon. Mr. Petley of p. m. Dan't miss it. Coutice, assisted in the service. Rev. Cneam of Banley good for everybody. W. E. Honey, B.A., Welcome, will preach next Sunday. ..Congratula- tions ta Misses Betty Snowden, Elsie Samis, Dorathy Stevens and Gardon SOLNA Law an their success at Entrance ex- amnations. Mrs. J. T. Hughes, Alton, Mrs. A. W. M. S. beld their negulan month- Smith, Toronto, Mr. Harry Taylor îy meeting in the hall on Wednesday and son Alan, Detroit, Michigan, vis- afternoon. President, Mrs. M. Mun- ited Mn. H. G. Argue who continues day, Jr., was in the chair and the quite ill .... Mn. and Mrs. Lauren meeting opened with a hynin, follow- Hogarth and Dorothy, Harmony, Miss ed by the Lard's Prayer. Scripture Launa Cawker, Niagara, visited at~ reading was taken by six membens. Miss Mary Hogath's .... Mr. and mns Devational topic was read by Miss Ida John Cooper and Jack. Toronto, Rev. Stevens and the Study Leaflet "The and Mrs. Gea. Burry, Downsview, Mrs s y of aur medical Wonk" was Wycliffe, South Carolina, U. S. A.,.given by Mrs. Tunnicliff. Mrs. F. recently vîsited Mr. and Mirs. A. J. Swallow offered a prayen and Mns. W Reynolds . .. .Mr. R. Luther Werny of H. Webb and Mns. Trunian Power Montreal, visited at Mr. A. L. Pas- reported tbe Pnesbyterîal held in Or. j coe's and Mn. S. E. Werry's last week. ana on June 6th. Mrs. M. Mundayg Hils sister, Mi.ss \Nra Werry, accom- extended an invitation ta the Society panied him on a mator trip ta Islay t, meet at ber home for the August ta visit their aunt, Mrs. Elford.. Mn. >meeting and annual picnic which was and Mrs. Harvey Reynolds and fani-1Igladly exceptd ily of Philadelphia, were visitons at' rpto Bred.odfo vryoy Messrs. W. J. and A. J. Reynolds'. Cra. fBnlyg1dfr vryoy Mrs.EvaFleche afKalamazoo, Mich., is spending a couple of nionths with ber sistens, Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe, and other rela- tives. . .. Mrs. John Reynolds visited at Mn. R. Sonierville's, Chernywood, Miss Jessie Robinson, Toronto, is hall- daying at Mn. W. J. Reynolds' .... Sonry ta report that Mrs. John Pascoe is under the doctor's cane. We hape sh e wîll soon be around agan .. IMn. and Mns. John Baker spent Sun- day at Mn. H. L. Pascoe's, Columbus. M ns. Baker sang two solos at the annivensary service at Columbus in the evenîng. . .. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. !Gummow ,Scarboro, visited Miss Edna Reynolds . .. .Mr. N. Reynolds and son, Toronto, visited at Mn. J. W. Yellawlees'. ... Master George Werry had bis tonsiis removed in Bowman-i ville Hospital last week. Mn. anId Mrs. C. H. Scott and faniily niotored ta Southampton on Sunday. Mrs. Scott and childnen remained for a riait with ber niothen, Mns. McClean Mn. and Mrs. Leigh, Mr. Luxton, son and daugliter. Orono, Mr. and Mns. Mcîsaac, Alice and Jini, Mn. and i Mrs. Steele and Margaret, Toronto, visited at Mn. Arthur Millson's... Don't forget the Institute meeting on July l9th., at the home of Mrs. Peter Leask. Roll Call-"My Favounite Author". Prograni in charge of the C.G.I.T. group. Everybody welcome .We are pleased ta see the intereat aur young people are taking in the Sons of Tempenance meetings. Last Thursday niglit a good prograni was given as usual. Thase taking part were Rev. J .R. Bick, Jack Walken, Ernest Hockaday, Frank Walker and Alan McKessock. An interesting contest was conducted by Evelyn Ti...... The cburcb service on Sun- day niarning was well attended. The patriotic service sheets wene sd Rer. Bick gave tbe address a nd Missi Jean Milîson favouned with a read- ing. Services next Sunday will be at the usual tume in the aftennoon. A football game will be played at Solina on Saturday, July l4th., ta decide the finat game of tbe finals, Zion vs. Solina. Have Your Hens CulIed Now Keep only the liens that will give you a good profit in the wint- er and tbnoulzhout the year. Build up your flock witb high productive layera by having the culis discarded. Have your applications in by July 2Oth. Phone or write ta, Laverne Clemens R. R. 6, Bownianville, phone 237-3 or te J. Y.Kellough Agricultural Repreeentative, Port Hofl Clothes for the Working Man Men's Khaki Trousers-Special $1.49 Pair MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Khaki, Light and Dark Blue ,Black and White Stripes, Values to $1.25-Special 98c MEN'S OVERALLS AT $1.39 A Union Made Overal-Blue stripes and plain Black, worth $2.00 a pair-Special $1.39 Men's Work Sox, Special Line ,On Sale 4 Pr $1.00 Boys' Cotton Stockings, ail sizes, This Week 4 Pair For $1.00 Men's Work Shirts Khaki and dark blue, black and values to $1.25, On Sale 98e Each white stripes, Men's Athletic Underwear Combinations, buttoned garments also buttonless garments at 98c Suit. Men's Pullover Sweaters and Sweater Coats 25 only, the very finest quality ail wool sweaters and sweater coats, ail shades and values to $6.00 each On Sale This Week End At OnIy $3.95 Each T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Phone 61 Bowmanville EXTRA SPECIAL THURSDAY MORNING FOR NINE FORTUNATE WOMEN FIVE ONLY TRAVIEL COATS THAT SOLD IN A REGULAR WAY FROM $25.00 TO $42.50a-WHILE THEY LAST EX. $9.69 FOUR ONLY $25.00 TWEED COATS-TO CLEAR $5.00 PHONE 100 S. W. MASOK~& SON DRY GOODS AND LADIES' READY.TO.WEAR BOWMAP4VILLE. T V a A IMammoth Clean Sweep Sale Women' s and Children's Summer Dresses Priced to Assure Prompt Clearance Thursday Friday and[Saturday Combined with another special purchase we have grouped our own large stock to present dress values unsrpýsed. The styles are ail new and fresh, plenty of large sizes for big woinen, plenty of smart styles and lovely materials. Every dress guaranteed to wash or it will be replaced. See these dresses ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 100 Only, Printed Silks and Craysheen Dresses, sizes 16 to 46 in the lot, many pretty patterns, every dress an individual style, Regular $10.00 value ........................Sale Price $6.75 Pure Spun Silk White Dresses, sizes 14 to 44. These dresses are guaranteed to wash perfectly and not to turn yellow. A wonderful assortment of styles, Regular $12.50 value, Sale Price $9.75 Watch our window for the HUGE SPECIAL IN WOMEN'S FUGI SILK DRESSES, EVERY WANTED SHADE AND EVERY SIZE FROM 14 to 46 long, short or no sleeves, Regular $3.95 value ....Sale Price $2.98 Just arrived-a new assortmnent of elegant Voiles, pretty designs, clever patterns. This quality which 's the best sold at 85c yard regularly. Quantity buying makes this price possible. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 49c YARD .. Puritan Maid Si1k Hosiery with a double sole and heel, silk to the hem and ail sizes in the lot, they offer unusual value at 89c Pair Sale of Full Fashioned Silk Hosiery, a heavy service weight hose guaranteed to wear, Reg. $2.00 value, On Sale $1.49

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