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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE,THSAYJLY9t.12. PAÂGE EIGHIT U. F. 0. NOTICE Prof. C. B. Sissons wlspeakin The e ate Inridepqeridient ghaw's Sehool on Tues.day, JuIY 24th at 8 p. m. Subjeet: "Is ____ gligher Education an Asset or Liab- TUSAJL 9h,12 ility to Farming?" TUSAJL 9h,12 H. E. Osborne, 0. R. Bragg, Se'y.-Treas. ryesident. "CAN ADA DRY" The purchase of a case of Canada Dry Ginger Aie provides you with the ideal summer beverage. A cool and satisfying drink, scientifically prepared and bottled. Special Prices on Case Lots W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Ladies! A ccept This Gifi A beatuiful 50c Aluminum Shaker with every 90c and $1.50 Tin of Ovaltine Neilson's Pasteurized and COLD DRINKS Homogenized Coca Cola Orange ICE CREAM Lime Lemon Vanilla, Walnut, Chocolate Grape Bricks, Eskimo Pies, ON ICE Aretie Sweethearts Hawkeye Cameras BtigCp 5 89C Heavy Rubber Diving Caps 75c JURY & LOVELL When W. Test Eye. It Is Don. Properly PHONE 78 BOWMANVILLE Bell's Toggery Shop Aberley "Lif e Guard" Bathing Suits Are the very best obtainable, you can pick an "Aberley" on the beach every time by its classy appearance. Prices From $2.98 to $4.50 Clearing Prices on Summer Trousers, Blazers, Pullovers, Plus Fours, Etc. Get The Habit Think of Bell' First King St. West A I~D ~Bl BowmanvilleLA*. Je "Bert"Bl Right By Cole's Barber Shop TheBig Difference In Used Cars Two cars may look alike-appear to be in the same condition-but there may be ail the difference in the world. You must rely for this information on the state- ments of the dealer who offer them for sale. Buy your used car from a re- putable dealer and be sure of getting honest value. Corbett Motor Sales Co. Bowmanville INEWCASTLE 1 NEWCASTLE Mr. John Trewin, Toronto, is visit- Mr. Robt. King, Peterboro, recently ing at Mrs. E. C. Beman's. visited bis former employers, Mr. and Miss Hattie Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney. Mrs. Hollis Hurlbert, Oshawa, spent Misses Beatrice and Grace Bragg the weekend with Mrs. Hurlbert's par- motored to St. Mary's the first of the, ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer. week in their new car tu visit relatives Mrs. Hollis Hurlbert of Oshawa, there.1 was soloist at the Kendal anniver- Mr. George Brownhill and his bride1 sary services Sunday evening and of eight months are summering ini was presented with a bouquet of Miss Janie Singer's house, Newcastle- roses. on-the-Lake. Mrs. Weaver and two sons of Port Mrs. Harold Toms and daughters. Sydney, who have been spending a Richmond, Que., are visiting ber fortnight with her cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) mother, Mrs. Geo. P. Riekard, and Farncomb, rcturned home the first of other relatives here. [the week. Mr. and Mrs. rUcKim and Mr. and Among the weekend gues3t.i cf Mr. Mrs. Tom Caranaugh of Belleville, and Mrs. Hudson Stowe, Ne'wcastle- spent a weekend recently with Mr. on-the-Lake, xvas Mr. Hale of the~ and Mrs. Albert Spence. Forest Produets Laboratories, Depart- Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hare and Jack ment of Forestry,'Ottawa. are planning a trip to Regina andi St. George's Church-Rev. E. R. Moose Jaw during his holidays, the James, Rector. Sunday, July 22nd- first two weeks in August. 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; 9.4.5 a. m Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil accom- -Sunday School; il a. m. -Morning panied by Miss Dunreath Dudley vis- Prayer; 7 p. m.-Evensong. 1 ited in Trenton on Sunday, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Toms and fam-i Dudley accompanying them as far as ily, Agincourt, visited his brother, Brigton. Mr. Jos. Toms, last Sunday week and St. John's R. C. Churh-Sunday, took back with themn for a week's visit July 22nd: Mass at 10 a. m., Rev. P.. his grandniece, Miss Evelyn Allun. P Butler. Mass every udy Among the weekend guests of Mr. throughout the sommer at 8 a. m. and and Mrs. Brown of thîe Brownie Tea 10 a. m. alternately. Rooms were Mr. and Mis. Wallace,ý Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun andi Mrs. Mason and Mr .and Mrs. A. E. Clarence and Miss Ada Allun visitedi Atkinson and babe, ail of Toronto. on Sunday xith Mr. and Mrs. Earle, Mr. and Mrs. Meirose Parker and Ida, with whom Miss Marion Allun children, Solina, were Sunday guests had been spending the week. of the Misses Breen. Pierview. with Misses Evelyn Riekard, Marjorie whom Mrs. and Miss McGarvy, Tor- Cowan and Helen Lycett are attend- onto, are enjoying a fortnight's vaca- ing Sommer Sehool at Oak Lake, Miss- tion.. es Lycett and Riekard in company Newcastle United Churchi Rev. W "with Miss Rae Deline were motored P. Rogers, Pastor. Sunday. Julyidown by Mr. Chas. Warren, Swift 22nd: 10 a. m.-Sunday Sehool; ICurrtent, Sask. il a. m.-Morning Worsbip, second. Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Allin of Chi- sermon of a series of three on '"Pray- cago are visiting his cousin, Mr. W. er -"How men ought te pray . i p. m. W. Down, Shaws .Mr. Allun is an 1-Evening service, second Eierm i)n of old Newcastle boy, son of the late a series of five on "The Ap-,stle Daniel Allun, stationer and under- Peter." taker, and will doubtless caîl on a Rev. John Bonathan of Toronto,, number of old friendi while in the who is holidaying with his parents, neighborhood. 1Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bonathan, assist- Mrs. Walker Milîson, Newtonville, ed Rev. E. R. James of St. George's(t who xvas ill recently in Bowmanvillei at the morning service on Sunday and1 Hospital and who; suffered the ber- preached at the evening service. 'eavement of ber husband through Major Armour of Toronto, wbo iz, blood poisoning at the saine ime, left summering at the lake, assisted St. on Tuesday last for a visit to Regina George's choir in its service of song. in company wiîh her daughters who Many relatives and friends from were home for their father's funeral. nearby and distant points were here______ last week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Win. McIntosh, fori AEALCUBR1RAIE whom service was conducted in St. IBSBL LBR-RAIE lGeorge's Church on Wednesday af- Aýt.a largely attended and enthusiastie ternoon by the Rector, Rev. E. R. 1 metinýg of young men and older hasebail James. The floral tributes meeex ly evening. FiC,-ýlhuîW C~oan Mwif ceedingly numerous and of surpassing unanimously elect.i ipresitlent of lte beauty.re-organized basel.alI club toe1w. known beauy. as The Community Base Bal (Club of The Ladies' Aid Group under the N'ewcastle. Dr.J.. A. Butler, convener leadership of Mrs. W. J. S. Riekard of a committee specially aîipointed for enjoyed the hospitality of one o.' the lie purpose of drafting .a constitution for thle club,. took tbe chair andl suilt ted group members, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, th1 irafts clause lîy clause teiote meet- at her home on Tuesday evening cf ing. 1rely, Il provided for the election this week and in the company of a of offlcers and dîrectors, tiie fixing of a memberslîi fee, naming of dates for an- number of invîted guests literally nfuai and monthly meeiings andlthie lay- feasted upon "Strawberries, Sugar lng down of gen.-ral rules for te con- and Cream." Mr. and Mrs. Lovekin duct andl management of the clb. With supplied ail the strawberries, some of necessary insertions andl mînor changes in the wording of some sections the new the other group members belping cut constitution was adopted by the meeting with cake and cream. clause by clause and in toto. AHl ler- Mr. ertMcCatyfathr o Mrs sos o good moral standling in the corn- Mr. ert eCary, ftherof Ms.mnîiy are eligîble for membershiîî. The Frank Spence, wife of Mr. Frank membership fee by a vote of the meeting Spence, M.P.P., Fort William, with la ixed at 50 cents a year. The annual whom their cousin, Mrs. Jos. Coulson meting is to be held on the ird Monday in Ajîril and monthly meetings on iril is enjoying a two months' visit, spenti monday of each month. The Club a day last week with Mr. Coulson guarantees to basebali clubs of Clarke here. He once lived on the farm. n Newcastle the maintenance of a ail- now wne by r. nd Ms. eo.ver cup for annual competition. In ac- now wne by r. nd Ms. eo.cordance wlth the constitution whiclî was Honey and is now in his 9th year. submitted to the meeting in a most Despite his years he assists bis son- businesslike and parliameniary manner in-law regularly in the drug store, sulted as follows: Presldent-F. W. but is now on a holiday down ti Cowan; Secretary-Treasurer-Mr. R. W. wthis1 Valton; Drectors-Dr. J. A. Butler and way.Mr. Oso. C. Wright. A Manager is te Mr. Chas. Warren, son of Mr. and be chosen by the playing members who Mrs. Geo. Warren, Swift Current, ex-orflcio shall be the third Direcior. Mr. Sask., is visiting his aunts, Mrs. F. Percy lare is alreatly slated for this position. Mr. Wilbert Graham acteil as W. Cowan and Miss Odie Warren, and sLertary durlng the organization pro- bis grandmother. Mrs. Wrn. Bonathan. cef-dings-. On.e of the most enthuslastic He 'motored down from the west, fans hrsent wvas Mr. Wm. Taylor who %vith Mrs. Taylor bas been occuîîying the bringing a chum as far as Toronto, ,1tlai, rs. Grieves house on George St., and arrived here last Monday week. for the îîast two montbs. Mr. Taylor Mr.andMrs Alan ron, uccss lîu living on the other aie of the Mr.andMrs AlanBronthce ses , sIr*-t where 40 years ago l1e liveil Sask., also motored down att with bis parents anid other miembers of time and are visiting her sisters Mr. zîîr large fanîily before moving te Tor- Cowan and Miss Warren, and other 1onto. relatives and friends in Ontarîo. Ladies' Aid of the UnitLîd C hurcb met at Mrs. W. H. Peare slasxt A Golden Opportunity Thursday afternoon, witb Ms.per', Hare in the chair. Among those, To Save Money preserit was Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Rog- ers, it being ber first oppartunity of! Iattending a meeting of titis sîîiety. Me'FieTossG y The principal business was the dis- 1M n' ieTosrGe cussinz of necessary repairs and ai- or Fawn checks, just the terations te the parsonage. Fll- thing for sport wear, Reg. ing the business session Mr3. Frank1 Branton favored witb a solo anti Mis. $4.00....Clearing $2.89 Hare anti Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick con -_______________ trihuted reading.s.. lwh1Me' Work Trousers of The party of some forty gil", o Me' bave been spending a jolly twelveý Dark Tweed, well muade, days at Camp Copper Beech gave aj1 Reg. $2.25, Clearing $1.59 goodbye party and entertainnient on the grounds last Thurslay evenîn, -- whicb was enjoyed hy many, of thet Women's Strap Shoes, sev- sommer and lpermanent resident. 1Iealsye o rkepns Th-e-program opene n witbLthreeiun- A Mighty Money Saving Proposition This Great Merchandising Event Coming As It Does At This Season Will At- tract Hundreds of Thrifty Buyers. Smashing Previous Record For Value and Price, The Sale Starts Thursday, July 19th With Values Heretofore Un- heard 0f. A Visit Will Convince You 0f The Extraordinary Values Off ered. MEN'S Special Men'a Black and Tan Oxfords Bankrupt stock shoes Regular $5.50 Sale Price ................................25 Men's Oxfords Latest styles in black and tan Goodyear welt. Regular $6.50. Our Sale Price......... $3.88 Men Look These Over At $3.85 A real peppy oxford for the young man at a price you can afford to buy two pairs, a pair of black and a pai of tan. Made from g'ood quality calfskin with broad square toes. Double weight, Goodyear welted soles and rubber heels. Work Boots Men's work boots, Panco sole, Regular $4.00. Our Sale Price ......................... $2.78 Men's Work Boots, Goodyear sole, Regular $4.50, ur Sale Price ......................... $2.98 Sale Price .............. %.......... $3.48 Boys' work boots, regular $3.50, !Bargain Price.................................. $1.98 Girls' Shoes 11-2, black patent, one strap, Regular $2.95, Sale Price .............................. $1.69 Girls' oxfords, patent fancy trim, Regular $3.50, Sale Price.............................. $2.48 8-101'/2 black patent, one-strap, Regular $2.45, Sale Price............................. $1.48 5-7%, b]ack patent one strap, cushion sole, Regular $2.00,.......................... $1.39 Women's House Slippers "E" width kid ,on strap, low heel at ...$1.49 Ladies 'Boudoir Slippers Variety of colors and designs with and without heels. Regular $1.00. Sale ýPrice per pair 38e Sandale Ail Sizes 99c Child's, Misses' and Women'a, Real Special 99e Bargain Prices in Ladies' Hose Ladies' leatherette special hat boxes .... $2.98 -- I - - Special Men's High Grade Oxfords Hartts, Murrays, Strider, Wilkes Glove Phit, at bargain price. Regular $7.00 to $12.00, Bargain Price ........................... $5.98 Running Shoes Men's special runnîng boot in brown with trim. Regular $1.75. Sale Price ............... 99e Boys' running boot in Oxford, or boot, different styes and colors.......................... 88e Women's running shoes, white slipper or oxford, black oxford, Regular $1.35, Sale Prîce Pair 89e Children'a Running Shoes Sizes 5 to 7 1/2............................ 67c Sizes 8 to 10Uà.......................... 74e Sizes il to 2............................ 79e Women's Bathing Shoes Various sizes............... 29c, 39c, 49c, 59e BOYS' Boys' black and tan oxfords, limited quantity left, Regular $2.95, Sale Price...........$198 45 pairs of boys' tan boots, guaranteed Good- year soles, Regular $4.50, Sale Price . .. . $2.88 Boys Work Boots, Regular $4.00, Sale Price $1.98 Inf ants' Shoeà 300 pair of soft sole slippers, sizes 0 to 4, Regular 95c, Sale Price ................... 29e Patent Leather Strap Slippers $2.95 i Many different styles and patterns at this popu-1 lar price. Some trimmed with gun metal, others with black or colored reptile; aIl styles, made on neat, comfortable fitting asats ,with either spike, cuban or low heels, with rubber top pieces. Bargain Prices in Trunks, Suit Cases, Club Bags, Hand Pags, Etc. Ladies' Boudoir Slippers ,In various colora, with and without heels. Regular $1.00. Rovan's Sale..................... 33e LADIES Ladies' Latest Noveîty Shoes 650 pair in black patent, kid, colored leather, etc. Sizes 2% to 7. Reg. $5.00, Sale Price $2.98 Ladies' Pumps, One Strap 210 pairs only, in high and cuban heels, Regu- lar $5.00 ,Sale Price. .................. $1.98 Ladies' Shoes Limited quantity in black patent, satin, etc. High and cuban heels. Shoes that sold as high as $7.00. Clearance Price............... $3.78 Ladies' White Canvas Puimps 46 pair, in the latest styles, Regular $2.75 to $4.00, Sale Price ................ 88e to $1.98 Womnen's One Strap Patent and Kid Slippers 173 pair, cuban beels, sizes 2% to 7, "E" widtb, Regular $4.00, Sale Price ............... .$2.18 Ladies' Shoes 300 pair from the bankrupt stock odds and ends in ladies' shoes, real good vaues, especially for those who wear 2%1/, 3, 3 1-, 4, 4%',, 5 shoes. 110 ipair at................................... 88e i90 pair at....................... . 8 1 100 pair at ... . . . . ... . . ... $1.88 HURLBUT SHOE SPECIAL One-strap boots .............$1.69 R. J. ROVAN Quality Footwear Mail Orders Filled Promptly Phone 528 On The Sunnyside Bowmanville 'i Developing and Printing-Elgbt-Hour Service Phone 248 &7.ý THURSDAY, JULY 19th., 192S.

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