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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1928, p. 3

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PAGE THREE THE11 CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l9th., 1928. Never before bas such tare boon used ln preparin teas for the. public. Nover before bas sucb a blond et higli qualilty toas been mado as In 6"SALADA" This flavour, this unfaillng doi(clousnoss ls bring- Ing pleasuro to millions. STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Prîvate Wire System il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calls At Our Expense SPECIAL TO CLEAR One Electric Range LAWN MOWERS SPECIALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR SEASONABLE ARTICLES Sereen Doors, Sereen Windows, Oil Stoves, Etc. MASO N & DALE Phone 145 PopuJaT Hardware Store Bowmanville In Our Annex Ice-Cold Buttermilk Aîways Fresh Ice Cream AIU Kinds of Summer Drinks British Canadian Pineapple Marmalade, 3 lb. jar 45e Sunkist Oranges, large and jtucy ...59e dozen Cooking Figs ............................ 2 lb. for 19e A new shipment of Quaker Flour, and Beans, DeLuxe Jelly Powders, full assortment of Vegetables Libby's Pork Heinz Goods, fresh daily. HARRY ALUIN, Grocer BOWMAN VILLE e ngSet First International Air Craft Display and H.M. Royal Air Force Band (En gland); Ex- hibits from nearly every coun- try; 2.200 voice Exhibition Chorus; W/oril's Largest Agri- cultural Show; an Amateur Sports Program riî.iJ:ng an 1 olympisel, auto raceson he î fasteat dirt track in America; fint showing 1929 inotor cars. and feature after f eature overy hour of cvcry day. TORONrO-ONTARIO THE greatest and most thrilling sport- the 3rd Wrigley Marathon. Fromn the one and a heif miles of Canadien National Exhibition shoreline. thous- ands will view tItis gigantic spectacle of __Internationally famed Catalina a nd SEnglish Channel Conquerors striving for the World Championship laurels and the $50.000 purse. To witness s Wrigley Marathon is 10 witness a world spectacle that Easy neyer be repcsted in thisa country. Be sure to sethie Big Swim this year-twa event-Wednesday. AIJG. 29th for womcn. and Wednesday, SEPT. 5th, for both women sud men. Send for lieraur.describine f li entire four- .n*,,,y Golden Jubile..Ysar, Canadian uational Exhibition. Toronto- Ontario. S THORWAIAW .WW LOCAL AND OTHERWISE "BARNETr BROTHERS CIRCUS INFANT WELFARE CONFERENCE Eiet Cream of Barley every day. ADTANDANMLSO S Will mothere of infants kindly Mrs. G. E. Talcott recently visited The world's largest completely note that beginning with this week relatives in Edville. motorized shows in the known world there wiIl be no Infant Welfare Con- Misa Olive Mutton, Toronto, la will pitch its big city of tenta on ference held for four weeks but will holiayin at ome.Scugog Street for one day only, Wed- be resumed again on Friday, August Miss Jessie Hardacre, Toronto, is nesday, August lst., afternoon and l7th. 9l vistin Mis CaraAshee.evening at 2 and 8 P. M. A grand visiing issClar Asheefree street parade at noon on day of Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- exhibition through the principal "THE SCREECH OWL" onto, spent Sunday at kome. streets. Don't forget the day and Amnthfaoblco etan A new wing, coaring %45,000 is be- the date-rain or shine. AHigh SholaJornablse oonto ing built to Port Hope hospital. ___________________Gob s he ollowingth orsyof Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Henry, Hamnil-Glb bath oown t sy f tn pn udywith reaies here. Bowmanville High School's year book: tonspet Snday reavesThree more high school journals Miss Winnie Robinson, Toronto, have come to hand, rather late, but spent the weekend with Mrs. H. Ash- very welcome. As usual, The lee. Screech Owl of iBowmanville High Mrs. Wmn. Barden, Detroit, Mich., School, sings a melodîous song in is visting Miss Alice Silver and other spite of its name. Its news col- relatives. ' umns and illustrations are good, and This year's prise bast of the Cana- the dedication of this issue to the dian National Exhibition is greatly late Prof. John Squair of the Uni- in excess of $1,000,000. uKL- versity of Toronto, is most fitting. - Mn.is vsiin Hoidge, Winnipeg, Prof. Squair always had a warm re-1 Ma. svstn er aunt, Mrs . S gT fhe Purld hit, ro te H. Williams, Liberty St. TePrl n htfo h Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucas, Mim- Kenova High School, is another ex- - ico, were guests over the weekend ofcelnjora omaoprti. bis sister, Mrs. John Davcb. In One Glas& of MiIk is th,. Stuff ly small school. Principal Rosevear of Kenora, like Principal Moi-ison Mms. Kate Wight is visiting her Thot Makes. Mon out of Boys. of Bowmanville, takes a very likely brother, Rev. S. J. Allin, and nephew, interest in ail schooî activities. The Mr. Percy Elford, Toronto. third journal mentîoned is The Van- I ra Eliza Brown and Mise Carnie Our pure pasteurized milk is a tech from Vancouver Technical Bodhave returned £rom w weeks' superior food. You should School. - visit with friends in Toronto. Mrs.Geo Carthrs hs beniserve it as a beverage in your spending the past week witb rela- home. You should use it in NIL i tives and friends at Vernonville. your cooking.ENIL Miss Doris Foster and Miss Helen A garden party will be held at the McGregor spent the weekend with home of Mr. Edwin Ormiston, En- Miss Jessie McDougall, Toronto. MIk 's Youi- Best Foodi field, Wednesday, August 1. Suppe, Mr. and Mrs. William Wevry, served from 5 p. ni. At 8 p. nm. a Woodstock, have been visiting his' prograni will be given by the Johnson brother, Mr. J. H. Werry, Horsey-st. Entertainers of Blackatock, consisting Mrs .Harry Stowe and daughter ftUkA T1Y vr of Mack Johnson, string instrument Gladys. Rochester,, N. Y., is visiting VWSÂ M~VLLL D RKI pecialist, Mrs. G. W. Johnson, pian- Mrs. J. A. Gunn and other relatives.NOS. ist, Lollie and Hallie, duets, chai-acter Mr. nd rs.Joh Clrke f A- :ING ST. snging. Admission: Adults 50c; landale, have been visiting their cous- P O E Mo lr. nd Ms. Abr idr n i, Rer. and Mvs. W. C. Washing-Mran s.AbtNdeyad ton. farnily, Toronto, Mr- and Mrs. H. Mi-. and Mrs. Otho Brown, Detroit, I U Delve,* Columbus, at Mr. J. Hep- Mich., ai-e holidaying with bis aunt, burn's; Mr .and Mrs. John Ormiston, Mrs. W. G. Robbins and other frienda Oshawa, at Mi-. W. J. Ormiston's; here. Miss H. Ratcliffe, Sti-athroy, at Mr-. 0. Mi-s. A. D. McDonald and son Mur-___________- McCufloch's; Mv. and Mrs. John Col- ray of Kingston, are visiting her 'will, Hanmpton, Mr .and Mrs. E. Pas- aunt, Mrs. John Hamlyn and other coe, Bvooklin, Mms. J. West, Owen relatives bei-e. Sound, at Mi-. G. Ormiston's; Mi-. and If one be troubled with coi-ns, he Mms. W. Smit.h and family recently will find in Holloway's Coi-n Remover viaited in Toronto . .. Congratula- an application that will entirely i-e- tions te Mr. Mervyn Hobbs And bride 9 lieve suffering. . ..Cngratulations to Misses Helen Mvs.J. . Smer. Msa orohy, LVI58.V ~Stark. Vera Stinson and Master AI- Messrs. Jack and Gordon Somers, bei-t Tennant on being successful at Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and e the entrance exaidnations... Ms. Mrs. Thos. Jackson. aam w. Geo. Ormiston and Mrs. J. Hepburn have been undgr the doctor's cure. Mrs. J. F. Chapman and daughter - Bath ave improving. .....Mr. and Mms. Gladys, Empi-cas Avenue Parsonage, ii eW. Hudson and faniily, Hartney, London, Ont., are spending a few rea i'- C Man., have Teturneti home after days with Mrs. L. Morris. spending over a month at Mi-. J. Mc- Eat Cream of Barley every dpy. h sClo'. Wm. Roenigk and Miss Gertrude Clohs Roenigk, Lindsay, were recent guests "My bill for that call was of Mi-. and Mi-s. W. F. Dale. 60 cents", said Mm .King, TOWN COLJNCIL Mi-. and Mme. W. J. Trenouth and "and Mm. Jones paid 75 A special meeting of the Town Mrs. John Gilbert, Napanee, are c- centaru Council was held on July l3th. Al cupying, Miss Annie Allin'a bouse ofl members present, Mayor Holgate pi-e- Centre Stveet during the holidays. The explanation is that Mms. siding. Mayor stated that he had Rev. E. A. Tonkin assisted at the King had said to the oper- called this special meeting for the funeral service of the late Miriam C. ator "I wî spesk to any- purpose of receiving reports on es- Harris, Port Perry, on Monday, July c hr" timates of expendituves of the var- 9th. Obituary on another page. OetC-" ious committees, andi to sti-ike the Miss Muriel Baker, Solina, and That madie it a Sttion-to- rates for the following year: Miss Marjorie Couch. Bethesda, are sttin a, The chairmen of committees gave visiting their grandmother, Mrs. W. their reporta, and the following es- J.' Bragg and attending Chautauqua. Station-to-Station calla are timates were received: Pleaseti to receiva a caîl from Mi-. quieker andi about 20 pe Roads and streets. . ... r.. ...$3000 FrdR. Foley, St. Catharines. Ile cent cheaper thn eron Public propei-ty------------.5200 and Mrs. Foley and Daviti were vis- tPolnsge.Moe ie department............8000 iting bis sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, opro mesgsMo- Fi daten.......00 Maple Gi-ove over, low evening rates Cemetery .................. 1400 Mrs. S. J. Henry visited friends in (aftev 8.30 pi.). andi stifi Relief and Health-----------.2200 Port Hope last week and attended the îower igt raes (Saa ries................... 3420 induction service of Rer. J. G. Horns- midnight) apply on tattion- SContinent-----------------2.4500 by into the pastorate of St. Paul's to-station cal. And couRorts ereen...ivd. and..afte0 Presbyterian Churcb.Reot e reidan afr Mi-. and Mrs. John Ohneth and nection is usually establish- discussion were carrieti. daughter Thirza, and Mr. Mitchin, et whie I/Ou ressors at th By-laws were introduceti relating Niagara Falls, New York, bave been telephone. to the levying of rates, exemption of visiting their sister, Mrs. W. J.- farm lands from taxation, amenti- Taylor, "Frank Fanm". Remember plea.se - station- ment to the fi-e by-law and the ap- Protect the chilti from the ravages to-station caîls are quicker pointment of the Medical Officer of of worms by using Motiher Graves' and cheaper. Health. Ail by-laws were rend the Worm Exterminator. It is a stand- fi-st time and approveti. The coun- ard remedy. andi yeams of use have cil formed a committee of the whoi enhanced its eputation. and on second and third readings the Mr. Hrry room, Toonto baslaws were passedl andi ordered to be L been elected President of the Ontario signeti and sealed. Association of the Deaf. Mr. Reports dealing witb the paving of Grooms is a son-in-law of Mrs. J. W. roads were tableti. Messrs. Greer Brooks, Beech Ave., Bowmanville. and Fellowes addressed the council with reference to the paving of con- About twenty-one members of the f necting links between town andi A.Y.P.A. of Dunbai-ton, belti their _______________ county roads. It was moveti andi picnic on Friday on the lawn of Mi-. adopteti that county roada from King and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, "Fvank_______________- St. north on Liber-ty St; and from Farrm". Ail hati a mer-y afternoon King St. nortb on Scugog St. be par- witb games andi a gooti supper. ed. Tbe Engineer was advised to Mayor T. S. Holgate epresentoti adrertise for tenders for this work. the town of Bowmanville at a meet- ing of the Central Ontario Pnwerij- Association held in Cobnu' . F Like a Grip at the Thi-oat. For a L. Mason, Osbawa, is Presiden', andi diseuse that is not classeti as fatal G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Second Vice there is probably none which causes time considering the very warm day. obtain new thi-ilîs in if e, and come Tbey were liberateti at 6.45 n. m. and away with the greatest significance of the firet bird was locked in at 6.18 what life reaIly is. iGeorgian Bay, p. M. The next vrace le from Dan- .French River, Pointe au 'Baril, Tuma- ville, Ill., 528 miles, following is tbe gami ,Muskoka, Kawartha, Bon Ecb- result of Saturday's race: os aIl await to give the viaitior a ra- F. Botti-ell, il hi-s, 32 mina, 42 sec. th asnr cation worth while. r;. Bttrell, il hi-s, 34 mina,'4sc.s For full resort information consult J Poolton & Son 12 bye, 14 mina, 6 sec utha .unmsqaop n tce gn fteCnda Woolner Bros., and J. Turner no e- tb Pacifie Railway. Mr. C. B. Kent, port. tde .stm Townt Agent, Bowmanville, Ont. 28-21 ICE CREAM Let us mix your favourite Sundae or Soda. Pure ingredients and finest quality ice cream. Page and Shaw Chocolates, Rowntree's Chocolate Bars. The Bowmanvilie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville Mr. Farmer 1 Check up on your Haying and Harvest Sup- plies. Our cash pnices on these requirements are inost interesting. Binder Twine Machine Oit Hay Fork Rope Dr. Williams FIy Spray Hay Fork Pulleys Creonoid Hay Forks Sprayers May we book your order for Binder Twine? Lawn Mowers and Garden Hose Now Clearing at COST PRICE Dustan's Cash* Hardware "'WE SERVE YOU WELL" -dE The Experienced Housewi1: S ho bere aM e k »ow ha ub e t 5a avi gs ot s ay one item. but m the,.tali mouat of ber wsj& «.ur - chases, week inamd eu nutse cam aet bar neeu flo.sinimaSore.whers gua5ty toasts. Aylmer Choice. DUNaMaE DRR4'K F.D. Smsitl 13:L.CAPPLrE nt o r U4 ARMALADE Ne 12 k . 2 5 e efr R t B eu rs Iner M e. 29e I . 3-1b. J ar2 9 0 speew l m 8l20 5 b tàdu %Ib M .... e " de2 BeaVW"CI&C.......S Brongwkk Sardlnes.4 ii;;sSU PRNAO rixe -Pastes .........57e 35e Tun MVI-b.u ...ne or K&tas......UbI Lobterpase .... 14 0 539 270 M's %LumebToagusnecTI* Gullitte BON AI ICi i,.Wt I CSC N a"i RAZOR BLADES oI sFueiARROget CLEAI4ER i »L s2 for se SeTlIt1e250 CaWoenta Yu~ Cient pr aavngrara cspl*'a T..,d PEACHES 8maRS sL.I1SD. . soup Large nn1,'I D . 2 5 Machine m« imCMNI -"e 3g 2 1CE-rTo 290 ot1 a a TruSft l0Msoalada Tin 29a I'g-auIL5 AyImee ChoieFancy Blc ue j D»elacta Aspa ilgi Tom m 2t ee %34 I m . pe 3 5 . Ti Ne. 2 Il. 1 3 'bu. 25* % 3eu Mtar Aunsola 4 10e 2501Comfort boP loft» 530. shblwiRf'sTausE xtvaotu jBorné,& Double ceaUm IL14-09. Dottle 230 Cultard 290 lb. Wb t 'r Summer Drinks Canada Dry and Belfast Ginger Aie; Lime Juice; Grape Juice; Orangeade; Lemonade 10 Bars Surprise Soap and Aluminum Kettle $1.65 Value-FOR $1.15 9 Bars Sunlight Soap and Rubberized Tea-apron $1.63 Value-FOR 98c AIU seasonable fruits at right prices ARCHIIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville PHONE 186 >//"~/ 1 Klir,

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