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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1928, p. 4

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VAGE FOURTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAIVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l9th., 1928. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Bowmanville to Have One of the Smartest Women 's Specialty Shops in Ontario. To make room for the Carpenters, Decorators, Electricians, etc., who will begin to tear our store to pieces on or about August 1, we finci it necessary to Seli Our Entire Stock of High Clasa Ready-to-Wear in Two Weeks In order to ensure our selling every garment before the end of the rnonth we are holding an "ALTERATION SALE" starting FRIDAY, JULY 2Oth., and continuing until end of the month.. This is your opportunity to secure Dresses, Slips, Lingerie, Pull overs and Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Etc., at prices that mean a very real saving to you. 0f course the early shopper wiIl have the largest selection but remember every garment in this store is new and was purchased quite recently for this season's selling and that we handie only tjue very best quality merchandise that is is possible to buy, there is no rubbish in this store. NOTE-Renember everything in the store is to be sold in two weeks. Every garment is new and fresh. If you want real srnart clothes ai store and corne early. The terrns are cash. No garments on approval and no exchanges. Lt prices that will save you money, corne to this Clarence S. Mason' s Little Shoppe with the Large Stock BOWMvvANVlli y I .'à W. D. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Semi-annual meeting of West Dur- hain Agricuitural Society will be hel< in Counicil Room on Friday evening, July 20, 1928, at 7.30 p. mi. (stand- ard time). This meeting is for re- vision of prize lists and other regu- lar business. Al members of So- ciety are urged to be present, and those in charge of revision of sec- tions asked to be prepared with their suggestions. L. T. McLaughlin, C. H. Maton, President. Secretary. SummerTerm In each of Shaw's Twelve Schoola folows the present Session In regu- lar order fromn July rd wlth n forced vacations. Enter any day. Booket free. Write 1130 Bay St., Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary.I Beets Beets Now is the tume to put them up for winter use. You can have themn moat delicious by using Kerslake's Pickle Mixture Those who have used this are rnost enthusiastic. 25c For Haîf Gallon 50c For Full Gal. Quantity Very easy to prepare Kersiake Gives Service You can get your needs from us at any time, day or night. KERSLA KE'S The Dependable Drug Store y' LESKARD COURTICE HAYDON SALEM r- Leskard Sunday School anniversary Mr. James Dixon and bride, Kit- Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley and fam- On Sunday, Rev. J. R. Trunipour, d wil] be held on Sunday, July 22nd. chener, called on Mrs. W. R. Court- ily Sundayed with relatives in Pon-. pastor, occupied the pulpit and his Services at 3 P. nm. will be conducte-d ice recently. Mr. Dixon is son of typool . ... Mr arnd Mrs. Henry Ash- discourse was an earnest appeal for 1- by Mrs. Sterling and at 7.30 p. m. Rev. S. F. Dixon who wais on the ton visited Mr. Cyrus Ashton's, Cart-' better church attendance.'. Mr. and !- by the Rev. W. Sterling, Pastor. Spe- Courtice circuit some years ago .... wright, on Sunday. .. . Mrs. Emily Mrs. W. Fitze, Janetville, and Mr. icial music by the choir. On Monday Mrs. A. F. Rundle, Miss Hoît, Mrs. Bradley Sundayed at Mr. C. Coulter's, and Mrs. John Heard and grandson, -supper will be served, a bail game T G. Mason, Bowinanville, anid Mr. Oshawa .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mc- Oshawa, visited at Mr. Geo. Cornish~s d played ,and concert presented. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice motored to Neil visited Mr. Fred Cowling'-, Cart- on Sunday. Young Master Heard ---- Lindsay Sunday and spent the day wright ...Miss Muriel Thompson remained to spend some holidays .... *with relatives there.... .On Tuesday spont a few days at her uncle's in Mr. J. A. McFeoters, Toronto, wa.s Take Notice evening, Juîy 10, the Mission Circle Whitby. ..Master Roy Welsh, Tor- calling in the neighborhood last week, held a successful strawborry social onto, is holidaying at Mr. C. Avery's having brought Mrs. MeFeeters down 1. Take notice that the Council of sthe on the church lawn. Tea was serv- . . Congratulations to Rema Bradley, to spend a few days with his sister, Corpioration of the Town of l3owmanville ed froni 5 p. m. until all were served, Bert Ashton and Fred Beech in oh- Mrs. W. W. Henderson, Providence,1 mnent a to construct as a Local Improve- menta ceentconcrete pavément 20 and a concert was given: readings by taining honors and Myrtle Cowling in who continues il]. We hope for a feet wide upon Lambert St. from King Miss Louise Courtice and Mr. Ian passing on the entrance examinations speedy recovery. .A number gath- St. to Queen St. and intends 50 specially Robersn;acmedy given by Misse.% at Solina .... League last Sunday ev- ered on Monday night to watch the assess part of the cost uron the ]and eto;ac ahutting ilirectly upon the work. Haze] Rundle, Louise Courtice and ening was ini charge of Mrs. E. softball League game between Maple 2. The estimated coat of the work la Marie Rundle in which Miss Frances Mountjoy. Prograni con.4isteil of Grove and Salem, the home teani be- $2250)00 of whlch $400 is Io be paid by Hancock sang; a vocal solo bv Mrs. bible reading by Miss Myrtle Cowling; îng the winners .. . .Don't forget the tkie Corporation. The estimated special (Rev.) Staînton and a piano duet by devotional, Mrs. C. Avery; topic, MrB Salem community picnic at Hampton rate per foot ls $200 and the estimatedOsoe annual special rate lier foot frontage is MissesOson and Rundie. The E. Bradley. A piano Juet was nice- Park, August 3rd., at 1 p. m. Every- .1605. The speclal asseasment shail ho proceeds were $48.0Q.. The monthly ly played by Misses Renia and Freda one corne early and enjoy a full af ter- rmade payable In 20 annual instalments. meeting of the W. M. S. held at the Bradley. It was decided to hold our noon of sports and games. 3. A Petition against the work will not Parsonage on Wednesday, July llth., annual League picnic at the Cream Of avail to prevent iUs construction but a nin charge of Brly vey ay Petition against the work or thie manner was i hreo Mrs. G. F. Annis and Barloy Camp, Rownianville, nxSat- EtCemo alyoeydy in wkick i t bas been undletakf-n may be hor group. The President, Mrs. urday afternoon. ruade as provlded for by skie L.ocal Iru- Frank Rundle, presided and after the Est Cream of Barley every day. NIKLE provement Act to thie Ontario Rallway oein y an ENNISKMissLLEN and Municipal Board by a majority of theoennghmn dpryrMsFan-____ owners representing as least one-half of ces Hancock sang. The bible losson Hear Ebnzrpa "rodGe the value of the lots whlch are especially was read and prayers offored and ~nzrpa rodGe a»sssad therefore. after the business part of the meet- TYRONE Into Busineis" at Hampton, Friday, r)ated Ihis lth day of July 19218. ing a fine missionary talk on religion July 27th. 28-3w. John Lyle, Clerk. in foreign countries was given by our Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H.* Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. George Callan and pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton. A vocal Bowmanville, are spending a few days Mr. Harry Pye, Bowmanville, visited solo by Mrs. A. E. Rundie and a road- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mrs. John Pye. .Mis Mary E. Noie oCrdtosing by Miss Florence Courtice wore Dudey. . .Mr. Arthur RichardsOsh- Virtue, Toronto, with her nother, Mrs) Misses Osborne and Rundie concluded Mr. Fred Goodman, Town, spent the Miss Audrey Shortt, Oshawa, visited IN THE MATTER 0F 7THE ESTATE the program.Lnhwssrean ekn thm...Ms arR.tM.LviBu' ..M.adMs tif Joanna Elizabeth Rundle, late of the . Lnhwssre n ekn thm....r.HryR tM.Lv rn'....r n r Town of Bowmarjville, in the ('ouuty of a social hour spent. *Mrs. Stainton Snmith, Helen and Harold, Utica, N. Herbert Smith and the latter's nioth- Diurham, deceaspd. was a most genial hostese. . .. Con- Y., Messrs- J. Robinson aud George or, Mrq. Brown, Toornto, -Miss Luella NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant gratulations to Miss Florence Court- Walton, Newcastle, Miss Edith M. Stevens, Oshawa, visited at Mr. How- to Section 51 o!fSkie Trustees Act, R. s. 0. 19-27, Chkap. 150, that ail creditors aud rue on passing her piano examination Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mut- ard Stevens'. . Miss Reva McGill and o7hrs kaving dlaims or demande against with honors. ..We congratulate our ton and Mr. Ivan Smith, Bowmauville, Miss Mac Werry are attending Sum- the estate of the said Joanna Elizabeth teacher, Mr .B. O. Young on his on- spent Suuday at Mrs. Viola Sniith's. mer School at Oak Lake .... .Dr. and ofdl who (l128ia ed nsradbownthe3rdow- tran ce class, five out of six passing ..Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and Mrm. Ferguson and sons Allen and roanville, are required on or before the SUCCessfully. Several had been away fasnily, Raglan, Sundayed with her Donald, visited at Mr. E. Flory's.... 105th day of Auguist,2, to send by post, with mumps previous to the exams, parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott..On account of redecorating our ur' laid, or to xfl lver 50, W. Ptoss Srike, miss ing the review work and we thînk Mr. and Mrs. R. McCullough Sunday- church, services were hed nthOr Býowmanvxlle, Ontario, solicitor for Skiehes eOr .-xcitors o! the aset Will and Testament they did well. . .. Mr. W. H. Nichois ed at his brother's, Mr. Hugh MeCCO- ange Hall on Sunday asat and will a]- of th- said dÉceased, their Christian hias improved the appearance of hiaq lough's, Pontypool. ..Mr. and Mrs. so lbe held there next Sunday ... nam'" s and surnamnes, addresses and (les- house by puttiug in new windows anîd Neil MacEachern and babe, Waterloo, Misses Elva and Doris Griffin, Toron- cristions, the fuîl particulars lu writing, o! their dlaims, a statement of!tSheir aec- a new front porch and painting it spent a few days with Mr. and Mra. to, are holidayiug with their parents, e-.iots, and Skie nature o! the securîty, .Mr. John Morrow is giviug his Russell Wright and made several Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Griffin .. . .The re- f auy, held by theru. house a coat of paint . .. . Mrs. Walt- calls in the village.League gainie decoration of our church is coniing Aendtiedatie tsatd eecr shltor Snider has returned after spondiug of basebail, Enniskill en vs. Tyrone, aloug fine. The decorators expect prnoed 50dibte eSie assets ow i proee t ditrbue he sstsofthe thre weeks in Brantford with Mr. was played on Wednesday evening. to be through this week. It is a sald deceased among Skie parties cntitled Suider. Score 22-23 in favoir of Tyrone. wonderful iniprovenient and looks so ikiereto. havlng regard only inthSe cdaims o! wkich tkiey skiaIt thAn have notice, Eat Creani of Barley every day. The Sacranient of the Lord's Supper bright and cheerful ail through. We aud kiaS Skie said xecuiors will not be _______wîll be admiuistered in this church are lookiug forward to ii great time Hiable for skie said adsets or auv part on Sunday at 10.30 a. mi.. . Miss Ida on Sunday and Monday, August 5th Shereof 50 any person or,,,ersons o!wkiose BUY COAL NOW L. Joues and Mr. Alex. Wilson, Tor- and 6th. Mr .H. W. Hutchinson of dlaim notice shaîl nos have becu rzýceived by them asikhe time oif such i dstribution. onto, spent Sunday at Mr. David Winnipeg, expecta to bie here to meet W. ROSS STRIKE, Soliilîini- for Large supply of coal, nut and fur- Hooper's. ail his old friends. Let this be a T. C. JeweII and C. H. Macon, Executor@ nace for sale at Tyrone Station. De- A pleasant evening to aIl who at- real re-union of former resideuts. o! sald jIstate. Dated as Bowmanville thls 155h day livery is required. Apply R. H. tend the play at Hampton on Friday, Particulars later. o! July. 1928. 29-s Collacott, phone 181r12. 28-4*lpJuly 27th. Est Creani of Barley every day. Good Used Cars Cheaper In Toronto Everybody knows that used cars sel] for hundreds of dollars les in Toronto than dealers can afford to sell them in ybur town. The tremendous stocks on the Toronto market and keen corn- petition force prices down. In the majority of cases, they are znuch better cars, as inost of theni have nover left the city pave- ments and have neyer been asked to stand the rough going of country roads. Now Look These Prices Over MAKE Cadillac Morris Oxford Hupmobile Chrysler '"7211 Hudson Essex Studehaker McLaughlin Jord an Essex Hudson Hupmobile Jewett Wi]lys Knight INc La ughlin Willys Knight Maxwell Dodge MODEL Sedan Con. Coupe Sedan Sedan Coach Coach Big 6 Sedan Coach Sport Salon Coach Coach Sedan Coach Sedan 4 Cyl. Coach Touring Club Sedan Special Touring YEAR PRICE 1919 1927 1926 1928 1923 1926 1924 1926 1927 1926 1924 1926 1925 1927 1923 1925 1925 1926 400.00 1275.00 117 5.00 i775.00 350.00 5 00.00 800.00 9 75.00 1475.00 525.00 495.00 1050.00 695.00 1350.00 395.00 600.00 5 00.00 Positive Money-Back Guarantee Every car fully conditioned and sold on our absolute three-day money-back guaranteo. If wve have the car you waut cal us long distance, Kingsdale 4178. Quick action necessary. Phono today. O'Don nel-Mackie Limited 577 Yonge Street, Hupniobile & Jordan Distributors à fi INDIVIDUAL HIGH CLASS FLAT CREPE DRESSES Six Only-Rose Beige, Pilot Blue , Mauve Blush, Rose Dawn, Pine Frost, Old Blue, dresses that can be worn twelve months in the year, we thought them excellent value when we bought them to sel at $20.00 $15.00 Alteration Sale Price WOMEN'S DRESSES AT $4.98 Ten Only-Double Spun Silk and Sun Proof Foul- ard Dresses in colors-long sleeves-good wash- ers, sizes 38, 40, 42, Alteration Sale Price $4.98 WHITE CREYSHENE DRESSES AT $4.98 Four Only-White Creyshene Dresses with long sleeves and one sleeveîess, sizes 18 and 20, Alteration Sale Price $4.98 FIGURED CREPE, VOILES AND PRINTED ENGLISH BROADCLOTH COMBINED WITH ORGANDIE DRESSES Seven Only-Smart Misses' Dresses, sizes 14. 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, Alteration Sale Price $4.98 MATRONS DRESSES 0F FIGURED CREPE Ten Only-Women's Dresses of small quiet patt- tern Figured Crepe with long sleeves, sizes 40, 42, 44. These are excellent value, Alteration Sale Price $6.98 RAYON SILK DRESSES WITH LONG SLEEVES Two Only-Black ground with white figure and navy ground with light pattern, sizes 38, 40, Alteration Sale Price $6.98 MISSES' DRESSES 0F FLAT CREPE, PETTI RAYON AND WHITE SILK Fourteen Only-Sleeveless and long sleeves, sizes 14, 16 ,18, 20, Alteration Sale Price $6.98 TWENTY-ONE REAL GOOD DRESSES FOR PRICE 0F A CHEAP ONE We offer 21 dresses consisting Flat Crepe, Figured Silk Crepes, Kiwash Crepe. AIl these dresses are pure silk ,every conceivable color and combination of colors. Included in the lot are il only White Silk Crepe de Chene Dresses with and without sleeves, siz es 14 to 42. There are dresses in this group made to selI for as much as $25.00, Alteration Sale Price$9 8 PORCH OR MORNING DRESSES Four Only-Printed Figured Broadcloth and Pique Dresses, sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, Alteration Sale Price $1 .98 JAPANESE CREPE KIMONAS Six Only-Beautifuîly embroidered Crepe Kimon- as in Black with colored embroidery, Pink, Blue, and Rose. Just the thing for the beach, Alteration Sale Price $1 .89 DRESSES FOR LITTLE TOTS 22 Only--Children's "Betty Brown" Spun Silk Pantie Dresses, sizes for 6 ,8 and 10 years. Regular Price $4.75, Alteration Sale Price $2.49 PULLOVERS AND SKIRTS Eight OnIy-Lovely new Pullovers and 3 Only Silk Crepe Skirts, Alteration Sale Price Pullovers $2 .25 Alteration Sale Price-Skirts $4.95 MONARCH KNITTED SUIT One Only-White Knitted Suit, the regular price was $10.50, Alteration Sale Price $5.00 Slips, Lingerie, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Garters, Etc., ail Reduced for Alteration Sale. Ji VAGE FOUR TORONTO Kilagadale 4178 -#A 9 1 PHONE 161 ONE DOOR WEST OF F. F. MORRIS CO, BOWMANVILLE

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