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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1928, p. 5

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PAGE FIVI THE CANAIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY i9th., 1928. IN MEMORIAM1 BIRTHS n lovng memory of Russell Crossman CI-APMAN-In Oshawa, July 7, 1928, to who passed away July 22, 1926. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chapmnan, a daughter. Hie was called froin this world of sorrow, CHATTERTON-In Orono, JuIy 6, 1928, Leaviflg sweet memorles of love, to Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Chatterton, a B3ut hils soul shall live on forever son. (Orville Inwood). In the beautiful world above. HILLS-In Bowmanviile Hospital, Julyl Sadily missed by Wîfe, Father and .1. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. His, a Mother. daughter. (Joyce Olive). CH ESTER-At St. Michaels HospWtl In loving memory of our dear sisters, Toronto, on July 10, 1928, to Dr. and Mrsý.< Elizabeth Wakelin, who passed away on J. F. V. Chester. 216 Kingston Road,jd Oct. 26th., 1911, and Martha A. Wakelin, Toronto, a daughier. who passed away on July l9th., 1926. They are gone but flot forgotten - ' Neyer wll their memory fade Tho, lost to slght, In memory ever dear. MARRIAGES Sadl mised >' Sster an DOUBT-HERON-On July 11, 1928, b roh Rev. Jas. C. Elford, Scugog, Jessie Mar-jt garet, younger daughter o! Mr. and Mrs STEWART-In loving memor>' o! our Roht. G. Heron, Myrtle, and Regin ald dear mother and grandma, Elizabeth Annf William, eIder son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Stewart. who died Jul>' 12, 1926. liami Doubt, Oak Ridges. july always brngs sad memorl.,Žs. TRELFORD-BRUNTON-At Tara, Of a loved one gone to rest, Ont., on Saturday, July 7, 1928, by Rev. She will always be rememhered R. J. Murphy, rector of Christ Church, By the ones who loved her hest. Norman Edgar, eldest son o! Mr. and Days of sadnees till corne o'er uq, Mrs. Wm. Trelford, Arran, and Eleanor, Teara in silence often flow daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brunt- Memory keeps her ever near ius on, Tara. Though ahe died two years vgo. Sadly missed by Margaret and Euphemia. 1 DEATHS In loving memory o! Martha IVakelin who departed this life July l9th., 1926. It's juat two years ago today,1 Since God came and took her away Forget her? No. we neyer wiil, 1 For in our hearta we love her stili. 1 She did not fail to do her best Her heart was true and tender 1 She worked hard for those ahe loved 3 That is something to remember. Long days. long nights, ahe bore her pain To wait for cure but al in vain Tiil God himself knew what was best He took her home and gave her rest. Sadly missed b>' Harold, Rosalind and Clair. 29-1w' In loving memory o! our dear mother, Mina 1.nne bclve wife o! -Mr. Fred1 Lane ,who ivent to lie îith Jesus Jul>' 19,1 1923. Faithful and earnest in ail lier ways, Dvoted and true to the end of her daya, A loving mother, go gentie and kind, What a ivonderful memory slîe eft be- hind. Days and nights she bore lier pain, To Nvait for cure but aIl in vain, Tilb God hinîself knew îvhat was bet Hie took lier home and gave her reet. 'Tis sîveet to think welIl necet again Where parting is no more, And that the one ive loved 50 ivel filas only gone before. Sadly missed by her daughter Laura vnd Articles For Sale COWS FOR SALE-Tîvo good big Dur- hîam Springers. Apîly to T. W. Cawker, Bowmanville. 2- LUMBER FOR SALE-Oak and Pine lumber. Prices reasonable. AppI>' to Thos. D. Byers, Pont ypool. 29-3w- FOR SALE-Sampson Tractor, ln good condition. AppI>' to L. R. Woods, Mc- ARGU E-At Solina, on Wednesday, Julyl 11, 1928, Henry G. Argue, aged 75 years.i DOWSON-At Winnipeg, Mlan., July 6,1 1928, George Dowson. in his 75th year. Interment in Pin e Grove Cemeter>'. N ELLES-At Stratheona Hospital, Jul>' 13, 1928. Elizabeth Nelles, in lher 8th year, dearl>' beloved wife o! Jacob Nelles. DON EV-At Port Hope on Saturda>', Jul>' 14, 1928, Alice Grange. beloved wif e o! the late Frank Doney, In lher 69th year. MUNSON-At Port Hope, July 9, 1928. Mary Ann Munson, daughter of the late James and Margaret Munson, in lier 84th year. HAMILTON-At Port Hope Hospital, July 9, 1928, George Bertram Hamilton, beloved husband o! Charlotte Elliott, in his 59th year. WELCH-At Buffalo, N. Y., Jul>' 10, 1928, Sarah Jane Wilson, widow o! the late Edward Welch, in hier 77th year. In- terred at Port Hope. EMBLETON-Sudenly at Toronto on jîîiy 16, 1928, William Umbli ton, beloved husband o! Margaret Curry, in his Sst year Interred at Port Hope. W EATH ERI LT-bn Hope township, on Thursday. Jul>' 12, 1928. William James Weatherilt, beioved htîsband o! Lillie Ed- na Souch, in his 46th year. Interment at Welcome. THEXTON-At13' Westmiiister Ave., Toronto, on Tuesday, Juby 17, 1928. MIaria Menetta. beioved iife of George W.e Tiiexton ,and third daughter o! the bat Ur. and Mtrs. Thomas Shrin, Boxxman- ville. FURNITURE SALE The following pieceS of furniture will ho offered for sale by the Ancient Order of Forestersi CormiOkD-eSatuAgenaKinglS.,2lst manville. 27-tf Saudy, Jl 2s FOR SALE-Some good cows due in at 1.30 p. mi. (daylight saving tme) July, heavy producers; one Masey-Hari'is mwrin good order. Apply S. G. Chant, Foetea Hall Hampton. 27-3* MMrr lc FORD COUPE FOR SALE-Balboon MMrr lc tires, automnatic windshieldl wiper, 1928 BOWMANVILLE license, $12500 cash. Apply to Howard Halîman, Bowmanville Glove & M.%itt Co. 59 chairs, dîners, 13 common wood GEESE FOR SALE-Embden Geese, 2 seat chairs, 4 wooden settees, 5 simal old geese one gander, 15 young geese. walnut tables, 2 long coninon lunch They are a choice lot and cao be had tables, 3 desks, i Secretary's desk, 70 reasonable. George C. Wright, New- 2ls cok castle, Ont. 29-3w; yards carpet,2 officestos1 ck _______________- ----1 mirror, 1 wood beater and pipes, CARS FOR SALE-I Oldsmobile Sed- 1 cook stove, 16 pi*ctures. i crokin- an, 1923 mode]; 1 Ford Touring, 1923 oIe board, 1 organ in good condition. model; and 1 Briscoe Touring, 1922 mod- e], Ail in good condition. Apply J. Terme--Cash W. Knights Taxi Service, Bowmanvllle. 29-1w- W. J. Chali, Auctioneer. Announcing W. DELINE Newcastle, as the NEW Representative for CHRYSLER MOTOR CARS Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono, and the townships of Darlington and Clarke, the most popular line of fine motor cars ever offered. Ask Deline to show you these new cars. PHONE 3733 B3etter Summer Dresses at BargainPrices New shipment of Calif ornia Frocks, daintily made of sunfast dimity, trimmed with organdie Peter Pan collars and cufs, On Sale in aIl Sizes $2.95 Huge clearance of large sized cotton broad- cloth dresses in a large assortment of patterns and attractive colorings, Thursday, Friday and -Saturday $2.25 See our S pecial Clearing Line of Dresses at $6.75, made ofth e famous washable Tricosheen, many beautiful floral patterns in a host of attract- ive designs. Size range most complete from 14 to 48. We have plenty of large sizes. These are regular $12.50 value, Thursday, Friday & Saturday Extra Special $6.75 We beg to announce that MISS LOLA DOWNS is now actively associated with our new Millinery Department on the second floor of the store. Miss Downs is in complete charge of this depart- >,1ment and is surrounded with a large new stock iof Ready-to-Wear Hats and individual models. Orders will now be also taken for ANY type of 91 hat required. The important addition of Miss Downs to our staff is another step forward to great- er convenience and service to our customers. S, W, MASON & SON DRY GOODS AND LADIES' READY-TO.WEAR PHONE ioe BOWMAIIVILLE *ii- APARTMENT TO RENT-In Cowan Block, 4 rooma, ail convenlences, heat, hot and cold water supplled. Apply J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmanvllle. 26-t HEIFER STRAVED-Brlndle helfer 1 year old trayed on Lot 1, Con. 7, Dar- lington, on or before June let. Owner may have same by provlng property and paying expenses. Thomas White, Tyrone R. R. 1. 27-3w FOR SA LE-Seedllng Irises, Mostly llght lavender blue, twenty cents each; also Wyandotte cock, registered. J. 'M. Baldwin, Phone 144, l3owmanville. 28-2' j FOR SALE-Building 12.18, built of matched lumb. r,' wouId niake a goo.l poultry house or garage. Wlll selI reas- onable as we have no further use for sanie. Mrs. A. Turner, Scugog St., Bow- manville. Phone 170. 28-tf For Sale or Rent FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT-90 acreïs each, Lot 1 B. F. and Lot 1, Con 1, Dar- ington. For particulars appi>' to W. C. Ashton, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 140- 22. 28-2w Wanted WANTEO-Two girls for Cream o! Bar- ey Camp. Aîîîuy at grounds. 29-1w' WANrE-Hear froni owner good farma, for sale. Cash price, partîcubars. D., F. Buaih, Minneapolis. Minn. 26-4w MAN WANTED-MarlCd man, capable o! dellvering mlk, muat have charaoter referenco. AppI>' to Ross Stevens, R. R. 3, llowmanvllle. 29tf TEACHER WANTED-For S. S. No. 4,' Darlington. State salar>' and exper- lence. Send copies o! testimonile. Ap- pI>'17H. F. Osborne, R. R. 2, Bowmanvlbe. 29-2w' WANTrED-Womlarl over 30, permanent position, la your automobile earning money? The argeat manufacturer o! strbcti>' cusBtom upportlng garmaents off- ers wonder!ul opportuIîlty. Also a fu ine o! lingerie confinera stockings and sanîtar>' goods, twenty yeara in business, AppI>' Statesmali Oflice or 47 Coîborne St.. Oshawa. 20-10 Our 10 Days' Annual LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. Williami Roenigk is holidaying with his father, Mi. Jule Roenigk. Miss B. H. Fairbaiîn is enjoying her annual holiday at Pinelands, Mus- koka. Men's two-piece wool bathing suitq $2.75 up, at Couch, Johnston & Cry- derman's. Mis. Geo. Wright, Hamilton, and her sister, Mus. M. Hawley, Toronto, are visiting Mis. Thos. Ted. Mrs. M. L. Washington is in Toron-, to attending the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. G. W. Thexton. Mis. L. A. Tole arrived home on Mvonday from a very pleasant visit with relatives in Winnipeg, Man. Mr. and Mis. F. A. Miller, Ruth, ýCarol and Foyle, Pepin, Wis., are guests of bis brother, Mi. J. W. Miller. Mis. Russell Knapp, Chicago, Mis. Eber Knapp, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mis. W. G. Robbins, Elgin-st. Mis. W. b. Rowe and son Brenton, Wîtohita, Kansas' are visiting ber sis- ters, Mis. H. Huniphiies and Mis. Maude Denseni. .Mis. E. Summers, Lansdowne, Ont., bas îeturned home after visiting ber daughter, Mrs. A. G. Holliday fou the past twvo weeks. Mrs. Normian Taylor, Evelyn, Bar- iy and Ernie, are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mis. B. McCoy, Sudbury. Her father is quite i11. Miss Florence Vann isa spending two weeks' holidays witb her sister- in-law, Mis. vann, and other rela- tives in Rochester, N. Y. Miss Barbara Williamson and Miss Annie Hines, former residents of Bowmanville, spent a few, bours in towçn Wednesday of hast week. Mr. John Percy was kicked by a horse he was shoeing on Monday af- ternoon, îeceiving some severe injur- ies which bave laid him up for a few days. Mi. and Mis. S. T. Dowson and famuly wended their way to Peter- boro on the glorious 12th., and spent the day with ber sister, Mis. J. S. .Black. Mu. and Mis. Robert Brooks, Osh- awa, Mr. Andrew Marshall, Port Peury, and Mrs. H. W. Bogue, Win- nipeg, visited Mrs. T. Brown, Centre Street. Mr. and Mis. Lorne J. Brown and bfarnily, Windsor, niotored here re- ;cently and visited his mother, Mis T. Btrown and sister Miss Viola, Centre Street. Miss Gladys Cann, daughter of Mr. and Mis. W. J. Cann, bas been suc- cessful in passing the first class pro- fessional examinations at Toronto Normal School. Mis. E. Belîman was in Toronto over the weekend visiting ber daugh- ter, Miss Florence Beliman, who un- 1derwent a veuy serious operation a 1few weeks ago and is still very ill. ) Conseivatives are holding a big :picnic at Lakeview Park, Oshawa-on- ;the-Lake on Saturday, July 21st. Hon. R. B. Bennett, K.P.. Leader of Lthe Party is expected to be present. Mr. and Mis. Jack Brower, daugh- *tei Mary, Mrs. Jack Dale and Master .Leighton and baby Ellen, Mr. Shaw, Mis. W . W. Willis, Toronto, îecently visited Mr. and Mis. W. MeReynolds, Scugog St. Messrs. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., E. H. Brown, Gus Bounsaîl, M W. Coni- -stock, John Lyle, F. C. Hoar, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, and Th.os. Annison are in London attending the Masonic Grand Lodge. B.owmanville Women's Institute picnic will be held at Creain of Barley Camp on Friday, July 27th. AUl members and their fiiends meet at the bus station at 2 p. mi. Btring your dishes, eats, and resolve to have a good tume. Mr. Frank Janiieson nariowly es- caped being seriously burt last week by coming in too close proximity to a car his cousin was backing out of the garage. Foitunately be escaped witb some bruises and cuts reciuiiing il stitches. Eat Cre.am of Barley eveîy dRy. White Shield Club picnic will be held on Tuesday, July 24th, at Bow- manville Beach. Buosses will leave at 2.30 p. m. (daylight saving), one fron corner of Silver and King Sts, and one from South Ward Scbool. AIl members and childien please be on hand. Bus for membere going toi Newcastle on Friday afternoJuly ý 2Oth, will leave Garton's ServiceI Station at 3.30 p. ni. (daylight sav- ing), picking up along route. 1 Clearrng Sale StaLrts F;'ridaey Nlorrirg, July 2Oth THE EVENT 0F EVENTS I5 HERE! TIMED TO THE MINUTE- Tuned to excel any Sales event ever attempted before by us-a Super Merchandise Achievement is ready. OUR BIG JULY SALE IS ON- With Reductions So Pronounced, None Can Fail To Grasp This Exceptional Opportunity to Buy and Save. SALE ENDS JULY 3lst, 1928 3-.,- - - - 1 BARGAINS FOR BOYS Boys' Cotton Jerseys at 39c plain shades, with and witibout collais, Regular 50c, To Clear 39c Children's Coveraîl Suits at 98C Khaki and Navy Blue shades, nicely trini- med, values to $1,50, sizes froni 3 to 8 yM To Clear 98c Each 2 Only Boys' Raincoats at $4.95 Beavy quality Black Rubber, size 28 and 32 Clearing $4.95 Boys' and Children's Cotton Stockings at 19c Pair Good fast shades, heavy îibbed, aIl sizes To Clear 19c Boys' AUl WooI Sweaters, Fine Worsted Quality Pullover style, sand and beather shade Regulai $1.50, To Clear 98c Men's Straw Sailor Hats One- Third Off To Clear Men's Caps at 98c 2 dozen caps, new styles and patterns, values that weîe up to $1.75, Clearing For Only 98c Men's Caps at 98c 3 dozen assouted patterns in this season's new designs and patterns, values up to $2.25 For $1.69 WORK SHIRTS 10 dozen Woîk Shirts. Mostly AIs & Baniner Brand, ail buncbed at one puice, values up to $1,50 each, On Sale M8c Men's Suits at a Big Reduction to Clear Croup No. 1 at $14-95 Men's staple and business suits in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, single and double breasted models, repiesenting up to $22.50 each Out They Go at $14.95 To Clear Croup No. 2 at $18.50 Men's and Young Men's newest niodel suits in the leading styles and colorings, snappy up to date models, values up to $27.50, Clearing For $18.50 Croup No. 3 $24.95 lmn this goup is the veuy creani of oui stock, incuding Society Brand Clothes. Young men's models in Fancy Tweeds and fine quality Woisteds, values that îanged up to $35,00 Clearing For $24.95 Boys' Pullover V-Neck Sweaters at $1.49 These are exceptional values, different éhades and values worth up to $2.50, On Sale $1.49 Boys' FIannel Trousers at $1.49 Plain shades of Light Grey Outing Flannel, values $1.95 to $2.25,. Out They Go at $1.49 Each Pair 10 OnIy Boys' 1 Bloomier Pant Suits at $4.95 These suits represent values up to $8.50 each, in Navy Blue Irish Serge and Fancy Tweeds, 1 Bloomer Pants, Out They Gao at $495 Suit 15 Only Boys' Long Pant Suits at $9.95 In Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds and Navy Blue Serges, nearly all sizes. Sonne suits have coat, vest, 1 long and 1 bloomer pant, while others have 1 long and ibloosner pant, values up to $15.50 each. Ail this Spring's new stock, Ot They Go at $9.95 Each BARGAINS FOR MEN Men's Fine Quality Sox Ail values up to 95c, On Sale 75c pair or 3 Pair For $2.00 Men's Tweed Raincoats $595 Rubber lined, Grey, Brown and Heather Tweed outside. A read raincoat, duster or light overcoat, On Sale $5.95 1 Only Man's Palm Beach Suit (Society) Brand Make $12.50 To Clear Men's Fine Shirts at $1.39 3 dozen Men's Fine Shirts, assorted pat- terns and clothe, as wlI as hroadcloth shirts, with colIai attached, also seperate collais, values up to $2.00 and $2.25, For $1.39 3 Only, Men's Spring Top Coats Mlen's Fine Qualityv Ail Wool Values up to $27.50, Sweater Coats at $1.98 Ont They Go At $18.50 Each Plain shades of Navy, FawI, Gey and al sizea Young Men's Blazers For $1.98 Each The season's newest designs, fancy stripes MnsSprt ruesa 19 and plain shades, Regular $7.50, MnsSprt ruesa 19 For $450 Eacli 25 pair trousers, Tweeds and Worsteds in Grey and Brown mixtures, alI sizes and Regular $6.00 values, up to $3.50 pair, For $5.95 0 On Sale $1.95 Pair Handkerchiefs A Big Special at 12 For $1.00 Men's Athletic Underwear Combination style with buttons, ahl sizes, about 3 dozen garnients, Clearing at 69c Each Men's Overalse Black and BIgue stripe, a big leader in a Union-Made Overaîl, On Sale $1.39 Pair Men's Sweaters, Men's Flannel Trousers, Men's Golf Trousers at 20% Reduction to Clear Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits at $19.8s In this lot you will find the very nicest cloths in bard finished Worsteds, Navy Blue suits, also diamond patterns and fancy stripes. This season's best values in prices that ranged to $27.50, On Sale $19.85 Directly Opposite Te . 5GICHIST r'Phone 61 I Banik of MontrealB. .iL IIIhi Bowmanvlile Ju1y -1 M

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