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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Roner graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate cf the Royal Cellege of Dental Surgeons ef On- tarie. Office King St., Bewmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate cf Royal Dental Celege, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office heurs 9 a. m. te 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Baner graduate cf Toronto Uni- versity aud member cf Royal Cliege of Dental Surgeons. Licemsed te Vractise lu Ontario and the Domin- ion. Detistry in ail ite brancb s. Office-King St., Bowmanville, op- posite Bank cf Montrésl. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G.'V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Ntary Meoney te boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowxnanvilie.- Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succassor to late D. B. Simpseu,, LC. -Barriter, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phoixe 91 Bowmanviile, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Slicitor, Notawy à&oney te ieoan. Bonds for sale. Offies-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. Honie 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Compiete Moteri or Herse Equipment Al Callipromptly attended to. Private A.mbuance Bowmanville phone 1randStoe4 10 md 8tres Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Cails given prompt and personal at- tention. Ne extra charge for dis- tance. Phoneà 58 or 159, Bowman- .,ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Cliege, Toronto, formeriy et Enniskiilen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former reidence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. - J . CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.U., F.R.C.S., <Edin), D.P.N. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow ef the Royal Coliege of Surgeons, Edinburg. Office and Residence, QueenS t., Office Heurs: 2 te 4 p. m., 6 te 8.30 p. m. JHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd., 1928 SITUATIONS GUARANTEED The Editor Talks on His 5Oth Jubilee This is the mnhmn on people must make the great decision as te their life work. We invite THE SENIOR EDITOR COMIMENTS ON HALF A CENTURY IN JOURNALISM such to write us for the great possi- _________ I ilities cf the great field of business. IWrite asking the names and addresses This i . the cditor's Jubilee Wee-., THE EDITOR 25 YEARS AGO 1Cordon D. Fletceri, Peter, Thomas 1 Of our. graduates, for the past t'hirty On .uuý Firt Eig-hteeii Hundredf and John Coleman, Jamies McFeete,' years from your district ,then, you and Sevul arsBowmiiativjlle's firSt Mayor, W. H.rnay write them. We wish to bie and Se~nyEigh: I 'ý78 -30 vear auo ni wedineday of this week-he! iles, John Babcoek, William Edgerjudged by our graduatcs. Lady becanlisthe 1propriet or. editor and I John J. Tilley, Rev. W%. H. Hue De graduates of last year receiving amhi has onThned aditor to thei Burk una eih ilimScî,Twenty Five Dollars per week, and andul ,-e cofThnedCanadin Sta te 1nAlbert Barber, W lliami Oliver B A. lady graduates of two or more years Pl John A .Holga-e. John Souch,' Rich- standing receiving Thirty te Forty Teen be other mein in this j ~ard Souch, Samiuel and Thona, Dur!- Five per week. Enter any time. 1)'miinmî\ eiedoen-I"~CToa . upry omie study courses free. Pay when 1))inoiwho have e Bure es- n, Thomas J.annipug, Marhallconenient. Individual instruction. pe per or magazine c )nii'iouslv for-Brs hmsMnig asal1cn e ay ditr u anaa ithsuhi Porter, John Mceod, 'M.P.P., Wmi.1 A situation for every graduate. Write this half-century but we do 'not knxx..Spar hoia J-elcl, Wn..Jew cll,today for particulars te Toronto's recordl. Our cOneprre f the . IAbrani Youaie, John Rankin, F. îl. Greatest School of Business, The Can- IBrown, John Recid. Richiard 'Moyse, ada Business College, (College and carlier a-ears- of our ediorial exper- jpdn) oot, rOhw ui lence lu ibis part of this *O\*~~~ Wn. Bunny, John Davey R. H. Hel-I pdn) ooto saaBs- are not on active service lu edlitor', ry, Thomas Basýe-t, Dr. Le -,i Potler, ness Coliege, Oshaa 12 rhairsz now. We wil! mention a fei Dr. Lamminan. -vhom -w c recalof the 01(1 Brigade 1 Rev. Cephas Barker, Rev. H. J. wbo have Ipassed tý their rcward:, Nott, Rev. John Harris, were iu this 11ditor Seripture, Brighton En-'îgn: te dtr fTeOsr or r1a rqeorrze Kcyes, Coîbiorne Express; Dr". f the Bible Chris'ian.- in Canada. 1 'Tenre Hough, M.A., Cobourg Werl; Rev. Paul Robins xvas Assistant Book ')aniel MeAllister, C obourg Sentinel; Steward. ,eorge Wilson, Port Hope Guide-,J Robert Armýur, St. John H. Hut- I 13. Trayes, Pott Hope Tiaivs; W. R.1 cheson, Peter Camieron, Robeî t A re Y our ý;tratton. Peterborough Examiner; R. Loscumbe, W. H. Law, David Burk V.ditor Romaine, Peterborough Re- Simpson, K.C., J. A. Codd, (Dominion 'iew; Editor Robert.son, Pet"ýrbtorcugh " Bank), A. 'M. Galbraith, W. L. e u n g f'imesý C. D. Barr~, Lindsay, Cana- Keys, John Smale, John McDougall,R tu n g ihan Post (now County Registrar);,ý David McDougall, Henry Mann, Raby "4ditor Stewart, Bobcaygeon Inde- M.A. James Head, Samuel Mason, Robert Easton, iendent; John S. Larke, Samue"l Lnke, 'Thomas Paterson, S. F. Hill, Michael )shawa Vindicator; Ed-ward Mundy, - Treleven, P. C. Himes, John Wesley, ishawa Reformer; W. H. Hizggns, OId Times, OId Frienis, OId Love George Piggtott, W. Scott Russel!6,e Vhitby Chronicle; Charles Sarney, (____ D. O. P. CO), Thomas Yellowlees, '4hitby Gazette and Chronicle; R as hmsPae WlimTopoW -~roMarkham Economist; E. Jack- dyToa etWlimTopoW 'osnemreEr;msGl, The day's when we were yî,uthfulý J. Fleming, R. B. Andrew, W. R.I -ýýn Nemaret ra;Jams GleWhen humankind were pure'of mind, Cawker, A. W. Crawford, Frank ~Vst Durham News; W. R. Climie,! And speech and decds w.ere truth- Borland, Thomas Batting, William 1qowmanville Sun. Hon. George fui; Porter, Wm. McClung, Thomas Mc- rown xvas editor cf the Toronto Before a love for sordid gold Clung, James and John McCîung, C r i )aily Globe. Became man's ruling passion, David Stott, Henry and Robert cm The past half-ccntury bas begn a And before eaçb dame and mail be- 0'Hara, James Wyiiie, John Chaplin, ývý,-derful period of progress in tho came John McLeod, Cameron M. Munsi,,, %ets" sciences and inve'iti)ýi.ýs cf var-, Slave to the tyrant fashion! Wm. Wiiliamson, F. T. Hoskin, Rich- 'ou.s kinds. Speakior of these iu- ard Windatt, Thomas Christie, Hon. 'entions and the chan'-es that mark There arc no girls like the goodi old John Simpson, William Ellison, R. S. his period l've just been quietly girls, 'Manning, William P. Priwer, Mark 'hinking that a little quiet reflection Against the world I'd stake 'cm! D. Williams, Thomas Sherin, Thomasý -eveals very vividly the fact that As buxnm andi smart and (Iran of- Kirby, Lewis Quick, Rev. Dr. Alex. many cf ccc most conimon utilities,1 heart1 MacNab, John Milne, Frederic Cubitt, conveniences and amusements of to- A the Lord knew how to make 'cm! Francis Ferrier NicArthur, Thoma- day werc absolutely unknown 50 years The'vere rich lu spirit andi cnînscn- Darl iagton, Aaron Buckler. qgo , in a community such as this. sense,Th uresMc , Let us talk a few minutes togetiîer And picty ail supportin'. TeCuce -ý.,d recaîl the list of ',day c(.î:umoc-, They could bake and brew ,and had The iargest congregation a haif -iace things, which we have comte te' tught ;chool, toc, century ago in this town xas the eelthat we cannot do wthout: I And they made such likely courtin'! Bible Christian Church now k1nown as iHolgate's Evaporator. Other churclie.s 1-The linotype now used in SOIThere are no boys like the good old werc: St. Johns, St. Josephs, Wesley- 'riany printing offices was net lu us" boys, an Methodist now Trinity U nited, St. ýhen. When w-e were boys together Pauls, Old Kirk, Trinity Ccngrega- G 9-The gascline engine ivas net When the grass was sweet te the tional, Disciples of Christ, Primitive deneofte.brown, bare feet Methodist, and some years later the dramdcftenthat dimpied the laughing heather; Salvation Army Citadel. Some Ply-G o A 3-The moter car-automroIlesM'Wien the pewee sung te the summer mouth Brethren met regularly inEs.18 tru&.-s and buss-were entire,yun dawn their homes. Maple Grove was thenEs.83 known. 0f the bec in the billowy dlorer, a Methdoist Epîscopal Church. The Or down by the mili the Whip-poor- old South Ward School was used fori 4-The telephone was just being will. Church and Sunday School purposes' experiménted with by Prof. Bell cf Echoed hîs night song over. for severai years under management 300 Bay Si Brantford. of the Methodist Church Boards. District Repre 5-Eictrc vahtranoth There is ne love lire the good old Carrnage Factories 5-Elctre vahtiandtselove,- Edison preducts, were still in the The love that mother gave us! Bowmanville was wvell supplied backgrouind. We are old, old men, yet we vine with carniage factories .50 years ago. 6-Sret crswer dawn by again These were James Morris', George hersfrears aferw ard. y Fo.r that precious grace-God gave Haines' and William Mce!ung's. horss fr yarsaftewar. i, eThere were these biacksmith shop- 7-The gramophone had net been conceived. 8-The sereplane was not success-i fully ccnstructed aud operated for thirty years after.1 Se wec dream and dream cf the goodj oid times, And ocr bearts grow tenderer, fonder, As those dear old dreans bring smoothing gleams 0f heaven aw-ay off yonder. R. Darch's, W. H. Williamîs' and one on West Mount-forget the name. The Hotels Fifty years age drunkeness was quite cemmon and it w'as easy to 3, t- tain intoxicating lhouons te, suit all Bowmanville, Phone 89 9-The radio. with ail its wonderful I - -Eugene Field. ý B m nvillhi te e u- DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS possibilities, was net conceived as an esdhtl: AmHnesns instrument adaptable te household OId Familiax Faces Gone Mnrd's, RuebottmHoe, Eans- Physicians and Surgeons uses until after the Great War. Somebusiess nd pofesiona cr HouseTttrae' ud MiEs Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 te 8.30. Sm uies adpoesoa r osTtedl' n in' Telephone 108 lO-The Frigidaire and the Kel- mec who have passed from the liquor store. The Balmoral xvas a 0ffice-. Wellington Street vinater, new adaptable for the fam- scene cf action during fifty years later addition. Bw nvleOnai. iiy ice supply and refrigeration, is a inlude: William McMurtry, W._____ * owaaifeOnara. Imodemn invention cf only a fcw years W. Tamblyn, M.A., James Gi- lago, but comitig into very general use. fillan, -B.A., Rev. J. H. Turubuli, HYDRO SUCCESSFUL PICNIC I M. A., W. W. Shaw, John S. Rundie, VETERINARY Il-The domestic cil burner is a Levi Morris, T. Geo. Mason, John The annual picnic under the sus- prouct of thç last decade ,and elim- Heilyar, SnGog eSbye -- DR. F. ý. TIGHE mtstedudcpr.h odpas SnGog Le culrpices cf the staff of the Hydre Elec- inaes he ruger oftheol plnsS.Edsall, Dr. Solomon C. Hillier, trie Power Commission of this dis- VETERINARY SURGE1JN. Day or of heating with wood and ceai. Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, B.C.L., Rev. Wii trict xvas held at Presqu'Iie Point Nlght cails promptiy attended te. The ist enumerated are outstand-' iam Joiliffe, Senator Robert Beith, on Tuesday, Juiy 24th. Unlike iast Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. inig inventions ,but hundre<ls cf others James Beith, H. M. Customs, James year there was good weather and a Phone 243. cf simpler construction have aise been A. Johuston, Charles Tod, Thomas large crowd both cf which are essen- E. G KESLAE, . S, B V.Se.invente-d and introduced into vcry- Ted, Charles Young, John Percy, tial te the success of sucb an event. E.G.KESLKE V S, . . C.day life, which facilitate the work cof Sec., Richard Allen, Richard Wortb, An unusual teature, and one which Orono the home, the farm, the factory and John K. Gabraith, Malcolm C. Gai- created much intercst, w-as the dis-1 ERonor Graduate cf University of ife's activities generally. braith, Malcolm McT1avish, Capt. W. covery of the mysterieus Mr. Watt Toronto. AIl cases given prompt ** C. King, P.M., John S. Moorcraft, and illusive Miss Kilowatt, who were and careful attention. Office-. The hersc?-car age compriscd the George Haines, Police Magistrate, W. found to be Mr. Skidmore cf Cob-I Dr. MeEiroy's former office. Phones: days when union or Brusseis carpets F. Allen, J.P., James B. Fairbairn, ourg, and Miss Edwards cf Bow-1 Clarke 8921; Orono 18-1. covcred the floors cf ever.v w-cil- Post-Master, George MeGill, Pnîn- manville. Miss Carol cf Trenton, fui-nisbed bouse. They had to be cipal R. D. Davidsou, Joseph Jeffcry, discovened Mr. Watt and Mr. Chas.1 iaberiously ripped up cvcry spriug, IMankus Mayer, P. C. Trehilcock, Mowatt cf Toronto, Miss Kilowatt. AUCTIONEERS îeatcn te get rid cf accumulated du.st Christopher Bounsaîl, E. R. Bouc- There was a fine program cf games THEO M. SLEMON over thfe lothcsline in the back yard, sall, R. W. James, James MeOrris, and sports. A game cf qucits be- Auctioneer and. more laberieusly tacked downiGeo. C. Haines, John Higginbotham. tween Campbellford aud Trenton ne- F'arm and House Sales a Speciaity. again. How many yards cf carpet.î Dr. W. E. Tilley, M.A., P.S.I., WllC sultcd in a victory for Trenton. Terms.moierate. Enniskillerà P. 0o ing bave w-c scuffced back ite placeI iamn Morrison, Richard Moyse, Peter Campbellford, men, however, showed Phone 197r3. -f' with a mcoutbfcl cf tacks lun stora-(_e and John Murdoch, Rcbert Youing, V. their prowvess in the more strenueus te be driven lu as soon as the i efr-.Q-t-S, Thomas Bingham, J.P.. Jahez C. evcnt, the tug-of-war.-Brighton En- smocthly from baseboard te base-! Gaie, W. A. Ncads, W. G. Glover. , b loard! Carpets of this sor-t still cx-1 John MclClellan, John McMurtry, Wm, ist lu seule homes, but they , wrc- a i Catin, John Howard McMcurtry, John ROTARIANS GUESTS 0F SCOUTS los ing figbt against haî-dwcoo.lioN-sacKay, James Mcbean, Levi A. W. adrgs. Tole. Wm. Fishlig, Dr. James Pleasant Evening Spent at Camp Tboýýe carly lays \vcît-toeci-a. toiFielding, Dr. James W. MeLaughlin, Bowonto of e-cal oil lanilps and tallVr -l.. Dr-. Alexander Be"th, Dr. W. S .Boyle,-____ Doc- anyone use -!itlîn- now, whrlîrî Dr. l)avidî-en, Dr. Chairles 13rd, Dr. Memboîs cof Bcwîîîanvîllc Rotary electrie current eau le had? jIlarry Reid, Dr. Charie.s Haruden. ('lub and theiîr wircs.spent a pîcasan t Portale wcodeu ttub.;w-e e aIl- r. J. M. llîîaaconmbe, Themnas Hoaîr, crcning on Thursday, July 0(, v.heîî as rin m~uost ex cîy kitchc-n. an-Iinlu iiarv 1J)e-1h and William Brittain, William llgueýts îfthb' 57th and il Oth Toronte honîr sesrved w li the purpoýees e R. ( limiic-, Cou. S. Climie, John Grigg, ýand Ist Bowmanvillc Trcops cf Boyi ba>eoic as w-cii. Iîwt, a rrouî_________________________ Scouts, tht-y visitcd Camnp Bwont, at abath-om irîtht )l, I A 1th-eîld Electrir Ligbt greund, neî-th cf luxury i th at d FORMER EDITOR p)al-tof the town. -Tbey xrcre recelyr-d by the -ccut.s - Think, tee, cf the cha-ngîs - - , t the (m tcgtocok u hiicuiaî tiaffie. Look ut Bow-macx-llr - . - cr taken on a tour- cf inspection 1)y Kiî teet pax-ed from ccnd toencîdmni (Cimp('bief C. V. .Nuin, setatî - - cI wt tePr liil ir fthe S7tb Torontoî Troop. The Ro- cecupaeien Wît te f'-îviîu-ial Hii.h tarizns irire mucb inîtcrî-stcd lu a wd ar pae ficm aud1'a rt Meîti ald medel bridge, the work of the '-ceut.s, ï-îbug fac eo nd a'î r ii, a es v a n! theîa d cnoth r f cat î-es f c aînhl )life. a,uouiolilc les' (bac ,'x edceade-.- a-m A.chalengeoflong standing wa 'i- ucirdscfUnitedI Stat met<with xvhcn the Rotatiac. amnd passthr-iigi tesfýOn-Sut-s playcd a gaîîîc cf soft hall -shoe trsdai- wceh %vas won by the foreri-15-14.1 fi tiC orth-sixoe ,'Itorýtsi I he scouts ani their gucsts gather- A treat in the PePPermint-fiavored frn teixcil et'ui'O ' ? cdaudteCuciFrada ,-itig-Cana<lia (-xcuri-S c and nnote tlie -. .- p ga fsnsadsuîs~gv sugar-coated jackct and another in canops and home-fronî-,î',nîe act!oninol" . r u th osof xvbicb thNtsat ina the Pcppermint.fiavored gum inside- ~pi-cvided lu grc:ît cuiîlîcaltthcosofwi heNina- tut- Proi-ncialI Higbxvaiv for -t Actbrm was sung. Fullowing this utmot vluein ong-astng elihtcocon and bot dcgs iîrepai-ed by the utmstvaue n on.Iatig eL Note ,o,the îapiiî multiplic.ation,---e 'euts x-eeservcd. f nmot"r busc-s; for paâ.--secgcîs anîd tri-, nomiw îuuîîiug tu ceipeti' ion ,vit th ralwa- ý n,1theimmwzpCH-IROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS wibth -îla'tnIth1mcnc-THEROPY quactities cf nmr'rcba.niise being trans- i WRGL~ r~-d ast nuid west on these fast-I DURWIN E. STECKLEY runniig transîîerrs. Thes-e are only houer gi-aduate cf Toronto College PKa fe%%- f the changes tuat have thee cf Chiropractie wiil bc in the Bow- introduced. Wnuldn't our forbears manville Office Tuesday, Tbursday 8, 1,oI surpriýed ccclii tbcy returunid W. R. Climie and Satcrday evenings, phone 141J. sep bow fast wc ai-e living inl this fin t wbco sl The Statesman te M. A.Residentiai cails made duning fore. hlnf cf thîe twentieth century? James 50 years ago. neons. STOBIE, FoRLONG & CO. ISTOCKS BONDS GRAIN I Head Office: Reford Building I Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cails At Our Expense Surplus Funds r Cent to 7 Per Cent IF NOT, LET US SEND YOU PARTICULARS 0F THE erce & Transportation BUILDING Limited SECURITIES TO YIELD 7% WITH A BONUS 0F COMMON SHARES, OR THE ants Exchange Bldg. 6% GOLD BONDS 9o Yield 6 Per Cent * i Si son &C. The Oîdest BOND HOUSE IN CANADA treet Toronto esentative, Fred Williams, dlo Mr&. Editb V. Scobeîl General Insurance, Bowmanville, Ont. leader rship )1%.Ie E McLAUG HLIN - PBUICK + I I I t' 3îlrst Show/n g At Branchu0ADealer Showrooms 'IN BSETTER AUTOMOBILES Ait[ DIIT. McLAUGHILIN BUICK WILL BLIILD THEM M-me5.Sa

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