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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1928, p. 5

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PAGE FiVI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, AUGUST 2nd., 1928 Our Fourth Birthday We have decided ta celebrate the occasion by giving Gifts To Everybody in the way of exceptiýinaI values up to Saturday night, as follows: WALL PAPER-room lots 12x12 x9, Only $1.25 CHAMPIOIN GUARANTEED PAINT-Regular $1.25 qt. for 98c; 65c pt. for 50c. BROOMS-4 string corn brooms for 35c. WALL RACKS FREE-With a purchase of $2.00 or more. Now let's make this birthday party a profitable and enjoyable occasion. We're doing our part. G. Pritchard Painter and Decorator Phone 489' Bownianville .1 LET'S GO BIG REDUCTIONS IN ALUMINUM WARE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Preserving Kettles Covered Sauce Pans Tea Kettles Dish Pans Double Boilers Percolators Tea Pots Potato Pots Xny Article 98c This is the best value we have yet off ered in aluminum ware. Select the piece you require and phone us or else corne in and make your selection. Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL"P AUG* 2 THU. AUG. 3 FR1. AUG. 4 SAT. In Connection With Our 3 Big Days-Thursday, Friday and Saturday, We Hold Our Final Clear- ance of About Eighty Suminer Dresses GROUP 1: Fugi Silk, Dimity Dresses, trimrned with organdie anfdlarg e size Broadcloth dresses. Regular Value to $4.50, FINAL CLEARANCE $1.98 GROUP Il: Regular $7.50 to $10.00 Dresses of Printed Silks, Sil anÇotton and Spun Silks, ail sizes, ANY DRESS $3.98 Ail Individual Summer Dresses that were sold to $15.00O...............BARGAIN SPECIAL $6.75 Watch the Windows for the Super Dry Goods and Hosiery Specials This Thursday, Friday and Saturday. S. W. MASON & SON DRY G0008 AND LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR PHON 100BOWNIM4VILLE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Rctanry Street Fain-August 15th Miss Muriel 2outhami, Toranto, in visiting Min. W. J. E. Ormiston. N Miss Jean Smale, Lindsay, bas been visiting Miss Florence Werry and1 athen relatives bore. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gillespie,s Chamborsburg, Pa,, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gillespie, Liberty St.j Miss Helen Argue and Miss Eleanor1 Wood sang splendidly last Sunday monning at the United Cburch, Port Hopc. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mountjay and Miss Annie Mountjoy visited Min. J. E. Elliott recentiy and attended the Mauntjoy picnic at Hampton. Mrs. R. T. Slemon, who bas been1 spending a week with ber brother,i Mr. C. J. Mountjoy, Isliîîgtan, ins ne- turned ta ber sister's,.Mrs. J. E. El- liatt. Mrs. D. H. Jamieson and Mrs. R. M. Jamieson bave been spending a week witb relatives at Tara, Ont. On Sunday Messrs. R. M. and D. Hl. Jamieson and son Frank motored ta Tara, the Mesdaniýs Jamieson return- ing witb thein. Mr. and Mrs-George Bail, Toronto, îitb Miss Katharine Bail, spent the wveekend with the Misses Allen, Beecb Avenue. Miss Bahl bas just retunn-1 ed tram a two years' course at Ox- ford University, England, wbere she, graduated witb second-class bonons. Ail Men's Straw Hats selling off at greatly reduced prices at Coucb, ,I Jabtiston & Cryderman's. NOTICE Dr. Storey's office will be July 31st ta August 28rd. closed 30-4*1 DENTAL OFFICE CLOStED Dr. G. C. Bonnycatle's dental office will be closed tram August 6th te August 2th wbile on holidays.. PUBLIC LEBRÀRY Bowmanville Public Library closes Satunday, August i lth and re-fpens Monday, August 27th. 31-2 BUY COAL NOW Large supjply of coal, nut and fur- nace for sale et Tyrone Station. De-. livery le required. Apply R. H. Collacott, phono 181r12. 28-4* LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Rotary Street Fair-August l5tb Miss Margaret Colville is staying witb Mrs. B. Shortt, Base LUno. C Mrs. Bowen, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. J. J. Mutton, Cburch Street. S Mrs. L. A. W. Tale is visiting ber sîster, Mrs. R. Sylvester, Lindsay. ti Miss Evelyn Bickell recently spent a week with ber sister, Mrs.- C. L. o: Upper, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frise are h bolidaying witb Mr .and Mrn. Geo. Yelland, Ingersoll. r Mr. Herbert Trott and family, Part Hope, were Sunday guests wltb Mr. E and Mrs. J. H. Jobnston. Mrs. A. Mitchell and daugbter of London, Engand, are visiting at ber C, nepbew's, Mr. G. 0. Corke. ' Principal J. H. Tohn.-ton and tana- ily left Tuesday on a mator trip ta Listowel, London and Godericb. Rev. L. S. Wigbt and Mn. James Wight, Belleville, weme in tawn Wed- b r.esýday and called on a few fripnds. a Mms. Nellie Garbuzt, Sycamome, Ill., is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wight, Carlisle Avenue. t Mrs. W. Harvie, Ontario Street, has been visiting her son Norman of Brighton ,and ber daugbter at StirI- iing. Round and squame dancing at Barnbart's Pavillon, Saturday, August 4tb., Osbawa-an-tbe-Lake. Admission 25C. 31-1w* Miss Elsie Carruthers bas been vis- iting ber cousin, Miss Helen But- tars, Cobourg, during the past two 1 weeks. Miss Marion Belîman left last; Tbursday ta spend a few weeks bhl-j days at Buckskin Island, Severni 1 Falls. Miss Lenore Quick, nurse-mn-train- ing at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, is spending tbree xveeks holiday at home.1 Mrs. A. E. Wrenn bas been enjoy- i ing a visit and trip witb friends at Alexandria Bay and the Tbousand Islands. Rev. D. W. Best, D.D., Pastor of St. Paul's Cburcb, and Mrs. Best,i are spending a montb's boliday at Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jackman and family ,Chicago, Ill., are visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jacknian and other relatives. Mn. W. M. O. Galbraith visited friends at Part Dalhousie, also mot- ored ta Niagara Fal'.s san'! Bridge- burg, Ont., aven the wveel;îîd. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Pingle and daughter Donna, Ottawa, are visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomias Pingle ,and other relatives hene. If you want ta make Bowmqanville look better ta you than it ever did before, just take a long vacation trip tbis summer and see a lot of other towns. o Mn. Thomas Annison, Secretary o Jerusalem Lodge, A.F.&A.M., No. 31, bas been appointed a Grand Stew- ard of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Lawrie and Miss Mildred M. Lawý;e left Sunday aftennoon on a trip ta Des Moines, Iowa, ta visit ber brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McPher- son. We were pleased ta Treceive a cal yesterday tram an aId Darlington boy, Mn. W. J. Osborne, Manager Contract Department Winnipeg Electric Coin- pany wbo is enroute ta Salemn, Va.. ta vîsit bis brother, Editor Jas. A. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carruthers, Mrs. W. H .Carruthers, Miss Mae Carnuthers, Miss Helen McGregor were in Coîborne on Wednesday at- tending the funeral of the late J. T. Rutherford wbo passed away at Ed-1 inburgh, Scotland, on July 2nd. Mns. John Epplett, St. Maryý S,.was recent guest of ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. .Bragg. She was mator- i gt a Iroquois w t b er son and dugter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Epplett and family. Mn. Epplett bas been aponted teacher on the High Scbool staff at Napanee. The electnical storms wbich swept Durbam County on Friday and Sat- urday last did considerable damage ta crops and other property. Mr. Wm. Cowle's home, Churcb Street, was struck by lightning. The boIt fol- lôwed the radioaserial wires, and dam- aged floors and furnisbings in the house. A happy panty of "young people" enjoyed Tuesday aftennoon, July 31, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Osbonne, King St., when Mrs. Rd. Osborne celebrated ber birtbday with ber twa sisters. Mrs. Nancy Pope is 90 years aId, Mrs. Osborn- S6i, and Mrs. W. H. Osborne 76. Mr. Os- borne is 78. Ail were fairly smart and able ta enjcy th,! gatbeming. Mrs. Edgar Worth and daughters WEDDINGS Bottrelî-O'Leary te St. Helens Church, Toronto, wasth scene of a pretty tvcding ceremony ati eight-thirty octock TuesdaY morning, Jully 24, when M2%ary h1-elen, daughter of Mrjs. M.%argaret DcnîpseY, ani the late Daniel OLeary, becamie the bride oi Norman James Bottreli ai Toronto, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Thtomas Bottrell ai Bow- mtnville. Right Rev. Msgr, Vhèlan. V. G., officiated. Giv,,n in mariage by 'Mr. Walter Dooner, thie bride wvas attenaed by her cousin. MJiSS Kathleen Barif, ai Kingston. M. 1r. Frrest Bottrel was graomsman for bis brother. The bride was charminglyr gowned ln shell pink georgette trimmed with real lace. Her bat was a picture model in pastel shades. She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses, Illy-of-the-vti1teY, maiden hair and aspara gus femti. The lîidesmaid s'as attractive ln mauve georgette witb a bat to match, and car-1 ried Columbia ros(. Mies Mttrain presided at the organ and 'Mrs. Glkinson sang -Ave Maria- anti"0 Sacred lHart. Aiter the ceremony a bf-t ibreakfast tras served at the home oi the bride's mother. 654 Dufferin St. Later '.%r. anti Mrs. Bottrelileict by l'S. S. Toronto" ta spend their hcney-1 mooti, the bride travelling in a dress ai patrier bloc crep,', beige coat and small blue bat. On their returti th- y till reside ln Toronto. Amang the guies's fUm BOwmanviile würe Mr. and Mrs. T'hos. Bottmell, Miss 'Ma, BtrelI andl Mr andMrs. Gilbert Joncs ami btaby i.i,ln. Lost or Found WATCH LOsTr-Ot Sunday aitemnoan, a ladys gold hunting-cti5e watch, Walth- am mavement. b,tween '1<urv Iýnn and w~hcre aeroplane lit. Reward for return ta M.%rs. Chares Wilsoni, Newcastle R. R. 3, Phone Clarke 19:3. 30-2 Wanted HELP WANTED-GCTISral. J. Toyne. 1-otel, N,wcaistl, dphone 33-13. 31-1' MAN WANTED-Nlarried mati, capable of delivering miik, must have character reference. Apply ta Rose Stejens, R. R. 3, Bowmanviile. 29tf WANTED TO RENT-A iurnished house with aIl conveniences in a high and dry locaity; mus8t 1w central; for a month or six weeks for a I elderly «-aulile. Appiy ta J.,lHarvey, Gvenral Deivery, Powmnan- ville. NOTICE Hemstitching andI( picot-edging done: Work delivered freln l3owmanville. AUl mail orders prornptlY attended ta. Mrs. Russell Hobbo, Liberty St., Bowmanville. 30-tf TAKE NOTICE If you are rejquinii.7ay cemont blocks, bricks3 or concrete or masoli work done 1 will giadîy furnish you with estimates for saine at your réquest. Work dn pomptiy and gatisfactortly. L. "rnr Sougog Street,. BowInanNilO, P. O. Box 161, phone 170. 51-t1 Houses to Rent FLAT TO RENT-Four roonla, modern convenlences, possession at once. Apply to Norman James, Statesrnan Office. NEW BUNGALOW FOR RENT-Ail im- provements, gas furnace, orcilar(l and garage .282 Nassau St., Oshawa. Apply ta A. E. Cluse, -d3 Bond St. W, Oshawa. 30-tf APARTMENT TO RENT-In Cowan Block, 4 rooms. ail conveniences, heat. hot and cold water supplied. Apply J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmanville. 26-t 1-bUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-Frame house and Y. acre land, choice garden soil, bouse flot quite completed, an ideal home for working man, wlll be sold cheap. Apply ta Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 27-tf-1w5 LAUNDRY WANTED All kinds of laundry work done prompt. lY' satisfactorily and at reasonable prices Write Post Office Box 12, or cail Mns. W. MarJoram, King St. E. Bowmanville. New Potatoes For Sale Irish Cobblers, smootb, solid niealy potatoes, grown on sandy loam. We stand bebind every bag. Deliver in large or small quantities at market prîces. Suy froni the grower. JAS. A. WERRY & SON Phaxie 195r2 Enniskillen LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BERTHS o HILLS-In Bowmanville Hospital, o Rotary Street Fair-August 15tb Friday, Juiy 27, 1928,. b mr. and Mrs. Monday, August 6, Bowmanville's Albert H. His, Enniskllen, a daughter. Civic Holiday. Child's coat found. Enquire atMARA S StatesTnan office. RIAE Mrs. Frank Bottreli is visiting rela- ANDRUS-VOUN --Oýn .Jiity 11, 1128, by tives in Kingston. by Rev. L. 1. Hunter, Toronto, Ataclia Jane Young, R.N., youngest caughter of Mrs. Eva Meath, Toronto, is guest Mms. Amelia Young, and Oscar Barton. of Mrs. J. A. McClellan. son of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Andrus. bath Part Hope Rotary Fair will bie af Bowmanville. HALL-DEVITT-At Triaity United held on Thursday, August 9th. Church, Bowmanvllle, Juiy 28 1928, by Creani of Barley is a food and a Chancellor R. P. Bowles, assisted by Rev. mediine Tr itand be ccnvinced. J. U. Robins, Anne Beatrice, only daugh- nediine Tr itte-r of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt, Bow- Messrs L. and W. Roenigk and manville, and Dr. William James Hall, Elgin Varcoe have been balidaying at Mimnico, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hall, .lorland.BrnoM . Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meathý Ottawa, are guests of ber father, Mr. DEATHS WJ. B. Couch. Mr. and Mrs. AIf. Kershaw. rar- ELLIS-At Oshtawa, Thursday, .luly 26, 1928, Albert Newton LUs eloved hus- onto, spent Sunday witb -Mm. and Mrs. band of Avis Perrin. W. J. Bagneli. JOHNS-At Port Ilzpe, Thurslay, Juiy Miss Doris Foster spent the week- 26, 1928, Annfie Jamiesan, beloved výife of end wlth Miss Margaret Patterson KarI Johns, in hber Z2nd year. DON LV-At Simcoe on Tuesday, .July at Lake Simcoe. 31, 1928, Hal B. Donly, one tinle editor Miss Kate Foster and Miss Carscad- of The Simcoe Reformer, i,.i his 67th year. den left Wednesday evening on a trip COULTHARD-Suddenly on July "9, to PinceEdwad Isand.1928 ft the homne of er sister, .Ira. D. ~o PinceEdwad Isand.L. Hepburn, t7xbridge, Sarah Ann Coul- Mr. John T. Fee, Omemee, is visit- thard, daughter of the late Walter Coul- ing bis brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas thard, Oshawa. Jackson and other re1atives. WHEELER-At Blostotn, Mass., Mon- day, July 30, 1928, Aiden Dodge Wieeier, Miss Lillian Morden bas been vis- Jr., dearlyý beloved husband ofni Viian î ting ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Galbraith, in his 36th year. Int(erment Mrs. Fred Morden, Reaboro. ut Norwell, M.Zass. FRASER-Ini Napanee on Friday, Juiy Mrs. Margaret Soutbcombe, Port 27, 1928. Harriett Elizabeth Day, widow SUnion, recently visîted her cousin, of the late John A. A. Fraser, aged 81ý Rev. W. C. Washington, M. A. ' years. Sister of Mrs. 'Rv.) WV. C. NWash- Mrs. Ed. VanCamp and daughter, _________________________ Miss Evelyn, Brantf ord, are guests of1 SMr. Elmer VanCamp, Darlington.1 ArilsFrS e Miss Muriel Hendersori bas return-I rilsFrSl ed home after, spending two weeks FOR SALE-A garage fit rear of Dr. witb Miss Marjorie Coulter, Bright- SleFoR' residence.,Bownianville. 30-2 011. FO SALE-Hl stein catis, (lue ta Regular montblymetn of thefrshn igt wy Apl Jae meetig 3.oorey, Hampton. 3q-2w Hospital Auxiliary will be beld in the Nurses' Residence an Fniday, August ORGAN FOR SALE-GCol argan, nicc- 3rd at 3.30 p. m. ty finishcl, goad tane, chealp. Appiy _ta J. T. Ilooper,_Bowmianý1e. 3 ~tf Mrs. W. I. MeTavisb and snian, bave returned home ta Toro atr UBER FOR SALE-a and P!ne lumber. Prices reasonable. Appiy ta apleasant st vbbe parents, Thos. D. Bye, Pntypoal. 29-3 Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Manning. - Mrs.W. C Wasingtn wa ù~ FOR SALE-Sam)sof Tracter, in goal1 Napanee on Sunday attending the Cormick-Deering Agent, King St., Bow- funeril of ber sister, the late Mrs. mnanville. 27-tf Fraser. BULL FOR SALE-Regiseý(red .f,rsey Ratary Club Street Fair îvill be bull. Papers transterr-d fr~e af charge. beld on Wednesday eveningAuus . S. Lockhart, Lat 2, -,. Clarke, R. R. 3. Newcastle. 12 15tb. You'll learn mare about it ______ next week. Just make a note of tbe FORD COUPE FOR SALE-Balloon date. tires, automnatic windshield wiper, 1928 Jicense, $125.00 cash. Apply ta Howard Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Battle and Halman, Bowmanville Giove & Mitt Co. dauhtes, shaa, nd rs.Jon GEESE FOR SALE-Embden Geese, 2 Mutton, Duke St., spent Sunday witb aId geese one gander, 15 young geese. ,Messrs. Alan and Robt. Battle, Man- They are a choice lot and can be had vers Road. reasonabie. George C. Wright, New- - - . ~ . .castle, Ont. 29-3w Harry Horne' s Double Cream Custard Powder A Dainty Desert can be made tm this custard pawder. Have you tried it with fruit? Ta try it is ta buy it. We speak of the Seasoned Cheese we are 1 ~now cutting. Ask for it.1 Smokes for yourself, so why not a pound of Milk Choca- ate Buds for the wife and kiddies? Specia] this week- end ............... 35e lb. ET LEGHTENS WASH-DAY LABOUR With 10 bars of Sunlight Soap you receive a Handy Mit-The New Silk Duster. 2 in 1 FLOOR WAX 1 lb. tin .............. 40C TER GOES UP Yau can corne down ta aur store, and we will make sug- gestions that will assist yau iin preparing your mealq. Fiies mnultiply with great rapidity. Exterminate them now with Whiz Fly Fume. PEANUT BUTTER ilb. tin ............. 23e HARRY ALULN, Grocer A Rushing ]Business. Thisweekhasevne ligesnd rnting Departon QUelpigaETY CONTSn eatet Folow hecrodsadavIlY ourTselfor8Hu evc in at, 9 a. m.' out at5p.n. $1.00-$4.50 1 9C Genu;ne Kodak Films AUIEses 89e Batbing Caps 15e Divinig Caps 75c Water Wings 50e Wax Paper Handy Package loc FOR THE HOLIDAY Laura Secords, Smiles'n Chuckles, Hunts, 60e 1b. We deliver Ice Cream Bricks when wanted. Phone 7B JURY & LOVELL Whou W. Test Eyo Et Ea Doue Properly PHONE 78 BOWMANVILLE AN OTHER LANDSLIDE IN CHRYSLER Corne to Newcastle Monday, Auguit 6th., see these New Models on Display. Deline will save you dollars on your purchases. Also a few good Used Cers, prices cut. WALTIER DELINE, Distributor for Chrysler Cars Phone 3733 Newcastle i MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Young Men's Blazers The season's newest desiglis, fancys;tripes and plain sbades, Regular $7.56, For $5.95 Regulan $6.00 For $4.50 Each SUITS At Big Clearing Reductions For This Week-Out They Go To Make Room For FaIl Goods Group No. 1 at $14.95 Men's staple and business suifas in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, single and double breasted modela, reprementing up ta $22.50 each Out They Go at $14.95 To Clear Group No. 2 at $18.50 Men's and Young Men's newest. model suifs in the leading styles and colorina,, snappy up ta date madels, values up ta $27.50, Clearing For $18.50 Group No. 3 $24.95 lm this group is the very creani of aur stock, including Society Brand Clothes. Young men's models in Fancy Tweeds and fine quality Worsteds, values that ranged up ta *$35.00 Clearing For $24.95 f . Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suite at $19.85 I In this lot you will find the very nicest cloths En hard iflnished Worsfteds, Navy Blue suits, also diamand patierns and fancy stripes. This soaison's best values, in prices that ranged ta $27.50, On Sale $19.W5 T. B. GILCHRIST Dir.ctly Opposite Bank of Montroal Phone 61, BowmanviUe m. Montreal, Mrs. S. S. Griffiths, daught-1 er Shirley, Terronto, and Master Carl; James, Cambray, recen:ly called on thein cousin, Editor M. A. Janmes, Lamne Villa. Mrs. A. H. White, Haig St., Osh- awva, Miss Muriel Calver and Stanley and Jack Dunn, Bowmanville, are spending a pleasant twa weeks' vaca- tien witb Mn. W. H. Calven and iotber relatives in Rochester, N. Y. Mn. Clarenc2e Bombard, son of Mr. and Mns. Herbert Bambard, Queen St., B.oxmanville, witb bis bride of eight montbs, daughter of Mn. andý Mrs. W. C. Lake, Newcastle, aften- twa wveeks' bolidays bore bave ne- turned ta Truro, N. S.1 Owing ta wet weatber the Wom- en's Institute held an indoor picnici on Fiday aftennoon in the S. O. E. Hall. Mrs. F. Jackman presided over the business meeting after wbicb a haîf-hour was pleasantly spent in impromptu speeches by everyone pres- ont. A real picnic supper was very much enoyed by aIl. BOWMANVILLE 4 PHONE 186 our

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