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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1928, p. 4

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?AGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th., 1928 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES MAPLE GROVE HAMPTON TYRONE CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Church service next Sunday at Miss Helena White, Mr. and Mrs. Young People's League will bie clos- Council met August 4th with niem- St. Joseph%~ Roman Catholie 2.3 0 p. ni. James Craig, 'Mr. and Mrs. T. Craig ed during August. bers ail present excepting Coun. Church, Sunday, July 29th-Mssil Miss Ruth Armstrong spent a short and dnughter, Toronto, at Mrs. R. A number from here attended re- Watson. Minutes of iast meeting a. M. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. Ser- time at her home last week. Katerson's. opening services at Enniskillen. read and adopted. mon and benediction 7 p. m. Rev. M;ss Florence Aldsworth, Tor. nto, Hampton Women's Institute heid Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Communication from H. Allison P. P. Butler. spent the weekend at home. their regular monthly meeting in the Clarence Woodiey on the arriva] of aI re water flowing on his lot at Coesnrea St. John's (Anglican) Church- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Park on Thursday afternoon, August baby girl. was referred to Reeve. Tenh unnyaftr riit, Agut ha. oneonth ariv] f yun 2nd. After a short business session, Congratulations to Mr. Lionel By- C]erk was instructed to get danger Tet udyatr rntAgs ha.Hn ntearia fayugthe annual picnic was held. A goodaran MrWaac Mierown-SnsfrC.2atcugRad 12th, 1928: 8 a. nt-Holy Commun- daughter. rga of sports in charge of Miss a n r alc ilro i-sgsfrCn tSuo od ion; 11 a. m.-Morning Prayer; Rev. R. H. Whitside who is con- Marjorie Pascoe and Miss Sadie igscnprzathe osso B-wwspsedfxgrtet 12.30 p. m.-Sunday Schooi; 7 P. M. ducting services at No. 8 Schooi-i itewsvr uhejydb tournamnent at Enniskillen. 25 milis for ail 'purposes except -Evening Prayer. house for two weeks preached a very ail pews e Tra che ad con Regular meeting of the Women's Trustee estimates. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, appreciative sermon ta a large audi- tl es were eptoacesgo and n Institute will be held at Mrs. David By-law was passed to ievy the fol- coner Tenioc-ince an-1 Church Sts.,1 ence on Sunday. Rev. J. H. Stainton thss ere mch ppei ateod a h oprs ededy uut2nd lowing off the different school sec- Rev. R. M. McDerment, M.A., minis- also conducted a baptismal service. fortunate winners. The snialîer instead of August l5th. Program in tians: S. S. No. 1-$250.00; Con- ter. Morning worship il a. m. Ev- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Merrifield, Can- children aIl reivdrat from the charge of the C.GJ.T. tNuo. -$50.0; No. 3-$300.00; enirhg worship 7.30 p. m. Sunday nington. iMr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Adam, Stands. About one hundred sat Visitors at Mr. Levi Skinner's on No. 6-$300.00; No. 7-$600.00; School 10 a. m. Mr. H. M. Gichrist, Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. B. G. down to supper. Next meeting at Monday were Mrs. McKay, Wood-1 No. 8-$450.00; N.9$0.0 Oshawa, wiii preach at both services. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Scott home of Mrs. T. Wray on August 30. stock, her four daughters, son and - rders were siN. as-$300.00 Trinity-St. Paui's Union services and grand-daughter Margaret, Sa-1 Members will plense notice that this grandson. Mrs. McKay is a daughter E. Fowier, 30 rods \vire fence $ 7.50 on Sundny conducted by Rev. J. U. lina, recentiy visited their cousins, date is one week earlier than our of the inte Mr. and Mrs. Cinrke, and A J Bruce, Se'y.-Treas. S. S. Robins. Music by Trinity choir. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Armstrong. iregular meeting, owing to the school was born on the farm now owned by *No. 3.................... 100.00 Miss Helen Morris. organis+J, in Visitors: Mr .and Mrs. John Mun- fair being held on September 7th. A Mr. Skinner. Gatt coiFi.....00 charge, il a. m.-In Trinity day, son Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. E. good prog-rnm is being arranged for Vstr: M.LneGenod G. Proutt, caicium-choride ... 4.60 Church; 7.30 p. -n.-St. Paui's W. Foley spent Sunday with relatives this meeting, ail ladies weicome. 1 Peterboro, visiting at his uncle's, Mr. A. E. Wilson & Co., insur- Church. Sunday Schoois at 10 a. m. at Burley Falls and Peterboro; Mr.1 Monthly meeting of Women's Mis- R. McCullough; Mr. and Mrs. F. ance on ronds............ 133.75 in their respective school-raoms. and 'Mrs. Samuel Snowvden with Mr. sionary Society was held at Mrs. T. L. Byam, Doreen and Yvonne, Sun- J. G. Marlow, ronds & bridges. 890.90 ____________and Mrs. Edgerton Novar, Parry Sykes on Juiy 24th. The president, dayed with her parents, Mr .and Mrs1 Adjourned to meet September lst Sound; Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Coates, Mrs. (Rev.) J .R. Bick, presided and' J. Lillicrap, Canninigton; Masters' at 7.30 p. M. LAUNDRY WANTED Dr. L. H. Contes, Brantford, at her Mrs. S. Souch ncted as plan ist in the Dudley and Floyd Bradd, Oshawa, W.E eccCek AI] kinds or laundry work done prompt- brother's, T. J. Cole ,and other rein- absence of Mrs. H. Cole. The busi- holidaying at their grandparents, Mr. W.E eccCek ly. satisfactorjiy anq at reasonable prces tives, Mrs. Contes remnining for a ness being completed, Croup 3 with and Mrs. J. C. Dudley; Miss Mar- Wrioraom, Kfing Btx E., or canl r. we Mrs. J. Burns as leader, took charge garet Moore holidaying with Mrs. COURTICE W. arjram Rig t. . Bwmavlle!A food and tonie-Cream of Barley.j of the pragram. Bible lesson was Russell Hubbeil, Stirling; Misses1____ Fertilizers for Fa]] Wheat. Consuit' rend in three parts by Mrs. Bick, Mrs1 Edythe and Geraidine Clemens ati Misses Ethel d Aura Brooks were R.E.Obon, oksut ,gnt, R. Avery and Mrs. J. Curtis. Mrs. home; Mrs. Chas. Werry, Oshawa, in Toronto over the holiday. New Potatoes !phone 473.t A 31- F. Kersînke gave the devotional tnlk, visited at Mr. J .H. Mutton's; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perkins and Rotry _tretai,_____ gsi 5.folowed b short prayers by several Frankan Mr .Harry Hatherly, Bow- sons, Toronto, were Sunday guests Roar ___of__ the members. Subject for the manville, at home; Mr. Brenton - of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shartt. For S le 1day was a "Visit ta our cammunity -McCuliough, Oshawa, at home; Mrs.I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webster, Misses Irish Cobblers, smooth, solid of cammunity centres, Mrs. Sykes the Mrs. Arthur Smith, Raglan; Mrs. A.ElnradGdyTotae menly potatoes, grown on sandy Seyeral from here atterded the re- numher of workers, Mrs. H. Peters B. Stephens, Arthur and Beverly, spending a week with Mrs. A. F. loam. We stand behind every apening services at Ennis-killen. the type af work and Mrs. F. Stan- Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. Rabt. Rundie. bag. Deliver in large ar.small1 A large crowd attended the S. S. hause the number of nationalities Burgess; Mr. George Alldren, MsS.EWer, atrsGog quniisa aktpies. Buy1 picnc which was held last Thursdayireached. Mrs. J. R. Knox, Mrs. Bowmanviile, Mr. Wmn. Hambly, and Wesley and M aster John Grooms, from the grower. ,afternoon when everyono enjoyed Burns and Miss S. Virtue gave short Boys' Training Schooi, Bowmnnviiie, Sauina, visited at Mr. Jack Shortt's theinselvest h fiet readings, giving further information at Mrs. John Virtue's; Mr. and Mrs. 1 recently. JAS. A. WERRY & SON 1 Visi tor:Mand uls. hsWa regarding canimunity centres. Mrs. Craig Miles and Edith ,Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langmaid, Osh- Phone 195r2 Enniskillen anddagher, aryan Drohy a Mrs. H. Peters and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. Johnston and awn, and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall 1M.Lsi rhms Mran rW. Wilbur favored with a ti.toduhesTrno tM.D Saules, Toronto, spent Sunda-; with ____________________ M. Leide, Grham's; t Mr. J Mrs e~eting clased with a hymn and the Hooper's; Mr. and Mrs. Walker and) Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks. -iW.Rige, TorMontoahbat MrcJ - Wrgts r. and Mrs. Leslie Ga- .Mizpahbndcin Next meetior, Graham, Meaford, at Mr. Jas. Star- Mrs. A. F. Rundie, Miss Annie ham nd amiy a Mr Cyus sh-will be held at Mrs. J. Shacke!ton's.leY's; Messrs. Fred and Clarence Hait, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundle mot- ham nd f amwight Mr. Cndyrush Goodman, Bowmanville, at home; ored ta Toronto on Friday and spent ton's,Crtig Mr . and Mrsvan Miss Bernice Mutton, Miss Edith the day with Mr. and Mrs. Elnier 1WENIdsLN SithandMn.IvaMrs.htDeariove atthean-and famil, Toronto,NIr .and VIîs. James EviKLLNsmith nnd Ms.ViolanSmith, townRunistth.sad A~~~ W~~v Kennedy and famly, Miss Lottie Cti ie tM.VaaSihs Ebenezer church services: 10 a. m. V A CA I ONI(J tlewell, Waodbridge, at 'Mr. Sain Holiday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jas, W. Cochrane and Ross, Miss Ilene -Sundny School. 1 la. m.-Church Woodley's; Mr. . Grantba e Curtis, Mr. J. J. Virtue and Miss Sad- Riddell, Orono, Mrs. . Bal n service.A family service. Evangeiist turned ta Taranto after holidaying e Virtue, Hampton, and Boyd daughter, Leskard, at Mr. W. Virt- Wîeiewi iea lutae d IaMr.WCrer';MsRuh ..Siemon, Bowmanville, at Mr. Thos. ue's; Miss Mae Cameron, TorontoWied wlgv ailuttda- NL L Nei hats .rered er' aisfterhlidaN-eGill's; Mr. and Mrs.Hebr at home; Mrs. Maggie Woodley with dress. 2.30 p. m. and 7 p. m.- y-Pacoe rn n rnSlnMs irqseM .F adnr Evangelîstic services in the tent at ing at Mr. Publox's, Toronto; Miss PaE cIe n eendFank anMs e iteMs .F adnr Courtice school-house. Special Ad Bec ndMis il radley EtelSevn, apton, Mr. and A food and tonic-Creani of Barley. singing. Came and bring your ae ech nafds VoatMr. ..vrs Mark Hancock, Rachester, at Mr Fertilizers for Fali Wheat for sale. frîends. Stationery, Fountain Pens, Maiîey's, Orona; Mr. Van Zant, Tor-:Lei Brunt's; *Miss Maretta and Mr. Appiy R. E. Osborne, Frost & Woad Rev. R. H. Whiteside, singing onto, at Mrs. W. Creeper's; MssNor-man Sanderson ,Peterboro, Mr. Agent, phone 473. 31 2 Evangelist, is holding special services Road Maps, Baggage Muriel Ashton, Toronta, at Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt and son, Osh- Rotary Street Fair, Wed. August 15. in a large tent on No. 8 school Ashton's; Miss Verna Trewin home awa,, at Mr. Charlie Virtuels; Mr. grounds each nîght for two weeks. Tags, Paper Napkins, over the weekend; Mrs. Rutledge and and Mrs. Fred Rabbins and famiiy, Sunday morning Mr. Whiteside Miss Efflie Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rab- pece netuisi emni Table Covers, Plates, Giffler ,Salem, Mr. and Mîrs Wni. sandBamanile, Hmrs.nLeviMrab-SF. Ebenezer church. The attendance ,Challis and Phyllis, Bowinanville, vs- hins'ndrfami d Hmpt.o a g r..A F.i f omnile ,sgo ndorPatr ev .H Cups, Spoons, Forks, ited at Mr. T. S. .Mountioy's on San- Rbis; M ad r.RyLn- Re.E .Tni o omnil as gooned aurbaptsalRevicH day.- maid and family, Sauina, Mrs. Chas. i supplying here while Rev. J. R.'Sinohdabptslsevc ILangmaid, Hampton, at Mr. Roy Mc- Bick is on his holidays. when four children were baptized. In Towels Rotary Street Fair, Wed. August 15. Gill's; Mr .and Mrs. Milton Werry, Congratulations ta Mr. M. A. James the evening the service was in the A food and tonic--Cream of Bariey. Oshawa, at Mr. J. A. Werry's and on completing fifty years' service as and interesting speaker and we es- And a large assortment of _____ Mrs. H. J. Werry's; Mr. Cea. W. editor of The Statesman. pecially invite everybody ta come to James and daughter Ruth, Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle, Mrs. the meetings. SALEM Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Marion and W. Tremeer, Mr. and Mrs. John pas- A fod dt CfB Souenis t behadat heKeith, Bowmanviile, Miss Grace coe, Mr. W. N. Pascoe and Mr. Ceci and anî-Cream of arley.. Mrs. McLean, Bowmanviie hs Virue, ' - ,o adMisEdt attended the funerai of the late "n1Ybeen visiting her grandson, Mm'. Fred Peardon at Mr. J. A. Werrys; Mr. Thomas Tremeer at Little Britain onf "]ig 2 " Foster. and Mrs. John Rogers, Woadford, Mr Friday. Mr.andMrs C.Corishandsonand Mrs. Harvey Rogers, Whitby, Mr. o' forget the Crandohes Mr.andMrs G.Corishandsonand Mrs. Fred Spmy and famiiy, Don'ter motored ta Milbrook on Sunday and Bwavie tM.adMs .A meeting of the Women's Institute on visited relatives. Cook's; Mrs. Wmn Porter and Tue.sday, August 14th insteado W T .A llen Te Misses Stephens and rs. E- daughter Ruth*, Toronto, at Rev. J. Tinksdy ust9har.HE. N I monds of Bowmanville, visited with M. Whyte's; Mr .and Mrs. Clarke iks Bowanill Ot. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair. and daughter, Hamilton, Mrs. Lyle, Our young people gave their play Bowmnvile nt. Jack and Grant Moffat of Orono, Midland, Mrs. Eldwoad Rahm and 'What Doth It Profit" at Nestleton spent the weekend with ther grand- bahe, Mrs Win. Toms, Oshawa, Miss an civic holiday and made $25.00. parents, Mr .and Mrs. F. L. Squair. Olive Dosan, Oshawa, and Mr. Fred This brngs the proceeds from the Eli iMaster Jack ceiebrated a birthday on Preston, Goihorne, at Mrs. George play well over $200.00 Sunday. Preston's; Mr. T. A. .Brown, Ot- Misses Ruth McKessock, Ruby 1 Next Sunday 1kv. J. R. Tmîî ipour tawa, Mrs. Arthur Stephens and sans, Dewell ,Evelyn Milîsan and May 'be aoccupy his puipit. Theme will Arthur and Beverly, Toronto, and Westlake attended the Short Course badyaung people's receptian service Mms. Enoch Stevens, Hampton, Mr. at Blackstack on Fniday and Satur-j adthe Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- Carman Rodd and Miss Luella Stev- day and at Millbrook this Thursday. per at the close. ens, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mms. Haward Division meeting was held îast Now that our Sure-1 S a fe t r A goodly number nttended after- Stevens'; Mr. H. Wilbur Hutchin-I Thursday night with thirty thmee have gone through y n0on service on Sundny when Mr. son, Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert present. A good program was given1 Thos. Lockhart, Bowmsnvlle, spoke! Slemnon anid daughter Greta, Miss by Mesdames John Baker and Willi merchandise and mi vey meslyonth sbjct o etsn Toronto, Mrs. Richard Baker, Miss Edna Reynolds andl clearance starting T F1Feanstyonte ujLto SIemon, Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Messrs. A. L. Pascoe, B. G. Stevens "Worry". Mrs. Lockhart and s Hugh Annis at Mr. John Slemnon's; and Alan McKessock. Ice cream bargains you can pi F r tfriend also attended. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason sud and cake was served at the close of Mr. and Mrs. F. Haney and Miss fnrnily, Toronto, at Mr. John Mc-ithe program.2Ony ap tr Marion spent Sunday with Mm. M.- Gil's; Misses Elva and Doris Criffin, Rotary Stet Faim, Wed. August 15. 2O lyTpetyTa] J. H-utchinson and fnmiiy of Toronto, 1 Miss Alice Stevens, Toronto, at Mr. y reeAtSik e Pa t u ie who are holidaying at their summer Wmn. Cniffin's; Mr. and Mms. Edwin Vîsitors: Mr. S. L. Wright visited3OnyAtSl Be cottage at Newcastle Beech, Miss Ormiston and fsmily, Enfield Mm. his brother at Landan recentiy; Miss 3 Only Striped Criný Marlon remaining for a week's vaca- Harold Slemon, Dowmnnvilie, at Mr: Danby, Toronto, with Miss Edus Rey- 8Oî atnadR Milk ~~~tion. Miss S. Hutchinson, Tomonto, Thea M. Slemon's; Mm. and Mrs. AI- nolds; Miss Sadie Brodie, Toronto, 8Ol ai n a StysSee ikwho was also a visitor at the cottage bemt Cilders, Bowmsnville, Mr. anld at Mr. W. J. Reynolds'; Miss Ileen 2 Only White Bedspr Stas See LogerThn Odin rturedhome with M.adMs Mrs. Ambrose Nesbitt and daughter. Balson holidaying at Mm. Ernest LneThnHoney for over the holiday. Oshawa, at Mrs. Thos. Cilders'; Mr. Lammer's, Blackstock; Mrs. S. E. 4 Only Reversible R ary MiIk lI Hot Weather. Oh yes, it ained on aur picnic day and Mms. W. B. Cowle and Mr. Lloydi Werry wîth friends at Tory Hill; c»î RvrbeF but that did flot scare the Salem folk, Cowle, Napnnee, Mm. and Mms. C. R. Mr. and Mms. Hugli Murdoch and5 nyRvrilR they gathered at the park, some be-lWright, Tyrone, Mmr.Clifford Cowle, baby, Mrs. Hutchison, Mm. Ernest and 6 Ol rs as For health's sake and for fore the ain start.ed and sain2 while Toronto, Miss Laverne Orchard, Bow Miss Eva, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 6 O l rs as it stili showered dawn and chey had manvilie, at Mr. F. C. Orchard's Mm. Webb, Barbara and Murray, Mrs. W 6 Only Lace Curtali economy buy Pasteumized Milk. la good time ,too, grouped in the1 and Mrs. W. Ranton and Margaret, Tremeer, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. John bungalow and -on the veranda singing renton, Mm. and Mrs. J. Wermy, Naylar, Oshawa, Mm .and Mrs. Harvey, 9 Only Lace Curtair Sal i BwmavileBy and chattîng until the ain candes-OhwMs ATaby rn Crossman and baby, Kedron, tmr.O l A IistrR cended to cesse. Then tney played Mm.W ite ee n on .N aces isWlnWrryI OlA mise R bail and feasted ou a splendil supperl Hampton, Miss E. M. Werry and Mr:. ernadMssNmaWight,' 5 Only French Wilto 1D V i mi i i w and then pliayed hall saque mare. Nol F. W. Wery, Toronto. at Mm. Gardon Enfield, at Messrs. A. L. Pascoe's and No=x-Odnetincf St. Charles Drk, us. H-azewooa & Bir}cs 2-nd Wednes- Tos ecmmnddta 'try en- Jahnston & Cydermmn's.bae ta s i u < dluted with equai uq221; day of month; trance ta Higb Scbool were Annie Sores Fiee Before It.-There are b i t rsT u s of water equals ORcp Dr. Siemon 3md Wednesday of month; Oke, Harold Stevenson, Cmace Wer- many who have been aflicted wt Mg Dr. Stomey 4th Wednesday of manth. my, Oswald Pethick, Naomi Virtue, somas and have driven them away ---Wilbum Dickinson. Those wbo were with Dr. Thomas' 'Eclectric Oul. AIl BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Thme successfuî were- Annie Oke, Crace simiîarîy troubîed sbouîd Isse no time NEI..DOJN ,,ST( ~ ~ lts ioen Wery, Naomi Virtue sud Harold in applying this splendid remedy, as __ofthe________buildinglotsin_ Iowih i ealle, Steveson. theme is nothing like it ta be had. It KingS.V's wïi for qulck sale. Apply ta Norrnan S. (h) -honors; (f)-failed. is cbeap, butlils power is in no way James at Statesman Office. M. H. Dalton, teacher. expressed by its low price. Roofing Time Is1 Here Again Be sure to sec our stock of Bird's Thick- Butt, Twin Shingles, Before Buying. Also-Roof Paint and Roofing Cernent Plow Points & Sole, Plates 55c each MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanvill _Toggery Shop_ Our Summer Sale has been a splendid success and we wish to thank you. You have got some real bargains and we have accornplished the pur- pose of our sale. There ai-e stili a few summer garments as Sport Trousers, Blazers, Pullovers, Bathing Suits and Summer Underwear which will be cleared re- gardless of cost. Our New Fail Suiting and Overcoating Samp- les are beginning to arrive. You can save money by ordering your winter overcoat now. Corne in and ask about it. King St. West Bowinanville Right By Cale'. BarberS A. J. "Bert" Bell Men's and Boys' Togs Sbop E:L-SON'S nation -Fire Summer Sale is a thing of .our stock and thrown out any iarked thern down for.a big Phursday. The following are5 ick up if you are here early: Sale the past we odd lots of three days sorne of the ble Covers, Regular $1.59 for ............ 8 rlspreads, Regular $3.95 for ..........$2.98 kMe Bedspreads, Regular $2.49 for ....$1.98 iyon Bedspreads, Regular $5.95 for ....$4.29 )reds, Regular $2.29 for ...............$1.79 Rugs, Regular 98e for ...................79c Rugs, Rgular $1.19 for ..................89C ,wril lhold 8 dresses, Regular $1.50 for $1.29 In Panels, Regular 79e for .............59c- in Panels, Regular $1.29 for .............8c tugs ,Regular $4.95 for ...............$3.29 ;n Rugs, Regular $5.95 for ..........$4.59 Rugs 9 x 9, Regular $10.50 for .......$7.95 ug 21/4 x 3 yards, Regular $25.00 for $17.50 REMNANTS nts have accumulated during our summer every description-in Dress Goods, Silks, ýCretonne ,Curtain Nets, Towelling, Etc, ail less of cost. Be on hand early for best d lots of good lengths that will make you an at a fraction of their real value. HATS!e HATS!e ilar $1.95 ...................................... 39C lar $2.95........................................ 79c ,r $4.95 .......................................$1.98 iay 9 a. m. titi Saturday ilP. M. )RE of Bigger and Better Values Bowmanville il il 1 ?AGE FOUR

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