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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1928, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGIJST 9th., 1928 PAGE SEVIIN NOW IN EFFECT You wil l ot be sorry if you let us fil your bins with LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE Tne Coul That Satiaflea. Ail freshly mined and well screened. Satisfaction is the height of realization-so buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If you require anything in the building line consuit us. J. AX HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, runs directly in to the path of your car. Shocked breathless, you jam on the brakes. Thank God-you didn't hit him. BUT-supposing you had? Thougli cleared of blame, nothing to prevent that child's parents fromn suing you for heavy damages! And then-the possibility that it might take your LAST DOLLAR to either defend yourself or "PAY UP",! LIABILITY INSURANCE protecta you in auch a criil Competent attorneys defend your interesta and ail cote are paid by the Inaurance Company! For complote inf ormation consuit J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowinanville L~ 0f Interest To Yout If You Desire Soîid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices wifl be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $15.00 per ton; Pea $12.50. Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) ............$14.00 Oto Nut Coke ................................... $1200 Delivered to ail parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the the opportunity of furnishing estimates for any- thing required. OBITUARY1 Wni. Brimacombe, Seldrk, Ma.n. Through the thoughtfulness o! Mr. G. H. Fox, Box 155, Selkirk, Man], we are indebted to him for the fol-, lowing letter recording the passing of a former resident of Darlington, anid one of our oldest subscribers: You will regret to hear that your venerable subscriber, Mr. Win. Brim- acombe, passed away on July 30th at the ripe age of ninety years, f Our nionths and nineteen days. Mr. Brimacombe made his home with me, the lait five years and was blessed with wonderful health for one of his advanced years. With the excep- tion of being des!, lhe had the use o! ail his faculties, and was able to read The Statesmnan-for whîcb he haci a great regard-without the aid of glaises. He was ili only about a week and passed away quietly while sleeping. John Arnold, Ops Township John William Arnold of Opi town- ship, died August 1.st at bis f arnm. He wvas an elderly man andi was married when he came to Canada in 1868. He was born and brought up in Down- ton, Surrey, England. When ne reached Canada lie located at New- castle, Ontario. In 1882 he moved ta Fenelon Township and had a farin there on lot 1, concession 5. Nine- teen years later hie movedte t a farm in Ops township andi bas liveti there ever since. The deceaesd man was a farmer and a butcher. He was married to Caroline Miller andi hati six chiltiren, three sons and three daughters. They are 'homas of Lindsay; Stephen o! Toronto; William of Toronto; Mrs. W. Shier of Ops; Mrs. W. Helson of Opi; andi Mary who is living at home. Services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Holling, of the Firît Unitedi Church and interment took place in Riverside Cemetery on Friday af-ý ternoon.-Lindsay Post. Among the relatives present were, Mrs. F. M. Souch, Mr .Frank Chap- pIe, niece and nephe-w. and i Mr. Wre- ford F. Souch, Bowrnanvilie. Mns. G. W. Thexton, Toronto A beautiful life passeti from time into the spirit world on Tuesday, July 17, when Maria Menetta, wif e of Mr. G. W. Thexton, 132%k Westminster Ave., Toronto, passed away in hier sleep. She was born in Bowxnan- ville ând spent hier girlhood here where she was a very great favorite among the other young people andi many other citizens who knew ber well. She ivas third~.daugyhter of the late Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Sherin and ivas married 28 or 29 yesrs ago to Mr. G. W. Thexton, now Works' Manager of The John Inglis Com- pany, Toronto. They had previously lived in Jackson, Michigan, and Mil- waukee, Wisconsin, where Mr. Thex- ton held responsible positions in large manu!acturing concerns. They returned te Toronto to reside about six years ago. Mrs. Thexton had been ill witb heart weakness for somne weeks but the end came very suddenly and un- expectedly !romn a heart attack dur- ing sleep, and se bier demise was a great shock to al ber friends here and elsewhere. The funeral was private but many friendi assembled to pay the last re- spect to a very worthy and much bie- loved lady. It was held froin the family residence on July 19th to Prospect Park Cemetery and the deep sympathy andi love of frientis ras evidenced by the many beautiful flor- al tributes. The relatives who mourn her de- mise besides husband and daughter Lilian are Mrs. Mary L. Washington, Bowmanville, George Albert Sherin and Mrs. F. D. MacKay, 22 Nanton Ave., Toronto. We unite with their many otheri Bowmanville friends in sincerest îympathy. Without Eami*nation he.lthy men, mgs 15 te 4à& nay obtain a po&y fer SasSe 25 .e .mnonL« I0 .o. .ly&db E2,xielajor fe naturnce Co. $5,»0 iadntilly kiOnt. gCOLE'S RED INDIAN STATIONI Phone 54 AND GARAGE CYCLO MOTOR FUEL No Carbon No Knocks No Chemicaîs More Power More Miles-Try a Tank Bowmanville AGENTS FOR:- RED INDIAN MOTOR QILS MARATHON HI-TEST GAS SEIBERLING ALL-TREAD TIRES RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE GENERAL AUTO REPAIR SHOP SINGING EVANGELIST Rev. R. H. Whiteside Who is holding special evangelistic services in large tent on No. 8 school grounds near Courtice. YOUNG PIGEON RACE Bowmanville FlyingS Club fiew thpir first young bir4l race on Saturday from Streetsville-57 miles. Weatheri was fine and the birds made good time. Results: J. Turner, 1 hhr, 30 minF, 42 sec F. Bottreli, 1 hir, 30 fins, 5SS sec. F. Bottrell, 1 hr, 31 mins, il sec. J. Turner, 1 hr, 31 mins, 24 sec. J Poolton & Son 1ithr, 32 mins, 10 sec J Poolton & Son 1 hr, 32 miris, 10 sec T Wright & Son, 1 hr, 32 mins, 27 sec B. Clarke, 1 hr, 35 mins, 49 sec. L. Richards, 1 hr, 36 mins, 12 sec. L. Richards, 1 hr. 36 mins, 17 sec. B. Clarke, 1 hr, 36 mins, 40 sec. T Wright & Son, 1 hr, 48 mins, 21 sec UXBRIDGE RINK WINS TROPHYý Two Bowmanville And An Oshawa Rink Also Secured Prizes Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Clubi belti its annual tournament Civic Holiday when 26 rinks competed froni ail the important centres frori Toronto to Belleville and nortbht. Peterboro. The bantisome trophy o! The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., which is the coveteti prize on this occasion was wvon by Kennedy's rink o! Uxbridge witb four straigbt ivins anti a total of 28 points. Luther Nicholîs, Bowmanville, came second and also receiveti blank- ets as titi the firît ink. Stan Young's crack rink o! Oshawa, were placed thirti and carrieti off serving trays, while Geo. BaIl, Toronto, and Bow- manville won f ourth honors and elect- ric toasters. The club adopteti the system of games to count with plus scores in case of tie games, as follows: WVon Pts Ford (Toronto)............ 3 16 Robb (Whitby)............. 1 i BaIl <Bowmanville) .........3 22 Maynes (Lnidsav . .. ......2 13 Ness (Toronto).,........... 2 14 Rosevear (Port Hope) ...2 il Bakogeorge (Lindsay) .... .1 5 MeMurtry (Bowmanville) . .2 i7 Gimblett (Peterboro)....... 3 19 Branton (Oshawa)......... 2 12 Luke (Oshawa)............. 2 9 Everson (Lindsay)..........i1 5 Young, (Oshawa)........... 3 23 Mackey (Lindsay) ..........O0 0 Nichols (Bowmanville)..3 2 5 Winter (Port Hope)........O0 0 Mitchell (Bowmanvîlle) -.2 il Greenwood (Port Hlpe ..1 2 Pirie (Port Hope).......... 2 1 r IPeacock (Oshawa) ........ 2 8 ICarruthers (Bowmsnville) . .3 171 Sturgess (Whitbyi.......... 1 2 Fluker (Cobourg) .-... ....2 6ý Morrison (Osbawa)........ 2 4 Sulman (Belleville).......... 14 Kennedy (Uxbridge). ..-..4 29 POTATO DEMONSTRATION At J. A. Werry's Farm, Enniakillen About 30 enthusiastie potato grow- ers gathereti at the !arm of Mr. J. Arthur Werry, near Enniskilîlen, July 31, to discuis problemi andi diffi- culties in producing this cro.p. In view of the !act that Durham Gounty is fast gaining prominence as a po- tato growing county, this meeting was calleti by the Agricultural Representa- tive, J. Y. Kellougb, Port Hope, wbo was assisteti by John Tucker, Chie! of the Potato Inspectors for Ontario, andi Frank Morwick, Chemstry De- partment 0O. A. College, Guelph. Mr. Werry bas this year about 25 acres o! potatoes, made up o! Irish Cobblers, Dooleys anti Green Mounit- ans. Tbe soul on bis !arm seemi ta be ideal for growing potataes, be- ing a !airly rich loam. He bas early anti late plantingi, and plots grown from certifieti seed, anti plots from bis o>wn seed, and plots whicb have bati an application of fertilizer andi alongside potatoes wbich bave hadi no commercial fertilizer. Thus it ivas an excellent deanonstratian of the value of using bigh dlais seeti andi o! the use ýo! commercial fer- tilizer. In a short talk Mr. Tucker pointed [out a f ew features of potato market- ing anti siso gave an outline o! the dseases wbich reduce crop yields. Mr. Frank Morwick gave an interest- ing talk on the ffinction o! Nitrogen, Phosphorus and P.otasb in the soul andi on complete fertilizers for pa- tatoes. Those present then were taken over Mr. Werry's potato fieldi anti some features were pointed out to tbem by Mr. Tucker. It waulti ap- pear that Mr. Werry bas excellent prospects for a bumper crop snd evidences o! the careful cultivation anti frequent spraying were seen on aIl bis potstoes. It la to be bopeti that more de- monstratian work will be carrieti on in this connection. The keynote of the marketing situation, as explaineti by Mr. Tucker, is that Ontario potatoes must be gra.ded properly if they are to commnanti the price which i. being paiti for Prince Eidward andi New Brunswick potatoes. SITUATIONS GUARANTEED This is the month many young people must make the great decision as to their life work. We invite such to write us for the great possi- bilities of the great field of business. Write asking the namnes and addresses of our graduates, for the past thirty years fromn your district ,then, you may write them. We wish to be judged hy our graduates. Lady graduates of last year receiving Twenty Five Dollars per week, and lady graduates of two or more years standing receiving Thirty to Forty Five per week. Enter any time. Home study courses free. Pay when convenient. Individual instruction. A situation for every graduate. Write today for particulars to Toronto's Greatest School o! Business, The Can- ada Business College, (College and Spadina), Toronto, or Oshawa Eusi-1 ness College, Oshawa, 31-2* FIRESTONE WICK TEST fI. jar at left i fililed witii Gum-Dippins solution. IM. other jar s empty at firat. One end of the. wick-made of cords us.d in Ffrestone tires- in plac.d in the. solution, the. otiier in the. empty jar. Solu- tion penerat.. .ntfr. l.ngtii Of the. cord wick sliowing tui Gum-Dipping saturatus ii. cords. 1Ul exclusive Fireston. pro- cmu insulates every fibr. wth raiLLer, reduces iernal friction and gives tiiousands of extra mÎles. Fireston. tires ccosD more dim ordinary ires. Your local Fireston. Dealer wMi glad- ly serve you, and save you mon.y. FIREONE TIRE at RUBBER CO. 0F CANADA LIMITSD amIlton, Ontmilo Moi Mi&#. ParDollar Firestoin-e Builda the. Only OUM-DIPPED TM@E SoId in Bowmanville By JAMIESON BROS. p. 5co..~ioeJ?~.a.s>oftaUam nnouncing the NEW UTILIITY TRUCK tuanother Sesational Chevrolet Value 4speeds Forward*4WheeI Brakes NOW Chevrolet presents the New Utility Truck- a Iow-priced haulage unit .-.Mbodying every f eature of advanced engineering developed through years of experience in commnercial car-building and proved by exhaustive testing on the General Motors proving ground 1 Typical of the progressive design =nbodied in diis sensational new truck are a four-speed forward transmission, powerful non- Iocking four-wheel brakea, full ball-bearing steering mechanisin, front shock absorber springs, air-bound seat cushions and channel front bumper. In addition, it offersalal those basic features wbich have been so largely instrumental in Chevrolet's tremendaus suc- ceas as the world's largest builder of trucks-rugged rear aile with one-piece banjo-type houaing . . semi-elliptic springs set parallel ta the load . . completely enclosed valve-in-head mator with air cleaner, ail filter and positive action vane type oil purnp ..thermostatic cantrol cf water circulation . . law loading height . . generous road clearance and countieus other features of comparable importance. Visit yaur Chevrolet dealer and get a trial-load demanstration of thi. remarkable new truck I It has been developed ta meet the modern conditions of business transportation and body types m. available for every type of business -.az. MSiceonly $665 AT WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO Goverment Taes, Spare Tire, Bunper and Body Extra. ne tG.M..4.C. . . General Motors' ow,, delferid payment >plan afloed the mi coaaoeient and econfmical way o/ buymng your Ckewoi on $in". CH EVROLET WORLD'S LARGEST BUILDER 0F TRUCKS ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville WM. DAVEY, Orono PRODucT 0F GENERAL moToRs 0F CANADA. LnwmlT DURHA!II COUNTY'S GRAND OLD MAN A Zion correspondent writes: After church, Sunday, July 30, J .W. Bal- son and family took lunch and ivent to Cream of Barley Camp, Bowman- ville. It is a pretty place f or a picnic. Af ter on their way to New- castle to visit Mr. W. N. Buckley, they stopped at the flying field andi saw the Oshawa aeroplane make several trips with single passengers, after which tbey visited Mr. John Buckley ,at Mr. Hlarey Curtis', Or- ono. Mr. Buckley is nearly 93 years oId ,and hears well and is real jolly and gooti company. He is very tenderly careti for by his daugbter. Mrs. Harvey Curtis, and bas been a very dear frienti o! Mrs. Balson, who useti to spenti aIl o! her school boli- tisys at bis home when on the farni, wbere his son, Mr. Lewis Buckley now resides. WEDDING Morria-Woolner The marriage took place in Bow- manville by Rev. Dr. Best, o! Bar- bars Maud, daughter o! Mr. and Mns Charles Woolner, Bowmianville, and Fred Morris, son o! the late Mr. and Mns. Robert Morris, Oshawa. The bride looketi charming in a white crepe !rock and bat to match. 'Mn. Lemon, Bowmanville, sister o! the bride, scted as matron-of-honor, andi was becomingly attireti in a blue crepe frock. She carnieti s bouquet of white narcissus. Mr. Fred Arm- strong, Oshawa, attendeti the groom. IMr. and Mrs. Morris will resitie at 269 Mary Street, Oshawa. McClellan & Co. Ltd. Bowmanville Phone 15 0. M. L. OFFICIAL STATION-EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE HARVETERSI449000 HARVETERS WANTED Plus haîf a cent per mile beyond to ail points ini Mani- $1 .toO W NNIP C~ ba, Ssacea.Abra-dotn ane $15c0 TOWINNPEG Calgary, MacLeod and Hast. PLUS TAX RETURNINO-Haîf a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00 and tax to destination. AUG. 21et-rom Toronto, Caledon Hast, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland. Capreoi.and South and East in Ontario, also Stations ina Quebec West of St. Andrews and Lechute. AUO. 28rdc.1?rom Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jct. and Westeand South thereof. AUO. 31 st-Prom ahl stations ina Ontario, Capreol. North Bay and South and Fast thereof. MM Special Trins f or Winnipeg via Canadima National RltlwYa: Prom TORONTO(Unian Statia ug. 21st-12.01 a.m. (Mldnight Aug. 2»t); 12M10pan.; 10.40 p.m. A"ug. 28rdi-2.00 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. Aug. Slet-2.00 pi..and 10.40 >m .t Prom OTTAWA- .Aug. 2106--12.01 a.m. (Mkinight Aug. 20th); 1.00 pa. Aug. 318"-.35 a.=.; 1.00 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. Prom PE[TERBORO-Aug. 21et-12.01 a.m. (Miduight Aug. 2Oth> via Lindsay, Biadkwater and Atberley. From WWDOR-Aug. 23rdl-12.30.m.(MdnightAug.22nd)via Chatham. Lonona. Eaudtouand ngLewS&d PFrom PALERTON-Aug. 23rd-0.00 a.m. va Guelph. Georgetown and Inglewood. Tbrou<h carn from othar principal pointa cooneatg villa above apecial trains. For detais couvaidt locail Caiuadia Nathai Ajets tvouh ralnm-Oeaubrtume oloff sr-4.elal OMMu fteu W., a" Ohagme Tr'CNADIANNATIONAL * Aiation Gasoline BATTERIES We seli them at a price that will please you. TIRES We seli the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes Ce A,. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILlZ, THURSDAY, AUGJUST 9th., 1928 PAGE SEVICN

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