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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1928, p. 3

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I IMPRESSIVE AND SPECTACLAl- OPENJNG DAY CfEREM1VES FIRIDAV5 AUCUST 24th Right Hion. VISCOUNT WILLINGDON, G.C.*S.I., G .1.* JG B.E. to officilte. Inaugural Ceremonies of Canadian Air#aii vites DEDICATION 0F FIRST INTERNATIONAL AlRCe-FT hW H.M. ROYAL AIR FORCE RAND (b>' special Permissiukg Georte Y) 2000 VOICE EXHIBITION C#RUS accompanlod by HM. Royat Air Forcoand In a Remarkable Progra. ef Special Golden;ýIee Mdua Dr. IH. A. FrFcher, M.A., F.R.C.O., condnu. Firet Concert Friday, Aug. 24th, 8 p.m., àem CANADA'S NATIONAL MOTOR>,OW AN ENTIRELY NEW ANOD CFFERI of Clean insd Entertalnine RIJB4 ND 40cHr' Sb.w AGRICULTURE ln .ai t tBranches, with S125,000 P Lis 3rd WRICLEY MARATHON SWIM Iéio Events WEDNESDAY, AUCUST 205h, for yeN 10 Mies-oommencing 8f 10 a.m.rfP. WEDNESOAY, SEPTEMBER Gth, toai and Winners of Wenrenle Rao 15 Mioe-Ccommenoinu at 10 &.M>M THAVIU lb. Master Muiclas HIS BAND and H ALC YO N PLAYERS in a Spdal Revue Camprinrg OpeTs Dne and Cooeedy dvertiement COLISEUM SEPT. 3 te SEPT. 7 bwluolve & WÀARRIORS DAY >J4ND STAND >FORMANICE- r. Auc. 25 .10 le. CIe Ilnternai and ai Pains are prom ptly by D8 THmOMAS'ECLE O IL mATii A~SIE SLO F01 NEARLY AND 18 TO-DAY A ONEATENq SELLER T nvon aS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKs 9 NUMEROUO CURATIVE GUALITIEa, THE MOST TEMPTING CUTS IN Choice Meats , .ý.ela01r'.1,X-aLu o ý Ut- U Lt- ' ' At op.~ ~uthne corner Of King and Temnper. I alorl nite<j Church, and a well F.At.C Fr. Comp. C. ance Streets the sweater booth, in known minister of Ontario Cut Beatrice Cryderman-Eng. Lit. C,chreoNrnaS.BJaead jwhere hie was pastor of Columbs n Phys. C. I group of expert assistan ts was largely Brooklin Presbyterian Churches for Byo rdra-n.Cm.C, patronized thoughout the evening. 13 years ,recently passed away at Br. RistTheCucky nume3" bhosgt CithP. Balmoral, Man. He is survived byJ Hs.C em ,Py.C a fine all-wool sweater. bis wife, three sons and two daugh-' HIen Darch-Anc. Hist. C, AIg.1 ters. C, Fr. Auth. C, Agri. 2nd yr. 3. The blanket booth attracted a great Miss Gwendolyn Williams, daugh- James Devitt-Anc. Hist. 2, Alg. deal of attention. The valuable ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Williams, C, Fr. Auth. C, Agri. 2nd yr. 3. prizes were well displayed and the leavs tis eekfor ani, Ata. Rane Dllig-Gom. , Pys.2. taff of workers with C. E. Rehder as leaes hiswee fr Bnff Ala. Race illng-eo. C Phs. .convener persuaded hundreds of where she wi]l take part in a Scotch Alvin Dowson-Georn. C, Phys. C. spectators to try for the blanketa. Musical Festival. This is the second Gertrude Ferguson-Alg. C, Lat. Cured bais and 'bags of sugar were time in a few months that Miss Wil- Auth. 1, Lat. Conip. C, Fr. Comip. C. given as second and third prizea. liams bas been engaged as accompa Wn-Greaa-Py.3 i oroutstanding national musical 2nd yr C. awyPhs.,Agi. Aohrpplrbooth was that James Hancock-Eng. Conip. C, and colour were put up and diztrib- Ex-Mayor Fred England, Regna, Eng. Lit, C, Geoin. 2, Phys. 2, Agr. ue otelcyaa njrtedr Sask., gave us a caîl on SaturdaY. 2nd yr. C. ection of G. A. Edmondstone. while on a motor trip through Eastern Frank Hastings-Anc. Hist. 3. M .Mnr a hreo h Canada. Mr. England is a native of M.H ioeJd hreo h Bowmanville, bheing a son of the late 1 Brenton Hazlewood-Eng. Comp. electric goods and D. R. Morrison John England, and lived where thlC, Eng. Lit. 2, Ge&m. C, Phys. 1, Lat. of the navelty booth. Both wee" Balmoral Hotel now stands. He!ýComp. 1. kept continuously busy througbout left iBowmanville 42 years ago and Muriel Henderson-Eng. Camp. 3, the evening. hie remenîbers the occasion as it was Eng. Lit. 1, Anc. Hist. 2, Geom. 2, h o-o ot n ieto on that day that George Haines was Phys. 1, Lat. Comp. 1, Fr. Auth. C. oflre hot-dgbothand er i retio drowned in Vanstone's Pond. Mr. Eileen Hockin-Anc. Hist. 3, Alg. both managed by W. P. Corbett England owns a large jewelry store, 3, Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Camp. C, Fr. catered to, the inner nman, while cold is at present an alderman and pre- Auth C, Fr. Comp. C, Agri. 2nd yr. 2. drinks dispensed by T. B. Glchrist dicta a great future for Regina as the Wallace Horn-Eng. Comp. 3, and bis able assistants assuaged the manufacturing centre of Western Geom. C, Phys. 2. thirst of hundreds. Canada. John Janies-,Anc. Rist. 2, Alg. 2, The horse-race was conducted by Lat. Auth. 2, Lat. Conip. C, Fr. Auth. Alan Campbell ,and lured xnany a BOWMANVILLE FAIR LUCKY 3, Fr .Com.p. C, Agi. 2nd ym. 2. canny citizen to try his luck. Nora Kerslake-Anc. Hist. 2, Alg. Homne-made cooking and balloons One of First Exhibitions te Receive 1, Agr. 2nd yr. 2.I weme sold by the Rotary Anns of the Echardt Trophy For Coxp.tition. Nellie Krkton-Eng. Comp. c,1 Club. Gas balloons made a colour. Eng. Lit. 1, Geon. 3, Phys. 2. fuI display, and were especially at- A very important stimulus to Allan Knight-Phys. 3. tractive to the msny children who create interest at Bowmanville Fair were present. on September 18th and l9th is thre< Morgan Lunney-Anc. Rist. 2, Alg. Not a little of the pleasure enjoyed fact that the society is ta be one C Fr. Auth. C, Agri. 2nd yr. 2. by those wbo attended tins festive of the first to receive the Albert John Archie McDonald-Phys. 2. event was deived froni the happy Harrington Echardt Trophy for an- Neil MeMullen-Eng. Lit. C, Agr. and enthusiastic spirit of good wil nual competition in memory of Dr. 2nd yr. C. which pemvaded the entire assenrbly. and Mrs. A. S. Tilley and the Philp Nobel McMurtry-Anc. Hist. 3. Bright lights, good mnusic and splen- Family, former residents of Bow- John Minore-Fr. Auth. C. did westher-wbat more could be de- nianvîlle. Edso Mitchell-Eng. Lit. C sired by a crowd on pleasure bent? This special generous donation Georn. 2, hs ,La.C . C , Or, for that matter, by a Rotary Club was announced recently snd was . P~.1 a.Cm.C desirous of putting across the big heartily received by the various agri- Leon Moore-Anc. Rist. C, Lat. event of the year? The cammittees cultural societies conducting faîl Autir. C, Agr. 2nd yr. 3. lwere well rewarded for their carful faims in Ontario. Greta Mundy-Eng. Comp. C, preparatian and unceasing labours by Thre object of the donor is to stimu- Eng. Lit. C, Geom. 2, Phys. C. the extensive patronage accorded late agriculture and inspire agri- Elgin Munday-..Anc. Rist. 2, Mlg. them. culturists ta develop the land, ta C, Lat. Auth. 2, Lat. Comp. 1,. Geo .Chase and Gus Bounsaîl, 'who increase their products and yields and Autir. 3, Fr. Comp. C, Agr. 2nd-yr. C. installed the lighting system only a in sa doing ta increase tire revenue Gordon Osborn-Br. Hist. 1, Anc. short time before thre bootirs apened fromthe reatbasic industry-Agri- Rist. 1, Alg. 1, Lat. Au-th. 3, Lat. deserve apecial credit for the succcss curom na the san ie oa-Cmp ,ir At.3 r.tm.C they made of tis very necess;a- m- cuturn eaond ate aneatuie toas-dCom. 23, r. At 3,F.Cap quisite of tire street faim. bsis ineepininnanfatuînand gro2nthe biýntoess oa interests in geerI lothreC Greta Polîard-Fr. Auti. C, Fr. BY midnight the streets were clear- diffren proessonalintrest.intheof spectators and b>' two o'clock Dominion of Canada. p . the beotirs had 'been tiken down and The prizes given to the Agricult- Marion Rickard--tAnc. Rist. 1, AIg. the street reaumed once more ita umal Societies are given in honor of 2, Lat. Auth. 1, Lat. Conip. 1, Fr. natural aspect. the Honorable John S. Martin, Min- Autir. 1, Fr. 'Comp. 2, Agm. 2nd yr. 3. Treasumer Fred Cryderman reporta ister of Agriculture for thre Province Winnifred Rickard-Eng. 'Comp. 2, a net profit of over $1000 which wilI of Ontario ,and thre late Hon. John Eng Lit. 2, Geom. C, Phys. 2. be used b> tire Rotarians in their Dryden. Those given to tire Poulti>' Aisa Roblin-Lat. À'utir. 3, Lat. cammunit>' welfare prograni. Shows are given in honor of the Hon- Camp. C. The street fair was voted a great orable John S. Martin as well as R.1 Arthur Sininick-Eng. Camp. C, success by Rotarians and their pst- W. Wade, Director of Livestock fnirGemChs.. rons alike, and tire people of !Bow- the Province of Ontario; W. R. Gra- Deori.stsinton-Anc. Rist. 3. manville and district are almeady look- bain of the Ontario Agricultural Col- igfradwt lauet h tg loge, Guelph; and F. C. Elford Of theri Charles.Staintan-Prys. C, Agrr ing oforard ii pleeasurexto te a wg- Central Experimental Fanm, Ottawa. 2nd r.C.in f ameinnaretonex. awt In regard to thre Agricultural So- Thomas Sykes-Lat. Auth. C, Lat. afwmr1invtos cieties of Ontario (regularly con- Comp. 2. President R. F. Aitchisan andi stituted under the Agricultural So- Vers Trimble-Eng. Comp. 3, Eng. ti rsîof the wonru i t i cieties Act) tire Province siraîl be Lit. C, Geain. C, Phys. 3. takaltoewocnrbtdi divided into 12 districts. Bowman- Marie Valleu-Eng. Conxp. 2, an>' ay vetwr. h ucs ftî ville Fair is gnouped with District Eng. Lit. 3, Br. Rist. 3, Geoni. 3: No. 4 wiricir includes Durham, On- Pirys.C, Lat. Comp. 2, Gem. Auti. C. - tario, Peterboro and Victoria Coun- JbzVntn-n.Cm , 1 Eng. Lit. 2, Br. Rist. 1, Geom. 1, 1Pn each District one tropiry or Phys. 1 Lat. Comp. C. prize, consisting of one 4 piece s9ilver ' alc-Ac ia.3 ten service, 24 carat gold lined, shall Esther Wallacet ExamRist.o3. lie awarded annuall> ta tire winnem of LoIs Welsh-Anc. Hist .2, Alg. 2, Wâ u xmnto tire greatest number of points at ane Lat. Autb. 2, Lat.. Camp. 3, Agm. 2nd heaithy mon, agea 15 to 45, fair ireld by an_,Agricultural Society yr. 1. nm> obtain a pollcy for $2,5ft in eacir District. Such Pair or Pairs Kennoth Werry-Eng. Camp. C, ~FR8. ta be eligible for tins competition Geoon. 2, Phys. C, Agr. 2nd yr. 3. RTSFRS1 mus b ananua Fam r aim. he Ralpir Wood-Eng. Comp. C, Eng. 20- . 543040 35 - - - M.96 Committee ireinafter appointed, ta- Lit. 2, Bm. Hist. C, Geom. C, Phys. 29 - -- 4845 40 .-»- 76.10 gether with tire District Director of 1, Lat. Comp. 3 thre Faims and Exhibitions Association eaWo-nLi., n.Rs. 3»--U004---920 siraldesignate tire Faims at which CVers Wod-Eng i. 3,Ac at place tire prize shall be affered eacirCh g.2dy.C yeam and it shail be so armanged that ____________ no Faims siraîl have the prize offered by it until aIl tire other Fairs in the District bave irad their annual prize. Take Notice PIOUCY PROVIDES F05: Tire prize shaîl be given ta the Ex -___lu____of__url «t hibitor winninig the greatest number WHO0PLNG CO20 iUvnto atuaHdal of points in the Faim. $5,000 if accidentally kuiud Pointa range fmom 100 for bOrses) For Town of Bownianville and South $2 otIfoalyd and cattle down to 3 points for lad- Haif of Township of Darlington a=,as elfas$%300o at deatb ies' wark, fine art, etc. F arm_____________________________________________have______________________________________ after. Get busy ight now and plIan Whooping Cougir during the aummer to fit your beat live stock and tainmantis must flot retumn toasciroal in Excelsior Life Insurance Co. praduce witb a view ta having this SepteTnbem without a doctor's certi. Bowmanville, Ont. attractive silver and gold tea service fleate, stating that tire>' are free Pae~ eps* ê rest on youm buffet. Just thmnk haw from Infection. , « mr m proud yaur wlfe wlll be servlng ai- NaH.sse. ~ temnoon tes fmom thils ilverware. W .Bre Camplete particulars are obtain- M. 0. H., Town Bomwanville. AU ___________ able from C. ýH. Mason, Secretar>' of C. W. Sîmmon, Faim, at -Bawmanvlle . M. 0. H., South Damingtan, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLFË, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd., 1928 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BOWbIANVIL.LE HIGH SCHOOL ROTARY STREET FAIR SCORES Mms. F. M. Tamblyn is visiting hem Departmental Exaniination Results ANOTHER BIG SUCCESS daughtem, Mms. C. Anderson, Tomontc.1 Realize Over $1000 Net For Com- Mm. and Mrs .Ross Ogilvie Tiamp-, Middle Scbool munity WaIfare Activits son, Gulfpomt, Miss., have ben guestsl 1-75% ta 100% ____ of Mm. and Mms. D. Morisan, Sm. 2-66% ta 74% The third -annual street faim of Miss Audrey' Penny, Toronto, i5 3-60% ta 65% Bowrnanville Rotary' Club, ield ani hoîidaying witir hem grandpaments, Mm.1 C-50% ta 59% Wednosdsy, August 15tb., was a de- and Mrs. Joseph Byers, Liberty St. Students requiring certificates ta cided success. Previous attendance Mm. and Mrs. J. McCurd>', Ard- attend Normal Scirool or Univeraity' records were broken, and tire finan- more, Penn., were recent guests of rnay obtain tiron at tire office of J. J. cial retumas weme most satis-factor>'. Mm. and Mms. E. Reynolds, Queen St. Mason & Son, King Street. Kin Street frani Tempemance Mrs. Edith Gaby, Toronto, is witir Bemnico Alin-Agr. 2nd yr. C. Stett Division Street was closed hem uncle and aunt.. Mr. and Mms. C. Levi Anni--Agr. lstyr. 1,'Aigr. ta traffic duing the evening. IBootirs M. Cawker, wiro are botir undem tire 2nd >'r. 2. ihsd been eected wieme the prizes doctor's came. Helen Argue-Eng. Camp. C, were temptîngl>' displayed befame tire Miss M. Boylan is visiting fiends Geoni. C, Phrys. C. eyes of the spectatars, wiro began to in Sudbrury' and an Manda>' attend- Marguerite Armstrong-Alg. C, gather early in tire evening. B>' ed the anniversar>' ceremonios of the Lat. Autir. C, Lat. Comp. C, Pr. leight o'clock tire shouts of tire fa- fist tmoops from tirat narthrmatawn Autir. 3, Fr. Camp. C, Agr. 2nd yr. C. tarians and their assistants in the var- îeaving for tire Great War wben a1 Lawrence Ashton-Eng om. ,îous bootirs mingled with thre Iaugbtem cenotapir was unveiled b>' Sir Arthrur Eng. Lit. C, Geomr. 2, Phys. p1. of tire gay timong. Toumists passing Currie. jBmietirraugir town parked tiroir cars andi Mrs. L. L. Guy', Columbus, Mm. AI- 113enceBgnlPhys. 2. joined tire crowds. Visitors £rom Oshr- *bert W. James, Detroit, Micir., Mr. Novelda Berry-Eng. Camp. C, awa wiro were vemy numemous as well Archbal Jaes nd epbw Mste1 Eng. Lit. 2, Bm. Hist. C, Geoni. C, as from ?ort Hope, Cobourg, Wbitby, ArcayH aes Co nmbs, ised uiserm Phys. C, Lat. Camp. 3. Newcastle and tire surounding count- uncle M. A. James on Sunda>', ac- I Evelyn Bickle-Eng. Camp. C, Eng r>' arrived during tire evening. Tire i companied by Mn. John E. Sheridan, 1 Lit, C, Geom. 3, Phys. C. 1a cottagers from Bowmanviîle Beachi 423 Sack-ville Street, Toronto, a long Au3d Billett-Anc. Hist. 1, Lt. aisa attended in full farce . time f riend of tire James famil>'. 1Ath , Lat. Camp. 1. Music was furnished during tire Mr. and Mns. Norman S. B. James Ernest BTown-Georm. C, Phys. C. evening b>'tire Ontario Regiment were weekend guests af Mm. and Mrs. Stuart Candler-Eng. Lit. C. B1and of Oshrawa. Tis well known F. R. Kerslake at their Summen Cot-I Douglas Camutieres-Lat. Autir. 2, and populan organization gave an ex- tage, Pettit's Point, Lake Scugog, and Fr. Autir. 2, Fr. Canip. C. collentg rm te amsicjalzsetos visited the ver>' beautiful pcerless JRena Caverly-Br. Hist. C A rlangicand froputielatestbazdtunbes. garden of Mm. and Mrs. A. R. Wilson, 2,d y,. C. lsialadpplr adnmes thevplenMil Iladhcir isu open o Phyllis Cle.ence-Eng. Comp. 3, Tire Oshrawa Novelty Band was in tir pulicdai>' xcet Snda'. Eng. Lit. 3, Geom. C, Phys. C. lattendance tirmougirtire courtes>' of Mrs. A. H Wit, shwa, Miss Irving Clemnens-Lat. Autir. C tire Oshrawa Rotar>' Club. Tire band MurelCalerand Stanley and Jack Gregory Clmer-Lat. Autir. 2, of clownmacrdtrogriedns Dunn, Bowmanville, have returned Lat. Comp. C, Fr. Autir. 3, Fr. Camp. cmawd ta tire appropriate strains of from a pleasant two weeks' vacation C. 1 "Rail! Rail! tire Gang's AIl Home". at Rocirester, N .Y. They were very Herbrert Cblmer-Eng.Camp. 'How Dry 1 Ami" was anotirer of thiri fortunatt in seeing tirrougihe f ng. Lit. C, Geoni. 1,Phg. 2 favounites. Tiroir antics were ous Convict Ship of Australia .-h-ienCh , e. ua. j -<~Igeetedj with oars of laugirter froni was on exhibition at Chrarlotte, N. Y. 1op1,GrAuhC:e.Cm.C-te merry-makers. H am>' Cowling-Anc. Hist. 2, _- - -. TEAis good ted* The Orange Pekoe is something extra-a special tea n In clean, bright Aluminum P'AGTaJJ KEZ A Special Reduction IN Lawn Tennis Supplies AND Basebail Supplies for this month, to make room for fali goods. PLOW POINTS and SOLE PLATES MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville EVery time you shop here you're bound to ex- claim-"It ail looks so good, I don't know which to choose first". Yes, indeed, our meats are: Tempt- ing, Desirable, Palatable, Always Fresh and Priced Fair! BEEF PORK LAMB VgAL CURED AND COOKED MEATS SAUSAGES CANNED GOODS DAiRY BUTTER HAROLD M. J1WELL Succeasor to Phare & NCoy Bowmanville Phone 518. IL I - rý PIED.1toSt 1 SoId lu Bownmaavil. By T. B. GILCHRIST n À ^" ---.à

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