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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1928, p. 7

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THE CANAD1N STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THRSD~fAY. ATmT1ST O5r.. 1929 Aviation GasolineO 'This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, runs direct]y in to the path of your car. Shocked breathless, you jam on the brakes. Thank God-you didn't hit bita. BUT-supposing you had? Thougli cleared of blame, notbing ta prevent that child's parents from suing you for heavy damages! And then-the possibility that it might take your LAST DOLLAR to either defend yourself or "PAY UMP,,! LIABILITY INSURANCE protects yonuin auch a cria. Competent attorneys defenci your interesta and &Il coati are paid by the Insurance Company! For complet, information consuit J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville L 0f Interest To You' If You Desire Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. La & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $15.00 per ton; Pea $12.50. Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) ............$14.00 Oto Nut Coke ....................................$12.00 Delivered to ail parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have aiso a full stock of Luxnber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the the opportunty of furnishing estiniates for any- thing required. Cali and inspeet our stock and prices MceCIeIIan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Bowmanville COLE'S RED INDIAN Phone 54 AND GARAGE ~-CYCLO MOTOR FUEL No Carbon No Knocks No Chemicaîs More Power More Mie--Try a Tank AGENTS F RED INDIANP MARATHON I SEIBERLING RAYBESTOS E GENERAL AU O. M. L OFFICIAL STATIONý.EMERGENCY SUMMER COAL PRICES NOW IN EFFECT You will not be sorry if you let us fil your bins with LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satis fiea Ail freshly mined and well screened. Satisfaction is the height of realization-so buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If you require anything in the building line consuit us. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville SCHOLARSHIP AT O. A. C. For Junior Farinera of Durham andi Northumberland.1 Somne time aga it was annauacedi that the Ontario Agricultural ColIlege, Guelph, would give a scholarship of $50.00 ta a junior farmer frota each caunty whose county council would give a similar amount. The count- ies of Northumberland and Durham have agreed to give this sum 'of' money ta send one boy from Durham and one boy from Northumberland to the 0. A. C. The scholarship is toý be given to a boy entering the two1 year course and will be given in the flrst year only. Junior farmers in the county who are planning to go to Guelphi are asked to make application ta the Agricultural Representative and lie along with the warden and one other will be a cam- niittee to select the boy to win the scholarsbip. Candidates will lie expected ta have taken a short course or Agriculture ln Higli Scbool. i Proinence in Stock Judging and junior fariner work along with a written exaniination will be factors in deciding the winner of the prîze. It is ta be hoped that sevexal youngi men in this county will avail them-l selves -of this op'portunity. COUNTY BACON HOG FAIR Wili Be Held at Orono in October At a meeting held recently at Or- ana. farmers and Government officiais decided that a Bacon Hog Fair would lie held for Durbam County at Or- ana, the last week of October. A prize list of between $200.00 and $300.00 is being ýoffered. This is being made up of grants frota the Dominion and Provincial Govera- ments and a grant from the county. It la expected that this fair will stimulate interest in the swine in- dustry and along with an increasingm price for select bacon it will tend[] ta increase the qualîty of the hogs9 raised.1 The meeting was called by Mr. D.1 McKinnon, 'Dominion Hog Grader, Peterboro, and J. Y. Kellough, Agi- cultural Representative, Part Hope.g The fallowing executive were elect- ed: President-D. J. Gibson, Dow.nv.. e; vc-riabUentIr.. Tv. i yoV..u acice taCliit ie i aIIly McCamus, Millbrook; Secretary- other duties ta your very capable Treasurer-Clarence Allia, Newcast- sons.t le; Grounds Comnttee M. J. Hol--1 man, Clarke; H .B. Foster, Bowman- J. G. Eiiiott cf Kingston, who lias1 ville; Mont. Wilsan, R. R. 1, Port been la the printing line for 55 Hape; Bert Reid, Clarke; L. H. Gîddy, years at. the close of this year, 50 Port Hope; J. Mutton, Tyrane; N. P. years la journaiistic pursuits and who OIson, BowtaanvUil; Frank Dorland, apeat 48 years wlth the Kingston Enniskillen; J. Smith, Bethany; J. Da.lly Whig sends these greetings: Farder, Blackstock. Dear Mr. James :-It is a real de- Duriat Cantyla a b cagrau-liglit ta me ta read the fine thinga Iatod on getting this fair this year1 sai about you on the occasion of! as only two wili be held laEstr your coinpleting fl!ty years as an edi- Ontario. tor. Last niglit I read your inter- esting story of the fliglit o! time and the wonderful changes occurring in APPLE CROP PROSPECTS the bal! century. Your life bas been ful a! activity, o! earnest endeavor The fruit crap report issuod by ta make it wortby and ta leave an the Department o! Agriculture at Ot- character, the most preciaus thingf tawa states the Canadian commer- any man can give ta lis !amily andt cial apple crap outlook -based on Aug- community. You have always been ust lst condition, indicates a yield Ion the riglit aide o! moral issues; o! 2,938,970. barrels as campared Your paper was truly an exponent with 2,811,100 la 1927, or 104% cf o! the best la life, and Bawmanvillee last year and 93 % o! the five year as a dlean, honorable and worthy t average. Britishi Columbia leads with town bas mueli ta thank you for t a heavy crap of good quality fruit, guidance and inspiration.1 wible the eastera provinces are be- I amn glad ta leara *of your fair8 low average with variable quality. health o! clearnesa of brain and 1 Apples generaily promise to be of sweetness of disposition and ta wisb good size and colour. you days o! deliglit and coniforz ila The estimato la barreis by districts the iourney ta the setting sua. e compared wîth the final figures forj 1927 (figures la brackets represent- H. P. Macre, Police Magistrate ford iag 1927) la as follows: Whitby-Osh- County of Halton, Couaty cf Peelh awa-Bawmaavilie-Newcastie, 42,750 and part of County of Wellington, cf t (42,750); Port Hope-Cobourg-Col1- Acton, Ont:P borne, 43,830 (73,060); Brighton. My dear Friend:-I write ta affer T 16,340 (29,720) ; Trenton-Belleville, my very bearty and sincere congratu- 44,890 (89,730) ; Prince Edward lations upofl your fulfiiment cf a CountY, 18,580 (37,160; St. Law-I round half century continuously as rence-Ottawa Valley, 12,000 (10,-_ editor o! The Statesman. You hav'e 000). a record which I think la not equalled Conditions by districts report: by any other editor cf a weekly Whitby ta Newcastle Early varieties newspaper la this broad Dominion. are good, including Wealthy and Wolf It was my priviloge ta enter into River, which have very littie evidence journalism on July 18, 1878---xactly o! scali. Ben Davis, Gano and Spyl 12 days la advance o! your advent- make up bulk o! wnter varieties and but 1 was obligod ta sever my con- are reportod scabby. There arel nection with the Acton Free Pres practically no Mclntosh, while lBald-i a year aga. Wbile 1 have liad ne win and Stark are light. executive interest la tbe -paper wliich PortHop-CaourgCvIorn~NoI loved sa dearly and endeavored ta PortHop-CoburgColb-rn-Noserve faithfully I am stili aàsociate beavy varieties reported in this dist- editr, and contribute several columas. rict owiag ta heavy drap. Size and weekîy ta the paper. colour anly fair. Scali deveiaping, I am exceedingly glad that you also saine side-warm injury. are continuing your editorial service Brigton-Crop la patchy and liglit. ta The Statosman. Yaur splendid Apples indicate ta be of large size article on yaur fiftieth anniversary and colour fair ta good. Scab and and tbe interesting lst of events and insect injury sufficient ta make sup)- remiaisceaces shows a virility, and ply a! lower grades 1plentiful. No ability ta recaîl factsanad the interim beavy varieties, Bon Davis being niost conditions which many a youager promising. man miglit well envy. Your influence on the constituency DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS covered by The Statesman bas been _______, mucb mare !ar-reaching and saiutary Duriag the sutamer the Phscis than you or any other persan la cap- o! Bownaaville wiIi close tbeir officesaleoetitig Tehghstu Wedaesday afternoan and evening. you have always endeavored to maintain for the coinmunity has been Ia case o! etaergency at this time moat commendable and helpful. Your cail constant interest la the betterment Dr. Bell the lat Wedaesday of month; o! your constituency la moral and Drs. Hazlewood & Birks 2nd Wednes- material matters has maaifestly day cf month; brouglit rich fruitage. Your li!ework Dr. Slemon Srd Wedneaday cf month; bas been a magnificant auccos Dr. Storey 4th Wednesday o! month.1 A further matter for congratula- __________tion is the fact that your two sons lit ou ishta nowwheheryouhave been loyal ta you ia their con- are yoChitanawhetheyoulnection with The Statesman and ia weeyuare a hitin Iqieascf ouranl, their constant interest la ail the cota- wheher yout-are alsn.perafrts of body, mind and spirit which ta hve bou.-Gal Hmilon. la possible la their filial love and consideration. O! course, they have erofltted frota the fouadationa you -- rave laid; b ut withal, many sons bave !ailed ta give evidonce o! their ap- preciation a! such a worthy father by practical and daily attention. ST A T IO N cat lias been a pleasurc ta me ta e a ur many years o! delight!ul socliala and officiai intercourse. 1 Bowmanville aiso recaîl with mucli pleasure the enjoyabie visit which Mrs. Moore and FOR:- ur son and I made upon you a year aga. I truat you mnay still be apared ta enjoy your happy surroundinga. 1 MOTOR OILS am looking forward ta further happy il-TEST GAS intercourse in the land over yonder, ALL-TREAD TIRES date either. fo oa eyrmt Mr@. Moore joins me la vory sin- BRAKE SERVICE care regards and good wishes. [TO REPAIR SHOP 'entaipygo-epd e nomethig.-Thoreau. ROAD SERVICE - ealth la a crovn on the head cf the hale; Nons but the alck percelve ILt-Old Arable. brate hs lý;ftieth ann ivesary as - tor of The Canadian Statesmen pb- lished at Bowmanville, Ontario. Throughout baif a century bce bas been conscientiously devoted to bis1 profession and he made bis news- paper one of the best-knawn weeklies in this province. Mr. James stil! writes in an interesting manner and The Chronicle joins with the other members of the press in extending congratulations to this splendid dean of journalisin and wishes for him many more years of usefuiness and pleasure. (St. Marys Journal-Argus) Members of the newspaper frater- nity tbroughout the Province, and in fact the Dominion, dIl unite in ex-! tending congratulations to Mr. M. A.' James, who celebrated st week lii flftieth anniversary as editor of Thea Bowmanvilie Statesman. Mr. James' early 12 years were spent on a farta, then 10 years as a public achool teacher, anid 5;0 years as an editor. Under Mr,. James' direction The Statesman bias alwaya stood vigar- ously for the highest standards of citizenship and bis splendid p>eper bas wielded a atrong influence in the community. A few years ago Mr. James, while continuing bii editorial cluties, handed over the business to bis sons, Geo. W. and Norman, who in the conduct of The Statesman axe proving worthy successors to their 1 revered father. SummerTerm In each of Shaw's Tweive Schoois follaws the prenant Session In regu- lar order frota Juiy Srd with no forced vacations. Enter any day. Booklet free. Write 1130 Bay St., Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary. EDITOR'S JUBILEE BOUQUETS BUSINESS BUREAU TO John J. Dillon, chef editor of Rural PEETFADLN New-Yorker", New York City: BUSINESS PRACTICE Dear Sir :-1 want ta congratulate The Better Business-Bureau Mave- yau on the gaad work yau have done.nt, whicb is wide-spread through- aIl these years and the completian of out the United States and which la yaur 50 years as Editor of The taking hold la Canada, bas been ln- Canadian Statesman. This is a fluential in raising the standard of aplendid record and I know how mucli merchandising, preventing false ad- you have enjoyed the work as you vertising and unethical business have gone along. I enjoy my work practices, resulting la greater con- wihteRural New Yorker and1 fidence between buyer and seller as hope ta continue for vnaay ycars yet well as la the protection of investars and equal your record at least. frota the activities of those individ- uaîs who prey upon the public in the M. W. Rassie, Managing Editor, offering af securities of doubtful val- The London Advertiser, and a foarmer ue and in niany cases very littie or resident of Bowrnanville: no value at aîl. These indîviduals Dear Mr. James :-I arn sending are very versatile in their metbad of yau, under another caver, copy o! an 1 aperatian, and in the use of higli pres- editorial article on yaur Galdenl sure metbods, and have robbed trust- Jubilee. iag investors a! many hundreds of May 1 add my personal congratula- millions a! dollars during the past tiens ta the flood wbich lias no doubt few years. poured la upon yau in the past few The Better Business Bureaus have days? I amn delighted ta see that been instrumental in curbing to, a you are still wielding tbe pea as vig- marked degree the aperations cf orously as ever, and that yau bave these doubtful individuals, and in two sans ta take the burden off your sending many ta jail, while many shaulders and carry on the fine tradi- athers have been farced ta close their tion which you have created for The offices and cesse operatians lathn ds Statesman. trict where the Better Busines Br eaus have been active. F. Charles Hill, Division Manager As annouaced in the press a short of Tbe Amnerican Multigrapli Sales time ago by the Attorney-General I Ca., 230 Frankln Street, Buffalo, N. he welceines the formation a! a Bet-1 Y.: ter Business Bureau la the Province My dear Mr. James :-I wiýsbta a! Ontario-already a Bureau is lai extend ta you my congratulation on active operation in the Province of your fiftietb anniversary as Editor- Quebec, with headquarters in Mon- mn-Chef of "The Statesman". , treal, and la doing excellent service. Being familiar wlth the newspaper The lBetter Business Bureau, as at business-having graduated- fromth te present constituted camprises repre- "ýSun" office la the late 80's and hav-1 sentatives o! the Taranteo'Board of ing been a continuaus reader af "The Trade, Toranta Stock Exchange, Iii- Statesman" ail these years, I feel 'vestment Bankers' Association, Do- that you bave done a great work and minion Mortgage and Investment As- have raised the standard a! the sociation, Toronto Real Estate Board country paper ta a higb degree. and others. The Statesman, I feel, la la a class The Chairman of the Cammittee is all by itseif, due to, your uatiring C. L. Burton, President Toronto, efforts ta serve the public with a local i Board o! Trade, and the Secretary- paper that la now the pride and leader Treasurer is J. A. Kingsmili, 45 Rich- of all country newspapers. 1 mond Street West, Toronto. My wisb la that you wil be able ta continue for many years ia the work la which yau bave made such great success. The "Editor Taîka" BOUQUETS FROM THE PRESS colutan bas been of untold vaui a_____ your readers and my hope is th1 a (Pembroke Observèr) will be able ta keep up this cl atwe r .A ae ea King. St. East, Bowvmanviile I.. mLue n art, g9~ YOU, who do flot own a car, are missing many pleasures that you might enjoy - the convenience o.f Swift, easy traVel fromn place to place ,the comfort and privacy of trips free from track and imetale--the di:hil of roads flying beneath you like never-ending ribbons--the fresh, cool breezes of the great outdoors You are miasini ail thes.-and m.And you are m-i.ini thom needlessly-you, who do not feed you ulould spend the price of a Dew car 1 For aurprisangy f ew dollars .11 of the. ploaures a nabchyoura A iood Uaed Car, sold by a responm*bI. dealer, olmer you al of thema, and at a coot a»low sm te b.a oLataco no nges'. W. bave a variety of good casawLid mwera hav.e zchaaged for "Bigger and Botter" Chevrolet-car, that hold thou- uand*anad thousanda cf malea cf enjoyment and oonvenience. And the prices are the lowe.t we have ever known. Do mot go on iing thinga you can enioy! 0.. tii... ood Ua.d Cara today. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES OshaaOnt H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville WM. DAVEY, Oromo CHI cJ'LET BATTERIES We seil them at a price that will please you. TIRES We seli the weii-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes Ce A, Bartlett Setbuh ft w.uld b. too expensive The old lady lied never spoken over a long distance line before - but ahe was 8o hussgry for the. sound of lier daughter's volce! The opei'ator wua klnd and heliul and ln a moment the. beloved volas was sound- Ing linlier ear. And when the. teleplione biU camne ahe found the caliliead coat oni>' 45 cents. Now th. Sunday evenlng talk is a regular thlng. Moue - it 110w coata only 25 centa..fnstead of «Ukng for hot d"aghir by name, mother gives ULong DWa tance" thedistant number - houces l. b aLtu(afta 8.80 la only 25 centa. Ma"y do in esim low t- expeaïsve Long IXaAMe r.aiy Wa .0 ~ O~'Write for Free Bookiet, !*Wails q0 .o ~ That Reflet ood ~T ..-judgment,' con- P a~ talnng lnteresting information on ~, O~homne planning with ~ o Gyproci Roboard rMilio us fInsulating Air cenis CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABAS1'n ,LMITD Parle amu For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - BowmrnnilIe, Ont. 'LUUU;Dl zora., ivz?5 PAGE SEVU Phone 110 .ý-â* d4 1 -

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