c~hde~mrn'1 __________With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3Oth., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 35 Sehool Opens Sept. 4th. To do good work next terni every pupil, in the h'gher grades, will require a reliable fountain Pen. The most used and best iiked fountain pen is "WATERMAN'S" There's a pen to fit every band and to suit every purpose. Sold under an absolute guar- antee of satisfaction. Buy them in .Bowmanvilie at KERSLAKE'S The. Dependablo Drug Store BOWMANVILLE Public Schoolsj OPEN Tuesday, Sept. 4 9 o'clock (daylight saving time) Ail new comers should at- tend first day. There willý .be ample accommodationý for beginners. School Supplies Be prepared for sehool re-opening by buying your supplies early. We have a large supply of Public and High School Text Books, Exercise Scribblers and ail other necessaries. W. T. Allen BIG 30 DOOKSTORE Bowmanvjlle Ont. r il Cleaeririg No>w At HALF PRI-CE Ail Ladies' Spring Coats Now Reduced to Haîf Price., Don't pass up this chance to get a real stylish coat at less than cost price. We need the room for Eall Goods so our sacrifice is your gain. See them to-day. To-morrow your size may be gone. LADIES' SILK LINGERIE Special values this week in Ladies' Silk Underwear: Silk Bloomers from ................$1.00 to $2.50 Silk Vests from .....................$1.00 to $1.25 Ladies' Summer Dresses $2.98 up to $6.50, and $4.98 up Wo $10.00 and $6.98 up to $15.00. Children's Dresses, value $2.25 up, selling at Haîf Price LADIES' CLOTH SUITS Balance of these very attractive suits have been reduced for quick dlean up from ............................................ $3.00O W $10.00 A lot of Sumxner Dresa Goods selling at greatly reduced prices. Some at Haîf Price A lovely lot of Linen Table Cloths at exactly wholesale prices. Children's Cotton Vests selling off at haîf price. A great bargain in Ladies' Silk Rose in Black and White and aIl the new shades, Regular 75c for.......A........................ 50e Waco Silks Reduced to 50c Per Yard MEN'S SUITS ONE 0F A LINE SELLING OFF Regular $35.00 For $24.50 Regular $18.50 For $13.50 Regular $27.50 For $21.50 Regular $22.50 For $16.75 Regular $17.50 For $12.50 Se. Our Men'a Golf Trousers-Price $3.75 Up J. H. Johniton, Principal. le Couch, Jqihnston &Cryderman, Bowmanvllle Phione 104 Limiten mai eoý in Inn BLIMP LANDS AT GOODYEAR 1 SEEING CANADA FIRST HIGH SCHOOL NOTES LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Bowmanville H ordba isi Numb TiptotePcfe os Four New Teachers-Staff ncreased Mrs. M. Fissette, Brantford, is vis- Fron a iriible-Prze innes Anouced. itig ler sister, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. (Nmer4 Mr. C. T. Ross, Manager Royal tzensai te sgtofaslvrge ai r si n udya-1 arnigteiieayo u Owing to the increased attendance Theatre lef t Sunday for a w.eek's mot- shlp whieh circled aroundl the town sev- 1trip we planned to stop off at Winni- atB1avleHg eola di rtpt ot a n alyuy eral Urnes and then rei.raced its iourney peg for the week-end to break the tional teacher has been engaged for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wylie, Mast- westward. It was the 1'uritan, a blimp lIong train journey and also to visit. this school year. There will be two rElsadMsEvTonspt type of dirigible belonging tote Go-scn frs n f t uin ter Ellis and tMs.EadTornto, spJ. year Tire & Rubber Co. of Akron,9Ohirelatives and fniends. We arrived s ecofomsa one o n sn teStra wt r n M rdJ whlch had caused such a sensation earl- 1 at the Gateway City te the West Sat- scice-om s cas-rem ier in the week on. uts goodwill trip toi urday inorning and were given a real A change is being made in the di- py Toronto.. western welcome at the station by vision of subjects am-ong the teach- Mrs. Arthur Tnimble and daughters Monday morning the Punitan returned Mr.Jms Ms aklers: Doris, Arvilla, Jean and Betty speat to Bowmanville about nmon and the hopes Ms ams uni, MyMakyoods,jMismih iltecEnihLt-heweed itMradMs. e- of the sky gazing spectators were realiz- two frîends of my wife, formerly of MisSthwl ehEnihLt-heeknd ihMradMs.W - ed when the airship saileil gracefully and Owen Sound, Mrs. M. McLennan and erature in ail formis and English Com- ley Kerr, Toronto. peacefully over the town and landed l e auhIMs.Mr.nllr h position in the Middle and Upper Miss Emmerson and Mrs. Hennietta the field adJeining the Goodyear plant. lirduheMs Mr.MlewoSchos ata ae-rtre tmavr Hundreds of cltizens hastened to the wsoun iracious hostess, and myî ei.Esmnhv eundfoiavr landlng place to get their flrai. vîew et a cousin, Miss Anianda E. Bond, form-' Miss Whitton, who la a speciaiist enjoyable visit with their niece, Mis. real airship. erly of Oshawa. in French and German, with severai M. Logan, Stratford. A landing crew froy'a the local factory years 'experience as a teacher, will I Dr. and Mrs. W. T. J. veale, Har- waas commandered to anchor the ship on After two nights and a day on the teach these subjects to ail classes. row, Ont., are holidaying with her is arrivai whlch was a very simple pro- train it was a welcomne change Vo get Miss Ogden wbo is a specialist in parents, Mnr.and Mns. C. A. Johnston cess. One of the Orst acta after landing to city surround ings although it wa History will teach ail the history. and other relatives hene. was securing clearance impers from C. A. Cawker, Customs & Excise Officer. scorching bot and the mosquitees, for Mr. Henry wbo has been teaching Mrs. Colin McDonald, Weston, and The ship Is 135 ft. long and carnies1which Manitoba is famous, gave us aI mathenaties successfully for severai nephew, Mr. Bob Scott, Edmonton, 86,000 fi of helium gas which la stored warm reception and a busy time. years will have charge of these sub-1 Alta., have been visiting Mrs. Rus- ln four separate chambers. it la eciuip- Let me put you wise about these west- jects. Isl ade n te eaie ee ped with 2 Oive cylinder rotary Ryan- 1sl ade n te eaie ee Siernons motora capable of developing ern proboscis insects if you have nev- Miss Stedman, wbo taught Latin sol 70 H. P. each and a ;lPeed of over 501 er made their unwelcome acquaint- successfuliY iast year, wili l c Mrs. W. R. Clemens, Toronto, bas miles an heur. Weighit of ahlp Io around. ance. They are about the sise of ai Greek in addition to thé Latin this, returned home after a pleasantvsi 4500 pounds and coata about $40,000. It sea walrus, there being two varieties year. with Mrs. R. T. Stephens and hier bas a carrylng capacity of 6 passengers. the snse wihmksabz- Ms hrbr llta Goa ueosod insinonad The ship was le charge of Mr. Botteer e snaer hofae aba-jMssTonunwllthGor- inumrusodfredsi o n Akron, pilot. and Mr. O'Neii of Coiun- 1 xng noise like an ainoplane and theI phy, Physiography, Arlthmetic andvinty bus, mechani. "silent-knight" which steais upon you Lower School Algebra. Misses Marion Phillips and Mosetta Mr. E. H. Koken, Supt. Goodyear fact- without warning. They attack sing-I Principal W. J. Morrison will con. White, New York City, are guesta of ory, was a passenger on the return trip ~o ndoe r ersetr~tneV ec h cec n gi their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrsî. the day for Akron. persons or beasts, and as you would! culture. Norman S. B. James, and visitinýg natunally expect the female species1 their numerous Canadian cousins in is the more deadly. Their slogan is List off Prise Winners 1927-28 1 this district. Bowmanville bakers, their employ-î"a skîn they love te touch." They 1 The Couch Writing Prizes, FoITI 1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and ees and families, numbering everl have one redeeming feature, however,ý -Girls--Annie Wilkins; Boys- daughter ýCarlyn, Mr. and Mrs. John fifty heid their annual picnic Wed- !in that they are cnedited with being Maurice Rose. McCaw and Miss Lulu Johnson, mnesday afternoon at Lakeview Park, harbingers as te what the barvest wi The Lieutenant Reginald Heber Stir]ing, spent the weekend with Mr. Oshawa. It was a real enjoyab1,0 be-sort of advance crop barometers. Joilliffe Prizes-lst--Morgan Lunney;I and Mrs. Fred J. Spry. noccasion in which ail present had a The story goes, "the more plentiful 2nd-Manion Rickard. Dr. and Mrs. J. Clark Bell and son jolly tume taking part in the races, the mosquitoes the more bountiful the Men's Canadian Club History Prises Ian, returned home -on Monday front games and bathing. The men played harvest." And se the Volerant native' Girls-Marion Battie; BO:sNe 1o a four weeks' trip te their native land a soft bail game but the score is net of Manitoba puts up with the indul- Hackney. lfSoln. Te eotams n for publication. Again we com- gent mosquito on this acceunt. The Fairbairu Prizes-Generai of le Scotlabuthey report a ostin mend Messrs. Corbett and Jacobs for - Poficiency-Form I-George Weekes; v the preper fraternat spirit and cem-1 Glancing oven the merning paperiFn I-on1uy Canada. mendblefeelng f ceopeatio1 o ou arrvaiwe ntic a e1 he on JPrse orMiss Elva Annis, Niagara Falls, N. ameng cempetitors a hw yhold- hain eaturing the M fnitoba reestanding-Upper School ehainsaYMsss-nl ale n el ing this joint p as sbwn by esdig faird eot o hea - examina- e earFlepp, Pickering, and Miss Marjory pinc sn.Thid Cropteporst dofJ e en- tons-Mi nie Pre r ihe Annis, Dunbarton, spent the weekend and_________thinisaethe repotaof Junestanding-M Pise-fcor hxaihes with Mn. and Mns. Win. Crossey, Car- satisfactony with wheat averaging 14 tions-Marion Sehoo exaina-lisie Ave. iînches high; warm, sunny weathen The Squair Prise-fer higbest Prof. and Mrs. Chas. T. Paul, YE OLD TYME was prometing growth and that con- standing in French-Minnie Pearce. Indianapolis, Indiana, are enjoying ditions generally speaking wre ai- Shooting-Statbcona Silver Medal holidays at Mn. Thos. Hamnlyn's and nst ideal. This favorable forecast -.Stanton Caverly. with bis sisters, Mrs. A. Mingeaud D A N~JCE has been fairly well substantiated Literary Society Prises-Scneech and Mns. F. C. Pethick. Pleased to imore than tw-e montbs later with the O wl-Short Story-Senior---Mergan welceme him te his native town. Under auspices of 1giowing and eptimist reporte that a, Lunney; Juniors--Kenneth Morris. Mrs. J. G. Rickard and Miss Fior- Bownanviile Laicrosse Club record harvest is practically assuredIPoetry-Seniors--Gordon Osborne; ence Richard, Bowmanville, Mr. and froni the prairie provinces of weli Juniors--Jessie Knox. Mrs. H. G. Martyn, and famuly, Strat- F ria jveiing over five million bushels of wheat. If ord, Mr. Howard Rickard, Port Frd Y ,ye-* Colborne, Were *among the guests a 1 ehad learned biefone leavirg, the Ifickard-Clarke weddlug in Belle- A g s .31shoethat oun :former townsmau and WEDDING vilon uedy good frieud, Capt. C. W. E. Meath, lil nTedy at was te be in Winnipeg about that Rickard--Clarkej Bowmanville Rotary Club consid- date as the Soldiers' Federal Appeal ered itself exceediugiy fortunate in East Side Pavilion 1 Board of which lie is a worthy niera- A wedding of unusual interest tîook' having as [t guest speaker on Friday ber was sitting thene. Af ter sonie pince in Bridge Street Unxited Chiurch, an eminent Bowmauville boy, Prof. PORT BOWMANVILLE inquiry we iocated the Board in ses-I Belleville, at high noon on Tuesday, Chas. T .,Paul, President of the Col- Tickets 35e sien at the Court Heuse. The Board August 28th., when Miss Helen Gert- lege of Missions, Indianapolis, Ind. conslsted of Col. C. W. iBelton, Chair- rude Clarke, B.A., only daughter of In an address which was brm full of Free Car Ride to Lakne man, Lt.-Col. J. H. Roy and Capt.. Inspecter and Mrs. H. J. Clarke, be. interestiug facts and information Four cars leave C. N. R. -Express Meath. It was our pniviiege te hiear came the bride of Rev. Roy H. Rick- Prof. Paul reviewied in a most con- Office at 8.30 p. ni. for thse dance evîdence presented in several cases ard ,B.A., M.R.E., of Pickering, son cise and comprehensive manner sone of soldiers and dependents of soldiers of Mrs. Riekard and the late Jas. G. of the more important events pertain- who were making an appeai Vo, have Rickard, Bowmanvilie ,the ceremony ing to the international bistory of their pensions adjusted on cases ne- being penformed by Bey. F. E. Malotc, China fronthse l4th century te the considered. This court whichla i coin, D.D., pastor of the church. present day. Those heaning this ad- posed of ex-service officens is the fluai Tise cburch was deconated witb a 1dness will now better understand wbat tribunal te wbicis a soldier or lis next profusion of pink and white asters li back of thse revointion and turmoil Ro a he te of kmn may make an appeal if thcy sud white satin nibbon. i oing on in this great Oriental on Royal heatre are not satisfied with the decision of The bride, given in marriage by tI . a Medicar or Pension Boafi.- From bier father, wore a sieeveless gowu of______ Presenting The Finest lu oun observations on this occasion and white satin wits drapes of 'Venetian i Photoplays aise the favorable commente previous- lace caught in front withi a bow. kuot MINISTERS AN4D CHURCHES Phoo 89ly beard fron soidiers in tisis districtI of peanis. Rer veil of palest pink Phon 589who have bad their cases reviewed be- tulle edged iu lace was arranged in 8t. Joseph's R. C. Churcb. Mass fore tisis body we feel certain thesef cap effect with a coronet of orange il a. ni. Sunday Sebool 2.30 p. ni. men. are meeting eut justice ta de-j blossonis. She carried a bouquet of Sermon and benedictiou 7 p. ni. Bev. servin g soldiens and their dependeuts,1 pale pink butterfly roses.1 P. P. Butler. ns weli as being guardiaus of the, The bridesmaid, Miss Elva Maybee Trnity United Churcs, Bey. J. U. Fniday-Saturday, August 31et and peopie's intenests. of Fenelon Fals, wore an imported Robins, Pastor. Suuday services at September lot Tstevnn ;i ias our plaîresleeveless gowu of powdar bine geer- il a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday Sebool Richard Dix lut b eet o m cusnMis of gette with bat and sboes ta match sud at 2.30 p. ni. Miss Helen Morris, or- who bas been manageness for oven 10 carried Premniere roses. The best gauist. 4"WARMING UP" mnwsM.WlimSilnTr years of the Buttdnick Publishing Co. mnwsM.Wlia1klig o- St. Jobn's Anglican Csus'cb. Thir- See iebrd ix wn hme n a for innpegandWestrn anaa. to, sud the ushers were Mn. Grantj teenth Sunday aftes' Trnity, Septeni- knockout romantic comedy on the She entertained us at tise Business Maidenofs, Blllevle,and Mn. o te1 e ,12. l1a .R oi basebail diamond. See the coni- sud Prefessional Women's Club of Mry fSrtod ehwo h munien sud sermon. 2.30 p. n.- edy king as the ambitious stripl- wbich she is a maniber. This club groom. Throughout tise ceremony Sunday Schooi. 7 p. m.-Evening ing froin the busis-leagues crash bas very cemusodieus sud luxunio' wedding music'was played by Miss prayar. tise gates Vo the big-time in base- apartmnents on the top floor of a large of tis etser, . Duig tein I-g St. Andrew's Presisytenian Cburch, ball and love, office building in the centre of thse bertCle sng "Ail Joy Be Thine'.' coiner Tempe-iiuce au] Churcs Sts., c;ty. It is a capital ides, sud an idéal A reception wai baid at the home Rev. R. M. McDerment, M.A., minis- Matinee Saturday afternoon at place for its members te lunch, me-et ofte1ie' aetto otrA erta. Morning worship il a. ni. Ev- 2.3. Cîldeu e.sociaily on entertain guests in sueh n Mrs. Clarke raceiving in a FrenchI enuig worship 7.30 p. ni. Suuday Chapter 3 of isespitable manner as we experianced I fbak iklc ndgogteSch ioo1 .m "LK OFSCOTLAND YARD" an joeth vnig, with peacb colored scarf ,metallic hatI St. PaulFs Chuncb, Rev. D. W. "BAE0 rgaiThe next a being Sunday we ef and corsage of roses. Mrs: Rniekard, B.cst, ic worsiisip at il a. ni.- sud regular porancourse slept i. emight bave mother of tegro, 11e :ak satin vcemPbin oistr Sa y er-m ______gene te chuncis, but like mest folks faced crepe, a panne veivèt bat sud ansd 7.30 p. ni. Thse Bey. L. D. Me- wbotrvelwete wet he ayofcorsage bouquet of roses. 1 Lellan, B.D. of Beaverton, wiil con- least resistance wisich meant a couple Rev. sud Mrs. BRickard reft urne- duet thea services. Sunday School Monday.Tuesday, September 3-4 extra heurs in bed. Anyway, weldiately on a motor trip tissougb the at 10 a. ni. William Haines sud Josephine consoied ourselves that we wouldn't Adirondacks te 'New York City. Tise ITise ciasiug af the union services Dunu Iu hear any better sermon tbau we get bnidi's travelling costume p as an au- for tise summer vacation between St. Pt every Sunday at home. Somebody semble of blue flat crepe wits gsey Paul's sud Trinity Churches were "'EXCESS BAGGAGE" suggested that wben in Winnipeg we kasisa coat sud bat in tise same shade iseld ou Sunday when Bey. J. U. Romance sud success clashs in this sbould go sud hear Balpis ConnOr. and white fox fur. Robins conducted tise services, thriiiing pictune of back-stage But I once heard a eroaker say that On thisas return they wiil raside in preaching in the morning froam the vaudeville life, love aud laughs. this amnent divine could Write a Pickerng. words "By 'tise three bundred men Tise thTill of yens'. Haines in book better tissu be could preacs.! At tise chureis ceremony, th'e Ki- that iapped wiiF I sava you", Judgas tise sensational slida of deats. A Se tisat shattened my go.od intentions wanis Club was present in a body, I 7:7, sbowxug that tise great thinga Haines triumph in tise picturae ofdeing what my conscience dictated tise groom being a memben ef that' ef lite am- accomplished not aiwavs frem tise smaslsing stage bit. was rigist. How often wa overridel organisation. by those ef gréat talents or great sucis goed intentions with selIsi dctanl vn a btotub Matines Monday, Septesuber 3rd motives! _edctisan l aerabiîî ty h ofteaub 1____ *1 tbatbs aiviala f uns_ ae eeoldyig- _ hirpa-vehoeiflsermon ltram tioserst