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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1928 PAGE~ EIGHI GOOD .From $50.00 Up Corbett Motor Sales Co. Phone 248 Bowmanville Pirevents Accidente "Greosy" Pavements and dimligt 1 Skddng casu ta your ng9ht and leJrl1 Pedcsrians IturTyiflg hee-kelter arroi your path i There's alway*DANG£Rin oa Storm -but a clear wndhld prevents acci- dents. Thse Sorm Kims Electric Windslsield aad for alvccupants 'Lofviawcar, h hl and gives thse driver ful vie- Of BUi intersection34, £çi lecleantS elear acroas. Ise Stormi King lias a vertical wewhicis presses frmrny against tise wdsiield, across which i: is W ed froni ide to side by à d8tendieas, iubric.ated chai., whli ji endosed in a steel channel installed horizontafly across the top of the windshWel f rame. It is diven by its own mator, imail but very powerful, enclosed in thse steel housing wbhich covers thse chain. This motor operates froan the batery of any automobile. Thse Storm King -01I operate whether the car i3 runing or standing stili. whetber tiea ezsgine is runusng or flot. It is srly bult and jpowerful, and keepstise wndbield citanin i snow, sleet or ran. l es vc simple to, instal. ý )Don't risk accidents. Get à Storm King Cieaer today. It le as Iecesaay te, youir safety in tormy weather as ighs t neigt. SoId in Bowmanville and District by N orman S. B. James, Statesmnan Office Cail in and have a demnonstration. I will allow you $2.00 on your old window wiper. DODS î.NITTING COMPANY, LIMITUED Orangeille . . - Ontario 'Ç!ceSeli.g Agent fo, Canada R. READE DAvis. ith offi ces ai iManch.,tef Building 33 MaIi'sd. S,ýeî . Toronto 2, Ontario M. L. C. Bide., 455s Craig Sreet West Montroal . Quebet j: antt à3 Pas TheiN e wVc aLitle I ridge pgerndenrt a' Peti THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th. 1928 Seci - the BUT NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE SCHOOLS RE.OPENED tbe 1 - gru. Miss Freda Quinn, Napanee, is vis- Master Ralpb Gibson bas returned Newcastle Public and High Scbools gu iting bier cousin, Miss Raye Deline. froni a holiday in Ottawa and vicinity opened on Tuesday morniing with a spe, Miss Bertha Cowan bas acceipted a in cornpany witb bis eldest brother, zoo,! atteindance in aIl rooms and as a Sci position witb the Cbaînber of Com- Mr. Leroy Gibson, and faniily, of sign that scbool days bad begun again mierce, Whtby. Preston. the Union Jack fiew proudly all day - 'Misses Marion Allin and Nora Cow- His many friends will be deligbt- long from the top of the building. an are planning to attend Normal ed ta hear that Mr. Robt. Walton, Among tbe very newest beginners Scbool, Peterboro. pupil of Mr. Arthur Lynde, Wbitby, is littie Diana Wheeler, daugbter of MissMinie Parc retrne onbas been awarded second place in thei the late A D. Wheeler and Mrs. Miss rMniea e reisturned ont contest for baritone singers at* the Wheeler, recently of Boston. Mass. odafro aweksiitit ihCanadian National Exhibition. Mrs. Wheeler, Diana and Alden, arc MIrs. S. C. Sculthorpe, Welcome. Master Wilbur Blackburn, Darling- Miss Gladys Bradley, wbo bas been now staying with lier parents Mr. and ton, spent tbe weekend with bis grand- spending the sommer with bier par- Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. parents, Mr. and Mis. W. C. Black- ents, Mr. and Mms. J. W. Bradley, The numnber of pupils enrolled in hum,. bas returned to Gloversville, N. Y., the Higb Scbool bas reacbed a new wbere she is continuing as zeacher of higb record of 54, 35 in Formns 1 and Miss Phebe M. L. Brock, wbo hbas the deaf pupils of the piub1ie achools II, and 19 in Forni III. The number been spending the summer witb bier of that city. in the I and Hl Fornis is sligbtly in parents in England, returried on Suii- TeMse rw fMnrel necs ftepent seating accoTa- day ead fo achol orkcompany witb their brother-in-law, Mrm mdation. Mr. John Bland and Miss O'Larry, Forbes ,and bis two daugbters of 'l'ror- Tbe scbool building tboughout bas Toronto, wbo spent two weeks wltb onto, are occupying for September been tborougbly bouse-cleaned by Mm. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley ln A'îgust weme i Mrs. (Dr.) Farncomb's cottage la and Mrs. Brereton and during the two again their guests last weekeîîd. Ariadne Glen, vacated on Monday by weeks previaus to the opening Mr. Mrs. J .W. WilIis and famiuly, MiSss Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Smitb, Toronto, Benj. Moise bad been bus>' redecomat- Lauma Beath, Orthapedie Rospital, wb occupied it in Aug-ust. ing Miss Brock's class rooni, the en- were recent guests of their sister, ------- trance porches, halls, and play' roanis Mrs. M. J. Hutchinsori. at the lake. in tbe basement. Miss S. A. Moise has returned BOUQUETS FROM THE PRESS fions a pleasant vsit witb Mrs. D. De- Lui>' at Walker, Mina., and bas re- (Fergus News-Record) ST. MATTHEW'S CHOIR, suaed lier duties as teacher near Mill- Last week, M. A. Jàmes of Bow- TORONTO, AT ST. GEORGE'S brook. manville, celebrated the fiftietb an- W. M. S. of St. Paul's Cburcb, Bow- niversaiy of bis occupation of the edi- Woids can hardi>' express the manville, is visiting tbe W. M. S. of tor's chair of The Bowmanville grateful and beartfelt appreciation of the United Cburch, Newcastle, in the Statesani. I n te aainSt. George's congregatioa. for the S S. oonis on Tbursday of this week has owned a newspaper for that presence and service o! sang o! St. at 3 P. ni. visitais welcome. Re-îlengtb of tume, we bave neyer beard Mattbew's Church Choir, Toronto, at fresbments. ofbhin. Several other members of ýt George's Churcb last Sunday even- Mr. Cbas. Warren, Swift Current I the Ganadian Weekly Newspaprs As-în. P asntrl>anocin Sas wh ba ben vsitng isrela- sociation bave approached ery closeof speciai interest n ut on'>'ta the tives here during tbe summer boli- ta the haif century but Mr. James' re- tbe ge mnber pblica wel Thebupews days, left on Wednesda>' for home. card 15 probabl>' unique. wee fihled neurlie o as paci.The by a lHe will restiumebis position as Prof. Last week's Stat-esman contained conre giodnearbic foundtbe ch a of Science in the United Cburch Col- two articles dealing witb the occa-,ai service and the sermon b>' Mr. lege in Regina. alan. Mr. James wrote, as usual, Lorne Tfhomnas of Trînity College, Mrs. Harry Walbridgc, Belleville, under the beading, 'The Editor Talka'! Toronto, most belpful and inspiring. was a eekend guest of her cousins: a featume, wbich bas been the chief The visiting choir to the number of Mis. S. Jose and Mr. and Mrs. J. Il. cbaîactemîstic of The Statesman. Mr. rifteen wvas under direction of tbeir Jose. Mrs. Walhridge's sister, MýissJames notes particulari>' the changes choir leader and organist, Mr. Don- 1Jose, xvo bas been in Toronto for a that fifty years have bought about in, o n nadto otecoa wbile, also called on Sonde-y on bier Bowmaaville and the di1fercnces ininginzth trougboot the service, sang way borne to Belleville a'ur mode of living brooght about b> 'as a 'specal anthem, "God so loved Mr. aymnd Rger, M.., em-inventions during the last al ce-1 the World", John :16. St. Geore'sj onsr. oRaond ecRogCes .A, Del- tury. There were no linotypes, no choir, the menibers wearing their umbhia University, New York, isviit gasoline engines, no motor cars, somplices, entered the cburcb, singing ing is parents, Rev. W. P. and Mrs- trucks or bu-e,, the telephone wa, tbc, processional witb the vîsitilng Rgr. 'Beore going ta New York, only la the experiniental stage; elect- choir and thea took seats in tbe front MRogers wso h tf fte ric ligbts were onheard of, and street pe;s After the service the>' left .NI. Rger wa o th stff f telcars were drawn b>' horses. "It was th, chiirch singing tbe recessinnal University' of Mantoba, Winnipeg. !tbe proud abode of luxury", be adds, with St. Matthewv's. Mrs. Albet BaIl, niother of Dr. "that could boast a batbroom la those Later the two cboirs repaîred to Walton Bail. had a barn burned indays"tePrihHl beeacmniteo Hope Township last Tuesday veekitePrsHalwr acm te o duriag a severe electrical storm. Shel On another page of the sainie paper l ad iesserved refreshmients and the bad no insurance, the policy baving 1pei natcewite yargo iitiag chori sters favored with a run out a few weeks befome. Mr.I frîend, George W. James, and con-isbort progrmn of sacred sang. Brown, the tenant, had a $1000.00 taining an account of bis fatber's Rev Scott Howard and the late polic on te conents.lf eMr. James, Sr., spent the first Rev. Canon John Farcomb were bth MissEtt Holeý,Prinipa oftwenty of is eigty yeas on a farm in tura rectors of St. Matthew's Miss tta Hlme~,Princpalhe next ten teacbing scbool. On ý Cburcb, Toroto. King Street School, Oshawa,, wbo bas August 1, 1878, b lie d saved up' been on leave of absence snce last $3,000 whicb was no mean featinni St. George's Cburcb, 1ev. E. R. Christmas, bas eturned ta bier dutýes. those days af îaw salaries for teacb- James,' Rector. Sonda>', September Since returning froni California eaily esad5 e ogtot')b tts th: 8 a. m.-Holy Com'vunion. 9.45 la the sommer she bas been stayig manwhic hebas edited ever since. a. ni.-SundayeSch7o. il .-Eeii. at ber oId home on the farm witb bier Ia the intervening baîf century Mr.MoangPayr "p .-vn.g father and brother Wallsce and fam- James bas purchased seven local'com* Service. Y l>. petitive new;spapers and tbree other Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil and grand- papers in Bowmanville bave ceased ________________ son, Jimmie Keech, left Saturday ta ublication without being absorbed. I visit hr son, Mr. Frank O'Neil, Phil article by >George James con- adelphia. The>' alsa iiitetid ta go ta cludes witb a fine tributs froni son ta r si F ow a Florida t ii their nepbew and father with no apolo~ for the per- D a tc F o w a niece, Mr. and Mrs. Law. Mr. Kenip sonal îeniarks since >'a rose ta the of Coîhorne, la la charge of Mr. 1 living is sweeter than a wreath f or Reductions O'elssection during biýs !absence 1Ithe dead".I ley's. Mr. Clarence Allia is again acting1 (Kingston Daily Whig-Standard) as judge o! Byve stock and certain The Wbig-Standard la delighted to ather agricultural classes at the joîn with other editors and publishers achool faims tbrougbout the County. in tendering sincere congratulations Hle started Wednesday witb Agricult- to Mr. M. A. James of Thse Bowxaan- ural Representative, J. Y. Kellougis, ville Statesman on thse occasion of his ta get tbings la meadinesa for the fiast jubilee as editor of that pape-r. faim of thse season at Maple Grrve on T!t is fift> yeams ega on Aug. 1 since Thursday. Faim date for Newcastle M. A. James, then a young man af 29, iSeptember 27th. purcbased The Bowinanville States- Tise congregatioli of te United man fmom thse late W. R. Chume and Cburcb welcomed Pastor Rogers and duiing tise whole of the succeeding Mrs. Rogers home froni their bolidays býal century he bad continued to fi11 lagt weekend and turned out in good tbe edîtorial chair. During later aumbers ta bear Mr. 'Rogers pîeacb years Mr. James has been îelieved t-wo forceful sermons, are in the of tise business management af tise momning on "The Rayalty' of Service", paper of bis twa sans, George and ln respect of Labor Day on Mtonda>,, Norman, but week aftc'r week lie bas and the other la the evening on "Les- l continued tu express his views on pub- sans ta he leamneti froni Peter'; Faîl".1 lic affairs under tise ieading "Tise Walter Blackburn, second san o! dtr ak" Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Dam-i Mr. James la celebrating tbe jubilee liagtaa, bas beecome a student of the lof an enviable record. Duiig the High Scisool here and will live witn fift> yeaîs that ise bas conducted The bis grandparents, Mr. and Mis. W. Statesman it ha. always stood forý C. Blackburn, thus f ollowing la the those things tisat are honorable and footsteps of bis clever eIder brother, true, and has neyer failed ta give Farewvell, wbo spent four vears bere, leadership on great moral issues wben ead secumed bis junior matriculatioiI leadership was needed. The States- this sommer as ighest proficiene>' man is a first-class local weekly news- maIe student. paper and it bas been made s0 b>' M. A. James and bis sans. We me-echo la the publisbed resuits o! New- the fine tribute paid ta the venerable castle 111gb ScbooîlanAigu.3t 23rd îs- jouraalist by bis sons on the front sue tb&qe appears ta ho some -erorsý pagze of that week's issue, and jain la respect of Noîlie Garrod's aks wth theni la the hope that ho will ho and papers. She is creditod wîtbspared for mani> years ta continue bis passing in four subj.ýcts as follows:- entertaiaing anri instruîctive coluain Anc. Ilist. 1 ,Br. Hist. C, French headed "The Editor Taîks". Autb. 3, French Camp. C; xvereasl ber certificates show tbat she pa)sscd la five -suhject5, otaining 2-l.sts, 1-i Dcosrcmen ra !Br 2nd. ad 2 redit as fllows-and mothers insist on it. Hist. 1, B. IHist. 1, French Autb 2, ad Frencb Camnp. C, and Lit. C. Septeniber and scbool days bavingi arived, a auniher of Toronto fam-a ilies wba have been spending July 00'1 and August la their cottages at theî lake bave etu.ned ta their cit>'s homes. Aimoag the numnber are Dr. and Mis. Waltoa Bal and famil>', Tbe Oveeads, the Caniphelîs, the a Bains, the Hutchinsoat, the Stowes ead the Carvetbs; but the majorit>'M r ad m of the famnilles are renaiiinpg for iaprcaet sorne time longer, and several ai those p rcaet wbn have gane will continue ta makeWhtRoeG weekly visits ta thei cottages tbîuout the feul.orhg mp Little Ruth liane>' while crogsing A DIN0 I King Street Saturda>' aftemfloos was CNDA bt b>' an auto, and pushed along tbe I« pavement for about tbirty feet hy the fonder before she was picke<i up. Fortunatel>' tise car was not travelling ver>' fast, or she iniglit bave been seriousi>' injuied. As it wvas she received saie painful bruises and a cut in the fac necessitatitig two stitches b>' Dr. Buter. Ruth's the village with ber car at tle time,I and alter Dr. Butler bad attended taoi hem injuries, took bem home in the I car with tise assistance af Mis. J. R.I F. Fisher. 1 Special purchase of Men's solid leather work boots, with or without outside counter, Regular Value $5.,001.......Special $3.95 Men's Military Boots wt double sole, Special $3.69 Men'; Dress Oxfords, black or tan, square toe, Special This Week $3.49 Men's Work Boots, black or brown, panco sole, Special $2.98 Ladies' Fali Shoes, patent strap, high or cuban heels, Special $2.79 Wfomen 's or Growing Girls' Oxfords, solid leath- er soles and rubber heels, Special $2.49 A. DILLICK King and Division Ste. Bowmanville Ont. Time ore rs he economy of asoline for iow )ression motors. IL COMPANIES, [ITED LC Bi Brgan oVb ainSAtato at this store Thursday, Friday and Saturday FEW 0F SPECIALS: LADIES' $1.98 Patent Straps and Oxfords, low or cuban beels. $2.98 Patent Strap. Kid and broken sizes in higher grade. $3.95 Patent Strap, kid, brown caîf oxfords. BOYS' $2.28 Baya' black and tan school boots, with special double sole, size 1-5. $2.98 Boys' Snappy Oxfords and Boots, size 1-5. $2.45 saine in youths, sizes 11-13. MEN $2.98 Brown Panco Soles, work shoes. $3.45 Work Stroe Special and Men's Tan Oxford. $3.95 Black or Brown Oxford, Goodyear Welt Clearing $4.95-A big assortment of high grade boots and oxfords in Black or Brown. CHILDREN'S $1.98 Patent Strap Slippers for early Faîl wear, 11-2. $1.75 sanie, ln sizes 8-10%. $1.49 sanie, in sizes 5-7½/ A Fit For Every Foot R. J. Rovan' s Quality Shoe Store Formerly Claude Ives Phone 528 Bowmanville On The Sunnyside Cost less per mufe W. NELLES, LIBERTY & KING STREETS, BOWMANVILLE RD 33 mmmm!memn!!= United Cburch, Rev. W. P .Rogers, Mrs. J. Chamberlain, Akron, Ohio, stor. Sunday, September 9th: 11 spent last week with ber niece, Mrs. m.-Morning Worship. 2.30 P. In. P. F. LeGresley. Sunday School. 7 p m.-Eveniflg Miss Marjorie Cowan wbo obtained rvice; fifth sermon on the Apostle ber junior matriculaton a-, the high ýtr; subject--The Law of the sebool here this summer, is finishing cond Chance. As this years marks ber high scbool course in Bowman- eter-ccntenary of the hirtb of John ville. Her brother, Richard, wb-o also inyan and the 250th anfiiversary of completed bis junior niatriculation, epublisbing of the Pilgrim's Pro- wl go to Bowmanville too, after he ess, the pastor will preach on this cornes home froni the C. N .E., where jiect at the niorning service and he is assisting the Côw-in Co. of Tor- ecially invites aIl tbe Sunday onto in their exhibit la the Pure Fo 1d fiool niembers -to be present. Building. 1 Do Unto) Otheirs - - Paying your bis promptly is one of the best ways to follow the Golden Rule. First-in fairness to the merchant or profes- sional man who has invested cash and time ini the merchandise or service you have received, you should reciprocate the f avor of credit by taking care of your obligations in reasonable time. Your merchant or professional man does not require security. He demands no interest-yet he is actually loaning you cash. Second-in fairness to your own name an'd re- putation, your bis should be paid on time. You are granted credit according to, your past record. Your character'is the basis for confidence in your ability to pay. Do your part. Pay your bills promptly. If you can 't pay ail at once, pay half or whatever you can and see to it that your creditor KNOWS you are playing the game SQUARE. That's one way we can ail add to the good name of ourselves and the community in which we live. 1 . W. NELLES, LIBERTY & KING STREETS, BOWMANVILLE

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