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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1928, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 PAGE THREU s We Welcorne You To Bowmanville Fair The Old Reliable *Grocery Store Invites ail friends from the rural sections who attend Bowmanville Fair next Wednesday- September l9th-to make their headquarters at our store. 1 Arrange Vo meet your friends here. Leave your parcels at our store. Use our phone. Just corne right in aûd make yourself at home. We wiIl give you every accommodation at our disposai -except oan money-that's up to the bankers.. And if you should need groceries why just give us your order and it wiIl be ready when you want it. ARCHIîF TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville C.ood Health In Every Loaf Corbett's Wholesome Bread is made from the best flour milled. That is why it is always dependable in flavor, quality and wholesomeness. Becausse it contains the health-building qualities of the wheat kernel many serve our bread regu- larly. Try it-just phone 3 and we will have our wagon cail. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowrnanville EMPTY COAL BINS ARE GETTING THEIR FILL They certainly are these days-and the prefer- ence on past performance seems Vo be for LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 77ie Coal 7that Satia fin Our coal is ail freshly mined, dlean and well screened. You take no chances when you order the oki reliable "Lehigh Valley Anthracite". It makes warm friends during the cold winter months. Order your winter supply of coal now-phone 153 or 202. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON h Corne to Bowrnanville Fairi BURKETON Mr. and Mns. Zaci< Adamis, Ross and Marguerite, Mr. and Mns. Fred Adams, Misses Ruby and Pearl, Mr. and MNs. George Bower and Dorathy, Mr. J. Elford spent Lahor -Day 'ith friends at Midlind and Wyebridge. F. W. NELLES, LIBERTY & KIIl MEATI NIG STREETS, BOWMANVILLE la An Essential Part of a WeIl Balanced Intelligent Diet. The best meats are available at our shop where good service and economical prices prevail. Tempt- ing, delicious meats for your table that turn a meal into an event. Health-giving fresh and pure pro- ducts are our stock. Just give us a trial. HAROLD M. JEWELL & MCOY Succeasor to Phare Phone 518 .. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE WEDDING A CLOVER FIELD Mr. and Mrs. o. V. Peister recently McLaughlin-Smith I've been straying in a clover field, visited friends at tBrighton. Port Carling, September 5-3eaulti- A lo#eIy scented clover field, Miss Mary Hume visited Mrs. fui Lake Rosseau, Muskok-a, was the That tons and tons of fragrance yield Cecil Macklin, Stirling, last week. background on Wednesday lifter- And beauty ail agleam, Miss Iva Gilbank took up bier regu- nc-on fo<r the inarriage of Mrs. Mar- I've been straying in a clover field, lar duties Iast week in Raglan School. garet A. Smith, daughte'- of Mr. and A Pink and white and yellow weald Mrs. J. E. Fortier,' Montreal, i, Mrs. J. H. R. -Luke of Oshawa, to Where earth is lovingly concealed, visiting hier sister, Mrs. Thos. Lymer. Mr. C. Ewart McLaugblin, son' of Wherein ta spin lier dream. Dr. Herbert Tyler, Canton, N. Y., Tr.eandereoy sefor e 'I by hen And in a greening, growing field was recent guest at Mr. W. Ding- Rhev. r. H. ws Drougai unthe- A gorgeous fragrant clover field, man'5.cently pastor of Simcoe Streeý Unit- I found today but half conceaied, Mr. John Hellyar, Clinton, spent ed Churcb of Oshawa, il the presence In Pink and white and gold, the weekend witb his uncie, Mr. John cf the immediate families of the The witcbery of a dlover field, he]îyar. bride and groom. Afteî' a short trip The loveliness it has revealed, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Chase recent- Mr. and Mrs. McLauglilin -viii spend The wealth and beauty ýt can yield ]y vîsited bier mother, Mrs. Lock-wood, the early autun-n in Muskoka after And dreams a field can hoUd. Brighton. which they will occupy their new -Laura Be-deli. Mr. Henry Smith recently visited home on Simncoe Street North, Osh- friends in East Emily township, Vict- &wa. ____CRD0 HAK oria County. CR FTAK Miss Ida Payne bas accepted a posi- CoIwill-Araîour Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ormiston, En- tion with A. iBrown & Son, Pontiac GrcUntdCuconStebr field, wish to thani: their many deales ,Jetlerbor. Rtisn4 a h c of a pretty weddin friends for their kindness during Mrs. # ornt, wnS Ga hamthe scene ngeOrmiston's recent illness .also for the sptSunell ie .~tinonjparent, r. ar r ahmewstd u rbe&utiful flowers and fruit., spntandd.Js ay ih erpaent, 1r.of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armour,wa and rs. os. atinon.married to Mr. Thomas Arthiur Col- Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt were in will, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay on Saturday attending the George Colwill, Toronto. Rev. J. D. i ia.-thers-McLe-in wedding. Fitzpatrick officiated. Miss Mattie M kn o s '.r. R. G. Dickinson, Lo Angeles, Armour acted as bridesmiaid. wbî]e Mr M kn o s Cal., is visiting bis mother, Mrs. W. Harold R. Colxil was his brother's W. Dickinson, who is quite hi. best man. Following luncheon at a Marriage is the kindergarten tbru the residence of the bride's parents, IaIHome which enter candidates for enrollment the happy couffle left for a short in the University of Hard Knocks. trip. On their return they Nwill reside A house with cold bare walls is in North Toronto. not inviting, but just decorate i Mr. ýB. E. Ingbam, Roseneath, wasl hs al it trcie Wl in twn ondy viitig hs wie ad IPaper and you create immediate- son Mac at Rev. W. C. Washington's.1 Dudley-Turner 1.v a home-like atmospliere. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer and One ýof the prettiest -eddings of family, Toronto, recent]y visited bier the season took place on. Saturday, New Fail WTali Paper mother, Mrs. E. Williams, Scugog St. September 8, at the home of Mr. and JutArie '.%r. and Mrs. D. S. Linden, Toron- Mrs. W. J. Turner, Green River ,Ont., Js rie to, and Mr. Fred Hanson, Chicago,I when their eider daughter, Hazel Mar- Huddsobeuilptens Ill., Visited old scenes bere on Sun- guerite, becanie the bride of Floyd Hnrd fbatfi atrs day. Levi Dudley, son of *Mr. aind Mrs-. J. We have the stock and at a price Mrs. (Rev.) Herman McConnell. C. Dudley, Tyrone. The bouse was to suit Orn. Togo, Sask., wbo bas been visiting at~ decorated with a profusion of flow- Your home is iely very ber fatber's is now visiting relatives ers and a trellised arch of maiden- naucb in appearance what Wall in Toronto. hair fern and cosmos, 1banked with Paper niakes it, Harmonlous, There are more potential business gladioli formed an effective and Restful, Cheerful and BriZbt. leaders among the bare-foot boys beautiful background. The cere- than among bare-beaded youths.- mony was conducted by Rev. G. C. The price of Wall PaPer is in- Finanial ost.Lament of Cooksville, assisted by Rev significant compared witb tbe F r.nandalPs.R..G Wilas J. R. Trumpour of Tyrone. effect obtained. Niagara Falls, N. Y., have been visit bris eaeTutheredding nro he n ing Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield n-bie lydtewdimrh an yeurrs. ebav e tecouaty oterreaivsder.during the signing of tbe register urofal pa e tovdoths. ait other relatives here.Mrs. Cecil H. Dudley of Bowmanville, O alPýe od hs Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett and sang "Beloved, it is Morn". W nieyut on i n e son Robert, are on a miotor trip Te rie wo ntrdnheromte ne in an se threugb Eastern Ontario and as far wThe brifate, ooked ch rmn east s Qubec ity.an ivory satin gown fashioned witb son David, Toronto, wvere Sunday hem, short in front, longer in the guests of bis uncle and aunt, Mr. back, and the soft girdle wvas beld in G rt h r John and Mi.ss Eva Hellyar. place by a crescent of brilliants. Her Painter and Decorator Mr .and Mrs. W. F. Dale and son veil of exquisitely embroidered tulle Po.49Bwnnil Melville, niotored te Tburstonia, was caught witb a bandeau of lacePhn48 o anie Sturgeon Lake, on Sunday, Melville and seed pearîs ,adorned by a cluster remaining for some bolidays. of orange blossosas on eitber side. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sutton have The bride carried a bouquet of sxeet- returned froni a very enjoyable two beart roses and baby's-breath, and _________________ months' trip tbrougb France, Ger-i wore a whte gold wrist wat ch. She many, Italy and the British Isles. was preceded by Miss Audrey Hold- Mrs. Robt. Rogers, HIamilton. Mr. en, as flower girl, who was a dainty and Mrs. J. Kestie, and Mr. Frank miss in vale blue taffeta, carrying a Wilfong, Exeter, Ont., were guests ù bket of sweet peau, and by Master Mr n r.W .Ba rnelTrumpour, ring-bearer, in a- > MsMr.and Mr.W.. Brg ast iiweek white suit, bearing the satin cushion. hmissn Maybetb E. S Cna, wo 5Mrs. Turner, mether of the bride, ll homeon urlugbfro Chnawas wore navy blue satin with pleats, and guest of bier sister-in-lawv, Mrs. J. R. a vestee of fawn georgette.Te Standen at Rev. W. C. Wasington's hap opeletfram Thtne on Satuday. trougb Quebec ,the bride travelling Miss Minnie Mitchell, Boston, lin a navy and beige ensemble, with Mass., who is on bier annual trip to1 navy sboes, cloche bat, and purse to Canada, spent the wpekend with Miss Iriceh. On tbeir return thc-y will E. E. Haycraft, Miss Eva Wakelin, reside in Tyrone. and'other frieride. "Among the friends and relatives Mr. R .W. Lawrie and Mr. Way Of attending were: Rer. and Mrs. J. R. Erie, Fa., Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Croskem Trumpour and famuly, Mr .and Mrs. "Save on other thinga if you mnust, and Miss Stella Johnston, Toronto, J. C. Dudley, Tyrrne; Mr. and Mrs. but not on Pasteurized Milk" were in town Saturday calling on C. H. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. relatives and friends. DdeB owinanville; Mr. and Mrs. W em orevs"elh Rev. and Mrs. J. Garbutt, London, W H.Ddey adDnetNw etriorevs"elh Ont., announce the engagement ofqicastie; Mr. S. Dudley and Mrs. Pet- specialists" because, daily we de- their sister, Ada Garbutt deaconess), ers, Coîborne; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. liver quarts of Pasteurized Milk- to Mr. Arthur Lee, Victoria, B. C. Bradd and family, Oshawa; Mr. and to the bospital and families of The marriage ta take plac2 in Sep- .Mrs. Levi Dudley, Witby; Mr. and \Bowmanville and vicinity. Just tember. Mrs. Smith Kelly, Mrs. Clarke Jacq- ask your doctor sometime-he will Mrs. Oscar Davis, <nee Mildred ues, Mnr.and Mrs. D. L. Dudley, Mr. recommend Pasteurized'Milk as a Pic) 90 otnaS. l ao . G. Dudley, Toronto. healtb f ood. It's a pleasure ta Pinxas, w3909 Mon etaSt, l Pasoknow that e're makers of health. Teeas, n Te s: " eainley wejy_____ Let us serve you, too. You take eIviongthblevSesman ld eery weekno chances with Pastqurized Milk. NItdon't biev toudgt n FALL FAIR DATES Messrs. J. J. Mason and A. H. Bowmanville......... Sept. 18-19 U W'A~IL FU. Moore represented Bowinanville B WL M Lawn Bowling Club in the Toronto'Blackstock................ Sept. 26 KN ST Glob Scoch oubls Turnament in 1Lndsay............... Sept. 19-22PH E44 Toronto on Tbursday. Tbey were' Markham................. Oct. 4-r P -N . 4 elirrinated in the second round. Millb,-ook.............. Sept. 17-18 Mr. and Mrs. Ekebene and Master Osha.wa............... Sept. 1 1' Claton Mr an ýMs. . Slva, orono................S..Oct, 6 New York City, recently visited at Port Ferry.........Set.2-2 Mr. G. Varcoe's, OdelI St., also Mr. erbo.......Spt105 and Mrs. D. Boyd of Winnipeg, wbo Ptroo.......et 01 expnessed themselves as delightedi with our pretty town.I Cephas Meader, Toronto, Mrs. John Harris, Cooksville, anîd Mrs. (Briga- dier) Archie Layman, Vancouver, B. C., pleasantly surprised their sister on Tuesday last when tbey spent the The funeral of the late Thomas Walsh of Oshawa, formerly of Hampton, was held in Oshawa on Sep- 4 tember lOth., Ref. A. M. Irwin con-~ ~ ductingr the service. H2î la survived s g d t E by four sons: Nornan and Oscar, Oeh- R ALL READY FOR A BIG STOVE SEASON We have prepared for a big season in stoves. The large range we have in stock makes it pos- sible for you to select one which suits your re- quirements and your purse. Our assortment includes: HEATERS COOK STOVES OIL STOVES ELECTRIC STOVES Don't buy your stove until. you have first seen our display. MASO N & DALE Phono 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville BOYS' TRAIN ING SCHOOL FALL FAIR will be held ýWednesday, Sept. 26 Afternoon and Evening Plan to attend th is interesting event and watch for particulars next week. Appetizing Bakery Goods Mother may pride herseif on baking delight- fui Cakes, Bread an4 the like, but, even she... once she's "nibbied" on our whoiesome oven off er- ings ..will gladly admit she "neyer baked any better! No idie boast that. Your own aste will tell you! If you haven't tried our cooking do it now. The Bowmanvilie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville ALL ROADS LEAD TO LINDSAY -CENTRAL FAIR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1928 PAGE TIIRE]i

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