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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 PAGE EIGHI GLOWING TRIBUTE TO A LIFE UNITED CHURCH WELL SPENT' Ulev. W. P. Rogers spoke interest- The N ie wAYd u qs4-i& incEp e cc Peter Wright, Nestieton ing>y at the Sunday morning service ,n ç> r d e it _________ of The United Church. on the life and___________________________________ ___ It would scarcely seemi possble t'mes of John Bunyan and gave a fine that a greater tribute could be p'iid interpretation of his great classic, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l3th., 1928 to any one than that given on Friday Pilgrim's Progress. Rev. Gea. A. last by a church fuil of people at Williams, formerly nissionary to Ne~stleton, Ontario, as they riet ta îay Formosa, again renewed his acquaint- EC TENWSFO TEFA NRT awav the mortal remiains of th.- late ance. with the congregation at the NEWCASTLENECSLNWSFO TH FA NRH Peter Wright, who passed peaecfully, eveniflg service, spoaking in the inter- awa u Spt.5t, n is 1s yr.ests of the Maintenance and Exten- Miss Eîisabeth Bitte, Toronto, is Mr. T. LeBoutellier, Montreal, spent Interesting Letters Written By Mr. Disa nediS tept.5 tooin fa71i aeir. sioFond. He took £or his theme, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Franklin Allun. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. LoGres- Frank C. Foîey Who is With a togetorbsns o prsigThe Challenge of the Changing Years, Mrs .Alf .Mitchell, Newtonville, loy. Geological Survey Party Exploring for friends to gathor. prese ngi rom the standpoint of visited the Misses Robinson over the Mr. W. N. Buckley has begun the the Mines of Canada. the present movements of the peoples weekend. erection of bis now chopping miii on The schools of two sections NWerelacross the Pacifie who are snaking Mr. and Mrs. Smyth O'Brien, Bow- Baldwin St.Cap uy3s.198 closed. farmers left their har;vest such rapid pragress along poltical, manville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. 'Bradfor*d Kay came fromNe Dear Camp, Julyuppos . 1928.il fields, threshing outfits were stopped,1 indostî'ial, social, oducational and re- Mrs. Geo. JOI York for the holiday. On his rtr you folks :-i supposceie by lnow and shortly before tw<,o-thirtY cars ligious linos. What they need Miss E. Hogarth, Exeter, was a ho was accompanied by Mrs. Kay and foapyls ew!hv ce aie ias might be seen conîing froni all dir- through ail and above aIl is the Living guest last week of her cousin, Mrs. Mrs. Win. Hugh Turner Jr. scmray lette n Swhich w askte. In ections, as well as those living nearer Christ, the Christ of Love and Mercy Norman Allun. UntdI temRv . .Rges upose yocamponsraggyt Lnke walking, ail seenîingly having the one and Humanity, and this need consti- UntdeucRv .P oerispoeyuflsaeo t h purpose, that of showing their apprec- tutes a tremendous challenge toalal Miss 'Minnie Pearce hias joined the pastar. Sunday, Septomber l6th- great outdoors by now too except that jation of the worth and value ta the Christian people to supply it. office staff of The Canadian States- il a. m.-Morning Worship. 2.30you have a house and beds, etc, neti community of the ona whose place in man, Bowmanville.I p. m-Sunday Sehool. 7 p. ni.-Ev-1 to spoak of roads and a swell newl the Home, Church, Sunday School, Mr. R. W. Waliton, a niember of Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson, New oning service.I car. As Mary says l'Il bet dad'si Young Peoples League, Canadian the choir, who recently brought such York City, are visiting bis brother, 0f the six rinks engaged in the grin is perpetual when ho is driving Order of Forasters. and in general honor to his church and this vt:Uage Mr. W. H. Gibson. bowling competition for the John around. lt sure is a smart little community life is now vacant. 1 by winning second prizo and the silver Mrs. Frank Branton took in the Douglas Sîver Cup, Mr. W. F. Rick- car l'Il bet one of aur flapjacks. I With Rev. J. E. Griffith in charge, modal as a baritone soloLst at the C. C. N. E. last week and visited ber ard's is noxv in the lead, having won eertainly would like to ho there with the service was openad by the singing N. E., thrilled the congrogation ait sister, Mrs. John Tuif. 2 games and lost none. all the folks for a few days but give of the familiar and favorite hymn this service with his solo, "The Lord "Oh God oui help in ages past, Our is my Lght and niy Salvation," theh Miss Wetberilt, Bethany, is visiting *Major and Mrs. H. W. Dudley and me the nortb woods for aIl suminer hope for years ta came", after which official selection which hie sang in Tor- oer brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Miss Dunreath, attended the Dudley- where we sleep in tents with the' prayer was affered. onto and on which ho won the modal. Mrs. W. E. Gilbank, Sbaws. a Turner nuptials at Claremont Satur- moonlight niaking patterns an the' Mr.Laura Fisher, cburcb arganist, Mr. D J. Gibson is in Peterboro day afternoon, visiting at Mr. Levi silk roof and where a canal is a mian'sj Rot. J. U. Robinsý of Bowmanville, Mrs. ient ta Toronto with Mr. Walton this week judging fut vegetables Dudley's, Whitby, on the way. best friend. a former pastor of the decaased spoke ba hE' Dr. Haffner and his- aunt, Miss There isn't very much ta tel] nw of his fiîst meeting with him and his and was his accompanis at te officiaiand grain a te Exhibtion. Hformtr1hro fo e fe ht atlte xet Ourtn wonder as ta what place he would competition, played the organ accom- Mrs. W. F. Riekard returned on Yrafnd viitoed wh r. arnd Nrw.ahoe. r. annsleran nd edot fill in the church's life. On his pai1ta hsocso naiotSudyfo ekshldyi o-Geo. Eilbeek. Mrs. Haffner îvho ta Stackpool an Friday ta get the second meeting ha got a glimpse of sympathetic mannor. The choir as onto, Mr. Rickard motoring up after1 spent the summer with her parents ro- supplies taking aur mail and which that work and ever after found him a whole also contributed two good Ih£r. 1 turned ta New York with themn. was more important, bringing in ta be a friend of the pastar, faith- sterv t le uia portion of the Dr. Jackson of iirockville, is speTti- MrGegeilckvstdTonaml. A]heetosfo mter fui in his attandance at church and srice. ing the week with bis son and daugh- MrExibitogeand xcvaseci oryontr-ild ad Mary wer ofulreceiveder ever an inspiration and help. ___________________ter-in-lawv, Mn. and Mrs. Bar-t Jack- Eshtein tandîsay of i y itr aur and ary ned On F yrci te Rev .R. P. Bawles, M.A., B.D.,i son, at the lake. etdi h ipa ffs yor!n ael ed nFia h Chnelro itri olgwoein Narth Nestleton fromn which bis TeMsinBnudrtespr govornment in charge of Mr. Wm.lIweather was dol] and drizzly. A ChanceisoronfBVictoria CollhgeupeoseKenofick f ormerly of Newcastle, who beavy f og was blowing down the lake sommer home is an the lake shore mortal romains were s0 necently tak- intendency of Mrs. (Dr.) Butler, will explained the care of the speckled from the nonth east wben the fellowsý near by, xvas the next ta pay tribute an. meet at Mrs. W. VanDusen's this Sat- itrout wbîhh oe osefilorsatdfrtonlaigPd n wbich, as he said, ha deemed a priv]- Ho was the second son af the late orday at 2.30 p. m. creeks. e omoe t e fî ursatodexforetawn l ieavngdy andk lege. Ha had met the daceased an Albert and Thirza Wright, and leaves, Rev. E. R. James neturned from bis me a' socainwl hl t ftaeplor. e godsized ofcne u his. first -i-it ta Cartwright nianyto ae onhmi h bte aîhIdyi Qee atTedyadmonthly meeting at Mrs. J. E. fog which quit after a whilo but the years ago. 'Ho -%a., at that tîmea 'a is widow, Annetta Sophia Veale, his took his services in St. Georges Rinch's, Thursday~, (today), at 3 p. ni., woather stayed dufl all day. Wei guest of Mr. Joseph Ferguson, now three sans, Elmer af Oshawa, RaY1 Chorch on Sunday. Mrs. A. Cowan's grop will provide ran a call-compass sunvey of a part- oRe otetphose huome t..,eD , anddughte ofrsWRaeMdsomndon e,- IMaster John Fenning, Toronto, and Ithe prognam. The "Woman's Associa-, age about 35 chains long (80 ch-i mi: as a neighbor was a f requent visitor. verton; three grandsons, Victor, Har- Mn-n r.Mrer o lpItian" is t ha new termi accarding ta that is one fellow gaes ahead a short He cama 'into dloser contact with hirn vey and Ralph of Yelverton. w were guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank the new manual of The United Church distance wbile the othen one takes la-er w han ha was at work on the granddaughters, Muriel of Windsor, Batn atSna ok for the former "Ladies' Aid". a hearing on him while ha ma kes a building of the cottage at the lake, t,,t<l Dorathy of Oshawa; five h-others, A number froni here attended Mr. big noise. 0f course ho, can't 'be Jon fBlcstc, ilimof Dar- Wilaoans acinsl f stockWEDN seen vory far in the bush-adto andI spoke of his fartitude and shea-r r the la man aWllimheadamJane'bavesnsae anck laed gri', when after a hard fal, ha at I:ngton, Frank of SI. C'thlarine.s, Ar- and implements on Wednesday and ________ itae mak wherd e as adsthek saeod once got up again and beg-an ta work thur of Oshawa, Jabaz on the home-1 made satisfactory purchases. DogasHntrmarke hrht where ho was adtescn rithoiigh sa ady'inJured ho' coul<l io.dn Cartwright, and Norman of MssMrteSol, etavllas-adneetste rcostTecre nîtcotine.Duing the later yeai S.. Catharines andfour sis;ters, NI"; attending public sehoal bore ad 1 anAquedwddn ia slenze a ws surveyed by a "T hek Srvey" be bas corne ta know and ta 'lave. Roht. Philp of Burkcton, Mr.John I1 boarding with ber oncle and aunts, ue edn a oenz jt asree ya"rc uvy bini as faw others. i J.:imer and'Misses Ann:a and Eff a of Mr. James and the Misses Robinson. 1 AlI Saints Church, Toronto, on Sai-, in whicb distances are estimated in Mr.Grffih aidinthinkingý, Cartwright.I Congratulations are in arder tai urday, Septembar lst., when Amy, i chains and haarings taken. XVe get Rat Mr Grffih aidin aur Theberer wee boter issMaron lu wh wo th dalugbtor of Mrs. William Hunter, quite good at estimating distances. of the deceased, the %vords o u'Te ofr ee rte ors-Ms aroFarewowntese-NwateOtstaetebJe fTa origw ialysrc Master were borna in upon is mnler.--Wesley Campbell, Stanley Mal- ond -prizo of $11.00 in judging bouse Mr. JamsA.,oueame onoth brie ofThaUann ofnlysnc when in speaking of th th mindScinceMajr.JmesWA.Douglas.sol oftho ateportage whcb turned out ta ho 83 weehsnai osatFred Philp and Sam Crawford. Class at the C. N. E.i ly of Shoîburne, Ontario. Rev . swcanlo and rkganl througb swm John, James and Peter. Sa in the, Mrs. William Hunten was prosont Peppendene officiated. surveyed mt uskeg il theary. Wean usualofytaddl"ad cburcb, 'va could The list of -, flowers included : at the baptism of ber granddaughter, The bride ware hon tr'avelling cost- oI b'bhwa the1 toearsi. usualy dd andPeter". Whenever1 Gates-A-Jai' from the family; large Joan Louise Hunten, daughter of Mn. ume of powder bloc, beige fox fur I o c wast noa kewih e passible ho was in bis place in the, pillow from the brothers and sisters William Hunten, Belleville, Ont., an witb bat and shoes ta match and car- caeutitalkewch e church and bis presence seemed tai of decaased and wreaths, sprays, etc., Fiday, August 3lst. ried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and didn 't know. That afternoani Pudy crout gie Wt h.,her caled orl froiii'Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, Mr. Constable John Garrod attended1 lily-of-tbe-valiey. She tvas attend- and I wont back ta camp, about 2 col ie hnve alduoand Mrs. A. H. Veale, Mn. and 'Mrs. the C. N. E. last Saturday and belped ed by ber sister, Mrs. J. R .Carr, B ' iesrc cm ndmvdu bis part was well takan, bis message John Veale, 'Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Veale, ta sweil the attendance aven the 2,- leville, Ont., whj wonc blue geoî'gette the lake for nearly 4 miles which we was impressive and avangelistic, bis I Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Veale, Mrs. E. O. pryeswee evet. I teBileVal, ran rs M .1esai 0r00,000 mark. Ho brought back a and corsage bouquet of Sweetheait did in 40 minutes against a fair wind. Clayes wîch horvenut. In has long a AW.Mrsaand fm ily M.W.r aied Mr'. good officiai report of the tbree mile roses and lily-of-tha-valley. 'Mr. Wm. We thon portaged 26 ebains and made caltb waid ermit, uch edaeshing as ec.lW Vale, Mrd.an<ily-Nr. ano raniconsolation swims. C. McGolpen %vas best man. camp and met the twa felicws comîng such interpretation of the lessans, and Hoimes, Mrs. Richard Stinson and St. George's Churcb, Rot. E. R. Imtnediately aften the ceremaony froni town witb the supplies thene. sucb, discussions were sreldom heard. NMr-. Perey Van Camp, Miss Add ie El-1 James, Rector. Sunday, September Mr. and Mrs. Douglas left. on their Next day we came on home gotting Anahe hynpraer andth frdMr an Ms. rtur asn,16. lStb Sincýay after Tr'nity. 9.45 honeymaon ta Buffalo. bore about 5.30. The trip wasn't benediction ciosed the service wben M~rs. Chas. Fallis. Mrs. Jo n Proutti a m.-Sunday Scbool. il a. nm.-I On théin return tbey will reside at neanly as bard as it was the time Red the romains were borne ta their lastadfmlMs ayadM. rynadHl omn 1 ieaAeTnno us this time. We had the 85 chain re.tingplcan omte ooli drew MaclM nd Mis. Stanley ion. 7 p. mn.-Evening Pry. portage ta go aven, flot the one wo er earth witb the custamary hurili Malcolm, Nestletan Adult B:ble Class, Among the newen pupis who are BOARD 0F EDUCATION iseovenod and that 18 foot ao ...ieomony of the United Church, fol-i Nestleton Sunday Sehool, W .M. S. of focking ta aur higb scbool is Master gtb -aed by the iînprassive ritual of t'io. estetnan oeaea, Wonîen's In- Bruce Dinner from Port Bitain, son NocsleBad fEucto heldavy after '/-- mile-we carr C.O.F. whose memibers çnciicled thel1 stitote, Canadian Ordel' of Forest- of Mr. and Mrs. George Dinner. Ho its September meeting Sept. 1 Otb. i other half. It sure was good ta get giave during the neading therEof. ers, Windsor Home Furniture Ca. and makes the trip via C. N. R., comiiTg Members present were H. W. Dudley, 1 home. I had blistened my beel on Deceas'cd was born ir Hampton ani Staff of Windsor, and Boum, Boody opon the 8.41 ,and eturning on the Chairman; E. C. Hoar, Vice Chair- 1 the long portage and thon broko the MNay 9, 1ý58. In 1870 the famiiy Ltd. and Staff of Windsor. 6.12. man; Rot. E. R. lames, John Scott, b lister but I walked 2 miles alter t.mt p'oted ta Cartwvright ta the farm ioslj Mn. R. W. Walton, Baitone Silver W. T. Jackson, Gea. Gaines, W. E.'cryn ulladfn1ml. W west of Blackstock, noit accupiel by Those attending the funeral froni Medalist, C. N. E., sang ait the Exhi- Beman and H. E. Hancock, aiso Pnin- wene ing camp on dayor1wmien Wei bis t nephwCl teWitere ho in indstancer.inlded: Ray esWright, bîtion again last Frîi,ýay hy special, cipals Roszel and Rodger and ah ~wasbing, fixed the wharf, patched wot ascoi nth ines n i insr;M. n Ms sieWighroquest at the necital by tbe gold. Secnetary-Treasurer, H. R. Pearco. the canoff, nead the papers and let- the summers besides assisting in farmf Walkerville: Mrs. E. O. Veale, Mr. N mdaîists of the severai classes, andiThe membens gave the premises a tr nMna work helped bis father i evti n . E-Wright and Mr. T. F. Wright, St. ncia codn a toei a-toog npciadenider e nModywe worked on the buldng a a ot bnns;Mrgad mrs . W. tendance the groatest oatian accord- future alterations and improvemonts. mp n nTedyas si a si-le cantrarts, amang themi the build- Veale, Hamilton-, Mnrand Mrs L.W. ed ta any artist on the prognani. The Board neceived a communica- S we bito-the bus aainnrubfione ing of Mr. Robert McLaughin's first Veale, Waterford; Mr. and Mrs. A. s ehttebs gi ot rr c.irriage shop <tEnsiln.J.ei n Mr. mrs ao f M. Harold Allin was in Unionvillo tian fnom Agicutural Representa- bore. We tnavensed neanly 5 miles Toronto; Mrs. J. Patterson, Sonder- on Sunday, September 2, and sang tive, J. Y. Kellougb, Port Hope, sug- today, a lot of it tbraugh thiek eide-r Ir' 1877 the family again moved, land; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clanke, in the United Churcb choir. Ho also gesting a ebarige in the system of sap a unn h ieb this timo farther west )n the same Manilla;, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford,ihad the pleasureo f again meeting financing the sehool fairs and asking compass and we came eut right on concession ta the farm naît ecc.opiad Oakwood; Mn. James Isaacs, Lindsay; Mrs. (Rot.) E. B. Goake, who had the teachens, trustees and secrotany- whene we wono supposed ta but aur by 'Mn. Jabez Wright and sistens. IMaesçans .Ambrose, Thomas, Charles been staying witb ber parents, Mn. treasurors of the Scbool Fair Districtpang asalteat. Ddai Again b sis e hi a akilin as utz- andMiss Addie Elf ord, Woodville; Mn and Mrs. Camiplin, since theo nemova] ta mneet hlm in Newcastle on Thons- w o' eeit oding much edgth foreassstedbrs fatind o ect- Andi'ew Power, Lindsay; Mn. LTE of ber tonsiis in a Tononto bospital day, Sept. 27th, at 11.30 a. ni. ta dis- gooagy. We haven't been se fan ingth pesnthaas nt bus -Wight, Mnrand Mr%. Norman Ho]- in August. cuss the propased change. The new bti sancsayecmrnet ýsIdeý engaging in the niany arduous m' r.Ca ie r.Wi od Miss Florence Ashton and Master method proposed is this: That instead hate t sa neak map. Thne is n duties on the farm. That was be-I mesThs CaGe~r)Vie .an(î Wirs.W.d, i onadwennroa nof the variaous scbooîs sending grants aceur ae m of ibee soa fore the days of the self-hin<ier when MI ToWerrv ndMn. and Mrs. R. G.ythelea cottrarm r oton nidytathe Agricultural Representative's eoiogit ma fte e ho ata the sheaves wore bound by hanti. At Wright, Oshawa; Mn. John Lana Mns eveîîing, Aug. 3lst, in bonor of their office in Port Hope as formenîy, each gog berst we e wilbchoaithe this job, fon speod and qualitv Of Albert W. Pickard, Mns. Albert Cale, guests, Misses Saie and Betty Aluin school board shaîl pay an amount d ir- pgahra el ewl ei h RenfacU.RasisB<wmian,,îlle; Of Ida. Quite a nutnber of Young octly ta the principal on teacher cf sno alofuutadthnw twk hm-a nc o er best%, i .hJ. -.uRbins,i.ssNahardieds ad reativs frni-aound t'is school equal ta the aggregate will survey aur route eut a different thAwter obias over karte n hi.sel. Ms.RichardNr Luked adreaivsf o aondte,,wa-and Rs Rvr oM Afte cbasin as is pnne in ife err , Keron, besidles numerlous rîeighhanbaad wene presont and al en-' amaunt of pnizo nioney won by the wydw uh Rvrt oa Annetta Sophia Veale. ho rentad the friend., from naigbbouring townships.1joyed themseives most tbonoughly. schoal and pupils at the scbool fain. River (so called because it is 6e fanni on the second concession, now Messrs. John and Mark Allin bad Board nesolved ta moot Mn. Kellougb crooked I have been told), down the occupied by Lewis Swain. Not Fat- the niisfantune ta lose a beavy draft as requested. Wonian River ta Horewood Lake and isidwith enting, ha s>on hought the AD04HNShnsafn ian golsIcons eeodrdpi: se ta Kinkatusb on Groundhog. We CADO HAK os, fiebiion rels ocut er reedpi: 1sai sanie geology today al ight faî'm an the ivest ide of the i'oad seek, finding it dead in the pasture Geo. Jamieson, coas]. ........ $211.76 including Andesite flows, rhyobte, reaching from Nor'th ta Soutb Nest- Mrs. Peter Wright and family w]sh field in the morning. It had appan- Kanstine Mfg. Co., chemical 18.,54 granite (biolita) oid and youngar laton. The present bouse andi barnis ta express their keen appreciation of enîly bled ta deatb froni a eut, ne-, Beni. Moise, painting ...... 97.76,diabase dykes, .pillow lavas, volcanie are again the prraduct of bis mechani- the help andi sympathy extended ta ceiveti in so)me unaccountable man-jiH. C. Donatban, sundnies ... 3.15ituffs, banded silica iran formation. A cal skiil. As none of the tbree sons, them hy their many fnientis in the nan. near the under sido f ', bc YMr.s. Brenoton, taking off nid ,peridotite dyke witb sanie sorpentinel desrei a olo fsmigth fi'iisad bours of bereavement in the bass bebindt he'fane legs. Il asc -iY 1 paint .................. was soid and hbu novedt, t the bous- of bushant and fath en. -3wrt $000 ashestos, quartz porphysy dyke, Mesdames J. R. and E. C. Fisher, Il. Breneton, emptyîng anîd drift. How is that for seeing things' ____________________________________________ Percy Hare, J. E. Matcbett, ChnisI recharging tanks........... 4.00 in one day. We are going ta spenti LawJ. . Btle, H S.BnitonAI Gea. CGaines, rnpairing chairs 6.00:5~ ieenotatn nteia fulil i!1ù ing îîimbens realize tmis act 111. iinreou -anîd ar'e conaequîuntly using nI. anti Mrs. John Douglas in coni- The mîmbens of the Boardi and ail ing off into the south east. Ta-night Hei,,z PANDORA TEA Hainz pany with thein son Walter of Pro- other friands extenti congratulations the moon rises later but 1 nmuât see a5e7Drn r Pandora. 57 vidance, R. I., matoredti t Toronto ta Eileen Cooke, now of Tweed, on it if I can. ____a____1Drink_ i ast Thunsday ta attend the C .N. E. winning the Samuel IVilmot Golti You ougbt tasme. the sunsets up ___rM. Douglas wbile thene bad a ne- Modal for higbest proficiency in the cunrence of kidney trouble tbat bas niaticulation ferni, as announced Iast here, toe. There ia noth]ng ta comi- FIA Y L N 1 o e othe'd him in times past and went week by Principal Roszel. lnprewt them in the sout. T-nght traatment. An openation was sug- Pnize. Miss Ida Parker, wbo attend- band or gargeous calour which gruda PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE gestoti but tho doctors would not ad- ed Jarvis St. Collegiate, Toronto, la t uanlchnetiat adt ste 1 viz- this. He is expeeted home this year, bas recommenceti ber mnatiiu1~ ankIw lm_________________________________ week. tion studios in the high scheol bore. Fmak Bell's "Where You Buy Good Clothes" Did you see the "Mahoney" Irish Tweeds,1 demonstrated at the Toronto Exhibition? They are some cloth. Wear like a pig's nose-splendid patterns for business or office. If you like good clothes and are looking for somethîng that will stand the gaif, see these. Made to your individual measure at........................................ $50.00 Suits and Overcoats Made-to-Measure $24.00 TO $75.00 "Your body is your most valuable possession. Why not dress it accord ingly"? King St. West A J " i"Bl Bowmanville A e B r."B l "The Clothing Man". Right By Colo's Barber Shop FOR 35c 25c Tooth Brush Jonteel Soap FREE FREE with every 50c with every 50c Rexail Milk of Magnesia Face Powder Tooth Paste or Creams FREE Auto Strop Razor and Strop with AUTO STROP BLADES Regular $10.00 Glasses SPECIAL $3.98 Have your eyes examined today. JURY & LOVELL 8-»Hour Service in Deveioping and Printing PHONE 78 BOWMANVILLE When Fali Cails FOR NEW FOOTWEAR SHOES THAT FIT THE FEET! SHOES THAT FIT THE OCCASION!I SHOES THAT FIT EVERY PURSE! Measured by the highest standards, here's Footwear for Fail that meets every requirement. Materials you want for service and appearance with workmanship of the custom variety-ofered in hundreds of pairs, awaiting the Fall review. Men's Special English Calf 'Oxford, double welted sole, in Black and Tan, latest for Fal], should sell at $9.00, Our Price $4.85 Men's Boots in Black or Tan Caîf Leather, double welted sole, sbould sel] at $7.50, Our Price $4.45 We carry the best line of Work Boots, such as Grebs, Valentine and Martîns, Etc. Special work -Boots, Regular $4.00., pagco soles, $2.98 Boys' Boots, Regular $4.00, in black or tan, Special Value $2.18 Limited quantity Boys' Boots and Oxfords, sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 only $1 .98 Youths' Boots, sizes il to 13%, Special Value $l.98 R. J. Rovan's Shoe Store Formerly Claude Ivs. Phone 528 On Te Sunnyside Bowananvlll.

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