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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1928, p. 3

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PAGE THREE THER CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 ALL READY FOR A BIG STOVE SEASON We have prepared for a big season in stoves. The large range we have in stock makes it Pos- sible for you to select one which, suits your re- quirements and your purse. Our assortment includes: HEATERS COOK STOVES QIL STOVES ELECTRIC STOVES Don't buy your stove until you have first seen our display. MASO N & DALE Phone 146 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville MEAT! Is Am Essential Part of a Well Balanced Intelligent Diet. The best meats are available at our shop where good service and economical prices prevail. Tempt- ing, delicious meats for your table that turn a meal into an event. Health-giving fresh and pure pro- ducts are our stock. Just give us a trial. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmsauville Quality Groceries We have always contended in our big ex- perience as a grocer that poor quality or low grade groceries are always the most expensive in the long run. This is why we always buy the best in food stufs and seli them at fair and reasonable prices. If you want dependable goods at dependable prices let us fill your next grocery order-and see how well you will be pleased. NEW DINNER SETS We have just unpacked several new sets of dinner dishes which are the newest in these goods. Visit our China Department. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville The Red Indian Sîgu IS The "Welcome Sign" to Motoriats In f act it's a real haven to many car drivers who get in trouble in and near Bowmanville. For we tow them in, fix their auto as speedily andi satisfactoriiy as possible and send them away hap- py, feeling we have given them a good job at a reasonable price. Then for the service station, we've sold thous- ands of gallons of Marathon Hi-Test Gas and Cyclo Motor Fuel, also Red Indian Motor Oils, Seiber- ling Tires, etc. Next time you need a garage man or service station needs just try us. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54 Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Got indige7tion or stomach trouble? Then diet on Cream of Barley for ai fcw days. You'll be surprised how I quickly you will get well. Your î grocer sella it. An instance of very speedy mail transmission occurred recently when a letter to Miss Edith M. Smiith, this town, bearing a Utica, N. Y. post- mark of September 18, 1 :30 a. m., was received here by her about 8 p. nm. the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Nornman S. B. James, son Stuart R., daughter Dorothy M., Misses Marion A. Phillips and Mosetta C. White, B.A., of New York City, recently visited the Lift Locks,' Pet- erboro and Lakefield, and af ter were zuets f Mr. and Mrs. George A.1 ~v~n ~IT....,J Il. - I 1,I M. VYUUUL. n"n2!mm Bacon Hog-Kenneth Ransberr, Mary Wood, Neil Wood. Owing ta a highly specialized sy- stem o! individual instruction atud- enta may enter the Oshawa Business Cellege, Simcoe St. North, (over the Aýrcade), any day. A position guar- anteed every gr4d uate. Oven aine Tbousand successMul graduates dur- ing past twenty yeans. Night class- es. Home study courses. AffiMated with the Cani4da Business, Toronto. An entire new staff of teachera. G. W. Crumback, late of the Shaw's Schools, Toronto, Principal. College: Phon 3279. Principal's Residence: 1629J. Write or phone for particu- lana. 39-1w* Fair, Milbrook. - VegetablesP Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Campbell, i Potato es, Green Mountain-Lesle Si Nestleton, Ontario, announce the en-1 Hopper, Clarence Allen, Ralpb Butler, M gagement of their eldest daughter, iDoris Moffatt, Jim Colville, LloydD Mabel Josephine, to James Howandl BaIl. 0 McMullen, youngest son of Mr. andI Potatoes, Irish Cobbler-MansonT Mns. James McMullen, Janetville, On- Soc, Grg Tonsn, au tai. The marriage te take place IGice,' Jean Wannan, Ernie Allen,B theio ltepatoSetbn. Bert Bostock. the atte par of epteber Mangels-Elifer Middleton, MaryB Mr. Geo. A. Fair, vice4President of Tamblyn, Trewin Scott, Lloyd Clys- Cavan Agricultunal Society, whose dale, Isabel Ransberry, Jimmie Ruth- Faîl Fair wa.s held at Millbrook on erford. i Tuesday and was as usual a splendid Turnips Gerald Pincb, Beverly I success, visited Bowrnanville Fair Fegg Sami Keane. on Wednesday with Mrs. Fair, thein Beets--HarVey Blake, Sidney Ruth- son Howard and daughter Anna, and erford, Marjorie Patton, Edith TrulI, favored the senior editor with a cali.I Mae Îiansberry, Ethel ,Stark. ICarrots-Patricia X eo, Dorothy The practice of churcb and cern- Wight, Marion Cooper, Audrey Coop- munity organisations of appointing er, Ross Wood, Jean Rp.nsbe!rry. press secretanies te supply reporta of Parsnips--I-nez Morton, Mildred AI- their gatherings for their local paper lin, Olive Lycett, Normen Aluin, MiId-E is a very good arrangement providing red Henry, lone Griec . the press secret.ary la alive and on the Onions-Ren BailJak oble job . The Statesman la glad to re- dcMre'Bne' Everett Ste pie- ceive reports of society gathenings ton, Ralph Butler, Marion Barrabal.I when they reach us promptly follow- Pumpkin-Marjorie Patton, Char-'C ing the meeting as they should. This lie Buckley, Beverly FGgg, Johnd ofNce is well equipped for handling Keane, Glen Hancock, MNarlow Han- news matter, but when it cornes te the cock. last days before publication the lino- Tomatoes-Lloyd Clysdale, Kath- type is required for the news of the leen Stark, Gerald Cnrnish, Royr day and cannot give attention teI Scott, Donald Duncan, Gordon Par- meetings of the previeus week, whicb rabaîl. should have been set up several days Cabbage-Ruth Savery, HarveyF previously. By aIl means send in the Bake. 'Verna Dockrill, Lillian Allun,F news, but send it while it is hot. Ralph Butler, Carnian Wliite. Flowers Sweet Peas-Edith Clayton, Annief WEDDING BELLýS Fortes. ________Asters-Dorothy Wight, Leona Moore--Burkell Bahl, Lyda Morgan, Bertha Hallowell,s ______Edwin Manning, Bertrani Syer. d The maniag eof Miss Lillian Burk- Zinnia-Helen Scott. Kathleen ell, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stark, Sidney Rutherford, Leslie Thos. Burkell, Newcastle, (forrnerly Morgan, lone Grice, Doris Moffatt. of Norwood), to Mr. John C. Moore Afnîcan Marigold Ruth Fogg, of Scotland, Ont., was sole'mnized on Marjorie Patton, Mary Tamblyn, Aud- Wednesday, September 5th at one ney Grice, Imez Morton, Marion Bar- o'clock at St. James' Cathedral, Ton- rabail. onto, the Rev. F. J. Moore, officiat- French Marigold-Mansoe Souch, ing. After a moton trip to bliagara Grace Hobbs, Edîth TrulI, Elsie Un- Falls, Buffalo and New York,Mr. and iderwood, Margaret Waniian. Mrs. Moore will be at home at Scot- ýCalendula-Maud Grice, Roy Scott, land, October lst., 1928. Jimmie Rutherford, Arncliffe Wan- _________nan. Salpiglossis-Marion Bannon, Tre- CORN BORERINCREASING win Scott. 1Cosmos-Bert Bostock, Lillian AI- At a meeting of the Corn Borer' lin, Margaret Milson, Jini Colvîlle,1 Inspectors of Ontario called by Prof. Mae Ransberry, Jean Wannan. Caesar of Guelph, at Toronto on oly Septemben i9th., it was shown thatPulr the ravages of the Corn Boren had in- Cockerel, B. P. Rock-Kenneth creased napidly east of Toronto this Cain, Elmen Hobbs, Ernie Allen, Ed- yean. In the district west of Tor- ward Maening, Neil Wood, Gordon ente which bas been unden the Act Barrabaîl. longer the farmens have made a more Pullet, B. P. Rock-Keeneth Cain, thorough dlean-up. Consequently Elmer Hobbs, Edwand Manning, Neil neanly alilo! Ontario County and the Wood, Gordon Barrabail. wbole of Durham and Northumber- Pen, B. P. Rocks-Kenneth Cain, land Counties have been put under Ernie Allen, Elmen Hobbs, Annie For- the Act. Every fan, canning fact- bes, Neil Wood. ory and town garden must he cdean-1 2 Hens, B. P. Rocks-Neil Wood, ed up te the satisfaction of the In- Gordon Bruton, Lawrence Harris, El- spectons on penalty will be enforced. mer Hobbs. If you are net familian with the act Live Stock and regulatiens, consult your inspect- Colt-Bruce Hancock, Neil Wood, on who will be gladte give any in- Alfre.d Waddell, Frank McMullen. formation possible. D. J. Gibson, R. Cal!, beef-Trewvin Scott. R. 4, Bowmanvilie, ir inspecter for Caif, Dairy Heife-Mary Wood, Durham County._____________ OBITUARY Mrs. Ralph Chapman ef McGee, W . Sask., died at the Resetow.e Hospital. lviaklfg a iouse on August 29th, 1928. Mrs. Chap- man was formerly Sarah Jane Tbomp- T son of Enniskillen, Durhamn County, a Home NORTH CLARKE SCHOOL FAIR HeId at Orono, Monday, Sept. 17th Grain and Corn Wheat, 1 qt.-Mary Wood, Carman White, Roy Patton. Wheat, sheaf-Mary Wood, Olive Brown, Carman White, Roy Patton. Oats, 1 qt.-Lloyd Taylor, Edward Milîson. Oats, sheaf-Llovd Taylor, Edward Milison, Leonard Falls. Barley, 1 qt.-Hazel Wood, Alfred Milîson, Phyllis Carleton. Barley, sheaf-Hazel Wood, Alfred Milîson, Phyllis Carleton. Ensilage Corn-Milton Green, John Keane, Bob Keane, Jiro Powers. Sweet Corn-Charlie Stapleton, Viola Noden, MacMillan, Peter Mar- tineil, Hazel Falls, EDlna Lycett. F( i fr I Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 5! Spys-Mary Tamblyn, Beverly Fogg, Gerald Pinch, Foster Blewett, Glen Hancock, LeRoy Browni. Snows Dorothy Wight, Geraldý Pinch, Margaret Roy, Elvin Blewett,' Arncliffe Wannan, Marlow Hancock.1 Talman Sweets-Dorothy Wight, Uerlen Thonipson, Margaret Rtoy, AI- red Waddell, Marlow Hancock, Mar-1 jorie Patton. Mlntoshs-Elsie Pinch, Dorothy Wight, Herbert Gibson, Margaretý Roy, Gerald Pinch. Wealthys-Mary Tamblyn, Herbert I Gibson, Harvey Blake, Gerald Pinch, Foster Blewett, Margaret Roy. Kings - Mary Tamblyn, Elsie Pinch, Marguerite Bell, Charles Stapleton, Margaret Roy, Carman WVhite. Golden Russets-Herbert Gibson, Dorothy Wight, Harvey Blake, Brent- on Farrow, verna Dockrill, Ma-y L'amblyn. Baldwins-Mary Tamblyn, Elvin Blewett, Foster Blewett, LeRoy BTo,,wn, Verna Dockrill, Gerald Pinch. Cooking Graham Muffins-Hazel Wood, Ern- ie Allen, Mary Fowler, Betty Rowe, Hlelena Hallowell, Marion Bannon. Apple Pie-Lillian Allun, Eileen Riddell , Viola Noden, Hazel Winter, Dorothy McDonald, Edith TruIl. School Lunch-Doris Moffat, Jean, Ransberry, Ethel Stark, Hazel Falls, 'Helena Hallowell, Phyllis Carleton. Oatmeal Cookies-Kathleen Stark, Betty Rowe, Mari orie Sisson, Marion Bannon, Helena Hallowell, Edna Far- row. Plain White ýCake-Lois Wood, ýMary Fowler, Ruth Fogg, Laura Croan, Roy Carleton, Margaret Wed- dell. Maple Creain-Uerlen Thompson,l Ei]een Riddell, Mary Wosod, Ethel Stark, Mari orie Sisson, Myrtle Far- row. Sewing .Doll's Quilt-Ethel Stark, Isabel Ransberry, Helena Halloweil, Hazel Falls, Viola Noden. Darning on Stocking--Grace Hobbs, Marjorie Patton, Annie Forbes, Helena Hallowell. Serviette-Ethel 'Stark, Marjorie Tennant, Viola Noden, Bernice Lang- staff, Hazel Falls, Helena HalIowell. Laundny Bag-Eileen Riddell, Mil- dred Davey, Edith Clayton, Evelyn Hobbs, Margaret Waddel]. Kitchen Apron-Kathleen Stark, Marion Bannon, Eileen Riddell, Jean Wannan ,Leonora Cooper, Mary Fow- 1er. Guest Tewel-Evelyn Hobb, ,Ver- na Dockrill. Patch on Grain Sack--Sidney Bar-1 rabali, Bob Keane, Manson Souch. Milton Green, Neil Wood, Lloyd Cly- sdale. Manual Training Bird House-Gordon Bruton, Lloydi Clysdale, Laverne Farrow. Hay Rack-Raymond Barrabaîl, Lloyd Clysdale, Robert Martinell. Rope Haiter-Ivison Tamblyn, Lloyd Clysdale. Window Stick-Brenton Farrow, Archie Watson, Bobbie Rutherford, Cecil Bruton, Gerald Connish, Ernie Allen. Nature Collections Weeds-Enid Cobbledick, Ruth Fogg, Helen Scott, Glenn Gamey. Ione Grice, Laverne Farrow. Canadian Woods-Edith Clayton, Elmer Hobbs. Lloyd Clysdaie, Charlie Stapleton, Manson Souch, Sidney Rutherford. Insects-Archie Watson. Weed Seeds-Beverly Fogg, Mabel Harris, Jack Cobbledick, Everett Cain, Lloyd Clysdale. Drawing Poster-Elmer Hobbs, Verna Dock- nill, Ralph Thoinpson, Bertha Hallo- vwell, Marguerite Bail, Myrtle Farrow. Map of Durhani-Elmer Hobbs,1 Eva Hawke, Tnewin Scott, Helen Scott, Ruth Fogg, Lavern Farrow. ,Dnawing showing life history of corn borer-verna Dockrill, Elmer Hobbe, Leonard Austin, Jimmie Ruth- erford, Gladys Ard, Helen Scott. Calendar-Eileen Riddell, Margar- et Waddell, Mary Fowler, Manson Souch, Marion Bannon, venna Dock- 1 rill. School Parade-No. 22 Clark Un- ion, No. 10 Starkville, No. 9 Lock- harts, No. 15 Leskard, No. 19 Enter- prise, No. 21 Sixth Line. Physical Culture-No. 12 Orono, No. 22 Clark Union, No. 19 Enter- prise, No. 10 Stankville, No. 13 Ken- dal, No. 14 Kirby. Public Speaking Contest-Sidney Rutherford, Leslie Bowen, Glenn Gamey, Lloyd Clysdale, Edith Dent, Shool Chorus Singing-No. 221 Clarkar UnnN. 1 Orono, No. 10 IStarkville, No. 9 Lockharts. Fruit Pears-Uerlen Thompson, LeRoy Brown, Helena Hallowell, Manson Souch, El-mer Hobbs, Dorothy Scott. Plums-Lillian Allin, Ethel Stark, Edith TrulI, Bernice Langstaff, Phyllis Carleton, Mary Tamblyn. A-Ase ri-ay Tam.blyn, EMPTY COAL BINS ARE GETTING THEIR FILL They certainly are these days-and the prefer- ence on past performance seems to be for LEHIIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE. ne. Codl 77mt Saisfio Our coal is all freshly mined, dlean and well screened. You take no chances when you order the old reliable "Lehigh Valley Anthracite". It makes warmn friends during the cold winter months. Order your winter supply of coal now-phone 153 or 202. Headquarters for Bulders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Appetizing Bakery Goods Mother may pride herseif on baking delight- ful Cakes, Bread and the like, but, even she.. once she's "nibbled" on our wholesome oven offer- ings. will gladlyv admit she "neyer baked any Ibetter*!" No idle'boast that. Your own taste will .tell you! If you haven't tried our cooking do it now. IThe Bowmanviiie Bakery Successors to Christie's B akery BowmanviIle witli hen parents and sisten over ni ne-I teen years ago. She leaves te mourn1 hen bass a kind and faithful husband, I aIsa ber mother, Mrs. Wm. Tbompson o! Bender, Sask., a sister, Daisy homipson, and a brother, W. J. Thonipson, both o! Bender, Sask., aise a sisten, Mns. M. Batters of Eatonia, Sask., and rnany other relatives and fniends. Funenal toek place from the Undertakens' Paniers at Rosetowný te Rosetewn Cemetery on Sept. ist,I 1928.1 13,045 FORDS IN AUGUST Mn. A. F. Cox, Oshawa, Ford del en, wbile le the office Fair Day paying~ bis subscription te The Statesman, said the Fond Moton Ce. of Canada pnoduced 13,045 cars for use in Can- ada and ovenseas tennitonies. This surpasses any previeus rnonthly pro- duction, averaging 541 cars a day. Mn. W. R. Campbell, ViceFPresi-1 dent of the Fond Ce., in a recent in-1 terview stated: Car sales le Ontanil during June and July give the new' Ford a thousand car majority oven its nearest competiton. Wben the new 1 Ford was introduced ln Decembernofi last yean its reception designated the~ demand that the new car would enjoy. But te build any fine pnoduct takes time and te -build an entirely new fine pnoduct requires just that much more tume. Manufacturing standards were set le our factory and irrespective o! the intense dernand for the new car only that rate of production was toI- enated, commensurate with perfect workmanship. Only this painstak- ing cane le the manufacture e! the new car makes its outstanding per- formance possible. We have more than 10,000 em-J ployees actually engaged le producing the new car in Canada. Present ache-ý dules indicate that we will continuelI te exceed our fermer peak production1 throughout the balance o! the yean. DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS The Physicians o! Bowmanville wiIl close their offices Wednesday af- ternoon and ev'ening. pi case of emergeny at thiz time ca! Dr. Bell the lat Wedneadayo ionth, Dr. Birks, 2nd Wedneaday of Month; Dr. Slemon 3rd Wednesday of mnoth; Dr. Storey 4th Wednesday of month.1 net inviting, but just decorate those walîs witb attractive Wall Paper and you create immediate- ly a home-like atmosphere. New Faîl Wall Paper Just Arrived Hundreds of beautif el patterns. We have the stock and et a pnice te suit everyone. Your home is heaîyvery nkuch le appeanance what Wall Paper makes it, Harnmonieus, Restful, Cheerful and Bright. Tbe pnice of Wall Paper la le- significant compared with the effect obtained. Let us help yeu re-decorate your roerns. We*havrý tbe quality of walI paper ta do this. We invite you to corne in and sec the new lines. G. Pritchard Painter and Decorator Phone 489 Bowrnativille Cet ber back to pwJ wer k. Moulting (111w hens don't lay eggs. Put Pratts Poultry Regulator ini the feed and hens get " It Makes No Diflerence WHETHER THE MARE HAS A WHITE NOSE Whether she is sorrel le colon, whether she comes fnom Ketucky on Texas. The question la: Can She Rue? Se with gasoine, the fact that it bas been dyed a pret.ty colon does net prove that it la good gasoline. But the question is: Wlihat Can t Do? We consider that the steadily increasieg gallonage we are selling proves what ShelI Pnoducts will do when given a trial. Stili Preserving and Pickling? But it must be done-or the f amily would raise a rumpus when winter cornes if there was no preserves for supper or pickles for dinner to coax the appetite. So we keep on selling fruit and vegetables to can for the meals that are to be. . If you run out of jem jars, top rings, etc., we've got lots. Just let us know your wants and we'll deliver the goods quicker than you expect them. With our new delivery motor truck and the streets paved deliverin' is lots of fun. Try us with your next grocery order. IIARRY ALLIN, Orocer BOWMANVILLE PHONE 186 trial. AVIATION GASOLINE King St. East, Bowmanville

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