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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 IlereS Proof ZUT( Ends Head, Mr. E. Y. Tomnkfns, Ex-Ma] 0o00& Qe.proves (t. NYOr Tbiets are a sale a remedy for hoadache" Leader-Mai~oest ««Tour Zutoo e-blyts demmr =rn.." a remedy Uni JLC. Ranson, BA . C. t*a Igasara, proves I. "Iuse Zutoo Trablets andf Vary matisfactory remedy for: 9,5 contà Perbox-at IL A1 Frtendto Wc 1That [ache yor of Coati. and effective the. «Gab re te, b. wfde- .at wiii stop .Colonel of find them a Headache."1 LiI dealer&. xnm Lydia E. Pînkliains Vegetablo Comnpound LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. an mMa"s., U.S.A. 0 doburg, Ont, Canada. What WI11 d1o When #01(r Children Ciy for It There is hardiy a household that hasn't beard of Castoria! At least five millior homes are never wthout it. If there arf cbjîdren in your farnily, there's aimost daily need 0f its comfort. And any nighl may find you very thankful there's a bottle in the house. Just a f ew drops and that colie or constipation is reiieved; or diarrhea checked. A vegetabie pro- duct; a baby remedy meant for young folks. Castoria je about the only thing you have ever heard doctors advise giv. ing to infants. Stronger medicines ar( dangerous to a tiny baby, howevex harmiess thay mai be b grown.upa Good old Castor ia! Remember the name1 and remember to buy it. It may spar( you a sleepless, anxious night. It ie always ready, alwas safe to use; jr emergencies, or for everyday ailments Any hour of the day or nighit that Baby becomes fretfui, or restiess. Cwitoria wai never more popular %çith motiiers than ilt la today. Every druggist has it. 1 c ý:S --Tý 0, R 1 NURSES knOw, and doctors have declared there' 1 flot hing quite like Aspirin to relieve aIl sorts of aches and pains, but be sure it is Aspirin the name Bayer should be on the package, and on every tablet. Bayer is genuine, and the word genuine-in red-is on every box. You can't go wrong if you will just look at the box: re Canat.da r c s B g, W t' Vý ou ar vo gr pa o. th, wý ¶an la lVI URATABS without risk ni -co t-f or any gond druggist will supply you on an absolute guarantee aI satisfaction or money back. If URATABS bringi yn)u quick and certain co mfort, yo will bu greatlv pîeased. If th.e'y,71o ont fully satisfy, their use ilcs you nothing. Trv URATAStdy and see w-bat a difference they make.j ]Bad Legs~ Do Your Feet and Ankles SweIl and Inflame and Get so Sore You Can Hardly WaIk? Have You Varicose or Swollen Veins and Bunches' Near Ankle or Knee? To stop the misery, pain or sare- ress, belp reduce bbe dangerous swol- lî-n nst rengthen the legs, use Moone's Emerald Qil. This dlean poweriul penetrating yet safe antis- eptic bealîng ujl is obtainable at Jury &Loveli's and ail first-class drug stores. 1-n bundreds oi cases Moone's Em- arald Oubhas, given blessed relief. Wonderiul for Ulcers, Old Sores. Broken Veina and Trouhiesome Cases oI Eczema. MO0 0N E'S jEMERALD OJL SHEEP Shropshires-Ram-H. Skinner 1 and 2. Shearling-H. Skinner 1 and 2. Ram lamb-H. Skinner 1 and 2. Ewe-H. Skinner 1 and 2. Shearling cwe-H. Skinner 1 and 2. Ewe lamb -H. Skinner 1 and 2. Southdowns-Ram-A. Ayre 1. andl 2. Shearling-A. Ayre 1 and 2.' Rtam iamb-A. Ayre 1 and 2. Ew- A. Ayre 1 and 2. Shearling-A. Ayre 1 and 2. Ewe lamb-A. Ayre 1 and 2. Leicester-Ram-W. R. Rabbins 1 and 2. Shcarling ram-W. R. Rob- bins, J. E. Aluin & Sans. Rami lamb- W. R. Rabbins i and 2, W. Glaspell 3. Ewe-W. R. Rabbins i and 2, W. Glaspeil. Shearling ewe-W. R. Rab- bina i and 2, W. Glaspeli. Ewe lamb -J. E. Aluin & Sons, W. R. Robbins 2 and 3. Coawolda-Ram-W. Glaspeli, F. B. Glaspell. Shearling-F. B. Glas. peul, W. Glaspeli. Ram iamh-F. B. Glaspeli i and 2, W. (;laspel.EN--- W. Gaspeli, F. B. Glaspeil 2 and 3. Shearling Ewe-F. B. Glaspeli 1 and 2, W. Glaspeli. Ewe lamh-F. B. (;la.- peil 1 and 3, W. Giaspeli 2. Oxfords-Ram--J. W . RnI.i n Son. ShearlinZ ram-C. IL. Curti.s. Ram lamb-C. H. Curtis. J. W. Bal son & Son. Ewe-C. H. Curtis, J W. BaIson & Son. ShearliL,-C.I Curtis, Jas. Cameron & Son.F.c lamb-J. W. Saison & Son I ari! 2. Ckeviots-Ram-A. Ayre. qSbnnr1 ing ram-A. Ayre. Ramn lamhnb-ti Ayre I and 2. Ewe-A. Avre i anl 2. Shearling-A. Avre 1 i l n Ewe lamh-A. Ayre i and 2. Specials-Beat pair short wn, 1 BLACKSTOCKj WEST DURHAM FAIR 'Mys. A. L. ýBailey and Mrs. W. Van- List of Prize Winners Camp, were in Toronto last week. Miss Susie VanCamp spent the HORSES weekend with Miss Helen Fowler. Clydedale-Mare and foai-W. C. Misses Hazel Mountjoy and Helen Ashton, Austin Turner, A. D. bang-1 Fowier ai-, attending the Peterboro maid. 2 yr. filiy or geiding-A.1 Normal School. Turner 1 and 2, S. D. Souch. yr Geneai ohnHughs ad D. Rdo-Peter Waiker, W. J. S. Rickard. F. Bruce, Venice, California, recent- i yr. do-Geo. E. Aluin, E. Hancock, 1 l vsitd r. ndMrs. W. A. Van- Colin Smith. Foai-A. D. Langmaid, Campiste. M. n W. J. S. Rickard, E. Hancock. Camp.Percherons-Mare and foal-M. Mr. and Mrs. A. b. Bailey and Ross, Skeiding, E. G. Power, W. A. Adams. Miss Clara Crawford and Mr. W. 2 yr. filiy or geiding-H. G. Mackl.in, Pierce recently visited in Toronto James Cameron & Sons, W. A. Ad- and Niagara Falls. ams. 3 yr. do-M. Skelding. 1 yr. Church services were weli attended do-E. Hancock, W. A. Adams, E. G. in the United Church Sunday even- Power, Foal-W. R. Bickle, E. G. ing when special music was furnished Power, W. A. Adams. by Mr. Reginald Sutton. General Purpose-Mare and f oal- Miss Marjorie Mariow, Toronto, J. B. Aluin, Chas. S. Wood, F.,BR Lovi- who is spending ber hoiidays with ber kmn. 2 yr. old filiy or gelding-Peter mother ,Mrs. John Marlow, visited Walker, G. Cochrane. 1 yr. do- Miss Susie VanCamp last week. Lawrence Hooey, G. Cochrane. Foai Mr and Mrs. Louis Fallis and '-J. B. Allun, F. B. Lavekin, C. S.1 daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomp- Wood. Mrn and famiiy, spent Sunday with Harnes Horses-Span, over 1500 Mr n Mra. D. W. Bradburn. lbs.-W. R. Robbins. Span, 1200 ta C apt. Percy Jolliffe, M.C., D.S.O.,11350 lbs.-M. Skelding, W. B. Fer- of Toonoand family visited last~gIlsan. Dray horse-W. R. Rabbins week at the home of bis sister, li.,1and21 Single horse-M. Skelding, (Rey.) Powell, and piaced in their 1 . Bkr & Son, W. B. Ferguson. new rectury of St. John's Anglican Carrnage Horses-Mare and foai- Church, a complete set of beautiful 0. J. buxton, C. Burley, G. Cochrane. elecricligh iture. I2 yr. illy or gelding-T. B. Jones. Our Continuation and Publie 1 yr. filly or gelding-O. J. Luxtan, Schools have re-opened with Mr. Har- Geo. Robinson. Foal-O. J. Luxtcsn< j ad Birchili and Miss Dorothy Bell- C. Burley, Gea. Cochrane. Span-W. !man astahr n h omra E. Lewis, Rupert Byers. Single-R.t Ms athec he ixtepfrmeripaofByers, W. E. Lewis 2 and 3. tiss athlhe nix ,t p princihave bO Roadater Horses-Mare and fbal- thol nte lattr. in upionhave een 0.Cowan, Gea. Robinson. 2yr. filly and roedi in the otiuaionscho 1f or gelding-O. Cowan, T. Cowan, Roy andthrt-sx i te ubic chol jBarrabaîl. i1yr. do-Lawrence Asthma Brings Misery ,but Dr. J. 1Hoy Garnet ochrane, Howard D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will re- Glenney. Foal-Geo. Robinson, 0. place the misery with welcome relief. Cowan, Oscar Luxton. Span-G. lnhaled as smoke or vapor it reaches iCochrane, C. S. Wood. Single horse the very innermost recesses of the -G. Cochrane, 0. Cowan, C. S Wood. bronchial passages and soothes theni. Combînation Class-W. E. Lewis 1 Restriction passes and easy breathing and 3, R. Byers 2. Saddle horse- r returns. If you knew as well how W *E. Lewis, R. Byers, I. E. Bowell.e this remedy would help you as do Lady <river-Mrs. T. W. Cawker, thousands of grateful users, there Miss Helen Lewis, Eleanor Shepherd. would be a package in yaur home ta- Best Turnout-,G. Cochrane, R. B- nigh. Tr it.ers, W. E. Lewis. 3 yr. old in harneals -C. S. Wood. Worms, by the irritation that they ýPonies-Single pany, under 12 cause in the stomach and intestine hand W. F. Rickard, T. W. Cawker.c deprive infants of the nourishmený Single pony, not over 14 hands---c. that they should derive from f ood' M. Cawker, John Rickard, Gea. Tord-C and mal-nutrition is the result . 'MiI: if. Pony, musical chair-C.' M.à ler's Worm Powders destroy Worms Cawker, Samn Allun, Alfred Allun. E and correct hie morbid conditions in CATTLE t the stomach and bowels that are fav- Shorthorn-Bull-.S. C. Allin, W. 1 arable ta Worms, sa that the full nu t- S. Bragg, T. B. Jones. Bull, under 2C riment ni the child is assured and yrs.-J. F. Osborne & Son, W. S. t develapment in every way encourag- Bragg, J. Baker. Bull caîf, senior-C ed. T. Baker & Son, W. S. Bragg, J. F.p --jOsborne & Son. Da, junior-J. Bak-S er, J. F. Osborne & Son, W. S. Bragg. Cow-W. S. Bragg 1 and 2, Osborne& W hen Your Stomachi SonJ. Baker, W. S. Bragg. Do, un-_ 8sIder,'2 yrs.-W. S. Bragg, Osborne && Groans ith Ga Son 2 and 3. Heifer caîf, sr.-W. S.* Bragg, Elmer Wilbur. Heifer caîf,C MakeThisTes At nce jr.-Elmer Wilbur, J. -Baker, W. S. MakeThisTes At nCe Bragg. Herd-W. S. Bragg 1 and 3, F If you reaîly want quîck and lat- Osborne & Son 2. Two offsprings, e< ng fredom from the usual annoy- samne sîre-Elmer Wiibur, W. S. C ance oI after-eating distress-try this Bragg, Osborne & San. JEVER FAILING test today! Grades-COw--.s borne & Son.C At trifiing cost, get fromn your drug- Heiler 2 yrs.-Osborne & Son 1 and N gpst a little Bisurated Magnesia- 2. Heifer 1 yr.-T. Baker & Son. either powder or tablets-and take Calf-Osborne & Son, W. S. Bragg, 'W after your next meal. This simple T. Baker & Son. C. pleasant test can be depended upon Hereford-Bul-Hi. G. Macklin. Ci o prove its value in less than five Calf-H. G. Macklin 1 and 2. Cow- Cg ninutes. In mast cases relief cames H. G. Macklin 1 and 2. Heifer 2 yrs. W instantly. -H. G. Macklin 1 and 2. Heifer 1iH, Bisurated Magnesia is a harnîless, yr.-H. G. Macklin 1 and 2. Caf- j. on-laxative form ai aid fashioned H.G. Macklin 1 and 2. Herd-H. G. CI Magnesia that, when taken af ter Macklin 1 and 2. Ci neais, sweetens and neutralizes the Beef CattIe--Steer, 2 yr.-Os- SE langerous acids that cause most stam- borne & Son 1 and 2. Steer, 1 yr.- So ch ailments. Ask yaur druggist for Osborne & Son. Steer calf-Osborne A. Bisurated Magnesia-anci star: tha & Son 1 and 2. Beef Bull-T. Baker i tst today! & Son, Osborne & Son, S. C. Aluin. CI _________________ _____Female-W. S. Bragg, Osborne & s Son. ff Hosteins-Bull 2 yrs.-C. S. Ct Trou le SgnsWood. Bull caîf, sr.-Chrîs. Cox. Ci rr u l Sg sBulcal, jr-N 1. Metcalf, AA.H F or Those Past 40 N. I. Metealf, C. Cox 2 and 3. Heil- 2; ____er, 2 yrs.-N. I. Metcalf, Ç. S. Wi7ood, ch R. M. Cale. Heifer under 2 yrs.- FI Bladder Weakness, Nervouanes, A. A. Gibson, C. S. W.ood, R. M. Cale. Cu deadaches, Frequent, Painful, Scan- Heifer caif, sr.-R. M. Cale, C. Cox. H. ty Urination, Getting-Up-Nights. Heifer cal, jr.--C. Cox 1 and 3, N. tis 1. Metcaif. Herd-N. I. Metcalf, - The erobarrassing annoyance and Chris Cox, C. S. Wood. Two off- H. enuine misery ai Biadder Weakne-ss springs, same sire-Chris Cox, R. M. pu iten brings "discomforta of aId age' Cale, A. A. Gibson. Co o those who reaily ought ta bec in thé Jersey-Bull-H. M. Foster, W. So ,ery prime of lue. ÏW. Down. Bull calf-H. M. Foster. S5 Countiesa thousands, perhaps seven Cow-W. W. Down 1 and 2. Heifer - )ut of ten, oi iolks near middle life. 2 yrs.-W. W. Down. Heifer 1 yr.- Cc ýre pitiiol victims of Headaches, Ner- H. M. Foster 1 and 2. Heiler caf- ani riusness, Pains in back and down thru R. M. Cale, J. E. Aluin & Sons. Herd 1 ,rina, frequenty but scanty and -H. M. Foster, W. W. Down.- ainful urination-Getting-up-nights. Ayrshires-Bull---J. J. Abernethy 1 While seriaus, if neglected-it is & Son. Cow-J. J. Abernethy & Son Hu ýrdinarily a simple matter ta relieve 1 and 2. Heifer 2 yrs.--J. J. Aber- Hu hese troubles hy the pleasant h,-me nethy & Son i and 2. Hel-fer 1 yr.- Hu se of Dr. Southworth's URATABS, J. J. Abernethy & Son 1 and 2. Cal & ihich have been victoriaus in thous-1 -J. J. Ab ernethy & Son 1 and 2. C. nds oi cases, aiter other treatnients i Herd--J. J. Ahernethy & Son. He ave iailed.I Specia s-Dairy Cow-N. 1. Met- So No matter how serîgus or of hùw Icali. Dairy Sire-Chris Cox. Dairy 2 ng standing your condition may be, Cali-N. I. Metcalf, Harold Kingjrer ou can quickly prove the value ail (B.T.S.) e W. tis W. Co Pu BI« lambs-H. Skinner, A. Ayre. Do, long-F. B. Glaspeli, J. E. Allin &ý Sons, M. Blackburn. Ewe or wetheri (long wool) -Audrey Ayre, F. B Glaspeil J. E. Aluin & Sons. Do, short waol-'Boyd Ayre, Lloyd Ay-re. S WlNE JBerkshires-Sow, under 12 mos.- borne Hutchison. Boar, under 6 mes. -C. H. Curtis. Sow, under 6 mos.- C. H. Curtis. Large White-Boar-W. R. Bail. Sow-W. R. Bail. Sow, under 12 mos.-W. R. BaIl, H. G. Macklin 2 and 3. Boar, under 6 mos.-Wý. R. BaIl. Sow, under 6 mos-W. R. BaIl, Mark Blackburn 2 and 3. Tamworth-Boar-S. Snowden. Pen Bacon hogs-M. Blackburn, 1H. G. Macklin. POULTRY Asiatics-Brahma Cock-C. H. Curtis 1 and 2; Hen-C. H. Curtis 1 and 2; Cockerel-C. H. Curti&; Pullet-C. H. Curtis 1 and 2. bang- shan, Cock-A. F. Fletcher; Hen- A. F. Fletcher. Americans-Barred Rock, Cock- C. H. Curtis; Hen--C. H. Curtis;, Cockerel-C. H. Curtis; Pullet-C. H. Curtis. A. 0. V. Rock, Cock- C. H. Curtis, W. J. Abernethy; Hen -W. J. Ab-ernethy, C. H. Curtis; Cockerei-W. J. Abernethy 1 and 2; Pullet-W. J. Abernethy. S. C. Rhode Island, Cock-Jas. Nokes, C. H. Curtis; Hen-Jas. Nokes i and 2; Cockerel C. H. Curtis; Pullet-C. H. Curtis, Jas. Nakes. R. C. Rh ode' Island, Cock-Jas. Nokes, C. H. Cur-1 tis; Hen--Jas Nokes 1 and 2; Puliet -Jas. Nokes. Wyandotte white, Cock--C. H. Curtis, J. W. Balson & Son; Hen-W. J. Abernethy, C. H. Curtis; Cackerel-W. J. Abernethy, J. W. BaIson & Son; PuIlet-W. J. Abernethy. Wyandotte, black, Cock. -W. J. Abernethy i and 2; Hen-1 W. J .Aber-nethy 1 and 2; Cockerel-1 W. J. Abernethy 1 and 2; Pullet-I W. J. Abernethy 1 and 2. Wyan-1 datpartridge, Cock-W. J. Aber-I nethy; Hen-W. J. Abernethy; Cock-1 erel-W. J. Abernethy 1 and 2; Pul-1 let-W. J. Abernethy 1 and 2.6 Wyandotte, silver laced, Hen--C. H. Curtis,. Wyandotte, golden laced1 Cockerel-C. H. Curtis; Puilet-C. H. Curtis. English-White Rock, Cock-C. H. Curtis; Hen--J. W. -Baison & Son;l Cockerel-C. H. Curtis, J. W. Balson - & Son; Pullet--C. H. Curtis, J. W. Saison & Son. Orpington, White, Coek--C. H. Curtis; Hen-C. H. Cur- tis 2nd; Cockerei-C. H. Curtis; Pul- Iet-'-C. H. Curtis. Orpingtan, Buiff Cock--C. H. Curtis; Hen-C. H. Gur: bis, J. W. SaIson & Son; Cockerel- C. H. Curtis, J. W. Balson & Son; Pullet-C. H. Curtis, J. W. Balson & Son- Gaae--Pit Game-Cock-Paeden J &r Hughes, C. H. Curtis; Hen-Pae- den & Hughes, C. H. Curtis; Cockerel -Paeden & Hughes; Pullet-Paeden &r Hughes. A. O. V. Cock-C. H.2 Curtis; Hen-C. H. Curtis; Cockerel C. H. Curtis; Pullet-C. H. Curtis. French-Houdan - Cock - A. T. Fletcher; Hen-A. T. Fletcher; Cock- erel-C. H. Curtis; Pullet--C. H.C Hamurg-Blck-ock- C. H. Curtis; Hen-J. W. Saison & Son, M. 'okes. C Mediterranean - Leghorn, S. C.jel WJhite-Cock--C. H. Curtis; Hen-, C. H. Curtis 1 and 2; Cockerel--4C. H. Curtis, T. S. Veale; Pullet-C. H. el Curtis, T. -B. Veale. Leghorn, R. C. ri White-Cck--J. W. Balson & Son; r, Ien-J. W. SaIson & Son; C ockerel J.W. Baison & Son; Pullet--G. H. F Curtis. Leghorn, S. C. Brown- L Cock-C. H. Curtis, J. W. Saison & b, aon; Hen-C. H. Curtis, J. W. Bal- & son & Son; Cockerei-C. H. Curtis, C A. T. Fletcher; Pullet--C. H. Curtis D 1and 2. Ancona-Cock-C. H. A Curtis; Hen-C. H. Curtis, J. W. Býal- M an; Cackerel-C. H. Curtis, J. W. A Balson; Puilet-J. W. BaIson, C . H. r' Curtis. Leghorn, R. C. Brown- el Cock-A. T. Fletcher, C. H. Curtis; el [en-A. T. Fletcher, J. W. SaIson & b, on; Cockerel-A. T. Fletcher 1 ande 2Pullet-C. H. Curtis, A. T. Flet- ýher. Leghorn, Buff-Cack-A. T. G Fletcher, C. H. Curtis; Hen-C. H.o urtis, A. T.*Fletcher; Cockerel-C. 0 I. Curtis 1 and 2; Pullet-C. H. Cur- Cý s 1 and 2. Leghorit, Black-Hen S. -M. Nokes. Andalusian-Hen-C. - 1Curtis; Cockerel-C. H. Curtis; S. ullet-C. H. Curtis. Minorca- ni ock-C. H. Curtis, J. W. Balson & N, 'on; Hen-C. H. Curtis, Saison & S, an; Cockerel-C. H. Curtis; Puliet ,Bl -C. H. Curtis. Black Spanish- Cç ack-C. F. Rice; Hen-C. F. Ricel'1 Ld 2; Cockerel-C. F. Rice i and 2. IC( Polands-C-ok-C. H. Curtis; Hen -C. H. Curtis. 1 P Bantams-Game-Cock-Paeden & S, ughes i and 2; Hen-Paeden & B. ughes 1 and 2; Cockerel-Paeden & 1 B lughes. A. 0. V. Pullet-Paeden Ai Hughes. Cochin, black-Cock- S< H. Curtis, J. W. BaIson & Son; W len-C. H. Curtis, J. W. Saison & S,, în; Pullet-W. J. Abernethy 1 and D' Cochin, buff-Cock-W. J. Ah- Be rnethy, BaIson & Son; Hen-Aher- r ethy, BaIson and Son; Cockerel- VJ. Abernethy; Pullet-C. H. Cur- So "1den & Hughes; Hen-C. F. Rice, 3a* 1son & Son; Cockere]-Paeden & i Hughes, A. T. Fletcher; Puliet-C. F. Rice 1 and 2. Breeding Pens-Pen Heavy Birds --James Nokes. Eaton Speciai- James Branch. Turkeya-A. 0. V. Cock-Lorne Hutchinson; Hen-Lorne Hutchinson; Cock under 1 yr.-Lorne Hutchinson; Hen under 1 yr-Lorne Hutchinson. Geee-Grey-Maie-C. H. Curtis; Fem'ale-C. H. Curtis. White- Male-Balson & Son; Female-L. Hutch;son, Baison & Son; Maie under 1 yr.-L. Hutchison, Saison & Son; Female under 1 vr.-Bason & Son, L. Hutchinson. A. O. V. Maie-C. H. Chapman, Baison & Son; Female C. H. Curtis; Maie under 1 yr.- C. H. Curtis, L. Hutchison; Female un- der 1 yr-C. H. Curtis 2nd. Ducks-Rouen-Drake--C. H. Cur- tis; Duck-C. H. Curtis; Drake under 1 yr.-C. H. Curtis; Duck under 1 yr. -C. H. Curtis. Aylesbury Drake under 1 yr.-L Hutchison; Duck un- der 1 yr.-L. Hutchison. Pekin- Drake--Jas. Branch; Duck-J4as. Branch; Drake un-der 1 yr.-W. J. S. Riekard, Lorne Hutchison; Duck un- der 1 yr.-L. Hutchison, W. J. S. Rickard. Indian Runner-Drake- Balson & Son, L. Hutchison; Duck- Balson & Son, L. Hutchison; Drake under 1 yr-L. Hutchison; Duck un- der 1 yr.-L. Hutchison. Pigeons-Fan Tail-Paeden & Hughes. Homer-T. Bottreli & Son 1 and 2. Tumblers-H. King, Pae- den & Hughes. Magpies Paeden & Hughes. Pouters-Paeden & Hughes, H. King. Jacobins-Paeden & Hughes. Nuns-T. Bottrell & Son. DAIRY & APIARY Butter-Crock 10 lbs.-Mrs. L. .Thompson, Miss E. Knight, Mrs. Lorne MeCoy. Crock 5 lbs.-Mrs. H. Hayes, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. L. Thompson. Prints, 1.0 lbs.-Mrs. H. Hayes, Miss E. Knight, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. Prints, 5 lbs.-Mrs. H. Hayes, Miss E. Knîght, Mrs. L. rhompson. 3 lbs. Giri-Alice Thnmp- &on. Honey-Extracted-Mrs. Newton' Taylor. Display-Mrs. N. Taylor, W. E. Gilbank. Pair Dressed Chickens-Richard Pooley. Hen's Eggs, white-S. C. Allin, Mrs. A. Taylor. Hen's Eggs, brown -James Nokes, Mrs. Lorne McCoy. GRAIN & SEEDS Whe«t-Fall-eslie Collacott, C. A. Blanchard. Spring, hard-M. Blackburn. Spring, sheaf-M. Black- burn. Fall, sheaf-G. F. Annis, A. W. Annis. Peas-Large-W. E. Gilbank. Small-C. A. Blanchard. Oats-White, sheaf-A. W. Annis, G.F. Ann's. White oats-A. W. An- nis, G. F. Annis. Bean&-White-Leslie Collacott. Barrey-6-rowed - John Baker. 2-rowed--C. A. Blanchard, W. E. Gil- bank. Coon-8-rowed-Mi-s. A. Taylor. FRUIT Apple&-Caii., 12 varieties-W. H. Carruthers & Son, N. Mutton, C. M. Carruthers. Dessert-C. M: Carruth- es, W. H. Carruthers & Son, J. F. Osborne & Son. Cooking-C. M. Carruthers, Osborne & Son, Carruth- rs & Son. Alexanders-Carruthers &Son, Neil Mutton, borne McCoy. Wealthy-R. M. Cale, C. M. Carruth- rs, Lesie Coliacott. Snow-Car- uthers & Son, S. C. Aluin, C. M. Car- ruthers. King Tompkins-S. C. Alhin, A. W. Annis, Carruthers & Son. Faiiawater-W. G. Werry, L. McCoy, LesIie Coliacott. McIntosh Red--Os- borne & Son, R. M. Cale, F. L. Squair &Sons. Belle Fleur-S. C. Allun, Carruthers & Son, Squair & Sons. Delicious-F. B. Lovekin. Duchess- A.W. Annis, Carruthers & Son, C. M. Carruthers. St. Lawrence-S. C. Aiiin, J. L. Cryderman, C. M. Car- ruthers. Blenheim Pippin-Carruth- ers & Son, S. C. Ailin, C. M. Carruth- ers. Ribston Pippin-S. C. Allin, Os- orne & Sons, Squair & Sons. Grav- enteins-Oshorne & Son, Leslie Col- lcett, R. M. Cale. Rhode Island Greenings-S. C. Allun, R. M. Cale, Dshorne & Son. Golden Russets- Dsborne & Son, Squair & Sons, R. M. aie. On tari o-Carruthers & Son, 3C. Ailin, C. M. Carruthers. Stark -Carrutheps & Son, J. L. Cryderman, 3C. Aluin. Baidwin-J. L. Cryder- nan, Osborne & Son, W. G. Werry. Çorthern Spy-Carruthers & Son, 3quair & Sons, Leslie Collacott. 3en Davis-Carruthers & Son, J. L. 'ryderman, W. G. Werry. Crab-- B. bavekin, M. J. Eiliott, A. A. ,olwill. Pears-'fable-Osborne & Son, R. 50oley. Lawrence-G. B. Bickie & >n. Bartlett-Squaîr & Son, G. 3Biekle & Son. Sheldon-A. E. 3eliman, Mrs. J. Davis. Duchess de ýngou]eme-Squair & Son, Bickle & n. Beurre Ciairgeau-Mrs. MIN. Vooiley, Bickie & Son. Seckel- ;uair & Son, Bickie & Son. Beurre )'Anjou-Bickle & Son. Fiemnish tauty-Bickle & Son, W. G. Wer- Pluma-Ponds Seediing-Bickle& nA A.T Iethr. Gas'S- t Flour 28Z991 CANNED PEAS o'àr» -m10e D«. 9"a ZINC RINGS - Dos. 200 FRUITlied.Dos. I" UEDER RINGS aslkua.25o FRUT ed Do. ,IizPARÔWAX a Pkts. 250 JARS Lago Don. $.99 PICKLING SPICE Mb. 25e 1 OST'S IChoeolate DId« b.25 T-OAsTIES PkL 90[BISCUITS5e HFLLIOUSE-Ci mlÀfNINGSPECL4LS COFOTSOAP 10O""490 Srong Copn Steve Pipe VamanhbWihBrDuchB fot,230 ýBMoomç Monsueh Steve PoUaeh -.-Dot* 170 3 ~ ~ m Ha unieon 011 - 12-oz. Bot. 230 EahPerfecton Ploor Wax 1-lb. Tin 290 Loh Claude. Cleanse, -.a.a. -Tin se Sanlfluah Tn2eIWauhfBoards Î 39 -1 WASHING SODA 4 plekt'25 Butter shftiffa PI PlrnL affiyBsmed and a Paeket OR ~~ Luuhum JeIIyJ Tastes Go.d and Poultry Wanted PL< Pay highesb cash price. Don't selI tilI you see me. 1. Stein one 81 Whit tby f MASAPE AND SURE REMEDY FOR NILING CHILDREN MILLER'Se POWD]ERS M SILYTm dV. NELLES, LIBERTY & KING STREETS, BOWMANVILLE s. m- - - - a" "dPekoo." cornes from the Chinese word "Pak ho' nieanlng silver hair, whlch was applled to the tl leaves on the Chinese tea bush. Tip leaves arc wlry ln shape. On India they were more orange ln colour, so were called "Orange Pekoe" (Pak-ho). 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 PAGE SIX

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