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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1928, p. 4

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tAGEFOURTHE CANAIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. OCTORRR sth.. 1928 SALEM COURTICE Report off S. S. No. 9, Darlington, for Visitors: Reeve Wight, Mrs Septêmber: Sr. IV-Marion Honey H, Misses Jean and Elleen, Rose Richards. Doris Collacott. Jr. udygvt fM.adN 1V-Lorne F'oster, Elîner Strutt, Bert Sna us. f r n Foster F. Sr. 11-Doris Dudley 1 Courtice; Mr. and '%rg. Jes! l3eatrice Cator H. Audrey Cowing. . and family, Maxwell's, ivth III-LeIa Welsh H, Marie Coliacott H. Osborne; Nliss Mabelle Wal Willie Darch. Sr. 11-Viola Francis H-, John Foster. Jr. II-Chas. Foster H. cousins5in Cle'veland, Ohio; Isobel Brown H. Hilda Richards, Beryl ored to Clevelanid wth NIr. Thomnpson, Bert Francis, Harley Cowl- Rae Brown off Peterboro. Mi lng P. Sr. Pr.-Margaret lrwln, oscar TeiTrno ihle Conlin. Jr. Fr. A-Elvie Wrighît, eiTrno ihle Brenton Darch, Byron Poster, FrankcSurit, Rev. and Mrs. J. 1-. Sta Conlin. Jr. Pr. 1.-Hilda Thorapson, S5unay...1 Regular mývting cf Rboda Wright, Hat.hleen Cowlng, Lily Bereilii Clasa xtas Iheli d atie Cowling. Irene Cowling. -H1onora; F- NIrs. S. S. Brooks on Thursday, P'ailed. off mrs. 11enbertlîy's group. 1 L. T. Savery. teacher. votjunal andi business the ffolko gram was presnttd. Readi ýutra shornt, vocal duet, A ,,, ortc and Airs. Ross ENNISKILLEN sa papecmposeti by Mrs Keso , nars was read by Visitors: Mr. anti Mrs. %%. Toms, Recynoldis, Solîna, enttiti aB Oshawa, with ber mothr, Is. Presion; Magazines for the Hote"; i MNrs. Joe . Forguson andi son carence, splendid paper offring someg Mr. and Mrs. Wimont Brent andi gestions, piano solo by Niss daugbter, Elva, Uxbridge, visiting Dr. Rundle and a reading by %Irs.B Ferguson and other friends; _Mr. \Vill, concluded te prograni. Ai Pointen Sundayed at Mr. Thomas me- pttizirig lunch wvas afterwardsk GuIls; Mr. andi Mrs. Aidreati, Toronto, ab~outt25 ladiets and a social1 with her sister, Mrs. Swýeeîman; Our joyeti. "Mrs. Brooks, as usual teacher, Mr. Brecknow, spet the week- and entertaining in lier bome enti with his parents St Godericb; Mr. Hlrbýrt Tink, Solîna, acî'oinpan and Mrs. G. A. Cook wîth their daugh- Reynolds andi werr, guesîs off ter, Mrs. F. J. Spry, Bowmanville; Ars. W'. R. Courtict...Sundaý Mr. Melvin Forest(.r, Toro nto, Mr. Car- bU day. Il the morning oui mana Rodd, Miss Benice Sh ortt, Miss ltev. J. H. Staînton, lîreachiti Luella Stevens, Oshawa. at Mr. Howardl e\celunt sermion on 'Ilow shal Stevens'; Mr. andi Mrs. John Slemnon cape if we aeglect our soul's %vith their taugbîer, Hr.iugli Annis; lion." Sacrament was partakt Mr. and Mrs. W. J Hall, '.%r. and Mrs. tecoe ntt feno Stuart Hall andi sons, llarry, Cliffton a ty Seîl lt eld Rally servicea and Keith, Little Brittain, Mýr. H' T the lreiared lishets. A story Williams, Nestietori, Miss Laverne Or' Christ of the~ Andies" w.îs nicely charul, Bowmanville, sîet Suinday at Miss Arnold; a pretty vocal c Mr. Frank Orchards...Ouîr Irim.Itie sung by misses Jean andti Eleen club are Presenting their Plav ntitleîi Proviencti MNrs. (11ev.) J. U'. 'Getting Sanuly.'it te opera HouseB~ avle, gave a mast"rfui Bowmanville on Friday, October .5th.on "Blessei a re te Peacet Mm lloward Pye is wivîh m.Wili ",makni olte ,wr ati th, w Qîick'sapple plekers as iistial.... Sac- ofti .vOfStln ipt ram,nlal servit n tSira 0,totr, ia as i,.k, off th, Tr cbîîrch. E,-erY one welcome. Pa^ whiih has h, en signeti byf The C. G. I. T. are holding acon- nationsanil ber talk encourai thiltiren 10 he frîei-ly and kmnf cert in the near future. Watch for 1oeineswiî0 corn- etouohmit particulars later. whole ndtiress was most Inspirin rayvîvening our yoîîng ipeopile he RaliV service wiih lte Presider tatie Osborne in charge. TI, DARLINGT0N s liets wpre oseti anti two a( __________were riven, by Mr. R. E. Osborm * rnanvile, on "Tbe Challenge to Report of Base Line No.., for Sep- andi hy Mr. Kenneib Coutriceo tember: Jr. IV.-*Bessie lackburn .Case ÀAgainst Aicohol". Both ai and inne Gbso 79(eqal) F ar-wùr t tougbtful andi intpresting and inne Gison79 equa) Fir-Osi orn eIn bis atidreslaying st ence FoleY 72, j'Jack Finnigaý 47. th,, Influence off the' home, the Jr. III-Wilbur Blackburn and Ir a andi tht' cburch on the' xoîîng Roberts 68 (equal), Annie ,1.ë 61, Cotîrtice spoke particîilarly or t tAlosiu Kus 56 tHael op" rible effert off the drink In tiii i'losis us 5, Hate HP S .52. îoîîav. Nxt Sunday Rex'. AI, Sr. II-*Grace Truli 85. Etînice Lane riso)n, Little Britain, wiii oceu 65, tBobbie Gib'son 54, tMaurice pulpit in tht' moning andi Rev' Morhy 5. r. -*Fele nuffl Pick in the' evpoing. Suntiax'Se l; lstin...Mr. WJUS PtnbertÈhv 77, Hazel Trull 74, Vera 'ibs.,n 72, home after six weeks' olit We Sanimy VanCamp 62, Douglas Ilopp~ stin.ooking finp...Rev' and 60, tHazel Roberts 47, fEernice liob- C. C. Waahington anti tiatthter, anti Annaciare aindti Mrs. C' .0.Jo erts 4 1. Jr. 1-Louise Toley 8.5. Fenelon Fal, were guestq of '% *-Honours; t-Failure .an lotal <be- Nfrs. (3. PF AnnIn. on Tiiesday. low 60). Rrsby M. Bregz, teacher. Fver'bol* ïat i-Crarn offPer Winter Overcoats and Suits .50 Men's Winter Overcoats, Values up to $32.50, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY $24-50 50 Men's Suits, Values up to $35.00, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY $26.50 150 Men's Broadcloth Shirts, Reg. $2.00 and $2.25 FOR $1.50 100 pairs Men's Heavy Wool Work Sox, Reg. 45e FOR 35c-3 PAIRS $1.(oO 100 Pairs Men's Work Pants ,Regular $2.50 FOR $2.00 Sole Agency For The Famous Fashion Craft Clothes. S. G. CHARTRAN 1 Door West Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 CLARtENCE S. MASONS BOWMANVI LLE The Price and Style of Coat and Dress Gua ENFIELD 1 MAPLE GROVE SOLINA- s. 'îltt, \'isitors: Misses Laura anti Hiltia Mm. and Mms. Frank Webster, Cara-1 Mm. Andmsw Pollard, Richmond, Vir- provîidence, Maekey ,Brooklin, Messrs. R. Richard- bray, vlslted their cousins, Mr. ant iMrs ia, Mm. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., lJow' 'rs. L. Jsua'ibatiO eod oo ta J. D. Stevens ou Suntiay ..r. Sanmuel manville and Mm. lrwin Bragg and son, Ir. L. C. Paècoees; Mr. L. Cochrane Snowden is Judgîngag ti te following William John. Plrovidence, were recet ,sec Amnot L'owntanville, aI 'Mm. G. Cochranes; Mms. faim S Ii week:-Erin Evemaban. Owen gueste- li Mr, John Bakers...Sorry Hrs iE F. Mountjoy, Euniskillsa, a r twnSud. Ms ali , Cobourg, bas te report that Mms. Walter Cryderman it,rs xvth Omistons; Mm. Harmy Stinson bas re- retumaed home aler a pîdasant vîsit la under the doctor's care. We wishi Siemtcently been visiting at Rochester, attend- with bier daughtem, NMrs. Samuel Snow- ber a speedy mcovemy.. Mm andtIMre. iug a funemal off bis uncle ...Several tien.... Mmi. and Mrs. Alex. Wilkins, Mr. Robert Mosei and Miss Grace, Port anti Mrs. from heme atteniet i Lndsay Faim ... Mr. Nelson Wilkins, Mm. anti Mms. Leonard Perry, Mr. aud .Mrs. WiII Tremneer. isa Ventla Jas. Stark twon a prize ou bis team Sti Richards recenîly visileti the formera Cressweil, visited i a Messrs. John antiW'. uncîv aud Port Permy ~i.m George Cochrane sister, Mrs. R. L. Womten.... Mmr. Wil bert N. Pascoe's. .»Miss Evelyn Tiuk spet tan v0 as a successfful exhîbitor off homses ait Bell, B. C., ison orf Mrs. Bell, (net' Gertie a ffew tisys wltb Miss Florence Aeb- .iiutoni Bowmanxvîlle, Millbrook anti Lindisay Cmswbomti), ffomerly off this community, ton, Shaw's... Mr. antd Mrs. H. G. Pas- DI Ladies Fa 1ims. calîsti ou Mm. C. H. Snowden ou Suntiay cot'. Miss Elva anti Mm. lFank Pasco-t - borte of Everybody sala t-Crear off Baley. .. Miss Carnie Power, Town, speul visîteti Brooklin frienis.... Mm. J. J. ,in charge Suuday wltb hem ulece anti nepbew, Mm. Brown anti Mr. W. L. Miller opeal the Aller de' anti Mrs. M. Munulax, Jr. .. ..Monlhly we.ekend ait Mm. William Mýiliers, Nexv- wiug pro- A N meeting off the W. M.- S. was behl on burg ... Miss Rutht McKpssock visileul hnglé, MisH YO Tue-aty afflernoon, October 2nti., aî the ber grantimother. Mms. Thorans Pascoe. tirs. Kea- Vsbos omne off Mrs. Rev. J. I. Stainton, Court- Hampton .. . .Mr. A. L. Pagcoe anti Har- ýs Pearce, iitr:Mm. and Mms. John Graham ice, their being about 30 ladies present. oid, Mm. WIII Weotlake, Sm., Mr. W. R. J. Me- anti sons, Keaneîb ant ivMilton, Oshaw'a, Mms. M. Muntiay, Jr., Presitient, occupisîl Westlake, Mm. anti Mms. John Klx't'ii, Miss Eua ali Mm. D. Graham'e; Mm. anti Mrs. Jthai. Affler oîteuing exercises Mms Mr. anti Mms. J. T. Rundie, Mm. anti Mrs 0ouks anti Kennedy and ffamily, M,%iss Loittit' Cot. Laird enti the' tevotIonal isaflet; Mrs Walter Vice anti Eversît altentiedtihe il was a tlewell, Woodbrldge, aI Mr. . . Ashto's. Rey* VanCamp sang a solo; a very lu- funemal off tht' laate Hamry Hooper, rit Or- gooti sug- Mm. Roy Thorapson, Bowmanville, Sun- leresting talk was given by Rev. Mm. ono on Sunday afflemnoon....Mil. anti s Hiazel dayeti aI home; Mm. anti Mms. C. Avery Bowies, relomneti missionary ffom China. Mrs. WiII Mountjoy anti baby Marlon, R. R. Gay anti Mm. anti Mms. S .Trewin motoredtiel Reffreabrasuts were serveti aIt the close.. ICedmon, Mm. andi Mrs. Fraudas Werry inost ap- Tronoto Suntiay sud visileti frieutis; Mme . ... The firet service helt inlu ur e-île- anti baby Jean, Enniskillen, were recent lier'edtielo Will MeLean anti son WallIace, Pont- i t3; oed hurh on Sirnday aterrion was guestssai Mr. A. L. Pascoes... Mm. anti îour en-pol spent Sna tM.E rd irdlte a.Pso tItnpec.Ms .E Werry, George antiW'esley, vas geliaîj Iey; In the absence off aur Presitieut, di seul stiming sermon on the "Sin spent Sunday at Mm. Sain Brooks', Oeil- e. Mms. Mmli. C. Avery, Mms. R. Crossman actet Off Neîet," a.ftem which 416 new meyn- awa .. .. Mm. and Mes. Herb. Ogden, 0gb- teti Miss as chaimman rit League meeting. Pro - bers weme ecelve Inlto buill rembemsii awa, visite i Mm. Evereti Crytiemman .... Mm. anti grarn lu. charge off th Vice, Mises Mabel this heiug the esult off speciai persootti Miss Idia Reyuolis. Toronto, Miss Alice y was a Beecb. Bible reatiing, Evelyn Greer; work by our pastor anti the' co-opemalion Tho>rapson, Tyrone, visitee]Ilnt Mm. Jack .m Pastor. tievotionai eatilug, Miss Fretia Bradley; off the' people; the' sacrament off th,, Yelivies...Misses Butda oun Lizzie i anotîter triple. Myrtîs Cowling: two vocal seîec- i.orul'g Supper was thc-n arinîsîtereuî te Hockaday, Mmr.anti Mme. Siti ItockatmaY il ve es- lions n'ere nlceiy rentiereti by six lîtîle a" capacity mngregafjon andti he choir anti Ernest, vîsîteti aI Mm. J. Challas'. S Salva- girls. League clogeti wiib Mizpah bene- under the' able leadershtip off Mrs. <Rex'.) Blowmanvillie.... Mm. antiNfrs. Clarence en off ai diction .... .Young people are maklng pre- Stainton renclemet apprepriate mugqie.lCrytierman anti Miss Edua, Mmf. {arv, Our Sua- paaions 10 give a play on Thanksgiv- -.Mms. John McGrezom r, tWhItby Cowiing, Toronto, Mr. anti Mma. John anti uset iîng. was reenrt guest off hem cousin. Mmfs. 1 Cowllug, Mms. Bruce Ferguson, Mm. ant'i off 'Tht' Evemyhody sais t-Creara off Baley. G. Freemnan. Mms. B3ensou Cyterrnu, Harapton, vts3- ýtoîti by . vemybody saIs il-Crear off Barlsy. i iteti aI Mm. Walter Crytierman's...Mmr. duel xasReotorSS.o6,Drngoom anti Mrs. Bort Hunt anti Ernest, BoNv' Robis, AMPONept frS.S . 6,Ai eD airti , rmauvîIeI, wt're recent gupsts off Mr. Sain ._Robns,_HMPTO May Fowlem 63, Wilfretl Aldwotb 60 Bush... Mms. John Reynoldis andti Mm.W 1addtress Atbum Stew'art 60. Jr. IV-Lloyd 31eIJ Reyenoldis vislteiM. an S'Irs. B. m.nikers", Mtr. andîtiMrs. borne Rabbins ant(i caîf- 51, Lavonne Trini, 65tRoss LawI Somervilie, Cberr>-wood... Mr. anti Mmfe. t -un Ss tiuglter, Leskarti, apent Suntiay ilitNlrs 60', B rt Couitiemy 54. Sm. ItI-M ldtreti .J en is ae la 'e ot ii 'e S. Mms. W. J. Veitoe.'t..ir. andtIrMms. Clareice Snowtien 80, Douglas Bothwell 64. Jr. .Congratulations te Miss Irerte Argue meai-.ty off Cryderman anti amily, ant irM. llarry ItI-Thelma Freeman 85, Jeanu Stevens off Toronto. anti Mm. Nelson Chapin se matny Con htng, Toronto, spent Sundaty aI M,. 76, Jimmile Upper 68, Heflen Metcalff 67. fPnslani iter petmr aging teo1 f eansylvaîn outheir nmyet Inar- Jg . tt1 tht' wings. . . .. Tom Sykes, r[oronto, Sm. II-4Gordon Jarvie 84, 111 lCoujtiemy8,py r rlae. ed ireh.. th era r m epmr f idt h Shonis over Suutiay.MmNl. Albert Ai- Lyma Freeman 82, Robert Bothwvell 0, anymrit hfeOtbe etn tnd. The' lin, wlo lias bc.en employeti by th3 Fish- immie Foaler 64. 'Jr. H-Charlle Wrightt ffthe borne 'Ms.InR.tutJ. lchTe heit an Ing. Su- re'Dprmai. ant i ias benseni 5 1,Margaret Uper 8(),Polb Snowtien7. uedthe3iss tht' sumatner on L.ake Erre, sptertt a 1,,, Albert Bothw'ell 47. Jr. i-Jean ît-per Thurstiay aflernoon,' Octeler 111h ai 2.1n tn isedys lit bome last xveek, bge'rore . un-(hon), Jean Jarvie. Jr. Pr -Noma Meme- P. in. Prograra "Ciîppiugs" Exr.,y lit' rally îng bis dtîes at the Toronto Uni- ulth, Irene Wright Kathleen Alîireati. mibrcuepeae eh adsssvesîîY. .. . Mms. Charles KTîlt, Nvho lias Figures tienote per caI. Leagrue re-opent-t on Motv if'. Bow- be O urt leiiitthlie home tf lier roiher, fmorad^.hinae. gave us a veronflu anti Yolit", M Cani, techer w Chnaiave on ' Mr. Lewis Jolins, was emtvedtiluBow- GlfrsoM.tansaeachr. hu e itofoionefîrndoun. "Te iavieIospital on F j .....M.spingmessage' on the' womk I lu ] _j tiesspes hohoi leToto ritoaj.Mm. enghurches there ...... Our cburcb 5ervIceq ý. M.relatives lu the village .ongraulations MAPLE GROVE CHURCH wclbumchedin omltetiServicesl anil Os- 3tresa 0on t0 Mr. anti Mms. Sydney Kersey i tie r hlacmet Srisltn- offa iaigbhr Mmlani 1msRE-OPENING ual lime next Sunday. 9. Mm. arrivai o agte ....%I.jdMs Report off Solina Public School for Sep- th --Lei Cryderman attentiedtihl,.buierai off Trustees off Maplle Grove IUitedi Clîurcb tomber: Sm. V-Maurlce Baker, Brue ie worlti r. Crr Hooper, aI Omono on tiuntay lex Fd 1030a. ra. next Suudav oxin. 10to nn'- tht' inleior anti exterior off their cbumchiWt'stlake. Sr. 1V-Vera Kursiake, Jeani îrpy tht' versa, rarics iGeirJrgIePrc SR. Ara y eviesaIZon aMnul affler a great deii of l repamalomy Hogarth, Ralpb Wibum. J.I-ec cho.a nrom ad Mm.s . b:îlnuil, spent womk ant icongitieration by a special ýora- WeBtlaké, Stuart Hogarth, Russel Bal - feO safeivtisys wIth their sîsteir, %Ire,.D. millet', the' coutract Nwss let, anti the' e-lsou. Sm. Im-Ha2ei McEwen, Audrey nrriv.eti Flint off aI Zion lasI 'w e trantl'.%Yire suit le Ibat îoday lte people off Maîtit Ayrib, Tom Baker, Joasie Hogarth. Ros- t Ma.Albe-rt Martin antid sil tenit tt rove Sud viciniîy bave a chumch wltose cot' Baker, Katbleen MacLectu, .?lr sTv ueraI off bis faîber, Mi. Rote-rt 'immuinaPpeamance they are jirsuly proutioff anti!Parker, Ruby Parker. Sr. lt-B3ruce ýohon eai Oshauva ou Sattîrta .. m. Nî Iîs are vemy appmeciatlv.. of' lte efforts Sfî Hogarth, Wesley Wemry, Roger Short- sien an.iS Wu Horn anti Mr. anti Tira. C.- %V ose lu charge off the xîomk. Wibu. Jr I-Hrit Bl %r.adSuhvisiteti frientis la shava on Sun- wSuuuiay, September 2.1. aIe-inisrie Iln a Taylor, Bille Parker, Dow'- Clay. were beldIniluthe large ercloseti shedtie10 er Parker. 1-Harold Potier. Jr. Pr.- Annual Rlaly off Young Peopies League celebrate the' imroverntts matie. itev. Milke Eiizuk, Louise Baker. larey. q,~ hltianFmia3'evnin ani as Ju. H. Stainlon, , B. .fle popular Rt. J. McKesaoci<, tesueber. casharge of îricayevPesitieutanm.WasIn- astor, s'as lu charge of tîte abtemnoon chrg Se. Tht'Vicenteset îy rora service; Mm. R. R. Stev,aa wvelcome thte Wemt' Ise. Thrps. Georg Baron fax'-large number presenit on helilff offthe TrusîcesBoardrantigavegen oulolue of oet wllb a vocal solo "Wheme ta My TuteBadadgaea ul fthel ZION Waudrin BoyTonght" Re'. J M ost off deeoaling. Wn ernBynisiiien, a e avemy.lu- Sermons were preach,'tl ly Rex'. P. L. Cike Whyte off juîî, HA, Brookga.eluatue alein-on F ia nPie Supper wiIl be beld on teesing atidresa te tht' Leguers on011 ,B .Apoke o tht' B Ib l ic vemy oonej Y coe 2t t5~ i. I tht' 'Effeets off AlmObol 10th t' Hu m.ai be pk nteBbei eycmr-FiaOtbr1t t5p r. I Body'. Mr. Wh>te's atitres as ag mîre sive ,thougbtfful antI Iractical manuer, the evening Newcastlc I'>amatic Club appremiateti anti the Lteitguers would ant Inl the' eveuiug spokie fromt tht' sortis, will present their play "Duq* cf the appremia te bearlng hlm again ai a future "I have writtenriuote you, young ne-n. be- Earth"'. Music by homne talent. 40-1 date Mr Blk Itrouce "Te Te aurse ye are stmong, anti tht' word off Goti "Trto fPrps-atrwlht' e- iehinyu n ehave overmora, nDA L cardaexvrc pamseti arountl anti signeti y hv te wkeui one." Ater paylng au ex- A League.rs M. .J. Groat clogeti the clettiuet h op nwa U T R A E meeting it Ilprayer...MapleGrvellîey batiaccçmplishod soiaily, piilly Letigue will vieil Hamptton î.eague on ant a a a bldnt erad Fia October th-l have receiv- Thurslay, OCtober' 311h.e. (ptemnberffcIalMnbsabrin10eant meeting orf tht' W. M.S, wshet a beirome-ededte l show tht' nfeul ff elrong ed instructions ta seil by publie auc- bora.-off M M. S S.ie Virt e n Tocadaemea anti e-at real stmsngtb la, andti hat jtien, on A. H .Hardys Farm , ot 13, September 251h. Preslieni, Mrs. (nRe -) io alm en are neteed to-day ,ts1 Con. 5, Darlington, one mileestc a ýneyver before lu commerce, lu educaîlon, hymuR. and peneay er. Afet itexvt buIsi andnultuhie hurch, site eau do a eal Hampton, st 1 P. M.---50 bead of ht' anrpI.of teraie rothe.u n"e man's job, tht'e bale discourse beiug vemy Feeders, Stockersanad Springeî's. This the Siake to teCare offl Mroma. A Ii înspirng anti heipffuj, is an oqportunity fur farinera to pur- urluel "Wo't wehae Oa ha'pry Time The choir aI bolb.'strvices enîlemeulex-h waa xveil gî e bhMaeC.aW.appuch aur!cellent anthenîs, tht' solo e-omk belug chase wel bred Durham and Here- M . Barrlen. lrs .W.Suh n aken by Mies Mabel Stevens, anti a duel ford Steera and Heifers. Termm-Six MrsG. arrn. Mrg. McCar' ney relaiy Mrs. I. Staluton anti Miss Margaret months' credit may be had on approx'- the ammiptîrre followeti by short Prayers. Aie aly bi utt van ise oe t6 e Mme. Trenour gave a matlug "LittieM re'y hl nth vnn ise oe bearing interest a .ý e irie Beatrera". Chrîstian .ohrboi agare t Alln, Bonvranuville, sang il j wa reu b Mm. Bck. Ms. W Wli splenditi voies, "The Man brora Gaîîît',' annum. Wm. Maw, Auctroneer. 39-2* i hum favere lius wlth a solo "Litle Sun- ail off e-blh atideti greatiy te the profit b eaas". Mrs. .ehson reati 'Mother-of both services. Saudy October 13th-Howar<l hooti in 1lteathen Landis". A short re'utl Wetiuestay, September 26tb, ffom 4.301 Woolley, Bradshaw Street, Bowman- un yMq eiy-nyaBb ml, .t. a sumîtluoos chieken -pie ssrppem1hushl MXro.Berron recItedti"Whe.re dd o x,ç eredinabondanceteavrlrgVieWl l alo hshueol cnIfrora baby Drear"; Mrs. J. til number off people, maiutaiulug the' vemyl effects including diniug-roo-rn suite, rome . ColwllInl aile Lnd~ ndbigb erutation off tht' laties off Ibis vie-_nw .uucee ihce Mrs. W. Wiihtrrreati 1"GnaryîherQubechetejwihy.e Ciiltiren la". Mefetin e1 iliha tht'ex'enlug an excellent con cert a- and water tank, quantity cut Steve hyranantitht'Mizpb be edbu. rou preseuotet by Miss Helen Brownin g Glati- wood, chicken house, and a lot cf hynan helfzpjh c ndIio.Gru in, L.T.C.M., Miss Mauti HoPes, eiocu- 1 hrueu rile o a aea e.1s(reiiuhRrve ve Tuestiay, j ionlat antI humomous enterlaluer, anti hrueu rice o a aea Octoher th xvhen W. M. S. are givîng j Mm John Hubbart, tenor sololat. 'The your own price. Sale at 2 p. mt. aPltay entltied "New pe. For Olti". , plendid attention off tht' audienc ie Terma cash. Wm. Challia, Auction- Aise-a nuîmber orf lanýern slieés ou Tui- te tht' artîSîs revealedti teir aremalo eer. 39-2 di. pelrl Murale la helng prepa.red. off ail Iheir selemîlona. Evu'yodvcee.When h e-as tounti thal the total Tuesday, October 23rd-Frank Mcf- Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Doîdge and Miss amoont aiseti by Suuday offernga andi Minnie Horn motore.d ta Peterboro eu pper anti concert sbowed a dietimit off Indoo, lot 28, con. 3, Clarke, (Ren- on Sunday and spent the' day at Mr. about $200) of tht' tolai1 coaI off e-deorat- wick's Corner), vileIby p lc J mng a sîrbacription liaI e-as Passeul ad auction ail of bis farin stock, impie- J.B. Hmn's. . .. Mr. A. E. Billett and enoogh %vas pletigedtie1 wiPe cut tht' en- mns oefrilrec aen Mias Ret.a Billett visitîed With thetritire.ý debî. This lo ludeeti a strong testi. etsnef-ire t. Sl u unele, Mr. E. R. Oliver, Peterboro, raonx off tht' loyal o-operation off the 1 P. mo- See bills. W. J. Chaîlis, oinSunay.pastor, people antI frientis t0 the womk orf Auctioneer. on Sunay iOt-inlutItis contmunity. Tot-il arnount Evemybotiy as I t-Cmeam off Barley. j aiseti $557,15. E dito' Note-Wt' cannot refrain brora _________________________________ aultiig a persoual comment t0 above - event se mapably reporleti byOr ffaithfful Mapie Grove correspondent. Tht' editor, biseffamly anti members off Tht' States- Imariastaff (10 lu ail) who parliipatdinl the- chicken supper along wilh scores off oth er Bowmanvllle- citizens weme Irnani-1 TH-E ONLY EXCLUSIVE mersl the opinion that Il was tht' besîj ehîrrch stîpper they hati attenteti for a WOtMEN'S SHOP IN TOWN long limie. Tht' tablés literaily groaneti with aPpetlzing Ihinga te est (as diii some off the People aftemwarda e-ho stoweui Courrîcoura, attentive hoipema saw that ail i iu IY ii W ésrt'e-cl looketi afler, n aclu ecn by many e-ho hationet tht' wlll-power te mealat. Evpry member off the courrega- tien frora Pastor Stainton trelt'hurke warra anti eccasiona] obureh attenIdant' werce.each deing Iheir parI anti entenlng iranteegrn oti pariarofché son ' ehrrmhllrn ,re correct. ['emember nd sometimes twice a SSSPECIALS Wool Jersey Dresses Dresses made to e- 'Ination cf colora in hese dresses for two "SUPERSILK HOSIERY', RIBBONCRAFT FLOWERqS CLARENCE S. MASON Next Doca. t. F. F. Morris Co. PHONE 161 BOWMAN VILLE IDRESSMAKING AND FUR WORK IIMrs. E. Delmage wishes te thanl< JIthe ladieg cf Bowmanville. Oq.haws. a nd the' surroun<fiing countrv for their Parotnage of the' past 12 years. I <he je prepared to alter and reline fur and cloth coatq at ladps' hnrape or at the' residence of Mr. F.J1 (oe jCorner inzg and Ontario Sa, Bw - manville, phone 339. 39-3 Take Notice j t. 1 f ,l1,r , Eit r nwmtinvliI., t', reniqe on or ho4r- rnpr2 i~ ~ A t r h a t d a t e t h t'i t t w i "' r.,s nnn.'ibl,. fo,. env articlea lefi Wt r' WA. Eder. (CarlîiseAve., Bnw-t nînii'phns4(13 35-3 LAUNDRY WANTPfl Akinti. nf lI»nlrv work lnrp rmnt. ix'ssisfr'nriv nd St resn,,nabIe ps WrI..ePntme 04r-Bx 12. or cl Mmm M ~King et. B. 1BowmanviIle. Phone 47&W. ZION Quite a number attended our Sunday morning service when Rev. J. R. Blck was preseaI. Sacrament service was also beli. .. . Next Stinday or service will be at 7 p. m. Rev. Alex. Edraison of Little Britain, will conduct our Harvest Home service ...Mrs . Maiîland andi son lCelth, Oshiawa, have heen holidnying wltb ber parents, Mr. and MmIs. R. W. Bail. .... Glati that littie Beagle Snowden, daugbter off Mr. antI Mrs. Fosier Snowden, who is in Toronto Hospital for treatment la ira- provlng. Ex'erybody saislt-Creara off Barlsy. SPECIALS IN FOOTWEAR FOR THE WEEKEND Women's Oxfords Women's Black Caif or Black Kid Oxfords, suitable for house wear, but of very best construction and material, $1.95 Women's Pumps Women's Blonde Pumps in short vamp, spike heel $3.95 Watch this space each week for Specials Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 Bowmanville Is Seeing_ Believing? Our Equipm'ent We are equipped with the most efficient instruments for testing the eyes and have passed the, tests of the Ontario Government Examining Board for efficiency in their use. These instruments locate to a dot the defects of the eye and the lenses prescrib- ed for their correction are ground by the largest dispen. sers of lenses ini Canada. The Phorometer ttegts the ex- ternal muscles of the eye for muscle tone. The Optometer contains a bat-. tery of lenses for measuring the error of the eye's focus and is suspended from the wall do- ing away with the old style frame which sat on the pat- ient's nose while the Optome- trist put in and took out len- ses. The Retinoscope is used in sha- dow testing and all&ws the Op- tometrist to ascertain accur- atcly by neutralization, the er- rors of thc eye in bending light rays. The Ophthalmoscope for oh- serving the interior of the eye and detecting any abnormal condition. The Ophthalmometer measures the curves of the anterior re- fractîve surface of the eye and determines the amount of as- tigmatism, if any. Every part of the eye is thor- oughly examined and ail de- fects listed on a chart, £rom which the lens combining correct- ive mensures for aIl refractive and muscular errors, is made. Our Registered Optometrjst can give you eye rest and sat- isfaction. We'd be glad to have you înspect our office. R.M. Mitchell & Co. R. M. Mitchell, R. 0. Phone 92 Bowmanville BeII's Made-to-Measure Clothes Shop It's the Inside That Counts You may have a beautiful car on the outaide but if the be good, your car will not stand up- It's Just The Same With a Suit of Clothes You may get a beautiful clth, it may look real classy made up- but if the inside, the foundation is not rigbt your suit will on Io.se its shape. Our Clothes Are Made Right Real shrunk eStivas, best haircloth, linen binding, collar and front fundations put together by baud and sbrunk ta shape s0 they will stay-in facî evemy "know 1bow" cf the experenced tailor is used te make a garment that wijl nat only have the ap- pearance but wiII stand up under the hardet wear. $24-00 ta $75.0 King St. WestA J"Br" el Bowmanville .J B r "B l "The Clothing Man". Rrght By Col.'s Barber Shop jPai-iJ -y Lrchase ,eading manufacturer'% stock of Bloomers and Bobbetts We purchased the floor stock of over 100 dozen of this lingerie and arn prepared to pass them on to you at a big reduction. They are aIl popular colors and guaranteed first quality mer- chandise. The Vests are a regular $1,00 line and the Bobbetts and Bloomers sell regularly for $1.25 pair. Buy these for your own requirements or for Christmas Gifts for your friends. Special Price Vests 69c - Bloomners or Bob betts 88c NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and ]Better Values King St. West Bowmaanville 4 s? -Aun., I:izo 22 1 ---- Il rAGE POUR

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