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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1928, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishqrs. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1928 SPECIALS FOR THLS Week-End Only Men's Black Caîf Oxfords, Good- year wvelted soles, rubber heel, $4.35 Men's Tan Oxford, double sole, $2.95 Men's Caîf Oxford ,double sole in Goodyear welt ......... $5.45 Women's Cushion Sole Black Kid Oxfords, rubber heels at $2.50 and $345 Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 Bowmanville DRAMATIC CONTEST Under auspices of W. D. Agricultural Society Ebenezer Young People will present the play Arnold Goes Into Busines i'n OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE ,on Friday, Oct. i 9th' At 8.15 P. M. This is the third play in the series which is creating such in- terest ini the contest for prizes amnounting ta $135.00. 35e for single ticket& Reserve seats without extra charge at Mitchell's Drug Store. g il More Stylish New Coats Arrived This Week Luxurious new f abrics in combination with rich furs fash- ion the smart cloth coats for fail and early winter. Distinctive in line and beautifully tailored in every detail they make an interesting collection. Materials of Broadcloths, Chinchilla, Whitneys, Duvetynes, Vella bloom and Tweeds in the Season's best shades of Grackle Blue, Claret Grey, Burlwood, Cocoanut, Navy, BlaAk, etc. You are invited to view the new styles in our Ready-to- Wear Department. Particularly interesting are the displays. Every mode! in these extensive collections is individually chosen for its authentic styling and fashion-rightness. Many are exclusive, individual garments, unobtainable elsewhere. Complete range of fashion- able colors. SPECIAL VALUES IN HOSIERY Penman's Best Silk and Wool Hose, ail the new shades, only 9,5c pair. Silk Pointex Hose, full fashioned ,every shade desired, for $1.50 pair. WHAT LOVELY LACE CURTAINS You will say so, too, when you see these new curtains. They are truly lovely and include an assortment of designs and materials which wifl satisfy every demand. Men's and Boys' Department Men'a Suit& From $12.50 Up Mýen's FaIl Overcoats From $13.50 Up' Men's Winter Overcoats $16.50 Up Boys' School Suit& From $ 4.95 Up Men's Suits or Overcoats, Made-to-Measure at $24.00 A look through our stock wiII convince you, as it has others, that our values in clothing are unsurpassed. Moda nUuA JlS, OtlCoOer £Sfla. Matinee and Night "Wl NGS" See special advt on page 6 for further information regarding "W ings."1 Truesday OnIy, October 23rd. Anne Nichols' delightful Comedy-Ddrama "J UST MARRIED" Starring Ruth Taylor and James Hal. After a year and a haîf on Broad- way cornes this famous comedy- drama made into a glorious mov- ing picture with laughs galore. Don't fai to sce "Just Married"y Wednesday-Thuraday, Oct. 24-25 Colleen Moore and Laurence Gray in "OH-1KAY" Another -big Broadway musical- comedy bit in ýpictures. With Col- leen at -ber greatest ss an English maid will give you a leng and hearty laugh when you see "Oh K.ay.it "The. Royal Excel. in Quallty Entertalansent." Not--"Just Marrled" is wrltiten by Anne Nichais who wrote d"AbIe's frlsh Rom." BAZAAR Under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Church wiIl be held in the Sunday School Room. on F riday, Oct. I 9th at 3 o'clock in the afternoon Sale of fancy and useful articles, hand-made quilts, home cooking, novelty booths. Afternaan tes served. Everybody weloome. 41-2w ar III Scbool-room ivhere the tables were YO'ENOT THE ONLY ONE prettily decorated, the prevailiug cal- or beiug green with red bennies sud Did you get a letter lsst week j Autumu leaves to give it s stniking whîcb re 'ad something like this? : 1eff ect. A very temptiug supper We are pleased ta inforru you, that was see-ved sften whicb au original ou account o! youn standing, you welcome soug was sung by Oshawa have beau selected ta receive, com- 1 ladies, led by Mrs. Leo. Gray, with plimntary, a 10-volume st o! MIss Helen Jobuston as pianist. Mrs books. Then they end %d up the Audison welcomed the guestb sud letten by sskisqg you ta treat the exteuded au invitation ta tbe even- epistle as "pemsoual sud confiden- ing concert ta b. given by Meeis. tial". Leslie Hodgsou sud John Deacon Dou't flatter yourself dear read- witb Miss Gwen Williams, accasu- er about the "standing" sud exclus- panist. iveness o! such a magnanimous The thanks o! the visiting ladies offar. For scores o! ths sam cir-jif or the delightful eutertainment was cular letten flooded the post office exprassed by Miss Gladys Westaway with the same "gift". It is juat an- sud Mrs. (Dr.) Hawkius, for Port other high pressure book-agent Hope, sud by Miss F. M. Galb-raith acheme ta tickie youn pride sud fancy sud M.r. (Dr.) J. Clark Bell for wheu the reprasentative calîs on you Bowmauville. l in the. near future ta get youn name ou the dotted liue-wheneby you pay REAL HARVEST DAYS eventually. 'It's an iII wlnd that blows nobody CONSULT YOUR HUSBANDS good', la a conimon saying. But the. thought it contains la very applic- Women are cnedited with doiuoe able ta the. nloving and exiansian 85% of the 'buying for household needa. But we venture the o>pinion that a lot o! wi'ves will draw their husbands' attention ta F. F. Morris Co's sale o! Simmons Beda, Cribs, Mattresses sud Springs as aunouuced on anothen page. This la undoubtedly the, largest sud most important sell- ing avent of thé kind ever attempted in Bowmnanvill. You are invited ta visit this popular store which la one o! the aideat sud most reliable fitms dolng business lu tawn fon aven haîf a century.M salas anuouuced in this paper by R. J. Rovan'a Boot sud Sh»o Store, and Nalson's Dry Gooda Store of 'Biggen sud Betten Values. These merchants have each leased langer pr'emises tIen they occupy at- present in the West End House, (McMurtry ýBIock). They natunally want ta have a& littie stock as posible ta inm'e. TO accompish this they are slashing pnîces unmencifully ta gat nid o! the goads lmmediately. They tell thein own etorles lu a most effective way lu thein advts lu tisIm sue. 80 TONS 160,000 POUNDS Delicious Peppermint Patties Ail to be sold within one nionth at 39c in 1 lb. boxes $1.95 in 5 lb. boxes These are made in our own factory and only Rexali Drug Stores can supply them. Nothing finer in peppermint flavor can be produced. Cet your share at this special price. Jury & Lo)veji Phone 78-We Deliver 't & Couch, Jahnston & Cryderman, Bowmanvllle PhonO 104 Limlted Y&W. v v C& JL U;cu Lli xu Y ançu ou lu uui)-y INU. qù 1 --- - -- - -_2_. _- __Y %.rMIn qJ. -£4 "WINGS" THE THRILLING FILM MINISTERS AN'D CHURCHES ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 0F LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Comig toTRINITY UNITED CHURCH i Coig theii Royal Theatre One Rev. J. U. Robins will conduct an-1 Miss Janey Ma.son, Toronto, spent Day OnIy-'Matin.e and Ev.nin«, niversary services at Canton On The change of date in holding the Stinday at home. Monday, October 22nd. 1 Sunday. Thank-offering and anniversary ser- Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Armstrong and St. PauI's Cburcb, Rev. D. W. vices of Trinity United Church did son James, visited Myrtle friends on No picture has ever created such B'est, DýD., minister. il a. m.-~ not seem t o affect the enthusiasni-of Sunday. at sensation as "WINGS", the thrill- Morning- worship. 7 p. m.-Even- the people or the celebration of this Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kerr, Tor- ing aviation film. The pîcture is ing worship. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday* occasion. An almost perfect day, onto, spent Sunday with Mr. Roy and Imost opportune when the whoîe civi- School. goodl congregations, splendid sec-- the Misses Webber.> lized world is enthusiastic about avis- Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. mons, excelletit singing sud a gener- Dr. and Mms. R. E. Dinniwell and tion as a resuit of the notable achieve-1 Robins, Pastor. Sunday services et ous offering contributed in a large fmyvisited Mss. Walter Walker, mets of trsnsatlantic flyers. il a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. J. F.meaure to the succs of this annual fml "WINGS" takes the audiences Lane, Canton, will preach. Sunday event. Pontypool, Iast week. back to the aviation of ten years ago, School at 2.30 p. m. The church was made beautiful Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chartran and when that science was learning the l~ ousAgianCuc.Te-and attractive by the Iovely Autumn daughter Florence spent Sunday with costîy but beneficial lessons of the StJonsAgia hr.Tw -retvsinPtHp. World War. The part played bytetb Siinday after Trinity, October 1 flowers so nicely arranged by the ratie nPrt H. . ope.an darng ighersabove the louds in 2st., 1928. Children'a day. il a. In. Flower Committee.Aury pnSnd wtMs.E which-Holy Communion and sermon. 2.30 The preacher tor the morning spr- 0.udre, SetSua ith rssE machines hc were flot far re- p m.-Children's service. 7.30 p. mu. vice, was Rev. C. R. Carscallen, B.A., eaStCthrns mnoved from the experimental stage Evnigprye.B. D.D.D., Principal of Ontario Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGill, Cad- is one oi the most stîrring and amaz- Ldvsening, prayerms.set una wt tei auh ing exhibits of courage and bravery St. Andrew's Preabyterlan Church, Lais0olee hibwospenit mur, spentSundyEit Fhiedagh tha th huan acehaseve knwnconer Tempe-nce anl Church Sta., sonie years in China and is very con- ter, ars.S.. eso. thtthoud asan re thsee film an . R .MD etMAmns versant with the people of that land Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnston were- stifl the great demand for admission ter. Morning service at il a. ru. sd their attitude towards Western in London asat week attending the keeps up. Th etr paesn vening service 7 p. mu. Sunday 1cvlza"on. He congratulated tIi. funeral Of Mr. 'Laghbroo>k of Gaît. cTthre ear Bwatr lesoers n hol .30p.e. congregation on reaching another an-j They also vsited their daughter, and Richard ArIen. The many tlhril- Miss Jamieson, General Secretary nvrayocso n ugse ta r.(r)W..T el tHr Iin scnes shwin bttls i th ai ofth Doinin Bardofthe W. M. good time to take stock from a reli- row, Ont. aindo laends, sare g aworedin te ar of the DUmnied Barchdwo adresgious point of view. He then pre- Mr. and Mrs. Truman P'ower au- ted nla nereing po whin om-ain ftUit ed M. S. on ueadafer- seuted vividly and practically the, naunce the engagement of their eld- binsed witxe stgpoicaland cicon- TnonNoW. M. S6. AI ue nsb fers1 tboughts of the Chinese t0ward the. est daughter, Reta Leola, and Mr.. bine wih te hitorcaland cie-1non, oveber6th. AllmemeJswestei-aers' presentation of the go8- Earl Osborne, second son of J. F. Os- tific value of the production, have of the Auxiliary, Circle sud Band. are pel, commercial and national aima as borne and the late Mns. Osborne, coiltributed largely to its success. invited. wolrked out fram their view point, Bewmanville, the. marriage will take ___________________The_ W. . S.o! t aul's Curc ohel which in niany cases is vastly diff- place in November. ____________W.___M___S. f in t. Lscture Roam o erent front what was intended. It Mr and Mis. B. Lingard, Mr. and behe c nthe ectu3rea330p.m. may la. a good idea occasionally t.,) Mrs G. Newsome and family, Port Tuesday, Otbl 3da .0-.m get the other felows' viewpoint by Hope, Mr. sd Mrs. Mark Wood and &> engMm. Turnbull f Tarant, Editer af lookiîsg at it through his glasses. Tbey three sons, Elizabethvile, Mr. ad the Misionary Monthly, whom many want Jesus Christ aud his gospel Mrs.W. Pool, Toronto, spenît Sunday O' luin i Bo'wmanville will remember, wiil without auy particular church creed -eCrih ~u .give teadrs. Acordial invita- o aaeeti te od nSale'i,. Kotoiwuron la extended to slitrse unselfish gospel. Rev. J .U. Rab- Hsmnred il ertt WB 5.Sev&ng ladies wbo may wish ta attend tuis lus, pastor, assisted lu the service. His m tan fri .A.s wlllareretloa FRAME ANDFITTNG e unioaoa Thiis f 1e choir made a fine appearance, 1 manager Bank o! Montreal, lias been Fraines aeAND InteNGrTeaunol partr Axliyo the ladies discarding the black su r- given 3 months' leave o! absence o!Spales sud Eyne Grl -arts Triuity United Ohurch held a supper plices sud wearing white-gowus, the 1rmdt wn t l elh r of Spctaces ad Ey Glases; meeting on Tuesday eveniug at the girls of the Junior Choir also appear- Il.B.MapesnTonti lig not only as a means of holding churcb when a n elyprepared sup- ig inappropriate uuiform costumes.the pMatincipeo, orntis lin the lepses but in fittiug the nose per wss servel ta tbe members iprffl- 'hey sang with the choi*. lu the hymns posiionand thmrs .Cares et sud head sa that the lenses are eut, the tables beiug decorated with sud also in the a-nuiversary anthemIondnr su Mm J.threae eto held in proper position. Exact Auturun colors and flowers. Miss V. arranged by -Mr. Francis Suttûn, the odn none h naeeto measuremients of the head are Spargo, the Presideut, presided and solo parts beiug taken by Mr. W. R.' their daughter, Margery Josephine, the ouly means of getting these conducted the. regular -meeting at the Strike aud Mms. R. Thompsun. Mli. to Dr. Robert McDerment of P>ort results. close. A fine piano duet was reudered Margaret Allin sang with splendid Hope, s'on- of Rev. and Mrs. R. Me- We measure the nose s0 bhat by Misses Helen andJ Muriel Baker, affect the solo, "Love Neyer Faileth" Derment, Bowmanville, the marriage the proper bridge for eacb lu- the devotional leaflet was resd by by Root. The autheru by the choir ta, take place early lu November. dividual case may be fitted. We Miss Leta Jackson, sud the first chap- "Built on s Rock the Church dotb Mr .and Mms. Norman S. B. James measure the distance between the ter o! the new atudy boak "Drums in Stand" by Chrstansou, was also well returned Wednasday eveuing from a centres of the pupils sa that the the Darkness" was introduca.d by Miss reudered. tbree weeks' motor -trip to New York lenses may be placed lu their ex- E. E. Hayeraft, aasisted by a number At the Su'iday Scbool session, Mms City. They were acconilpanied homne actpoiin relative to their op- of those present. Novemnber meet- C. H. Dudlev delighte<î all with a by his sisters, Mrs. W. A. White and tical centres. ing is in charge of Mrs. H. M. Fost- finely reudered solo. Mm'. James A. Phillips Who wI visit j Your glasses are not only coin- er's group. Al members are invit- The evening service was lu charge with their father, Editor M. A. fortable sehen yau get them hene, ed to hear Miss Jamieson an Novem- of Rev. J. U. Robins, the Pastor, who James. but they are correct in every d&- ber 6th. brought a heat stirring message to Mr. and Mn. Robent Dickey, tail. We are here to assure you hi., people manir rernarking that tbey Nestleton Station, Ontaria, an- o! the. fact ane- ;ur Regilsbened neyer heard hlm pneach a better ser- nounce the engagement a! thein anlY rOptometrist would be very pleas..CMIGEVNSm n wbich was baasd ôu the words daughter, Elva SOPhia, t ai ed to demoustrate this in youn eev hrdy oebr1 "For ber. we bave no continuing Wibert MeMnîlen, eldeat sou of Mn. case. fo rvehrin ais'da oveer and city, Liut we seek oné to Camie, ad Mrs. Thomas MeMullen, Janet. 'Have Your Eyez Exanined Today' fo rty ais idspe u Heb. 13:14. ville, Ontario. The marriage ta concert -Mr-. Heber Mulcck, soloist o! Eston take place the latter part Of Oct- R. M Michel & Co. The W'hite Shield Club meetingj Me-mo, ial Churcb, Toronto ,assisted aber. R.M.Mich ll& o. will be held on Tuesdsy, Otbr2 the choir at t:va service sud caix iv- The Durham Regimental Baud of R. M. Mitchell, R. O. in St. Paul's Lecture Rooru at 8 P.rm. iît-A lis audv-%-2t- with bis rich tenor Orono, under leadership o! Mr. M. Phone 92 Bownanvill sharp. A good hattendance la hop- ac:'c.nd peaigprsc'ualitv. Hia J. Tamblyn, was a'war'ded the Shield ed f or. firsi 'olo, "If wvi-h al y'.ur Hearts" at tyhe Musical Festival at Peterbono ______________________ Remember the "Shower" o! can-j by Meudeissobun, waq greatly appre- this week winning 82 marks out of --ned fruit, vegetables or pickle fori ciatted. The quartet "0 love that a possible 100. The Adjudicator iu -the Chldren's Shalter ou Fridsy, will not let me go" by Shank/wss commenting on this band stated it October 26tb at S. 0. E. H all. Every-1 sung by Miss E. Painton, Mrs. H. M. could shorw lots o! City 'banda haw. ta R T eare one is invited to help. I Foster sud Messrs. W. B.- Tapson play. RoyalTh a r A tes sud sale -o! useful articles aud W. B. Pollard - Mr. T. W. A fire a! unknown origin did will be held st the home, o! Mm. Cawker's solo "Even Song" by Scott. around $2000 damage on Tuesday Pre'senting The Finest ln (Dr.) Slemon, Churcb St., ou Satur- was very beautifulI:y rendered, sud eveuing about 7 o'clock ta C. M. Phtolasday, October 27th from 3 to-6 p. m. the quartet, Eveniug Sang" by Ack-I Cawker & Son's barn On Queen St., Photopayslu aid o! the Hospital. Admission ley, sung by Mesdames Morrison.. opposite the bowling green. Part o! Phone 589 25c. Good programn. 41-2 Tbompsou, Foster sud Anderson, the building is nentedl by W. J. Ohal- Bazaar under auspices o! Ladies' w.ere al belpful ta tbe musical Ser- lis as a store room for autos, three Aid of the Presbytanian Church, vice. Mr. Mulock's ohr solo second-baud cars being compietely Friday-Saturday, Octoher 19.20 Jauetville, will be held in the For- were "T'he Voice in the Wilderness destroyed by the fiames. The 'barn Gene Stratton-Porter'a esters' Hall ,on Friday, October 26,1 by Scott sud "Iu the Garden", th is practically a complete wreck. Con- "LADIE"1928 Bsaariu ateroou ud es1 latter number being pa'ticuiarly fine,. tentsansd building were ouly partially The greatest work o! America's served by the ladies !ollowed by a LTheathSredhrUs"'h the c5 hir covered by insurance. bestlovd atho. Inens drma, play at 8 p. ru. "Doue lu 011" by the ovcuedathfipnedmus"aby tIri.chr destlghtfu corIntsu dcraina, Glen Echo players of Oshawa. Admis- fcnlddsfn uia rgau climax wl oudrfundyawoveu iut, siOn-tea 15c; concert 3i . Mr. Francis Sutton, as orgaulat and MSCSUYCU clmxwodrulywve nochoir directoir, spared no effort ta UI SUYCU "Laddie," making it a wonderful îmake his part o! the services effect-j preseutation.Mran r.lck orinad ive sud iuspiinig. The organ uum- About sixty meuibers o! Bow- Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. ru. Mn. Raymond Mannison, Torante, re- bers were lu keeping with the occa- manville Music Stuidy Club went by Children 5c cently visited friends han. sud at snon. Garton's busses to Oshawa on Tues- Chapen 0 o Orno.The collections for the day sud day eveniug when they sud Pert Chaptr 10of Oono.what bas beeii received aince amountý Hope Club were guests o! the Osh- "Blake of Scotland Yard" Can't nesist this 'bargain-Wosn- to over $2950 in cash, which is a ne- j wa Club. The visitera were ne- su rguarprgrm.eu's cushion sole, black kid oxfords, ecoird thank-offering for this cinurch. ceived by Mns. R. J. Audison, and eguar rogam.rubber heels for $2.50 et Kuox's ShiDe Iz is expected the. amount wil! passs Presidant, Mrs. F. E. Hallett sud S:ore. Ithe. $3000l mark. Mrs. G. M. Muuday, sud were enter- Crearu o! Banley keeps you fit. 1 tained in- Simcoe Street Chrc $2.00 a Year In Advance fie a cnnv Nn à9 eana Inn - - -1 - -- - ---- -- - , - - - - ---. --, ----

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