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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO IHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBER îRth. I ~2R. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD. Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Money to loan on Farni and Town Property. Royal Bank 'Building, Bo'wnanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to late D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones:- Office 102; House 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honbr raduate in Dentistry, Toronto Unvrsi.ty. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmant'ille. Office phone 40. House phone 22.1 X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College,j Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- THE EDITOR TALKS Do you like te hear a good reciter? We do and we believe niost folk do. Tlie Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal publishes a few suitable articles every week for public recita- tions. When we were a scliool-boy, away back in the 60's of last century, our desk-mate, Edwin A. Tonkin, now a retired Reverend and a citizen of Bowmanville, aomewhat our senior, taught us orally the first long recita- tion we ever learned. A few weeks ago Mr. R. Luther Werry, one of the edîtors of The Fam- ily Herald, sent us a copy of that oId recitation and it is s0 excellent that we are publishing it, in extenso, so that our boy readers who can "speak a piece" real well may leara and re- cite ALONZO THE BRAVE AND FAIR IMOGINE A warrior se bold and a virgin se briglit,J 'Conx-ersed as thoy sat on the green; They gazed on each other witli tender deliglit: Alonzo the brave was the name of - he kniglit, The maiden's the fair Imogene. THE EDITOR TALKS We are p]eased to notice that the advisability of promoting capable and rdiligent scholars irreapective of the regular grade promotions ini a]] schools is being discussed in soe teachers conventions and institutes, for we consider it to bc a just and \vise action. Strict adherence to annua] or semi-annual promotions lias hoth its injus;tices and disadvantages. The writer in his teaching dccade al- ways used' his own judg-ment about individual advancement of students and every tpacher should be free to use biq or ber own discretion in this matter. We note that, one school inspector in addressing teachers, rec'm)nmended -very wisely too we think-that a speeding up in the elementary schjol system, with a culling out of useless educational processes an4d forms and the addition of some newer methods of helpful instruction. He s~uggested that perhaps our grading systeni in Public Schools might be cut down a year or so if the teachers eut the dea-d wood out of their curriculums ,and urged that bright ptupils be passed along as fast as they could absorb the education and declared that hiring a teacher in poor health was like "marrying a man manville. Ufic'e hours 9-a-. m.o "Ah now,"' said the youth, "as to 11I not counteýna-nce. -C'han-g-e lu'tlhe Con- 6 p m.daiy ecep Suday Phno orrw Igo elldo e rmemer lielesonsstitution can and must be brouglit P. m daly xcet Snda. Phne orrw 1go eildo w reembr 'lielesonsabout only by the straigbtforward 90. House plione 283. ilTo figlit in a far distant land, we were assigned that now we wond- methods provided in the Constitution X-Ray Equipmient in Office. Y our tears for my absence will soon er why and for what beneficial pur-iitself. There are those wlio do noti DR. . E.DINNWELL Somcease to flow, pose. For instance, we spent nany' believe in the' purposes of severa po DR. R E. DNNIWEL Soe other will court you, and you hotirs weekly studying Ancient, Brit- visions of the Constitution. No0on-, sio naduteme of Rontl o Uner- wlbet1 ish and Canadian History that we denies their right to seek to amend sit ad embr f oya Cllgeaf! On a wealthier suitor your hand!" forgot many years ago. The samem it. Tliey are not subject to criticism Dental Surgeons. Licensed to may bc said of higlier mathematics, ifor asserting that riglit. But the practise in Ontario and the Dominir-i. Oh! hueli vain suspicions," fair Imo- geometry and sùme other subjeets of~ Republican Par-ty does deny the riglit Dentistry in ail its branches. Office- gene said,ouseiryasascolofaynetsekederotieu- King St., Bowmanville, opposite "Offensive to love and to me; oIrsnthr e as tsibil ha ve osesyofe teosttuto y tindir- ___________________tion. Bank of ont eal Pho e 3 1. or et oaidlvnr lo o i after ha f a century of experience and W loever is elected President takes d e d ,.a n u l i c u s o n t e c h r ' e t a n o a t h n o t o l o f i h u l x c t 1EIALIswear by tlie virgin no one in your ana icsin tta es et i fieolthePeit,î xutea stead, îngs, conventions, institutes, etc., tififcuf h ree t bt tliat C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Shaîl husband of Imogene be" that sahool work is spread too wide? oath provides stillfutertali Graduate of Trinity M~edical College, Is it not possible that elimination of will to the best of bis ability preserve, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. "If e'er, for another my heart should questionable educational subject mat- protect and defend the Constitu+ion Office and Resi'lence, Dr. Beith's decide, ter miglit make place for more in-1 of the United States. I sliould lie former resîdence on Cliurch Street, Forgetting Aloazo the brave, tensive study of enriclied, useful mat- untrue ta these great traditions, un- Bowmanville. Piione 259. 44-t God grant that to punish my faLsehood enia]? "Read tCwenty conneecutive true to my oatli of office, were I to, J. LAK BLLand pide, pages of current scliool hi*stories and declare otlierwise. J. CARK ELLYour gliost at the marriage may ait see liow much could be culled out M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin>, D.P.H. by my side,- witliout Ions. If a talented yeuthi Economîc advancement is not an (Succestor ta Dr. A. S. TiIley) May tax me witli perjury, dlaimi me goes on to college at 16 or 17 islheI end in itself. Successf ul democracy fions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-I as bride, not well off? Perliaps soîne teacli- jrestswhotlly upon the moralandgspiritt-. I deen University; Fellow of the RoyalfAnd bear me away to the grave!" ens now permit the skipping of iualiriualy o!itepe. Os ut growth College of Surgeons, Edinburgli. classes for briglit pupilm, but: would in spirith u ac hiee ints mua keep Office and Residence, Queen St., To Palestine bastened the hero s0 not more pupils bu discovered by copac li our growti in piysi:alac Bowmanville, Phone 89. bold, teachers if regular channels were or- cn oirmnt. Mtral prospestm rty- Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. M. His love shu lamented it sore; ganized in the educational progra-n- ane mol rifw ore a muthearUhite- D.H JKMD ut scarce lied a twelvemonth elap- speed lanus for fast learninîg traffi C? States that commonwealth so grand-E WH.BRS ..sed, when behold! iW e believe there are màny unburied IV conceived by itst founders. Our Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. A baron, ail covered witli jewels and 1eorpses in the curriculum and classi- Government, ta match the expecta- Telephone 108. gold fcto programns tliat .1bould bavertiens of our people, must have con- Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's Appeared at fair Imogene's door. been long buried. stant regard for those human values fome rsdece elintn tre that give dignity and nobility ta life. for er esien e, ellngon tret, is tresurs, bis preent, is pac f Sonie mOnths ago we advised o n Generosity of impulse, cultivation of BR.wV.H. ilOe. o us mdemi n Itole vwpeople te do more real thinking. nmindwillingnssto sacrifice, spa- DR. . H STREYSea mad be unruete iervows Ided hiningis afin metalexe- Jciousness of spiit-those are the Office heurs 2 te 4 and 6 te 8 p. M. Ho dazzled lier eyes, lie bewildered After 8 p. m., by appoinment only. bier brain; II ise for old, Middle aged and youth of~ qualities wliereby Amierica, growing Exception-Office will be open 9 toi Ho caught lber affections, se liglit and bothsexes. l een lvln be meanncerad mretpandrfl, 10 Saturday niglit. 36-tf so vain, paper we read that a course fc ud Aypeoleoe Amercmgeatt aio1olI And carried bier home as bis spouse. in thinking bas been proviled. He 1sApol rGvrmn ew~l DCCOS OIASwbat the article says: these values are net rosI, because DOCOR' HLIAY they are net tangible, is in perîl. Sîze, The Physicians of Bowtnanville Scarce liad the marriage been blest "Anent your article about new and woaltli, and power alone cannot fuI- will close thein offices Wednesday af-j by the priest; original courses and the breadth ef fil the promise of America's opper- ternoon and evening. The revelry new had begun; the educatien opportunities at Cleve- tunity. In case of emengency at this time caîl The tables they groaned witli the and College," writes Stacy R. Black,**t Dr. Bell the lst Wednesday of month; weiglit of the feast,. dean, "May 1 caîl your attention toi *Ihae * *atleprbem e Dr. Birks, 2nd Wedne.sday of mentli Non yet liad tho laugliter and merri- one cf the most recent additions to fo he us aid oetha tecproblmclie- Dr. Siemon 3rd Wednesday of montb; ment ceased, theý curriculum of the College cf in a mucli greater degree they are Dr. Strey 4tb Wednesday of mnontb. When the bell of the castie tolled Commerce cf the Y.M.CA. School of more and spiritual. 1 lield that "O"e., thero rests upon Government many VETEINAR ne.Technologyv? responsibilities which affect the moral The frs wtb maemnt far 1in- Last year a course known as and spiritual welfare of our people1 E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. gene found ^o'Co-.nst.ructive Thinking' was offered te The participation of women la poli- Orono A stranger was piaced by lier side tuets for the first time, and prev-ijtics means a keener realization of Hono Grauateof Uivenîtyo! His air was terrifie, lie utter d se O ua that it was given a per- 1 thie importance ef these questions. It Toornte. AIl aesofgive rt 1 nound-anent 'pplacre on our scbedule. The muas higlier peliticai standards. and careful attention. OfieD He spake net, hoe meved net, lie look- course is introducod as a 'lalyoratory One-haîf o! our citizens fail te ex- OffnetarouDd in personal improvement', and is bas- erciso the responsibulities of the ballet McElroy's former office. Pbones:j ed oarud Clarke 3921; Onono 181 But earnestly gazed on the bride. of on the well known fact fliat fe~v box. I would wisli that the wemen ofus really do any stupendous amount iaf aur country could embrace this AUTONESThe viser was closcd and terrifia bisicf original thinking. j prehlem in citizenship as peculiarly THEON SLMNjH. heiglit, 1 their own. if they could apply their mer ws sabe to iew; . "Constructive thinking is anr~it, biglier sense of service and nepon- huiyterfrlnsafetuiamI Auctioneer jAIl pleasure and laughten was bush-' and we agree. It is a develcpment thi aaiyfrognzto oti Farm and House Sales a Specialty. thssgt o Itempo.T hl hs h vs problemn, it would beceme, as it sliould Terms moderato. EniThn o~edogs as they eyed him drew back tedveo their mînda, we hlave un- beceme ,an issue of profound patriot- Phone 197r3. Enikle .1 i Tbe jt gaged Mn. Lawrence A. Tu eker, wol j ism. The wliele plane cf political _Teliglits is the cliamber burned known Cleveland attorney, teondc life weuld lie 1lfted, the foundations blue! J our Constructive Thinking CU"s". o! democracy made more secure. CHIOPRCTI AN DRGLESII"Mn. Tucker's method ins simple', J THEROPY Hspeec i oosapae ocentinues Da lc."h ime3 u ups nt ul nti a DURWIN E. STECKLEY dismay; of the class are asked te bring witli 1 tien a human seciety, net an econemic hono grduae o TorntoColeg he guests sat in silence and fear; theni some onu or mûore of their per- 1systom. We wish te incase the effi- honr radat o Toono CllgeAt lengtli spake the bride-while she sonal problems for discussion. .! 1cieacy and preductiv'ity cf our coun- of Chiropractie will bu in the Bow- trembed-"I pray, Tueker doua net aim to sa'vo theeo nybut s iall pupose happier manville Office TuesdaY, Thunsday Sir Knigbt, that yeur helmet aside probI)ems himself, but to e b' the'tefihtelyly h Redenatira clis e duing foroe -1J. you wouid lay, student to arrive a. the correct solu- fice. the devotion toeuternal ideais nesieta cal a.e u;n no(n. orejAn deign te pantake o! our cheer."I tion. Eveny angle cf approacl to xiià live today in eveny Anienican. Thelay s ilntthestanercona solution is considered, until the ** FUNERAL DIRECTORS plies- mcst logicai and %atisfactory metliod' The Prusidency is more than an ad- F. F. MORRIS CO. Iis viser he slowly unclosed; presents itseif. It is impossible for ministràtive office. Tt must bu the Complote Motor or 0 God! wbat a siglit met fair Inio- a student tc emeng romtecus yb fAeia das. The higli Hor.se Equipment. gene's eyes! in Constructive Thinking without bav- and the lowlv muit lie seen with the Al cls rmpl What word.-,can express lier dismay in cu e oa g.rater degrethe saine eyes. met in the saine spirit. It abiityto hin cerlyandconisev. ustbethe instrument hy whicli na- atue ad msieappecitioannd surpristeeguian- cftheAI Irîat Abuane. Whea a skeietoa's head was exposedi!"So you sec, along witb SIavie liter- tionai conscience in 1îveaed and it Bownianviiie phoce: Ail present then uttered a horrified i teacli people te think". mi..t interpret and follow that con- 10 ani 31._____ science. Bran,ý-h Stor-es- .stîî t1-- Orono & Newcastle. Al trnd witb disgust freni thlI saune; 1 A MAN'S PRAYER ALAN M. WILLIAMS The worms tbey crept in, and the 1I Erlmbaîii and Funeral Director. worms tbey crept eut, Tuacli me that sixty minutes make Calîs given prompt and personal at-. Anti sported his eyes andI bis temples an heur, sixteen ounces oeupeund tention. Ne extra charge for dis- abt)ut, and one huadred cents co dollar. tance. Phonos 5R or 159, Bowmaa- Wbtîo the spectre addressed Imogene:. Help me se te live that I can lie down 1 ville, Ont. 3-! t niglit with a clean censcience, and ONE ____ _____ Behoid me, thou false co! behold unbaunted by the faces cf those te me h lecried; whom 1 have brought pain. Grant a S Qflf Pf» m"Behobd thi Alonzo the brave! that 1 may cana my meal ticket on them1 m - e--xed grant that te puniali tly fal-;e- square, and that la earning it 1 mayl liee hod and pride, dto unto others as I would have them1 My ghost at thy marniage should it o unto me Dand l me t i thnge I tex thue with perjury, daim thee faults of the other felbow but reveal as bride, te me My own. Guide 7ne se that Andl bear tliee away te the grave!" each night when I look across the dia- cor table at my wife, wio lias beena'a Thus saying, bis arma round the lady biessing te mc, I wiIl have netigt li onconreal. Keep me young cnough to Pastcurized Milk Help, Elimin- While fair Imogene shrieked in dis- laugli with littie cbîldrea and syni- ate Brain and BodiIy Fag". HoMay; 1pathetie enougli te hc coasiderate of 1 Hesack witli bis prey !brough tejl age. Thon wliea comnes the day Nlilk is a cencentrated food. Pro- -.;,o- yawning ground lofI d<ared sades and the smull of fe.s.sr Roseman of Harvard, says \-,r a.again waq fair Imogene and te epitaphaieHER E LIES ouwud ae obu n M fcund, A an . heiap iml-H.pir0]2StO%,peunds of beef, or Always have the magic O-tesetetabrebra Av MAN. ight eggs te get the nouniei-. * WROLE pacagej~ _________ ment containeci in a single quart >o:,,t !,lng lived the bar-on; andi noce, cf niik" There is nu substi- -àVu oce a ,nre that tume, 1And sbniek as hoe whirls lier aroundi!' tutu for pastcunized mlk-and « eôotheg nerVes, aliayu gi To inhabit lii' rastIep iresume; 1I1yeu can get the lest by pbening For chronieles tell that, hy entier While- they d1rink out of skull.s newiv u 0 upl yu thhijet tom froni the grave, toupvyc Tho- lcgno sufen the' pain of Dancing round frem the spectres are, animerasrim ep ral <oi. T eler ledadtisn And morns, er doplorabe (lom. ihireliuoOWisbNVI nd ths jor At midnight, fouîr timies la oach yoarTy ol"TthhethfAozoKN S. i-doe.s lier sprit<', the Brave, PHONE 44G Wh en mortaIs aiilmbrrniaehutAt i osnteFi mgn" :~ ~ ~ rrav in in qon lini lo!l ïStatesman, Bown ville, lias been do- ýing little personal celebrating in bis flPaper this week, and why not? n1A resume of bis experience written tby lis son, says that in recent years there lias been a change in bis style; Iwitli age he lias mellowed; lielias, per- i bapa a little more tolerance mixed 1witli bis accustomed vigor and that is aindeed a desirable thing. t Mr. James lias been good te bis paper la Bowmanville; lielias treated -it well, and in turn it lias been good to liim, for webelieve lie las crossed 3the ocean some 13 times blas travelled and observed keenly at the same time. We imagine Mr. James selected a good business in wliicli to keep f airly Young aIl the time-young in mind even if more mature in years. Witb' aIl due regard 120 otlier vocations, it is difficult to imagine any'thing thati la se intereating aIl the time as tlie1 newapaper field. Every day it SIa new; if today's paper were not just what it sbould have been, well to- morrow in directly abead; there s al-' ways tliat freslislieet to look forward to, and we imagine Mr. James bas found it just the samo in the weekly newapaper. And now bis sons are at band te carry on the business; a very desir- able family tradition in to be preserv- ed in thia way. TAKE NOTICE If you are requiring any cernent blIocks, bricks or concret e or mason work don e 1 wiii giadiy furnish You with ctim st"'s ror same at Your re<îuest. Work doie iromnptiy and satisfactoriiy. L. Turner, 'cugoz Street, Bowmantilce, P. o. 4ox [61, phone 170. H AVE rothing to do with "get-rich-quick" salesmen-they will try to hurry you into a decision you will regret. A sound i- vestmnent is never in a hurry. Meanwhile, the Savings Department of this Bank is a safe and profitable place for your money. The Royal ]Bank of Canada ]Bowmanville Branch- R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 f - mCaW Syq u~Mz~ urnace mq GENERAL STEEL WAMES Prociuct, Authorized Dealer: W. LEN. ELLIOTT Bowmanville MR. HOOVER'S SPEECH BOUQUETS FROM THE PRESS 1 O0F ACCEPTANCE1 Many of the things Herbert Hoover (Cornwall Standard) said in his speech accepting the Re- Congratulations to Mr. M. A. James 1publican nomination for President of editor of The Canadian Statesnian, athe U. S. are worthy of careful study. Bowmanville, Ontario, on the corn- Here are some high spots which pletion of fifty years continuous ser- 1sbould be preserved: vice in the editorial chair, a unique 1 rcenly tatd m poitin uonevent wbich was celebrated a couple 3 IrecEgentsAted m osti uponof weeks ago. 1He hm smade The thei Eieetb mamn:hc Canadian Statesman one of the lead-1 agaîn rpeat: weeklies of Ontario, a briglit, "I do not favor the repeal of the welI edited newspaper. Mr. James EEigliteenth Ameodment. 1 stand bas always been an indefatigable ;for the efficient enforcement of the wcorker and lies given freely of "bis )laws enacted thereunder. Whoever time and talents to cam.nunity ser- is chosen President has under bis oath vice having bqeld many public posi- the solema duty to pursue this course. tions including Mayor of I3owmanville Our country has deliberately under- fo: t'wo terms. H1elias always been taken a great social and economnic ex- an extensive traveller, for recreation periment ,noble in motive and far- and education, in Canada and United reaching ia purpose. It must b e States, besides crossing the Atlantic worked out constructively". thirten times whe re lie visited the Common sense compels us to realize tB ritish Ilies and Europe. that grave abuses have occurred-i The present publishers of the paper abuses which must be remedied. And Iare bis two youngest sons, but Mr. organize<l, searching investigation Of James continues tlie editorial super- fact and causes can alone determine I vision. May lielie long spared toi the wise metliod of correcting them.- belp to maintain the splendid record Crime and disobedience of lawý can- lielias establislied for The Canadian not lie permitted to break down the Statesman. Constitution and laws of the United Modification of the enforcement laws which would permît that which the Constitution forbids is nullifica- (Belleville Daily Intelligencer) tion. This the Arnerican p~eople willI M. A. James of TheCana ia PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TI-IURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th., 1928. STOBIE, FoRLoNG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private W ire System n g r . e e Il King Street East, Osawa-Above C. P. R. Offce Phones 143 and 144 Phone Caîls At Our Expense CAUTION

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