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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1928, p. 4

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VAG FO R T E C NAD AN TA ESM N, O W M NVI 'P TTXqn V UTflp R 1'f., 1928 ZION MAPLE GROVE SOLINA COURTICE ENNISICILLEN The chieken Pie supper held on Mr. Wm. Webster, Canbray, is Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens, Mr. Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, wgs Pleasant Villa Farm, the home of Friday, October 12, was a decided visiting his niece, Mrs. J. D. Stevens and Mrs. R. C. Scott and Margaret, home over the weekend ..Mr. Gor- Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Orchard, silccess. Large crow.ýds gathered .Mrs. George Taylor, Brooklyn, at Mr. Austin Beacock's, Nestieton; don Piekell, Detroit, is visiting his was the scene of a happy gather- from Oshawa, Bowmanville and sur- N. Y., spent the weekend with her Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillip and father, Mr. Dean Pickell...Mr. and ing on Saturday night, October 13,ý goondtingpls tlai adprofvidecorustinton s illHold. Batism... alsec-family, Toronto, at Mrs. S. Short- Mrs. Albert'Rundle and Mr. and Mrs it being the eve of both Mr. and Thecocerconcefortedwaswey iceonSunaylayboy ishngrige'; c.andMr. N W Ry- . . abonehavrgneonndiotr Ms.OrcarNsbirhdysRehy-hc l'ihl sokn f y al hoherdthir beo sunbaptizeydyllnoiy Mr.nolds, 'Miss Sadie Brodie, Torontotrip to Detroit, South Bend, and acrived home from Bowmanville hi.h maiokn ofebatrewsthe pay Siton . Our Leaguptied i isiteMrM. and Mis. Fred Gilette, New Tor- other places in U. S. They wilI be they wr cal upie ofn by theh e p le o Ne w t ley, HatonLau Tuay vten-onto, visited at Mr. W. J. Reynolds'. away two weeks at least ........ On awaîting te hi ineit put ona een Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Snowden and Thursday last our Wq M. S. Aux- brother, sisters and their familles.l each oe t othe parth xceptionalyga, andecput onha vcypleasantro-fanîily, Maple Grove, Mr. Harold iliary held its regular meeting at the After aIl had done justice to the din-1 ell. n. Haris opa rt xeon, wh grsoina ter wha e y the yungWilliams, Hampton, at Mr. Thomas home of Mca. R. E. Osborne, Bow- ner and bicthday cake the cemainder haween withHarus boforonto, ha s popile te wo Lseaguye.Mins Baker's; Mca. Kelly and Miss Beat- manville, the meeting being in of the evening was spent in music, has eervih u beorewashealieope o th tw Legue .... issrice of Collingwood, visited at Mr. E. 1 charge of Mrs. H. F. Osborne's games and social chit chat. Ail too i tolo.aMiss Bed.thasNorthcotand Mis etatnicaydet erm n Shaw's. .Black's; Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Irwin, group. The President, Mrs. Frank soon came the hour to part and after .Miss Audrey Werry, Oshawa, rend- ered instrumental duets. Proceeds-_ ___ at Mr. Harvey Hardy's; Miss Wilma part of the meeting, reports were chard on behaîf of himise]f and wif e ýLeach, ampton, at Mr.c. . ~given from the different leaders on for the pleasant surprise party,- thei eurpassed those of former years. .. HMthN moneydMr.Chs.Bln Sundy moningour ervie wa HAMTONB rown's;HMr^ antMs. ha. Ban raised which wece very en- gathecing broke up, aIl wishing Mrn. Sunday orningcharderispent Sunday with Toronto coul-aging. Afterwards the Presi- and Mrs. Orchard many happy ce- taken hy Rev. H. B. Neal, Wcooer, M.adMsHoadCwig ad en; Mr.EJ.Bck vitn dent called on Mrs. (Rev.) Robins, turns of their birthday. Anîong and spendd adres wa gien. family, Scarboro, visited at Mr. W.lLindsay, Oakwood and Cannington Bowmanville, to say a few words on those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. Creain of Barley keeps yo fit. Cowling's on Saturday.. Miss Laucafrin ds;Mrs McArthur, Toronto, Mr givigcr.Rbneaesm . ilas r .T ilas Virtue, Toronto, wvas home over the andIrs.-Lauren Hogarth and Miss ncetboughts and at the close of Misses Eva and Alma, Nestleton, Mr;« weekerid.. Mr. and, Mrs. John Wake- Do.rotýhy, Harmony, with Miss Mary her cemarks said "As long as God1 and Mca. J. C. Orchard and Miss Mar- ly spent a few days with ber brother Hrth.and Mrs. R. Pascoe; Mrs. continues to give Vo us, we should1 ion, Mr. and Mrs. G. Reid, Enniskil- HAYON owmnvile as wek.Mss illHabletnadfm],Rcet eli u duty to give t HIsjlen ,and Miss Laverne Orchaid, Bow- ncv avlels ee.. isH1 nan aiy ohs-cause". Mrs. Melville Staples, Or-1 manville. Mc. nd ca.C. oopr ad B-! Milton Slenion and childcen, Haydon. Maser Nesn Wilson, Columbus,atIo, hwaanaiv mmbrf gar, Toronto, Mr. and Mca. J. S.I were Sunday gu ests of Mcs. C. Johns 1,0.tJas. Mo ocey's; Mr. Jack Walker, iOur Auxiliary at Courtice before her Dicks, Mc. and Mrs. Everett Marks, . c.ad caD. eruon )i.PotHpe at home; Mc. and Mrs. mýarriage favored with a beautiful Little Britain, wece Sunday guests and 'Mýrs. A. B. Cryderman, Mr. and Isaac Hardy, Stanley and Dorothy, piano solo which every one appre- Osborne was a niost genial hoaes. of Mc. Silas Tcewin... Mr. Fred Mcs. John Cowling and Master Jack ,vith Lindsay friends; Mc. and Mrs ciated. Mca. Chas. Wight, Provi-. . Sunday was a full day. In the Ashton and Mr. Ernest Hunten, Tor- Cowl ing, _Mc. and Mrs. W. Wilbur mot- Daniels, Paul, Roland and Nelson, dence, then gave a splendid talk on mocning our Pastor, Bey. J. H. onto, visîted at Mr. H. Ashton's. - ored to their sister's, Mca. Wilbur Miss Young, Mc. and Mca. Arthur Kocea telling of its population, the Stainton, excelled himself in the veryI Mrs. Georgina Niddery, towti, ie Burnett, Stouffville, on Sunday to Westlake. Ola and Carmen, Oshawa, different provinces, illustrating the fine sermon he preached. The Sun- convalescing at hec brother's, Mr. C celebrate the 25th wedding anniver- at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's; Mc. Absalom same with a niap, and giving a mot day School session was well attended Bverymavile Hoapictal.Mcatindinary ofM.ad Mcs. Bucnett and Abraham spent Sunday at Bcooklin interesting acount of the Missionaryi and our superintendent,, Mc. L. J. Bowmnvile Hopita .....MM . and Md r. Cowling. Rev. J. R. Mrs. W .J. Reyn'olds and baby Ruth work which han been cacnied on for outi ,spoke of the gratef ulness Mca. Rd. McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. and Mca. Bick wece with frpends in with Toronto frienda; Mr. and Mca. niany years by the diffecent denoni- of our achool Vo Dr. Found of Konea McNeil attended the funeral on Woolec on Sunday...BRey. Harold H. E. Tink, Mc Hilton and Miss Eve- inations. Hec addcess on Korea who bas sent a book foc ouc libcary Monday of their brother-in-law, 'he Neal of Wooler, occupied the pulpit lyn Tink with frienda at Hastings; was pacticularly of interest Vo Our which is a coinplete account of the mteathuelcy sudenlWiyn hoidahene on Sunday evening in the ai- Miss Nellie Colemian, Darlingfocd, Auxiliary as one of our boys, Dr. wock thece. The evening service met eat vey sudery o Friay nceof Mr. ...... Mc. and Mca. i. Man., Mc. E. G. Law, Toronto, at Mr. Found is snissionacy there. Mr,. was of unusual inteneat, it being in night. Mr. and Mca. *L. Disney and Saltec visited relatives in Toronto oni Clarence Tink's; Mcr.and Mca. R. J Staples irnd Miss Louise Osborne charge of our W. M. S. The Presi- family, Oshawa, vitised at Mr. J. Sunday.. . .Mc. C. Hastings took a McKessock, Misses Margaret and piayed a piano duet which concluded dent, Mca. Frank Rundie, in a vecy Wriht' onSunday... Pogcam business trip to Toronto on Tueýday Ruth at Mca. Thomas Pascoe's, Hamp-teporm n etn lsdabemne aeasotitout given by the Young Ladies' Class Ôuc League greatly enjuved the ton; Bev. Harold Neal of Wooler, with a short prayen by Mca. Robins. ocy addre.ss at the opening of the Fciday evening was much enjoyved. fri Maple Grove Leaguers on at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mc. and Mca. About forty ladies were served servicw A ladies' choir cendeced Fruit and candy wece served at lozese tlnc yM .Obon' gopanfevrlchrss n sl ass of th prorani Dontion for the sday night and the splendid pro- Clarence Tink and baby Kathleen, atluhb'Mc.Ooneagupadsvalhossadaslo a un of he rogam.Dontios fr te gamwhich they presented .... W. M. Mr. Geo. White's, Hanmpton. .. .Rev. an enjoyable bouc avent. M"a. by Miss Frances Hancock. Our piano fund $14.00. ... Pastor Trm S. will hold Thank-offering service on Harold Neal of Woolec, preached hecený epVoinctwaserv n the sptfemalso pour deiveced a splendid acdessao Sund ay evening next when Mca. W. vecy acceptahly last -Sunday aftec- - epn ntesrieadtesek Sunday afternoon to a ver-, atten- ~ec of the evening was Mrs. (Rev.) ive audience. . . . League on SundJay G. Irne, South Oshawa, will give an noon when Rev. J. R .Bick was tak- a vocal solo and Miss Evelyn Tink with Irvine, South Oshawa, who gave a evening was well attended. Progrn address. Special music . M....iss ing annivecsacy' services at Wooler. a piano solo. Refceshments were vecy fine addcess on Missionacy was n cargeof iceWilma Leach, Mc. and M"a. W. W. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. Love- secved and a social time enjoyed. WeV work in genecal, also taking up tbe President, Miss Annie Trewin. The Horn, Miss Ruth Johns, Mcr.and Mca. less, Ivanhoe, will be the ininister..were pleased Vo have Mca. (Rev.) J. I work in Tcînadad Island whece Mca scriptuce lesson- aredb M. E. H. Cole, Miss 1. Camphell, Mr. and Plans are being miade for our chucch R. Bick of Hampton, and Mca. Bick Irvine was a niisaionany. She has Lloyd Thonipson. rhe devotianal M ..Jas. Curis. Mc. J. J. Virtu-' re-opening on Sunday, Noveiner 4 of Bobcaygeon, with us. November spoken to aur W. M. S. twice row part was taken by Mrs. E. Mount- aeeamonguthe Sunday visitors at and roast fowl supper on Wednesday, meeting will he held at Mca. S. E. and we certainly enjoyed hec ad- joy. Topic -vas given by 74r.C. Bowm anville taking in the church Noveniber 7th. More pacticulara Wercy's in charge of group one. . - dresses and appreciatiýd hec services. Avery. Readings were g r by anniversacy services of Trinity Chucch next week ..Octoher meeting of the Mn. and Mca. John KivelI attended the Mca. Irvîn will always be welcemed Misîs Rema Bradley and Miss Mabel Mr. .J. B. Horn and famuly of Women's Institute was held at the Chanibecs-.-Wood wedding in Bow- by Courtice Auxiliacy. The offer- Beech... Mc. and Mrs Fnorh S'ev- Peterboco, spenit. Sunday with cela- homie of Mca. R. J. McKessock on manville on Monday. Mc. and Mca. ing which was foc W. M . amount- ens, Mr. and Mca. Bert Stevens, tioqh.e... Quite a number of our Thursday afternoon with 34 present. J. T. Rundle attended anniversacy ed Vo over $20. .Fon the next three Hampton, wece Sunday visitors at Young people" took in the Y. P. L. spe- Delegates wece appointed Vo conven- services in Bowmianville on Sunday Sunday evenings our pastor is going Mc. . S Moutjo's.cial mneetinz at Newcastle Monday tion in Toronto next mon Vh. Program lIand visited friends. . . .... Thomas Vo preach inissionarv sermons and evening. was "Clippinz.-" and was much enjoy- Baker visited Oshawa friends on next Sunday evening will talke 'orj Cceamn of Barley keeps you fit. Creamn of Barley keeps you fit.j ed. Mrs. John Baker favoced with Mvonday. his subject "The Religions of India" Hallowe'en. PLANYOURPAT To be a success parties or other social eventa must be cane- fully planined befocehand and preparations completed well la advance of the party itself. DENNISON'S BOOK 0F HALLOWE'EN PARTY SUGGESTIONS describes in detail how to give parties that are distinctly new and novel. and will 'be the talk of your fciends. Directions for the niaking of novelties and favors froni inexpensive mater- ials ,which we can supply, are given. Paper Rata, Black Cat, Old Witeh, Ghost and other Cut Outs foc decocation, table novel- ties, novelty serviettes, etc. etc., evecything Fou can imagine in thîs pacty book. Crepe Paper in aIl colora, Hallowe'en carda and favoca. Bring W.T. ALLEN JusInJ From Entglan A shipment of genuine old fashioned Eng- Iish sweets that will make your mouth water and you'll long for more. Corne in and try a pound. Did you ever see such a tempting window of cand- ies as we are now showing?. I say you haven't. The Bowmanviiie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville NELSON'S. BIG EXPANSION Starts Thursday, Oct. l8th and Continues to Wednesday, Oct. 3Ist. We beg to inform the people of Bowmanville and district, that in order to meet the requirements of our growing trade, we have Ieased larger and more suitable premises in the McMurtry Block. The alterations and renovation of the premises are being made and wilI be ready for occupation early in November. During that time the whole of our present stock must be cleared and in order to do this in such a Iimited time drastic reductions wilI be made to ensure a speedy clearance. It is our intention to open our new store with a new and up-to-date stock of merchandise. We want to walk out of our present premises October 31lst, sing the Doxology, and take nothing witb us but the cash register, Many of the items listed below are new Fali merchandise just opened up, but we have decided to qut the knife into every thing in the store. Many Unes lesa than cost-many Iess than haif price. In many cases the quantity is limit- ed, so corne early to save disappointment.0 4 DURING THIS SALE EVERY. THING MUST BE A CASH PU RC HAS E READY TO WEAR 17 only Gingham House Dresses, Regular pnice 98c foc ...................59c 15 only Broadcîoth House Dresses, Regulan 81. 39 foc....... .............. 88c 22 Ladies' Linene Smiocks, in aIl colora, Reýgular $1.39 foc ..............79c 8 only Ladies' Broadcloth Smocks, Regulan prîce $1.98 for ...............1.39 9 only Coolie Coata in Japanene designs, Regular 81.49 for.............1.19 3 only Crepe Kimonas, Regulan $1.95 for..... .....................1.39 15 anly Fugi Silk Dresses, short mleeves, Regular $3.95 FOR 98c 12 only Fugi Silk and Creachene Dresses, long sleeves, Regular $4.95 for $2.19 15 only Sunhurst Flannel Skit.... .$2.39 8 only Sunbucst Skirts ln Wool Ccepe.and Plaid Wool Georgette, Regular $4.75 for..........................$2.98 DRESS GOODS AND SILKS 1500 yards Pure Wool French Dress Flan- nel ,15 colora o chooase fromn, Regu- lac 79c foc....................9c 300 yardIs Wool San Toy, a fine cord, French fabric, Regular $1.29 for. . 98c 250 yards French Foule, a lovely soft drap- ing fabcic, Regular $1.50 for . .$1.19 50 yards aur beat Black Duchess Satin, Reg. Price 81.50 FOR 81.19 40 yards only Blark Cre-pù Back Satin, Regular $1.98 for.............$1.39 1000 yards Colored (crepe Satin, in al the. new Faîl colons, Regular $2.50 for............. .............$1.88 YES WE HAVE GOT GE HOSIERY AND GLOVES 20 dozen Women's and Misses' Silk Hore, values from 79e Vo $1.00, aIl Vo dlean .......................... 39c -W0 dozen English Sample Wool and Su)l and Wool Rose, $1.00 and $1.50 values ......................... 47c 50 dozen London KniVt Silk and WooI plaited hose, new Faîl merchandise, Regular prices $1.00 and $1.19 for 79c 40 dozen FuIl- Fashioned Puce SiIk Rose, Regulac value $1.75, aIl sizes . .$1.19 75 dozen Best Quality Full Fashiened Pure Sîik Hase, the. regular $200 quality, al sizes and colors, wlile tbey last...........................1.59 25 dozen Boys' AIl Wool Wocated Rose, sîzes 7 to 11, Regular 59e Vo 79e for ..................... 49c ta 66c 70 dozen School Hose, in sand and black, size 51/2~ to 9½V, to dlean... 0c 12 dozen Men's Work Sox, Regular 29c foc . . . .. . . . . .. . . . oc 15 dozen Men's Silk and Lisle Sox, Regular 50c for........................ 9e 75 dozen Chamo Suede Gloves. in ail sizes and colors, Regular 79c FOR 49c 15 dozen Silk (;]oves, double tipped, in al colors, Regular $1.59 foc ...81.19 25 dozen Perrin's Kid Gloves, fine French make, colora andl black, Regular $2.75 for..............................$2.29 25 dozen Chamo Suede slip on gloves, Reg- ular $1.00 for....................8C 10 dozen Btter Quality slip on Chamo g'oves, Reguilar $1.39 for ...1.00 HOUSE FURNISHINGS STAPLES 300 yards 27 inch Flannelettes in and stripes, Regular 19e for. 250 yards 36 inch white and striped 200 yards Jama Cloth ini stripes and floral effects, for kimonas, nightgfowns, pyjamas&,etc., Regular 39c FOR 29c 200 yards% Extra Heavy Factory Cotton, 36 inches wide, Regtilar 25c foc 19e 72 inch Unbleached Sheeting, two grades, No .1 quality, Regular 39c foc 29c No. 2 quality, Regular 49e foc 39c 72 inch Bleached Sheeting in two grades, No. 1 quality, Regular 49c for 39c No. 2 quality, Regular 79e foc 65c 5 pieces Curtain Nets and Curtain Madras, Regular 29c values, in good design& and etrong snd durable for 22c Rayon Stripes for Side Cuctains, in Gold, Blue or Mulbeccy, a Regular 98e val- ue for......................... 64e ComfortersNew Faîl merchandise, just put loto stock in three qualities, No. 1, Regular $2.95 foc ...82.29 No. 2, Regular $4.95 foc ... 3.79 No. 3, Regular $6.95 foc -..5.49 Plaid and Plain Blankets-al Pure WooI az>d thoroughly shrunk, Worth regularly $7.95 FOR $6.75 6 only White Krinkle Bedspreads, big size, Regular $2.29 for............$1.95 5 only Stniped Krinkle Bedspreads, n Blue or Rose, Regular $2.49 foc .. ..8$2.19 DURING THIS SALE STORE ZOWING PAINS- HOURS WILL BE 9 TO 6.30 SATURDAY 9 TO 11 P. M. AND TABLE LINENS, ETC. CORSETS, LINGERIE, ETC. , white nie designs, Regular 79e foc . . ..55c 1Flan- 1 piece 66 inch Tabe Damsk, extra heavy and fine wearing quality, Regular $ 1.00 for ............................ 69C 1 piece Pure Linen Tabling, 7o inches wide and Pure saow-white, Regular $1.50 FOR $1.19 Tuckey Red Chintz for comforteca, quilts, etc., guaraoteed fast, Regular 29e for............................ 22c Galateas and English Prints, best wearing and washing qualities, Regular 29e and 35c foc .................... 25e 1000 yards Floweced Chintz, in a host of good designs, Regular 29c for .. . .22e 50 inch Reversible Cretonne foc aide- curtains, etc., Regular 69c for . .55C 50 pair only Flannelette Blankets, large double bed size, .Regulac price $2.39, be early foc these at...........$1.89 50 Comforter Bats, full size, Regular $1.19 while they ast .................8c 10 only Extra Heavy Blanket or coueh covers, an iniported line, Regular $1.75 eaeh FOR $ 1.39 4 only Axnîinistec Rugs 27 x 54, that sells cegulacly for $4.50 foc.......$2.98 3 only Fcinged Wilton Rugs 27 x 54, Regular value $3.95 for...81.98 Crib Blankets, in Blue on Pink, Regular value 98c foc ...................9c Scotch Fingecing Yarn, a nice soft quality, Regular $1.39 lb. for.81.19 lb. Corselettes, No. 1 grade foc Misses' and growing Girls' Regular 98e for 79e No. 2, a better gcade in heavier miake foc Misses and Wonien, Regular $1.49 foc..........................1.29 Corsets-Regulac 98c foc..........84c Corset-Regular $1.39 foc .........1.19 Cocsets-.Regular $1.59 for.......-1.29 Corsets.--Regulac $1.98 for ........1.9 MILUNERY-..AII our stock of Chiîdr,.,« and Misses' FeIt and Velvet Rata, regulacîy sold at $1.75 and $1.98, Vo clear..... ..................1.29 Women's and M'sses. Felts and Velvets, selling cegularly from 82.50 Vo $3.95: every bat Vo cdear............$1.95 METALLIC HATS-...The season's newest creations aelng at$3 . 50 Vo 84.95, every bat goes out at......... $2.79 80 dozen Watson's Sillc Lingerie in Veste, Bloomers and Slips, a renîark. Il JNELSN'.S STORE of 1aiggger aid e3tter VI, King St. West g o u m .--~- -- - - - -- _B ciwm anvi r -l 'I a Veas, Regular 98c for 9e Bloomers, Regular 81.19 for 69c SliPs, Regul&r 81.98 for 81.59 15 dozen Faîl W, iLhf Knitted Bloorls, in white only, Regular 59e foc. .29c Bcodloth Blooers;17 d slips in ail coo s an ieS, Our regular 79 ce ln , Out t.heY go for........ Chilîren's and Misses' Tookest,in White, Scarlet and Sand, juat put into stock, Regular 98c foc ................. 69 C Children'.q Wo&01 Mitts in Cardinal, Whit.e and Sand, piced......... 2e ta 39c Ml ville Eliff- - ?AGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY- OCTOI-tiPT? lQi-i, iuoQ BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMANVILLE 9 PLAN YOUR PARTY SAL 10 i l le

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