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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN SIATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l8th., 1928. PAGE rivu Pharmacy The art of preparing and dispensing medicines. Those who carry on this work are called Pharmacists. A Pharmacist' rs required to kno-,flot only how to prepare and dispense medicines, but from w'hence they are obtained, parts A~eactive principles, proper dosage and for svhat ailnients the respective medicines are specifics. In Canada a Pharniacist is generally called a Druggist, and he is required to know and observe the laws relative to handling poisons, Abortives and Narcotics, thus safeguarding the peraple of the community. The knowledge which a Pharmacist must acquire before being granted a license to carry on a Pharmacy (Drug Store) is such that he is capable of rendering a real ser- vice te hi% fellow mnen. Therefore "Your druggist is more than a merchant". KERSLAKE'S P49N -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- is ifl chargqof L. M. PLUMMER, Phmn. B. Pharmaacentical Chemist. F. R. KERSLAKE, Pharmacentical Chemist and optician. T1~ llarry AIlin's Crocery News 1More Timely Suggestiops This Week 1__________________ BURFORD PEAS-grown in ONIONS-You can't do bet- Durham, packed at Bownan- ter than buy your onions now 1e canning factory from ear- for winter use. We got lots ly June peas, tender and swbet, of them just now. buy them in case lots, only 10e atin. BLÂME THIS ON RED: BULBS-guarantoed the best, varietios are being cleared out at special. values. Don't de- lay. HUBBARD S Q U A S H- You'Ill njoy a feed of these squash, good solid tasty ones from 15c to 25c each. AYLMER SOUPS-Make a nice starter for the evening meal, mnade in Canada by Cana- dians at 10- % tin. Can 1 take your Palm Olive? Not on your Life Buoy. In fact inm in love îitb Sunlight That's a Surpriso me. But tbero's no Conîfout in it I'm going to get Miss CLold Well, while tâere's hf. there's soap. This is just to remind you we are giving somne ighty good bargains in soap this week. HARRY ALLIN, Urocer BOWMAN VILLE rJiALLOWE'EN PARTIESI Novelties - Favors Hallowe'en-the Old Witch flying over the housetops! You'll want to celebrate this charming old holiday with ail the spirit'of the occasion. We can help you. Our stock of Hallowe'en novelties and decorations for Holiday Parties is very fascin- ating. Some of them are: Black Cat, Old Witch, Pumpkin, Crepe Tissue Paper Streamers in yellow, orange and black, False Faces and Hats of wild and hilarious characters ,crackers, masks, Wise Old Owl, etc., in cut outs and silhouettes. Old and young will be interested in our spe- cial Hallowe'en Window Display. Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL" 50 Me n's Blue Overcoats Plush lined to bottom, sizes b6, 37, 38, 40 and 42. Regular Price $35.00, Friday and Saturday OnIy 4k,~ $25.00 ,'Come Early and Don't Mis" This Opportunity S.e G, CHARTRAN 1 Door West Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Lens four glasses f ound. Enquire at Statesman Office. Miss Marion Pickard, Dethe], spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, Rag- lan, recent]y visited friends here. Miss Jessie Slute- recently visited her brother, Mr. Albert Slute, Raglan. Mrs. W. H. Tucker and Mrs. Dolph Tucker, Toronto, are visiting friends here. Bowmanvile High School defeated Oshawa Collegiate in a league rugby game here Saturday by 3-0. Mrs. Ed. Erwvin and Miss Lcretta Brown, Bobcaygeon, are visiting their aunts, Mrs. W. C. Ferguson and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Mrs. Fred Arnold, Shoal Lake, Man., and Miss Ada Arnold, Toronto, were guests of their cousin, Mrs. F. M. Souch on Wednesday. Mrs. (Rev.> J. U. Robins attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Pettin- gill at Wellington on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLean, Jean and Neil, Uxbridge, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. J. E. Elliott. Mrs. T. A. Anderson, Toronto, bas been visiting her mother, Mrs. Annie Hoar and numerous other relatives 8 here. Mr. W. T. Hynds and Miss Florence Pierson, Toronto, spent Sunday witl Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hynds, West- mount. M~r. and Mrs. R. S. virtue and daugliter Dorothy, Oshawa,, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnston, on Sunday. Mrs. F. Thompson, Mrs. McCaus- land and son, and Miss Simpson, Toronto, recently visited Mîss A. V. Cole and Mrs. S. Woodger. Miss Greta Morris, R. N., who bas beon in New York City for over a year has gone to California, takcing a boat trip going via of the Pan- ama Canal. Mr. T. H. Lockhart was able tc return to his home a few days ago from Bowmanville Hospital. He is making a very satisfactory recovery from a serious operation. Mrs. W. Jeffers, Tacoma, Wash., was guest of her cousin, Miss E. An- nie Allin, and other relatives over the weekond. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allin, Whitby, spent Sunday with Miss Allun. Mr. and Mns. Milton J. Wight and family, Mrs. R. H. Souch and Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., were in Toronto on Saturday attending the Diainond wedding celebration of Mr and Mrs L. Cornigh. Mrs. J. McEwen, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dyer and daughter, Tor- onto, Mrs. T. Leatherland and Mis Gene Wood, Kingston, recently vis- ited their cousin, Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Washigton. Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis, Miss Campbell ,Mrs. Bessie Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole, Hampton, spent Sunday w.ith Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Short, and attended Trinity Unit- ed Church Anniversary services. Among the successful competitors at the Musical Festival at Peterbo on Tuesday, under auspices of the Kiwanis Club, was Mrs. T. W. Caw- ker who won the silver medai in the Dramatic Soprano class, receiving 87 marks out of a possible 100. Mrs. Cawker was accompanied by Mr. T. W. Stanley. MSs. Kîrven of Pet- erboro, won the gold moda-1 with 88 marks. Miss Helen Argue compet- ed in the contralto class andI Miss Jean Wight in the Junior Piano Class Men are in for sonie rea] depend- able bargains in footiwear this week at Knox's Shoe Store. Cream of Bar]ey keepa you fit. THANKS TO FELLOW PRINTERS When members of any institutioni take holidays a certain amount of i-ý conveniences results and extra duties fal-on the remnaining members of the staff. For the past three weeks Norman S. B. James, Mechanical Superintendent of The Stategman. lias been enjoying a well earned vacation seeing the bright liglits of New York Cty, visiting relatives in that great metropolis and resting in Southern New Jersey among the invigorating and health restoring pines and land of sunshine. During bis absence the press work of printing The Stateaman was don. by Herbert Ebiford who was kind- ly loaned to us by the Alger Press Limited of Oshawa. W. J. Hynds, who offered his services were alsua gladly accepted on several occasions in getting tint job work. To both men and to the Alger Press we wish to express ýour sipcere thanks for the assistance given and the true frater- nal spirit shown, which it will be our pleasure to reciprocate at any tume. The editor also wishes to expressi has apreciation of the faithf nI ser- vices and loyalty of The Statesman staff as shocwn on sucb occasions as this wben extra effort and over time are contributed so willingly. AUCTION SALES Satui-day, October 2th-Mrs. R. D. Davidson, Horsey St., Bowman-j ville, will sel] by public auction a quantity of furniture and household off ects. People wishing to put fur- niture or other articles in this sale may do se by advising C. H. Mason. Sale at 2 p. m. Terms Cash. Wni. Challis, Auctioneer. 41-2 Thursdsy, October 2th-Mr. El- mer Farrell, will have an unreserved auction sale on Lot 5, Concession 8. Darlington, of aIl of bis farm stock. implements, quantity of feed and household furniture. As Mr. Far- rell is leaving the farni there wil ho no rosorve. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. Theo. M. Slemon, Auction- eer. Important Dispersion Sale of Scotch Shortborns and High Grades, Shrop-m shire Sbeep. Horses and Implements, Thursd f, 'ctbr2T1, at14.00 BIRTHS CHALLIS-At Orono, Sept. nulb. 9t 19 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard (als daugbter. June Loreen). MARRIAGES CHAMBERS-WOOO-lrLounaxie on Muonda.y, Octoluer i5, 1928. bytv e. 1 t. RoWuns, M\arion EI,anor, da <cberof .NIr. and Mrs. Edwin Spencer ndoiam M r' tavîd dJames Cha mbers. la rri,î s- ville.1 BARTLETT-COOL;DGE-O0n Fidy Octob,-r 12, a t the reslle nce t <e i ciaîîng minister, Islington. Onit., b .-, A. C. Cr,-ws, P.D., Eva L. ~oîg.t R,-v. SamiuO~ S. T. Barileti, hiuo f Tor- onto. Resiulence 125 Melros. »XAvenue. PENFOUND-PENWARDEN-At t l el bone of the brides parents, Neviunvili.-, on Wednesday, October i10, by H,.v. Thos. Wallace, Annis Mary, dlauglit--r of Nlr. and Mrs. John Penwamden, to ,loseluiAI- lin P.-nfoun (, son of M.Nrs. Acy A. Pn- foun d, andl the laie Siin Penfu.uunul, Dar- lington. FODEATHSy crrag, wht KEN -InBowanill, o Winu- FOkR, ShALE-Baby c alae, whit dlay, 0ctob,,r 17, 1928, Phiebe AnnJohuns, to 10 C'arlisle Ave.. Bow-manville. 42-1-1 relîct of the late C. R. Kent nf Saginaw.- --- Iulcb.FOR SALE-Lloyd IVieker Baby Car- Funo-rai on Satumdiy, Octobeýr 2C)tlluîtt nage and b)abys ge-cart, both in good 2 p. ni. from ihe resiuience of ber brother. condition. Phone 303, Bownianville. 40-t J. L. JIohns, Hampton. I.terrment in Hamption ('emetery. Funerýal private COW FOR SALE-Jersey cow, six years FOSTER-In Bownianville, on Mfonday .ol, about to renew. Cail or phone Fred October 15, 1928, Hamry W. Foster, aged W. Batile 219J or R. R. 6, Bownianville. 74 years. 41-i MONTGOMERY-In Blacksîock, Oct. -OS--ORSL-Gnra -uroe h1, 1928. yEîard otgmr. .M. i ising 4 years old, sounui, weil-broken. bis~~Apl 7Ohya. îuvo M. Burns, phone 476-331 Bow- MALLETT-Aî Port Hope, October ii,J rn-inville.41w Sarali Hutchings. widow of the lateJos-________________ 41w iah Mallett, in hem 78th yeam . -. FOR SALE--One Bamil1ton Beach Mo7- TRELEAVEN-In Newcastle, Ocober or. one Qîîebec heaier. Aîuply to C. Mc- 13, 1928, Elizabeth Treleaven. uaughter of Feeters. Cherry Cottage, Churcli Street, the late John and Fanny Trel. uven, ageul Bowmanvilie. 17-tf 80 years. STRICKLANO On WednesuiayOct. FOR SALE-One 0v. ianul car con- 17, 1928, ai tlicrest Fanms, N. wcastIe Futteul wiihtnuc.bat eny anu t res Wiii Arthuîr'W. Strickland, husbanul of Han- s.Il e ite. W. . Caeryan il nah Pierce, formeriy of Torontou. Itterreui,11 t'a or exchaniz. W .Cgrv at Btantfordl. 41 1if. POLLARD-At Western Hospuital, Tor- FOR SALE-Fomul ion truîck, stake bodly. onto, October 17, 1928, Frances Northeott, ruckstell axle, starter, aîîtomsticý wind wiulow of the late Zachariah Poliarti n sitielul wiper, getîcrator, in crood runniiî hem 91st year. Inierred atil'ire Gmove or(ler. 00,1< cash. O. Peister, R. R. 7;9 Cemetemy, Prince Albert ?BownianvilIe, phone 146-12. 42-3wv VARCOE-In Pawtti.ket, R. I., on Sun-_-__ day. October 14, Winifrcd Blanch ,oiow, FOR SALE-One 'Mitchell grarnaphone. beloved wife of the late Normain S. Var- cabinet style, beautiful walnîît finish. 351 cOe ,and daîîgbîer of the lai.- Frederick recoruis. This machine is in flrst ciass J. JolIow and Mrs. Jollow, aIl formnerlv condition. Bargain. Apply Ernest A. of Bowananville. Buried at Pawtucket, Jon,s, corner Brown and Wellington 9t.u, Rhode Island. phone 289J. 37-If HOES MORE BEAUTIFUL-Our New IN MEMORIAM flustrsted F'ree Catalogue wlll assslst you ________In selecting sultable Trees. Shrubs, Vines, HEDDN-Inlovig meoryRoses, Etc., 70 yeams ini operation. Write HEOO-I lvig emmyof our to-day. Star Nurseries, RldgevIlle, On - dePar nipther, 'Mary Trenouîh Heddon, 15mbo. 35-121 who passed away October 15, 1927. Cen ep Sweet ls your niemomy, dear to olr hearts, Cea of Barley ep you rt The laceyou ol( thee wil neer epar - fit- Lost or Found CLUB BAG LOST-With rugby eqtîip- ment enclosedl, in Bowmianville or on Scugog Road on Saturday. Finder please 1,ave at Staiesman Office. 42-1 LOST-On the Kingston Ilighiway. be- twetn Port Flope ami B'owmanville, about Septernier l9th., one ilawaiian guitar anidlabs high chair from a moving van. N\aiued as ke,-psakes. R~adfor return tco Statesman Offie, Bownuanville, Ont. 42-1w- * Articles For Sale TON TRUCK-Or exchange for farm stock. Phone 142-5. 41-2w FOR SALE-2 Durhiam cows. W. T. 'erreît .376-34, Hampton. 41-2W COW FOR SALE-Young cow, part Hostuin and Jersey. Apply B. K W. il- son, Newcastle. 421-1w' PIGS FOR SALE-13 good young York- sbire pigs, just weaned. A. E. Biilett, Hampton, phone 376-11. 42-1w Will be iilled witb remembrance, dear mother of you. Sons and Daughfers. A GRAND OLD MAN Toronto Telegram in its issue of Saturday, Octtsber 13th., contained a splendid photo of Mr. David Keith, one of Bowmanville's oldest and highly respecterj citizens, accompan- ied by theso comments: David Keith, ninety-6ive years old anud a keen follower of the business of the Preshyterian Synod of Tor,- onto and Kingston tbrough ail its soderunts. Mr .Keithb la amember of Bowmanville Presbyterian Church and with bis ninety-year-old wife,l i2, a regu.lar attendant. Congratu- lated by the members of Synod yesterday, be remarked thirt-be at- tributed in part bis longevity to the fact that he neyer drunk wbiskeyl and bas neyer used tobacco-and ho believes firmly in bard work. Ho still looks after bis gardon Mr. Keitb came to Canada at e .age of 16, froni Brechin, Forfarshire, Scotland. Prior to going te Bow- manville be was for 33 yoars a rosi- dent of Osbawa. TYRONE A number fro'm bore attended Thank-offering services at Tainity United Churcli, BowmanvîIle. .. Mr. and Mrs. Mowbray, Lois and Mar- garet, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Crane dantI daughter, Winnifrod, Toronto, Mr. Robt. George and friend, Bow- manville, spent Sunday at Mr. Wym. Halfacre's .. .. Miss Edith Clemens, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, spent thbe weekend at ber father's, Mr. A. W. Clemens ... . Mr. and Mrs Thomas Richards, Miss Lola Rich- ards, Miss Ruby- virtue, visited with Mr. andI Mrs. Howard Findley, Un- îonville. . *..Miss Viola Shortt spent the weekend at Mr. J. J. Devitt's, Bobcaygeon .... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Greenwood, Mr. Lance Greenwood, Mr. P .C. Bonner, Peterboro, Sun- dayed at ber brother's, Mr. Robert MeCullough ..Mr. George AIl- dread, Mr. Richard Gibbs, Mr. Mor- lep Hooper, Mr. Don Davey have returned home froni the West..1 Mr. andI Mrs. Albert Ilawkey Sun- dayed at Mr .Jas. Sbuch's, Bowman- ville ... . Mrs. T. Scotit bas returned homo froni visiting ber daughter, M.rn. Arthur Sm ith, Raglan .... Miss F. Viltue andI Mr. Win. Staples Sun- dayed at Dr. C. W. Sleîson's.. Min. Viola Sniîth is visîting friends at Orono andj Bowmanville .. number froni bore attended the Ep-1 wortb League Convention at New- castle on Monday. Miss K. Me- Cullough aund Miss F. Gardiner woro delegate.... Mira. M. M. Cumniings. Ottawa, Mrs. Clara Byam. Bowman- ville, visited at Mr. Luther Hoop- ....... . Mr. and Mns. Lynn and daughter Jean, Oshawa, visited nt Mr. E. Virtue's .... Rev. J. R. Truni- pour preached a splendid serm-n Sunday momning on "United in Ser vice". ... Cbureb service next Sun- day 7 p. m ..League Thu'-sday t-veninz was in charge of the W.nm- en's Missionany Society. 'Prorranm- Min. A. W. Annis, reading; yncsl 'olo, Miss Lizzie Bigelow: readiic by Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Trunipoiir: topic "DoinRs and D"rams'" hv Vre L. J. Goodman prepared bv Misq Clara Woodlev .... Rallv ser0ci on Sunday evening was w--ll aftPtnded. M"-. B. G. Stevens. Solina. e'nnl<m',un Temperance, Mr. F. L. Snîîqi-, Ssl- eni. rave a talk on "The Clainis of Youth"; bath tal.ke, wAr.- -verv in- ti-restinz andI instrmctvP: Tentel. ren e4ered several anl entd nilaienl numbers.. Reov. andI Mrs. J. R. 'rrum- cour éntertaîned the rinir ynmn,h'e on F'niuv venine. Mr. nd M'e J. H. Mutton spent Surdav at Mr-. Fre4l Moore's, Providerep .X. nnd Mrs. W" - Cochrane, Or.>no. vis- ited at Wmn. Virtie's. . MrS F-cl roodmian, Columbus, visited at Mr.I L. J. Goodinan 's. Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-S- roomed brick holise, ail modern conven- iences. Possession November ist. Ap- Pliy to J. R. Philp, Scugog St., Bowman- ville. 41-tf NEW HOUSE FOR SALE-Rug brick, containing seven rooms with ail mnodern convenjences. Oak floors. French doors side entrance. On Welling-ton Street. Easy ternas. Apply to J. E. Flett, Cen- tre St., Bowmanville. 41-tf HOUSES FOR SALE-7-roorned brick residence, hardwood floors ,good garage: two brick residences on Concession St: one framechouse on Ontario St., will sel cheap: one brick residence on Scugog St. Modern conveniences In ail. Apply f0 Wm. Brock, Queen St., Bowmanville. Phone 114. 42-4' FARM FOR SALE-100 acre faryn near Mill1brook. Clay loani, ve Il drained: t acres hardwood bush; everrunning spring. Solid brick dwelling; hot air funaue: water piped to kitchen, bathroom ami cellar; open fireplace. Comniodious barns, stone foundations: water piped to stables and pig pen; stables well under- drained, cernent floors: jutter carriers: feed boxes; chickenhouse; yard hia soulh ern exposure. Possessi on lu4aru'b 1, 1929. Price $9000; haîf cash, balance fIrst niortgage. Stock and equipment %vill al." h.- sold. Apply to Mrs. E. Vý Scobeli, Bowmanrville. phone 189. 41-2 LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinds of laundmy work done prompt- lY. gatisfactoriîy and at reasonable prîces Wriie Pngt Office Box 12, or calI Mrs. W. Marjnrani, King St. E. Bowmanville. Phone 478W. Noyai 1 neatre,liowmanviiIel One Day OnIy--Monday, Oct.!22 Wanted kWANTED-Two comfortabie rooms with board, would lke one rooni uown stairs, in private home, ail conveniences, whb c , ure ije no ch i dren . Nice. lcauluty. Apiuly to f. 1lfarv,y-. towmanvi7li'. 42-1' AGENTS WANTED-To selI our t'erti- li l Trees andi Sbrube. Free seliing equil)ment supplied and liberal commis- sion paid weu kly. Excellent chance for reliabie uman. Welland Nursery Co. 'Welland , On t. 41-2 MALE HELP REQUIREID-Man of goo<1 standing is offered remunerative position witiî linancial organization, experience unnecessary as permanent member of thue staff wil l)e del,,gated to assist you until esiabiishetl. Repiy givIng some tparticulars of self. Drawer B, Bownian- ville. 42-2* Youth, hitting the clouds! Fight- ing, loving, dodging "eth -r7aets KtWINGS7 À Parmim"uniPWtuA Matinee at 4 o'clock. Children 25c, Adults 50c and tax. Evening at 8.15. Prices 50c ,75c and $1.00 plus tax. 50c seats for matinee and ail evening seats reserved Seat Sale opens at the Theatre Thursdlay October 18th at 12 moon. Greater Suit Values for Youths and* BoysJ raiýx- MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS,"/ fu NAVY BLUE AT $22.50 One of the finest lines we have ever shown in Plain Navy Blue MeItons and popular Chinchilli Cloths, a big warm and comfortable for men who like good clothes. Our Special This Week $22.50 MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS AT $25.00 For men and young men, -a wonderful suit in serges and Herringbone effects also diamond patterned weaves, guaranteed in colors and wearing quality, double and single breasted models, A Big Special This Week at $25.00 Each MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 85c Khaki, Navy Blue, Light Blue and Black, values to $1.25 FOR 85c. MEN'S ALL WOOL WORK SOX SPECIAL 5 PAIR FOR $1.00 MEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS AT $1.9à Fine quality for wearing under coat, Fawn, Grey, Heather Shades for only $1.98 EACH T. B. GILCHRIST Dir.ctly Opposite Banik of Montreal- Phone 61, Rowmanville PHONE 186 MANY OTHER SPECIALS THIS WEEKEND 3 ONLY RAIN TOP COATS AT $7.45 This is a combination' coat, tweed outside, rubber inside, absolutely proof in Brown and Grey Tweed effeets. Only 3 coats left, A SPECIAL AT $7.45 YOUTHS' NAVY BLUE SUITS 4 PIECES AT $12.95 Coat, vest, 2 pair long pants, hard finished Wool Worsted, ,~ Navy Blue Suit, double breasted inodels. This week 2 days' ' only at only $12.95. Suit size 32, 33, 34, 35. BOYS' IRISH. SERGE NAVY BLUE SUITS AT $9.95 4 piece suits, coat, vest, 1 long pant, i bloomer pant, Irish Serge ,all wool, double breasted models, sizes 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, Friday and Saturday Only at $9.95 To Let ROOMS TO RENT-U7nfurnislied. Ap-, )IlY to S. Olver, Liberty, St., Bowmanvilie. 42-2 Help Wanted WANTED-Experienced toppers on Chiidrens ibidIlos.-, stcady work and good piece rates. Tho Toron to Hosiery Co. Limited. 42-3 H-ELP WANTEO--Capabie woman for general housework, famlly, 3 adults. Ap- ply to MiEss 1. K. Sinith, Concession St.. phone 295J., Bowmanville. 40-tf _HELP WANTED-Farm hand -wanted, married or single. Gou wages. Reason- able hours. Start at once. Phone 38-31 Newcastle. Russell Osborne. 4.1-2w PAGE FIV»

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