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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1928, p. 1

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- ~- ~ __________With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News -Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers DRAMATIC CONTEST Under auspices of W. D. Agricultural Society Newcastle Ladies' Aid will present the play The Dust of the Earth in OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE en Friday, Nov. 2nd at 8.15 P. M. This is the final play in the sernos which is creating such in- terest in the contest for prime. amounting te $135.00. 35c for single ticket& Reserve seats without extra charge at Mitchell's Drug Store. Style 1 : . Acetophen (tablets) Fnesst & Co's. naime fer their Standardized Aspirin lu bottles et ambon glass te pretect their high quality. For the roetet Headaches Neui'algia Rheumatism Sore Throat La Grippe, etc. Advised by Doctens, sud thwo whe icnow 12 tables 25c 40 tables 50c 100 tables $1 .00 Always the same quslity, "Thse Best". Buy theus at lKERSLAKE'S The. Dependable Drug Store In Winter Coats A quartette of noteworthy features that go hand-in-hand in our grand display of Women's Winter Coats. STYLE-Authentie fashions sponsored by foremost for- eign and domestie designers. INDIVIDUALJTY-Extensive assortments-mostly of a kind models-but few of any particular style. one QUALITY-Couch, Johnston & Cryderman quality has been a by-word for nearly haif a century. ECONOMY-When good style is allied with finest quallty and moderate price, the resuit is resounding economy. Searching Comparison la Welcomed-Unusually Fine Coats For Women and Misses Coats of a beauty and smartness out of the common. Every detail of fabrie and fur-design and development-tailoring and trimming-proves their superiority. All are exquisitely lined throughout and interlined. Complete range of fashionable col- ors. $1 5.00 to $85-00. BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES Just arrived Wednesday morning, a beautiful assortment of new Dresses in Jersey Cloth, Silks and Crepes--Styles, shades and prices to suit every demand. SPECIAL VALUES IN HOSIERY Penman's Best Silk and Wool Hose, ail the new shades, only 95e pair. Silk Pointex Hose, full fashioned ,every shade desired, for $1.50 pair. WHAT LOVELY CURTAIN MATERIALS You wili say so, too, when you see these new curtains. They are truly lovely and include an assortment of designs and materials which will satisfy every demand. Men's and Boys' Department Men's Suite Froin $12.50 Up Men's Fail Overcoats From $13.50 Up Men's Winter Overcoats $16.50 Up Boys' School Suite From $ 4.95 Up Men's Suite or Overcoats, Made-to-Measure at $24.00 A look through our stock will convince you, as it has others, that our values in clothing are unsurpassed. Couch, Jqhnston &.Crydermnan, Bowmanvllle Phone 104 Limiteas BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER -25th., 1928 a m 1 f Men's Footwear Men's black kid boot, blucher, Goodyear welt, cushion sole, very durable Priced at $7.00 Men's cushion sole, Goodyear welt, double sole, wide fitting, Priced at $7.00 Men's eighteen inch top boots, elk top, pancho sole and rubber b.dl, Priced at $8.00 Men's black caif, double sole, English-made, winter weight oxford, Priced at $850 Men's Spats, in button or dome, At $1.50 to $3.00 Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 Bowmanville m m Individuality il $2.00 a Year In Advance 5e a Cowv --»" i DEANERY WOMAN'S AUXILIARY Sixth annual conference of Dur- ham aind Nort.humberland Deanery I Woman's Auxiliary was held in St. John's -Cburch, ýBowmanvilýe, on Thursday, October 18tb. There was a choral celebration of IHoIy Communion at il o'clock, the celebrant being Rev. Dr. Rigby of Port Hope, assisted by Rev. Dr. Boyle, Cobourg, Rev. E. R. James, Newcastle, and Rev. R. J. Sbires of 't Jhs. Other c]ergy present Iwere--Rev. P. B. de Loin and Rev. E. R. Adye, Cobourg, Rev. E. A. Slemin, Brighton, Rev. T. McKim, Coîborne, Rev. A. G. Emmet and Rev. C. H. Boulden, Port Hope. Rev. R. J. Shires preached the ser- mon for the occasion from the text: "The harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers arc few"-Luke 10:2. He stressed the point that oach in- dividual, whether an active worker in a missionary way or an assistant, making the work of others possible, must see to it that slle is equipped with a full knowledge of what is te 'o d one, a spiritual understanding of those she wotild help, and faith; for only that whieh is within the individ- ual can couse out and be passed ons to those still awaitin.g Christianity. One hundred and forty two W. A. inembers of different branches were present and some aixty others took Communion. Luncheon was served in St. John's Parish Hall by ladies of the parish. Afternoon session was opened by the Deanery Officer, Miss McIntosh, of Newcastle. Business of the Dean- erY was dinDosed of1, reports of ail branches read, after which Dr. Cart- wright, Diocesan President, Toronto,i addressed theimeeting, pleadirsg with W. A. miembers- te study to gain a true knowledge of conditions of life in isolated parts of our own Canadian West, of the British strangers who have corne froin their homeland to make new homes among us, of Est- ern Europeans and Orientais whoi live and work in Canada. Having acquirod this knowledge she begged Ius to use it in a broad-minded, Christ- ian way te holp them rathor than tIreat any with indifference, much less scorn. Mrs. D. M. Rose, who is home fromn Trdia, gave an address on the envir- onment and characteristics of the people among whom she had taught in the Kangra Valley; bow they need Christîanity to, alleviate some of the worst of their conditins, the fear of demons and unseeii 'éviI forces in Iwhich they beliovo and their lack of respect for our oxample of Christian- ity as they have seen or been told it is practised by us-a Christian ex- ample that they can seo and under- .stand is an ossential. . Aftornoon tea was served before members Ioft for their respective bomeas, aIl unanimous in the belief that it was a most inspiring and help- fui conference. Royal Theatre Pre%.nting The Finest lu Photoplays Phono 589 Friday-Saturday, October 26.27 William Boyd in "POWE R" A thoroughly buman stery with a western background. A picturo packed witb thrills and laughs. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Children 5c. Chapter Il of "Blake of Scotland Yard" and regular prograus. Monday-Tuesday, October 29-30 Lon Chaney (the man of a thous- and faces) in bis latest triumph "*WHJLE THE CITY SLEEPS" The first big "inside" pictune that takes you behind the scenes and shows you how the city's pro- tectors cross wits and weapons with the army of the lawless. HOSPITAL ANNUAL MEETING Tiiesday; -Nve;1b.r,6th Asinual meeting eft Bowussuville Hospital will be Iseld lu Council Rom et Town Hall, on Tuesday, Novesuber 6th at 8 p. ni., for elec- tien ef officens, receiving et rePort and etises general business. Pubic la expected te attend this meeting. 48-2 C. H. Masos, Sec'y.-Treaaurer. "sbower" et danned fruit, cauned vegetablesansd pickles will be held in aid ef the "Chisldren's Shelton" at Port Hope. TIse Shelter is doing a goed work lu Durhaus sud Northum- berland Countie.sud the Instituts aaka that all, net euly meusbems, but thse public generally will teel that this is au opportuRsîty te Iselp a wontby cause. Brng or send yeur donation te the Hall on Friday atteneon sud tIse ladies wlll see that it la tsken cane et. If ;possible put yens- nasa.n ex jars. A Il geins wlll Ïbe returned. Quality -Economy, SONGS 0F OLD CANADA NURSES RECEIVE DIPLOMAS LOCAL AND OTHERW1SE To Be Given in Unique RecitaI in At Graduation Exercises of Bowntan- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dudley and Opera Hous.. November St1h. ville Hospital. Miss Helen Osborne are on a mator 1~trip te New Yonk City. 11Bowinanville may consider itself Wednesday evening last., was Mrs. F. C. Palmer sang a solo at fortunate in being included in the marked by another pleasing event, the epening services of Oshawa's new across-Canada tour of Madame Dus- when three graduate nurses of BO'w- Anglican Chsirch, Christ Church, on seau, formerly with Chicago Grand manville Hospital Training Scbool, Sunday. Opera, being sponsored by the As- conzpleted thein course, n*ceived Mrs. John Curtis and Misa Hilda sociation of Canadian Clubs. This their diplomas and pins and were Curtis were in Toronto Wednesday series of recitals is being given te declared full-fiedged nurses atter attending the wedding of Misa Ina create a wider intèes~t and deeper thnee years' training. Baskorville. understanding of the rich treasury of The graduation exorcises were Rev .J. Mondaunt Crssall, formerly Canada's musical folk lore. held in the Opera Heuse which was of Gore's Landing, was installed as Madame Dusseau's charming se- filled with a splendid audience. Mr. recton of Ail Saints' Anglican prano voice, dramatic talent and N. S. B'. James, Presidont 'Of the Church, Whitby. 1pleasing personality -makes it possible, Board, occupied the chair. Rev. M.adMs .Rbe copn for ber to pour f ortb in ber recitals Dr. D. W. Best offered the opening Mead Mrs. C B . Hele compan- the dazzling beauty et vivid portray- prayer, af-ton which Mr. C. S. Hall-iM. Dr.)n B. J. Ohalwaona aIs and the caresaing enchantusent of man sang a fine tenor solo and be- Mers. Gjordemaer triOshaawa, n &oultul melodies. ing -necalled responded with another veriingrenabne mo mltnl rnt-e 0f special interest te citizens et equally good number. ford and Paris. Ihis district is the fact that Miss Aften congratulating the gradu- SGwendolyn Williams, daughter ot Mr. ates, Miss Mary Jebeon, Miss Mamie Miss Vera M. Lawrie, Pasadena, and Mrs .Alan Williams, is Madame Josephine Gresjene, Miss Annie Cal., wbo has been visiting hon LaVIs- 'Dusseau's accompanist on her teur. Grace Atkinson, on the splendid ne- bar, Mn Jas1A. awnie, Thn edord wh 1After a recent appearance lu Ottawa cord they 'bad made during the pathaben1,wsboenWdeda ,the miusical critic et The Citizen made throe years ,the President called o visiting her uncle, Mn. John N. Law- this comment, "Miss Williams, in the Dr. G. Harvey Agnew, Toronto, rie who is aIse slowly regaining 7role et accompanist, made an excel- Secretary of the Departusont of Hos- bealth. lent impression witb ber doen play- pital Service, 'Canadian Medical As- Mn. F. F. Morris gave a vei:y in- ing et the very difficult accomipani- sociation, wbe aften expressing his terosting and informative talk at tIse monts. She is a very artistic pian- pleasure for the invitation ta be Rotairy Club luuicheon Friday noon on panist". 1young ladies had been looking for- furnitune doaler. At a future issue Tbe recital wbich is being given in ward teatter tbree years of u->s we hope ta reproduce .a summary et the Opera House, Monday, Novein- and downis-"mostly tipe at 6 in tbe Mn. Morris' address. ;ber 5tb., is made possible under the usorning" addrossed the graduates Misa Frankie M. Jewell, wbe bas joint auspices of the Wemen's and and audience. Te beceme a train- been spending souse weeks in Paw- Men's Canadian Clubs ot Bow-main- ed nurse nsow is not only a way of tucket, Long Island, returned home ville. Tickets are only 50c and xnay making a living, but is te carry en a on Monday accompanied by hon aunt, be reserved witbout extra charge at record of achievement filled with due Mrs. Emma Jollow and ber two Mitchell's Drug Store atter 10 a. m. reverence for the nurse's code et grandcbildren, Stanley and Dorothy Wednesday, October 31st. etbics accomplished enly by a long Vancoe, whese mother died recently. period ef training. When ho ne-.Mrs. Jollow and ber grandcblîdron ceivod the invitation te bo present at will make their home bore in future. ST. PAUL'S W. M. S. MEETING this gatherng ho was in Jasper Parki nL a ro on Eibvol o Mn. and Mns. J. W. Andrus and ne arfo ot e dhas elho Heldaugitens, Evelyn and Mrs. Fred W.M. S. -of St .Paul's Cburch held could nt ail tb tink a evi*ewed, Kirtz, Mn. and Mns. Clifford Wright, their Autumu Thank-offering ons Tues- the majesty et this groat meuntainiRcetr e orwr ekn day atternoon, October 23rd., with how appri-cpriate it was to be usmed 1Rcetr e Ynwn ekn -the president, Mrs. William Adams, af ton Nurse Cavell whose splendid ne- guests of the formen's sister, Mrs. A in the chair. Mrs. G. A. Gillispie cord and triumpbant desth will al- ande, mp aean St. Mrs. er offered prayer et confession and ways beremexnbered and beld in and faol retal nig o Neier tbanksgiviug, and Mrs. J. H. Jury bonor. A nurse'a lite is similar ta wltIsve fo rgetenta BIda where Misy gaean illuminating Bible reading. these of the medical profession whose wilbv. cag t h stitMs Mrs. J. H. Turnbull Toronto, who as badge is service. The completien ofet n thse wife et a former minieter et St. the three years' training is net the On Thursday last a numbor et Paul's bas long been endoai-ed te this end 'but the opening et a door te friends gathered at a very enjoy- socioty and is known teaIl as the Edi- greater service. Iu the yoars gene able tea given by Mrs. R. McGrath, toi- et the Missionsry Moutbly. gave by nurses were trained for bedside Liborty Place, in hoor et Mrs. R. the address. and hospital nursing only, naw theyl Thoinpson, who with ber husba.nd The speaker i-eterred te the change neot only do these two -but are tak- leaRves on Friday efthtis weeJk ta that bas taken place in oun attitude ing up social service work, public spend the winter lu England. An ta these et ether lands; Our superier- healtb werk, industnial nur-sing aud address et appreciation and affectien ity complex is gene; We are begin-ý administrative work in bospitals. The Iwas read atten whicb a bandsome niug ta teel the weight et their cit- speaker aIse emphaffized the splendid h audbag was spresented te Mms. îcism et us; As seen by these inter- positions oun nurses are filling sa sat-I Tbompson. ested ebsorvers, how fan dees oui- isfact'orily in beth Canada and Unit-i western lite moasure up te our ed States. Ho congratulated the GrMn.ysueM. H.e E. Reyug olds Christian standards? With striking graduates, the probatieners, who wGrauby, Que, ar end yiug Boldy examples she sbowed the impression would ho graduates next year, aud wt i aetM.sdMs d »oui- actions make on oui- uew Cana- those of the follo'wiug year. win Reynsolds, Queen St. Mn. Rey- diaus, 136,000 ot whom cm eCn oo"raige o"ada nolds bas recexstly dispesed et bis ada in the yesr. We wene reminded encore "Morniug" was well sung by Qlare,wci-eamery pl eand o etn that 10,000 Oriental students are in Mrs. A. Colville whose veie is al- d Q ue., whicbh or oned sud30oper- orAmerican Univesities-how do ways heard with much pleasune. Ho is uow geing ta enjoy the fruits wo impresa these bright young minds? Mia. Florence Smytb, suiperintond- et bis laiben by taking up resideuce Our missionaries must be et the fin- ont, -led tIse graduatos in repoatiug in Granby, and living, as it wene, tbe est type, going eut as simple disciplesI the Nightingale Pledge ater whicb lite et the idle nicb. of Jesus Christ. Reterenco was made Dr. V. H. Storey in presentiug thse te the indîgenous Christian Chunches Di;lomss, said theno were diplomasj Mn. Wm. J. Mainprize, wbo bas ot India sud China-these ai-e Unit- and diplonsas some obtained byl beein s C. P. R. operator bei-e fer 10 ed Churches comprising a large tel- work sud anme obtaiued by m ney 1 years bas been premoted te the posi- lewship working eut their owu ideas sud cited instances te prove bis1 tien ot station agent at ïBelle River, in detail. This is natural as christ- statements. Ion main lineofo C. P. R., 17 miles ianity is a growing living power. MsA.LNihfsuaetep--fi-eu Windsor, and beaves for bis new Stome t tse igispsoi the M.S edulsentation et the Pins, adding a tew duties en Fridsy. W. Alliston, cate~il wrket he . . S WO-Okindly words as she attached the Tichbonne, is fllling the vacancy bore toucbed en. Rofenning te the In- embleins. Itomporarily. Mn. sud Mrs. Main- dian girl competing for the priize Mi.(r)SoePrsdn tte rzb ave been vory usetul sud pop- essay on Confederation sud carryîng Mr. D. to ... iien f h ua citizeus durng their residence off the gold modal for Canada; thetomn tlAxlav sd ee Many regrets are expreaaed little Chinese slave girl educated in the presentation ot prizes presented a hi evu on u h ete oui- Oriental Homo in Vancouver and 1I y the Hospital Board which wsfo-wisbes, freus their hosts et tniends, now Superintoudent et the Medical Iowed by a sweet solo "Lâittle Gardon tollow theus te theirnuew abode in College iu Shanghai; Japanese girl. et Mine" ,by Miss Jean Ramsay. Mrs western Ontario. ~ trained iu Lamont hospital, nurse and i C. H. Dudley was the accerpanist gol mdaiat Se Isespkeo'for thse evening. .De't miss ti}4 Fowl Su>er at the evolution et African womanhced The piie for general proficiencyLear Mnd vnig frous ber primitive state, sud ,eter- given sud presented by Dr. V. H.1 red te the evideuces ot culture sud ne- 1Storey, was awsnded te Mamie Gros1 COMING EVENTS finement f ouud in the homes et mauy 1joue.f of these women as an iutoresting by- 1Prize for bighest standing lu eb-, Reserve Tbunsday, November 15 nroduct. The hope et the wonld is stetnics and gyuaecelogy given sud 1ton Trinity Ladies' Aid supper and n Christian homes. presented by Dr. J. Clark Bei wasf concert. In coisclusion, wo were rerminded awanded te Mamie Grosjene.i A tes sud sale et useful articles 1.at no usatter what else changes! Piize fer sui-geny sud opei-atiug iwill ho held at the home et Mrs. our message does not change sud thati i-rn technique given sud presentodl <Dr.) Slemon, Cbssnch St., on Satur- eacb one has just ber own contribu- by Dr. W. H. ?lirks was awarded ta day, October 27tb frein 3 te 6 p. m. tion te make. Aunie Atkinson. in aid et the Hespital. Admissien A vote et thanks te the speaker Prize for gerreral moedicine andi 2 5c Go.ed pregi-su. 41-2 was moved by Mrs. T. Ted, seconded pi-sctical nunsing given by Dr. C.W.. The White Shield Club will beld s bMisMargaret Allen. When the Slemon *as awarded te Mary JebsoHloee aqeaeo uM offeiing ' rsne h eiaoypeetdb r.Seo.October 30, 1928, lu St. Paul's Lect- prayer was given by Mrs. A. L. Nicb- olîs. Mns. C. A. Cswker sud Mrs. Higbest standing lu fi-st year giv- ure Room at 8p. us. Methers! take C. F. Rice centributed soles wbich en by Mayor T. S. Holgate was 1 special note ot date sud ceuse al seemed apecially fitting. Mms. Mun- awai-ded te Mai-ion Baskerville, and idressed up sud'masked. Pnizos te be i-ce Neal presided at the piano lu ber lsresented by Rev. J. U. Robins. awai-ded best costumes. umual faultless manner. Higbest standing lu second yean Wbitby Street Fair, the eveut et At the close et the meeting Mns. given sud preseuted by Presideut N. the sesson, Hallowe'en night, Oct- Turubull met with old tniends sud S. B. James was awardpd te Olga ober 3lst. A bjg nigbt et fun and made rnsny new eues during a social 1Lamb. froic sfer old sud euug. ashb haIt--heur conveuied by Mrs. TIses. 1 The presentation et flowei-s te the Citizen -for dms eetdansinby PrywieMsJ.Lk odnSupeinteudent, Cîtzeu.Bau, sreet daning Perc whle M. J Lak Meden rs.*Sruththebooths et sîl kiuds, gaines sud cou- poui-ed tes. Nigbt Superintendent, Miss Auraitss ie9hwec -Bgprd Rundle, and te thse giaduatea tws tss iesosecBgprd avey .nety sd poasng igh ~at 7 p. us Some person wsll get a PRESS VERSUS PULPIT atheryettleangirls eog i Caer- new F-ond*coach ton $1.00. It wifl beld ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h lufns alo ody c-tso wittheirlralegie te tIse ne par e1metn svryiteetigde ina Auh .sbeui -ti pr e by Mr. C. C. Brunton, while Mrs. R. J. Sbires led the negative. Although beth aides brougbt eut auy geod peints, the judge gave bis decision lu tavor ot affirmative. A tew centeats added te thse enjoyable occasion. Next meeting is November 5th at whicb a full attendance la requested. Mr. sud Mrm. Thomas Farrow andi farnlly et North Oshawa, were Sun- day guestaetfMn. sud Mrs. HaMr ___JI vauson. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5e a Copy Ot ta à man tic# No. 43

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