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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1928, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th., 1928. PAGE THEEI Delicious Chocolates [ 28ceIL Saturday OnIy We are niaking a special bargain in fresh chocolates, regular 40e per lb. for Saturday only at 28ecIL in pound boxes only. The assortment is large so pick out your fav- orite flavors, Vanilla, Caramel, Maple, Coffee, Peanut Cluster, Pineapple, Strawberry, Cocoanut Cluster, Bordeau and others. Wedding Cakes Our Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner P hone 3 Bowmanville ALL READY FOR A BIG STOVE SEASON1 We have prepared for a big season in stoves. The large range we have in stock makes it pos- sible for you to select one which suits your re- quirements and your purse. Our assortment includes: HEATERS COOK STOVES OIL STOVES ELECTRIC STOVES Don't buy your stove until you have first seen our display. MASON & DALE, Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store B1wmanill. MEAT. Is An Essential Part of a Well Balanéeed Intelligent Diet. The best meats are available at our shop where good service and economical prices prevail. Tempt- ing, delicious meats for your table that turn a meal into an event. Health-giving fresh and pure pro- ducts are, our stock. Jtist give us a trial. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville Quality Groce-ries We have always contended in our big ex- perience as a grocer that poor quality or low grade groceries are always the most expensive in the long mun. This is why we always buy the best in food stuifs and seli them at fair and reasonable prices. If you want dependable goods at dependable prices let us fil your next grocery order-and see how weIl you will be pleased. NEW DINNER SETS We have just unpacked several new sets of dinner dishes which are the newest in these goods. Visit our China Department. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bownanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Creem of Brley keeps you fit. Mr. and Mrs. Clerence H. Rowen, Bethany, spent Sunday at her feth- er's, Mr. J. H. Werry. Miss Mabel Dowson, elocutionist, took part in the program et the f owl supper at Millbrook United Church on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Venning Penfound and Mrs. Anne Penfound, Toronto, were recent visitors of their cousin, Miss T. Maude Penfound. Mrs. R. T. Hos'kin, Simcoe, has been visiting ber mother, Mrs. C. Wickett. Mr. Hoskin and children Gwen and Jack, aiso spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allin, Oshawa, announce the engagement of their niece; Amy Christian, A.O.C.M., Lindsay, te Jaemes Eisbury, P. 0. of ILondon, England, the marriage to take place quietly in November. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pbilp, Cen- nington. announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Gladys Irene, to William Lloyd Beatty, youngest son of Mrs. Beatty and the late Joseph Beatty, Cannington, the marriege to take place the early parti of November. Hunters and citizens et large arel reminded that there is no open season' for pheasants in Ontario. Perons convicted of killing tbem are habl to e beavy fine. Hundreds of pheasants have been raised in tbis district and given their liberty and it is hoped people will respect tbe law pertaining te these beautiful birds., Mrs. William Beare, Cobourg' celebreted the one hundredth anni- versary of ber birth on Saturday,l October 2tb. Mrs. Beare was borni in Cornwall, England, and came to Canada when 21 yeers of age, was twice married but has been e widowi for 43 years. Was a member of tbe Bible Christian Church but recently of tbe Salvation Army. She bas a daughter and three sons, OBITUARY Harry W. Foster, Bowmanville The passing te rest on Monday, October 15, of Harry W. Foster, e highly respected citizen, came as somewbat of a shock to many people of this town and vicinity for though eiling for about eight months from heert trouble bis condition was thougbt te be mucb improved until the past ten days wben he passed to rest. Deceesed was born in 1854 on the Foster homesteed, now owned and occupied by bis brother, Mr. F. A. Foster, "Norwood Place", Liberty St. North, being the second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Foster. After leeving home he travelled lextensively through the West and gleaned mucb information, wbicb in conversation be was able to impart in e very interesting menner. For seventeen years be vwas a miller et Windsor, latier rnoving to Uno Park, N orthern Ontario. About ten years ego he returned to Bowrnenville wbere he lived retired until bis death. He wes twice married, first to Margaret Reid, daughter of Alexand- er Reid of Welland, Ont., and five and a haîf years ago to Miss Gert- rude Young of Bowmenville, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Young, wbo survives hlm. He is also survived by. three brothers, George C,. John an4& Fred A. Poster, ail of this town. The funeral which was private took place on Wednesdey afternoon from bis late residence, Wellington St., service being conducted by bis pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, who paid e most fitting and loving tribute te bis lif e. Rev. W. A. Bunner assisted in the service. The paîl-bearers were-Messrs. J. J. Meson, W. J. Morrison, Dr. J. C. Devitt, F. C. Colmer, R M. Cale and W. R. Strike. The floral tributes were very beautiful including pillows, wreaths and sprays from: Wife, Brothers, Vivien and Helen Poster, Dr. Mabell Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy, Lena and Ag- nes, Haddy brothers, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Tilley, Mrs. M. A. Cox, Mrs. Stephen Greey, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cewker and Addie, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cewker, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. vanstone, Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Mr. J J. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Meson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jones, Mrs. A. N. Mitchell, Girls' Morning Hour and Mrs. W. B. Tapson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Potter. Mrs. F. R. Brown, Mrs. James Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Browi, Mr. and Mrs. W. Marsden an 1 fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMuIlen, Miss Ethel Morris, Mr. and Mrs. W.1 Morris; Tresurer-Jabez vansto!ie; Pianist-Helen Argue; Form Pepre- sentatives: Form v-Helen Darch, Morgan Lunney; Form 1,V-Noveida Berry, Stuart Candler; Form 111- Winnie Lancaster, Arthur Kent; Form Il (a)-Marion Allia; Fora Il (b)-Marjorie Bredt, Gordon Ad- emns; Form 1 (a)-Bertha Kellar, Or- ville Souch; Form I (b)--Marie Staîker, Leon Gunna JOINS INVESTMENT BANKERS Many of our readers will be in- terested to know thet since severing his connection as manager of the Standard Bank at Cobourg, Mr. H. C. Higginbothami, bas become a member of the firai of Pringle, RoI- mes & Co. Limited, 45 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Investmnent Bankers. This firin is composed of young men of integrity, ability and prac- tical experience in flnancing, bank- ing and investmnents, which qualify them to be of perticular assistance to people looking for sound invest- ments. Mr. Higginbotbam is cozx- tinuing to make bis headquerters in Cobourg, but is spending consider-, able time in bis native town of Bo>w- manville and vicinity where he xij well and favorebly known. AUTUMN WEDDING Chamnber-Wood At 3 oclock on Monday, the fift- eenth day of October, an attractive Autumn wedding was solemnized eti the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Spencer Wood, On- tario St., wben 'their daughter, Mar- ion Eleanor, hecame the bride of Mr. David James Chambers, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Chambers of Harrietsville, Ont. Rev. J. U. Rob- ins, pester of Trinity United Churcb, was the officiating clergyman. Given in marriage by ber father, the bride looked lovely in a gow,&n of white crepe, ber brussels net veil being caught with clusters of orange blos- soins and pearîs, and she carried a bouquet of pink and white roses. Her only attendant was little Miss Phyllis Uppe r of Kitchener, as flower girl, wearing a pink teffeta dress and car- rying a basket of roses. Mrs. Ruby Daniels played the wedding inamcb and during the signing of the regist- er, Miss Margaret Allun sang "O Promise Me". The groom's gift te bis bride was a white gold bar pin witb diamond and sappbime setting, te the pianisti and sDloist be gave bar pins and to the flower girl a bracelet.1 About thirty-five guests set downI te the wedding supper, the tables be-1 ing prettily decorated with Autumin flowers. Later the happy couple left for e trip te Atlantic City' and other points, the bride travelling in e brown ensemble costume witb match- ing bat, purse, shees and stockings. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Chamb- ers will reside in Bowmanville. Among the beautiful gifts eceived by the bride were a miscellaneousi shower given by Mms. Elmer Wood et the home of Mrs. James Wood, Queen St., and a sihier sugar andi cream and server presented by the members of Trinity United Cburch Choir of wbich the bride is a mem- ber. Among the guests frein eut of tewn1 wee-Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Upper, Kitchener; Mrs. S. J. Tuoker, Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Tuoker, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Newbigging, Mr. and Mrs. William Newbigging and Billy of Toronto; Mrs. C. Wood, Newtonville; Mr. and Mrs. J. KivelI. Seline; Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Williams, Hampton. THE DURHAM CLUB Thirty-first annual meeting of The Durham Club will be held et the residence of President, Dr. James L. Hughes, 47 Dundona]d Street, Tor- onto, on Thursday, October 25th., at 8 P. M. A special invitation is extended to ail the members of the club and other Durham people. There will be a short meeting preceding the program for the election of officers and any other business. Mrs. Higginbotham, Miss Benger and Messrs. Frank Oldfield and George Neil are expected to assist in the musical part of the program, and Mr. Charles McCullough of Hamil- ton, the founder of the Canadien Club Movement ,and a native of Dur- heam, wiIl give the address. Annuel fees are due and niay be peid et this meeting. Telephone Kingsale 3433 if you intend to be present. ApplesWanted For peeling purposes at the evaporator after Oct- ober 3rd. *john A. Holgate & Son, Phone 153 Bowmanville This coupon worth 30c This coupon is worth thirty cents on the purchase of any cen of peint, vernish, jacquer or en- amel bearing the Glidden neme or trademark. There are no conditions to this offer, except that you sign your neme end address on the coupon below end presert it et our store before November ist. This offer is made for the sole purpose of proving to you the ex- ceptional high quelity cf Glidden produots. Naine........................ Address ................. G. Pritchard Painter and Decorator Phone 489 Bowmanville STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building j Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Privete Wire Syastem il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R: Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calls At Our Expense IFOP the-Raio Swe'on Party Pnkln for Pies, Haflow.'.n Candie« and Applea, ifiet, everythlng that toms te make a glorlous Bal. lowe'en for the. klddles-..uchwu our thought when pre. parlng titis list of tlmety susti"on speeally priced for - baonaWalnuta lb. 490 Choies AlUionda *-lb. 65e Punipkin CHOCOLATE BARS 2 Tn25 6 fhoaegoa, ÇEAON Drazil lus b. 2'7e Our Own Our' Own Bakery Produotg *RAISINS ~Bakev.v Pioduets JeuyraoUa z.k130 hIb .'TASTY a4.os.lb Mlad.lwa Cak."l5il,.2 , r230DPEAD Loal 7 Cherr'y Cake lb. 5o RUIT BREAD - 14o 10Dmar._39e Palunolive 425e Gipo. Cherries lb. 490 Do 0x UNEEDA 6 Pkts. SoededRaidlnPkt.15o PAl< ~BICKAGE "' 5 Dayslde Peashes POWDER* blae' 2MM ta23- ~BISCUIS eo Flnent CANUlES Canadiau JolUy Beau. Ib.2Se Mild] Guma Dropaslb. 33e ~HEE8E Lloovite Aflhortu pe?25' M. Cboe.rtd ouI____ Hallowe 'en PLAN YOUR PYARTY NOW To be a success parties or other social events must be care- fully planned beforehand and preparations completed well in advence of the pamty itself. DENNISON'S BOOK 0F HALLOWE'EN PARTY SUGGESTIONS describes in detail bow to give parties that are distinctly new and nove], and will be the talk of your friends. Directions for the niaking of novelties and favors fmom inexpensive mater- ials ,which we cen supply, are given. Paper Rats, Black Cet, Old Witch, Ghost and other Cut Outs for decoration, table novel- ties, novelty serviettes, etc. etc., everything you cen imagine in this party book. Crepe Paper in aIl colors, Hallowe'en cards and favors. Bring your list of party needs here. We will fill it. W.T. ALLEN B3IG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMAN VILLE AS GOOD AS THE BEST THAT MOTHER MADE! Our Pies have that wonderful "home flavor"- that "more-ish" taste-that delicious crispness and the same juicy fruits that Mother made famous in your childhood days! Try one of our pies and see. More fresh candies and chocolates unpacked this week. The Bowmanviiie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville EMPTY COAL BINS ARE GETTING THEIR FILL They certainly are these days-and the prefer- ence on past performance seems to be for LEH1GH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 77m Coal 77St Satisfi.a Our coal is aIl freshly mined, dlean and well screened. You take no chances when you order the old reliable "Lehigh Valley Anthracite". It makes warm friends during the cold winter months. Order your winter supply of coal now-phone 153 or 202. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bownîanville AVIATION GASOLINE It Makes No Diflerence WHETHER THE MARE HAS A WHITE NOSE Whetber she is sorrel in celer, whetbem she comes from Kentucky or Texas. The question is: Ca She Run? Se with gasoline, the feot that it bas been dyed a pretty color dees net prove that it is good gesoline. But the question is: What Cen It Do? We consider that the steadily increasing gallonage we are selling proves wbet Shell Produots will do wben given e trial. Get your tank filled et our Service Station and give it a trial. Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville MI LER75 RILIV VU ASTL8SCONDITiOR IRDUONT COR BY THE PRESENCE OP SORMI" AND RESTORE THE CHILD TONORMAL HEALTH. NONARCOTICS -PLEASANT AS SUGAR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th., 1928. PAGE THREZ

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