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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1928, p. 4

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_.! w-- r fAGE FOUR llarry AIIin's Crocery Neéws More Timely Suggestions This Week BURFORD PEAS tender and sweet 10c tin ONIONS FOR WINTER Betteî' get a supply now at 5c lb. THERE'S MONEY IN HENS With price of eggs going up-feed them Fui-O- Pep Egg Mash f or best results PEARL NAPTHA SOAP Only a few cases left at 5c bar DRESSED POULTRY WANTED Farmers, bring us your dressed poultry and get highest prices. HARRY ALLIN, Oirocer PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE Made-to-Measure Clothes Shop A young mai wisose name I won't tel Saw a friend who always dresscd weîl,isbu So e akedthi saneguy £rom whom ddh u Aid tise answer be got-"why from Bell". There's a good reason why Bell's Clothes are growing in popularity-a fine range of Jmported Woolens in the newest weaves and patterns- tailored to measure by skilled workmen and sold to you at Factory to Wearer prices-That's what makes Bell's Clothes such outstanding values. SUITS OR OVERCOATS $24.00 UP Note-You wiso got cards at tise Bowmaiville Fair bave only oie week left in wiich te maks use et thean. King St. West Bowmanville Furnishings Right By Cle's Barber A. J. "Bert" Bell The Clothing Man 5hop THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th., 1928. ENFIELD TYRONE SOLINA Visitors: '.%r. John Smith, Bob- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wadc Mr. and Mrs. Cha.s. Blanchard vis- caygeon, Mr. and Mrs. Laver and and Wallace, Mr. Chas. Nunn, Tor- ited bis mother at Raglan and attend- family, Toronto, at Mr. Edwin Or- onto, at Mr. Byron Moore's; Mr. and ed ber sale on Monday..Miss Mary miston's; 3r. John Delve, Oshawa, Mrs. W. Glenny, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hogartb and Mrs. R. Pascoe spent and Miss Alice James, Coluinbus,, a' Puckley, Mr. George Ferguson, Sunday at Mr. Newton Stacey's, Osh- Mjr. J. Hepburn's; Mr .and Mrs. J. Newcastle, Miss Tena Ferguson, Be- awa ...Mrs. John Reynolds is visit- Ormiston, Oshawa, at 'Mr. L. C. Pas- thesda, at Mr. H. His'; Mr. and ing Toronto friends ..Mr. and Mrs. coe's; Mr. and Mrs. C. Vico, Colum- Mrs. Harry Nixon, Miss Maggie J. T. Rundle are at Mr. Jas. Macken- bus, at Mr. Geo. Ormiston's; Mr. Cooper, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. zie's, Columbus.M..Nr. A. L. Pascoel %I A. James, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. Brown, Miss Neads, Bov-manville, att nded b ikPoues et James, Bowmanville, Mis. W. A. Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton and family, ing in Toronto and visited bis daugh- White and Mrs. Jas. A. Phillips, Providence, spent Sunday at Mr. W. ter, Mrs. Douglas McLaughlin.. New York, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, H. Halfacre's; Mrs. Wm. Hughson Mr. and Mrs. Theo Boag adfml, Kedron, at Mr. S .Bray's; Mr. and visited Mrs. Wm. Little and Mrs. R. Toronto, visited at Mr. N. W. Yelloý-I Mrs. Wallace Scott at Arnprior; Miss McCullough. . . ..Glad to report Mr. lees'. . .Mr. and' Mis. Everett Hoar Evelyn Stinson at Peterboro ..\is. Brenton McCullough improving nice- and Charlie, Bowmanville, vilited ait Edwin Ormiston is under the doct- ly after bis very serious illne.ss . -Mr. J. J. Smitba ..Mr. and Mrs. or's c..... . Mrs. W. Siih sprained Miss Viola Shortt who is in very Howard Cowling and family, Oak-1 j the ligiments of ber foot but is im- ili health is witb her sister, Mrs. A. ville, visited at Mr. Sid Hockaday's.. proving... Mr. Thomnas Bradley, Mr. W. Prescott, Enfield. . .. Mrs. James .. Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Mr. and and Mrs. Howard Bradley and child, Dudley spent a f ew days witb friends Mrs. Chas. Taylor and Lloyd, Ponty- Oshawa, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. in Bowinanville ... . Mr. and Mrs. F. pool, visited at Mr. W. T. Taylor's.. S. Bray, Broeside. L. 'Byam ,Doreen and Yvonne, Sun- . .Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pascoe visited Doctors recommend Cream of Barley. dayed with f riends i Toronto. . .. at Mr. James Dart's, Burketon. 1 Mr. Lloyd Robinson, Peterboro, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yellowlees and HÀYONMargaret Lilicrapp, Mrs. Lillierap, family visited at Mr. Norman Samis', HAYDON Cannington, 'visited at Mr. F. L. By- Newcastle..Mr. and Mis. Mac. am's. . .. League, Thuîsday evening Jones,' Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Visitors: Mr. and Mis. H. Mc- was well attended and the following Miller, Newburg, Mr. and Mrs. Mere- jComb and cbildreri, Mr. L. McComb, program was given :-Reading, Miss dith Byers and family, Pontypool, vis- Mi. and Mrs. R. C. McLean and Lola Richards; chorus by the -men; ited at Mr. J. J. Brown's ... . Mr. and Xenneth, Mrs. A. Sharp, Toronto, at reading, Miss Ruby Virtue; talk by Mrs. Thos. Penfound, Oshawa, Mr. Mr. E. Mountjoy's; Mr. and Mrs. Rev. J. R. Trumpour on "His Trip and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Doris, Mary Frank Coulter and Vera, Bowman- Around the Woîld"; vocal duet by aid John, Toronto, Mr. M. A. James, ville ,a tMr. E. Bradley's; Misa Veina Mis. Floyd Dudley and Miss Margaret Mr. aid Mrs. N. S. B. James. Bow- Trewin, Oshawa, spent the weekend Moore; discussion pei-iod on tbe topic manville, Mrs. W. A. White and Mis. at borne; Mr. aid Mrs. T. Samelîs, "How Does Law Increase Freedoin". Jas. A. Phillips, New York City, Mn. Cartwright, at Mr. T. S. Mountjoy's ; Doctors recoenmend Cneam of Barley. and Mrs. Sam Brooks and family, Mr. W. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks Oshawa, were guests of M. S. E and Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Soper, Reliable footwear for men specially Werry ... . Rev. Lovelace of Ivanhoe visite-d at Mr. R. McNeil's and Mr. priced this week at Knox's Shoe Store. ipreached here on Sunday afternoon> John Wîigbt's; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. and gave us a fine sermon...The Yeo and Roy, Oshawa, visited at Mi. ypt othnegbrodiex Rd. MeNeil's on Monday; Mr. and COURTICE sympadtyo the ineibbbofde ies x Mis. C. Avery at Little Britain; Mr. JsMakni hpseda ySun-1 and Mrs. Rd. McNeil visited ber Mr. Homer Goyîe, Osha'wa, aidd as. Maenia eromeasseawaCuS brother ,Mr. Fred Cowling, Puiple Miss Bird Dean, Toronto, visited bus...League meeting last week Hill; Mr. and Mis. Clarence Rabin Miss Mabelle Walters recently ..wshl enMyee gi and Betty, Mns. Sidney Pedlan, Tor- Mrs. G. F. Annis sang at Hampton chasg o he WdnVie ayevenngMr. onto atMi.C. venys; rs er-on Sunday evening, it being theirchreote3rViePsdntM. mn ottn ndagteM.C veys r WiHna W. M*S. service. W..Ms. R._ E. R. Tayloiý. Devotional period was mpent te weeknd dwigt rs.ila Courtice visited Mrs. Frank Smith, taken by Misa Lena Taylor and the Wpebbte Bukedto... . sHenry1 sbw, uda....AttseYoug by Mrs. A. J. Reynolds on ber Webr Breo .. egue on OhwSn .. tteYugtrip to Newfoundland this summer. Sunday evening was in charge of Peoples meeting last Wednesday This was mucis enjoyed as Mrs. Re- 3rd Vice President, Mis. E. Mount- B nigMn. A. F. Annis, B.A., Lb. noîds told us many things about New-j joy. Bible reading was given by B. Oshawa, gave a fine address on foundland which we did not know.. Myrte Coling deotioal, etaHow does law, increase Freedom"; Ashton; topic, Mr. Cecil Slemon; piano duet was played by Misses chage metingetis eekwa i Grac Trein nd Aa Bech av'Hazel Rundle and Sadie Muir; gamtes Mrl ie isM oîed witb two vocal duets; readings, were enjq)yed and the attendance rdthlesice. Miss argwaetaScot Gladys Martin and Ruby Greer. was fair considering the disagree- by Rev. J. R. Bick; Mis. John Baker Doctrs eco-men Cram o Baly.able evenig.. . Saturday afteînoon fvrdwt oa oo oi a Docorsrecenmnd rea ofBarey.the montbly meeting of the Mission' favoed witr.havasolotrdeo ias -- I Çircle was held at Mrs. Russel Gay's. trken by MnitoaChs horridenMis ENNISILLENMeeting opened with President, Mrs. Jtn oMio aort isis sume; iss. ENNSKJLENArthur Pascoe, presidiîg, ad a sing MJengMilsn favor e ihagr edng Mr. R. Fleming and daughteî, song by the girls. Bible lesson wa itin...C M .T eeting coedwthLageBee Toronto, Mr. Robeson, Kendal, Miss edb MisBthGya sor held on Saturday afternoon at the Walker, Toronto, visited at Mr. Thirty years in Korea" was read by home of the leader, Mrs. John Baker. James Freeborn's..Miss M. E.IMiss Velma Gay; Mrs. Clarence Pen- Plans are being made for our annual Vintue spent the weekend with her found gave a talk on "Home Mis- Christmnas concert. After the busi-1 1mother, Mrs. J. W. Virtue..... . Mr. sions"; refresisments were served by ness meeting, two chapters of thse and Mrs. Will Preston, Port Huron, Miss Hazel Rundle's grou~p and a book Sanangie were read while thse visited bis mother, Mis. George good time enjoyed by about 22 girls worked at their autograph quilt. Preston .... Dr. Slemon and son girls. Mis. Gay and daugbters, Candy and apples were senved by Mis Boyd, Bowmanvitle, Mr. and Mrs. Velma aid Bennice were genial Baker .... Rememben oui churcis ne- Hugi Annis visited their parents, hotesses .... There ýwere three ser- opening on Sunday, November th, Mr. and Mis. John Slemon..Mr. vieasto usualJ. o tn Sun ay. Ouraid our ioast cbicken supper on NovI Wellie Brunt aid daughter, New- Pator Rv. .ullSainonpracbd castle, were guests of Mr. Levi Bruit.mrîgad vnî. The Sun-tSots.ofui] paiclar e hvweek. ...Mi. aid Mrs. Elmer Herring and day School session was well attend-SoseTeerneae avna Bubbie, Sundayed witb bis parents, ed in the afternoon as aise al of the Hallowe'en Masquerade in thse Sons' Mi. aid Mis. Win. Heriing... Mi. services of tise day. Next Suidayl Hall on No'vember lat. Cet yeuî aid Mrs. Elmer Boyd, TornoMi afternoon Mr. Nightingale, Oshawa.' costume ready and everybody come. aid Mis. Enocb Steveis, and Mr. and will addîess tise scbool on "Young PmknPeadape ob evd Mis. E. Floinie, Hamipton, Mi. Car- People's Woîk". .. Mr. Herbent Os- Doctors necoimmend Cîeam of Barley. man Rodd and Miss Luella Stevens, berne is spoting a new car.. Oshawa, visited at Mr. H. Stevens'. .' Wbile Mis. A. P. Rundle, Miss An- -______ .Mrs. Elias Ashston aid baby June, nie Hoît and Mis. Roy Nichols were Miss Maud Ashston and Mi. Ira Tne- rttening the service in King St. Beautiful Bowmanville vail speit Suîday with the former's Churcb Sunday evening, Mis. Rund- I daugister, Mrs. Stewart Rodman, Pot 1e's car wss stolen aid was located' Residence-$7,500.OO Pei-ry..The service Sunday even- , smetime Monday a. m. The fel -____ ing was very ably taken by Rev. H. lows who stole it cbaîged the lic- Reduced from $8,500.00l. Substantiai W. Foley, Selby. Oui pastor, Rev. ense number but the serial numbeîj welI builît 5011( brick re.4idencE- on Lib- J. . Wyte prachd anivrsay iwasstil tene insde .~ppertyr Street, containing t en large rooms, J. . hye, reI kiîgierary 8 isl there sde... 4febathroom, clothes and linen ciosets, panit- seviesa Slb .Nx Sndypickin 4Itheo i f thse day. ry, built-in retrigerator. etc. Stonoe servcesat elby..... ext undy 1foundation: full size divlded celiar with Mi. Will Pointen will take the service Doctors recommend Cream of Barley. ilastered ceiling; hot air heating. Thret, on this circuit while oui pastor, Rev. avres land, nlceiy woodped, fine old trees, J. M. Wbyte, takes the church ne- shrubs, hedges aid fruit trees; ail neces- epeniig services at Enterprise ....HAMPTON s Thibuldn s iesnlr mecilt Mi. James Stainton spent Sunday sale. Appiy The Toronto (nêisral with bis daugbter, Mis. Fred Smith. Mi. aid Mis. T. R. Tennant, Toi- Trusts Corporation, 253 Bay Street, Ter- ...Misses Gertie aid Winnie Oke, onto, spent Suîday at Mi. T. 5alter's ente. 1- Bowmaîville, spent Sunday wîth .... Miss Marjorie Hoidge aid fi id, thein parents, Mr. and Mis. Wesley Toronte, visited at Mn. Harold Salt- Oke. .... Mr. aid Mns. Edward Fallis, er's, on Sunday .... .Mr. aid Mis. Toronto, Mi. aid Mis. Francis Brad- Lorenzo TrulI, Miss Gladys TrulI aid ley, Brooklin, Sundayed at Mr. James Master Lewis Truli motoied te Toi- Bradley's ...Miss Elma Dickinson. ente on Sunday.. . Mrs. Martyn, 'Mr. Couitice, Suidayed witb ber parents, Arthur Maîtyn, Mr. Pency Cowliig, Mr. aid Mrs. Elmen Dickinson.... aid Mnr.Hanry Cowlîng, Toronto, vis- League meeting was in charge of 3r.d 1 ited at Mi. John Cowling's on Sunday Vice President, Mn. Ernest Weniy. . .Miss Ruth Ferguson, Bowmariville.i Bible lesson was îead by Miss Audrey spent Sunday at home ... . Mi. aid Dorland; devotional, Miss May Wen- Mis. Frank Mason, Friendship, N. Y.,N îy; vocal duet, Misses Reva McGill have rteurned home afteu spending aid Maud Ashton; reading, Mr. Ed- a week with relatives in thse villagel gai Wright; vocal solo, Mis. L Ass-.... Mis. I. Clark, Mis. Nelson Rey- ton; réading-, Miss Grace Werry. îolds aid daughter, Toronto, visitcd Meeting losed witb beague Bene- Mis. Lewis Cryderman on Sunday.. diction. Mi. Fuank Hastings and Mi. Tom E Doctors recommeid Cieam of Baulcy. Sykes, Toronto, spent the weekend atP Seasonable feotweai for men is be- Iw eyscesu meig eet igfea.... hi ,. -kat YO, , ovr uceau1etng eet ige etoredLJCI iAsY* On Octobi 9 ,they beld an open Shoe tore meeting wben several of the membeis v- __very ably presented a short -1ay AUCTION SALES Thuraday, October 25th-Mr. El- mer Farrell, will have an unreseived auction sale on Lot 5, Concession 8, Darliîgton, ef aIl of bis faim stock, implements, quantity of feed aid housebold furniture. As Mr. Fan- relli S leaving tise faim there will be ne reserve. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. Theo. M. Siemen, Auction- eer. Thursday, October 25th-Irnport- ait sale ef Shoithoin cattle aid higis grades, aIseoie good big Holstein cow, 40 good «Sbnopsbire sheep, herses, poultry, implements, apples, pears, turnips and some fuiniture including oie piano, will be sold on Lot 34, Con. 6, Daliigton. Sale starts at 12 o'clock sharp. 12 ffoitbs' cuedit on stock aid impIe- m ents. W. J. Leesk, Wni. Maw, Puoprietor. Auctieneen. Wednesday, November 7th-A.1 W. Clemens, Tyrone, will isold an auction sale ef bousebold funniturej aid ef ects. Cee. Hornibnook'si effects including valuable chest oet tooes will be included in tisis sale.1 Sale at 1.30. Termas cash.i C.H aton, W. .Challia, 1 CH.MCerk. Auctioneen.1 r-o 4ec i.00à. trs. W. W. nHorn pîesided. On Sunday ,Octaber 21, tise Society beld thein annuar Autumi Thank-off ering service. Mis. (Rev). Irvine ef Oshawa Mission, foîmeîly of Trinidad, gave a veiy el.tar aid inteîesting outlinceofthtie work in Tiinidad, wheîe bot s ie aid ber busbaîd spent a number of years. Mis. Geo. F. Annus, Courtico, assist- ed by singing two beautifiil solos. The president, Mus. (Rev.) Bîck, was in thse chair. Offeîing $43.60. ... Mn. aid Mis. Frank Vintue aid family, Burlington, spent tise weekend with j bis brother, Mr. J. J. Virtue. . . . Mrs. [Bick of Bobcaygeon, iS visiting her son, Rev. J. R. ....... . Sorry t) re- port Mis. b. T. Pascoe confined te ber bcd. We wibh ber a speedy recov- ery. ... Mr. aid Mis. H. F. Tink, SI- lins, visited at Mia. Thomas Pascoe's on Sunday.... .Young Peopl'e't meet- ing Fiîday eveîing was in charge et Citizensbip Gîoup, witb Mi. Laverie Clemens pnesidiîg. besson was read by Miss Helen Virtue; devtonal part of meeting was in change et Mi. Luif- mai; violin sqelection, Mesars. Ceci] Collacott and Leslie Ceeomba et Salem, accompanied by Mn. Leslie Collacott a ttbe piano. Th'is was very mucis enjoyed. Miss Sadie Virtue gave a good report efthtie Laymen's Conven- tion iseld in Toronto a few weeks ago. Meeting closed wlth Mizpah benedic- tien. Doctora recommend Cream of Barley. MAPLE GROVE Mr. aid Mis. Walter Rahm, borna aid Kennetis, Burketon, spent Suîday witb Mr. aid Mus. Chaules E. Hone . Mr. Will Webster, Cambray, bas returîed home after a pîcasant visit with his niece, Mis. J. D. Stevens.. Mr. and Mis. Frank Webster, Cam- bray, rccently visited their cousins, iMr. aid Mis. J. D. Stevens..Mr. Gardiner aid Miss Mary Feley, Gard- en Hill, spent Sunday witb tise latteu's, cousin, Miss Mabel Stevens .. . .Rev. and Mis. H. W. Foley. Selby, motor- cd up aid visited bis sister, Mis. J. D. Stevens, wbe îcturncd home with tbem. Miss L. Sargent, Peterboro, recently visited Mn. aid Mis. Fredi Stevens. ... Mr. aid Mis. John Moilu- day aid son Wallace, Mn. and Mus. Harry Vickeiy, town, visited thein brother, Mn. Alex. Wilkins, Salem, on Sunday. ... Mi. aid Mis. Ray Siow- er, Pont Gîanby. Beware the Winter's Toil Sbcitened heurs ef daylight mean lengtheied heurs et anti- ficial ligbt with its dangers te tise optic nenves aid muscles. LET US EXAMINE YOUR EYES NOW Years of experience enables us te give oui customeis unsur- passed Optical Service. EYES TESTED- FREE Jury & Loveil Phone 78-We Deliver den, Toronto, spent the weekend w.ith their parents. .. . Service on Sunday iafternoon will be in charge of the 7young people. Rev. W. Sterling, Orono, will be in charge and will be sa-sisted by foui youig men. Let tthere be a good coigiegation. . .. Misa Alba Colwill, Newcastle, recently »visited ber cousin, Mis -ROSS Stevens .... M. aid Mrs. Ross Stevens aid two childien, spent Sunday witb ber sister, Mis. (Dr.) Wesley Langmiaid, Oshawa. .Mn. W. b. Mackliî and Mis Robent Morton, Cobourg, spent the weekend with the former's daugister, Mis. Samuel Snowden..Miss Geta iMunday speint tise weekend with Miss Wiîîie Rickard, Newcastle... M. aid Mis. John Sandens, Westmount, spent Saturday with ber brother, Mr. Samuel Siowden .... Mr. and Mis. Ivisoi Munday spent Sunday with lien parents, Mn. and Mis. W. J. Lancast- [ELSON'S BIG Lnsion Sale GOING BIG few more days left to clean up the stock. Bigger and Better Bargains Than Ever C ome early for yours N elson's Store If Bigger & Better Buy The New Genuine Thermos Stronglass Bottles Thse glass is mucis beavier than used in tise manufacture of Tiser- mos BôttIe fillera heretofore. A new process ef manufacture makes a more serviceable fIller which has a wider openhng at the neckiaking it easily filled aid cleaned. 1 Pînt Size $1.50 1 Quart Size $2.75 OId Style 1 Pint Size $1.00 OId Style 1 Quart Size $2,00 Vacuum BottIs. 45c Vacuumi Botti. and Kit $1.29 Jury & Lovel Wben We Test Eyes It Io Done Properly WATCH FOR Opening Announcement Il Next Week 0F The Eite Shoe Store (Formerl y Ives' Shoe Store) FURNITURE NOVELTY PIECES We have some splendid odd pieces for liv- ing room or to go with your chesterfield suite at very reasonable prices. Floor Lamps, Bridge Lamps and Table Lamps. We have a splendid variety right now and prices are very reasonable, as low as $5.00 and up to $25.00. We have a splendid line of Christmas Novel- ties in real Walnut Furniture, Gate Leg Tables, Console Tables, End Tables, Smokers, Ferneries, Magazine Stands, Book Stands, Sewing Cabinets, etc. Beds, Springs and Mattresses, ail sizes and makes, from cheapest to the best. Let us supply your needs in Furniture at a saving in price on ail quality gooda. F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Bowmanville

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