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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1928, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25tb., 1928. - DrugistTels 1 LET'S HAVE A BAND ORONO Dr g itT lsBowmanville correspondent to the 1 Fo h es0 coe Sh Easy Vtay to End Orono News irites: There is con Mr.. rothewsinofa againelrging siderable talk arong business bi.sM.tore lni gi nagn B3ladde W eakness nowdaYs as to why this tow,ýn bas flot Mr.R.ragSh ',waa aregular band as we had toe M -R.BagShwswsar- _______ti le. Well, band business is just cent guest of Mrs. S. Hal]iday. Pleasant, InexPensive Homne Treat. like any other tbing that is needed, Miss PountnarY, Toronto, visited Ment Quickly Relieve, Daily jrrita- s ore one bas to get a mnove on and MIr. and Mrs. J. A. Honeywell. hion and Getting-up-Nigtsa. 'do the work necessary to get sucb an Mr. A. Drummond, manager of _______organization started. Another tbing the Standard Bank, bas returned No matter wbat your age may be, that makes for such an institution is, from bis holidays. how long you bave been troubled or and without it sucb cannot exist in a Mr. R. S. Cornforth of Lindsay, bow anymedcins yo bae tiedtow'n or cornmunity, love of the work bam rented ttbe Wn. Armsatrong shop hwtbutauymcc es you ae aitimjani noit the "b'ow mucb is there in for sboe repairing. wo t Bladde Weaknessan Ure itra it?"ý part. In a smiall place the Misa Marjorie Tamblyn, nurse in orritaon, causi:lg an 0f trl musician 'especially an orchestra or training at Osbawa General Hospit-j Irritanoncandangs of rokben band mfan may calculate at tbe Out- aI, is home for holidays.1 rest-you qhould try the se tatbewllbea og im gt Leskard are holding their Harvest value of Dr. Southworth's PLITB Stinz into the millionaire claqs on %vhat borne services and aupper on -Sunday at nce be makes out of band work, and if and Monday. October 28th and 29tb. ader ansec!fomla Iuc'l.e is paid for lost tîme be nîay con- Dran s.MEoy ndfm Maefri seia omua. u-sider himself well off. Probabh r.adMr.MEiofndfm cessfully used in tbe Doctor's private the business men of the town get ily, Peterbroro, accompanied by Mra.f practice for nearly 50 years-URA-Itr>gether and discus this situation (Dr. )Clark, visited at Mr. D. TABS are particularly designed to 1 there rnay be something doing along Noble's. awiftly relieve tbe pain and ýmisery tbis line. Mr. C. G. Armstrong was taken of burning Uretbral Irritations, Back- suddenly seriously ili Monday. acbes, Bladder Weakness and Cet-I Men's and Women's Canadian Clubs Pleased to learn his condition la irn- ting-up-Nights. Saf e, Pleasant, In- bave heen successful in securing Mme Proved. expensive-and supplied by ail good Dusseau for a recital in Opera House, When Holloway's Corn Rernover la druggists on a guarantee of money November 5th. Reserve date. applied to a corn it kilîs t.he roots back if not satisfied. If you need a___________ ____ and the caMst one u ihu medicine of tbis kind, try URATABSI injury to the flesh.h ______ _____ Mrs. Stuart Ovens, after a pesn F__ _ or SJE1[fJI oints ifew weeka' visit with ber ohrB ______Mrs. King, has returnexj te her home s When Sourness, Pain and Bloatin1 Follow Every Meî Make This Simple Test Swift and Sure Relief To quickly prcve 90 per cent Stornacb distress is absolutely unr essai-y and that you can eat and joy most any food you really wan get fi-cm your druggist some Bisti ed Magnesia (powder os- tablets). take a little aftes- yous- next i This is a simple, inexpensire testt can be depended upon to prove value in less than ire minutes. most instances, relief cornes insta lyl Bisurated Magnesia is a pleasa harmless, non-laxative fcrm cf fasbioned Magnesia that, wben tal after meals, cleanses, sweetenso neutralizes the dangerous acids t] cause most stomacb troubles. C day's trial will convince vou-, ycur druggist for Bisurated Magne to-ay. MOTHER 0F TWINSHELPEE Regtoed to Ti 1 MbW Tùàeg Lydia L PhM.uW* Vego- habe and fSr qufte a -shfie sites- 1 wu andI an f ne, d oni wort troube and au the weibt and stregth.I w Ifl ,etotemen the Mita. ~ dh F. TAIO ,Bo e20,Michesl It May erylt !IY:~7~..1 t1.., k? in When #ou«,r q ý Children Cry for -It Catrais a comfort when Baby is fretful. No sooner taken tlian tbe little one is at ease. If re.stlesm, a few dropa soon bring contentment. No barm donc, for (jast<ria is a lalî remüdy, rneant for habies. l'vrfectlv safe to give tic youngest infant;yo 'hv the dotors' uord for thet, It is a vegetable. pro. lctand you eould use it every day. But a an ernergency tluat Castoria meane mnoat. Somoe night. wlien constipation must lie rlec-rcolie pains-or other suffering. Neer bce iithout it; somne mothers keqp an extra bottle, un- pened, to make sure tliere will always beCastoria in the bouse. It la effective for older ebildren, toc;- read the bock that cornes with it. dw-l fl il bIl le OBITUARY WEDDING Edward Montgomery, P. M., Penfound-Penwarden Blackstock In hi sevOn Wednesday afternoon, Octobe- In bismoreventieth year, dus-ing the 1lOth at the borne of the bride's par- eary mrnng boussof Thursday, ents, Newtonville, tbe marriage wvas October 1lth., deatb came suddenly solemnized of Annis Mary, daughter to Edward Montgomnery cf Black- of Mr'. and Mrs. John Penwarden, stock. Mi-. Montgomery just slept to Joseph Alien Penfound, son of away, aîthough he w-as tbought to be Ms-s. A. A. Penfound and tbe late recovering fi-cm an attack of heart jSimon Penfound, Dairlington. Re,. trouble. He was one of the b est IThornas Wallace of the United known and mokst hkhly reslpectpd jCburcb officiated. citizens cf C-artwright, baving spentj The bride wbo was given in ma- bis wbole life in this community. niage by ber father looked lovely in He was a life long member of the a pes-iod gown of ivory taffeta. She Presbyterian Cburcb and was laid wore a iiecklace of peas-Is, and car- te i-est in that portion of the Union ried a sbower bouquet of Ophelia Cemnetery wbîcb had belonged to the roses and lily cf tbe valley, Thej Montgomer-y home.stead on which be embraidered veil was arraliged with was born and upon whicb he resided orange blossoms. until moving to Blackstock wbere Mrs. Staples, sister of the groom, for the past twenty, years be bas been played the weddi-ng music during the Post Master. aigning cf the register. Mr-. Mel- He bhas also sei-ved bis commun- ville Staples of Orono, sang "Go ity as Secretary Treasurer cf achool flot oh bappy day" fs-cm Tennyson'a boards, Treasurer of Agriculturali "Maude." Latex' Mrs. Stone sang Socity andj President of the Cenie-j "Un-til". tery Comrnittee. Mr-. Montgomeriy1 Leavisig for' a moto-trip the was a man cf stirling integ-ity, 'bride was attired in a two tone fawn stauncb and true to bis principles j ensemble with amaîl hat te match. quiet and unobsýrusive in manne-. On thesir retus-n Ms-. and Mrs. Pen- while kindliness and patience ruled fouad will reside la Oshawa. his daily life. In 1887 he maried Margaret Jane Bruce, cf Valentia, Mariposa, wbo GOLDEN WEDDING survives hlm. He is aise survived ____ by bis daugbte-, Mrs. R. A. Fitchette, In bonos- of the fiftieth weddin n Orono, bis son, Dr. R. J. M. Mont- nvrsrioni-.ndM-a a.n.M- gomrsy, Tos-onto, lire grandcbildren, Leod, about eighty friends, some cf and one aister, Miss Mary Montgom- wbom were members cf the Womea s ery of Omemee, Nor-th Dakota. Hospital Aid Society, surprised tbem in Misa E. Treleaven, Newcastle )fTreleaven, Bond Head or Newcastle- Son-the-Lake loses a bighly esteemc, long time resident. Sometime dur- ing tbe late bours cf Saturday nighl last os- the early boussof Surs-day morning she was gathe-ed te ber ýfathers; but no one was witb .ier ini ýber last heurs and no one kaows the ytime of ber depai-ture. Miss Ida Parker, gi-an ldaugbter )f Mis. I. E. Bowell, tbe neai-ost neigh- bor, was probably tbe la3t person te see ber alive. Tbis was on Saturday, October 13, just after the noon bour. It was about 3 o'clock Sunday af- 0ternoon wben Mrs. Norman Allin, ac- Scompanied by ber cousin, Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, Hampton, dro>ve down witb the bhoise and buggy to cal] onj Aunt Lizzie, as she affectionately called ber, and after working ber way into the bouse, sui-pri 'ed tha there was no response f rom within, bad the unnervi-ng experience, of find- ing the body cf ber aged fs-îend, cold' and stark and fully clothed, lying on the couch in the living i-oom. Ms-s. Allin at once hastenedj oves- to Mrs. Bowell's and called Dr. J. A. Butler, wbe soon ai-rived and stated that de- ceased must have been dead 12 heurs or merse. She aise phcned Ms-. Alan Williamns cf Bowmanville, wbosle people had been close and long time friends cf the Treleavens hoth in England and bei-e. Rer. E. R. James conducted the funeral service at deceased's late home on Tuesday aftei-noon in ýthe presence cf a. numbe- cf neighbors and friends from the village, and frienda and relatives froni Torontc, including ber nephew, Mr- Fred Tre- leaven of the Globe piiting staff, ber niece, Ms-s. Bus-ke!], (Eva Tre- leaven), and their familie, and a cousin fi-cm Keene. The beai-ers wei-e Mess-%. Norman Allin, W. C. Lake, Merkley Clark, J. H. Jose. Intes-ment was made in the family plot in Bond Head Cerne- tes-y. Deceased was the daughter o! the late John Treleaven, one time coal dealer and reeve cf Newcastle.j at their home, 258 Eleveath Street, Brandon, Man., on Friday evening, hi October 2nd. While the wedding march was played by Mrs. E. H. -Johnson, tbe bride and bridegroom were presented witb a purse of gold and the bride was also the recipient t of a bouquet of.roses. A. F. Camp- bell read the address which accom- rpanied the gifts and D. A. Reesor 1presented the roses. The occasion was also chosen by Mr. McLeod'a Masonic brethren to honor him. An addresa was read by A. G. Warr after whicb Mr. McLeod was pre8ented with a club bag. There were rnany greetinga and feilcitations frorn friends, and letters were read f rom out of town relations and friends wbo were unable toa bc present. Refresh- ments were enjoyed and a very pleas- ant evening brougbt to a close with the singing ôf "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" and "4Auki Lang Syne".-Brandon Sun. Oui- older citizens will remember Mr. and Mrs. McLeod and wil] join in ,extending congratulations. Mi-. Mc- Leod was a former resident of Ennis- killen, baving resgided with Mr. D. W. McLeod who kept a general store for many years in tbat village. Mrs. McLeod is a daugbter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pýye, also of Enniakil- len, and sister of Mrs. Jarnes Curtis, Hampton. She was boy-n in tbe bouse now owned by Miss Janie Singer, only a block away frorn the substantially' built and quaint old bouse where she died about 81 years later. A reputation of over thirty years is at stake every timne a P ackage of Red Rose OrangeI ekeTea is sold. So higbly i8 this reputation prized that the mnakers have authorized your grocer to replace any packae free of charge that does fot satify you in every Pharmaciats say that when alI other I 54ni$dU1:IIfwan. so-called rernedies fail Joint-Ease will Mrs. H. J. McKelvey, Seventh succeed. Concession, happened with a painful It's for joint iilmnents only-thati accident when she tripped and fel] is wby you are advised to use it for breaking bath wrists. sore, painful, inflamed, rheumnatici Rev. Wm. Sterling occupied the ,ai jonsi ulpit of Simcoe St. Church,Osa , Joint-Ease limbers up the joints- in the morning and King Street in for is dlean and atainless and quick re-1the evening, Sunday, Ocober 14th. sults are assured-Sixty cents a tube1 Mr. and Mrs. Avery Johnston of at Jury & Lovell's and druggistsi Bowmanville,' Misa Jennie Thompeon tof' everywhere. and Mr. J.hn Thompson of Whitby, necwere recent visitors at Mr. J. J. nec-l 's en- Tbe Last Asthma Attack may real- Gfilans rt- ly be tbe last one if prompt measures Mrs. R. A. Fitchette who was rat- are taken. Dr. J. D Kellough's As- former assistant with ber father, the and thrna Remedy will safe-guard you. It late Mr'. E. Montgomery, postxnaster eal. will penetrate to the smallest bron- at Blackstock, is now temporarily that cial passage and bring about a bealthy in charge. its condition. It always relieves and its Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Billings who In con tinued use often bas a perman- bave spent the past two weeks at ;ant- ent effect. Why flot get this long- their daughter's, Mrs. W. J. Inch at famous remedy today and commence Weston, bave returned after a de- ;ant, its use? Inhaled as smoke or vapor lightful visit. old it is equally effective.i Officers and members of Orono ken -_________ - Lodge, LA.F. & A.M., to the number of and ___ about forty, paid a -fraternal visitto thatI M izpah Lodge, No. 572, Toronto, on One p a 4 ~ Thursday, October 1lth and by re- .ask L "t . quest demonstrated the work in the tesla ' First Degree. Mr. Andrew SoWperville isa anong those who will reprement the Uni- trco]legîate Track Meet at McGill L 'c , ~University, Montreal, on Friday. He IOLE Mbhas been chosen to run in the 220 yard dash, 220 low hurdies, and one FOR POUL'RuY mile relay race. a& Wise mothers who know the it IA*efWFRA OL WM -pw ues of Mother Graves' Worm Exter- PUt 'od cMà"peaf caana.zà,wb minator always have it at band, be- ___________________ ___ cause it proves its value. Capt. G. H. A. Collins, Mayor of Eastview, Mr. Herb. Ogden, Oshawa, l and Mr. Henry, Newcastle, apent O * * Sunday -ith Messrs. Adolph Henry, WJ tut and other relatives bei-e. bhe cousins motored down the 6th. ld2 Lne and had a look at the former k a Jas.A. Henry bssmestead farm, andi down to Kendal passing many farniliar1 senes cf boyhood days. m oi ' A very pleasant family reunion waheld recently at the home of EJMIO COMof tbe Jolliffe and Berry families Mr. and Mrs. John W. Berry and Mrs -L. Berry. Tbos" present fron Tor- onto were-Mr. James Jolliffe, Mr.t AU th omjand Mrs. Wrn. Jolliffe ,Mr. and Ms John Jolliffe, Misses Lillie and Ma- Rou d1 mie Jolliff e, Mr. Chas. Jolliffe and Reund 1 Miss Una, Mr-. and Mrs. Norman Jolliffe ,*MssLillian Jolliffe, Mr. and A solid slab of wood, Mýrs. Cha.Gover from Bowmanville; cut to size anid shape, i.nand Mrs. Norman AI]lin and son, - Donad, Mr'. and Mrs. Harry Allin couldln't be any tighter and Barbara Jean, Mr. Aira Allin,' fittlng than a floor of Mr. William Allia, Miss Marie Found, M.Wm. Berriy, Mr-. Leland Berry, Seamnan-Kent hardw&od. Miss Novelda Berry, Miss A. High- field; and guests fi-cm Orono: Mi-. b That'a why dust can't and Mrs. T. Patterson, Mr-. L. Allun, Mater Ro yBerry, Mrs%. Sm ith and work through... *Why 1 Mr. C. J. B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. wintr an h~t L. Berry, Master Everett Berrsy, Mr cold in itradh t an Mrs. Robert Moiton. in summer are both kept The Qil for the Athlete.-In rub- bing down the athlete will flnd Dr. out. la Thomas' Eclectric 011 an excelent ar- ticle. It renders the muscles and McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., sinews pliable, takes the soseness out Phone15 B wmanilleof them and strengztbens them for Phon 15 Bow anvllestrains that mnay be put upon thern. It stands ýpre--eminent for this pur- pose, and athicte- who for years, have * * been usîng it can testify to its value as a lubricant. The fi-at anniversary beld under auspices of the Ladies' Aid, Park St. Cburcb on Sunday last was a splendid sauecess. There were large congrega- Bad Le Whatta, a former pastor, was pe ch f the day and delivered Read This! If You Have interess.ing and able sermons. The Ladies' i Choir occupied the choir O loft and gave good service, morning V aricose V einsj and evening, a feature being a duet ________in tbe morning by Mrs. Sterling and Mss Roy, and in the evening a solo If you or any relative or friend are by Mrs. Roy, and tbe weIl rendered wors-ied or sufer becauses of vani-anthems of the choir. On Tuesday cose veins, or bunches, tbe beat ad- avnigciknpes~prwssre vice tbat anyone in tbis world can eweitb *hce pespe wssr give is to i-et a prescription that lit-.wt a remarkable turnout; proceeds erally hundreds of people aIl over the, abou t $160.00. Following the supper country are usini- witb complete sat.-lIa splendid program wvas rendered in isfaction. 1the cburcb-views of Canada from Simply ask your druggist for an or- C'oast to Coast witb descriptive read- Siginal two-ounce bottle of Emerald i by Mrs. Sterling, vocal solos by iluý and apply nigbt and rnorning to. Ms-s. Hurlburt of Oshawa, Mr. Reg te soln, e nlarged veins, rubbing' Sutton and Miss K. Spencer of New- grentlV upwvardl and towards the heart castle, readings by Misses Eileen as tbe blood in the veins flows that Sterling, Marguerite Milîson, Kath- way. Soon you will notice tbat tbey leen Spencer and Mr. Colin Taylor; a are growing smaller and the treat- trumpet solo by Mr. A. J. Knox, and ment sbould be continued until the a humorous quartet by Mesdames reins are of normal size. Emeral<l Sterling and Br-own and Messrs. Sut- 011 is a powerful, yet harmlessgRer-toa mnicude and results are guarantee - tn nd Taylor brougbt the evening Jury & Loveil and aIl good druggist.s. entertainiment to a close. Total proceeds $195.00. Cuts and Bruises Disappear.-When O sufferini- fronu cuts, scratches, bruis- U U~ U ~ es, sprains, sore tbroat or chest and any similar ailment, use Dr. Thomas' :Z u to o Eclectric Oil. Is healing power is Stop heaach comunit. Abottle of Dr. Thom- in 2 mintesas' cletrieOilsbould bc in oves-y by te cock.medcin chet radyfor the emer- A COreat Reputation (nVER Gfty years' specializ- .b ,9 1,~ 7 t. M % '~ o ~~ing i.n'underwear for Canadian outdoor workers ex- clusively, bas earned a Do- minion-wide reputation for Dods Underwear. DODS KNITTING CO., LIMITED Orans 216 .l . Otari SoIle Sellimg Agent la,- Canada R. READE DAVIS, with office., at Manchester Building, 33 Meinda Street, Toronto 2 . . - Outr. M. L. C. Building, 455 Crig Siret Wet Montreal - . Quebec Dodisà 'huit Und etweact F'irst-crop Japan teas are admlttedly the finest that corne out of the Iafld of blossoms. "SA LADA"P Japan green tea Is coenprlsed only of first-crop leaves. sua,, ana1 Make it a rule to addXO It's surprising what a différence OXO mnakesto plain, oirdinary fare. OXO gives the appetising ' ricbnesa and savour of freshly. cooked lean beef ta any dih in which it is used. OXO is concentrated Beef at its Best- the Housewife's f Great Economy. ê'9o 4e4 a ~jg3eej soDepen."Udabie beuty neyer before thouight possible ln a low priced automobile.. although it offers the features of advanced design and the perfection of detail demanded in the world's finest cars . . the funda- mental reason for its tremendous suc- cess is its amazing performance .. -So smnooth, 9o powerful and go un- failingly dependable! Cornein and drive this car! You'llsay what hundreds of thousands have ah-eady said this year--that no other car can $ive you 80 much.. at prices Go amazangly Iow! -el 21. G.M..C. . -G. .ý M 'ca euu qWaepa4a éaMW - o " o,.j.,ea4 cod ,,,. '.' jb.z. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Wm. Davey, Orono H. D. CLEMENS, Bowimanville (CH EVROLET PRODUCT 0F GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, Lmmrr Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis SDOES NOT AFFECT THE EART Accpt nly"Bayer" package Ja f ~ whchconais proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxea of 12 tablet4 Salt-ACa bottles of 24 and lOO-Druggista. à»rf a the traI. mark (rettred ln Canada) of Bayer Manufacture ot mcuoaoetlc. acIdéater ofEW aicilîcd (Acetyl Ballcylle Acid, "À. 8.". WbUa stl lawel imwa that Aupilt mens Bayer manufacture. tu asalat the publie agalmet Imitatica.. tii. Tabg of Baye Compay wlli b. ta@" witla tboir gau" trada M«1 tk ,tIW'Byr Oreh.'l Lumbago Il , - PAGE SIX . - -W.., ýeýc. Ont. 4éý particular. 6-E

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