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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1928, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th., 1928. PAGE SEVEN for Free Do.k Send for hand some, free book "Walls That Reflect Go od j u dg m en t.,' It givesvaluabl information on Gyprocandinte rior decoration. Canada Gypsn. and Aabastine, Parts Canada4eà A FireprooWoAB- ïaiig with Fireproof Wlloard John . HogateFor Sale By JohnA. olgae &Son - Bowmanville, Ont.J RIE-DROSIE PIr IAis good tes' Red Rose Orange Pekoe -Top Quality In clean, bright Aluminum This Ev er Happen Tro)You?7 A chi]d at play, runs directly in to the path of your car. Shocked breathiesa, you jam on the brakes. Thank God-yau didn't hit him. BUT-supposing you had? Though cleareSl of blame, nothing to prevent that child's parents from suing you for heavy damages! And then-the possibility that it might take your LAST DOLLAR to either defend yourself or 'TAY UP"! LIABILITY INSURANCE protects you in such a crisis! Cornpetent attorneys defend your interesteanad &Il cosa are paid by the Insurance Company! For comploe information consuit J. J. MA- ON & -SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowna'nville 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for * D. L. &-W. Scranton Ca The Standard Fuel for all Cooking and Heating Equipment- Until futher noice pices ill b PONTYPOOLt The Canadian Pacific Railway sup- erannuatedJ Mr. Andrew Frost who « for many years was a popular road- master for that cornpany on this division. He has many friends îamong the trackmn . Despite poor clinmatic conditions, the hot roast chieken supper and concert at Man- vers Station drew many to it. $100à was raised, Mrs. F. McNeilly of Pet-1 erboro, and Miss Muriel Matchett! gave selection.s of elocution whichÀ were well received. The Parker fam- ily assisted in song as did the Fallisj School under the direction of theirà teacher, M«iss V. Feirbeller. Addres- ses were given by Rev. R. W. Feir- heller of Millbrook, and Mr. F. W. Bowen, M.P., Orono. Rev. W. H.i Boombour was chairman ...Mr.i Maurice Bernstein visited Mr. Thos. White on Wednesday... .Mr. Am- 1 brose Carscadden visited bis grand-à mother on Friday and took her to1 Clarke for the weekend .... Rev. A.( Pou]ter, Bethany, conducted anni-1 versarv services at McCrea's on Sun-1 day. Over $60 was laid on the plates as a thank-offering ...Col. E. E. Snider, Inspector of Public Schools for West Durhamn, called on the local school on Monday and lunch-I, ed with the teacher, Mr. H. E. Hinton . ... Mrs. Elwood Masters and daugh- ters Vera and Olive, were guests of Mrs. Robt. Gray on Tuesday .... Mrs George Wilder bas been ilI for a few days. ... Miss Ruth Richardson hms returned from visiting relatives in Toronto .... .Mrs. Thomas Cochrane visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeLean on Tuesday. .. .A serious accident oc- curred on Sunday evening, two miles north of this village, when a car driven by Louis Webb turned turt3le. In it, with the driver were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart and son. The car in sorne way fell on Mrs. Stew- art. She was lying on ber back with the seat of the car across her breast. Medical attention was giv- 0ýn by Dr. Hamilton. Mrs. Stewart is recovering speedily. (Intended for last week) On Wednesday evenirg at the Car- scadden School, a Sociar and Literary Society was formed. No n:rrne lias yet been chosen but the following officers were' elected: President--Miss B. Parker; Vice-President-Mr. David IHarris; Secretary-Miss Muri2l Fiske j and Treasurer-Mr. Gerald Fiske;1 Miss Muriel Matchett of Cavan, the popular teacher of that achool section is the instigator of the mûrvement. Speaking with the writer, she gave the aims of herseif and youug people of the community with regard to the club as an aid to the persons nearby between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, persons not being able to continue their education. Money for new books is to be raised. The Statesman trusts that the project will be a lasting success. A good start bas been ma.de, in that energetic offi- cars have been elected. Rev. W. H. Boomhour and Mr. John Payne were at the meeting .... Pontypool certain- ]y is looking up. It's nameý appeared on the front pages of the following pages on Tuesday, Toronto Talegram, Toronto Daily Star, Montreal Gazette and Port Hope Times and presum- ably other similar papers over Dom- inion of Canada ,all over a frail littie duck, who was brave indeed. Four hundred yards éoast of tis village it was hit by the rnorrning pa.ssanger train going west. Its leg was broken and it flew on the cow catcher where it stayed till it was taken off by its owner Abraham Crystal. The train waited a few minuteza for hirn to res- cue his property which he gave to Mr. Hugh McCullough and he went on the train. The duck died. Tha mes- sage appeared in the dailies. It was wired at eîght-forty to the Canadiaik Press, Toronto, who deemed it worthy of their patronage sanding over thair wires to the papers in their Associa- tion. The credit for the scoop for such it must have been rests with the C. Press and persons who gave the writer for Statesman the tip. An editor or a newspaper or a reporter knows only what thay read or hear or sea. What they hear is the moat im- portant because their friends are everywhere and a aingle mortal has not the means or time to ba every- where at once .... The Chedzoy suc- tion sale was held on Wednasday, auctioneer, J. H. Wilson, Pnrt Hope, called for bids, John Payne marked thein down and Melville Blow- mns took the cash .... Mrs. Samuel Malley of Tyrone, visited ber brother- in-law, Mr. Jas .Malley and Mrs. Malley on Sunday. Sunday Scbool nnw meets in the afternoon at 2.30.. .Miss Mildred Dealhaye attended the Norwood Fair on Wednesday. ... Mr. Walter Rayfield is very ill and Mrs. Harry Farrow is indlsposed ... Misses Zetta Pollard and M. Marvin were in Orono on Wadnesday aven- McClelIan & Co* Ltd. Phone 15 Bowmanville 1. Cook's Regulatlng Comipound ¶veesof atmilath.NNo.1. Si8 No 2 83 No.8S speV«bus; . B oià &Uaildrugalais, ore mn prepa oneeit of pril.. u tepamphLet. Addrin: 114EdOC MEICINECO. r i lNOOT(t'teyd WOD'S PHOSPMODINE.6 )MOD"'eGreat Engiui ap aaa M tiloues mand naoae heol nervous system nikes new Blond in old Veina. Used for N#rvous = 71 Ld»u - o f Esmeiy. Palpitation a i Mse1.prioe ilPt;box. 3 for 55.1Sold by al rgI:z .Orueai n plaina Plg on receipe of prit* Ngw. passhnmwquih. ,ý4TWSUMagUCImeJ y TO W Poultry Wanted Pay highest cash prie.. Don't seli till you se. me. le Stein Phone 81 Whlthy Cream o! Barley keeps you fit. The "Tourist Garage," Port Hope, ownod by Mr. J. A. R. Elliott, of Port Hope, bas been sold to Mr. Alexander Walker, o! Solina. MALE & FEMALE HELP WANTEO Earn $25 to $50 Per Week Positions open ln City and country towns. Be an expert. Earn part Urne while iearning. We guarantec teaching foliowing trades:- HousWIklng, Industrial Electrieity, Garage Work, Battery Weldlng, Vul. canizlng, Bricklaylng, Plastering, Barberlng and H-air Dressing. Ernpioyment service from coast to Coast. Big demand. Write today for free catalogue to the oli reliabe firm HemphIii Trade SchooisLtAd., now as- soclated with Dominion Trade Schoots ltd.. both Dominion Govcrnment Chartered Companies, HEMPHILL TRADE SCH-OOLS, Ltd. Head Office 163 Kinig St. W., Toronto Eastern Branches: London, Montreal, Hamlltoq, Ottawa DAY by DAY Young people corne in from al parts of our province to take the places of Graduates who go out in- to office positions through the Employment Department of Shaw's Business Schools in Tor- onto. Why neot take your turn? Free particulars in request. W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Bay & Charles Streets. Toronto. ite 1857M FRnce AY EFR OW 1This Preston FORAFORD Garage Size Sft. 6in. x 16ft. Othwe y msd s&hm tosuits ay au.d F IRE-PROOF,ready-cutcom- Ipact, Preston Garages are pferfect in design and a sffourcoe ofreai satisfaction. They resist thieves . . . ast . . are handsome in appearance ..low in coat. Writt ferfi-gefoldev PRESTON, ONT. Toronto . Montre.! Successor to MetaI Shingle & SIding Co. Ltd. In ail the world - No Other Car Like This A New and Larger Victory Six ýby/fDna E B amcHEr5 Until you have seen, ec ~ne and passed upon Viccory sirnartoiess ant. performance, you can't pos-ibly realize what a ereat car te new Victory Six is-and why mte wor.d is so emphaticaliy sold on its arnazing value. NEW ANI) EXCLUSIVE Victory Six con. struction sets the bighest standard yetknown for riding ease ancUrodability. r BODY AND CHASSIS are mutually de. r ~Sig ned for each other. The body is bolted diecty to the chassis frame, replacing the usual body sis and eiiminating gody overbang. t ~RECENT AND VITAL improvemnents bave been announced including illgreater room- iness and Iuxury, wider doors and windows, greatef vision areas, more generous leg r ~roomn and stili richer interior appointments. BRILLIANT Victory Six performance il para1eled for quck pick-up, instant ac. ertospe.d and ilexibility. IJO]EE 1BROTHERS NEW VICTORY SIX PRICES--Sport Touring Care, $1680; Coupe, $1460; 4-door Sedan $1525; DeLuxe Sedan, $1595; DeLuxe 4-Pass. Coupe, $1620; Sport Roadater $1680; Sport Sedan $1750; dellvrered &pare tire inclÏded. WM. J. CHALLIS, HATELY'S GARAGE-Service and Heaquarters Temperance St Bowmanville AI JUNIOR FARMERS' JUDGING Noiet Cedor 1 ~ ~~COMPETITONoiet rdos Ten Boys Chosen to Attend Royal In The Estate of Samuel MçCabe, tate of the Township of Manvers ln the, Winter Show at Toronto. County of Durham, Merchant. Deceased. AUI ersons having claims agaiflst th " The Junior Farmers' Judging Com- eoaeforsaruel McCaIb , dec- ased, %who petiion n Drham Cou(lied on or albnu th, 12ti d o f junc, pettin n uram Conty, on 198 are notified to senl tb the under-1 Tuesday, October 16, was the larg- signed. Mlary M *!,r 2ar ý*%.!ér1 est ever held in this county. SiXty- and The Trusts and Guarante, Comnpany, five boys took part in the plac*Ing itied, Toronto, or to the underslgned in hres W. Kerr, K. C., their Solicitor, and giving reasons on classes of on or b)efore tlUe 30th day of November. Horsas, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, 1928, their narnes and addresses and fu Sheep, Swine, PoultrY, Oats, Barley, ur, ofthe scuc(rities (if nny) held byv thern Alfalfa, Potatoes and Apples. duin verlfled hy statutory deciaraion. Charles Glenney of Newcastle, won Irnmediatey after the said 3fth day of the Grand Cbampionship Prize with dce, dwihedstiutdarog U a score-of 725 points, although Clar- parties entltied thereto having regard ence Allun of Newcastle, was high oniy to the claims of whicli it shait then man witb 760 points, but ineligible have oticter. 7h 95 for the prize as he was a former MARY McCABE, CHARLES W. KERR& winner. High men in the live stock THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE CO. and poultry classes were-Sheep-- Excutrs Etat Jim Brown, Orono; Beef Cattle-. 3(12 Bay Street, Toronto. Fred Barnard, Bailieboro; Horses- Charles W. Kerr, K. C., Arnold Brown, Miilbrook; Bacon 710 Lornaden Buiidinz. Toropot 2, Ilogs-Ralph Staples, Cavan; Dairy Solicitor, for the said Execotors. 43-3 Catte-Carmen Seymour, Ida; Poultry-Walter Thorne, R. R. II, Miller's Worm Powders will noti Peterboro. only expel worms from the systemn In the evening in the armouries but will induce healthful conditions over eighty sat down to a banquet of the systemn under which xvorms preparad by the Women's Institute. can no longer thrive. Wormis keepi Following this placings and reasons a child in a continuaI state (f rest- were given by the judges on the var-1 lessness and pain. and there can ho loua classes and short speeches wera no comfort for the little one untili given by Mr. F. W. Bowen, M.P., the cause of sufferinz be removed, Mr. G. H Hooten, Reevo of Cavan, which can be easily done by the use R. J. McKnight, Deputy Reeve, and A. of these powders, which are very J. Fallis, ex-M.P.P., Mr. R. Duncan, effective. B. S. A., former Agricultural Repre -________ sentative from Durham Co., and nowl Director o! Agricultural Representa- tives for the Province, gave a splen- did address on bis trip to the Old f r Country and àiso made some cont-1 plimentary rornarks on the splendid turnout o! boys to the cornpetition. J. Y. Kellough, Port Hope, Agri- cultural Representative, expressodi himnself as being very pleased withi the succoas of tbe Judging Coinpeti- j tion. The ton boys ChOfen to roprasont Durham County in the free trnip pro- vidod by the government to the Royal Show, Toronto, ,are :-Ross Lane, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilla; Wray Edwards, Nestleton; Emery Smith, Cavan; Carlos Tamblyn, Orono; J. O. Hooey, Orono; 'Harry Mcflain,1 Ida; Ir-win Colwill, Newcastla; Jackl Galloway, 'Bethany; Gordon Strong,l1 Bathany; Jim Tamb.lvn. O-rono Cash Hardware ~PHONE 74 BOWMAN VILLE The Red IdhenFSig IS The "Welcome Sign" to Motorista In fact it's a real haven to many car drivers who get in trouble in and near Bowmanville. For we tow them in, fix their auto as spee *dily and satisfactorily as possible and send them asway hap- py, feeling we have given them a good job at a reasonable price. Then for the service station, we've sold thous- ands of gallons of Marathon Hi-Test Gas and Cyclo Motor Fuel, also Red Indian Motor Oiîs, Seiber- ling Tires, etc. Next time you need a garage man or service station needs just try us. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54 Bowmanville Heats-Coo1ks -RoaSts Gives lots of Hot Water r~4 WAT more could you as fa cooking range! delicious roasts or bake feath. ery cakes Iin swneft roomy oven. The welI burn. ished cooking surface is spa. cm clous and admirably sulted for preparing big meals. onnum MÉm,ëý 91 1 1 r -AM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th., 1928. ,PAGE SEVEN

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