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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1928, p. 3

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STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 41 King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calîs At Our Expense ~Such Deliclous Bread Everyone who has tried Corbett's Whole- some Bread is loud in their praise of its sweetness and goodness. Sales have increased enormously and we feel that we have hit a key note in Bread perf ection. If you have not given this loaf a trial, do so to-day and be one of the many who are daily users of this delicious loaf. Have the wagon eall daily at your home. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3Bowmanville le An Essential Part of a Well Balanced Intelligent Diet. The best meats are available at our shop where good service and econornical prices prevail. Tempt- ing, delicious meats for your table that turn a meal into an event. Health-giving fresh and pure pro- ducts are our stock. Just give us a trial. HAROLD M. 'JEWELL Succeasor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville NOT TOO LATE TO INSTAL A McCLARY FURNACE Owners of McClary Sunshine Furnaces have been a great help to us in getting others to select McClary Furnaces for their homes. We wish to thank those who have put in "a good word" for the Sunshine Furnaces. It is not too late to in- stal one of these popular furnaces in your home or office. Let us talk over your heating problems with- out obligating you in any way. W., Len. Elliott Agent for McClary Hot Air Furnaces and Hart Oil Burners Phone 348 Bowmanville Internai and External Pains DBTOA'ELETI Uare prom pty relievedÀ THAT IT MAS BEEN SOLO FOR IEAALY FIFl'Y VEAhiM AND 18 TO-DAY A GREATER, SELLER, THAN EVER BEFORS 18 A TESTIMONIAL THAT 8PEAKO FOR 178 tdUUEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIE. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMIIER 22, 1928 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 OBITUARY1 WIN RUGBY CHAMPIONSHIP Rev. E. A. Tonkin la visiting his Mm, W. C. Cole, Bowmanville 1 B. H. S. Firit Yr ini Rugby Reaulta daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Spencer, at ina a Group Championuiip. Dundalk. The past few weeks have brought Miss Lura Roberts, Cobourg, was to our notice the deaths of an un- B.H .ldwreucefuagn recent guest of hier cousin, Mrs. R. usual number of wives and mothers .H .ld eescesu gi T. Stephens. in ear.ly or middle 1f e. This week Saturday when they played Peter- Mr. R. T. Stephens and Mr. S. we have tic> record the passing into1 boro C. 1. in Port Hoipe for the Chas. Allun were in Cobourg recent- rest of Mrs. Cole, beioved wife ofý cbampionship of the Meagne. The ly srvin on he Gand ury. Mr. W. C. C ole, King Street, West, score was 5-2 and it would ha've ly erin onth GandJuy. who though suffering for over a been larger on both ides except for Mr. Wilfrid Carruthers is taking a year and unable to attend to bier ac- the heavy field. It hindered both postgradatecourse in farming at customed duties bas only been con- teais so that they were unable to Kemptville Agricultural College. fined to bed for a few weeks. Whilellbean buc a tbextesiyon un'to Final sesion for 1928 of Counties conscious that the end was near she eYbuk.Tysip cun, Council for Durhamn and Northum- awaited the coming of the messenger get going. beriand wiii open at Cobourg on 1without fear rejoicing in the hope I Both teains depended on their Monday. Deceniber 1Otb. of a fuiler and better life where 1 bucks to gain ground ,especially the The Physicians of B'owmanville suffering is unknown. locals. Petes used a cross-buck have agreed to close their offices On Tuesday, November 13, with whîcb was quite býffiing, whiie tbe Wednesday afternoons. In case Of the sun casting its golden gleanis B. H. S. lads used the starigbt emergency at this turne enquire Of 1 across tbe bed, the spirit departed to dceiving usuaily ginte groud, b the hospitai or telephone operator -the land beyond. tidcuevof the ploughindgruitie i- f or a doctor. Mrs. Cole's maiden naine was paysed.f thpo uckng esoimer Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Black of Dorothy Grace Oke, daughter of the DaeittCander- cerailycold iOshawa, announce the engagement late John and Lucretia Lee Oke. Sh e .og paue. Aaswsue of hei dahtr, ern Edthtoj was born at the Oke homestead, 1 a good de ai on the runs who made a Meryn Ross Mounce, son of Mr. and1 Dariington township, now occupiednc u arn Mrs. Albert E. Mounce of Oshawa,1 by bier brother, Mr. Esli Oke, aminicd rn iron the end for tbe the marriage to take place Deceniber1ived there until lher marriage onionly t»uch of the gaine. first. April 20, 1898, witb William C. Cole The gaine had niany thriiiing Post Office Departirnent advisesl After tbeir inarriage tbey lived i spots for the fans. In tbe first parcels and other mail for delivery Winnipeg for three years afterwardst quarter the B. H. S. boys were with- in Bitih IlesbeforeChrstms rturingto owmnvile her thy ,in a yard of getting a touchdown but inul brcsh aie beforn e rtino as e deetirnngtoBomnvîe. ee byfaiîed, so the bal was in Petes pos- w so nd b a iived wtesin one t t o h v i ed e e i c.session who soon got it out of dang- wees nd t eryiaesttoconec iTbe funerai took place on Tburs- er. A couple of field goals were with S. S. Montelaire frorn St. Johbn 1 day afternoon froin Trmnity United attempted but witbout results. on December 7tb.! Churcb of which she was a rneinber. l h atqatrteewr o Terminating 108 years continuous She was also a member of tbe ecoIn h atqatrteewr o W ien' moments. The lait two miue occupancy for four successive gener- for inany years, of the were lmostunbeaabie. tdes- ations, the farm of T. W. M0cCainus,,Msinr oitLde i n perate Petes drove the locals back on the first concession of Cavan! when able was always ready to take ta within 6 yards of tbeir uine, six Township bas recently been rented ber part in their activities. yards to go in 3 trys. The fans and Mr. McCamus, with is son, lias1 Rev. J. U. Robins, bier pastor, tbougbt the gaine was cinched for removed to Millbrook. conducted the service giviflg a very the Petes, and some of the players ! comf'orting address froin the words did too, but the local line got toget- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery' Precious in tbe igbt of the Lord berand held the uine for not three of 93 Rier oa, eteboois the death of bis Saints". The downs but four, on the f ourth down, announce the engagement of their choir, directed by Mr. Francis Sut-' which was an oversight, the locais only daugbter, Mary Gladys, to Mr. ton, led tbe congregation in singing~ actualîy pushed the Petes back. Then 'Alan Franklin Found, sonl of Mrs. a favorite hymn of deceased "Love th ewhistle blew and it was ail over. W. A. Fife, 578 Division Street, Pet- divine ail loves excelling". By re- ITewnesdntko bte erboro, Ont., and the late Mr. F. quest Miss Lena E. Taylor, R. N., Thtry an et int owfiaswth G. Found. The wedding to take wbo had been witb bier during the smo tban e innerorhtofi have a place on December 15, 1928, in St. e losing period of bier earthiy sta9, coupe 0f exbwiitiorgainesavorea John's Chiurcli. sang very impresaively another fav- aclotehibition ovme.Lindsay Th lca Bar o Hath under onehm,"bdw" may play bere Saturday, s0 watch the direction of Dr. W. H. Birks, The paîl-bearers were six nep- the signboards. The students are M.H.O., and Miss Olga Tod, Public bews-Messrs. Ross Pearce, Elton anxious ta get citizens a littie more Health Nurse, are adminiatering to Werry, John and Augustus Oke, the wbistle blew and it was ail over. the school children, who have not Fred C. and Byron S. Vanstone. Oeoftepar nw ath aiready been treated, tbree applica- The flower-bearers were-Douglas gane ofte hes us it s ne of th ie tions of toxoid as a diplitheria pre- Oke, Jabez, Morley and Byron Van- aetlsu ti n ftefns ventative. This treatment is given stone, Elmer Hezzlewood, Russell gaines ta develop wind and rough- freeto hilrenhos paentsgiv Brgg, in ickl, W Pooning it, and as for science hie says freconcsîen boe tparment gvNormagg, W larickei, W ogson, t bas almost any gaine wîped off the ther cnset a te teatnet. ormn ad larnce Wodley, niap. Most people who bave neyver Clarence Penfc>und, T. W. Cawker lydtegmorh iexand For Rbeu.matic Pains.-The pains Dr. J. C. Devitt, Ernest and Pere aye the gieo a i xlie and aches of Sciatica and Rheuma- Oke, Floyd Dudley and Sid Parsons.ît hi believe that the teams lune tisin sbould be treated with Dr. Beiebrsrrwnbuadsh up ail padded up and aee which teain soth eves oner daughter, Ms. C sei)can knock ail the members of the Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. The aoh evsoeduheMs ei other teara into the lands af dreai. ing and bealing properties of tis H. Dudley, and one son Mr. Ray- This la not the spirit of the gaine famous remedy bave been demon- mond W. Cole of this town, also0 and its roughness has been exagger- strated for flfty years. UsS it aiso five brothera, Arthur, Eaui and Blake ate xreey. Teby r i forinfammtor pins citsecrt-Oke of Darlington, 'William and Cecil given a good training and are able ches, bruises and spraîns, eitber in> T. Oke of Oshawa, and three aitera, ta take any icnocioe that may corne human beings or the lower animais. IMra. George A. Pearce, Mra. A. B. their way. The regular meeting of the Homei Werry and Miss Jennie Oke, ail of- and School Club was held in the Darlington. Public Sehool on November 14,1 witb The expressions of sympathy as ,Ail grocers oeii Creain of Barley. a good attendance. The meeting shown by tbe fiowqrs were very which was in charge of Mra. Boot's numnerous and beautiful including group, opened with a piano solo by tributes from Tbe Family, Brothers Mrs. J. A. Cale. After the usual and Sisters, Mrs. J. C. Vanstione and business discussion vocal solos were Miss May Vanstone, Mr. Wiii Oke given by Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. and family, Mr .and Myt. Alymer Gea. Pritchard and Miss Helen Mor- Hezzlewood ,Mr. and Mrs. Russel ris. Misa Olga Tod, Public Health Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce, M r Nurse, gave a- paper on "Complete and Mrs. Elton A. Werry, Mr. and physical exaninations among achool Mrs. W. J. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. F. ing and instructive. An unusual James & Sons, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne feature on the prograin wai a con-I Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow and test, the winners receiving a box Ofj family, Mr .and Mrs. Byron Van- chocolates. Dainty refreshinents atone, Mr. and Mra. Albert M'ckard, and a social haîf-hour brougbt the1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Shantz, Mr. and Mrs meeting ta a close. C. Welsh, Miss Elizabeth Painton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Staff of the ,*~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Miil, Miss Marion Piekard, Mr. and ________________Mra. Harold Clemens, Mr. and Mmra Kenneth Cox, Trinity United Cburch *~~Ladies' Aid, Young Ladies' Auxil- iary Tîmnity United Church, Mrs. E. Ranisay and faniily, Mr. Bert Jew- en, Order of the Eastern Star, Trin. ity United Church Choir, St. Paul's Church Choir, Mr. and Mra. G. A. fidmondatone and Miss Dingnian, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knight, Miss Boisa Murdoff, St. Paul's Cburch, ~ Mr. and Mra. W. Bickel, We>men'sý Missionary Society af Trinity Church. Among tbe relatives present were: VAMr. and Mira. Charles Grass, Mr.1 DUTT1~!TALuther Stainton and Mra. Maude DULVilHarris Brocklin; Mr. and Mrs. Agus- w ih IC 1D~ Oke, Mr. and Mra. Wake Oke, Tor-W are ayng,"B onto; Mr. C. T. Oke, Mr. Will Oke, Rgesm ei" bra ele .' ountenay, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Oke IWho boughtithe fir MOb and Mira. M o.sn Mirs. J.Steiaedt ee i Mra. W. E. Snowden, Mi. and Mra.p-W iri a Aide Varlety of Styles, from stores. $2-5t 7.01nhundreds af cases Moone's Ein- Phon, $24.5 $7.OO erald Oil bas given biegsed relief. Splendid for Ulcers, OId Sorea Braken Veina and Troubiesome Cases Felt's Jewelry Mof O zE n NV Phone 33 King St. Bowmanville NES. W. N*ac Trut~~h T Tî EM ERALD OIL King St. PAGE THEZE THERE IS COMPANIONSHIP IN GOODFURNITURE A companionship that carnies you away with its charm. and which becomes a part of the life and character of the home. You can see this kind of Furniture at our store-and seeing, you will realize its beauty and sense its fitness v Ofor the need and comfort of every room in your home. Furniture that h a s style, dignity and charater-yet it is most reasonably prie- ed. You may be inter- ested in a CHESTERFIELD SUITE j We have s orn e - ~ splendid suites. It is easy to select when you see our lines . A well constructed suite in Tapestry $140.00 One Suite-Sani-Bujit in a beautiful Jacq- uard, reversible cushion at ..............$150.00 One in best Mohair, walnut color, reversible cushion and walnut frame for _ .......... $200.00 Also Suites at $225.00, $240.00, $250.00, $260.00 SEE THESE SUITES See our range of Floor Lamps from $4.75 up We have some splendid Card Tables at $3.00 Other tables $4.50, $6.50, $8.00 and $10.00 Just arrived, some splendid Cedar Cheb, also chests in Walnut, cedar lined from $10.00 to $25.00. F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Bowmanville e in ibis community who 3y George!11 wish I'd bought ?Invariably, they are those iri electric radio ihey hap- ithout compamison. With- en hear the Rogers.Battery. orne friend's home. They firain uthe field; that hi l -ear record of proven per. more Rogers-Batierylees bhan ail other electrie sets teir regret is unmisiakable. LDonL buy any new electric ir hearing thse pioneer ;. We will gladly arrange a nLin your home any evening su or 'phone us. iours now ew, 1929 Rogers-Batteryless Models ry is approximately 2000 Sets behind ýif yox are planning ta purchase a ýo for Christmias, choose the inodel deposit and let us deliver the set at Rogers Sa "Four-Ninety" Console (CIaa.d> A sapcrb new 1929 Model'for those who want thse utmost in radio reception. Sin gle dial tun- ing with illuminated dial. Auto- matic Voltage ConS roi, Rogers Out put Filter, Phonograph "Piug- in" Jack. Improved Electro- Dynamie Speaker, Genuine Wal- nul Cabinet by Malcolm. Fric. complete ..... ........395.00 The Rogers "Four-Elghsiy" Table Model in thse illustration above. has exactly tise same radio equi>.- ment wit haut speaker. Price cous- plete (except Loud Speaker), ..................... 275.00 ne 152 or Caîl For Demonstration J. BAGNELL, Bowmnie MEATI --m

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