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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMÂNVILLE, THURSDAY, NOV!>MBER 22, 1928 PAGE IZVU Mr&. Ivan Law ecently viited hem fathetr Mr. Geo. Gates, Cherrywaod. Mi-es Margaret Templin, acco.mp- anied by ber friend, Miss Dorotby James of Bowmanvilie, a second year student in medicine at the Uni- versity of Toronto, spent Thanksgir- ing at the home of ber parents, Edi- tom and Mms. J. C. Templin.-Fergns News-Record. Miss Berta Cole, Betheada, hasl been visiting hem cousin, Mina Anel- ia Nichails, Port Hope. Not ta be beaten by those wha grow large turnips we bear from Mr. W. J. Ormiston, Enfield, that he grows large porkers. H. bas two Springs pigs that when dressed weigbed 625 lbs. Who can beat this? ,, Quality Food Stufs-At Archie Tait's Christmas Buying is Away to a Good Start It seems bard to realize that Christmas is only a f ew weeks away-but that's ail. Some Christmas cakes are made now-that's why we are showing ail our Christmas fruits. Currants that are absolutely free of ail dirt. Large Blue Select Raisins (seedless). Seeded Raisins in package, Puffed Raisins. Candied Pineapple Rings, New Dates. French Cherries. Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Citron Peel. And a fulli une of Pure Spices, Pastry Flour, good Baking Powder, Vanilla and various Icing. Right now you get the pick of the season's best. Our stock is fresh and most tempting to those who want the good tbings. A RCH1E TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanv lie SplitdorfRadio In the Splitdorf Radio you have science and art combined. Compare your own set with the Splitdorf, you will be astonished at the wonder- ful performance of the new alI jElectrie Receiver. High quality throughout, not a cheap part in it.. Reception is dlean eut,1 clear and sensitive. The Avan set particularly- is a master-piece of modern cabinetry. The Splitdorf bas 70 years' electrical manu- facturing experience behind it. This week we have a special Electrie Set at a Special Price. We invite you to corne and ex- amine the Splitdorf. Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL" ELITE SHOE STORE CLAUDE IVES OLD STAND Claude Ives in Charge Says: Watch for the 11Opening Sale Announcement circular which will be distributeci this week Shoe News of Vital Interest For Every Member of this community. qf the tongues of the shoes could talk they would say "Some Values" >WAlT! READ! BUY! SHOES THAT SATI.SFY The Elite Shoe Store SHOES THAT SATISFY Pay Cash &Bd Pmy Lome Phone 200 NOTICE Hemsti:ching and picot-edglng donc Work delivered free ln 1Bowmanvllle. Al mail orders promptly attended 10. Mrs Russell Hobbs, Liberty St., llowmanville Phone 561. 30)-tf MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the pow- ers of sale contained in a mortgagel whiceh will1 be produced at the time of sale, there will be off c- cd for sale hy William Maw, Aucetioneer, at Public Auction, TI:urs- day, December 6th., 1928. et the hour of two ncelock ln the afternoon at the fa rm ofr Oscar Burton Andrus, the fol- owing lroperty, namely: AIl and singular that certain parcel or tract of land antd premises, situate lylng and being, ln the Township of Dar- lington. in the County of Durhanm, and being composed of the southeasterly twenty and seven-one hundredths (20- 1100) acres more or leas of Lot Number Five ln the First Concession of the Township of Darlington, and lying south of and adjoining the lands known as the R. Foster property, and extendlng west- erly from the East lit of the Lot, ten chaîna and 95 links more or leBs. The land comprises apple and pear orchards. The land will be sold subject 10 a re- serve bld. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be p aid down at the tîme of sale and the balance withln thir- ty days. For furîher pariculars and conditions of sale apply ta H'ARRV W. PAGE, East Block, Parliamant Buldlnis, Toronto, Ont. Solictor ta tbe Mortigagee. Dated aI Toronto, Iis fifteenth day of November, 1928. 47-2 lences, blSesutbefrdblgaa, appie trees and small fruit Easy ,,r.e Apply 10 Howard Couch, R. R. 4,Bo I manville. or phone 146-13. 4-f FARM FOR SALE-90,acrest more o r less, Lot 18. B. F. Darlington townsbip,j about 1%~ miles west of Bowmanvillîe oni Lake Shore, practically ail tillable land: i running apmig. Buildings Include large barn with metal roof and stabling underneath, implement shed, big hen house. 7 roomed trame house. Would take bouse in exchange. If not sold would rent. 'Would aI.o eIlIstock and Imple ments comptete. Apply Sulas post - Pr, Scugog St. or box 236, Bowmanville.1 Phone 546. 4-tf Lost or Founci Rosary found. Enquire at Statesman Office. Bunch of keys lost. Finder plesse leave at Stateaman Office. PEARL8 LOST-In Bowmanviion Saturday, Nov. 17th, 3-string pearîs. Finder k indly leav(à at Statesman Office. 47-1 To Let ROOMS TO RENT-Two brlght mrnes furnIshed or unfurnlshed, suit quiet couple witb small baby or 2 gentlemen. with or wthout board. Apply MWrs. Thompson, Statesman Block, BoWsnan- ville. 46-tf LAUNDET WANTIED - AUl kînde of laundry work don* prompt. ly. matlfactority andi at reaouable pricon Write Pontl 1Oe B ox 12. or Sumlimi W. Marjorarn, K8g St. B. Bowmanvlllo. Phone 478W. LOCAL "HD OTHERW13E 1TRINITY UNITFD CHURCH Mrs. S. S. Edsall was in Welling- Services in Trinity Church on ton recently calling on Mms. Chislett.1 Sunday were as usual helpful and MisaGeorinaFowler, Blackstock, insprng. In the morning Rev. J., isp t G weori aiMr sC U. Robins took for his subject Jsn h weed tMr hs.C God's Love" as pictured by Johnil Jacsons.in i vision described in Revela- Mis. Wm. Courtice, Danville, N.1tiona 1:r. An anthem by the choir Y., is visiting her brother, Mr. T. 'and a solo by Miss Helen G. Morrisb Jackson. added to the musical programn. E Mrs. E. M. Cahoon and faimily, Er .Sto n isHlaCr Bloinfeld ar viitng em istr, issang a duet during the Sunday0 Mrs. W. C. Ives. School session. Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Oshawa, In the evening the congregation has been staying iwith Mrs. Neil was again farvored by a visit fromn Yellowlees who la quite poorly. Rev. C. E. Cragg, B. A., and bis Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Bateman choir and organist from King St.d and son Wilbum. Toronto, spent Sun- United Church, Oshawa. I day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bate- Previous to the sermon Rev.. Mr. 11 man. Cragg referred to the pjeasure of i Mr. and Mms. Willard Rosevear being in this church, andethe long-' and son Kennreth, Toronto, spent time interest lhe had had hem., e- Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Harry calling association with Revs. John, Brock. Garbutt, H. B. Kenny, W. G. Clarke, j, Mrs. Thos. Brodie, Winnipeg, and S. C. Moore, and our present pastor, 1 Mrs. Thos. McMurtry, Midland, re- Rev. J. U. Robins, and among thei cently visited Mr. and Mrs. M. W. layman, the late John Holgate, to1 Tamblyn. ail of ýwhom lie paid graceful tri),- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morrison and Ut.. soLloyd, Allandale, spent the. Rev. Mr. Cragg took for hissb- soen, ihhsbohePicplject "Tha Churcb of the Living W.eekend withbi rohrPrnIlGod", based on I Timothy .3.:15.1 W.~~ J.Mrio. The speaker showed very convincing-1 Mrs. John Robertson and Miss ly that h.e considemed the church of Frances Robertson, Peterboro, were the future should be distinctivelya recent guests of the formeras niece, progressive, modern, evangelistic, Mrs. Arthur Frise. Ipractical, vital and more fippealing Sons of England Progressiv h hir 7i9umeudr Euchre in the S. 0. E. Hall on Tues leademship of Mr. C. H. Trenear, or- 1 day, November 27th at 8 p. m. ganist, led the service of song pre-~ Prizes and refreshments. senting three anthemas, "We Would Mm. and. Mr. J. Hamilton Bate- Se. Jesus", "O Worship the Lord", man were in Peterboro on Saturdayj and "God is Love", ail being wellt attending thp funeral of bis uncle, rendered. Mr. Paul A. verland tookc Mm. Geo. McCartney. the solo in the last anthem. Mrs. Alex. Colville assisted Osh- A duet "I will lift my eyes awa Citizens' Band at the Regent unto the Mountains", by Mms. Theatre on Sunday night by contrib- Ed. Farrow and Mms. Geo. Foster I uting three fine vocal numbers. was exceptionally well sung. Solos, Mrs. A. E. Abbott and M. and "Peace, be Stili" by Mr. Frank Hem-j Mms. Norman White and son Billy ring, and "O Lord, Correct Me" by of amlto, isiedatthe h1 eo Mrs. Farrow, were also much en-1 oheHamilton, isted at El Wlon joyed.i Lith y Pler. itr m.E isn The organ solos by Mr. Treneari Libety Pace.weme exceedingly well rendered. He D. and Mms. J. Rawbon and son proved that blindness is no detri- f Jack, Mrs. Robert Adams and son ment to producing good music, play-j Robert, Toron to, were Sunday in tghe organ and leading the chofri, guests of Mr. and Mms. A. A. Honey- in a very clever and capable manner. 1 man, Wellington St. At the close of the service the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pingle of Ot- Ladies' Aid served efeshments ind tawa, and Mr. and Mms. Howard the scbool-roomn when a social time1 Piigle of Brantford, have been vis- was spent. Womds of appreciationir iting their mother, Mms. Thomas of the good work of choir and Pingle ,who has been iii. preacher were expressed by Mr. T. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fitze, Janet- C. Jewell, Mayor T. S. Holgate andç ville, celebrated their fiftb wedding Mm. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., and e-, annivemsary on Wednesday, Novem- sponded to by Mr. F. C. Hoehn, theC ber 21st at the home of lier parents, President, Mm. Trenear, organist, Mr. and Mms. Gev. Corniab. and R.ev. Mr. Cragg, the minister. Twenty-seventh annual convention of Women's Institutes of Central On- Articles For Sale tario, will be held in Hygeia House, 44 Elm St., Toronto, on Tuesday, FOR SALE-Young Plgs, Âpply to November 27th tai Thursday, No- Arthur Rae. Phone 133r4. 47-2* St. Paul's .M..weepxieg FOR SALE-Calle pups for sale. Ap- St. aula W.M. . wre pivieg-ply to Dan Burgmaster, Enniakîllen. ed to have as their guest.s on Tues- 46-2 day afternoon the membems of New-c castle W. M. S. The visitoms fur- COW FOR SALE-jersey cow, just e-% niseda oo prgrm nd~,newed. T. Wesley Cawker, Bowmanville.t Paul's ladies served a very appetiz-- ing lunch while a Social time M STOVE FOR SALE-Quebec heater,aV enjoyed by ail. lightly used, will selI cbeap. Phone 166J. 46-2a W. were pleased ta ecei've a ' caîl on Monday from Mr. F. H. Or- FOR SALE-Child's large aize col. char an hi so, M. Athu C.complete, almost new. Duncan Smith, chad ad hs snMr.Artur -Liberty St., Bowmanville. 47-1* Orchard, Miami, Man., who are me- -- esenting Manitoba at the Hoe STOVE FOR SALE-Heater. Happy hoe Cntet a th R.alThougbt, tbee-in-one, movabla feeder, h ithing Cots i h r"lin good condition, also a quantity of Winter Fair in Toronto. They had Baldwin apples. Call or Phone W. J. been visitîng his bothems Messrs. Taylor, Simpson Ave., Bowmianville, John and Frank Orchard at Ennis- (Frank Famm), phone 391J. 46-2w killen, and calling. on a few aId I- friands in this district. aemnW td T'he regular meeting of the Wom- SlainW ne en's Canadian Club will b. held ini CLERK WANTrED-Experienced groc- St. John's Parish Hall on Monday ery cerk for chain store, state exper- afternoon, Nov. 26tb, at 3.30. The ence and salary expected. Apply S. D. Club is ortnat inDrawer B, Bowmanvllle. 47-If through the Association of Canadian i AGENTrS-If Y..hike trees and sbrubs, Clubs, Mrs. Florence Livesay, wby not seil them? Maka a busines Candia pet ndnovlit wo1 of il. Part time or fulIl ime, 900 varia- book "S.awour f ait" * . . wosetics *of proven Red Tag Nursery Praducla. book"Saourof alt isreceîving, Cash every week. Equipment and In- such favorable comment from the 1 structions free. Write Dominion Nurser- citics. No one wishing ta join the las, Montreal. 43-? Canadian Club this year sbould miss An attractive proposition for ambltious this meeting. saiesmen with initiative and ability who TiiyLadies' Aid served a eyare desirous of Improvlng thair prenant Triniy ,~vmy1 ituation: full or part lima: assistance excellent supper in the aenool-room' and co-operation; duties pleasant anid on Thurs4ay e-4ening. Ail thoseI remunemative. Giva age, occupation,I who njoed he oodthigs ereand refarence. Address J. L. Hearn, i who njoed he o.odthiga ere307 Palmerston Blvd., Toronto, Ontamio. very appreciative of the service 46-1 and the menu. The programn fol- lowing was of a high-class character, genemous in quantity and bighly en- Real Estate For Sale tertaining. Mr .Francis Sutton op- HUEFO RETnGereS, enedtheprogam ith n oganNewcastle, In splendid condition inside number played wtb splendid expres. and out fine location. Apply ta John suon. Others contributing vocal solos Scott, I4ewcastle. 47-2 were Miss Helen Bunner of Ontario NE W_HOUSE FOR SALE-Rug brick, Ladies' College, Whitiby, Miss Mar-icontaîning saven rooms with aIl modemn garet Aluin, Mr. W. R. Strike, Mrs.1conveniences. Oak floors. French dooms, P.H. Moody, Mms. T. W. Cawker, to aida antrane. 0n Wellington Street. F. Easy terms. Apply 10 J. E. 1laît, Cen- ail whom were given a fine reception Ire St., Bowmanvllle. 41-tf and encores demanded. The enter- PROPERTY FOR SALE-6 room bouse tainer, Mrs. Lenore Hurd Best, Tor- with 1 acre of good garden land on Pro- onto was most generous in her read- vincial Hlghway, 3 miles west of Bow- ings. Hem intqrpmetation and per- manville, good weil and cistefli. Bar- sonification on the piano oif simple gain for quick sala. Apply Mrs. Flor- ,ence Allun on the premises. 45-3w songs such as "Coming thru the Rye" l and various others were especially FOR SALE-10-roomed brick house. 2 goodandmuchappeciaed.good building lots, on corner Ontario Igoodand uch ppreiate. 1nd Welinrton Sis. Ail modern conven- MARRIAGES BFtANIGAN--BROOKINO-At Trinity United Church Parsonage, Bowmanville,1 on Saturday, Nov. 17th, 1928, by Rev. J. U. Robins. Mr. Clifford Theodore Brant- gan and Misa MarJorie Elizabeth Brook- Ing, both of Bowmanvlle. HENNESSY-BOWEN--On Nov. 1Otb, at the United Church Parsonage, Co- bourg, by Rev. W. R. Tanton, Muriel Bowen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen, 10 Acel Hennesey, ofl]y sonflf Mr. and the late Mrs. Hennessy, both of Port Hope. DEATHS BON ETTA-In Bowmanville, no Tues- day, November 201h, 1928, Elizabeth A. Bonetta, aged 82 years. Puneral private from the residence of her sister. Miss E. White, Wellington St., on Thursday November 22nd, at 2 p. m. to Eldad ôemetery. WIGG-In Oshawa, Friday, Nov. 16th, 1928. William H. Wigg, aged 87 years. DARCH-In Bowmanville, on Friday, November 16h, 1928, John Darch, aged 68 years. BORLAND--On Nov. lîth, 1928, at 9 Borland, M. A. JONES-At ýNewtonville, Nov. 15th, 1928, Samuel Jones, Sr., aged 100 years,l 1 month, 10 days. WHITE-At Port Hope. on Sunday, Nov. 18th, 1928, Charles, eldest son flf the late Thomas and Jane Wýhite. HOOEY-In Cartwright, on Saturday, Nov. 17th, 1928, James Gibson Hooey, aged 72 years. Interred at Cadmus. DRISCOLL-At Port Hope, Nov. 14th, 1928, Dennis Driscoîli, eloved husband of Mary Ann O'Brien, ln hle 66th year. McCLELLAND-At Peterboro, Nov. 10, Charles S. McCieiland, beloved bus- band of Minnie M. Clark, ln his 66th year. COUCH-In Toronto, on Thursday, Nov. 15th. 1928, Aima Bernice Barrie, beloved wife of Mr. Walter Couch, NeW- castle, aged 48 years. IN MEMORIAM In Ioving memorv of our dear mother, Rhoda Moore, who passed awvay Nov. 24th, 1922. Oh Mother, how we miss you, In our memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed for always, Bringing many a sulent tear. Some may think that we've forgotten, When at limes they see us smille, But they little know the sorrow, That smile bides ail the wvhile. Sadly mIssed by Husband and Famiîy. VANSTONE-In loving memory of my dear father, Mr. Thomas Vanstone, who died on the 1Stb day of November, 1926. 1 often sit and thlnk of you daddy, When I arn aIl alone, ror memory la the only friand That grief can caîl it own. The blow was great. the shock severe, We uitIle knew his death s0 near, And only those who hava lbt, ICan tell the pain that parting cost. Daddy le gone but not forgotten, Neyer shall hiseniemory fade. Sweetest thoughts shall ev-er lnger, Around the grave where hç la laid. Sadly missed b hie loving daughter Agents Wanted Agents wanted to sell neckties Direct to Wearer. Send for Big Free Selling Outfit today. Dept. 187, Publie Service 1Mille of Canada, Limited, London, On- tario. 47-1 One mnan wanted ln each county to appoint men and women 10 seil WASHO. Washes cluthes without rubbing. Cleana leverythlng 11ke magie. Different. Beet seller. Great repeater. Nothing like il. $100 weekly easy. Sample free. -WASHO', Alemandria, Ont. 47-1 Xmas Gifts That Pleas Watch '0w Windows A Warm Friend for Cold Days Overcoats t hat will- really keep you warm 3 Overcoat Quality Values for This Week-End Overcoat Value No. 1 at $14.95 10 only coats left from last Week's Sale, heavy quality Blanket Cloths, Plaids and Broken Checks, belted back, set in sleeves, an ail wool cloth and Regular Values to $22.50, To Clear This Weekend $14.95 Overcoat Value No. 2 at $26.50 8 only, Men's Overcoats in' this line left over from last Week's Sale. Tweed and Worsted effects. In Grey and the new Autumn shades. This coat will fve the maximum in wear and com- 'ort, and the appearance will compare favorably with coats at much higher prices. Regular Values $30 and $35, 0wt Clearing Price This Weelcend $26.50 Each Overcoat Value No. 3 At $1 9.75 Men's Navy Blue Overcoats. A big Special Value for this weekend, Chin- chilli and Melton Clotbs for men and young men. Values $22.50 and $24.50, Clearing For Only $19.75 SPECIALS* 5 Doz. Men's Fleece Lined Underwear Shirts and Drawers, -Regular value sit Clearing For 89c Each Iyen's Winter Caps with Ear Bands 95e M4en's Cotton Tweed Work Shirts at 95e Each A LUne of Men's Navy Blue Suits a.t $21.95 Plain AIl Wool Serges, Herringbone effeets and Diamond Weave patterns, double and single breasted models, values up to $30.00, Out They Go For OtIy $21 .95 Christmas Gifts for Men and Boys Every day brings us new goods for the Christmas trade, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Vosiery, Belts, Caps, Bath Robes, Cuif Links, Braces, Arm Bands, 9 etc., ail boxed in fancy boxes. Choose early and get best choice. T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Mentreal Phone el, Dowusanville 2' 9 Bell's, Made-to-»Measure Clotites Shop FOR Friday and Saturday 6 Men's Navy Cheviot Overcoats, ulster style, leather interlined, made with haif beit and con- vertible collar, good value at regular price of $25.00, Sale Price $16.95 6 Navy Pure Wool Botany Serge Suits. 3 Single Breasted Models, size 35, 36, 38, and 3 Double Breasted Models, 34, 36, 38. Sample SuitB. Regular Value $22.50, Sale Price $15.95 Buy at Bell's and Save Money King St. West I B l Bowmanville tA. J 'er" el Furnishings The Clothing Mani Right By Col'* Barber Shop Roofing. To Be Doue? It seems sort of natural to put off doing that roofing till you're driven to it. . But now there's cold stormy days ahead and then rainy weather in Spring. Guess it wcruld be foolish to let that leaky tumbled down roof go any longer. Cornei and get.some BIRD ROOFING- you remember your neighbor rceommended it to you He knows what' es because he 'bought Bird's Roofing years ago .and it's stili just hike new. Bird Roofing is sold only. by MASON & DALE Phione 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmapiie h. Xmas Gifts For Men and Boys RAY THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA-NVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 PACI au

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