THE CANADIÂN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 PAGE SEVEN Fresh ChocolatesI And they are fr2ýsh-every teed or money refunded. No stock. Varieties: Page & Cowans, Rowntrees, Willards. box up. Mince Pies Cakes pour.d guaran- old chocolates in Shaw, Neilsons, Priced from 25e Pastry The Bowmanvilie BakeryI Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanvillei Couvert Tour Attie Into Au Attractive Extra Room at Low Cost With GYPROC Send for handaomc, frec book, 'Wafla That Reflcct Good Judgxncnt.'" It givca valuable inforznation on Gyproc and interior decoration CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABAMTNE, LINME Paris Cana"a d For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont.- J This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, runs directly in to the path of your car. Shocked breathless, you jam on the brakes. Thank God-you didn't hit himn. BUT-supposing you had? Though cleared of blame, nothing to prevent that child's parents from suing you for heavy damages! And then-the possibiiity that it might take your LAST DOLLAR to either defend yourself or "PAY LIABILITY INSURANCE protecta YOD in aucli a criai,! Competent attorneys defend your intereste and &Il coste are paid by tihe insurance Company!I For complote information consult J. J. M ý O0N & 0SN Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowxnmanville 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices wifl be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $15.50 per ton; Pea $12.50 Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) .............$14.00 Oto Nut Coke .................................... $12.00 Delivered to aIl parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumiberad Builders' Supplies and are always glad to haveth the opporturnty of furnishing estimates for any- thing required. Cail and inspect our stock and prices McClellan& Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Bowmanville ,ook's Rogulatlng Comnpound W OZSPOSHDIE ~ . a.*,wab. gm# M* ones and ,,j otes t he whol e~gWWtW.BoId i three dé ervous system». makes new Blood h2-sNo;Mt. 50, Su 8n old Veina. Used for Norpous sold &ilaU in-, - . jDbLLy euandauDrain Woru'y ondf t o f pr*ieV.bsonden?. Lon of Euoepu, Palpitation o,> TH4E COOK MEDICINE CO6 for S5.1 Sold by ali druggiste, or maicd ini plain II3TOML0oeme1yIadat~ pkg. on me-cipt of prile. New posuphLi ul Wd BLACKSTOCK DARLINGTON COUNCIL St. John'.; Bazaar was a splendidi Regular meeting of council was success.' Proceeds $218.00 . i held on Wednesday, Normeber 7th., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKim, Pet-I with mernbers ail present, Reeve C. [erboro, visited at the home of Smnith A. Wight presiding. Minutes of Bros. recentiy. last meeting were read and approv- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.J ed. Wilbert Werry on the birth of their Notice was given of admission of baby -boy, on Friday, November 9.1 Winifred Matthews to Toronto Gen- Quite a number attended the eral Hospital and Benjamin Coch- shooting match held at Mr. ac rane to Oshawa General Hospital. Whitfield's last week. Mr. R. Wil-c Filed. Ian of Port Perry, proved himself the. Notice was received of aipplica- best shot by carrying off three fine tion for electric lhght from Frank geese. Jackson, Courtîce. Filed. 'On Norember 4, a special service F. G. Smith and R. J. Hodgson was held in St. John's ýChurch ad- made application for wire fence dressed by Archdeacon Davidson, bonus. Referred to Road Supt. Toronto, and Rer .T. A. Nind, Port Account for hospital faes for Perry. After the service a reception Viola Murdoif was referred back to was held in the new Rectory. 1 Counties Treasurer for further par- ticulars. Under the a1Upices of the Victor- Reeve C. A. Wight reported that ian Women's Institute, a nursing an agreement had been arrived at class conducted by Miss Petty of with East Whitby to remore a cul- Toronto, wiil be heid in the Orange vert on Town Line, Con. 8, to the Hall every afternoon for two weeks, place fromn which it had been re- starting on Tuesday, November 13.,*moved by a former Pathmaster. Re- On Friday, October 26, Mrs. Teas- port was adopted. dale Whitfield, after a long and pain- 1C. D. Hodgson requested repairs fuI illness passed away in Bowman- on sidewalk in front of his premises ville Hospital. Service was held at in Tyrone. Laid on table for one her late residence on Sunday, No- month. vember 4th., conducted by Rev. P. W. H. Brown, accountant for the G. Powell, and interment was made Highways Department, reported in St. John's Cemetery. Besides a that the Road Superintendents sorrowing husband the deceased1 books had been audited and every- leaves to mourn hier Ioss three sinall thing found in good condition and children, Marjorie, Beatrice and RossI confirmed a grant $7,000.16 recent- Visitors: MT. and Mms. evitt and lY Paid to the Townshijp. Eldred, Hamilton, Mr. Hill and Miss II Foster, at Mr. and MSs. S. A. Der- Treasurer acknowledged receipt cf itt's; Miss Vers Forder, Miss Mar- $6,183.75, Grant, salar- jorie Mariow. Miss Florence Mc- les, certificates, etc., and L. T. Pas- Laughlin, Toronto, under parental coe, taxes 1928 $1978.83. Mis Lara aiey 1f ol-T.Orders were drawn on Treasurer: roofs; MisIaÈ ale K o-T Richards, sal. and office. $104.45 stein, and Mr. Lawrence Aile n ofT ihrs od aei.121 Kingston, with Mr. and Mms. F. T ihrs odmtra..121 Baily; M. Rbt. lrcer, issT. Richards, road construc- MoetteandMr. oH.Arcry Vins Ttion ...................238.90 winth Mr.and M'. rS ncetMiss Richards, cernent bridges 274.60 Hazel Mountjoy and Miss Helen T.uichpalrldd.pmaieance632 Fowler, Peterboro Normal, with MuA.niilorldot, sueplin- 13 their parents; Miss Florence Bradey, spe.tiorthco.t..aheep . 2n- ' h awr.a ndMis .JenCi. PSmth; Toro-s pe c tirs................2. 00 t hM.Mis e .i PotJ on -Selectors cf Jurors for 1929 10.00 to, wit r and r.JonM- F.G. Kersiake, work in park 7.50 Laughiin; Mr. G. Joliffe and son, W~.Reynods, he aae 00 Capt. Joliffe, Toronto, with the form elgnRyo, sheep dams100 er's daughter, Mrs. P. G. Powell; EgnR.Talo,0h.00am Miss Winnie Bradley, Torontie, with aeoge.........200 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyland; Mr. John Geoge .ar.ey....heep ..da -0 [Hamilton and Miss IPhyllis Hall, & SoEcs Brantford, with the fornmer's par- i road insurance July 25, ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamilton*! 1928.................... 3.93 Miss Beatrice Waldon, Toronto, withl.D ogo, upisMs Smith Bros. C.'KT gsn uple m PONTYPOOL Manyers Township and North Clarke are to have a rare treat on Thursday, Novembr3r 29, when Rer. 1George Pringle, fer ten years in the Yukon during the Goid Rush, wiii speak in Pontypool United Chu rch. Collection.... Nathan Cry- stal on Thursday had his right hand badly jammed as he and bis brother Max were putting a wagon into a barn .... Mr. Fred Grahamu has pur- chased the Latonia Hotel fromu Mr. Win. Rennie. Villagers are sorry to have Mr. Rennie leave, but wish Mr. Graham succes...Shingling of the Oddfellow's hall is being done by Messrs. Frank Hyiand, Ed. Caine, Norman Caine, W. J. Déla. haye and Alex. Webb. Tbirty-two thousand shingler, are required. .ý. . Miss Ida Payne spent Thanksgiving in Enniskiien .... Rer. Dr. Irrine spoke at ail the Pontypool circuit charges for the cause of the Prohi- bition Union on November llth... Miss K. Burnside, R. N., Peterboro, bas Teturned home after being at Mr. W. J. Coheen's caring for their sons..Wednesday evening the Chosen Friends met and made set- tement of the insurance of the late Ephriam Harper who for 20 years was a member..Mm. and Mrs. Ray- mond Bottreil and daughters, Helen and Annie ,were in Peterboro on Tuesday.... Mr. T .E. Caine was in Burketon visiting relatives.. .. Mr. and Mms. Robt. Gray and daughter are now settled comfortabiy in their new home htere. . .. Mrs. Jas. Maliey was in Toronto i4st Thursday.. Manvers Township Road Commis- sioner was here Thursday looking over the large culvert on John St. The ditch leading away bas been deepened and next year the surface water will have a better course... Miss May Trick spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Halliday, Toronto .... Mr. John Payne recent- ly sold a load of hogs which were practically aIl grsded *lects. Mr. Payne says pigs and potatoes are sure things in Manvems...A new mapfle tree was planted 'recently en the Barnyard Golf Course. This, the plantera think will keep the morning sun away from the players , .... MT. H. W. Gili, Collecter of Customis of PortaI, N. D., was elect- ed Moderator of the Presbyterian Syzîod of Dakota. Mr. Gi is a lay- man-the ifist to occupy this import- ant -position in fifty yeams. He was born in Durhami County at Mount Pleasant and is a nephew of Mr. T. W. McLean of Port Perry, who.m he visited recently. ENN ISKILLEN Hampton Young People visited our League on Friday night to pres.. ent the League Banner of the Osh- awa Presbytery. The Banner is kept in one League for thmee weeks then carried to a neighboring League with the object of making friends among the Young People's Leagues. Misses EIva and Velma Orchard op- ened meeting with a piano duet. Progrs.m was given by Hampton League consisting of musical num- bers by Mr. T. Salter and Mr. G. Barron, Mms. Chant, Miss Hors and Miss Virtue, accompanied by Miss Horn. A splendid talk was given by Mr. F. J. Groat on the bad effeets of -tobacco. Our President, Miss May Werry, lead in thse contesta after whicb refresbments were semv- ed. Time bas Tested it.-Dr. Thomnas' Eclectric Oil bas been on the market upwards of fifty yeams and in lihat time it bias proved a blesslng to thousanda. It la In high favor throughout Canada and its excel- lence has carrled its lame beyond the. sea«. If It were double the price It would bo a cheap liniment, 1N. bavage .................14 Treas. E. Whitby, Deb. No. 3 and coupons S. S. No. 24 81.88 F. C. Shortridge, adv. T. S. S. S. No. 20............ 125.00 Noble I. Meteaif, adv. T. S. S. S. No. 6............. 200.00 Council adjourned to Friday, De- cember 7 at 1 p. m. C. A. Wight, W. R. Aluin, Reeve. Iýp. Cierk. Miller's Worm Powders wiii drive worms fro.m the system without in- jury to the chiid. The powders are so easy to take that the most deli- cate stomach can .ssaimilate themn and welcoine them as speedy easers of pain, bcause they promptly re- more the worms that cause the pain, and thus the sufering of the child is relieved. With so sterling a rem- edy at hand no child should sufer an hour from worms. Red Rose Orange Peko. cornes as near to-perfection as any tea can. Everything that tea experts can do to make Red Rose Orange Peko. superior in quality flavor and value is done in goe great Red Rose blending roorne. Try it to-day. Put up in the bright, cdeau aluminurn Ipackages. 3. M é, il. Mlateeu la Charuu and Dignty f No use taling. .. for uheer floor beauty you cannot beat the artlstry of nature's graining. There's character andf refinement in every foot of 8-KXhardwood. , And It harmonizes so delightfully with any color schemc. I McCLELLAN & CO. LTD.,, Phone 15 Bowmanville THE EST HATSMAD -IN EVRY.d GRADE"I Poultry Wanted Pay hlghest cash price.. Don't seil tili yen se0 me. 1, Stein Phone SI Wltby $ 2.50osand undea, . 5c Over 2.50 tO $ 5.00 - 7c " 5.00 1 0.00 * OC 10.00 "30.00 .12C Over $ 30.00 tO $ 50.00 « 50.00 " 60.00 " 6o.oo " 8o.oo U 80.00 "100.00 *20C .24c, BANK 0F MONTREAL EstAblished 1817 TOTAL ÂSSJE TS IN E XCE SS OF0F 86 ,0O00,000 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. McCLILAN - Managoe I I HAMdPTON YOUNG PEOPLE On October 31, a very joliy Hal- lowe'en party was held in the S..S. Room under auspices cf the Y. P. L. Young and oid were invited to corne and a penalty cf fifteen cents charged for those not in costume. Prizes were given for various cost- urnes. Junior prizea were won by Gladys Chapmgn, Eileen Wray, 'Ruth Colwill ,Mike Coronda and John Watchhorn and the seniors by Mms. W. W. Horn and Mrs. M. Avery, best dressed couple; Miss V. Shack- elton and Mr. F. Billett, porerty stricken couple; Mr. and Mms. R. Knox, comic couple; Mr. C. H. Wallace, historical or patriotic; Miss F. Burns, hallowe'en costume. The program included a pantomime, readinga and stunts. Musical num- bers were suîpplied by the. Clernence family quartet, Hampton maie quar- tet and violin and piano trios by Mrs. C. J .Kerslake and Messrs. C. H. Wallace and W. Horn. Puznpkin pie and pop cors were served at the close. Penalties aRnounted to over $12.00. On Thanksgiving evening, Novons- ber 12, a concert was given in the S. S. Room, ixnder auspices cf the Y. P. L. The program consisted of: Vocal solo, Mr. Harold Allin, Newcastle and Mr. F. Harris, Tom- onto; piano »oIoaý Miss MeMaster, 'A.T.C.M. of Zion; readings, Misses Jean and Evelyn Milison, Solina; violin solos, Mr. W. Horn; violin and -piano solos, Mrs .C. J. Kerslake and Mesrs. C. H. Wallace and W. Hors; and a short sketch "Making plans for the first Thanksgiring", by fourteen young ladies in costume to suit the time (1621,) Previons to the sketch Mr. Groat gave a short talk explain- ing why those who crossed the At- lantic on the "Mayflower" were will- ing to brave the perilous voyage and start afresh in a new land. The committee in charge of the evening are to 'be congratula±ed onl the very fine of prograrn pre- sented. Every number was exceed- ingly well endered and the audience mont appreciative, as ahown by their continued applause. The artista were mont generous with encore numbers. At the close of the pro-[ gram Mr. Bick, on behaîf of the Y. P. L thanked ail who helped to miake the concert a success. A dainty lunch was served and a sncial haif hour spent. Proeeeds -)ver $28.00. Now Sleeps Fine Ail Night Long! Few Days' Use of Urataba Stop& Annoying Bladder Irritationsi Getting-Up.Nighbte Those who kniow the trials and discoinforts of Bladder Weakness qshouid be interested in this letter: 'ý1 have been bothered with Bladder Trouble for more than 3 yeams. A burning irritation was ahnost con- stant-and I was obliged to get out of bed perhaps lire or six times dur- ing a night. Then 1 heard of Dr. Southworth's Uratabs and, without much hope of help, tried them. Won- derful relief came within a few days, and I now feel my trouble is practically ended. Amn very grate- fui for what this grand snedicine bas done for me, and will always use Lratabs whenever 1 feel it neces- sary. No matter what your age may be, If you want to end days cf trouble- soine annoyance and nights of rest- lesa mlsery due to Bladdem Weak- ness and Irritations-you should try the a3nazlng value cf Dr. South- woth's "URA'1'ADS" at once. Dr. Southworth la a well-known practicing physician of nearly 50 yeama' successful experience. URA- TABS are made from his own apecial private formula and ail drugVists are authorlzed to *upply them on guar- antee of money baek if not satin- [-.J 1 lJry. O matter how far the nsercury drops, you c.a N stij face thse winter blizzards knowing that you are propeoesy protected uy Dodo Unacrwear. Thse beat in Canada for outdoor workcruad tbafr fan*i« Uncierwear DOOS KNrM71NG COMPANY, L»dMD On-mVille - - ontsdo Soles alUins A" W 'Cmai IL READE DAVIS, vit?. Msnch..îo Buidiu& 33 MoUada Se« Toronto 2 - . Ouead M. L. C. Sida., 435 CmIg S»«.tVa mont" s- .Quabo Qualker Sugar.d Schuuaacher Feed With Quakr Dafry Ratin When you feed Quaker Sugared Schumacher with Quaker Dairy Ration you're bound to win. They're both acesi1 Quaker Sugared Schuniacher is a complete carbohyd.rate feed; it combines ideally with any protein concen- trate, especially Quaker Dairy Ration. Gives your cows a chance to show what they can do. A great feed for young stock, dry stock, bulis, and ail other livestock as well. We have it- a fresh stock oi-à hand now. Sold in Bowxnanville By HARRY ALLIN, GROCER s '114 NU33 . - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1928 - ne. Skyline Of Toroato M ANY business bouses as well as individuals use Money Orders obtained from the Bank of Montreal instead cf cheques. They are safe, convenient and economical The charges are: pn,4% PAGE SEVICN