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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 PAGE VIVE Fr ench IvoryClearing Sale We have carried a very comnplete range of French IvoXry goods, but have decided to dlean it out, and are therefore re- ducing the prices so low you will wonder how it can be sold for so little. French Ivory goods are much used for XMIAS GIFTS, now is your opportunity. A f ew sainples are:- Dressing Combs 35e to, 90c, your choice for ... .25c each Hair Brush, (11 row solid back pure bristle) . ... $2.98 Hair Brush, (9-row solid back pure bitie) ........ $1.99 Hair Rcceiver, extra heavy $375 for............ $1.69 Hair Receiver, (footed and closed top) ............ $1.29 Trays, large and smaîl 40e to $4.50 for One Third Off Manicure Pieces, Regular 25ec....... ........ 3 for 50c But you must see what we have te appreciate the oppor- tunity we are giving you of securing Xnas Gifts of quality and exceptional value. Make your selection now and we will bold for you. Only a small deposit is required. KERSLAKE'S 4 The dependable Drug Store where they sell Yardley's Toilet Goods and Watermaan's Pens and Pencils Christmas Suggestionsj Stationery-Everything smart in writing material for a man 's or woman's desk, 25c upwards $5.00 Gifts-Glass, Pottery, Brass, China, Card Cases, Cigarette Stands, Brass Toasting Fork, Smokers' Lighters, Beaded Bags, Frenchi Powder Doll, Vanity Cases, Feather Party Bag, Sugar and Cream, Teapots, Brass Teapot Stands, Newport Cake Plate with handie, Party Table Numbers, Waddington's Playing Cards, pfrices from 50Oc upwaiýd. The above are boxed ready for mailing. W. T. ALLEN "Big 20" Bookstore and Gift Shop fi- . 'They're Ail Wondering What Christmas Will Brin g Who doesn't-in the days 'Just before Chritmas' ? Ad as the day of gif ts cornes dloser and dloser, ears growý bigger and bigger-eyes get sharper and sharper-and tching fingers sometimes stray mbt forbidden places. Mother! Dad! Sister! Brother! They ail act the Mame way. But don't blame them. It's part of the Christmas spirit-part of the yuletide fun-and if you will te real honest with your- self-you are rather curious, too. And although none of the folks know what they are going to receive they are ail hoping that it la something nice-a-ome- thing that they can use-and that will last a long, long tume. You Are Probably Wondering What To Give Giving is a pleasure. But as Christmas after Christmas roîls by, it become8 more of a problem to make gift selections. It seems as if everyone has everything. However, it is quite easy t» select gifts at our store which are unusual, yet practical, and just what people want. Corne In And Look Around Our Store At Your Convenience Dustan's Cash Hardware *"WE SERVE YOLJ WELL"*1 Men's XVinter Overcoats Out They Must Go At Prices You Cannot Get Elsewhere 15 Only, Blue Overcoats, Regular Price $40,00, SALE PRICE $30-00 10 Only, Blue Overcoats, Regular Price $35.00, SALE PRICE $25.00 15 OnIy, Blue Overcoats, Regular Price $32.50, SALE PRICE $22.50 Don't miss this opportunity to get a coat at January's Price. Must Clear Before Xmas. S. G. Chartran Best Clothier in Town 1 Door West Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Ottawa, la vjsiting ber father, Mr. W. B. Couch. Mr. Milton J. Werry, Oshawa, e- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Fý. L. Squair. Misses Jane Mason abd Barbaraý Foote, Toronto, spent the weekend' with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mason. U. O. L. No. 141, Enniskillen, are holding a dance on Tuesday, Deceni- ber 4th. Laidies provide lunch. Gents silver collection. 48-1 Mayor T. S. Holgate left on Mon- day for Edmonton, Alta., where bis only brother, Mr. Bidwell A. Ho1gate la seriously ill in bospital there. Alderman W. C. Caverly is Acting Mayor during the absence of His Worship. Since this item was put in type word has been received that Mr. Holgate passed away Tuesday. The euchre beld hy the True Blue Lodge on Thursday evening in tbel Canadian Restaurant proved to be a very enjoyable event. There were 20 tables. Prize winners were: Lady's, Mrs. Good, Mrs. Johnston Thickson and Mrs. R. Bates. Gentle- mnan 's, Mr. McKnight, Mr. Deyell, Mr. Hawley. Most lone bands, Mrs. J. Thickson. Refreshnients were served and a social time enjoyed. The editors of The Statesmani wish to express their thanks to Ald- erman W. C .Caverly for sbarin.g with us two generous cuts of veni- son which were without exception the choicest pieces of deer nieat we have ever enjoyed. Mr. Caver- ly's hunting party included bisl brother Ciff, both being experiene- ed woodsmen and hunters, and Mr.1 W. J. Bagnell, King St. merchant,' who is no tenderfoot in the woods. They all report a wonderful hunt- ing trip in whîch they secured their full compliment of deer and a jollyl good outing. The only casualty1 reported was a blister on Bill Bag-1 nell's heel from wearing botl' socks on one foot.1 For better health eat Cream of Barley.J Who deosn't welcome footwear asi a gift? See the best at Knox's Shoe Store. Travelling go ods are always ac- ceptable gif ts. See large range at Knox's Shoe Store. Splendid display of Christmas goods now await the early shoppers who want the best. Couch, Johbn- ston & Cryderman. For btter health eat Cream of Barley. TYRONE1 M. and Mrs. H. .Stmong, Enfleid, vis- lied at ber moýthers, Mms. Jas. Alldmead -.Mise Riva Virtue, Bowmanville, vis- itled her mother, Mme. Lauma Virtue.... Misses Jean and Doily Thonipson and M. Ganet MoCoy, M. and Mrs. R. G. Deyman. Mr. an C Mme. P. McCoy and famnily, Toronto, visited at Mm. S. Mc- Coy's .... M. and Mms. H. HUIS visited relatives in Oakwood and Little Brit- tain.... M. and Mme. A. HIlis and famuily recently viaited hem sieter, Mme. (Rev.) Wilkinson, Victoria Road.... M. and Misses Jewell, Oshawa,. visited at M. Albert Hawkeye. ... The sympathy of the community is extended 10 Mme. R.1 Hathemly in the death of hem sister, Mme W. Cowling .... .Miss Elizabeh Bigelow le visiting Miss Tucker Couch. Newcastle.. -..Mr. and Mme. T. Akatem, Jean and Grace, Fenelon Falls, visited at M. W. Brooks - ... Tuxis Square Thursday eren- Ing aI 7.30 p. ni. M. Ted Woodyafd1 will give a report of the Greater Ad-« rance Conference held 1n Toronto e- cently.. .. Church service Sunday rnorfi- ing was taken by the Cadle Roll Dept.[ and Juniors. Song by the children. "The World Children for Jesus'; Leseon was ead frorn Mark 10:13-16; addmes by the pastor, Rer. J. R. Trumpour was srlendidly giren on the Wsern IGallery of St. John's Cathedra], London, England. "Three Little Hande" by Jeaný and Joyce Trumpour and Doeen Byam;: moion song. 'Little Builder'; recitation by Marie White, "Wlshes"; the Supt. of the Sunday School, M. A. W. An- nie, tlId a vry Interesting story 10 the childmen: ecitation ECna Camneron; "Wlshes" by twelre children; solo byl Adelaide Annie; addrees by M. C. W. Woodley "Sin in the Heart; offering song "Golden Pennies"; closbng song bv the children. Tyrone Womnen's Institute andi Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. Arthur An-1 ni' on November 21 with 34 present. After the minutes, roll caland business this prograni was given: Mrs. Fraser gave a reading; instru-, mental duet Mrs. Barr and Mise F.1 Gardiner; solo, Miss Evelyn Brent;j paper by Mrs. Trump or, "Suggest- ions for Winter R ding for Adults and Children". Instrumental duetý Misses Mae Brent and Mary Bright-I well; neading by Mme. Fraser, "Mar- garet Pow on Art". Mrs. Truni- pour teld the methods te use ln cen- ning different vegetables. Mme. E. A. Wight gave a deinonstretion on beet saled. Thon followed e social time. Tyrone Win One Sunday School' Class will hold their annual bazaar in Tyrone Community Hall on Fni- day, November 3th et 6 p. mi. Autograpit quilt will also be sold by auction. At 8.15 p. mi. the young people of the Park Street Church. Orono, will present their Biblical Drame in 3 acts. Admission, adults 35c; children 20c. 48-1 For better health est Crearn of Barley. BIRTMI DAY-At Crooked Creek, Clarke, on Saturday, November 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Day-twin boys. ST JOHN-la Bowmanville Hospital, on Thursday, November 22nd., 192, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. St John, a daughter. SCARLETT-At Iowa CitY. Iowa, on Saturday, Novernber 10, 1928, to Dr. and Mrs. Rami Scamlett, (nee Jean Odeli.) a son. RU NOLE-In Bowmanville Hospital, November 26, 1928, t0 Mr. and Mrs. S. Charies Rundie. Oshawa, twins-boy and girl. STA INTO N-bn Bowwmanvflle Hospit- aI, November 26, 1928. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stainton, Hamipton, a son--etUh- born. MARRIAGES SMITH-MARTYN-At Port Hope Un- ied Church Parsonage, November 219t., 1928, Rhea Ida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martyn, Welcome and Don- ald Roy Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Smith, Beaverton. Waute WANTED-A maid. Apply Mrs. W. H. Birke, Wellington St., Bowrnanvilie. 48-tf POSITION WANTEO-By experienced farmer. înarried. Âpply Bert Hunt, 1Beith Farm, Bowmanvlle. 4 8- Lost or Found TIRE LOST-Auto tire, size 30%< x3%, on Chevrolet rim. lteward for return to H. C. Allun, King St. W., Bowmanville D00 FOUNO-Fox Terrier, short hair, black with white feet. Mr. Hunt. Beith's Waverly Farm", Bowmianvllle. 48-tf FOUND-3 Holstein heifer calves. Owner miay have same by proving pro- perty and paying expenses. NZ. Thos. Olsen, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 181- 48-tf Articles For Sale DEATHS FOR SALE-Young Pigs, Apply to Arthur Rae. Phone 133r4. 47-2* CLARKE-In Lindsay, November 22, -- 1928, Dr. Samuel Wesley Clarke, aged COW FOR SALE-Jersey cow. iust e- 70 years. newed. T. Wesley Cawker, Bowmanville. LAWLER-At Whitby, on Saturday, 46-1 November 24, 1928, A. T. (Art) Lawler, FO SAEineSeng Mhn, in hs 6rd yar.latent equipment model, In gond condi- LEWIS-At 3622-70th Ave. W., Van- tion. Box 308, Bowmanville. 48-2w- couver, B. C., November 11, 1928. Rev. __________ John G. Lewis, aged 69 years. PIGS FOR SALE-10 young Yorkshire HUGHES--On Nov. 19, 1b2g, at Lon- pige, 6 weeks old. Apply t0 Wrightson don, Engand, Elizabeth Iene Newling, Wight, phone 142-32, Bowmanville. 48-2 wife of Major-Gexnerel Garnet Hughes. PAYNE-At Coîborne, November 22,1 FOR SALE--One Massey-Harri. hand 1928, Emma Jane Powell. widow of the Ipower chaif cltter, like new, haîf price. laIe W. J. Payne, K.C., In hem Sist year. Appiy t John Pry Bowmanville. to Prcy,48-2- WILLIAMS--Tn Bowmanvllle, Thurs -_______________ day. November 22, 1928, Annie Wil- FOR SALE-Heavy Percheron Colt, Harams, beloved wife of Mr. W. J . Wil- risifir 2 years, seli cheap. Also general lianis. purpose horse, 12 years old. Sami HOLGATE-In Edmonton, Alla., on finowden, phone 203-3, Bowmanville. Tuesday, November 27, 1928, Bidwell A. 48-1k Holgate, only brother of Mayor T. S. -- Holgate of Bowmanville. STOCK FOR SALE-Holstein cow. 9 HOSKIN-Near Kedron, on Fiday, yeams, due to freshen In middle Deceni- November 23, 1928, Breta, youngesî jber; 15 piges, 3 months old; 2 year 01<1 daughter of Mr. and 'Mmc. Wesley lHosk-IGeneral Pumpose colt. Apply to H. S. In, aged 4, months. Interred at Bethesda. Barrie, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phlone COWLING-NIeam Stephens' Mill, Dar. 136-13. 48-1- lington, on Saturday, November 24, 1928, .Mary Jane Tape, beloved wife of Mm. W1illiam Cowling. Intemmed at Bethes- Ra saeFrSl da Cemetery on Sunday. Ra saeFrSl HOUSE FOR RENT-On George St., BAND THANK-OFFERING N%%eestle, in splendid condition inside in oui, fine location. Apply to John Scott, New castle. 47-2 Mission Band of St. Paul's Church i C. . Ln-'NEW HOUSE FOR SALE-Rug brick, under leadership of Mrs. CC.Lni contain ing seven roonis with aIl modern ney and Mrs. Geo. E. Chase, held the i conveniences. Oak floors, Fench doors, Thank-Offering meeting on Tuesday i side entrance. On Wellington Street. aftenoo. Te pogrm iclued'Easy ternis. APPly 10 J. E. Flett, Cen- choruses, O ýCanada, and ChinesetrSt ow nvle4-t Lanterns, by the Band; scipture PROPERTY FOR SALE-6 ooni bouse reading, Dorothy Bell; recitations, with 1 acre of good garden land on Pro- Alice Bennett, K. Hall, Bernice vincial Highway, 3 miles west of Bow- MutonMar Mcllste; Utol Imanrille, good well and cistern. Bar- Muttn, Mry eAllgte; Unoldgain for quick sale. Apply Mrs. Flor- Stories-IÀaura Purdy, Nora Savage, ence Allin ,on the premises. 45-3w Illeen Halîman , Doris Connors, Bet- FOR SALE-10roe rikbue ty Pngl; Wht c Ile of other good building lots, on corner Ontario lands have te say-June Drew, and Wellington Sts. AIl modern conven- Aileen Fiurdy, Helen Williams, Lucy lences, stable sultable for double garage. Lyle, Rihae Drew, Edith Richards, apple trees and sniall fruit Easy ternis. AImaPottr an Rut Muton;Appby 10 Howard Couch. R. R. 4, Bow- AlmaPottr an Rut Muton;manvîlle, or phone 146-13. 43-tf dialogue, "How soune girls came te go as Missionaries," Hilda Hall, FARM FOR SALE-90 acres more or Hele Pnichad, Mnio Jewllless, Lot 18, B. F. Darlington township, HelenPrithe seMretary, Miss about 1% ~miles west of Bowmanville on Betty Pingle. Th eetrMs Lake Shore, practically aIl tillable land; Helen Pritchard, rea.d the minutes running eprilng. Buildings Include and called the roll, and Miss Alma large bamn with nietal roof and stabling Richards presented the treasurer's underneath, implenient shed, big ben house, 7 roorned frame house. Would report and took up the collection. take house In exchange. If flot soid Miss Kathleen Hall, President, pre- would ent. Would aiso Bell stock and sided. Implements complets. Âpply Silas Fost- er. Seugog St. or box 236, Bowmanviile. Mrs. J. L. Morden, in a very grac- Phone 546. 45-If loua mnanner and kindly speech, pre- __1 sented a Lif e Membership te Miss For betêr health est Ceam of Barley. Hilda Hall. Miss Margaret Allen, - Honorary Preaident, and wiho haz been a most faithful leader of the Band, was presented with a beauti- fIul bouquet of "Mums." Xmas Gifts For Men STANDARD TRAINING SCHOOL and Boys Second Annuel Standard Training __ School for the townships of Darling- ton and Clarke wes held lest week u t n in Trinity United Church, Bowman- u ta n ville, registration being 116. From Monday until F'riday evenings num- bers from co-operating Sunday Schools and Young People's Societ- F ies gathered with enthusiasmn. The opening sessions were heîd as a worsbip service conducted in turn by the f ollowing leaders- Messrs. J. U. Robins, J. C. Devitt, 12 Only Tweed and 1 R. E. Oshorne, J. M. Whyte, R. J. IShires. The me'mbers were then placed in classes according to their ' MesOvro desires with excellent -lesders. Thel 3 O.ny M naO eca pimanies had Miss M. Winchester; the juniors, Mrs. J. J. Eaton; the interniediates, Miss Bons Mille; the young people, Rev. MT. McLellan; 5 OnIy Men's Overci wbile the adults for the first peniod on the tbeory of teaching, Rev. W. 4 Only Men'b Overc P. Rogers, and the second peiod, the practical application oft e les- son, with 'various leaders, Messrs. 1W. R. Strike, Rev. R. J. Shires, M. ME ' A D YO N H. Staples, R. J. McKessock, and E ' AN YO G P Rev. J. E. Griffith. BLUE OVERCOATS Short intermissions of song were conducted by Miss Mils,' as well as. In this lot there are plaii tume beîng given for social inter- course. The lesson perio<ls proved Chinchilli Cloths, very intensely interesting te those attend- and particularly well ma ing shown by the home preparations, discussions and the 60 or more wbo Valu e $22,50 and $2.4.5, proudly neceived certificates. Cern o ny$ Motions of appreciation were ex- CeaigFrO l $ tended te the teaehing staff, the trustees of the church, those wh-o had contnibuted bospitality and to PENMAN'S ALL WOI ahl who had helped to further theAN R W S interest of the sohool. A resolutioniA D D AW R was passed favorable te the holding. Pn a' i To h of a similar school next year. 1 ena sAlW o Sh Ail returned te their vaieus posi-ý ers, (sub standards), v( tiens in the church with a fresh en-sye t thusiasm and preparedniess toeconi bed sylwort $.0 tinue their werk. 1 T la hsW ee Officers ef the scbool wer:DrioCerTi ek ector-Rev. J. U. Robins; Chairmnan Each Garme of Promotion Committee-Rev. J. ______________ R. Bick; Secretary-Rev. J. H. Stainton; Treasurer and Registrar- M NSS E PLN C. H. Mason. M NSS E PLN HE'S COMING AT LAST Heavy quality Sheep lin A lot of people have been won - earngFor__ dering and inquiring if J. H. Vance, I -___ 773 Aylmer St., Peterboro, was coming te Bowmanville this winten NEW XMAS GOODSj te outfit windows and doors with P the famous and only ChamberlainPR Metel Weatherstnip. Yes, et - Bat Mn. Vance has sent word hie is comi- ahR bs ieSit ing in a few days. Se if you want BRraes, -Garters, Arm B. TIME TO PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS CAKE AND PUDDING Folks ar e already buying fruits for the Christmas Cake and Pudding. Seeded Raisins, 2 pkgs. 25e Seedless Raisins, 2 pkgs. 25e Leinon, Orange, Citron Peel, cut at ............. 30e lb. Shelled Walnuts . 60e lb. Shelled Almonds . 60e lb. AIl f resh, new stock Gunn's Mince Meat . .15c lb. Fearman's Mince Meat, 2 lbs. for 35e Cooking Figs. 2 lbs. for. .23e Ridgeways Old Country 6 o 'clock Tea in gift tin boxe& at ................. $1.00 Bulk Tea, Black, Special Blend............ 55c lb. Ful-0-Vim, a real nounishing drink for cold weather, Special at ...49c lb. tin Purity Oats, Blue Englieh Der- by in every package at 38e Aylmer Ce]ery Relish 10e jar Home-Made Saurkraut, 2 1hz. for ...................15e Infant's Delight Soap 4 for 25e Palm Olive Soap, . . 2 for 15c Agents Fo, Canada Dry Ginger Aie IIARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 B3OWMANVILI-E Now la The Time To Take Advantage 0f Rosner' s Pre-Christmas Sale Now for a Bargain Feast that will overshadow ail other Sales' Offerings! Men's and Boys' Clothing, Ladies' Wear, Millin- ery, Footwear, Leather Goods, Etc. We have reduced everything and in some cases eut the prces dlean in haif to make one of the higgest Value-Giving Opportunities in our store history. Do your Christmas shopping now and save. Corne in and look around. We aim to please at Rosuer 's Dry Coods King St. West Phone 276 Bowmanville a Xmas Gifts That Pla. Watch Our Windows EOvercoat Values or This Week-End Worsted, Over coats Clearing at Big Reductions as Follows: tse, Heavy Quality Blanket Cloth, Regular $22.50 FOR $14.95 EACH mats, Fancy Tweeds, Reg. $27.50 FOR $1&.95 EA. coats, Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Regular $35.00 FOR $24.75 MtEN'S NAVY iAT $19.75 in Meltons and heavy quality de, fast colors, 50, 19.75 Each O)L SHIRTS AT $1.39 irts and Draw- rery heavy rib- garmnent, end For $1.39 ent MEN'S TWEED AND WORSTED SUITS AT $14.95 25 Men's & Young Men's Suits, Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, broken sizes, in double and single breasted models, smnart styles and exceptional quality. priced exceptionally low for quicl< clearing, This Weekend at Only $14.95 MEN'S WOOL MACKINAW COATS AT $7.45 Men's AIl Wool Mackinaw Coats, Nor- folk style, 'fery heavy quality, alI sizes, Brown and Grey Plaid effeets, Our ýSpecial Price $7.45 Each [ED COATS AT $8.95 ned coats with fur collar, is Weekend $8.95 AT VERY MODERATE ICES S, Belts and Beltagrams, ýands, Neck Scarfs. AIl Il make gift choosing a LCHRIST utreml Phone el, B@wmanvlUe -e.' -, ;i;ýý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 ?AG£ rivIl

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