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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDÂY, NOVEMB'ER 29, 1928 NEWCASTLE A. large number from this section Miss Beatrice McIntosh is visiting ThïnK Neet c g r tM.WcatedrCe attended the Royal Winter Pair in in Toronto.Necsldir Toot.Mia. Earl Wynn, Port Hope, vi- ___________ n s to Mrs. Win. Batty, Oshawa, visited htdler mother, Mrs. Thos. Gibson. frtesmah her son, Mr. C. T . Batty,' of te Ms Ruth Symions, Welcome, vis- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th., 1928 xed t th .Bank of Commerce. ie iraunt,Mra. H. E. ank, - for the floral tril Councillor J. H. Gibson la engag- over the weekend. ed on a house decorating contract Mrs. William-s, Trenton, has been UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY HIG.H SCHOOL CM ECMN in Toronto at present. iiigle agtr r.PryEEC0MENCME Miss Helen Baker, Solina, spent' Hare, the past.week. EXERCISESýÎnrYbas. wi.i The R. J. Rovan Comnpany theweeendwih Mss aron ick M. A W.1 ckad ad onsmot sept down upon village and coun- A good crowd eed the teach-l wekndwthMsaMrlnRik M.A.W Pear ndSnsm t side on Su r ardS', and ther friends. ored down frora Bowmanville on try nday last the anniver- ers and pupils of the Hig School on "Th Glanes" lamof he n- undy t her D. Gndir, reah.sary services of the United Church the eve of their Commencement Ex- "Th Glanes"Glas o th U- Snda t her D. Gnder reah.were marked ýby large congregation3 ercises, laat Friday. Devotional ited Church S. S. held a very enjoy- Mr and Mrs. J. W. Glenney at both morning and evening. Pe'I. exercises were conducted by Rev. E. Br Wedes aytnd-ed te, ifnraofther littie Alfred Gandier, D.D., LL.D., Prin- R. James. Tecairman, Major H.N e last. grnneeiandahtro Mi. cipal of Emmanuel College, Toron- W. Dudley, in a short addresa, wel-1 spent Sunday with her sister, Ms. afternoon. vices, preaching in the morning on make the occasion a success. uT ir ew Soe O pst Th W. H Perce nd ttened he a- Ms. (ev. E. . Cokeand "Our Church", and speaking in the Vocal solos were rendered by Miss nItouigTi agi or W.i.ve ar ece sa d at n e h n M s. ( e . .B ok .Co e In Anr d c n h s B r a non Eilenwit Mis Bsje Gordon,levening on "Korea and Korean Mia- P. M. L. Brock, assistant teachr Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Wight Tweed, motoied up Friday and at- r n" e.W . oes at y special reetMisRaCo n and daughter, Bwavilwere tended the Commencemnt xerca- inroduce D in Gand tore s- ee dtehroiaso"tlesb Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. es and anniversary services, spend- seabnd, w oshipprssitneind wodlS o omencpaedent the Preb- Rickard, The Grange. ing the weekend at Mr. J. C. Han- 1 tandericehi sstaccndce ic School CBommwencn mteprnev-Men's Spats Mr.G. R. Clare, Toronto, is riait- cock's, Mr. Geo. 1Honey's, Mr.eW s.rv anic rsmnnes.on isoswekia ot isH.wre acomnedpciltis in t Mr. W. H. Pearce's. Mr Rickard's and other friends'. The D.Gnir5mrigsro a ntepaob iaH ao.Seilt~ we clare wsafrmrpsO fteolf t hi iiit eedîih >îwing, but deepîy considered ex- Five seenes from "A Midsummer15Pisa 98 Methodist Church here.edt see Mrs. Cooke and Eileen altation of The Church, The Church Night's Dream" were enact.ed by Mr.an Mr. ho. Cuc aedagainlof the Living Christ, of which the miembera of the Lower school, assist- 15Pirs at $1.25 MrokindforrdTo vsit tuhar is United Church is a thriving, lar- ed by Evelyn Rickard, Manietta Law15P loinerfrm hr d a gh t M s. The J. Ander-son Smth Coi- reaching, strong and fruitf ni branch. aad Roy Jones, Middle chool, un- 15 Pairs at $1.65 A. Aef ao ta, du. er s. . pany's factory la a veritable hive of He took as a basis for his enthus- der the direction of Miss Brock.Sp ia En ihBoacoh pt A. Awe of akot, U. . A. industry these days, with a force of ing discuurse certain passages Of Though the actors were aIl amateurs, pca nls Br dlohS t Newcastle United Church Sunday sûmne twenty employees working St. Paul'a leltter to the Ephesian con- the scenea were very entertaining Soool will hold its annual Christmas overtime every night a week trying verts to Christianity where the and enjoyed by aîî. e $2.45---- Tree Entertajaiment on Friday eveti- to keep up wilh the demnand of deal- apostle speaka aietaphonically of the ,Piano and vocal solos by Loreen ing, December 2lst. Please reserve ers everywhere for the firm's unex-~ church as a building of which Christ Batty and Alex. DeMalo were ret the date. 4 6-t celled products of f ancy boxes, cab- isl the chief corner atone, as a tree Iy appreciated by the audience, h Mr.Aler sener Kng inets and noveltiea. This manu- rooted and grounded ln love, the latter was accompanied by Misa H.- Mr. lber SpecerKingSt.facturing plant which bas been in love of Christ; as a famiîy or body E. Hancock. butcher, la now located in the f ormn- succesaful operation here since thet of believers fitly bound together, tA- uiu etr fteocso er Elsworth store on the sunny side early years of the war, la a real boon dwelt by the Living Christ, a body iîn Auiu etr fteocso of the street, having moved hi lc otevlae rnging la consider- which every member has an indis- was the presentation of a signet of business the first of the week able wealth and distributing it pensable part in the unity of the ring, by Raye Deline and Alex. De- from the Parker block on the ahady among a number of homes. Toi whoîe. As Paul wrote to the Eph- Maio, on behalf of the pupils of N. side-a good move for the winter those who have neyer visited the fac- esians impressing upon them the H. S., t'O Principal J. M. Roazel, who Montha. tory a visit of inspection would truth and dignity of their high es- leaves at Christmas. Mr. Roszel, Mrs. W. H. Pearce entertained1 prove a revelatiori, just to see foritate and calling as members of the ia his usual witty manner, excpressed about 25 ladies at 5 o'clock tes on' theinselves the quantity, the variety Christian Fellowship, the Church his overwhelming surprise and grati- 'Puesday afternoon, in honor of ber and the superb qualîty of the output.1 built upon Christ, so in his morning tude, as well as his sorrow ut leaving guest, Mrs. (Rev.) G. R. Clare of sn ftema nqeade-ermon did Dr. Gandi,:-r address the Newcastle and his pupila. Toronto. Mia. W. D. Bragg and .Oeo h otuiu n n members of the United Church la A closing address was given by Mrs. H. R. Pearce la a vocal duet Joyable eeig ntehsoyo ecsl sinn nhshaesaRv E. R. James who thoroughly and Mma C. R. Carveth in solo con- the Yeung People's Society was; new consciouaness of their place and convinced the audience that there tributed to the enjoymnt of the oc- spent o n gnay evening, in the importance as members of a great should bie a High School in New- casion. Mrs. Bragg also led the forra of a "Hard Times" Party, Canadian Church, and exhorting castle, giving various resoens for his guests in somne merry rounds of song. The S. S. Hall was an amnazing themn not to take their church mem- belief. Rev. W. P. Rogersan Mr. . E. spectacle, flled as it was with the, bhip lightly. The church with Rs Cowanan Eileen ok de- Romeos and leather Slippers for men, Beman, who bad been out on a duck moat forlora and ragged individusls, all its weaknesses due to natur4l lighted the audience with a harmon- pcaPre$16 hunt at the Upper Marsh, dropped with unkempt heur and bristlint human imperfections la the greatest ica and ukelele selection, after - in la their buating toga in time for chins, black eyes and shoulder power for good the world has ever which the singing of "0 Canada" 75 pairs of Boots and Oxfords, various styles and tea and gave zest to the occasion packa l-ahoed dess a~ knowa; take the church away fromn brought a very interesting evening sizes ,only a few of each size left, with their breezy yarns and anec- nondescript footwear, ever seen in a community anid see how, quickly to a close. New Bargain Roorn Value $2.50 doe.the vicinity of Newcastle. These that cominunity wilI degenerate. The As already mentioned the Exe __________________ dotes. ~~~~unfortunates, who were charged an difference between a land without cises iacluded the presentation of ~~islf ny9cpiMnsBdomSi admission fee of "seven sense" were the Christian Church and a land wjth prizea and awards tq a number of 30peirs lvanio syesetc.i, n colorsomSlhav mkdto promenade about the roorn it, such as this Canada of ours, is students who were invited te the rusbaroubsy es, edl, oehV to msic layd byMissEliabth i the diff erence almoat betweea helI platform aingly or in groupa, ns oc-Ne Brai Ro nSpca98 Pre ar Hancock. Program in charge of and heaven. Some people think casion required, to receire them. N wBranRo pca 8 4th Vice President, Miss Minniel they can get along just as well out- Elleen Cooke was presented with Selby, was as follows:-Readiag, ide the church; that they don't need the SanelWlotGluedlbe' ihTo1utn ot 1 ar etol ______ "Bow Brad ndBeas,"Flreae te curh. heymiht s wllMrs. D. J. Galbraith for highest Reduced to $5.45 aleay or Ashton; vocal solo, George Walton; ireason that an arm or a leg can get matniculation standing. Many are planning mouth oganfardiarp duet, Austin along without the body which gives HenLyttad M ita LWIfatsG tSp ia the holiday season. Thiak how Turner and Misa A. Wragg. AI' it life. If these members or aay reeedresetivl, 6 and $4 Slippers InaadBots i cianlous much it will add to the enjoy- wr iie no5"his"ec other members think that way and as proficiency prizes in 2ad form, Specesan oosial 6cmiainclus ment of the homne gathening to of which had to sing a parody on a become separated from the body, given by Principal J. M. Roazel. have your Dining-room and Liv- familiar song. The aiflgiflg Wss just t, try out their theories, whatý Arthur Lockhart and Ruby Shaw ________________68e___ jndged by Councillor J. H. JoBe. happens? Putrifaction and decay received similar prizes for proficien- ing-room redecorated! Sun- Pizes were pnesented to the two soon set in and the severed inbescinltorgvay Miss Phee oren s Cosy Boudoir Moccasins worthy Papers are available. Be "4moat forlorn" ladies and gent- become thiags of rottennesas. eBut M. inL Bfrock. hebe W sure and see them. Estimates Minnie Selby, Florence Ashton, J. whea joined to the body and pro- Evelyn Rickard was the winer __$1.00__________ cheerfnly given.H. Jose and Clrence Turner. perly functioning there is life and 1ataholya f h alnea JudgePowere r.Cbldc.Ms1got and streagth and A.we.1 lis lower school Eaglish prize. This Kid dies' Bedroorn Slippers 59c Pair Varer.APower n and aun ior A In the eveaing Dr. Gandier spoke t was a $5.p0 edition of Marjorie Made la Eagland, FeIt J. H Ab rnehy Parker. A magazie n aa d bb ica terestingly of his round the worldlIPickthall's poemns and was present- J.H1Ae n th e. W. P. Rogers, after whihtrp visitiag la company with Dr. I1of the lss Hattie Mason on behaf Special Value Concession St., Bowmanville everyone enjoyed a "hard-times" Eiof the ely om ssonit eldsur fheo don, nt. (D. also---- Phone 431 f eas o oned o ain aed of Canada, and held the close at- Jessie VanDusen was awarded the Wloren's Juliet Slippers ben. Poed o iaoa teation of the congregation for near- J. Anderson Smith Sr. prive for best In Orchid, Blne and Brown with flexible leathd un.ly an hour as hie talked of Korea and. conduct la high achool.soe - the Kore-an people, and the wonder- 1 iEleanor Anderson, who made the$ fuI advancement they have made unsa eord of taking lst clasa $1.39 - - -- since the introduction of Christian- honora la both French Authors and ity into the country. French Composition in hier fit The choir of over tweaty voîces, year, was presented with the Prof. nader the direction of Mr. W. J. S. John Squair French prize-five C hri tm a S ug est ons Rickard, wlth Mrs. L. M. Fisher at morocco hound volumes of standard the organ, entered heartily in the literature, select.ed by Miss Brock. C hIt a ug e t o sspirit o'f this anniversary to ccasio~n j îRchar Coan as inn o Our store 18 just jam full of practical and l oinlulfoftewrhprsb Ms.Jia etle »P useful Christmas suggestions, and here is only a t service of sacred soag. Farewell Blackburn received the Ia addition to tlie aatlhem, "0 $3.00 mathemnatical prize by Mr. W.Ru er fe o tem CapYor Handa Together", and H nesn the f"Tee: Deum,a Ixdqur te, Dorothy -Bonathan and Eleanor Youths' il to 13 ...... ....................7 Brassar ricyles r. Hward a l x Msed quarte Aderon, fr best posters announ'- Boys', 1 to 5.............................E andasswareBTrgcycles Mr Harold AI-ing the commencement, received e Pyrexware Sleighs lia sang, "I Amn Lookiag Beyond" spectively, $1.00 and 5;0c from the Men's Plainover Special 95c Pair intemorning, and a maIe doubl Board of Education, presented by Kdis ubr Fancy Clocks Toboggan quartette, gave a special selection in Chare De y. Blackbnr, Glana Cas Flash LigThts Snow Shoes the evenng. Anthem soloists o 'Frichlar kbun, CajraeCaw- Black, size 4 to................... SPECIALf Alliath dHa rold. All. ia r.Mrk Geoicad oan aroiIC Skates Skis the d HroW.d. 5 ickaMrd, Mogar Nora Cowan, B ertha Cowsn and White, aize 4 to 10.......................9 I e n ise rc rgen Eileen Cooke wene invited to the _____________- Electric Toasters Batteries Honne ad M iss hee Brag ag platform la a group to receive from Men's Heavy Work Rubbers duoteparn were rsRaHoiy TdbMs diplomas. They were a fine bunch 7 inch and snag proof, rolled edge, whiteà Coem nLa p Rdi ubsW. D. Bragg, Mia. Bragg and Miss of B.G'-Bright Canadians-as a black sole............................... $ Mouh rgasaundryMiearcealindJ. M . RekardE.glance at the aurname initisîs wiII 9 inch ................................. $ Pures Elctic ppiace B Cokef wedassstd he*~ Farewell BlackbunaLa now taking Feit top nubber bottomn.................. $ KidiesCar Waonsprano latoni the morning service, ayr's respite f nom school wok andMrs H Hulbrt f Ohaa, nlana Gaswell La secretany aad Lirnited Quantity Children's Bool the evening. Mrs. Hurîbunt alansN.E Naa rdelighted the congregation wlth ber stenognapher te MisN E.ea, solo "Th LotD AhLd" Richard Cowan and sister Marjorie,---- N,ýwcaBtlIe 'W. M. S. have acpe naetkn upper school wonk in B. Special la Misses' Oxfords, la patent leathei Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville nCai ovstOon oit nH col Nora Gowaa la attending $1.95 Iýýrt-i t t2*3 1 i Normal Scbool, Peterbono; ber os ________________ Ail l-us WiWliit igo 0.vlease leaVe .rgraphe - na-s ithMrs.J. . Fsheor Ms i Bethala senoforThe Women'a "E" width bouse slippers $1.49, b' -. Matwit Ms . lnMitc«1%1 .,ChaBerhaof Ceomaer ohi, ad kdwiThoesbtnia oe adrbe j Houriwillh1,a.e aneairlsch-1o-work laTleedanih Schooî D,. ULOVA .0ad$15-oe A simal <posît wuAl reserve any article till hîîstmas. Per3oae Xmas Groeting Cardae OOd$1 0Doe R. J. Rovan FELTS JEWELRY A. E. MELLOW, Phm.B. I Opposite the Bowvu Ho' ho.33 Kins Street Bowananville PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST (Formerly next to Maso11 & Dal.'s) W. Teach Your Watch To Tell The. Truth r, .er ,9c 68C .69C and ;2.85 ;95 M.85 >ta black lift, uban style. Sizes F THM4ICS Mrs. W. J. 5. Riekard'U group cf - the Woman's AssociatiOn o! tIi. >uch and family, United Ghunch has undertakexi the 5te express their task of catering for the mid-daY their many friends banquet of The Durham Hols;tein rand great kindnesa Breeders on the occasion of their an- hein during Mis. nal meeting la the Community Hall es and death, and hene on Thnrsday, December 6th. butes. 485 For better health est Cream or Barley. rain Room he (penig ofTheI 1Get Your Share. RUBBERS-THREE LATEST STYLES IN WOMEN'S GALOSHES The Colette las exceptionally neat fitting, in silver grey, fawn wool jersey cloth with trim turn down cuif in vel- vet. Cuban or Spanish heels. Sives 2 % to 7, Price $2.95, $2.85 Zipper May be slipped on and off in a jiffy-being equip- ped wtih a nori-ahding fastening. The uppers are of wool jersey in fawn, heather, with wide turu- down cuif. New watered silk foxings. Cuban orSpanish heels. SiteS 21/2to 8, Price $3.55, $3.45 The Modernist The ari.stocrat of Galoshes. A lovely model for dress wear-the uppers being of lustrons water- proof satin, warmly lined with wool jersey. The high military cuif rolla at the front. Smait littie brasa buckle fastens them. In fawn or black. Sizes 2% to 8, Price $3.95 ME.N'S KNEE RUBBER BOOTS$34 Black soles ........................ $345 Red soles................ 42 LOOK-MEN'S WORK BOOTS With Panco soles, REDUcED TO NEW BARGAIN RODOM PIE$2.75 Speci-Mefl's Boots $2.95 Brown only, 18 pairs left New Bargain Rooni Pricç $2.95 Special Bargain in Club Baga and Suit Cases, also in Trunks Women's Shoes In Patent leather and a few Brown kid, Regular $3.95 to $4.35, pair $2.9,5. A bargain in anxart shoes--somC samples in 4 only--other styles in patent leather include D'Orsay eut pumnPs, ftraP styles, and a small assortment of brown kid 8shoeS. Sizes 2% toV72 in the lot, but not in each style. Regular $3.95 to $4.35 pair, Bargain Room Special $2.95 Extraordinary Special-Womei'. Shoes $1.00 100 paitrs, of Women's Black Patent, Cherry Patent Kid, etc., in dozen varjous styles. Somê shoes sold once at $5.00 Bargain Room Special $1.00 Bargain Room Speciai Women's Patent and Velvet Slippers that sold as high as $5.00, The New Bargain Room Racks $1.95 jSpecial Purchase of 500 Ties in Xnias Boxes or Otherwise 49c 300 Pairs of Made in England Ail Wool Hose, variety of colors. Regular $1.25, Our Price 45c Pair -We Car-ry abig ulne of Odds and Ends in Wornen n Men's Skating Boots on the Bargain Roorn $1.00 Table 'is New Shoe Store >e in thoold McMurtry Block-Phone 528 Stili on the Sunayuide y Announce tl

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