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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1928, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News 'Vol. LXXrV M. A .JAMES & SONS. Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 49 il Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Offer Gift Selections That Make Choosing A Pleasure Certainiy among the most desired gifts for men and women none will more fully express truer sentiment than useful, practical gifts such as you find at this store. These f ew items taken at random from our beautiful displays just begin to tell the story. This store specializes in first quality goods. Shop early. Fancy Towels Fancy Towels, white and colored, Special Value in ail qualities from 35e to $1.50. Silk Stockings Fibre and Silk Stockings, iri ail shades and qualities, from 75e up. SiIk and Wool Stockings All shades, at 75c, 95e and $1.00. Fine Cashmere Stockings Also line of celebrated Jaegar from 75c up. Silk stoekings, full fashioned $2.00. Chamoisette Glovs Extra fine imported gloves, chamois- ette and lined kid, in popular colors and ail sizes from 50e. Wool Gloves Very complete range in black and colors, priced from 75e Up. Handkerchiefs Finest stock we have ever shown from 8e to $1.00. In boxes from 25e to $2.00. F ancy Lingerie A big range in Silk Knit Vests, Slips, Gowns, etc.,i priced. Bloomers, moderately Ladies' Sweaters A fine assortment from $2.25 Up. Silk Scarfs Silk and Crepe Scarfs lovely designs and eolorings, a most acceptable gift from $1.00 up. Fancy Linens A big range of Italian Hemstitched Luncheon Sets, breakfast sets, fancy runners in white and ecru, moderately priced for practical gift giving. Lovely Damask Table Cloths, 2 to 3 yards, special at wholesale prices. Kenwood Blankets In aIl colors ...............$9.50 each Kenwood Kimonas .............$15.0 Bed Blankets Ail Wool Bed Blankets, in Scotch and Canadian, in plain white andi plaids from ......................$9.00 to $12 Gif t Umbrellas Ladies' New Umbrellas, from $1.50. A beautiful assortment of artificial flowers from ......................25e Also Flowers, Handkerchiefs and Scarfs to match. Ladies' Gloves Dress Kid, Ladies' Wool Lined and Ladies' Pur Lined Gloves from $2. up Ladies' Winter Coats Selling at Wonderful An Ldis'Cot nReductions AnyLades'Coa instock is now subjeet to substantial price reduction in order to effeet a quick clearance. This season's coats, popular materials, aIl fur trirnmed, correct style, good color range, lined throughout, now selling at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IF HE WERE TO BUY HIS OWN GIFT IT WOULD BE ONE 0F THESE! Woollen Gloves ..........75e to $1.25 Scarfs and Mufflers ...$1.00Oto $3.50 Gloves, French Grey Suede and Deer Skin ...................$1.00 to ý$3.50 Gloves, wool lined, grey and brown, $2.00 to $2.75 Sweaters, Windbreakers, V-Neck Pull- overs, and coat ........ $2.00 to $5.95 Neckwear, ail neatly boxed 48e to $ 1.50 Hosiery, Silk, Cashmere and Wool, 59ecto$1.50 Handkerchiefs, Linen and Cambrie, loc to 50e Shirts, Broadcloth, plain shades and fancy ..................$1.95 to $2.50 Also Silk and Silk Mercerized Shirts $3.00 to $4.50 Pyjamas, flannel anti broadcloth, $2.00 to $3.50 Dressing Gowns, House Jackets, Beits, Suspend ers, Garters, Armbands, Um- brellas, etc. Boys' Department Pyjamas, fannel.............. $1.75 Night Shirts, flannel .......... $1.50 Sweaters and Jerseys, Pullovers, Windbreakers, Roll Neck ,etc., _________________ 95e to $3.50 Stockings, al sizes .......50eto $1.25 Toques ..........................50e to 95e Overcoats and Suits, also make excel- lent present for men and boys. COMING EVENTS Renienber St. Paul'a Bazaar and tea on Friday afternoon, December 7th. Booths open 3 p. m. Tes at 5 The regular montbly meeting ofI teWoinen's Auxiliary to the Hos- pital Board will be heid in the Nur- ses' Residence, on Friday, December 7th at 3.30. p. m. Trinity Junior Misionary Auxil-1 iary will meet on Tuesday, Decem- ber 11th at 8 p. ni. at the Parson- age. Every meniber requested to be present. Ail mite boxes are te, bel brought in.1 Miss Bessie Wood has reo)pened Rose Marie Beauty Parlour, Cowanl IBlock. Marcelling and Finger Waw-1 ing done by experienced opeatr Reduced priesf. Ph...e,,9-tfor appointments. 49-1w* Boys' Training School Christmnas,' Concert will be held in Opera Hansel onTuesday, Deceniber llth. AI msclconiedy "The Old Man on the Mountains", will be preser.ted,ý under direction of Mr. F. Conversel ham, aise physical training display. Please reserve the date. Men's Canadian Club will hold itsi first meeting of 1928-29 seasen on Thursday, December 13th at 7.151 p. ni. at Balmoral Hotel. Speaker: Thomas Rogers, Vice-President of Toronto Rotarey Club. Subjet: "The Boy of To-day and the Future of Canada". Citîzens who are net, already memebra are invited to join. Tickets at Arehie Tait's store.j Bowmanville High School Coi-! i mencement exercises will be beld in the O pera Ho use on Friday, De- cember 7th at 8 p. m. Mr. Edward Mason will give the valedictory ad- dress and Pref. A. T. DeLury, M.A., LL.D., Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Toronto, and graduate of Bowmanville High School, will address the students. Collection under auspices of Athlet- ic Association. Children flot admit- 'ted unless acconipanied by parents or guardian. USE THIS CLUBBING LIST The Canadian Statesman wiil be clubbed with any of the follo'wing publications for 1929 at the f ollow- ing prices: jGlobe..................... $6.50 MailntoEmiSre............ 6.50 T oM a o n t o D a i y t a. . . . . . . . . . . 6 .5 0 Fermner's Advocate.......... 3.00 New Outleok........4.00 Christian Herald ............ 4.50 Ladies' Home Journal........ 3.00 Saturday Evening Post ....... 5.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star 3.00 Faniily Heraid 3 years for $2.00 Weekly Witness............. 4.00 Canadian Home Journal...... 3.00 Farm & Dairy.............. 2.50 Canadian Countrymen........ 3.00 Farnier's Sun............... 3.00 Canadian Magazine.......... 3.00 McLean's Magazine.......... 4.00, Royal Theatre Preltenting Thse Finest la Photopiays Phone 589 Friday-Saturday, December 7-8 Kari Dane and George K. Arthur In "BROTHERLY LOVE" The funniest coenedy teani on the screen are back again in their lateat comedy sensation, packed with laughs as only they can give. You will more than enjoy "Brotherly Love". Matînee Satnrday afternoon at 2.30 P. ni. Children 5c. Chapter 5 of "THE HAUNTED ISLAND"' and regular prograni Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 10-11 Stewart Rome and Betty Carter In "THE WARE CASE" The niost thriliing crime story the films has ever told. As nov- el, play and Motion Picture it has been an outstanding triumph Written by England's fanions my- stery master George 'Pleydell Bancroft. WednesdayThurmday, Dec 12.13 Lew Cody and Aileen Pringle In "«THE BABY CYCLONE" George M. Cohan's tremendous otage laughing hit has been miade into a picture juat snsted te the talents of that gay and sophltie- ated air, Lew Cody and Aileen Pringa. D.comber 14-16 Junior Cogblan and an all star cat in ",mARJCED MONEY"1 ST. PAUL'S CELEBRATES j MINISTERS AND CHURCHES OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 94TH ANNIVERSARY' Tnty United Church, Rev. J. U. During Decainber Bowsnanville Principal Taylor off Queen's Uni*r Robins, pastor. Snnday services: stores twill be open ail day on Wed- sity Delivered Two Eloquent and râlIl a. nm. and 7 p. n.-Sermons by neadays. Forceful Mesag..-Musie pasrtis te Pastor. 2.30 p. n.-Sunday1 cuiarly Good-Large Congrega School. Public cordially invted.I ON EPE OCR tions at Both Services. -i St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. YOUG ______ ONER Tiseniney-forth nnivrsax of est, D.D., minister. il a.*ni.- Aneclntroaiofieay Theniet-fort anivrsryofMorning Worship. "Our Oïut_ necletporn fltrr St. Paul's Churcis, Bowmianville, was look" 7 p. n.-Evening Worship. and musical numbers was given at celebrated last Sunday with tise Rev. "How they missed the Point". 2.30 the concert in Trinity United Chuirch R .Bruce Taylor, D.D., LL.D., Prin- .m-udySiol Friday evening, generous irf quan- cipal~~~~~~ op.ue'sUivrit, ig-ISt ndw's Prsbteia Curhtitij, superior in quality, and plenti- cipa ofQuen'sthiesrv, ices. Th t:co nrTeme' rnesban Cis rchful in variet3'. The outside artists, ston, conducting th evcs h onr eprneadCuc ts., Mr. R. J. F. Staples, tenor soloist large congregatiens both niorningli Rev. R. M. McDerment, M.A.,' minsa- of Doverconit Presbyterian Churcis, and evening were captivated witb ter. Morning service at il a- ni. Toronto, and Miss Jessie Tuite, thecham ad snseofreality thatj Evening service 7 p. ni. Sunday teadher of Elocution in Albert Gal- marked the whole conduct ef wor-' Scisool at 2.30 p. m5. lege, Belleville, were vary wisa in ship and were feît most of aIl in the St. John's Anglican Churcis, Re'v. tiseir selectiens, as was shown by sermons. t wss rare preaching. R. J .Shires, Rector. Second Sunday the applanse received on each ap- In his morning sermon Principal in Advent, December 9, 1928. 8 a. mi. pearance. Taylor drew revesling lessons for -Holy Communion, il a. n5.- Mr. Staplea' first nuniber "The ýdaily life frin tise Book of Laanen- Morning Prayer. 2.30 p. ni- Trunapeter's Caîl," wss especia]ly tations 3:39, "Wherefere doth a liv- Snnday School. 7p. m. -Evening wall sung. His other numbars wera ing man Complain"? In s brief 1 Prayer. In the Moonliglit Conie and Bring introduction hie pointed ont tisat this Me Joy, with sucis encores as Little Book clearly reflects the experiences Mother 0' Mine, Nora, etc., all being of horror wisich fell to the lot of the . .adrnhejyd Jews at the destruction of Jerusaleni us, and beautifual bîrds witis their well sungan uhejy. and in the years of exile whic'h fol- interesting ,ehârmin.g ways-theso Miss Tuite's recital of Booth lowed-rapine, famine and deati- are "lttle ships".1 Tarkington'a "Herm Cornes tise "the affliction and thse mîsery, tise Bo.oks, tee, are 'little ships'-ilhey' Brîdegron" could hardly Se Setter. wormweod and the gall". In tise provide us with s fund ci knowledge Being St. Andrews night she gave midst of tisis sense of desolation an- and intreduce ns te. the finest seuls two Scotch nuimbers, oe of a SuS- other moed expresses itself-.a moodilin the world. A hobby of soe stitute Chairinan, and by request a of isope-"It is of the Lord's niercies kînd. sermon on thse word "Circnmaspect- that we are net consumed, SecauseI An 86 yesr old business nman wiso ly," whîch were especially good. his compassions fail net. They are had acqnired millions, the Principal Other nu.xbars she gave and ihat new every merning. Therefore will found reading a financial soheet. 1 held Vtse strictast attention were 1 hope in Hini". "Why thst"? the Principal asked. "Tise Perfect Tribute to Abrahamn ~"Because I have nothing aIse", was Lincoln"; and a humerous number Daily Sine of Lif. tise answer. He needed a littie a -a' description of his wife's par- Wherefere doth a living man coin- ship! i ty dress, a inest aniazine story of a plain? The sin of coniplaining, Most of aIl we need a living faith man apparently celor bhind. Short Prin~cipal Taylor declared ,is regard- in Visese values of life whicis Jess encores of pleasing variety miade up e far ce lightly. Many people, discloses. Haylett and Lamnb werej a splendid contribution. Thse num- have a short list of two or threeý once discussing inspiration and bers S y the local talent were alo gross sins of a fiesisly nature, te whether tlhere was a real difeérence very enjoyable. Mr. A. E. Hircock which perisaps hey feel ne) verylbetween the inspiration of Jesus and who is always popular sang by re- strong temptation, and because tisey that of Shakespeare, when Charles guqnet "Tise Vagabond"; Mr. W. R. keep theniselves clear cf these re- Lamb said, 'If Shakespeare were te IStrke gave Kiplings "Wlsat of tiie gard theniselves as quite virtuous come into Viis rooni we should aIli.Bew", Mrs. T. W. Cawker and Mr. and aIl tise while are guilty of otiser rise te, greet iim, 'but if Jeans came M. S. Dale sang in duat "In tise sins which are really bad---f or they 1 we should aIl kneel". It la msti Garden of Your Heart" and ano'ther cause se mucis misery te 'those who that about Christ, soniething far equally good selactien. Miss Mar- have niost rigist te look te. us for more than respect for His great in- garet Allin sang~ in hier nsual pleas- loving synipathy and consideration. tellect-tisat about Hini wtich ing voice "Tplstî's Geod'bye". Mr. In an old list of seven deadly sîns brings us into tise presence of tise Francis Sutton rendered a fine organ one is gloeni-faultfinding. A n-.an Divine and Eternal and lifts ns inte solo, and alse a violin solo which cornes down te Sbreakfast like a a iigher and nobler world, that is wera ranch enjoyed. In tise latter thundercleud, compiains about wisat the greatest little ahin of aIl. the ergan accompaninient was play- is on tise table, then gees away ont t remains te, be said tisat neont- ed by' Miss Helen Morris. A quar- into tise world te have his gleeni al] une of tihese sermons can even re-, tet, Mesdames Morrison, Foster, An- rutibed off in tise day'â contacts with niotely snggest the charmi of theni, derson and Miss H. Argue gave two other men wile iis wife is left at tise beantifîsl and easy diction, tiseltn ndrs"FKwent y Seat Af-c 1-orre te be uained vid miserabie apt and vivid illustrations frora ton" and "encky Baba" which ob wit. tise memory of it ail day. t ii every field of experience and lesrn-linwere allreved. evJet.U. Rina- a deadly sin. Hoeaver vir-ueus tise ing, the spontaneous ligis of humer iamd eyefcetcarnn mans may consider hinisif 'r,-,.., i e and picture, the intimata and whollyl p' jtst a selfisis old sirnt-. friendly contact whioi tise listeneri RETIR.ING FROM BUSINESS Otiser sins of this type are evil feels ise lbas with a vivacions and ____ speaking-wisich makes life se pain- ricis personality-all tisese are OfE S. W. Masoa & Son S.lliag Out fully difficult often for innocent up- necessity absent freux this account. i te 60Years in Business. ward looking peuple; pessiisi- A pleasant f eatnre of this occas-____ which bloets ont tîhe sun and darkens ion, mucis apprecîated by tise con- After four generatiens of Musons tise sky of life wherever it cemes; gregation and paster, was the pres- have carried on a dry goods. bnsiness and bad tenxper-whicis wounds witis ence of many visitera, 3sema freinI lera during tise past 60 yaars the peisoned arrows where ne sucis hurt1 Toronto, and msny others froini sis- finm of S. W. Mason & Son -lus de- s.iud corne. iter cisurcises in tewn and from cidad te, retire from business. Tise Tise cause of these sins îs jUt -!- points nearby. Rev. D. W. Best, lasse of tise building tlhey have oc- fisisness. Tise cure for them L, D.D., minister of St. Paul's Churcis' cnpied for the past 32 years lma found in f orgetting one's miserable macle kindly reference to this fact Sean seld te an eut-of-town conipany. self in werthily work undertaken in' at tise evening service in making the In ordar te clear tise stock by Jan- a isopeful spirit. . chnrch announcements. uary lst ,an immense sale is 150w in Tise Principal spoke of a m5an - Splendid Musical Service full swing. Judging frei tise way plOyed somewhere about tise Uni- . people are fiocking te tise store and versity-a man retnrned fron tise Tise musical service was appropri- ceming ont witis arma fnll of parcels war psralyzed from tise waist down, ste and worthy of tise day. Tise mral ternpting values are Seing off- who pusises huiseif about in a choir responded well te tise leader- ered. 4ê slight idea of tise Sargains wisele cair wose fae Is se ship cf M r. H. J. Knight and did fine' yen may, expeet appeara in their brig'ht, lis veice se chaary and isis work whîcl was ne light matter in advt on an inside pagel. interesta 80. many and vital that Ivîew cf the waight and substance of wisen oe is glooniy witi tise depres- Itise anthenis presented. Tise organ-_______________ sien whicl disappeintuxents and1 music, under tiese killful hand of who bronglit us into this world, troubles bring and wiich ne one al-I Mrs. Cecil Dudley, net only in the fiashed before nS. Othera 110w oc- together escapes, tise tisouglist ef thisj sole numbers but in tise accempani- cnpy isis pew on tise esst sida of tisa man makes one ask "wly dotis a nints, too, was a real delight te aIl1 ciurch,some oea ase was aise filling living man complain"? "Wisy sisould 0eso "a concourse of sweetIlhus psition in taking up tise offering. h complain wiso have tise use of my i nd."Dare we mention otiser familiar limbs and can go wisera I wisis and Unliappily Mr. C. S. Halîman was names in tise congregation of tise do wisat I like". suffering froni throat trouble, cense- years tisat have passed, sonie of tise In spaaking about complaintsi quently tise numbers Sy St. Paul's 1yen nger generation stiill carrying against tise durcislhe said tisat it is MaIe Quartat, always se mmcli sp-Ion? We will venture: Patersons, net tise churcis but tise way people preciated, hiad te Se omitted. For Fisisers, McClellans, Murdochs, Fair- live in it tisat is tise real cause ef thesa were substituted a fine duet byi bairns Gaibraitha, Mayers, Bassatts, complaint. Nevertheîess it is tise Messrs. Geo. E. Chsase and H. J. Keiblis, MoDonaîds, Lawries, Ahaens, cisurcis wisci is baisind every good Knigist, and tise antisai "Even Me," McKays, Tods, McPisersons, McMur- mevement. It is when tise living i which co'ntains a very pleasing part trysiakeleys, McLanghlins, Beitlis, spirit wisicis makes tise disurch ceas- for maIe voices. j McTavisiss, Porters and others. "s te ha a fiame tisat men try te re- 1'Tear Net 0O hsael," by Spickerý - ýOur iseart aise went eut te an- taiin it by putting it in a formaI deet-: and "Sing O Heavens," by Sullivan,1 etier well-known meinber who has r*n e-about whicis they bickar and I wioh tiseir magnificent endings,, l -been associated with St. PauI's fer quarrel, ont wisat we find 15 tisat tise; ed f orth tise f ull reseurces of coior, well over isaîf a century, but et pres- great eouis of tise cisurch, Bunyan, tand ergan. Woedman's "A Sonlfnj*ent tirough sickness is teraperarily and A'Kanupis and Law and tise rest tise Night" and Bartlett's "Tise y deprived ef enjeying and occupying of tisem are strangely in isarmonyl is Ended" aise won admiration.-iis accustemed place et cisurcis. about tise deapest tiings of if e. 1 Solo parts i these antiserns were Tisat is Mr. J. A. McCIeIlan, Mansg- Litte Shps of Esape takan by Mrs. C. Arthsur Cawker, er of Bank of Mentreal, 'who by his Litte Shps f Esape Mrs. Alax. Colville and Mr. H. J. talents in finance, bas se. faithfully, In tise evening Principal Taylor1 Knight in tise muaicianly wsy that is as Treasurer, rendered invaîable spoka frein the words in Mark 32! i se well known.I service te his Seleved churois and te "He spake te his disciples that a Br-*.ggs' "hou Art Our Fatiser" St. Paul's cengregation. May le smaîl ship sheuld wait on hiiîn be wss an ontstar.ding number snng at continue te impreve in isealtis and cause of the multitude, lest ti.ey tise evening service by Mrs. C. Antis- regain lis former strength so tihat sisould tisrong hlm." Tise lessoiîs ur Cawker and Mr. H. J. Knight. hae may resune iis duties in tise drawn was tisat everyone neads 'a And se anotiser mernorable and church, lis business and tise coin- littie siip" a place of escape froin epic making milestone passes into munity, we are sure is bise sincere thie continuons care and strain ef the history of St. Paul's Ciuroi- wisis of lis hest of friands and Suai- if e, a place te go in wisicis one mayuits ninety-fourtis Sirthday! Only al ness asseciates. find rest, sud peace, and renewing. wmr eastI h cnuymr Our Lord came te tise multitude- few moereadyerdilts cnuymr but hae faIt tisa need for "a littie whl S reaOUeT ship" in whicis at timas ise rigist Fond Memories OU witisdraw. Tise celabration cf a cisurcis anni- Mn. Wreford F. Souci, Optoanet- Some cf the things froni whicis we versary always seems an occasion 1 ist, Bwmanville, wishes te advise nad e scpear urdiiluso~- hn inle felngf j-y-Aldtepbitsa aisdieado Couch,Jhnston & Cryderman, Bowmanvîlls Phone 104 LlmitoG 1% eana lan

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