PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY fl~fl~MP~ it i noo LEGÂL M. G. V. GOULD, B. LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, N3tary Money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank 'Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succestor to laste D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bownianville, Ontario. Phones:- Office 102; House 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor gratiuate in Dentistry, Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal Gollege of Dental Surgeonis of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanv-ille. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office houra 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- usity and mnember of Royal College af Denta Surgona. Licenseti to ~ rctse n ntaioanti the Dominir-n. ntitr i al tsbranches. Office- Ki. t. m anville, opposite Bank of Mottreal. Phone 301. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniakillen. Office anti Resi'lence, Dr. Beitb's former residence on Cburcb Street, Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44-t J. CLARK BELL MOD., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., <Edin>, D.P.H. (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley> dions. Graduate in Meicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgb. Office anti Resitience, Queen St., Bowmanville, Phone 89. Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 te 8.30 p. M. W. H. BIRKS, M.D. Office Hours: 1 te 4 anti 7 to 8.30. Telephone 108. Office anti Resitience: Dr. Hazlewooti'sI former residence, Wellirigton Street, Bowmanville. DR. V. H. STOREY Office hours 2 te 4 anti 6 to 8 p. m. After 8 p. m., by appoinment only. Exception-Office will be open 9 to 10 Saturday night. 36-tf THE EDITOR TALKS YOUR CHURCH What is God Like? Demande Co-operation More Thau This great question was answered Criticism Lby Rev. F. J. Maxwell, B.A., of Osh- awa, at a "Ministers' Retreat"-a The following editorial appeare cnmpany of ministers of tbe Osh- in last week's New Outlock, anti i awa Presbytery wbo met in St. our humble opinion is so timely tba Paul's Unitedi Cburcb, Bo-%wman'ville, we commenti it to the tb-oughtfu on Monday, Novmeber 26tb. Rev. anti serlous perusal of our readers John E. Griffitb, B.A., Blackstock, regardless of tbeir denominationa Chairman of Presbytery, presitiet.1 affiliations: This new designation for a minist-j How many of us ever stop to con ers ' meeting woulti indicate that s ider tbat tbe Churcb witb which w( they, like other individuals, are fondiso often flnd grievous fault is, it of a change; for in reading a report I deeti and truth, our own Churchl of tbeir sessions it seema to us to Otber banda may have dug its foun. have been in character very similar dations; other mnen may have erect- to an ortinary association of minist- ed its walls, and fashioneti its furni- ers for mutual benefit in discussion ture; but it is now in our bantis foi of themes in connectien witb theiribetter or worse. Tbe fathers who sacred calling. moultiet its theology are gone; the We titi fot hear tbe important saints wbo hallowed its pews are question tiseusset, but we have there no longer; the boly brother- 'since reatj a capital sermon on the hooti andi sisterhood whicb madie its theme "What is God Like?" of which namne as ointnient poureti forth we give Stateaman reaters a sum- sleep tbeir long last sleep; and noix Mary: we are responsible for al-the * ** Itbeelogy, tbe care of tbe building, WHAT 15 GOD LIKE? its music anti its ritual, its manifoldi i activities and its sacret charities. There were few questions, m'ore If the Cburcb is alive it is we who important, and few that demantiet are keeping it so; if it is but haîf. a more careful answer. Every- alive we are the men wbo are re- tbing depenteti on wbat we believet i ponsible for its tiecadence; if it is God to be like. The Christian creet reaîîy deati we are the men who affirms-"I believe in Got". But bave killet it. For better or worse what kind of Goti? Gdhslne st hsCu For an answer to the questionandet bas lnkousrothssbuc t.1. ....and it is-ours LdLVLu wereînree great sources ot revelation. There was first of al tbe revelation of Go>d in Nature. "Nature", said Goethe, "was tbe vis- ible garmýent of God". In the love- liness of the world. Goti had re- vealeti Himnself. In the beauty of the seasons, the glory of the fiowers, the colours of sunrise and sunset, the orter of the stars, the migbt of the sea,-Goti hati given us a glimpse of His own leveliness anti power. But that was only one site of Nature's revelation. Nature coulti be very beautiful, but Nature coulti, also be very cruel. Storms, famine, earthquake, anti pestilence, theae things, too, belonget to Nature, andi therefore, we turn from the revela- tion of God in Nature feeling that onîy as perfectly do we know wbat He is like, only dimly do we see His Face. A In it il 8, le n 1- j emay be only one of five hun- dreti emembers, but se far as our in- fluence goes we are making or mar- ring our Churcb. We lay the blame on the preachers, wbo do not preacb as the fathers dit; we declare that the eltiers are not the men for the work, as tbey are not sufficiently spiritual nor self-sacrificing; we think that the choir is not doing its work properly anti the organist is not the man for the job; but we nev- er dreamn that upon our own shoul- tiers rests part of the blame wbichl we s0 freely mete eut to otbers. Anti we forget that when a mule is kicking be is not pulling, anti whenl be is pulling he is not kicking. The1 faultfintier neyer builds a bouse norl evnextinguishes a muti puddle.]1 The road te beaven is certainly not paveti witb the criticisas of the itle.' The econ gret sorce f ou s i ouiiy man wne nas the rignt to The ecod grat ourc ofourcriticize is the man who is himsef knowletige of what God is like was in tbe harnesa anti is pulling aIl he the Olti Testament Scriptures. TI-ere, is able to. we hati a record of God, as revealeti, not through Nature, but through Some will tell us te pray for the men. To Prophet anti Psalmist came Churcb anti then everything will be a revelation of Goti sucb as Nature matie right; but it is well to rememi- coulti neyer give. Geti revealeti ber that Goti tees net do the work Himself te them as One m-ho was which lie bas laid on human shoul-1 very higb anti very holy, One wbose tiers. He means every one of bis threne was in the Heavens anti wbcse chiltren te do bis full share. It is Kingtom ruleti over aIl, One hse ne use te ask Godti o keep the fur- majesty was se bright that nonc from smoking unless we get coulti see His face anti live. One tiown anti dean eut the flues or fix wbose rigbteousness was like the the cbimney. It is utterly useles great mountains anti whose judg- praying Get to save tbe youngï ments as the great dieep. * Ipeople while we are the very pesn Wontierful as that revelation was, who are making it se uncomforal it still left us hungering te knowijfor tbem that tbey will net attendj wbat Got was like. For the veryithe Cburch. The mnan who would greatness anti majesty of Ced as re- have the Church prosper must get vealedti t the ancient seers awed us,lbusy answering bis own prayers. anti sometimes matie us afraiti. If you want Godti t save your John 5 *yoD hsul hôtter zeta rriDon h DR. . W CLRK Ati e, inaly, e trnedte hej yourself anti see what bis own DR. R W. CARK Supreme Revelation of Got matie te father can do. Physician & Surgeon us in Jesus Christ. It was there Office-Division St., Bowmanville. that w, founti the complete answer This is Got's Church, but it îs <next te Trinity Uniteti Church) te the question, "What is Got like"? also eur own Church; anti Get bas Office Hours-3 te 5 anti 7 o 9 p. m. for sait Jesus, "He that bath seen Me committeti its well-being very large- Suntisys by appointment enly. hath seen the Father". Got is like ly te us; anti if we fail then ail fails. Phone 24 Jesus. In Jesus, Gotd came down No angel from heaven can do the 45-t as a man, sharing our humanity anti Work which Got bas laid upon us. perfectly revealing Himself. The He tees not ask any man te do wbat DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS very essence of Christianity was hle is unable te te, but what be is The hyscias ofBowanvllefounti there, that in Jesus-tbe able that hie is expectedtot do, anti hae aPhysitcianse f BrofanieWord matie flesh-Getifounti Hi' do it well. You cannot save a hav areti e loe hei ofiesperfect and complote expression, Churcb by absentee members nor by Wednesday afternoons. 1. case of that in Jesus mankinti founti the members wbo are seunti asleep or emergency at this timne enciuire of perfect anti complete revelation. ýeven half-awake. Our Church de- the hospital or telephone operator We knew every man, woman anti 1 manda, net criticismn but co-opera- for a toctor. young person shoulti be eager tel tien; lot .fine-spun theeries but ----learn the answer te this exceetiingly practical effort. The nrien wbo sit vital question, se from the state- back in their pews anti fint fault, CHIOPRCTI AN DRGLES.ment bhat Geti is liko Jesus, thelh at better go home anti get busy. 'CHIOPRCTICANDDRUGESSpreacher gives tbree implications; Net aIl the got ativice in the worlt THEROPY wbicb follow: can atone for the lack ofouow DUWNE TCLY** * best eff ort; anti when we gtbs honor graduate of TorontoCoeg First, if Geis like Jesus then we sal cease to ciii of Chiropractic will be in the owg Got is intimateycocrnt i acs manville Office Tuestiay, Thurs - yindividual lie. There were some- anti Saturday eveninga, phone 14J tbing like 2,000 million people in the Himn at last te the Cross. It is at Resitiential calis matie turing fore: I world. How was it possible for Goti the Cross that the heart of Goti nonnj te know everyone of us? In our is laid bare. There we see, as no- noon. ark mootis we were ail temptedtot where else, what Goti is like, there - .- . think that Geti was far tee busy te we know that the love of Goti bas think of us intivitually or to kno-, ,ne boundiaries anti ne end; that Goti FUNRALDIECTRS us everyone. It was se easy for us ise lovet us that that in Jesus, He FUNERL DIRCTORS te think that we were lest in the1 gave Himsolf to suifer ant i te te re- F. F. MORRIS CO. 1 great crowti of humanity anti forgot- tieem us.-"Herein is love, net that S Complete Motor or ! ten by Got. But we bat only te we loveti Coti, but that Got Joveti Herse Equipment. aak-Diti Jesus over ignore a single us". AIl calls promptly person or lose sight of one in tho attentet to. crowti? That was the answer te the ques-! \U ~ Private Ambulance. Dit net He speak some of His, tion-What Nature with al itsi Bowmanville phone: greatest wortis anti perform many of' boauty coulti net tell us, wbat Prop- 10 anti 34. His kindest teetis te intivitual peop- hebt anti Psalmîst coulti not roveal, Branch Stores- le? Di<l net He tell us that it was Jesus revealet. Anti in Him we Orono & Newcastle. to seek one sbeep that the shep_ know that Ged knews us eacb anti herti left the ninety anti nine, anti aIl, that Cet suffers anti sorrows' ALAN M. WILLIAMS that theugh sparorws migbt be with us aIl, anti that supremely Cod Embalmer anti Funeral Director. bougbt five for two farthîngs yot noti loves us ail with an overlasting love. Calîs given prompt anti persenal at-1 one of tbem wvas feorgotten b y Geti9 tention. No extra charge for dis The Father that Jesus woult have 1 Tinie anti space, O Lord, that show tance. Motor Ambulance at your us know knows every chilt in Hii Thee, service. Phonos 58 or 159, Bow- gzroat human family. O f t in power ,veiling good, - manvile, Ont. 3-tf. * * -* ___________________ Secontly, if Cod is like Josus, thon Cod is intimately teucheti hy AUCTIONEERS ail our human suffering anti sorrow. THEOM. SEMONThere were mysterios about sufer- THEO . SLMON ng anti sorrow that none of us Auctioneer coulti untierstant, but the way of Farin anti Heuse Sales a Specialty. tietpair was te think of God as a Terms moterate. Enniskillen P. o.colt, impassive spoctator, looking Phono 197r3. d town unmoveti upon our pains anti griefs. Rather, must we ask was -.-Jesus unmoveti by the pains anti sor- rews of men? Was He indifferent VETERINARY te the sufferings cf thors? We E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. know He was net. Ororia We know that ail suffering anti Honor Graduate cf University of serrew touchet His sensitive heart. Toronto. -%Il cases given prompt The serrow of others Ho matie His, and areu ttenion Ofice Dr the pain et others paînet Hlim. Anti anti caresfuoramentfi. offiesr.Codis like that. Far from beingi: Clarke 3921; Oreno 181. indifferent. He is with us, sbarinzlJ PVe h- uman burton, afflicteti in ail -.1r affictions. Ne earthy fathori ."1ii hiindifferent if bis, chiltiwas >j>fTring or sorrowing, anti Cot, I 1 (J Jesus is our Father-feoling ~UflhAI'1 I arrig ail the pains anti griefsl j~~ ~ W.,f!LJI eiIr(,n. "0 ueas.t 1 matie, SH A W YS ýi Ioaert ethr,. Businecss Si& Toronto-twelve of the m-tra inr young people for, office posi tions through day andi evening sessions and home study courses. Through me EmPloYmient Depart. mn t.' CIfi nuýe assistance 18 afford- ad bth Em'nploy er andi Graduate. WrIte for calendar. Head Offices: Bay and C harles Streets. Finally, if Ced iLs ike Jesus thon the heurt of Ged is Love. That was the supreme revelation ef Cet that Je.ýus ca-ne to igive--that Cet beveti US. 0f al ho wonderful things about Jesus, there was nothing te compare with Ilig love for mon. It was a love that embraceti rich anti peer, Saint anti Sinnor, the Mag- tialene andi the Protigal. It was a love that persistet in spite of everythiog, anti that brought Are tee for us te lcnow Thee As cour trembling spirits woult: But in Jesuq, Yes, in Jesus, Father, T'hou art understooti. Sermon preacheti in Flexbury Park Uniteti Church, Suntiay even- ing, October 281th., by Rev. S. E. Harper anti publishe<j in The Cern- ish anti Devon Post, te be succeetet by answers te Who is my Neighhour? What is the use of living? What lies Beyonti? SINCE BABY CAME Since Baby came in last miti-May 1 have net ;een a single play, The newer books nrmain unrea-1 A little lif0 I've connet insteati, Se full of heavenly lines, anti sweet From silken headti t rose-pink foot. Since Baby came wif h neeti18sos great My buts anti frocks are eut of date Her carniage, ct anti garmens .aî Have swallowet up our little aIl; But other things I gladly miss My baby's blossom face te ki. Since Baby came a look cf homo Ijpon our tiny bouse bas come; lier teys are scatteret here anti there, Her little touch is everywhere, Anti Love is dearer, holier flame, Anti hrighter burn&--since Baby came. -E. C. DURHAM CLUB Tbe Durham Club was entertainet by Mr. and Mrs. R. W. King at tbe Womnen's Art Association, 23 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto, on Tburstiay, November 29tb., Dr. James L. Hug- hes, Prezident, presitiing. The evening was most enjoyable1 anti a splendid programa was render-1 eti by the following: The musical part by Miss Kathleen McGill, Missi l3anger andi Miss Marks; Mrs. O. O. Wortin gave two excellent readings; Dr. James L. Hughes and Mr. T. E. Wasbington, two very interesting ad- dresses. The meeting closeti with a vote of thanks to the bost anti hostees anti the talent. Mr. andti Mrs. King are excellent entertain-1 ers anti the meeting was a great1 succesa.1 FACTORS IN TRADE COUNTY SHORT COURSE Great intereat is being taken in the one montb Short Course in Agri- culture and Home Economica for Durhbam County, t e h helt in Mill- brook from January .7th to Feb- ruary lst. A meeting was held in, Millbrook, December 5th to inake arrangements for the course. These courses have been founti to be of inestimable benefit to young people in other sections of Durham County and Ontario. It bas been said that you are de- pendent on conditions in Vour )wn community for your own pri)sp-erity.i Any contribution you can mnake, tberefore, to the progress of your community is a contribution you will reap manifoldi. Leadiersbip is nee<lpd in every rural section and this leadiership can corne only tr education and training. It is to be hopet that large classes will greet tbe instructors in NMilibrook on January 7th. (Estavan Mercury) 1 Contrary to widespread forebod- BUIESAN Hîf ings, the invasion of the smaller BSNS N HRT towns by the chain store bas had but 5littie effect on the fortunes of the (Brampton Conservator) ,well conducted individual store. It It is not the custom to regard thel is flot the general experience that newspaper publisher as a philanthro-1 success andi stability are assured 1*Pist. Some one else in the com- only ýby financial strength and ex- mnunity gets that distinction. yt Pert oversight. The true bond 'be- the fact is, in an average conîmunityl tween the small store and its circle that tbe newspaper publisher goes! of patrons lies in the freetiom of rmore deeply into bis own pocket in action of the owner and in bis per-1support of worthy projeets than aI-1 * sonal toucb and interest in the wel- most any other citizen.1 ifare of those wbose favor be enjoys.1 Every item of publicity wbicb tbe1 In a country developing at tbe rate newspaper contributes is a donation i Canada is experiencing is an ever of money, tbe sum being representeti increasing volume of trade and for by the cost of putting tbe matter in- wbicb tbe ebain store is reaching to ty-pe andi printing it. Tbis form out, selecting the trading centres of contribution is so customary tbat tbat show moat promise of expan-1 tbe public bardly notices it or real- sion. It does not follow tbat tbe izes the extent of its accumulation nature of competition resultingi in a year's tinte. If tbe publicity eh oulti cut into the custom of the item crowds out something of more establisheti merchant. It tioes fol- reader interest tban it possesses it-I low, bowever, that tbe entrance of self, there is an indirect cost to the! a bigbly organizeti and capitalized publisher that may be mucb greater co0mpetitor in the field, sbould spuritban tbe expense of printing tbe tbe establîsheti trader to more tbor- item. [ougb kno-wledge of tbe needs andi There is a certain amount of tbis fancies of bis patrons and to system- matter wbich is joined to tbe news atic sales promotion tbrough ativer- and to tbe newspaper's function of tising and windo,;A display. Tbe supporting public affais Bu association of tbe newspaper ativer- there must be a limit. Tbe news- tisement and window display witb paper sbould not be asked to give tbe personalitv of tbe man at tbe an undue amount of its space, nor bead of the establisbment is a fac- assume an expense out of propor- tor in sales promotion that cannot tion to that of otber elements of be over estîmated. the community. Learn To Fly Get real training that qualifies for SUCCE.SS From Men Who Know Aviation You an andbigpayjobs by learning Aviation at the Harding Aircraft Flying Sehool, locateti at Toronto and Oshawa, Ontario. Expert pilo't instructors train you for a qualiiied Prîvate or Commercial Pilot's License. Write us at once. Enroîl now. IIARDING AIRCRAFT Flying School 904-5 Central Bldg., 45 Richmond St. W., Toronto 2. May We Suggest Our store is just jarn full of useful Christmas suggestions, and Brassware Pyrexware Fancy Clocks Flash Lights Skates Electrie Toasters Coleman Lamps Mouth Organs Leather Purses KidisO ar WAgon practical and here is only a Tricycles Sleighs Toboggan Snow Shoes Skis Batteries Radio Tubes Cutlery Electrie Appliances STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calîs At Our Expense Iuriavto play to Pay HOLTON WIEDOEFT MODEL Saxophones w th 10ie few Low-' et« -r c.y bave the Mast revalutionayimrveast ever made in Saxophonebuidn= h satire regioter has been rieuIZed n creaslng its richaess and beauty inta tn. * and simplified the fingeriniz throughut. Hit the Iow F,E,D and C with &Hl your power-they won't warble or break. Tare so easy ta get, and so easy to hold. * Yu cari have one for 10 Days Fr.. SoId on Easy Paymeats. The J. M. Greene Music Co. THIS CHRIS TMÀ S Victro1a-Mvaa Mode l 10. The ideal Christmas gift for the entire family is a newv Orthophonic Victrola. For Mother and Dadl, it means that their own entertainment l)roblems are at an end, and that Dorothy xviii be able to entertain her friends at home, now, with the finest (lance music. Junior, too, can be taught through Victor's courses in Music Appreciation, the finer points of music-after baby has failen asIeep, listening to the Orthophonic lay his favourite nursery rhymes. The I)rices of this ideal gift, the new Or- thophonic Victrola, r'ange to as low as $115. Terms to suit your convenience. F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Bowimanville Mhn 4 ouaONarw&rDALEr Wiedoeft's New Book on the Saxophone Vivedy par trays new saci test ideaadmethade6of &W-eiag s-d triilag A book every Sa- phonist eh ld have. Sont FREE X70U'LL luftex with delight to ii J- wonderful tone cpality- You'll be proud of it in your home- handsome walnut cabinet work-. You'II get what you want When you want it- You'11 appreciate the precision built reliability a8 you live with it thru the years HARRY C. ALLIN King St. W. Bowmanville 1 , LP' PAGE TWO ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER A- lq9R Bowmanville n 1