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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMB!ER 6, 1928. Herbs That Heal Whei Lungs and Bronchia Tubes Seem ail on Fir Fifty year go,c a qtuiet-oiýng go" Jame Galager, ameto eeborouj County. His was a marvelous skill1 compounding herbai medicine. One of bis many prescription-f( folk subject to Bronehitis or similar il and niasty coughs and colds was h Indian Lung Remedy, fufl of the healti SVing power drawn from NfothE .t ure, be"-elf. Wonderfully bealing t inflamed tissues. A builder of goor red blood. Make the arquaintancec this tried, reliable remed 'v. Neep we: this Winter. Toge tier with the othe fine Gallagher Herbai Householi Remedies, now obtainable fromn JURY & LOVELL, Bowmanville Yo'I b7 tonjhed% the *ù.usdit. rWiet It brin a to a Bore. Inflambed tbroat. Singmerpeaker, a dmnoker abou]d neyer be without f. The firat ~ demi.. othes the throt a&M binllu-n therw, a"e40 - an -et hotU.!1At ma drizggists and g,,arntasd mi W142ILMuai St.. Tare& ààaa Am lss Ua a ah-4 Minai.»« 75e AND 40e When You feel Il Corning -Whe tha oldHeadache sends lt wrigthat you are going to sufer- taeZUIQO. When you feci a Cold coigon take ZU 10o. At the fi-st sgofapain-at the first feeling ofsick- ness-take ZUTO0. Yo ilbe ail right in 20 minutes if it's a headache, or the next morning i f it is a cold. Pain ail gone, and the whole body refreshed. Dont wait-don't take chances. Get ZUTOO 'lablets to-day-and have them ready t0 take at the first sign of a Head- ache or cold and TAKE T ilEN. 25c a box-at dealers or by mail postpaid B. N. Robinson & Co. Reg.d.,Coaticook,Q 0000 ADVICE FROM MOTHER 0F SEVEN ReScomenida Lydia & Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound TSSoto,COZ ! ea tln Vegtable Copoundfor ertua"d ohr trobeesenand cildoe. 1have Mxakenthegtabl1 lao r ont re Otake 'o tbl When 4'our Children Ciy for It Castoria Js a comfort, when Baby ie fretful. No sooner taken than the littît one iseat easpe. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentmnent. No bai-m done, for Castori a ie a baby rcne(y, meant for babies. I'erfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have th, doctors word for that! It is a vegetabe ro duet and you could use it every dlay. But it's in an emergency that Catoria means most. Some niglit when constipation muet be relieved-or colic pains-or other suffering. Never ho without it; some mothers keep an extra bottie îja- oe ed, to male sure there will alwaye Le castoria in the bouse. It is effective for chder childrcn, too; i-ed the book that cornes with it. -e' z V J Report of S. S. No. 3, Darling- ton, for November: - C u t y C r e p n e t al Jr. IV-Florence Foley 71, Win- C u t y or e p n n s nie Gibson 69, tJack Finnigan 57, ______ 'e tQ Bessie Blackburn 42. Jr. IIIl-eAnnie Kusb 78, *Hazel The following frein the Elmira Signet regarding the rural il, Hopps 77 ,A]oysius Kusb 73, tQ correspondents wbo supply the weekly pap>ers with their bud- gh Wilbur Blackburn 50, tQ Ina Rob- gets of correspondence from week to week strikes the right note in -erts 49. and we feel that everyone in a community is indebted to the cor- Sr. II-*Grace Truil 84, Bobbie respondents for keeping their places ",on the niap": or Gibson 68, Eunice Lane 61. "It may be that tbe country correspondents of a weekly ls Jr. I-*Hazel Trul] àK, *Helen esaearntsesbeothsrvctey reedrig js Rundle 80, *Douglas HW- 76, Ber- nwppraefo esbeo h evc byaerneig b- nice Roberts 73, Vera Gibsoni 72, not only their family journal, but also the community in wbich er Louise Foley 68, Sammy VanCamp1 they live. Week in and week out, they contribute their bud- to 65, Hazel Roberts 64. get of news which is the mini-or of the daily bappenings in their I, *-Honours; t-Failure (below cii-cIe of activity. Witbout the correspondents' weekly news of 60% on total;) Q-Percentage low the paper would be like a dinner witb the meat dishes left out clthrough ilîness. and the community like a church service with the choir on holi- erRuby M. Bragg, teacher. days. Id "o t only the citizens in the town where the paper is pub- 33 lished find interest in the doings of their country cousins, but DARLNCTO alqo every resident in the bamlet or village from wbere the _________ btdget cornes is a devout consumer of the weekly news. Every J Resuit of Christnias examinations little happening bas its human interest. The arrivai of the fi-st held at Base Line School, are as fol- born, the marriage of a popular couple, the passing of a pioneer, lows: I~Bsi the home coming of a favorite son or daughter, the coming and Jr.IV *B--ie Blackburn 77, going of visitors, the little incidents from week toe veek which per- Winnie Gibson 74, Florence Foley haps havo no outside bearing, are al of vital moment and are im- 7,J.k Fi~*nnie Ksh 5,66oy portant factors in the life of the community. Jr. 11-Anne Kuh 7, Aoy-Truly country correspondents are invaluable in the func- sucs Kush 74, Ina Roberts 69, Hazel tioning of a weekly newspaper and we acknowledge witb grati- Hopps 67, Wilbur Blackburn 60. tude the loyal and efficient service they are rendering this fam- Sr. HI-*Grace TrulI 90, tEuniceI ily journal tbroughout the entire year". Lane 54, tBobbie Gibson 48. ________________________________ Si-. I-*Helen Rundle 90, *Doug-. las Hopps 86, *Hazel TrulI 86, Sain- my VanCamp 85, *Vei-a Gibson 80, *Louise Foley 75, Hazel Roberts 60, ENFIELD AUTUMN SUNSET tBernice Roberts 54.__________ Figures denote % ; *-Honoui-s;1 Visitors: Mr. Albert Niddery, Tor- Looking tbrougb the tanglod boughs t-Failure (below 60 % on total.)! onto, Mn. J. Deive ,Windsor, Mi-. Into tbe sunset glowing, Ruby M. Bragg, tecacher. and Mrs. H .James, Columbus, at Mr. Far and away out yonder j J. Hepburn's; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beyond the old oarths rim j Ormiston, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. J. I look and wonder if tbe1trees 1Ormiston's; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Are really quite unknowing PONTYPOOL Webber, Burketon, at Mr. TaI. Hen- O upe oeadcisnfae ny's; Miss Elford, Blackstock, a 0f purie, ros ee and imso lae Mrs. Albert McMahon visited witb Mn.Waltereguson's; Mrs. W. J.Ta ib p vr ib relatives in Toronto. Omso visited in Bowmanvill id neri l ote at Misa Greta Davy 'visited Mr. and last week. .Messrs. Bei-t Ferguson, Mrs. L. Williamson over the week- F. Sit.h and Geo. Ormiston attend- That foît the Spring sun shining end. e h oa ari oot..Ms And gave her output every day Mrs. Clara Varney wbo bas been Verna Ormiston and Mrs. Edwin Or- Tbelbleslon grsummerdtholo guest of bier brother, Mr. J. W. Beat- miston are visiting in Toronto .ibad.. rasad ooe 3ty is in Toronto visiting witb ner Mn. and Mrs. Frank Page, Toronto, flowers - recently visited at Mr. S. Pages.... And leafy boughs were twining- 1sister, Mrs. John Skitch. Program given by the C.G.I.T. girls I wonder wbat she's feeling now t Mn. J. Hill is visiting his ýdaughter. of Enniskillen was much appreciat- 'Neatb Autumns gold and blue? Mr. Hill went bunting near Mum- ed, eacb one doing bier part ver y ford with a party from Lake Scu-1omnal.1wdeiftecor lgs geg nd epors afinetim. 1That in the sky are glowing, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooper were at emlkthfowrseuedt the Royal Winter Fair Mody YOUR HOME MERCHANT e ark hefoossh sdV during their absence the pipes n 1h MERITS YOUR PATRONAGE Upon bier lovely breast? store set lire, giving only a scare. And can it be the trees that seem Tbe eyes are said te be the win- So queit and unýnowing, At James Mitcbell's auction sale dows of the soul. T.bey are su~p- Could tell the secret growth of et Ballyduif, George Jackson, Port posod to. refiect what la inside. Te tig Perry, veteran auctioneer, becamie commercialize this tbought, if it 'i hthwinga ul t et unconscious due te a weak beart. permissible, it migbt be pointedJ ou tha itrlist et A doctor bappened te 'be present and tbat show windows of a store may Loigtr'tetnldbuh -revived Mr. Jackson. Ris son Ted be taken as a fair criterion of w okngtr' h anldhouh continued tbe sale. tbe establishment has te offer on its Where cimson Iights are dying, counters inside, te the sbopper and Par and away out yonder The Family Physician. The good tbe buyer. Beyond the old earth's rini, doctor la always worth his fee. But vleIseafoko itebà it la not always possible te get a An inspection of BowinanvileInso te a foco f litnbid doctor just wben you want him. In ýtore windows up and down the bus- Asifo the ws g o ling hn such cases, common sense suggests iness streets of the town, wiîî proveAsiAplosbcnnghd the use of reliable home remedies, to the interested observer that these Had called them straight to hlm. sucb as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011, stores have in their complete fal whih a ondrfll efeciv ~ and winter linos of goe<ls, and are The trees that lift their etchings1 easing inffammatory pains and heal- now ready to serve their patrons high ing cuts, scratches, bruises and with the very best of everything in With lilac sha ows darken, sprains. The presence of thla rem- the way of merchandise for every Stili, thro' the greying branches edy in tbe family niedicine chest need and evei-y occasion. Come the changing scenes I love saves many a fee. Bowmanville people are fotunate Evening spreads her purpie pinions in baving moi-chants and stores of Dropping peace the whil] I hanken,1 Pontypool Royal Black Preceptory the higbest order. Local stores As 1 watch Go.c's moving fingers beld its sixtb annual banquet on and shops are well above the aver- Write in beauteoxus script above. Wednesday evening, wben about 80 age for towns of this class. These- Laura Bedeli. sat down to a table laden with stores and shops constitute one of dainties of every description. Sir the chief attractions to visitors to Kt. James Richardson, Master of the town, and many words of pi-aise and Corns cannot exist when Hollo- local Society, was toastmaster. appreciation bave been heard fi-cm way's Corn Remover le applied teo Toasts were miade by Sir Kts. W. H. people from the surrounding country. theni, because it goes to the root( Hooper, Chas. Brown and Johný People wbo live bei-e also should and kilîs the growth.S Payne. OfficiaIs of the Grand Pre- appreciate their up-to-date stores. No child sbould be allowed toe ceptory were present, also Rev. W. There la no excuse for the Deopîe sufer an hour from worms when e H. Boombour and Lieut. W. Rae- of this town going or sending'away prmpt relief can be got in a simple V field. A fine pi-ogram followed the fi-cm Bowmanville for the things b ut strong remedy-Mother Graves' c banquet. tbey need. People will find bore Worm Exterminator. complete stocks in every lino, the ______________ BLACKSTOCK styles, the varietios and pnices toi b compare favorably witb those cf c Mi-. Robert Bell attendod the Roy- other or langer cities.h aI Wintcr Fair last week. Bowmanviile moichants employ Mnr. Joliffe, Toronto, visted bis large numbers of people. They e a daubte-, rs.(Re.) owel. maintain large payi-olls and pay , - So-ytoba-otht rs Omnd thein ahane cf the taxes. The mon- e Wnigh teis enya I n Bowmanville ey spent with tbem is kept in cii--I Hosital. eyil n Bwmnil culation bei-o. Tbey are loyal te d h Hospital.their town and the townspeople d Mrs. T. Smith spent the weekend sbould be loyal to them. flteBcfloStsk! ni with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. ____ Frank Lambe, Manchester. «fS YUULTRY W V Mn. and Mns. A. Rabin and Mn.! The Family HRiaid and Woekly il r.5 5UR S G. Slute wene in 'Prince Albert ne- Stan of Montreai is not only a mcney ~IU..A~UI5LLVri cently attending the funeral cf their maker but a money saver te the of nephew. fanonrs of Canada, wbile the farm- Wrte PS LI W bWE h Misses Helen and Wilma Van- ýi's family cii-cie, in the accompany- .328ati7&-t«efof~,aaI.É < ec Camp bave returned borne froni aling magazine, gots wbat la admittedi _ ciý visut with their grandmother, Mi-s. te ho the best of alI. - th M. Smith. Every advance notice of any kind, tc Young Peoples Society of Port wbere the object ie the benefit orSr Perry United Church visited the convenience of any person or nuni- R Blackstock League and put on a ber of pensons, is advertîsing, and t splendid prognam followed by a soc- wilI be treated by The Statesman as r ial imeandiunc. sch. If no instructions acconi- The very instructive and inter- pany the notice, advising us te whom1f esting nursing class was hrought te ite charge it, it wilI ho charged te, a close on Friday, Miss Petty, thelIthe person phoning or sendiog it in.J nurse in charge, was presented with Nothing sont in unsigned will ho in- cf nth datainppoiaioIfre M Il hell. ht>-uý(-ut ins 'te ýmourin bis los.s three hu-otheu-.ý; anti thi-esus- ter.;, John of Burketon; Walter cf juist Rign[ Bethune. J.,;(-sphof Fdmir)n- I Maud of Winnipe-g, and Elizabeth at Foriioset Stoniaii home. llelp for Asthma. Negleet gives For after-eatinF distresa, gas, a-sthma a gi-tat advantage. The sournesa and bloating ,the quick and trouble, one,il bas secui-ed a foot- Positive neutnalizing action cf B is- hold, fastens its g'ip on the hi-en- urated Magnesia bas proved te he -.hialo' p Asstnculy Dr. J. jiust rigbt! Relief, certain and gi-at- D.Kelog' Athma Remedy is dailv ify'ng, elmost instantly folîows the henefiting cases cf asthnua cf long vo-y ira tdoee-and a few cents' Standling. Yeais cf sufferng, how- jwerth obtainable from any good over, might have heen prevented had druggiet, lests for a long timo. This the remedy been used wben the secial Risui-ated foi-m of Magnes,- trouble was in ite i-at stages. Do t for Stomach Troubles only, dees net negleu't asthma, but use this pro- Ioct nct as a laxative. Ask yeur pai-ation at oco. duuggîst. '.4 and you grow a little weary -that's the tirne for a steam-- ing, nourishing cup of OXO - -IT'S BRACINGI! hI6 -o. Finaka and Tiec4andIOCub.a It'a "Meat and Drink" oyou ORONO (Fri-c The News of November 29 IMiss Mary Hunter of Toi-ont visited with Dr. and Mrs. Kerelake. Mr. H. N. Jeuîyon of Tonont spont the weekend with Dr. and Mi Kerelake. Miss Hilda Gamsby left lest wee for Tor-onto. Her fathen acconm panied ber. Rev. William Sterling attende the Ministers' Retreat in St. Paul' Church, Bownuanville, Monday weel Mrs. John McRae bas returne, fi-cm Montreal wbere she was caile on account cf the ilîness cf lho mother. The Mi-e Mary Allen residence et Chui-cb St. near C. N. R. station ha been purchased by Mn. John McGill Enniskillen. Miss Greta Davey, Millbi-ook, i home for a week or two, ber schoo being closed owing to an epidemit cf the measles. Miss AIma Cutteli accompanied ho: cousin, Miss Liiîian Cuttell to Toron te where she will consuit a z~pecialis for thi-cat trouble. Councillor L. A. Dent was pleasK to receive a visit ,Sunday last, fi-ouï bis brother, Robert E. Dent ci North Bay, a war vetenan. Sergt Dent who stands 6 f t. 7Y2 incbeu in bis stccking foot,, had the dis, inction cf being the tallest man le the ovorseas forces. Mrs. F. J. Hall, delegate fi-cm thE local branch of the Women's, 9-n- stitute, Mi-s. J. R. Cooper, substit- uting for the districtnpeenaie Mr.Honeywell, Mrs. Dickson and 1 Mrs. Cutteli attended the Institute Convention in Toronto last week, and were among those entortained at a banquet tendered te the dole- gates by the Rober-t Simpsoo Co. Limited. The Senior and Junior Mission Band cf the Park St. United Cburch 1 gave a very intoresting and enjoy- able program on Friday evening last. Motion songe, i-eadings and instrumentals made a pleasing var- iety. A vocal selection by Miss Dorothy Rowe and instrumental duets ýby Misses Marion Green and Edra Beet brought to a close the entertainment. Several quilt- the work cf the children-were ex- hibited one cf wbich le for sale. William Moorey, after a short ilîness from pneumonia, paeeed away at bis home et Trenton on Saturday, Novenber 1l7th. Deceased was bei-n near Orono and spent bis eanîy life in the village, going to Trenton when a young man, and for a nuni- ber of years has been employed in the paper mille there. He is sur- vived by a widow and family cf Bey- en-four sons and thneo daughters, aIl married; hie brother, George of Teronto, and sister Mrs. Hoar, St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Chap- man attended the funeral. PA pleasant social evening tock pace at Centre St. Church on Wed- nesday evening lest unden the aus- pices of the Ladies' Guild. A novel feature was a musical group conipe- tition, 5 groupe cf the audience be- ing contestants. Another new ad-' venture into the musical nank cf our ývillage wae the appe-arance cf the Orono Musical eextette, under the leadership of Mr. Harold uAllen. They were beard in vocal and in- triumental numbers with pleasure. General John Hughes officiated as chairman in bis usual capable man- ruer. The timely visit cf Prof. and Mns. Yioung cf the Young-Adams Concert Company and Len Gainsby, late on Sunday afternoon, to the home cf M4r. Orme Gainsby la aIl that saved the life cf Mn. Gamsby, whom. the ilitons found Iying in a parlor chair complotely overcome by coal gas whicb was escaping fi-cm a defective furnace. Hastily getting Mr. Gains- by fi-cm the gas-filled bouse, the roc- cuers rushed hlm to the near by hotol and fi-cm thence to the home of Mn. J .J. Gilfillan where the fam- y physician, Dr. W. G. McCulîoch, applied restoratives . Mn. Gamsby had completely coîlaoDsod froni the fects, f the gas ho had inhaled and e reniained in an unconecicus con- ition tili about the one o'clock the ext moi-ning. A very enjoyable social evening' 'as held at the home of Mr. M. H. tapIes, President of the Clarke Ag- icultural Society, Monday, wben the ilficers and directors with their iusbands and wives were entertain-1 d. During the ovening it was de ided to organizo a dramatic and )peratic company in connection with te Clai-ke Township Agricultural 3ociety, and a committee compris- ug Mr. W. F. Riekard, Mrs. D. Zobb and Mrs. J. R. Cooper, chosen onamne a management committee epi-esentativeocf the various sec- ins cf the township, submittod the 'Ilowing:-W. F. Rickand, New- astle; W. Laing, Newtonville; T. W Lekson, Newcastle; W. MoifatOr no; F. Blackburn, Town Lino; ,, A. ýaI, Leska.rd; C. Powers, Kinhy;1 Phones: Bowmanville: 235 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Addreee: 274 Auguste Ave., I Toronto. 47-4w1 Quality Food Stuffs-At Archie Tait's Christmas Buying is Away to a Good Start It seems hard to realize that Christmas is only a few weeks away-but that's ail. Some Christmas cakes are made now-that's why we are showing ail our Christmas fruits. Currants that are absolutely free of ail dirt. Large Blue Select Raisins (seedless). Seeded Raisins in package, Puffed Raisins. Candied Pineapple Rings, New Dates. French Cherries. Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Citron Peel. And a fulll une of Pure Spices, Pastry Flour, good Baking Powder, Vanilla and various Icing. Right now you get the pick of the season's best. Our stock is fresh and most tempting to those who want the good things. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville '1 6 MLI INI q " Hogs Grow Fauter onke onake Sugared I Schunuache b You use less feed because the time to market is shortened, and you can catch early market prices if you raise your hogs according to Quaker methods with Quaker Sugared Schumacher. This is a complete carbohydrate feed that goes right to the spot and builds the kind of pork that brings best prices. It's clean, easy to handie; saves tirne and waste. We have it here for you. SSugared Sehusuacher Feed "SCLD BY~ HARRY ALLIN, GROCER /1 's AVIATION GASOLINE Did You Know? The world's longest Air Mail Route was re- cently opened, using undoped Sheil Aviation Gas- oline and Sheil Golden Oul on this flight of 8600 miles. Give this high grade, easy starting gasoline a trial in your car. You will be pleased with its per- formance. SoId by C.A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanvjlle PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1928. Olimakalp Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville

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