~AQI EIGHITHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN'VILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMB'ER 13, 1928 -I DelightIuI Christmas Candies Both "growing-ups" and grown-ups would be glad to find our delicious "Sweets" in their yule- tide stockings Christmas morning. None better for taste-none purer for wholesomeness. We have your favorite make in attractive Christmas gift boxes from ....................... .25c to $2.50 Christmas Cakes at 50c Pound The* Bowmanvile Bakery j Successrs to .Christie's Bakery Bowmanville HOLSTEIN BREEDERS MEETING I Mr. McPhail also gave an outline of the inethods by which Perth County Over forty attended the twelfth Holstein breeders organized for annual meeting of Durham County showing a county herd at the C.N.E. Holstein Breeders Club 'held in R. .HlbPr er il Community Hall, Newcastle, on De- Man M.rtheHolt inPorerry'gFvel cember 6th. In the absence of or tetHoîsteintbreed, gve a President H. I. Seymnour of Cavan vr neetn a] ntepora vice4President A. J. Runnalls, Port of the Holstein breed in Canada. J. Hope occpied the hair N~Y. Kellough, Agricultural Represen- offleers. are: President-A. J. Run- -cuid tecar e tative, Port Hop>e, gave a short talki nall, Prt Hpe;Vic-Preidet- on Junior Fariner work in the count- Ils, Pt H oe vieresie- ty. He asked that a silver cup bo, Treas.-J41 H. Jose, Newcastle; Audi-!eve by the club to the high boy tor-N.MutonR. . Gle;Dirct-in judging dan-y cattie at the county ors-Chris Cox, J. D. Stevens, Percy gcompetii. Ti eus a Seymiour, Fred Fallis, Walter Rey- gatd nolds, Mont Bickle, A. J. Tamblyn, Sorne of the resuits of Cow Test- A. A. Gibson. ing work were pointed out and sonie It was decided to hold a sale at of the benefits froin this were out- Bowmtanville in the spring of 1929. lined. 'The value of rnany Holstein A very successful banquet was herds in this county could be greatly held at 12.30. Short speeches; were increased if the owners would join given by Mr. W. F. Rickard, Reeve the Cow Testing Association and for of Nwcatle F. . Bwen M i a verw sinall suin have their mîlk W. J.ewcatg,;M.P..,an Dr. ., tested every xmonth of the year. Reynolds, Port Hope General feeling of meeting was Mr. M. C. MePhail, B.S.A., Ag- one of optimisin regarding the fu t- ricubtus'al Representative at 'New~- ure of dairying in this part of On- miarket, gave a splendid talk on the tario. It is feit that Durhamn Coun- opportunities open to dairynien in ty is in a very favorable position to Durhamn County. He briefly out- increase ber production of dairy lined some points on breeding and products. Next annual meeting feeding of high class dairy cattle. will be at Bowmanville. N ewc astle's New Drug Store (Opposite Commnunity Hall) Christmas Gifts That Please Stationery in fancy boxes 25e to $1.50 Toys, ýPicture ýBooks and Gaines For the Children Yardley Lavender Sets For Ladies and Gent.s 85e to $3.50 Old Dutch Silver Candie Sticks with Candies . $2.25 Picture Frames.............. $1.25 Don't Forget Your Christmas Cards ,.A. E. MELLOW, Phm.B. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST Phone 3313 The Newvcastlge Indfe THURSDAY, DECEMBER l3th., 1928 NEWCASTLE YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE iMiss Mary Býellyou, Trenton, Ihe Young People's League beld spent the weekend with ber cousin, a very interestiag meeting on Mon- Miss Dunreath Dudley. dtay evening. Prograni in charge Mrs. P. LeGresley spent the week- of Missionary Vice President, G. E. end in Toconto with ber brother-in- Hancock, consisted of pian-o solo, law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Loreen B'tty; topic "Christmas and Grubbe. Missions", Clarence Allun; vocal Mission Band under the superin- solo, "Danny Roy", Miss Brock; tendency of Mrs. (Dr.) Butler will pisylet «'AIl Nations Christmas";- meet at Mrs. Win. Hennings' on Sat- solo, "Ramona", Miss Brock. urday. Dcc. 15th, at 2.30 p. nm.___ .United Church, Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, Pastor. Sunday, Dec. l6th: COUNTIES' GRANT TO SCHOOL 1l a. nt-Morning Worship; 2.30 p. nt-Sunday School; 7 p. n.- The Counties' Grant to the New- Evening Service. castle Righ School thjs year for the Newcastle United Church Sunday education of county pupils (that is School will hold its annual Christmas pupils from outside the municipality Tree Entertainnient on Friday even- of Newcastle) attending the school ing, December 21st. Pleo.se reserve is $1875.74, $336.40 of which is for the date. 46-t arrears of 1926, unclaiincd at the Mr. Chas. Moise ceturned home turne. asat week froin the upper lakes where The Counties' Grants for the past he ad pen th snimr a usal slfive years have been as follows: wireless operator on one of the big'i2-16.7 pls$00eta steaniships. 1924-$1161.06, plus $200 extra; 1925-$1089.33, extra dcopped;1 We are pleased to leacn that Miss 1926-$1081.01; 1927-$1412.01. Bertha Cowan la recovering froni a severe attack of rheuinatic throat trouble froni wbicb she ha been suf- fering for the past few weeks. TYRONE St. George's Churcb, Rev. E. R. James, Rector. Sunday, Dec. 16th, Many around bere are sick. 3rd Sunday in Advent: il a. n.- Church next Sunday at 7 p. ni. ..Moning Prayer; 2.30 p. m.-Sun- Miss verna McCoy is visiting day Sehool; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. friends in Toronto. Wonian's Association of the Unit- Mr. Levi Annis, Toronto, spent ed Cburch will meet for generalithe weekend at home. business and election of officers at Mr. T. Scott spent Sunday with the home of Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butler frienIs at Port Hope. this Thursday afternoon at 2.30 M.adMs .Rcad iie o 'dock.their daughter, Mca. H. Findley, Un- Mr. J. R. McNichol, President ofiovle the Ontario Conservative Associa- M.adMs ennsadsn tion, and Mrs. McNichol, Toronto, M.adMs ennsadsn luncbed with Mrs. I. E. Bowell and Oshawa, recently visited at Mr. W. grand-daughter, Elmhurst Inn, on Stewart's.. Tbursday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lllicrap, Canning- Mrs. A. Colville, Bowmanville, as- ton, visited their daughter, Mrs. F. sisted the United Churoh Choir in L .Byam. their service of song on Sunday Rev. J. R. Trumpour conducted a1 evening, and rendered, in ber usual reception service at church on Sun- splendid manner, the solo, "The day nmorning. Lord Ia My Light." Msi J The C. G. I. T. held their regular Mr.J Hendricks, Trenton, is Jmeeting on Tuesday evening at the 'visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parsonage. A talk on "Christmnas" B. F. Gardiner. was given by Minnie Pearce and Mr. and Mrs . Allan Brown and a discussion on sanie conducted by Miss Helen Brown, Peterboro, vis- Mca. (Rev.) W. P. Rogers. Meet- ited at Mr. R. Scott's. ings suspended until aftec New Years. Mr. Willis Stewart and Mr. and Master Jamie Wright entertained Mrs. Ronald Scott visited Mc. and his high school chuins of the lake- Mrs. W. McDonald, Cobourg. shore section, namely Jack Holmes, MisFoncDwOsaMr John Hendry, Albert Pearce and BiI- MTheodorne Down, OwniaiL, vis- ly Rowland, on Saturday afternoon. horeDwBwmnàe vs The boys all declare they had an es- ited at Miss Margaret Mooce's. pecially good tume and most espec- Enniskillen League visited our ially at supper tume.1 League. After the opening exer- Tbe trustees of the Lake Shore'cises the visiting President, Miss School have engaged Misa Giays Me Werry, took charge. Piano Cann of Salemn as teacher to scee olo was given by Miss Audrey Dor- Miss Thecesa McNeil who bas tend-1 land; devotional wvas taken by Mr. ered ber resignation to take effecet IF. Dorland; selection by mixed quar- at Christmnas. Miss McNei] bas. tet, Miss Reva McGill, Mca. Jeffery, given the very best of service and 1 Mr. Milton Stainton, Mr. John SIe- satisfaction and bas upheld the mon; reading by Mr. Ernest Werry; proud traditions of the school in topic was taken by Rev. J. M. Whyte every way. on "la Life Worth While"? He About 50 liveîy young people in- aiso gave two solos with cello ac- vaded the home of Mr. Irwin Colwill companmment; ceading by Miss Mac on Tuesday evening, whece they Werry; Miss Myctle Brunt presented were cordially welcomed and enter- the Banner to our League. Our tained by the surprised Irwin, bis President, Miss F. Gardiner, then parents and sister, assisted by Mr.,took charge. Mca. Floyd Dudley H. W Perce. Theeýveingwasconducted a contest after a social H. W.ntl sPe T h enin andhaîf bouc was spent. Newly elect- pea ataentwith conteta and ed officers of the Young People's So- gane, atervwice a dliiosciety are: President-Miss Flor- ence Gardiner; viceJPresident- Mc. Ed. Hammond, nocth of the Mrs. Floyd Dudley; Secretary-Miss. village, held a successful shooting Ruby virtue; Treasuer-Mc. Earl match, to dispose of bis season's Goodman; Missionary Treasurer- flock of geese, in ýCunningham's Mr. Carl Bradley; Christian Fellow- flats on Saturday aftcrnoon. Each' ship Leader----Mr. F. Dudley; Mis- goose called for six tickets at 50c s.oayLae-isAieTop each. Mr. Fred Wight, Mr. Rani- ison; Christian Citizenship-M.Niss mond's neighbor, was one of the Margaret Moore; Literary and Re- luckiest shots of the afternoon, win- creation Leader-Miss LoIs Rich- ning three geese in aIl. ards; Pianist-Miss K. MeCullough. Oshawa Citizen's Band, conduct- ToFpie Thuraday evening was in cd by Mc. R. Fountain, wece greeted charge of Miss Kathleen McCullough by a very large and enthusiastic aud- "Life's Situations that Perplex." ience on the occasion of their ficatý Santa says est Creain of Bacley. appeacance in Newcastle CommunitYl Hall on Sunday evening. The band rendered 8 or 9 splendid niusical nunibers, including cornet, and pic- A SUNSET IN SCOTLAND colo and clainet duets. Mrs. A. Colille, Bowmanville, contralto Among the heather dotted grass soloist, deligbted the audience with We lingered you and I, ber vocal numbers, andr was cecalled Just as one lovely golden day several turnes. Was passing slowly by. _____________________________And left a tcail of colored lights Accoss the western sky. men, soft slip- and Slippers for Men From 95c to $2.95 Fancy leather slippers, Romeos, Ev- eretts in kid and caif leathers, feit and camel sipers with soft padded soles or re glar leather soles and heels. FOR THOSE WHO LIKE TO SKATE' Men's "Lightning Hitch" Hockey Boots from $2.75 to $5.0 Size 6 to 101/2ý. Women's Skating Boots Lightning Hitch-sizes 2 to 7 From $1-.95 to $4.75 Boys' Hockey and Skating Boots Sizes 1 to 51/.,, various styles From- $1.95 to $4.50 Mis.-es Skating Boots Sizes il to 2. Special Value from $11.5 0 to $2.95 Odds and Ends in Skating Boots on $1 .00 Bargain Table. COME, BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS TO-MORROW Slippers for Women From 55C to $285 Quilted satin slippers, leather slip- pers, in colours, and warm felt slip- pers in aIl dainty shades and al sizes to choose from. A Typîcal Little Fifth Avenue Gift Shoppe Right Here in Bowmanville Worncn who have visited Clarence S. Iýason's "Xmas Gift Shoppe" are .niniply delighted with the case their Gift Probleis are solved-when they -ec the variety of Dainty, Useful, Inexpensive, Ferninine Gifts offered in this pretty Little Shoppe. Hun<lreds (if brand new ideas in Xrnas Gifts--Original Little Novelties that are really useful. (There is no rubbish in the store). Space does not permit a lpngthv lit (if articles. We want you to come in and see our offerings. You %vili t' nmade to feel welcorne and we feel confident you will be agreeably .-arprist.d St the values we offer. EXTRA-We are offering the Balance of our Coat stock at prices that mean a very real saving-No need to wait for January Sales-Buy now while the selection is good. C,'1 ir cericc e The OnlY Exclusie Sbop For Women in Bownianvile Wbhere you are neyer urged to buy. One Door West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 161, Bowmanville The heather sprinkled grass appear- ed One crinison, purple glow, And in the bush aI twilight bouc Our heads were bendint low. I held your hand in mine sweethcart It secmed to tremble go. The earth and sky together met, In one great flaie-and then Upon the quiet air arose A wondcrful refrain. It stirred the heather and the grass And echned forth again. Miaybe 'twas mnusic froin the kirk We know not you or I, It might have been a heavenly choir Pealed out across the sky, But in our souis we heard the songi As9 daylight passed us hy. -Laura BedelI. Sehool Teachw Attack.d mot go iery long ceam% rywa v017 anKloue te o g nonae afth: professions, no In order ta make enough nuonoy to keep up wit b Su expenses. ho took up sohool teaehtnt. Weil. tes.ebin" Ian', 0 e&;( now-a- days a. It useS to b.. and Henry had ta work doubly bard ta do bie day@ work and alon kep Up wlth hies i- voeo tudios. More t han that. ho a to:gpare &orne of his siender earnings ta oletkeep bie w1dowed mother. Mis tathor- diod m.i.e fitteen years ago Iomtubarcuonss.and, In turne. and ongbetorf#his gnai wao rer.rhed Henry, ton. bcd oUtworn hlm i ed& reserve ar trength. Now ho bas bcd ta 2 ive u p 1lisposition au sa teacluer, enS bi. lif sm ambition, and enter the lKuskaka Hompi t.4 for Connumnptives, whoe a long fight la befor. hlm. Tt may b. many montha befors tbe0 ex: p moecd ndical attention anSdnurs- gn ol ettinf aM this institution. the flt hop* 0fno0many untortun- atses 11ahlm, wlIi do their #>rt and put hlm on is t.et a gaino ouiSn't rote lke to h.!1 in thie work? A aubacription woua I be mont webcom. 0 h May be sent to non W. A. 4m«. M pendenit LAKE SHORE, CLARKE f BROWN'S SCHOOL, CLARKE A Christmnas tree and concert will A hitaIocetadbse be held at S. S. No. 2, Lake Shore, scalChistin hda tBconrwnd sketoo Clarke, on Thucsday evening, De-. socia wlbe hdAdmisrown'a 2c. cember 2th. Geod prograin. Corne on Dcme 4h Amsin2c and see Santa. Admission 25c. Ladies witb baskets free. Santa says eat Creain of Bacley. 1 Santa says eat Creain of Barley. WE CARRY THE BEST MAKES 0F RUBBER FOOTWEAR What can make Christmas more pleasant than a pair of new style Galoshes in Fawn-, Grey or Black in these four styles: (a) The Modernit-the new satin galosh everybody's talking about at $3.95 (b) The Zipper-the style that needs no introducing at .............$3.45 (c) The Colette-the style with velvet eut and sliding fastener, Special at $2.95 (d) Our Special Galosh at $1.95 Men's Galoshes 1 buekie ..............Special $1.95 3 buekies ....Special Value $2.75 New style zippers for men, Jersey cloth Galosh,.......Special at $3.95 Men's Plain Over Rubber 95c, $1.10 SPECIAL Kiddies' FeIt Boots, just the thing for winter at $1.55 CLUB BAGS The Gift Supreme-Our stock in- cludes many new feature lines $2.45 Up for men or women, in cowhides and grain leathers. LADIES' HAT BOXES and CASES TO MATCH $2.95 UP Beautifully lined-a gift that will last a lifetime-Reasonably priced. Men's Fine Hose from ....29c up Women's Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose, Regular $1.95, Special $1.39 Penman's Children's Silk and Wool Hose, high grade ...............7&c ROVAN'S OFFER New Goods - Greater Variety - Lower Prices Special Women's Silk and Wool Penman's Silk and Wool lst grade Hlose ..................................49c full-f ashioned ..................89c SPECIALS THIS WEEK IN SHOES AND RUBBERS Women's Patent, in one strap or Men's Heavy Rubbers pumps, in high and cuban heels 7 inch rubbers with rolled edge sole Woinen's Oxfords, Patent and Caif, 15 pair only left at ...........$2.25 Specially Priced $2.95 37 prs. with double white sole $2.85 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S a t in s _ _ _ _ _ _ _a n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 i n c h r u b b e r a t . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .$ 2 .9 5 Woin 's hatnsstpan d t ie 2sh oes Look 12 inch Work Rubber with inhih n cba eess.e95 t leather uppers reduced to ....$3.95 Men's Boots and Oxfords on display Childiren's Oxfords Black and Tan at these prices, 5 to 71/2............. Reduced to $1.45 $2.95, $3.50, $3.75, $3.95, $4.45, 8 to 101/L,...........Reduced to $1-55 $.5t 80 il to 2 ............Reduced to $1.95 $.5t 80 Men's Work Boots, Special $2.75 Up T IE S! T IES! ___________________________ boxed in Xmas boxes, Reg. $1 ties English Spats .............$1.25 Up Special Buy 49c Box BOWMANVILLE'S NEW SHOPPING CENTRE R. J. Rovan's New Shoe Store Oppouite the Bovwmau Hou», ln th.old McMurtry Bock-Phone 828 (FormerIy uext t. Matou & Dai*'&) stil, onuthe Sunayslde (Store Open Every Night Till Christum.) Slippers for Children From 45c to $1 .35 Leather slippers for littie "Puss in boots" slippers of bright red felt, and girls' felt pers with fancy trimmings fluffy pompoms. 0« PRACTICAL GIFTS AT ROVAN'S Where Christmas Footwear Reigns Supreme à 1 IIAGZ ZIGRI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928 1 '