THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TRURSDIAY, DECEMBER 18, 1928PGEFV GIFTS FOR EVERYONE AT KNOX'S We Will HeIp You Solvet Your Gift Problems For Children and Aduits Sjippers-In ail colors and sizes. Hockey Boots-mI sizes from you.ths to adults. Moccasins-In ail sizes. Book-Cases-In. red and Blue. Iub Bag-At ail prices. Wardrobe Cases SPECIAL- Silk and Wool Hose in sizes 8½/ and 9, best quai- ity, to clear at .......75c Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 Bowmanville Xmas Gifts THAT BRING Happiness and Service "The Gifts That Last"... Eyeglasses & Spectacles Make soineons happy this Xinas. -SEE MITCHELL,- GIFT SUGGESTIONS Weoffer an excellent lins of Yardlsy's Toilet Goods, Seely's Toilet Goode, St. Denis Toilet Goods, Neilson'e Chocolates and Statioesry. W. know they will please you. Ses theni now et R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drugginte and Optoinetriste Phone 92 Bowxanville Ont. IN A TEA GARDEN I've seen you stand in a mist of flow- ers, That grew in a garden fuir, 1 -" I sometimes thought it might be1 yeu, -Who created the sunlight there. I've st with you in that liomey place The urn at your dear rîght band, And I've been bewitcbed by a ruffis of lace That fell from a snug wrist-band. l've watched your fingers se whits and slim Curve lovingly in and eut 0f the handle of some dainty china thing Or a pot witb a sîlver spout. 0, there neyer was tes of such fragrant brs'w, As we had in that hoiney place, When I wus bewitchsd with t he charin of yeu, And a ruffle of filmy lace. -Laura BedelI. Bowmanville le in for a biç ses- son of O.H.A. hockey with junior and interniediate teams entered, and an Oshawa team playing its home gaines at Taylor's Rink. KODAKS $5Sup BROWNIES $2.25 u Leather Gift Hand Baga Pleasing styles in popular col- ora. Every bag is neatly lin- ed and fitted witb change puraes. Exceptoaly low Yardley's Toilet Sets For Men A gift thats net only practical but epeaks well of your good Steste and his $2, $250, 03.00 ý.Gift Box Stationery .. b Gilt or Silver Declile Edge Vel- hum Palper and Envelopes, i n assorted gif t boxes. Special Price 25c LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE LOCAL ANDOTHERWISE1 Read advts. beef ore shopping. Shiop flornings if possible. J Men's Canadian Club to-night. Mrs. C. L Upper, Kitchener, le! Give your local merchants first, viiting hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. chance to, SuPply your needs. Geo. B. Bike This is the montb to renew your Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rouleton, subCrptonto The Stateeman. Hagersville, recently visited Ms.ý suFriptyinatda o pyn Chas. F. Rice and other friends here., taxs wthut ntees bengadddMrs. Elmer Cox's Sunday School taxe ofthotinerVetobng ocalClasm held a very enjoyable supper Chitefgefsolihe Vntn a lca1meeting in Trinity School room on booteggrs n te jmp these days. Tuesday evening wben all had a mer- Have your children guessed the ry time. weight of huge stockcing in Dustan's a mnil ecat ee a windowsuch a splendid array of Christmnas Mr. C. Rehder was ini Paris on goods on display as they are show- Monday attending the funeral of ai ing right now. relative. If you are looking for something Any boys having baseball suits unique and unusual in the way of belonging to the club still in their gifts visit W. T. Allen's store. It's possession are requested to return brimful of out of the ordinary sug- them to J. A. Gunn. gestions wbich really appeal. Merchants are keeping their A pithy remark was miade the stores open evenings for the con- other day when a scbool teacher told venience of customers wbo are un-ibis class about vanity: "Don't put able te shoip during the day. yourself on a pedestal; London is Fire brigade wa.s called eut abouti full of pedestals, and the people on 6.30 Wednesday to put out a fire them are deiad".-KingsVon Whil- in Seth Dean's bouse on Duke St., Standard. whîch started from. a chimney. Mr. Thos. McNeil, Oroflo, Ont., Teachers, be sure to send Thei announces the engagement of bis Statesman a coinplete report o f youridaugbter, Margaret Theresa, to Mr. scbool entertainments. The little Gordon Campbell Martin, younger folks like te see tbeir names in print1 son of Mr. Robert Martin, Newcast- and se do their parents. le, Ont. Tbe marriage to take Mr. Win. Buckley, Newcastle, bas iplace at the end of December. purchased tbe elevator in rear of -M r. W. J. B'ragg, M.P.P., D.D. Statesman Block from the John Mec G.M., paid bis official visit te St. Murtry estate. He is dismantlingLJohn's Lodge, No. 17, A. F. & A. M., tbe building and moving it t)o New- at Cobourg on Tuesday evening. castle where bie is erecting a grist He was accompanied by Messrs. E., Mill. H. Brown, Thos. Annison, W. L. El- Wha wa fomery te ofic ofliott, M. W. Comstock, L. A. Park- McMutr & oms la te oWiestoEf er, G. A. Edmondstone, W. Hart andj House is being remodelled into a Irwin .Bagalo Jesle store witb two plate glass windows Lde and a centre door facing King St. Men's Canadian Club will hold it.s It bas been leased by R. J. Rovan[1 first meeting of 1928-29 season on for a nien's clothing store in con-, Tbursday, Deceinber l3th at 7.15 junction witb his boot and shoe p. m. at Balmoral Hotel. Speaker: business. Thomas Rogers, Vice-President of la n ttndnc cotet asin IToronto Rotary Club. Subject: tbree montbs witb the Rotary Club io o fda. T-dy nd tb e Futr of Bath, N. Y., Bowmanville Rotary aada' . Citzenbwh are ivtdo inot Club was declared the winner w aricetady me esaivited sto oi thîrteen consecutive meetings r .iTicesa rhe atssoe ering 100% attendance. Thelos- Miss Florence Hoar left on Thurs- ing club is due to corne te Bow- day te spend the winter with Miss manville and put on a programi at al Mabel Borland in Pasadenia Califor- date te be arranged. nia. Miss Hoar will visit friends TheStaeemn saffrecive a ealin Toronto and goes by the Soutiberti Christmas treat on Tuesdiay when rotead vstheseverCaonan era Ex-Reeve A. A. Colwill of Newcast-pcites otheGrnd Canyon and s or le, brought te tbe office a heaping rPoins f iteresthe Tepets te basket of Mclntosh Red apples. It Canadab. he ter n roen hru is needless te say they were greatly will wisbH er any f jriey nd aer enjoyed and disappeared in record pesather dasafte ourny Saudha tume. The staff wishes te thanit Mr pesn oia nteSnySuh Colwill for his tboughtfulness and Peddlars selling e'verything £romi kindness on this occasion. mouse trape to ram 'oats ply their Wor wa reeivd lst eekt~±trade in this community with regu- MaordT. S. H1-'t h bst een h larity and with more or less suc- Mayo T.S. ogae wo had be cess. Blankets and sheete, dresses in Edmonton, Alta., attending the and lingerie, silk hose and salve, funeral of his brother had contract- coffee and vacuunm cleaners, are all ed tbe flu and wes confined te bis distribute<i by the ardent callers. bed at the home of bis cousin, Dr. They cail today, seiI their wares and Sheldon Deinorest at Bashaw, Altst. you may neyer ses then again, Pat- Latest reports received Tuesday ronize your home merchants who state that Ris Worship is making stand behind the goods they sell.- satisfactory recovery but 'will be un- In the meantime the police will look able te continue Is journey home after the fly-by-night boys, and ses for soins time. that they have licenses. Trinity Junior Miss ionary Auxil-1 iary held the December meeting at TO THE BITTER END "The Parsonage", the home of the Honorary President, Mrs. J. U. Rob- Lawyer: Why have you nanxed six iris, on Tuesday evening. Miss mnerchanta te be your paîl bearers? Spargo, Preaident, prssided and the Hadn't you better change tlie will programn consisted chiefly of Christ- and make paîl bearers of friends who mias bymns and selections. Mrs. know You personally? Elton Werry gave a very pleasing Client: No, leave it that way. and appropriate recitation and Miss Those merchants have carried me s0 Minnie Webber a reading. Election long tbey might as rwell finish the of effilcers resulted as follows: Presi- job. dent-Miss Vesta Sparge; lst Vice - -Mrs. Elton Werry; 2nd Vice-Mrs rc. W. R .Strike; Recording Secretary- Fa« m W «e Miss Rilda G. Slemon; Correspond- Ptrwaa eimafuhra ing Secreary-Miss Florence Wer- Pometthe Mara8tlm oe iPhrvnces ry; Treasurr-Mrs. C. H. Magon; who came to Ontario, married and Pianist-Mrs. H. M. Poster. made hi& home haro. Went in for te mrcil fahig but ho ays the The entertainment on Wednesday vnter work here le *o*0d fmoeStr7ii evening in Trinity Sehool-room under Lanamngth og ad efotsrm011 auspices of the W. M. S. was very he was working barder bec ause there pleasing. Programn was given in were now two people dependent on part by members of the C.G.I.T. A hlm. Anyway, ho caught a &vere coid whlch brought on pleuricy, and duet by Misses Gladys and Doris bec@Luse he la a aturdy-wilIed Cana- Jamieson, a chorus by girls of ths se- dian lad h. wouldn*t cive up. but cond group, Miss Phyllis Challis, fought, on, et homne,.or eraye pianist, a short ýVIay "'Ail Nation's up and aatd ho would have to take Christmas" by ths third group, and a hopitl ~trea.tmont-his nly han~ce. piao slo y Mss ernSmith ci- H-osptal for ConsumptIves. where prising the numbers on the first part. doctors and nurses of akilI and ex- Th5 second part of the iprograin was pertence are trying to lead hlm back anillustrated lecture on "India". teo the wayu of health and unefulnea an again. À long road. but botter this Mrs. B. M. Warnica read the descript- than the tate that uned ament In- ive parts as acenes in that land wsre evtah1v teovertake th consumtVe tbrown upen thescanvas, aIl bsing pjor. grelt ,our et À :ubtsclp inf vsry interesting. Mrs. Robins, Presi- would mark y ar Interest. dent, presided and Rev. W. A. Bunner Suc h may a esmnt te Mon. W. A. pronunce th bendicton.Charlton or A. B. Âmes. 228 College pronunee thebeneictin. treet. Toronto 2. Ontarito. Gifts For Everybody Very Special Beau iful Imported English and French Cake or Sandwich Plates. Regular Price $1.50 Vo $3.00, Special Price With Silver Handie $1.00 Large assortment of beautiful and useful Christnmas Gifts dis- played for easy selection 25c Chocolate« For a Rigbt Merry Christmas &miles 'n Cbuckles, Laurs Se- corde, Billy Burkes 60C lb. Beautiful French Ivory and Pearitone Five different colors and de- signa te choose frein. New stock and exceptionally low priced .A gift of goed taste. Cigars and Cigarettes In special Christmas packages. A gift that ha would appreciate j 1 ls tuere, a girl who doesanét long for and appreciate tics Toiletries? Sucb an elusive odor, se fine a quality have ney- er before been combined as in Shari. Imported Canaries Guaranteed singers in healthy condition $800 t. $16.00 Brasa Bird Cages witb wire aeed guard Special $450 FERGUSON-In Bowmanvllle Hompta on Friday, December 7th, 1928, te Mr. and Mrs. EL Smth Fergusan. a dauiter. (Eleanor Theressa Collette). WILLOUGHBY-At tseGeneral Hos-~ pital, Winnipeg, December 4th, 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Willoughby, 312 Waverley St., a daughter. DEATHS GRAHAM-At St. Mlchael's Hospital, Toronto, on Monday. Dec. 3rd, 1928. Os- car Seymour Graham, Orene, aged 46 years. SEXSMITH-At 223 Ottawa St. N.. Hamilton, Deceinber 7th, 1928, Mrs. Sar- ah Sexsmlth, beloved wlte et Rev. M. E. Sexomlth. Interred at Lindsay. ALLEN-In Belleville, on Sunday, De- cemnber 9, 1928, Alfred S. Allen, aged 53 years, eldest on et J. T. Allen. Eow- manville. Interreçt la Bt-wrnanville Cemetery. McMURTRY-At San Francisco, Cal.. December 6, 1928, Dr. Walter Campbell McMurtry ef Vîrginla, Minnesota, forrn- erly ef Walford. N. Dakota, son ef thel late John and Sarah Camnpbell MMr try, Port Hope. lnterred at Port Hope. IN MEMORIAM la loving mrnmory of Williamn Jennings of Newcastle, who paseed away on De- cember hlth. 1927. Sleep on dear Dad. your cares are ended f Itest in peace, your work le doute, Vouiare gene where those who love you W Il some day meet you one by one. As we loved hlm se w. mies hlm, Loved, renerbered, thought et always,!i Often wishing he was here. Wlfe and Famlly.1 Articles For Sale PGS FOR SALE-25 Yorkshire pige, ready te wean. Apply Geo. Tabb, phone 320-24. I. R. 1, Tyrene. GEESE FOR SALE-Z three-year oId geese. Apply Ie Archie Thoinpson, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. 50-1* HEIFER FOR SALE-Te renew Dec. 23rd. Apply te W. L. Buttery, R. R. 6, Bowmanvllle, phone 219W. 50-1* FOR SALE-Pullets-12 R. 1. Reds, 6 White Legherns, 2 flarred Rocks. George C. Wright, Newcastle, Ont. 49-2 FOR SALE-Pure bred Pekin duc<s and drakes. Apply te Garnet B. Rick- ard, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 111 r14. 49-ttj FOR SALE-Mitchell Talking Machine cabinet size, la good condition, aise 1dozen records frorn jazz te grand opera selectons. Phone 413, Bowrnanville. î9t FOR SALE--One set et heavy tobog- 1gan slelghs wlth 12 ft. platform. WIII Bell reasonable. No furiher use for sme. Mrm. A. Turner, Scugog Street, Bewmanvllle. Phone 170. 49-tf WOMEN'S CANAI)IAN CLUB 'Ple speaker at the W'enen's Canadian Club on Monday alternoon was Mrs. Cairacallen, wife of Prin- cipal C. R. Carscallen of Ontario Ladies' College, W-hitby. As Mms. Carsecallen bas spent some time in China asehad considerable first >hand knowledge of the subjsct uIpon wbich she spoke, "The Wonien's Movenient in China". Sbe describ- ed the progress that had been made in the last dozen years by tbe women of China, the advancenient in cult- ure, industry, aind politics. She stat- ed that the favourable attitude of t-he nationalist leaders t<ward wem- en's equality made the obtaining of the franchise for Chim women ly did away with the practise of foot-binding, considering that it was dssigned te kesp thein in their homes and restrict their freedoni. Mms. Carscallen was thanked for ber splendid address by the new President, Mrs. <Dr.) Clark Bell wbho presided over the meeting. iNEWCASTLE DRAMATISTS T he Newcastle Dramatic Clubi whe shaving aucli a run with iV .play, "The Dust of the Earth", bwbich it first began Vo stage four ,years ago, presented it ait Kendal 1on Thursday evening, December 6, underth auspices of the Kendal tYoung People's League and ainit- iPonty-pool on Wednesday evening, alDecember 12 ,under the auspices of the Pontypo>ol United Cburcb's Wom- an's Association. The niembers of the csst appreciate very much the kindness and belp ef Rev. Thota Wallace, Mr. Jas. Swarbrick, Mr. Samn Bryson, Miss Katie Stewart and others in preparing and decorating aVhe stage, and aise the thoughtful- ness of the young people in servingi 1lunch aflter the play. Mr, T. W.* Jackson is directing the play as us- ual, which doubtss accounts for its continued popularity. WHEN YOU RECEIVE A BILL It le an honor to receive a bull. Instead of getting riled up when the mail brings y'eu a atuaiement of set- ceunt, you should be genuinely pleased. For a bilIle a n indication that sometime bas faitb in your bon- esty. If you never receive a bill, il. would indicate that your credit isi worthless, and that ne one was will, ing te take your word that you wiHI psy. Credit is tbe most valuable tbing a persan can bave. Money may bel had by varieus means, but credit cernes only from years of benesty and ýpremptness in meeting bille when due. Wber you psy a bill, you are merely being bonest. Wiben yeu receive a bill, then meet it if you possibly can. ù you can't, frankly tell your creditor wby you can't. You'll find him more than ready te meet you baîf way. Cherish your credit as you do your bealth 1,happiness, and other priceless j boons equal]y rare and elusive. One example is wortb a thousand I I - V~ fg I To Let TO RENT-Slx-roomed brick bouse, 3-piece bath, fireplace and turnace. Vacant Jan. let. Phene 488, Bowmnan- vile. 49-1' ROOfM TO EN T-1l-ue.r ,r,, ,ut- Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT-7-roomed boumse la Bowmamvllle, electrlc lights, water lamîde. Appty Du9tan's Cas h Hardware or W. G. M Illr, Real Estate Agent, 4 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 50-2 able for one or twe. Ail Modern con- NEW HOUSE FOR SALE-Rug brick, vealencee. Phono 358, lzowrnanville. contalntng even reeme wlth ail modern 50-t! conveniences. Oak fleors. French doors,j Bide entrance. On Wellington Street. FLAT TO REN-Five comfortablel Easy termes. Apî,Iv te J. E. Flett, Cen- roome, recently decorated, modern con-( tre St., Bownanville. 41-tf vealenees; avallable at once. Apply 1 .Norman S. B. James. Statesman Office. FOR SALE-l0-roorned brick hune. 2 urond building lots, on corner Ontario uini Wellington Ste. Ail modern conven- I tenuce, stable sultable for double garage, LAUNDRY WANTED ~ u1 trees and ernaîl fruit Easy terme. Al'te Floward Coucb. R. R. 4, Bow- AIl kînde of laundry work done prompt.-nianville, or phone 146-13. 43-tf latetactorily and at reasonabeprc, A tin alofadson au- WtePont Office Box 12, or cîl Pre uto aeo aiso t, ,W. Marjarain, King St. E. Bowmanvllle day nigbt. Sec advt. Phone 478W.1 Fams ror male FARM FOR SALE-90 acrem more or elegs, Lot 18, B. . Darlington township, rabout 1% mmiles west of Bowmanvlie on Lake Bhore, practlcally a.l] tillable land; runnlng mprlkig. BuildIngs Inctude 2large barn wlth metal roof and stabllng underneath, Implement shed, big hen bouse, 7 roomed trame bouse. Would ntake bouse la exchange. If net cold would rent. Would also oel stock and Implernents complets. Apply Bilas Post- fer. Scugog St. or box 236, Bowmanville. Phone 546. 45-tf Lost or Found f DOG FOUND-Fox Terrier, short hair, blsok wlth white test. Mr. Hunt, Belth's Waverly Farm"', Bowmanvllc. 48-tf p Gilchrist's Gif t Directory Let Your Gifts Be Things to Wear NECKWEAR A good Tie is a useful gift, Priced 50c, 75c, 95c, $1.35 Each MEN'S SCARFS Polka Dot, Silk Refer Scarfs, Cash- mere Scarfs, Broadcloths and Ray- on Scarfs, From $1.00 To $6.0 MEN'S SWEATERS AND SWEATER COATS Ail kinds, any styles, any combina- tion of colors, From $1 .95 To $6.00 Each SPECIALS A line of Boys' Wool Sweaters, al shades at $1.39 Pullover style, a real sweater to clear For Only $1.39 Each Boys' Golf Sox at 69c, ail wool, shades of Grey and Fawn, Clearinj 69c Pair MEN'S WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS A special line of lawn handkerchiefs Selling This Week 12 For $1.0 HOSIERY A man cannot have too many BOX, Priced From 50c to $1.50 Pair MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Every shirt in fancy box, 'Broad- cloths ,Percales, Madras, Silk Stripes and plain shades, From $1.50 to $4.50 Each GLOVES Lined and unlined, Horse Hide, Pig Skin, Doe Skin and Suede, alo Genuine Cape, also Woollen Gloves From 50c to $3.75 Pair MEN'S EAR BAND CAPS AT 95c Heavy quality, made from Over- coat cloths, in ail shades with heavy ear bands that turn down. Regular Values $1.50 and $1.75, Clearing at 95c PENMAN'S WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS AIl Wool (substandards), worth $2, Clearing For $1.39 Garment Gilchrist's Suit and Overcoat Sale MANY PEOPLE CONTINUE TO MAKE A WILD SCRAM- BLE FOR THESE BAR- GAINS--IT'S THE BIG TALK 0F THE WEEK-SATIS- FIED CUSTOMERS SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS EVERY COAT MUST BE SOLD. WONDERFUL RED4JCTIONS We are giving you January prices right now at the best time of- the Reg. Values Up to $22.50 for $14.95 season. Navy Blue Chinchilli Cloths, Reg. Values up to $25.00 For $17.95 Navy Blue Meltons, Navy Blue Whit- Reg. Values up to $W00 For $22.45 ney Cloths, as well as ail Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds and Plaids, all on Reg. Values Up to $35.00 For $26.95 sale at these Wonderful Reductions. MEN'S SUITS AT BIG REDUCTIONS TO CLEAR T. B. GILCHRIST, Directly Opposite Phone 61 Bank of Montreal Bowmanvlile - --~--~- g JURY & LOVElLdL WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY - 1 PAGE rivà