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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1928, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMLANVILLE, THURSDA.Y, DECEMBER 20, 1928 PO EU Ra ci "Tcerny ià a treat to hear a p aiyu want aud know that eau afford iC. She had just enlistening to our F.ada ,iofl" the new . '.-ËÎèctric radio for $150. You'll underataxid her en- thusiagrn when you hear this set. Corne in any ime-we're always glad to demonst.rate. HARRy C. ALLIN King St. W., Bowmanville 2 STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sta., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Systera il King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calîs At Our Expense This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, ruas directly la te the path of your car. Shocked breathiess, you jain on the brakes. Tbank God-you didn't hit hum. BUT-supposing you had? Thougli cleared of blame, nothing to preveat that chld's parents froin suing yon for heavy damages! And then-the possibility that it might take your LAST DOLLAR to either defend yourself or "PAY Up,'!1 LIABILITY INSURANCE protecta you in inch a criais! Competent attorneys defend your intereata and aIl coats are paid by the Insurance Company! For complet. information consuit J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for * D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $15.50 per ton; Pea $12.50 Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) ............$14.00 Oto Nut Coke ................................... $12.00 Delivered to all parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the the opportunmty of furnishing estimates for any- thing required. Cali and inspect our stock and prices McClellan & Co. Ltd Phone 15 Bownuvill. LIFE 0F COL- N. F. MacNACHTANi Mms Eade of Cobioconk was eleet- ed member of the Federalted Board Clel and Treasurer of United of Womena Institutes repregenting Countie. for 37 Yeara District 5, including tihe Gounties of Durh.am, PeterUom', Victoria and While preparing for the openingI Haliburton. of the December session of the Coun- ties Couacil at Cobourg on Monday, December 10, Colonel Neil F. Mac- \' Z Nachtan, C.V.O., veteran clerk and treasurer, passed away suddenly ~ froin hearit failure. He was work- ing in ýhis office, in Company with his son, Major E. L. MacNachtan, when bis heart gave out. Although heo~ had been gradually failing in health 1t for some time it was flot thoughtd that bis condition was sa serious.9 county, bis record as a municipalr clerk being of the highest, and hisa system as county clerk and treasur- I er one that was adopted throughoutV the province as a model for othersj Deceased was bora in Newcastle, he being a son of the late Mr. and "Our holiday wieh isa-may Paît- Mrs. E. A. MacNachtan. When aV boy he learned the printing business, eurized mîik bring you the price- 1 in which lhe was associated with bis le.. i t of health". father. He later went into the hardware business, and worke<l in St. Catharines and Whitby, then going As we continue ta tell you t to Cobourg, where bis father was in mnore of pasteurized Mill< and paritership under the firin naine of i Jeffrey & MacNachtan. He and bis service we wish you a Merry 1 'brother-in-law, George R. Hargraft, Christmnas and ail the holiday low <of Toronto, purchased this firnal under the firm naine of NiacNach-i JOYS5. tan & Hargraft, in later becomingr MacNachtan & Co., Col. MacNachtan DMlU&IrT selling out to Mr. W. L. Allen of B W « E f Bowmanville in 1899. K1140 IST. The faimily have been connected KN T with the municipal council of the -PHONE 446 Unfted Counties of Northumberland and Durham for 65 years, bis father beîng aippointed clerk in 1863. On I - the death of bis father hie was ap- K pointed clerk and treasurer in 1891, since whieh ime lie bas carried on these onerous duties ir a nlost cap- able manner. His son, Major E. L.c MacNachtan ,has heen assisting his father for the past few years. It was probably as a inember of the volunteer inilitia of the Do'min- ion that Ool. MacNachtan was bet- ter known. He flrst joined the Co- Jbourg Battery of Garrison Artillery, as the battery was then known, in 1868 as a gunner. Ia 1891 lie received bis commission with the batitery, and in 1894 he succeeded Captain MeNaugliton as officer coin-u inanding. In 1897 -ho was proniot- V ed to Captain, and in the following fR EE1 year when the strength of the bat- 1 tery wvas raised hie received bis Maj- P R E T O Ority. On several occasions under bis command the bsttery won 'the Perf ect protection for youf governor-general's cup for general car all wînter. Onie fillinS efllciency. In 1901 hie was promiot- in the radiator, and you ed to command the l4th Midland need only add water as fe- Field Battery, with the rank of bre- qured, just ar you would V vet Lieutenant-Colonel, receiving his %inuner. Freeze-rroof F substant rank of Lieutenant-Colonel to 40 degrees below ?reez- J4 on being appoiatedl to commnand the lng. No odor. Harless toF lOth Brigade, C.F.A., in 1906. Ia Duco and paint. Doca flot 1911 he was in coasmand of the evaporate or boil Off. Canadian artillery team that visited Absolute safetY. England ,when hie was honored by the King in beiag appointed a Coin- 'ii twhat AFP Serdea dM panion of the, Victoian Order. On 1.ot yushad euterdao bis retiriag froin the service be re- i.nW. lth a eaOln Ytt rIn-at n tired with the rank of Colonel. As spect raduator. hose and &il a soldier he had a woaderful repu- water chambera for leiks. tation, not only with bis fellow-offi- 2. Tighten hose dan~Ps. (rePlIeSO cers but with the amea who served home conomtions. if necetlti.) under him, he while a firin disciplin. amud îietu bot .ndnt arian, being always fair and saw ta 3.Arodju tobelt.lc he it that bis amen goit a fair deal. 3. djutan ù npctt~' Colonel MacNachtan was not only 4. Adjaut radiator protector ihat- n honored by the citizens oif his town, ter). Check heat indicator. but by aIl with whom he was asso- 3. FUI radiator with correct ciated. By bis military coafreres be 1flloUft of AFP.B was lsonored on nuinerous occasions. prive bere, and ask abait thia He was president of the Canadian Two-in-one Anti-Freexe Service. W Artillery Association in 1910, also i a past ipresidenit of the Ontario Ar-fi tillery Association, as well as a I niember for somne years on thbe exe- c cutive of the Dominion Rifle Asso-l ciation. He wrote a text nianual E for artillery officers whicb received W most favorable commaent. The t Couaties Couacil, over which he pre- EdGrg sided for mny years, was known West EdG rg b I throughout the province f or i's de-9 corum n ad procedure. Always con- H. D. Clemens N scientious in the discliarge of bis ' duties hie gave of bis time and abili- Bowxnanville n ties to otiher worthy abjects. During the v.ar lie took an active par-t in re- hi,în,îs,î,îî,îunnmnllffhllhllill cruting ,and appeared on the Union- bIfilhI~IIlIIIIlIIlIhhIIfhIIIIIIhIhlul ist platformi during the canipaign of elurîîiusmuîr,îu 1917. Whatever lie went iato heW went into whole-heaiitedly, and his loss will be keenly felt throughoutW this province. He wss also active- v ly connected witb educstional affairs b in Cobourg, and was for soine years k a member of the Collegiate Iastit- s ute Board, heing a member of the P Board thait was active in building the i present collegiate institute. S He was for many years a niember ofW St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, .Eý and at the tiie <of -bis death was the B- senior elder. He was for a nuai- ~\.~i>tc ber of years session clerk, also a bi teacher and superintendeat <of the 1 - Sunday Scbool. He was also oae d oif those actively coanected with the * Cobourg General Hospital,_ haviaga fo - any-years-be ----easurer-o IFtestfis or tIt.-Dr. Thom.- as' Eclaecric Oil neede no testimon- ial of its ýowei other than itself. A R ALI Whoever tries it for coughs or colda, HA R AL N for cutis or contusions, for ,,Ciîno Grocer or burns, for pains in the limb or body, well know that the medicine Bowxnanville proves ltaolf and nees no enara- tee. This aho» why thAm01is itu l general use. HOME. AND SCHOOL CLUB ReIar meeting oif the Home and SoholClub wae held in the Public School on Wednesday evening, De- cember 12, with an attendance of 85. Twenty aew menibers were added to the roll. This was a very 1 enthusiastic and eacouraging nîeet-' ing and reflects great crcdit on Mis. H. Dilling and ber group meaibers. Presid-ent, Mrs. W. B. Pollard, oc- cupied the chair. Meeting opened w.ith coaimuaity singing, Miss Leta L. Bragg at the piano. Following the minutes and the usual bu3iness discussion a splendid prograin ws given consisting oif a piano solo by Vera Allia; a daisy drill by twelve second class girls which was wel1 rendered and aiuch apperciated by 1al; a vocal solo by Arthur Culley Who respoaded with an encore, a very pretty piano duet hy Eileen Hately and Helen Smîith; vocal solo by Helen Foster, io alsu sang "Nohody Loves Me But Daddy", very sweetly as an encore. Mms. B. M. Warnica taking -for lier sub- et "What public offices can women hold in Canbada", gave soine very useful information on this topie. She then told a very nice Christnmas story eatitled "The King's Visit". An interesting conteat, "'Canadian Towns, and Cities", conducted by Mis-s Webber was much enjoyed. lhe last item on the prograni was an exchange <if Christmnas gif ts, each member bringing a small gift and receiving one in retura. Delicious re- freshaients were served during the usual social haif-hour. -Meeting closed by singing "For we are jolly good Fellows". TYPE WR! T!NG CONTEST Dorothy Plunmoer, Bowmanville, Winz Firat Place in Novice Clats. T'Me typewriting eontest held De- ceaiber l2tb in Oshawa was very successful. Mr. Fied Jarrett, Qan- adian Type'writing C.ontest Judge, conducted the conltest, and it was sanctioned by Mr. J. N. Kimbaîl, Wo'rld Coatest Judge. The winners were: Ia the No- vice Glass, for those wh.o started typeswriting since last August, Miss Dorotihy Plummer, jBowmianvillie, words a minute for the fifiteen min- Utes. Miss Jean Bell won the No- vice accuracy class, writing with on- ly four errors during tîhe flfteea minutes. Miss AIma Fîce, North Oshawa, wen the Intermediate spe-ed, and! Miss Marion White, Oshawa, the In- terrnediate accuracy cîsass. In the Senior speed- class, Mr.- G. W. Cowan, principal oif The Peerless, wrcîte 71 words a minute, and Mr. Harold Barclay, Oshawa, won thie Accuracy cup. AIl winriers were Peerless-trained typista. Mr. Jarrett was parcicularly en- thusiastic oîver the records mnade by the novices, and says that Oshawa should do well at Massey Hall when the champions fToni aIl over Canada bake part tu the coa'test for supre- macy. RECALLS OLDE TYMES Mr. David Morrison, recogaized as otne of Bowmnville's officiai histor- ians, inakes these iaterestng coin- meats in bhis spicy weekly budget in last week's Orono News: In lihe fittng up oif tbe MeMurtry Block, two stores are alrendy occu- pied and present a fine appearance with their aew stocks, and the third is now in charge oif workmen engag- e! in putting in a new front, and we leara will be oceupied by a first class restaurant and coafecton de- g artment, and -the upper floors will e turned into dwolliags. This will boom the west end part of tihe toWn, where at one time in the hiat- o-y of this towýn was the centre of business. Fhpecially so wlien tihe Waverly House was in opeiattion, MvurdochIBros., groceries, and R. Young's hardware ,Manning's Fur- niture and Underia-king, and varions other business concerns, ail of which were west oif Silver St. Of late, business has been xnakiag its way eastward ,but ne reason why the s'est should not have a share. Nearly every store noowdayis, s'hether it la ia the city, towa or village or ait lhe cross-roads, bas to be a departint store if it wishes bol keep up with the Joneses. It ia strange how business lias changed the past fifty years. Befoxe that per- iod store-keepera liad to kee<p an as- sortiment as the shoepa <f that date s'ere f ew and far betiween and mon- ey net pleatiful, as witnesls wberi Burk's store was la operation, next to Vanstone's milI, where one could buy anything aeeded in tihose tiines. Tu-der the veranda where goode were l..spiaved one could see a cradie for eutting whealt, a plougli, axle grease, a pair <if men's pant-s and various ucher artceler, needed, witli the excep- tion prebably oif silk hose. Inside- Pay hlghest euh price.. Don't selU tilI you se. me. L. Stein Plue .si Whitby CG y I HOLGATE & SON FEATURES LEHIGH VALLEYI ANTHRACITE The Coul That Satisflea The super-heater-the World's Best Coal! We have the exclusive sale in Bownianvllle and district. COKE-The Very Best Domestic N. B.-Our Coke is always kept under cover where rain and snow do flot increase its weight. POCAHONTAS "ORIGINAL"-Also kept dry. Our Delivery Service is Unexcelled J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 BowmanviBe Shes-palwy ON 111E JOB T HIS YOUNG LADY as coming to o. She is an operator. She is afl ei the job whether it is stormy or not. And at wbat- ever hour you calil ber she is pleasant aMd efficient. The people i the telephone service make cour- tesy a habit. It is part of the efflciency wth which they serve. There are 15,000 men and women engaged ini the telephone system of Ontario and Quebec They handie over four million cafls every day and, i spite of the constant cry for speed, there is scarcely a case of conscious discour- tesy or neglect. r-HE COMPANY 15 PROU]) of these A_.15,000 men and women and bas endeavor- cd to make their work as agreeable, healthffl and stable as possible. Several hmîdred present employees have been with the system for more than twenty-five years. This stability of staff maintains high standards of operation and is encouraged by the Eni- ployees' Pension and Benefit Fund, established in 1917, to proteet employees i illness or acci- dent, and to provide for their future and for their dependents. There is also a plan of Ewmployees' Life Insur- azice, by which ouit of salary, employees znsy carry withonrt undue burden insurance to care for their dependents. This plan lias been ar- rnnged in co-operation with Canadian insur- ance companies at regular rates. 1 N ADDITION toi thîs factor of stab&ity en active interest in the telephone sy ss encouraged by thse plan of empioyee >parchase of shares and by the plan of employee repT- sentatio. Sorne years ago egm eplys given oppor.umty to 1cSe hrbiesn the company and Mffl9o1ilem have subscribed for shares on insWament paymments. For some years also, spokesmen selected by the staff have met with representatives of thse managt- ment to discuss such matters as wages, homs tools and working conditions. - This lias net ouly stimulated interest but promoted effici- ency. *'HESE THINGS are the basis of the aloet- T1ness and enterprise which have beconie a tradition of teleplione work. It is demonstrated amiong the 4,9M0 men in the plant department. Over 3,500 of them have qualified for St. John's Ambekance Corps firut *Adcr fc -sAdbc -s fthrotdo lâw u fne maId ë < g hi h¶ be om-w abfl m sm qw tb MI- r PAGE SEVEX i A v

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