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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1928, p. 1

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0 ~t4te~man SWith Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News ,ýol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVJILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 51 E- GIFTS 0F DISTINCTION For Everyone on Your Christmas List Fancy Towels Fancy Towels, white and colored, Special Value in ail qualities from 35e to $1.50. SiIk Stockings Fibre and Silk Stockings, in ail shades and qualities, from 75e up. Silk and Wool Stockings All shades, at 75c, 95e and $1.00. Fine Cashmere Stockings Also line of celebrated Jaegar from 75c up. Silk stockings, full fashioned $2.00. Chamoisette Gloves Extra fine imported gloves, chamois- ette and lined kid, in popular colors and ail sizes from 50c. Wool Gloves Very complete range in black and colors, priced from 75e Up. Handkerchiefs Finest stock we have ever shown from 8c to $1.00. In boxes from 25c to $2.00. Fancy Lingerie A big range in Silk Vests, Slips, Gowns, priced. Knit etc.,i Bloomers, moderately Ladies' Sweaters A fine assortment from $2.25 Up. Silk Scarfs Silk and Crepe Scarfs lovely designs and colorings, a most acceptable gift from $1.00 up. Fancy Linens A big range of Italian Hemstitched Luncheon Sets, breakfast sets, fancy runners in white and ecru, moderately priced for practical giftgiving. Lovely Damask Table Cloths, 2 to 3 yards, special at wholesale prices. Kenwood Blankets In ail colors ................$9.50 each Kenwood Kimonas .............$15.00 Bed Riankets Ail Wool Bed Blankets, in Scotch and Canadian, in plain white and plaids from ................... $9.00 to $12 Gift Umbrellas Ladies' New Umbrellas, from $1.50. A beautiful assortment of artificial fiowers from ............................25e Also Flowers, Handkerchiefs and Scarfs to match. Ladies' Gloves Dress Kid, Ladies' Wool Lined and Ladies' Pur Lined Gloves from $2. up Ladies' Winter Coats Selling at Wonderful Reductions Any Ladies' Coat in stock is now subject to substantial price reduction in order to effect a quick clearance. This season's coats, popular materials, ail fur trimmed, correct style, good color range, lined throughout, now sefling at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IF HE WERE TO BUY HIS OWN GIFT IT WOULD BE ONE 0F THESE! Wooilen Gloves ..........75c to $1.25 Scarfs and Muflers ...$1.00 to $3.50 Gioves, French Grey Suede and Deer Skin....................$1.00 to $3.50 Gloves, wool lined, grey and brown, $2.00 to $2.75 Sweaters, Windbreakers, V-Neck Pull- overs, and coat ..........$2.00 to $5.95 Neckwear, ail neatly boxed 48c to $1.50 Hosiery, Silk, Cashmere and Wool, 59c to $1.50 Handkerchiefs, Linen and Cambric, 10e to 50c IShirts, Broadcloth, plain shades and Ifancy ..................$1.95 to $2.50 Also Silk and Silk Mercerized Shirts $3.00 to $4.50 Pyjamas, flannel andi broadcloth, $2.00 to $3.50 Dressing Gowns, House Jackets, Belts, Suspend ers, Garters, Armbands, Um- brellas, etc. Boys' Department Pyjamas, flannel.............. $1.75 Night Shirts, flannel .......... $1.50 Sweaters and Jerseys, Pullovers, Windbreakers, Roll Neck ,etc., _________________95c to $3.50 Stockings, ail sizes .......50e to $1.25 Toques........................ 50c to95c Overcoats and Suits, also make excel- lent present for men and boys. REEVE C. A. WIGHT'S BANQUET Enjoyablo Social Tinie Spont Around Banquet Tables-Speakters Predict No Reduction in Taxes in Siglit The tume honored custonm of the Reeve of Danington Trownship en- tertaining the council and township 1 officials was fittingly observed Sat- urday evening at Hampton. The banquet was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "S. Mountjoy where pro- vious eveuts of this nature have been enjoyed. Great credit and wel merited praise was given Mrs Mount.- joy and her willing helpers by those present for the satisfy:ng and aburi- dant banquet which was served. TIollowing the supper Deputy- Reeve Sulas Williams, acting as toastuiester poqed the toast ta, the King. The toast ta the popu-1 lar reeve was then proposed by theý chairman and was very ably ne- sponded lxi by Reeve Wight who ne- viewed saine of the miain activitiesi of the council since lie firstsast at the board 8 years ago. He refer- red ta change in road systeni aad how increase la taxes affected fanin- ens. He . conteaded councils were not extravagant but it was the rate- payers w.ho wene d~Manding im- prorvenients which abat Up the tax rates. Other speakers included Council- lors G. F. Annis and A. L. Pascoe, Ex-Reeves Alex. Wight, G. A. Step- hens and W. R. Courtice, Solicitor W. R. Stnike, W. J. Bragg, M.P.P.,j Editor Geo. W. James, Clerk W.R. Allin F. J. Groat, Thos. Richards, 'Kyle Squair, Alfred Hogarth, L. T. Pascoe, J. D. Hogarth, James Cur- tis, F. Kersiake. The trend of the addnesses deait with variaus branches of township council wark. Greneral prediction was that there was little or no pros- pect of a droip in taxes in the future. During the evenîng a resolution wss unanimously passed, on motion of G. L. Stephens and seconded by Alex. Wight that the clerk write a letter ta Ex-Reeve W. E. Caurtice, ex'pressing ta bum beet wishes and extending cordfal Christmnas greet ings of those asseniblod. Reeve Wight aiso read a letter frein J. A. McCIellan, expressing bis regrets at beiag unable ta attend the "banquet, and asking the Reeve ta pass around the box of cigars se- companying the letten, It is worthy of comment that a record lias been estsblished ia the history of Danlington township's municipal government by father sud son bath being hononed by election ta the office of Reeve in the -persons of Alex. Wight -and 'C. A. Wight. In boîth instances it mnay well ýbe said that they filled the position witli credit and dignity ta theinselves and served the municîpality -well. I think that ahl right use of life and the one secret of life is ta pave ways for the fininer footing of thase wlio foliow us.-George Meredith. Royal Theatre Prosenting The Finest la Photoplays Phone 589 Friday-Saturday, Dec. 21-22 Another faniaus comie strip brought to the screen. Arthur Lake and Mary -Brian and a Special AIl Star Cast In "HAROLD-TEEN" This comic strip appears in sever- ai weekly papers. See the real characters an the screen nnd enjoy a heàrty laugli. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.3 0 p. mi. Ohildreu 5c. Chapter 7 af "The. Haunted Island" and regular prograi Monday-Tuesday, Doc. 24-25 Richard Barthelmess with Betty Comipson and Loretta Yaung In "«SCARLET SEAS" See a blazing schooner go down in a raging storni and the strange happenings when two are cast adrift in a rowboat with hunger and loneline&-s their only coi- panions. See Dick in fine.gt rôle. Regular Prices. Matinee Christmnas afterno-i at 3 p. nm. sharp Christmas night cantinuous froin 7 to il P. ni. Free Christmnas Matinee for the children of Bowmranville and vicini.ty under 15 years of age. Monday Af tornoon, Docombor 24 at 1.30 p. m. sharp, a Special Program ia âessa...booked for this occasion. Wednosday-Thursday, Doc. 26-27 John Gilbert with Aima Rubens and Thoedore Roberts In "THE MASKS 0F THE DEVIL" The imost daring and ardent of ail Gilbert's lave atonies. ilere is a story of a man without a conscience, afeekinq and finding woenen that apipeaIed to hlm- asettlng theo pace ln a life of mag- nificent abandon. To Al Our Patrons W. Extend Our Sincert Wish For -A MERRY CHIST&MAS" III MR. AND ?4RS. JAMES CURTIE ANNIVE] iWorthy Couple of Hampton The Re on Their Gold CURTIS-PYE-At the home of the bride, Darlington Township, on Decein- ber i1, 1878, by the Rev. E. E. Howard, fMartha J., daugiter of Mr. and Mns. James Pye, ta James, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curtis. The flftieth anniveraary of this happy event took piace at the homîe ofte bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. James Curtia at Hampton, on Tuesday, December 11, 1928. During the afternon ',%r. and Mrs Curtis were et home te their friends fr-em 2 ta, 4 o'clock, their daugliter, Mrs. E. H. Cole, Hamipton. receiviug with thetn. Over sixty neiglîbcrs sud old frieuds cailed to extend con- gratulations. r Ms. A. E. Clemens, Bowmanvilie, presid ed ait the tes table, with Miss1 Margaret Pascoe, Mrs. George Cal-j Ian and Misses Edith and Marjorie Paacýoe ssistiug. Miss Sadie Virtue received at the door. The rooms were effectively de-i corated witli yellow and white nîcîns while the table was donc with tal golden candiles and yel!ow narcissus.1 Iu the eveningç fifty guests sat down itg the wedd ng supper. YtIlow and mauve formed the decorative colon scheuie for the tables, with the three-stony wedding cake as the cen- tral feature. Mn. Fred W. Bowen, M.P., cousin of the bride, acted as toastinasten, pneposing the toast te the King. Rev. J. R. Bick pnaposed the toast ta the bride and groom, when aIl joined in singing "For they ar.o jolly gond Fel- lows". Mn. Curtis li a few wel chosen words replied. Laten in the evening the guests as- seinbled in the living rooni, when Mns. Harvey Curtis, Orona, read the following address: Mr. and Mr&. Jainep Curtis- Your relatives and friends gather at :'our hoaspiabie home ta-night ta olfer our congratulations on the at- la*nment of a haîf centuary of wedded This occasion is quite unique as výery few cauples '.ive ta celebrate their "Golden Wedding- Day". Doubtle&s the yeurs Iha/s Flipped away very quick!y as they ever d, where prasperity and happiness at- tend. Yau have lhved yaur lives in this district and hav,- won yaur way deeply inta aur reipect and esteeni. Success and w~ealth have came with lo-nest effort and toil upon the farin arnd now you are enjay:ng the wel earned reward of retirement. 1 Duning ail thlese years you have s o lved with your neighbors that io have secured aur admiration for Honor and Integrîty and Nobul- ity of character in your associations1 and dealing-,. WHITBY MASONIC BRETHREN VISIT JERUSALEM LODGE On Wednesday evening, Deceii-ý ber 12th Wor. Bro. S. J. Spaîl, Offi- cers, Past Masters and inembers numnbering 40 frorn Composite Lodge, A.F.&A.M., Na. 31, Whitby, paid a fraternal visit ta Jerusaleai Lodge The visitina brethren ex- emplified the Thind Deg-ree in s veryl able mannen. The attendance was langer than usual, s numben of visit- ors being ipresent frein Landon, Osh- awa, Toronto, Oreno, Thonold, Ca- bourg, Colbonnie and Cuba. Some of the visitons included T. H. Brown, P.D.D.GM., Port Hope, E. J. Wor- mingtan, P.P.G.M., Cobourg, W.jM. Jermyn, Grand Steward, Whitby, G. M. Goadfellaw, P.P.G.M., Whitby, Cea. W. P. Every, P.P.G.M., Wbit- by. Rt. Wor. Bra. G. C. Bon-iycastle preseated ta Won. Bro. S. J. Spal a Libnary Set as a mark of esteelm froni the brethrn of Jerusalezn Lodge for services lielied 50 genen- ously readered -the lodge. Wor. Bra. Sýmll thaaked the bretlin who saxd it was certainly a surprise ta him. After the cenemoay sîl adjouraed ta the, banquet hall where the usual Masonle Toastas'were hionored as Weil as a musical pnogram. A very enjoyable avenlag came te a close byà ninguld - ng Syne and (led .aeteKnç. - ri chîoir invisible in that cîty- whose builden and niker la God. LOCAL BAKIERS TAKE. HOLIDAY Mrs. George Callan and Mr. E. H. Stores Will Be Closed AIl Day Cole made the presentation. Christmas and Day Following. *Mr. Curtis thanked the cempany,____ and referned briefly ta inter ssting Inlaonder ta give the bakers of events of earhier days-. Bewmanville a real Chriilmas holi- Compliintary speeches were day W. P. Conbett sud C. W. Jacoba miade by Rev. J. R. Bick, Messrs. F. wish to advise thein custoniens that W. Bowea, M . P ., W. H. HIalfacre, thein stores will be closed sîl day F. J. Groat, W. R. Allia, J. J. Virtue, Tuesday and Wednesday aext week. C. Stonhouse, Mns. M. G. Kirkpat- Ia this way their faithful warkers rick, Buffalo, Misses Betty Sargent la the bake shape may enjoy the and Isobel Camipbell. holiday ta the fullest, otherwise they Mr. E. H. Cale read the naines would have ta netura ta wonk early of those froni whom letters and flow- Christamas aigit ens were neceived as follows: Mrs. Citizens should make a note of G. Pardee ,Oregon; Mrs. S. Strutt,I this and orden your baking supplies Rochester; Mn. and Mrs. C. Clemeace ta tide yau aven till Thur aay ora- and Mildred, Oshiawa; Mn and Mrs.j ing. Anyway, with the feaatiag John Percy, Mn. and Mns. J. E. L. that usualiy goes on Chnistimas day Cale, Bownianviile; Mn. and Mm. AI- it woulda't be s bad ides for soine bert Stainiton, Mn. and Mrs. Herb. folks ta fast the aext 24 banna. Johnstan, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. T. Beker, Salina; Mn. aad Mrs. T. E. Sargent and Grace, Peterbcra; Mr. NURSES RECEIVE DEGREES and Mis. John Richardson, B3uffalo; Mn. and Mrs. A B MeLeod, Brandon; An examination for Regitration Mn. and Mrs. Hubert McLeod, Brand- of Nurses was held ia Tononto the on; Mn. and Mrs. Fred Miles, Win- latter part of November. Nurse- aipeg; Mn. and Mms. Tom Brown, Mary Jebso6n, Mamie Groajene sud Ottaw; Mn. and Mrs. Sain Brown, 1 Anale Atkinsoa of the last wradaV Richmond, Quebec; Mn. and Mns . j meclams of Bowmanville, Hospital G. Bate, Eluivale; Miss Laura V,#Int-I Trainiag School for Nurss woeo ue, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Alex. Wil- cand Wtesad -have received notice son, New Toronto; Mn. and Mmr. that tbey were s.uccessf ul. Thesa Frank Cale, Tenanto; Mn. M. A. yonag ladies are ta lie cangnatulated James, Botwmaaville; Weeuen's Ia- on recsiving their Reg. N. legree. ,stitute of Hamnpton. This delightful occasion was 1 DARLINGTON BOY ON brought ta a close by the singing of1 QUEEN'S DEB.ATING TEAM the National Antieni.j Another West Dunhamite w'ho la ______________________- attending Queen's Uaivensity ,Kings- BALMORAL HOTEL WILL SERVE1 ton, Mn. Eugene L. Beecli, Arts 31, s on of Mn. Arthunr'Beech,, Haydoa, SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER !ias been ehiaien as one of a debat.. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wadhanis wish 1 ing teani to meet a tes-m freti Mar- alI Ver Mery Cnistiasquette University, Milwaukee, Wis- all Ver Mery Cristas- They1 consin, an Mardi 12, 1929, subject: aisa wish ta advise their patrons kResolved that this bouse is :- favor that Special Christmnas Dinnen will of full goveramen't contraI of '-ater be served at the Balmoral Hotel on pewe1 Tuesa.y, December 25tlfi froin 12.30 power"._ ta 2 p. mn. at $1.00. 1 MENU:1 AN IDEAL GIFT ruit Coctile Each year the old prebleni of a Celer Swet Pikles kindly remembrance that wil))net lie Soupe .!out of r,.oof th iriver anA wl Creani Toffmato Consomme Salmon Trout Lemon Slice Fruit Nuts Candies Roasts Dressed Young Goee & LApple Sauce Dnessed Chicken Cranbenry Sauce Sirloin of B'eef Ju-Jus Vogetables B'oiled and Creain Potatoes Corn 'Peas Dessert Deep Apple Pie Whipped Creani MinePie Raspbenny Tant Enghîsh Pudding Caramel Sauce Watch for Special New Years uu% oi reaen o ...ne g seraua fEU stay by and be useful ta the receiven thnougbeut the year, cames up. Each yean we neceive many orders f rom aur eld friends for The States- man ta be sent as a Christms re- membrance to thein fniends. This kiadly co-.eperative spirit on the part of aur mutuel friends makes possible the ever-broadeaing influence of The Statesman for good ta an ever- increasing cincle of readera. As a Christmnas gift, the home tawn paper is ideal. It is a weekly neminden throughout the year. It la intereeting toalal membens of the famuly. It deals most belpfully, ententaiaiaely and thorougbly with communlty life of Bew'maaville and district. We wvish to thaak aid frienda and subscnibers for their kindly apprec- iation aad hearty co-openation ne- ceived during the past year, and ta wlsh yen, each aud every one, a Merry ChTnanas and a Happy and Prosperoua New Yean. -M. A. Janie & Sono. Couch, Jthnston &Cryderman, Bowoanvlli. Phone 104 Limitea f MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Heard Stirring Address By Pastor of St. Paul'& United Churcli, Toronto. Although December is flot a good month for publie gatherings the busy season did flot materially affect the attendance at the first Men's Canadian Club banquet of the 1928- 29 seasan held at Balmoral Hotel Thursday night. Without any per- sonal solicitation to join the club already has a memibership of 85. Owing to sickness Thomas Rog- ers, Vice-President of Toronto Rot- ary Club, who was scheduled ta speak was unable to come. nie, however, secured an excellent asib- stitute in the person of Rev. Harold Young, Pastor of St. Paul's Unit- ed Church, Avenue Road, Toronto, who spoke an "Maldng Canada Bet- ter". The speaker's three chef points of development ia accompliah- ing a better Canada were based on taking mnore time for thinking; ac- quiring the spirit of sympathy, toi. erance and understanding, and ast- ly, assuming a little larges- concep- tion of Canada's task in worId affaîrs. The true spirit of lofty [S CELEBRATE SOth WEDDING 'and loyal Canadianitn predeominat- RSARY ed through the entire address. It was a capital address to start off the ecipients of Good Wishes and Gifts Canadian Club season. [don Jubulee. The sincere thanks of the club to Rev. Young was very eloquently ex- Mrs. Curtis always demonstrated pressed in a vote of thanks moved lier kiadly disposition by resp onding I y Dr. G. E. Reaman and seconded to every caIl of ilînes. trouble and' by Reeve W. F. Rickard, Newcastle. sorrow la the community around hier Following the splendid -banquet home. In church circles and service 1Dr. J. C. Devitt thanked the club for you have ever taken an active part, 1 electing bum to the honored office ci being very regular and punctual at President. In prcsposing the toast the services of the sanctuary and "The King" prayer wass ffered by proving yourselves loyal in its sup- IVice-President Rev. R. J. Shires port. As a Steward and I rustee,' which was followed by the Natinal Mr. Curtis was ever faithful and asjAntheni. a W. M. S. worker and officer you, Mrs. Curtis was mast efficient. In-: deed, wherever you have lived atIPUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED Tyrone and Hampton, the w hale: DUE TO SICKMESS community lias been uplifted and Oin bettered. igto 50 mucli eickness a.mong And now we wish ta take an a the teachers and pupils Bowrnanville nmore tangible formn than inere words, Public Schoois were closed Monday by asking you ta pleise accept this afternoon for Christmas holidays. purse of gold and Mrs. Curtis thi, This was three days earlier than in- gald brooeh as a slight token of our tended. TPhis action was, taken on godwi]l and esteei. the recammendation of the Board of good Health in which the xnembera of the And niay we jia: be permitted to School Board concurred. At the clos- with an ardent wish that many~ time 4 teachers, 154 puipils and the years of matiim-onial joy and solace.caretaker were absent froni school may yet be moted out ta you. due to sickncss. TIt was the intention of the school May yau enjoy each others coin- staff ta hoid closîng exercises on Fri- panionship during the decliningidymrigwe itiuin o years of life wîth "Growin . dag rnig he dstrruio o 1ngL "htBpa.e for the year would be made. at Eventide"., and when called byrhis intereating event will be held death ,enter into the reward of faith- early in the New Year. fui service doue here and join the~ inn

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