TEE GANADIAN SR ER 20' 192 ;PýU.Eç-rINE CHAPT R OFFI ERS S NS OF NC " NDSOLINA A D NT OU LARGEST & MOST POWERFUL 's j HPE FIES SN FEGAI ri mo-ed eebr3s. h E-NGINE IN BRITISH EMPIRE On TusdyDecemer 4th., Uge Mr. andMrs. eevs, HrtHopWdigblsare rngi .l sTOheUS CU OMER Wellington No. 19, S.O.E.3ect.- aldo r n Ms .J e-t_ au-l. edsuetht i vtaadig Pa4d Through BowmanviIe on Th . ccond arinual electon of Ieed M .tnh W A J ey e dîn g els a ei rn g..Gad As t h at ea] ' ia c Tuesdy ~ rice' ~t a1~sifl0Chaper, o. e foell&1win ko r Baly offleers for' 1929: nolds on Sunday ....- Mrm.John Bak- igcut e~t~i'yaoedti 2 u~. RM.. B anville, waa held WP.-.Jas. CiiiW .BagO7avde nSn W.-RJ..Bragger viaitdbr rn , ond Sn-order that the]boamy ocoe Alderman M. H. Minore, ha Pe~n.G. . of PenVtaLlA Pake day... .Miss Ellile James visited wjth TYRONEfothyar Alopee edi C. P. R. station agent, and CtMA- Air ery ..S o oti haP.-R-. Harding »owmnvje rina ecnty_____ ý,_ !,________l find rcnty.. à"your accounts ainthefr.I man f Plic Corn:tc sas ' ta iauer. (Jshaiva, performed the Secretary-R. Holmnea Mr. and Mis. Clarence Vi.~c and 1 Christmas tree and concert lias you pay your iidbena hnW proud these days as a n:oîher pkir.'Id ut ce":s iin arter.el Treaurer-.. Pye Master Murray, Colunnbus, visited at been witlidrawn. can pay ours. ing down King St. wilh lber lir t-bOrn &-t' flesae ltCm.J ihl Mr. Walter Vice's..Mr. Harold Service was wthdrawn iast Sun- child. And t's zall 'ecau, t.a5,ý tIl. Dickinson. 2n-W ithelscoe recently visited his sister, day on accounit of the ilInes of the 1928 Chrsta ei 1>5 Great Iunperial Lne, of wki~ p .C or 3rd-Thos. Wray 'Mrs. Douglas MeLaugblin, Toronto PsoRvJ R. Trumpur. exrardnr. ptp.i Z.i Pl aJon akr5-. oes. Sry o eor tatM.Jr.u is loca represnta:~;- ~ I q-t;. C. Bonnycastie.4-.BkrisiknTrnoHopt. Tsdaycalong this na.nLfOý v -. . tt4-W. J.imrrsWonwsb hlmtearperecYvet r. M-ndMsrHtarhunre ad The 1928 Chrltmieu, aa e thr ou g h B o w mputa nil t e ! Qg s '- W . B ag 5.P. - . Bosg Pea à ý sd to iea M r W. L. pitr a ld M r. and M rs. (h ars ich yadh efor C os n pta ,a]e J a b e .,. - o n B k rb a b e , M r. A d ria n K e ff e r. U n io n v ille , C onM u m pk a dt o rnIH o p anT' s o wefu y55r.'aO F ' . G.-F- . La ten .t eiMs .L.MleradM. n r. hresRcads s ssued. These hneme1aa.Oa anotive P u P O TeS. - .. MH.i Burown beDeeat-R.W Rwaby Clffrd ames home fs-om awa, visited at Mr. R. Richards'. in thdob-are e inth BishF'pir O TcS.-. HSur.eLdg Broaewn..R W.Rwmn feHospital. . Womnen's Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Mrs. aeafltdw hcnupin vr Mr Mnoe ivî:in~ AI~ SS-M. W. C onsto-ck. tle nttt e at the home of Mrs. E. Woodiey, Mrs. H. His, Miss F dollar recelvedtroh eias I of citizens had *he pkk<Irrme o- g JernS-Te ing this big nwg-uî * .g i- 1 * îce . B. Gilchrist. SLrne od Aenate--.Geo. John :Baker on Thursday afternoon Virtue and Mr. W. Staples attend- ue o the maneac fptet TheertioPaitchard.um psoý over. It cr . .dgo'~ M. of 4th V-W. A. Edgr ltcad ast with 22 present. After the, dteîcpino r n r.t.,l nne honqehrenin a onM. of 3rd V-P. E. Greenfield business session, the Rol CaîlJaam ~e sthe rcti o ln of Mr. n Mrs. hlio rk n nof t o u t cry o hMrsofrunni:.:ai I. M f 2 VDSON IlEESFTU.Jme uri'godn wedn a ndiat weosti on. iaai u %veighs 7 0 9 ( fi) 1i«r 41,2Ons . o d -.L. WeseER answered by bible verses. The pro- HamHto last 'veekanatWtn.Wh ltbyes and capa;) ûf I- ru: 0p~e- M. of lst V-W. R. Strike Asgrai_.vas gu get good value In î-Ineieuuof ger coache; at eXvpress trah'Îi speed. IJanitor-A. E. Billett. CeU n Ted Cuti Te wi rsIsc hrdyBakered ith a gift c di Unte Cunie Ms.Isa Hrd fvoedwih iaosolo. Very excellent reports President of the Bank of Montreal from Knox's Shoe Store. for .erii' tann eryaXasond Crem f .,ar ors eveypaat Nn oh Major E. L. MacNachta sso f the Central Convention wel*e;___________ Look for the dul-ardR ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____and___ T e asy a o f h Unted Counts lr given by Miss Lena Taylor and M s. - -- -- C od gave you that gifted ton gu n aeuy sho blde n a n d r e a u r e o f t h e U n i e d o u n R . . M K e s o c k A h o r s W s M P L E G R O V E t o mi a k e k n o w n y o u r t r u c m e a n in g a n s o r d e c t o m t X a S a j ties of Durham and Northumberland niceiy sung after which 0roa,2' ____J gr____2__t men and flot to rattle it like a teptatutGa to succeed bis father. The salary1 served refreshments and ail enjoyed Don't forget Christmas tree and miuffin-man's bel.-Crye o S ntarl as clerk w-as fixed at $1,200 per an- the social tinie. January metn ocr this (Thursday) i h al -___________________________ num and that for treasurer at $1,800at the home of Mrs. E. R.. Taylor. . atinStp. na. makng ttalof$3,OOa year. . Spca Christmnas service next The late Col. N. F. MacNachtan Sunday 1aftronwe ecorI Congratulations te Miss Mabel pre'vious te bis death, was in receipt will provide the music .. . .Old andiMrStev le Wonhe recenthawrag. to of a salary of $3,100 and his son, young alike are looking forward to Mr. Charnlier White fmsaariI ,il! who was appointed to succeed hlm, our Christmas tree and concert in Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden .< y yf was paid $1,200 as assistant. The 1 the basemient this (Friday) night. attended the funeral of bier aunt- f ger Dl a new clerk suggested that lie would BMr.Jane George of Cobourg, re- o do al te wrk t a alay $,001 Mery masandCrea ofBarieycently. and e sve te Cuntis oneilMr.and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Provi- egtyears, being appointed assist- Statutory meeting of council was Power. DlasTa oe ant to bis father in 1923. beld on Saturday, Decennber 15, White gift service wili bc observ- Yours are aIl this kid1 o s its F or E verybody trne in succession in the history of A. Wight presiding. will have a special Christmas mes- te tKrlk' teUnited Counties in wbich a soni Minutes of last meeting were ad- sage for aIl. Special Christmias bymr. W succeeds bis father in the positions, opted as read and signed. mnusic by the choir. buy mre.Wchae pice aI With the arriVai of more new gift items to as the late Col. MacNachtan suc- Owiflg te an error in assessment Mr. and MIs.SR. R. Stevens, and oelursFrehar sin o pol ceeded the newly appointed incumn- lof a Bitch to John Spry, a rebate tl sw r inl iigi rpaetoepurcased uy eary shoppers our bets rnfahrinathe post. This of $4.00 was granted.Mran Mrs. Luec Wood spent away. Comne an< sebbyesalsesarcr in On- A n error of $300.00 b eing made the weekend with the former's stocks are again replete with such items as are tarrecordies in tbe assessment of H. W. Har-ra, daughter, Mrs. Ray Snowden, and_______ the sum of $10.44 was allowed as a other relatives in Toronto. always popular, for gift purposes. Make your lUNORFAMERaHLD. The many friends of Mrs. Chester Combs up to 90e for ... . 25e Bing Bangs and Mde uh JNO AMR OD Assistant Counties Treasurer ack- Power sympathîze witb bier in the i-ons ini Aridor JarE 0cajr selections flow. CONFERENCE AT COBOURG, nowledged roceipt of choque for death of ber brother, Mr. W- G. Trays ... A9'c-99c-$1.49-$2.98 as aslihtth 1 $29,320-00, counties rates for 1928. Ranton of Brantford, who passed the tase DUSANS IFT SH P OR OU G NDOn Thursday, Decem1ber 15th, 1 A By-iaw for payment of mem- away Wedndesay morning following Hair Receivers ... $1.49-$1.69 DUT N' IT H P FO O NG A D well attended Conferences were heîd 1 bers of council for year 1928 was a stroke of paralysis, suffered some Jewel Cases.....0-39 OLD OFFER THESE SUGGESTIONS: la Cobourg, for Junior Farniers and given its several readinga, signed and weeks ago.-_YrlyTie1 Junior Institute Girls froni the sealed, being numbered 926. YSte Yardeîey Toileveingfat God ae0o Bras ras. ..3.5 Dcoaton Counties of Ontario, Victoria, Peter-i A By-Iaw for the appointment of thetbest quality ini footwear sold at If you have not tried the loiet Bras Tras ....... $350 Deoraionsboro, Durham, Norhtumnbe-rland,lJamies Curtis, Hampton, as School Knox's Sboe Store. Prince Edward, Hastings, Lennox Attendance Officer for the year Merry Xmas and Cream )'f Barley Fanny Parker Chocolat«a Glass Trys Toysand Addington. 1929 wes given its several readings, _____ you bave a treat in store and CHOICE STATINR Glass Trays Toys ~~~~~~Programmes were arranged by the s1gned and sealed, being numbered ny6eapudAsoHgldLin $2.25 to $3.25I Institute B ranch and the Depart- R927.___ Nts nd FuitSArLEl Highland Tartan.....0 Sleighs ment of Agriculture at Toronto, Road Supt. was instructed to take AUTIN AE s6andFpi od al&o Hgln ion..... Tea Pots $1.15 to $2.00 along with Agricultural tefna up witb the0 Dept. of Public Higb- Friday, Decemaber 28-Mr. A. Far- Tevr iet$.0apud Futuristic ........5-10 Hockey Sticks ie nevros counties. In- ways conditions as niew laid down row, Lýot 21, Con. 5, Darîington, whoBauifl ms acagsMQad-.e " a......10 EleerieHeatrs .$4.0 trestng ddresterest gien s aetderesseso a ganten ire fenc ofup argrantll onl 'l giv'ingul XaarnikaengQuail ofOa Eletre eaers. $450Nickel Silver Bread Junior Farinera fromnthe various bts hbarpledthun, his fan stock, imple-menta, etc. Stines KiesTry 3.5 Counties, including Morris MaIlory, not afull wd-th of 66 ft. roadway is Sale at 1 P. nM. See bUil. Theo. M. 12dzn$.0Prince Ed-ward; Norman Jamesn'the owner of property on opsite Waterman Pens and Pencis at loweet standardpre.Cae Ni/elSaddozente Vct$ia4ad50 ra oh son,1 ide of road has built is fonlce .,o 8free. Nikl~nwci lts - Vctra n evrlobr. as te encroacli on the road. Separationa are the tonics of loveHtWtrBtls ls ihsadVcu Hockey Skates $ 3.50 A very interesting deinonstrationi Owing te the amount laid aside -but beware of overdoses.-Select HtWtrBtls ls iht n aumBtisala 90c to $550 SilVerBud Vaseswas given by rtbe Clarke Twshipj by By-law for work -,n thîe roadsanad ed. y ' ~ w ac H N 9et$55 ivrBdVssJunior Farmeoes of Durham Co>unty bridges being o'ver drawn, a number Whatever humbles me, heips me. K < < I .. on PrgramePlanning." Thoy of accounts were not paid. Not a particle of pride will enter K E SLA K E Children's Tricycles $2.25 pair outined lans made for monthly Treasurer acknowledged ecept GIory.TH E NDB RUSOE $1.0meetings foi a year ahead. of $10.00 from Hugh Annis for dami- "The proud Ho knoweth afar off."TH DEE ABE RU SOE $1.0Car-ving Sets J. Y. Kelloug}h, Agricultural Re- ages te sboep byý-iis dog; L- T. Pas- ________________________________ Boy Scout KniVes $4.25 to $5.75 presentative, PortHoe gave a talc coe, taxes 1928, $61,171.30. 1Slce on the points to be epa i in Orders were dyawn on Treasurer: 45cto 1.5 ~i-~e Soon, ~ of planning yearly tprogianss and sonie W. W. Horn,nails sidewalk.$ 2.10 45 t $.2 ofeeSposcae f of the esnil.T H.Rihrsba. od Lare asotmet las-2 dozen $1.75 Mr. J. E. Whitelock, Department maintenance To'wn Lino, ware, vases, etc. .Coffee Spoons, case of interesting address on some of the W. R. Allin, stationery C ll otstanding features o! Junior psae ,etc,............. 24-63 D lls ½/ dozen $3.65 Fariner work. A W tAnnis, sbeep inspection 2.00 I~IE l ' Mr. Percy Gardiner, o! Norwood, Ca. A. Wight, services as mu.Peterboro County, made a anost ef- . ove........ ............ 75.00 Msn s Sl in Thes ar ony a ew f lrgerang ofuse fiientCharma fo theday whlelSias Williams, services as ficentGraharma forLthesay, sSe- Deputy Reeve ...........75.00 Cor nwccthae Chita Gifts at our store. FrdGaaofLnsywa Geo. F. Annis, services as fuiôe at te re dandW:ilkare r ange oiue- whiîe Ca.......................... sn-.rii n lokaon or At noon a joint aqe a edA- L. Pascoe, *services as heart's content. for the boys and girls, nuanberîn Couneillor750 about 115, in St. Peter's Prs al Harold <G- Mackîin, services Dr. J. B. Reynolds, Port Hope, was as Councillor............ 75.00 the speaker and hoegave a iTlot ini- L. T. Pscoe, acct. salary aThose in charge o! the an-ange- W. R. Allun, sal. 4th quarter 175.00 Dusians s h a d a emonts for the Conference wore high-. Clarence Avery, sheep dam- ly deligbted witb the response fronti ages (13)................ 3500 "'We Serve You Well" Bowmanville the young people of these counties Sias Trewin, sheep damiages Plans will lie drawn up in tevr (14).................... 189.00 ing and for the Annual Fleld Day te' H. W. Han-la, rebate taxes b ednext summor. en-or in aint. of $300.00. 10.44 _____________________________________Local_ School Trustees bal- aneo! local and statutery scolrates ..........23,173.00 Counciliwas ajundsne die. I S iduey Wrlhtson, 18 years old, an unempioyed hav-lng seen a farna before he set to work in earnest Miner'wVI a mâother and two brothers te aid in to "ilearn the game", with auch success that this supnerting in Durhamn County, Englanid, was brought year he stood highest i the agricultural judging to C~adi in M7 by the Canadian Natina Rail- contest in the county cf Frontenac aznong 55 com- waCooniation Departmnent, and placed on the peti tors, in connection wlth the Ontario Goven- la of James Bel near Kingston, by the British ment plan to take 500 boysa to thse Royal Winter lmmigrstioa and Colonietion Assocation. Nover Fair-Canadian Natiumial Jaiways pisotegrapl. TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAmvit.lrýv. ?AGIC POUR