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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1928, p. 4

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t VAGE POUR ______________ --- - ..-.,.,.,,AEMBER 27,1928 MAPLE GROVE SOLINA ORIE1HY N COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE School wjl] re-open on Thursday, Several around here are suffering A nuniber of people ini this com- Several in thia comniunity are sick January Srd. from flu. munity IUave Influenza. with colds. Pie4.se mail on Monday what Christmas tree and concert held in Mr-. Russel Reynolds is spending Miss Lyla Osborne is home fromn Wednesday evering labout 401 news you have ready and phone the the hall on Thursday, December 20, Christmas holidays at home. Toronto for the holidays. friends gathered at the chus-ch and balance on Wednesday 2norning. was a huge success, the hall being Miss5 Edna Reynolds spent the Mr. Jas. Hancock is attending proceeded to the home of Mr-. Arthur W s This will greatly assist us in getting packed to the doors. A saplendid weekend with Searboro friends. By'Prjmn nTrno ect ovyt i letduh The Statesinan out on time next pormwspto ytesh]r Mr. and Mi-s. Chas. J. Kersiake, T ter, Miss Phoeib e B h, hei odTh and great praise la due Miss Souch Hae8Young Peoples meeting wil ihe nthe fe eec, tiea- o week-the fi-t issue in 1929. for the way they ;Wes- trained. Af- Hmpton, at Mr. S. E. Werry's. be he]d on Thursday evening this eous shower. Tebrd-oewa ______________________ ter the program Santa Claus came Mfr. Haro]d Williams, Hamspton, week. tThe recpiet otmay u efu wgfts and unloaded the tree of its numer- visited at Messr. John and Thos. Mr. and Mrs. MeNumara, Buffalo, son the igh esteman hueldfor hert MINISTERS AND CHURCHES i us presents. Miss Mildred Snow- Baker's. ae sshoghewpretsgr.anbhe ay fres.Te hede£enilie den, uleen ctda'cax-a. Mr n Mrs w ,Ms Jas. Shortt. was spent in gaines after which re- Trinity United Church, Rev. .. u. Proe2d $32. Jean and Helen, Columnbus, visited [freslunents were served. Severa] Robins, lastor. Sunday Services:1 Church service on Sunday was at-j at Mr. Walter Vice's.( Mr. Kenneth Walter, Oshawa, Young ladies of Enniskillen bal New Year sermons by the pastor atl tended -by a capacity congregation, Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, isI spent Christmas day at home with team, of which Miss Beech was a il a. mn. and 7 p. mn. Special musice the pulpit being occupied by 'Mr. spending Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Everett Walter. member, were present. She wi]l be by the choir. Sunday Sehool ati Clarence Ferguson, Bowmanrville, in Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Pascoe. 1 ]yn nane ei o. S 2.3 0 p. in. a very acceptable manner, in the ab- Mr. and Mrs. N. W.Rends Mr. Glenn Courtice, New York pto h nave e ea o i-i-FK St.Andew' Prsbyerin Curc sece f Psto Stintn wo ws RynodsCity, is spending a week with bisrbt avleisherlevery succesa i ber St. ndrw'sPrebytrianChuch enc ofPastr Sainon ho flSToronto, spent the weekend at his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Court- ~hm nCrwrgt corner Temperance and Church Sts' 11, and whom ve are glad to report brother's, Mr. W. J. Reynolds. ice. Rev. R. M. McDerment, M.A., minis-at the time of writing is improving. Cn-hristina wigtrM.Be er ter. Morning service at il a. m. Tecorrnee special music Sunday School next Stinday moi-n-, hita iitr:M.Br S which ,vas apprecated by the congre- ng at 10 a. m. sharp, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fitsi:rnmons guson, Lloyd and Elva, Enfield, Mi-. Evening service0 p. m. iny gation, and the parcels offered at the Sacramnent service at 11 a. m. and so, Detroit, are spending the and Mrs. J. Bradley, Enniskillen, at - School at 2.30r>. ni D.. altar during the White Gift service Christmas holidays with bier father Mr. E. BTadley's; Mr. and Mrs. St.Pal' Curc, ev D W revealed that the real Christmas Mr, and Mrs. Douglas MLaughlin and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Theron Mountjoy, M. Hany Milla Best, D.D., Minister. il1 a. m.I spirit pervades this community. The and family, Toronto, are spending Broos. Johnr. Gahali, Ton eth and Morning Worshhp, "The Cross and 1 donations were taken to the ed the holidays at her father's, Mr-. A. M- n Mrs. HoadCutJMlon, Gaha, Mi-nD.rh amns C .m-vnn o mmuni A on.r idre tPr op hle.,e'L ace Winnipeg, are guests of bis father Mi-. and Mrs. E. MeuntjioysandDon- 7f p. th e v w eing Wo 30ip, "A ordginls' class decorated the church for In the absence of M . Alan Mc- and m nther, M. and Mrs. W. E. ad at M . M. Henry's, ida; M- fo teNe Ya-.~ .0 >.~ the occasion. Kessock, Supt., Mi-. S. E er orie n i rte n ie o n Earl Tbomnpson home from Sunday Scoo. m Thuisdatoy, ervc.ý rismsVstr:M-.adMs ieieda udy Sho Mi-. M r. and Mi-s. Kenneth E. Courtice. Rowmanville; M-.W Rie n 27h .m-rprt ev Ce. rsnmasden, Toronto,. adith th eiChs.eShortridgenread theolesson, ai- Margaret, Toronto, at Mr-. J. St. John's Anglican Church, Rev.! respective parents; Mr. and Mrs. se a Christmas stoi-y. At the close1 Pastor J. H. Stainton was unable Wright's; Mr. Fred Cowling and R. J. Shires, Rector. Sunday after1 Than. Smith, son Roy, Willowdale, of the lesson period Mi-s. A. J. Rey-I to take bis work on Sunday. In the snF-diPri iI tM- .i~ Chrstna, ecebe 3th 1 with her brother, Mi-. Chas. Axford; nodmodaCrsms~orning Mi-. Clarence Ferguson of MNi';M- n r.E ec il a. m.-Morning Prayr; 2.30 p r>. -ad Mrs. E. R. Freeman, t. icey.toAt tbe church service Revctra olgelTor.nto, pe dced and Gladys, Bowmhanvilae M n-. n m.Sna col;7p .Ee-Cathar-ines, Mrs. H. S. Freenan, J. R. Bick spoke very acceptably on i lveeda e i-.Fdegso n ndbe- Ms. A. H M. BeeadBlach,Kn-I ing Prayer. New Yeai-'s ve, Mon- Miss Chrissie, T'own, witb the foirn- "Why I believe in Christmas."' The nIlîverd eryfn 1rs na bensileM.Egn ecKns. day, December 3lst, r192-Waýtch-esbrteM.H.GFrea; aechiudrte ieton fj anrad we wish te congi-atulate ton, Mi-. A. Lai-mer, Blackstock, at nigbt Service with Holy Communion Mi-. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden at Mrs. John Baker, rendered approp_ Tuonbssledd ailtosa i.A BehsoMsuejaAho -11.30 P. M.1 Cobourg; Rev. and Mi-s. H. W. Foley, riate music, and Miss Lena Taylor, 1Young man and assure bim a wel- and Mi-. Fred Ashton, Toronto, at new frier Christmas services in St. Paul's 1 daughter Laura, Selby, Miss Mai-y sang a solo. come at any future tume. The Mr-. H. Ashton's; Misa Helen Wor- Church on Sunday were very effect-. Foley, Gai-de Hill, Mi-. Fîank Fol- choir rendered special Chiitmas denI Toronto, at Mr-. W. Woi-den's. strive toi ivean wllatendd. Re. . . Y, UniveritofTrnoMiROa The annu.al meeting of Eldad music. In tbe afternoon at the Best delivered two excellent ad-I Martin, Napianee, Mi-. and mrs. Bible Class was held with President Sunday Sehool session the devotion- Sat12 ihCemo aly ured suec dresses, and the choir, under the dii-- Chas. White, Oshawa, wth the fox- 1-H. E. Tink pi-esiding. Newly elect-1 a] period vvias in charge of Miss Aura ection of Mi-. H. J. Knight, rendered er's sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens; Miss ed officers ai-e: President-Mi-. W. Osborne and bier class. Miss Aura eran special music whicb was greatly ap- Vera Power, Misses Susie and Annie T. Taylor; Vice-President-Mrs. Jas. presided and Misas Florence Wilkins THE EDITOR'S MAIL 1er n preciated. The anthema, "Arise,l Laird, teachers, holidaying wîth Smale; Sec.-Treas.-Miss Edna Rey- read the bible lesson. A *chorus Wn .Bsevle o 2,fui appre Shine," "Birthday of a King. in their parents; Miss Beatrice Souch, nolds; Lookout Com.-Mr. N. W. was sung Iby the cîas and a reading W£rH.oBskrvll, ox 12 whîch the solo part was taken by teachex-, with ber mother at Orono; Yelloywlees, Mrs. R. J. MeKessock,by iss He!eang WiCkinstmasnd isGlaide$200 oa. nt ers nsedfrr te Mi-. Knight, and "First Christmas Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and, Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mi-. H. HardyEseOesn C smssn.fnd$.0fi nthrya' ub b le assel Moi-n", were ahl well rendei-ed, aise family with bier parents, Reeve and Mr. H. E. Tink; Sick Com.-Mrs. j. Af ter~ the lesson pei-iod, Miss Evta cription to The Statesman. We the solos, "Star of Bethlehem," byl Mrs. Thos. Baker, Seina; Mr-. and IYellowlees, Mrs. W. Baker, Mrs. W. Couî-tice from Mrs. Blake Courtice's would net like te be without it as it yod e Mi-. Knight; "When Heaven Sang te Mi-s. Ivison Munday witb ber sister T. Taylor; Flower Com.-Mr. W. T.! class gave a Teading and the Primai-y keepa us in touch with the old home.me Eaith," by Mrs. A. Colville; "Nightj at Niagara; Mx-. and Mx-s. Stuar-t Taylor, Misa Edna Reynolds, Mi-. . 1 ass sang a chorus. Sunday even- We ai-e having very fine weather of Nights," by Mra. C. Arthur Caw-i Moiton 'and son John, Cobourg, at J. McKessock, Mr-. B. G.« Stevens; îing the service was opened by Mi-. for this time of year, the third ker. Mrs. Cecil Dudley presided Mi-. Tr-uman Power's; Mr. and Mrs. Teacher-Mi-. R. J. McKesaock; As-; Cedric Parsons witb Mi-. Jas. Han- night of December the themo. went at the organ. At the Sunday Schooi E. W. Foley, Miss Hîlda, Mi-. Edward sistant Teacher-Mi-. B. G. Stevens. 1 cock lelading in song service. After down te 36 helow zero but wai-med C services Mis. W. Adams deacriýbed'Foley, Mr-. and Mrs. R. L. WordenI a short address by Mi-.Pax-sons, Miss up again the next day and bas been te a rapt audience of childi-en the with their brother, Mr-. Aex Wilkins, On Tuesday ovening about 90 of 1 Lyla Osborne gave a selection fi-om fine ever since. We have not bad Pone 64 stor of"Th Fist hi-stms" ro Saem.the friends and neighbors of Mr- and Dickens representing Scx-eoge's at- much snow yet and the roads are "'Ben Huf"eFrtCrsms£rmSl. Mrs. Jas. Hogarth gathered at -their titude towai-d Christmas and bis fine for autos. Thanking you for 'ýBn Hr."Persistent Athma. A most dis- horne and surprised them pi-eviousidream which was illustrated with ail the news we have had througb tressing eharacteristic of this debil- to tbeii- leaving oui- community. lantern s]ides by Mr. iE. O. Young. your valuable paper and wisbing you iating disease, is the persistence with Mi- B. G. Stevens calied the cm a Mer-y Christmnas and a Pi-osperous - ______ TRINITY CHRISTMAS SERVICES! which recurring attacks come te -,u pany te order and Mr. Chas. Short- Sat12 ibCemo aly e er in a state of andloavthontîualei-ei ridge read a nicely worded address. ________________________________________ Services in Trinity United Church nasaeo lotcniulex- At the proper ti-ne Messrs. John on Sunday 'were in keeping with the h austien. No 'wiser precaution can KivelI, Rocy Langxnaid and Cai-] Wîl- Chri-stmas season, the antheqns be taken than that of keepiiig at bur presented Mi-. and Mrs. Hogarth the choir, the solos, hymns and the1 hand a suppiy of Dr. J. ýD. Kelloggs with a beautiful buffet, and Misses special Christmnas messages tat both Asthma Remedy, famous as the Most Evelyn Tink and Ruby Deweil and services by the pastor, Rev. J. U. potent remedy for eradicating the Mr-. Bruce Tink presented the chiid- Robins, were especiall y good. Mi-. disease fnom the tender air passages. i-en witb Eversharp pencils. Mi-. Francis Sutton, organiat and choir - and Mrs. Hogarth thanked the director, played as an offertory "Tbe ENNISKILLEN friends for the gifts and spoke of, Chiid Jesus" by Pietro You. Ati their regret at leaving this commun- the morning service the anthem, Mr-. and Mrs. Wesîey Cathcart and ity. Several short speeches weire1 "Christians Awake,"~ by the choir, family visited at Mx-. James Free- made and the remainder of the even- Miss Margiaret Alrin taking the solo, born's. ing spent in a social way. Lunch and Miss Helen BEunner of Ontario Glad te report tbiat M,-s. Will Ash- was served by the ladies. Ladies' College, Whitby, sang as a ton and babe are home from the The Chriatmas Concert and Tree solo, "Night of Nights," wiïth very Hospital. under auspices of the C. G. 1. T. was pleasing effect. Oui- Doctor is kept busy attending beld in the nicely deconated base- T . KI Misa Greta Follard sang a solo at Flu patienta. We hope this diseasel ment on Friday evening. The pro-Te H NG the Sunday School session and Mi-. will soon clear up. i gram, which was imuch enjoyed, con-j W. J. Moxrison, iB.A., filled the placel Mi- and Mi-s. Floyd Page and fam- 1 sisted of readinga by Misses Evelyn of Supt. Devitt, absent through ill1 ily Îpent Christmras with ber parents, 1 Milîso n, Ethel Moorey, Verna Mill-j ness. Mr-. and Mrs. Levi Brunt. son, Harold BloWse er In he venng he rga ofertx-y Mi-. and Mi-s. Win. Herring spent and Howard Milison; ;piano solos,___ "Christ-mas in Sicily" by Pietro You,' 1Cbi-ist mas with Miss Minnie and Mr. George Werry and Muriel Baker;- the antbem "God'from on high bath -Roy Webber, Bowmanville. Pano duets, Misses Evelyn and Jean I beard," Miss Helen Argue taki ngf0Ms ht n osAtuJeMlsn ssEew ubB ln ,sey VeryaORnL the solo. Four carois, "When the Mr.WTtOnRsn rtuJo'iîsn ise LeyEin n sun had sunk to rest", "Watchxnan and Donald, Kingston, spent a fwRt McKessock; motion song, Miss-J What of the Night", "Ses Amid the days with Rev. J. M. Whyte. es Kathleen Baker, Isabel Yel]ow- Winte's SnW," sloisI lees and Normia Yellowý,leesý; imusic, - Winer' Sow, slojt1 Misses Soi-iy te report Mr-. Charlie Vutue Miss Ileen and Messrs. Allen and, Margaret Allin, Helen Argue, Greta 15 under t-be d<xtoi-s care and bas te Harold Balson; vocal duet, Missesi Foilard and Mra. W. J. Morrison; stay in bed t-o strengthen bis beart. Jessie and Norma Yelioywlee.9; cher- j and "Shepherds Watching O'er their Miss M. E. Vu-tue, Mrs. J. Tiim- l us, thbe C. G. I. T.; Cbhristmas Car-ol, To The Flocks," soloists, Mrs. Mon-ison and mer and Mi-. J. E. Virtue, Toronto, the Christ-mas drill, and a pantomineI Mr.EenrWod hmes visjt-ed t-heur mother, Mrs. J. W. Vii-- "0 Little Town of Bethlehem." Mi-. A a ii ____tue. John Baker was chairman and added Great tlantic and P cfcT Mi- and Mrs. John Slemon Mi-.i nuch to the evening's entertainiment- TOWNCOUCILand Mrs. Tbeo Siemon and JZh and Miss Helen Baker was accomp- TOW CUNCL pent- Christ-mas at Mi-. Thomas J anist for the drilis, etc. At the Deemerl5htownd up Cogruaions e 'i-canlMsenerc ed ndd istrw Sted t-be lauswhich isbetter known s h tutory meeting of Counci a lmo'.jceno -e eorarat Casisa h ness of the year. Reeve W. H. William Staint-on on celebrating thZ ro h well-l'aden tree. rent cko pesided in t-be absence ofi twenty-fiftb an.nivei-aiy of their Among the anany Christmas Day ayor Holgate. Deputy-Reeve W.: mariage on Decomibei- 25th. j1ie-unie ns heid in this community Carruthers was aise absent' Mi-.und Mrs. Silversides, Mt. Ai- was that o h er-ae ai-6 truhsxckness. 'bei-t Mi- and Mrs. Joe Ferguson and ies whichtof t-beace ay-James amvIi- Letter frein D. L. McCartby, K.C., Miss Elsie and CIarence Ferguson, t-be home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar 1 1> atat-edM Gili case was being beld Uxbridge, spent Christ-mas at Dr. We.rry. Foi- over fift-y years the Ab &P T over iU. S. courts till Jânuary. jruos. walis of this old home have resound- J'Tax Collector A. J. Lyle pnesented' Miss M. Dalton spent the holiday ed to Christmnas cheer as these twol 1report for 1928 as follows: with Miss Maud Ashton. Misa Dal- fam-ilies have ceiebrated this joyouai Cas dpoit-ef.i-o..... 8 9.75bto ngagef o tea.h the bas c akno heuulgospui-uThe iargest and strongest chain of grocery stc Discounts allowed.....505-191 of t-be terni, Mn. iBreknow having i-e- iget.thpayrpiedote Mfgi-s. exemptions....... 5,97110, signedl. Iiving-room, where under the direc- Farinera' rebates......741.17' Start 1929 witb Cream of Barley. 'ien of Mr. N. S. iB. James, the tree Deductions ...............6.24 1 I rleve fisI-a n vr Cash on band...........,694. 1 SCHOOL CONCERT wsrlee fisla n vn ,O.3 person present was the recipient- of T his m eans 1 m ust seil m y Entire he Unpid axe ........12,44.71_ gift. An event of special intereaqt î - ~I(B,,. special Juvenile Correspondent), wa-q a kitchen shower for Misa Mae $106,024.55 -f'le school concert held at Ennis-1 Werx-y, a Christ-mas bride-to-be. J and Fixtures by February 1 Standing Committ-ees' reports of! killen on Thui-sday, Decemiber 2 Oth 1 The chairman then clldon Msas. proved agadscesbt finan "M. A. James, H. Fletcher Jms A., estimates and expendit-urea wex-e nalWgrand. ansu.Edesa botbGeo present-ed: cially and sociaîîy. W hs n .EgrWinGo Esia-s xedtue Teprgancosse o eealW aesadW Muto, n odotiveyatcl nte.tr s u eowrglr close bytll' as. ru9n "'O After the cerenxeny a stipper was sente singing of thbe National sxvda- h oeof Mr. and Mns. wbch as Mr. Whyte i-e- Jack Nichois, Higb St., wrtheny A r n uested was more of a prayer for bride was presented with inany, terecver ofourGmeou Soer-beatifl ad ufl. A Pi-ke. Thei Tuesd&ys, Thursdays andi ign, t-be King. waa folliowed by a dance at tbe home J Satuday. t e ecovi-yof oi- z~cius o fver-.utfland M sfuL if . re.Thes I SoLurdys.Other Country Corresponance on young couple wil reide on Oailisie ______________________inside pages. Avenue, Bowmanville.I hing You and Yours .e Happiest of New"Year's And to ail our customers our sincere thanks for. their patronage. PHN IRSLAKE'S 4 THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE ppy New Year rold friends, loyal and true, to valued ids, and to those whose friendship we serve, do we most heartily wish unmeas- ýess and good fortune throughout this 1 the rnany years to corne. With grate- eciation for ail the favors received by us mn, and for that priceless though intiang- t, your good-will, which we esteem be- Lsure. We wish you a Happy New Year. 4. CAWKER & SON 4 ~Bowmajnville IASE ea, Company JRES" Stock of Groceries 1st, 1929. prices. The stock is bound to, go L Sa caIne with the crowd and wil pay you to lay in a stock of er Held in Bowmanville ree Delivery Service in Town. mHT, Bowmanvile / f THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THU-RSDAV- nremunvi, -,, ýA.. ,ores in America HTPS

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