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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1929, p. 3

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Big Economy Eventi Our stock reducing sale of groceries certain- ly makes happy customers. And why shouldn't it at the low prices we are selling dependable gro- ceries. Make out your list from these items: Tait's Special Blend Tea, Reg. 65e lb. for ....49c Tait's Leader Tea, Reg. 75e IL for ..........58c 2 only, Dry Mash Hoppers, Reg. $2.00 for ..$1.00 2 only, Water Power Washing Machines ....$16.00 1 only, No. 2 Daisy Churn ................$12.50 1 only, No. 3 Daisy Churn ................$13.00 4 only, Electrie Chieken Brooders ....... $ 5.00 Cut Macaroni, Reg. 2 lb. for 25e ........3 for 25c Suiphur, Reg. 4 lbs. for 25e ............7 for 25c Steel Wool, Reg. 10e .........................4 for 25C Robin Hood Talcum Powder, Reg. 10e.... .3 for 25c Pineapple Preserves, Reg. 25e for ...........20c Tomatoes in glass jar, Reg. 25e for ..........15c Aylrner Soups, Reg. 10e ...............3 for 25c Special Soaps, Reg. 4 for 25e ...........6 for 25c Toilet Soap Special, Reg .10e ...........3 for 25c 10 oz. jug Vanilla, Reg. 25e for ..............20C 8 lb. pkg. Gold Dust, Reg .40e ..............25c Stirling Catsup, Reg. 30e ...........................20C Sinith's Catsup, Reg. 25e .....................20c hThis is only a few of the many bargains China, Glassware and Crockery Still Coing at Cost Archie Tait Estate, Phone 65 Bowmaville Durham County Boy RECOMMENDS THIS ALBERTA COAL We are Jileased to offer first car of Alberta Coal received in Bowmanville this year. This coal is known as Mine Head which cornes from Coal Spur district. This superior 'grade of Alberta Coal was re- cornmended to us by Dr. Edgar Allun, Edmonton, )an-d a prominent Durham County Boy. We do not hesitate on his recommendation, as well as our own personal test to offer this coal with confidence to our customers. You may buy cheaper coal-but it's flot how cheap but howgood a quality. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville 57 Varieties No, wa,'re not in the piekie business, but a glance at our baking gives you the idea that we have alrnost every variety of baking to satisfy a hungry person. Something fresh every day- and quality unsurpassed. The Bowmanvilie Bakery PH ONE 57 BOWMAN4VILLE When You WantI the Best Meats YOU KNOW THEY CAN BE HAD AT CAWKER'S BUTCHER SHOP PHONE 64 Pmuneyors to people of Bowmanville and Durhamn County for over 75 years. THE CANADIAN STATF,5MA:N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSflAY, JANUARY 31st., 1929 CANADA'S MINERAL WEALTH OBITUARY OBITUARY Mr. Moore, Toronto, Addresses William H. Osborne, Bowmanvilie William John Clemens, Hampton Women's Canadian Club. It is with regret we record this SiJ week the death of a very highly es- There passed into rest at Bow- The Women's Canadian Club which teemed and respecteli citizen in the tnanville Hospital on Saturday. Jan- met ini Trinity Scbooi Room on person of Williamn H. Osborne who uary 19, 1929, William John Clem- Monday afternoon, enjoyed an ad- passed away on Tuesday, January ens, a weii-known resident -)f Dar- dress from Mr. Moore of Toronto 22nd., in bis 79th year. lington township. He was born on University. The speaker took as The late Mr. Osborne was the ]ast the old Cleinens homestead near his theme, "Canada's Minera] surviving member of a family of ten Hampton in 1854, being son of Step- Wealth", upon which subject hee ebjîdren, being a son of Richard and hien and Mary Ann Brant Clemens. showed himself possessed of both ex-, Grace Downing Osborne. He was, He lied on. this farm tii] a few years tensive and intensive knowledge. born in Darlington and has practical1 ago wben he sold this property and Mr. Moore first gave a general iy ]ived ail his life in Darlington and has since1lved on another far.n outiine of Canada's geological for-, Bowmanville wAitb the exception of a quit e near. matien, teliing of the rock forma-, féw years spent in Clarke townshîp. The late Mr. Clemens was a 11h- Il Kir tion wbieh he cailed the "shieid",' For severai years be carried on, crs] in poitics and a staunch temr- situated centraiiy in Canada.. Up- farrnîng on the Lake Shore on the! perance man, ever using bis mflu- on this basic "shie]d" minerai depos-1 farina now owned by W. H. Bennett ence on the aide of right. He was its have been formed throughaut theland Allun Bros. After moving to aiways interested in his home and ages, by various nieas. 1 Bowmanville he carried on a grocery municipality, a good friend and Mr. Moore spokie of the vast min- business, but f Or the past f ew years neighbor, always ready te lend a eral resources of the different pro. he has been gardener for niany peo belping hand wbere needed. He was vinces, such as the coal, natural gas pIO in the town wbe will miiqssbis of a quiet retining disposition, and and oul of Aberta, the copper depos- capable services. His genial mar- they who knew hlm hest, loved him its and the zinc, etc., of the great ner and friendly words made for hlm most. metal producing region of British many fTiends who will mourn his He leaves to xnourn bis passing, Columbia, which produces one- passing in a very real sense. bis wife ,Maria Taylor, and son, AI- tenth of the wold's lead and 3,000,- On February 24, 1872,;ho WS.5 Ibin, wife and two grandsons , Lav- 000 oz. of silver yearly. In the Yukon united in marriage with Mi ;s Carne! erne and Norman, two sistera, Mis. a great deai Of placer gold ls found. Grose of Newcastle. They w0re W. Rosevear, Toronto, and Mis. Mr. Moore deciared that coal is the privileged te celebmute their golden IHary Eirock, Bowmanville, also two most important mineraI in the woîld, Wedding in 1922. brothers ,Fred of Oshawa ,and Al- a fundamental in modern industriel The funeral took place fromi his bert of Minnesota, U. S. life, being worth five times as muc late aferdnooervebing cone.n hus as al other metais produced i a sdneingtrton hus- Th eenea ok plesac ero h world in one year. In stpite of th ducted by bis pastor, Rev. J. U. Rob-laersdneoTesyateon fac tat nesith fbeei. .sitd yRv .J.Sie n at 2.30 p. m., the service being con- fat ha nesit o teworld's ina, assisted byJR..RR. J. Sbires an coal is found in Canada, yet alxnost attended by members of Florence dce yRv .R iko ap aIl the ceai used in Ontario is import- Nightingale Lodge No. 66, I.0.0 F. ton, assisted by a nepbew of Mra. ed froni Pennisylvania, the resson and Wellington Lodge, No. 19, S.0> Cleinens, Col. Levi Taylor, Field bein.g the great cost of transporta- .,of bich be was a memben. 11, Secretaiy of Saivation Army, Toron- tio foi t fr of egon w -r was also a niember of the Woodmen t. Alreniber of fniends and it is mined.e At the prsetrae fof the W orld. neiglhbors came fromn far and near consumppUon Aberta bas enougb ceai I The pali-bearers were members of to pay their at bornage te the use- to last 88000 years. Mi. Moore the two lodges, Mesais. Chas. Real, fui life and sterling character of tbe stated that the only alternatives by John McIntyre, F. C. Pethick and jdeparted. which Alberta or Nova Scotia ceai James G iii, Sam Glanvilie and H. H.1 Tbe sympathy of the community might be succeasfully, front a fln-1 Richards. The floweî-'beareîs werelgoes eut te Mrs. Ciemens and tam- anciai vie-wpoint, tsed in Central grandsons and grandnephewa. lily in tbeir bereavement. Canada, wudb onecaie Besides bis widow hie la survived The paîl-bearera were Measrs. L process for cbanging ceai intoi, by two daughters, Mi". Chas. Blow,,D yeJ .KoF .Hny and pumnping it thîough pipes, or an Osbawa, and Mrs. J. J. Scott, 5t,>ne- E. J. Doidge, W. T. Symons and W. open St. Lswrence watex-way. Nova benge, Sask., and two sens, Fred 'if J. Cann. The flower4,earers were Seotia cealis anot as good on the, Toronto, and Ceci] ot Bo,,Nmanvilie, Messrs. J. Cowling, F. Cowling, C. 1whoie as (Aberta ceai and mereoiver al of whom were present at the f un- Colwiii, H. E. Rundie, Howard and Imining operations there are handîý erai. Two sens Erwin and Allan, Herbent Gaud. capped by the tact that tbey are new and ene daugbter Aima, predeceased The fierai tributes were beautitul mining two miles ont under tiese., hilO. consisting of piliow troni the fair- There is aise a great deai f et Among the relatives present fom1. il;sry r n r.Fe roiium, in the West ibut it is not adsac ee Mr. a. sndM.e M Clemens, Oshawa, Mrs. W. Rosevear, geneîaily îocated and mingopra gar Osborne, Lr . OsonM Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bîock, Mis tiens are alow se that there la pro- and Mrs. R. . Osberne and snAi- Hennie, Toronto, W. Taylor, Orillia, duced in a year oniy .nough te keep In r and Mrs. W. H.sbrneAlorno;Mr. i thse country a week. I te cnt adMs1Fe sore oo T.oeyMm Mr.anMr. AndW Mis r. n ofteAhbsc ie nth 'iiyWesley Osborne, Newmarket; MreyMran Mr.AW. nisMr ofth Ahaasa ivrther. are de- and Mms. Ohas. Blotw, Mr. and Mrs and Mrs W. Henderson, Mn. and Mms. posits, calied "tar aands", saturatBeM dM î . G erry r.and m.R. . wibahav iwhc frefined, Blw r. an is. o iory Stevens, Gaud Bren., Mr. and Mrs. weuidlesat the 'worid at the presennd iowR an, Mr. and Mis oro BiwM Sykes, Miss Knox, Mr. and Mrs. rate, 130 yeama. In ti"se etern Gad . Hroyu, Mr. and M s.rmn nox' Mr. and Mis. J. CoWIIi, Sr., townships of Ontario there were asGeo. Ha, Mr. andsMOs.b one, ManMr.and M"'. C. Batty, Newcastle, man a 4 cl efner« n 89 bt r.and Mis. J. Brant, Mr. and Mis, thanproasti40 areli-es n190btArthur- Coady, Ohawa; Mra. JOS. WAex ayo, r th rdcinhsben decreauing Hamilton, Millbîeok; Mr. Brock F Allun, Mrs Ae adorMis.F since that time. Mr. Moore w5s T-~ Pethick, Newtoffville; Mrs. E . Coady, n m F. Battie, Mrn. r.P o minded et a story ef ail well dlg- Detroit. Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. N. Taylor, Mr ting in Burina. Owing to the large eforlofeiga wre vr and Mra. E. McR.ae, Mn. and Min. L OM. qatteetaspreeent, a ma beautitul i uig Plo-F Gamnbie, Mi. W. Scott, Miss A. Scott, w could oni>' remain alive in a weîîicidng muo - s-Oesw, n n Ms . ree ily;Har-Grndcilde;Wîreaths OrontMr n Ms . ree bwo or thie. minutes at a t'me. j et-rnchden r and Mis ToonoMn. and Mis. W. W. Rond. is a Soemeene was atatiened at the top te rno ai'MiadMsereen, Women's Institute and Aduitsot haul him np at the end of thse ap- Arthur~ Coie and tamily, Goodyear ibeCls, 0oùtel peulted tis. e r trelankve.vere fficeStaff, Mi. and Mis. Baniks, CARD 0F THANKS happ3 oneual> se n for e at stank 85 5lY Wellington Lodge, S. 0. E., Mr. and te4 on. is pe oand b. apt t fi sleeç! Mis. W. J. Dudley; Sprays-Nat- Ms-s. W. J. Ciensens and tansiiy de- th 4- at bs pet ad nglee ths dTe' local Groceis, Mr. and Mis. E. Mann, ar etaktefinsadnih oe Thero are aise great future _ M .and Mis. H. Hawley, Misses Ad- ie also te Sfpriend ent andde sources of iro ln Canada if t can ahr*annbore lote Sprnndtad souce e lin u anaa f t Cflahan Maud Wright, Mr. and Mis: nurses of Bowmanviiie Hospital toi bti be satisfactorily mined and sefned. W H. Ailit, Mi. and Mis. R. L. their symipathy and kindness during As y et however, the «Test steel Mliie, Osb orne, Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Ed. teiîesai et fM.Cein et anaa ispet iontiise t Sd-Coady, Detroit; Mn. and Mis. Arthur and for the beautiful floral offerings. n.>' tram Newfoundiand, and at Coady, Mi. and Mis. Gee. Hart ,Osh- Sauit St. Marie from Minneso ta. Just awa; Mi. and Mis. F. A. Crago and acrose the border from Minneseta family, Mis. F. M. Souclh, Frank and DO YOU LIKE TO DRAW F , there are rocks afithte same age and Wreford, Mr. and Mis. Harry Cole, foraio iroie, e ai reason Mis. John Allun, Mi. and Mis. A. W. flaftampn h.ive h bigttav, St p Ho conain' tes Spare tira'. t raUrHome ne len iebut there are Pickard, Mr. J. Infantine, Mi. and shop trainingr "d, large deposits on the islands in Hud- Mi, W. H. DensemMr. and Mis. R. Rdliabt, r.imtfIoymntt srvit,. son Bay, which however are otf McGrath, Ms-. and Mis. W. H. Barrie, .9pecial offer.o Commencial Engierngl Iower grade. CoprLaib1 . nTEObme m W .Cus toratorieo, Suite One Hînd, f-" on i mind inornaat'ely 0 M T. . Osorne MrW. B. CochQueen St. Weet, Toronto. 42 on n mnedluCanada to.day, yet Mn. and Mis. Wms. Tiewin and Misas ______________________ lai¶ quantities et bath iron and Ri.d Slemon, Miss BonathaMi eocenîd be pied uceil if ticcessar>'. Chas. Real and Mr. Frank Williaims Ms-. Moore st*ted that One cmatai Bowmanviiie. which Canada iacks ip tin which, in ____ fact, is becoming scaîce ebie'where. The speaker then turned bis at-' DURHAM DEBATERS WIN ei tentuon to the imineraI wealth of th~e Mno amr ieusLv o known tact that Sudbury bas a cern:,onl Immigration. or on the nickel et the werid, p».u, lin the first Juniors debate et the' ducing 87% et the worid's suppîy. Inten-Count>' Series, held in Mili. He traced the gnro'wtb et miinilg brook, Januar>' 23, thse Durhami Coun- operatieus in that district tram tV teaus with tlie affirmative aide de- 1 LN 1856 when a survey part>' found tbe; teated the. Peteriboro Count>' tesa finat minerai oie at Cobalt p tilî by a very close margin, debating on- the present tins. whes the epeculat-' tiieau.bect "Reaolved that Canada'"a ing wonld la se excited over the fut- Immiigration p'eIicy should be tramed une et the Falconbridge mine. Can. to attract the pioneer type et settler, ada ranka thurd amenfg the. gold pre- IrresPective et nationalitY". ducing countries ofthtbe world, mest A very inteiesting musical pro. et the oie being mined at Percupine gram waa given consistiflg et piano and Kirkland Lake. Cobalt takea duets b>' the Misses Lang, Millbrook; fenrth place among the sîlver ca*s vocal duets by Messrs. T. MoCamnus The speaker accompanied hias T-sud C. Winslow and vielin seections marks witls references to two maps by H. Mcrtur and E. Powell, and whicb bie carried witb hua, oeeoe recitation b>' Miss Lottie Luxe ii. '" which, sbewing the. Sudbury' mineral The d ebate waa held under the w. temkin colin- a pan>' with Dr. Colemsan, Prfoure heid at Millbrook and further special Geolegy in Teronto. teatures etftthe Short Course wene :: Bellerprsaedappiciaton ti ti. m n o hee n Arin. n. J B. e l- The. President, Mia. (Dr.) Clark tative, J. Y. Keliough, wbo was chair-. - clubof r. oorls eryintresingson, Agricultural Representative fer land instructive naddreu instenigveig en>. U I FORGET THE "BLUES" 11 LEARN E.ngineerin .Auto .ehantes. ÉEItri.- cal lanitlon. 'att* ery or Weidng rit klatt lnges Barhering ad adie'Bl>ir dressing. Earn $6 to $10 Per Day e'ew weeks requiredt to bau.. Expert Instructore, }'ractlcab Trainini.Btg Demand. "tart NUW for blRe~r Day sudi a bntght future. WriVor calI or Bueial ofer andi ruiBookà. DOMINION 'RMESCHOOLS lia Lai StreU Wut. lornto onthe tcsion eof the ircltue'a tiet irtn- day uarty. The meeting was opened by the netiring omfcer. Chef-Comp. Miss Edith Smith. Aften the business Chiefi Comp. Iflvited the. District Deputy 111gh Chief Comp, Hill frntm Queen Mar' CI' cie at Port Hope, ta tak e thieclair ta cenduci the' cenemonyetofin.tlain New olficens are: P C. Comp.-Misa E. Smith: Chief Comp.-?.Mns. N. Barton; Sub. C. Comp).-Mrfs. T. Goulti; T. Comp- Mn..I. Cameren: S. Comp.-Mrs. Hum- phrey; Chaplin Comp.-Mns. N. Clarke; R. (1 Camp-Miss 1. Large; L A . Comp. Heighton; 1. G. Comp.-Wrenn and 0. G. ('omp.-Hrookham; Piantrt-Mies ahea Gotuit. After the Intstallation the t)egrée Teamn whiciî accompanieti the D. D. M., C. C. Hill, put on snme very clever fonr work which was heartily applauded. The, meeting waa brought te a cloase when ailt h. Companions anti their guefits went to the. Balmoral Hotel whene they enjoyed a mont deliciaus banquet. Queuta 16.tt L. tor the usuai speeches. commnunity mne. unir, with MisentH. Tlickson. a rue.t.aI the piano. flveryone onjeyed ineh.a in thoir usuel h6corty way.j Ail prices f. o. b. Windsor, Ontario, including isaudard factory equipmesst (freight and taxes extra) A Chwy.Ie Metoeu Piuau Plymouth offers typicai Cbzuler prformànce, being Fhyoergi«rda a d irg uh modem improvements as weatherproof hydreulic four.wheel brakes, hagh-compremaion Lhead 45 h. p. engin., rubber engin. mountings, alwninwn alloy pistons, torque reaction neutMaixer, fil preulure. feed lubrication. TOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System ng Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calle At Our Expense The New Victrola The new Orthophonie Victrola plays for the mood that you are lii or want to be in. With Is wide seleL!on of V. E. Records, Victor off ers you the finest assortment of records. If ýou feel depressed and blue', you can havé sinphonies played ,d by the world's great orchestras. If 'u feel gay, and restless, the finest dance ýhestras are at your cail, to play for you enever you desire. The New Orthophonie atrue ail day entertainer ....Is mîùý!. Lhes tired nerves ...its melodies gladden ýy hearts. The model illustrated above ie 1-70. It selis for $165. This and ail other Is of the new Orthophonie Victrola may be ned on easy terms at 1,0F, MorrisCo DFurnishers Bowmanville w rNis' ANDUPWARDS *reatcthmaoeEve EHAIZING its value leadership, malcing i lamner tisan ever, are Piymouth's new Iower prices representing savings of $15 ta $40 on popular models. Plymouths quality bas flot been cbanged in thse Icast-it remaina thse same fine quality wbich has given tisis car an international repute for econ- amy of operation and upkeep. In thse lowest. priccd field, Plymouth is stili thse outstanding fuil-size car giving ample roons for five grown.ups; it is stili tie only car near its price eq:upped wits weatiserproof hydraulic four- wheelibraes; it is still tise.anc big.buy at its price combining modern engineering improvements and perform- ance with modern style and luxury. Sec the Plymouth. Compare it, try ta equul it among, cars seliing under $1000-and inevitably yau wif rausk i first and foremoat in every cde. ment that determines true matar-car value. 3M2 WALTER DELINE Phone Newcastle 3733. Newcastle, Ontaaio PAGE THRI~E h i PAGE THRZE

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