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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THLTRSDAY, JANUARY 319t., 1929 Special Values IN Footwear Phillps Mltary Soles and Heels, made in England, Priced At 75c Women's Brown Kid and Brown Suede One-Straps, Empres At $3.75 Women's Brown Caif Oxfords and one-etnap, Goodyear welt Solos $2.45 Infants ene strap Patent Shees, witb leather sole and spring heol 75c Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 Bowmanville. W intry Winds are mueh in evidence and we should be ready te withstand them. Fortify youn system by oating proper food and take ex- orcise in the fresh air. If you lack energy you should take a good tonie. CREOPHOS builds up roserve and combats colds and flu. There's nothing quite like it for throwing off a stubbernn ough. t's a dollar a bottle at KERSLA KE'S The Dependable Drttg Store Laxacold (Tablets) reduces foyer, relieves hoadache and breaks up a cold 25c Festival of Barga.ns Elite Shoe Store Presents This Week .A Bargain Festival in a Mid-Winter Sale of Footwear. To Make Room For New Spring Goods We Will Clear Our Shelves of Winter Goods. Overshoes Men's 3-buekie ....$2.6.5 Women's 4-buekle $2.49 Women's low, with'cuif $2.49 Ohild's -1ckle..$1.85 M.ni's laced feit top rub- ber boots, per pair. .$3.49 Misses' Boots & Oxfords A few pairs of Misses' boots in black or brown, $2.89 to $3.25 pair Oxfords in patent, black or brown caif leather, Special $2.98 pair Broken sizes on bargain table ..........$1.59 pair Boys' Boots Good solid leather sehool wear boots in brown and black, $2.95 and $3.25 pr. Youth's, il to 131/., sizes, $2.45 to $3f.00 pr. Wornen's Strap Slippers For women needing wide fitting, comfortable foot- wear we show EE pat- terns in kid and patent, medium height heels, $3.25, $4.00, $4.50 to $550 pair Women's Street Shoes Made in patent with cub- an or spanish heels, c $2.65 to $3.75 pair Heavy Rubbers This week only--lO% Re- duction on ail Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers Men's plain overs, a few pairs only .........95e pr. Women's fine rubbers 68e Children's Rubbers 59e pr Growing Girls' Oxford Ties Made in patent, black caif and brown caif $3.75 SHOIES TFIAT SATISFY PHONE 200 W. CLAUDE IVES, Manager ENNISKILLEN Mns. Lloyd Ashton and Ross, ai Mn. Gordon Werny, spent a few day with Mn. Stuart Morton, Cobourf and Mn. Dennis White, Port Hope. . . Mns. H. J. Werry, Mma Sidne Trewin are attending the W. M. Convention, Oshawa, and are vis.t ing Mrs. Milton Wenry and Mns. Wî Smith..... Mrs. Riley and son BnucE Mn. and Mrs. Ornie McGill, Bethaný visited thein brother, Mn. Thos. Mc G....... Mn. and Mrs. E. E. Staple spent Sunday at Dr. Ferguson's.., Mn. and Mrs. Jack Shortt, CourticE visited Mn. be.vi Brunt... Mr. Hor boert Slemon, Tononto, Dr. C. W~ Slemon and Mn. Wm. Trewin, Bei manville, Mn. and Mns. Hugb Anni with their parents, Mr. and )§i John Slemon. Sonry te report Mr John Slemon bas bad to be remoe te Bowmanville Hospital to, undergý an operatien which we heipe will b, successful... Mn. and Mrs. Frei Taanblyn, Onono, visited bis sistens Mns. H. J. Wonry and Mns. W. Staiî ton. .Miss M. Dalton and Miss Rev« MeGilI spent the weekend witb Tor onto friends .... Miss Mae Lamb i geing to Bownianvillo Hospital t( train for a nurse. We wish bi every success in hon new work.. .. MisElmna Dickinson, Courtice, vis je ~hon parents, Mn. and Mns. E. Dickinson ovor the weekend. ficeers of the Ladies' Aid for ti ceming yean are: 1'resident-Mn: T. MeGilI; lst Vice President-Mrs (Dr.) Ferguson; Secretary-Mrs, Roy MeGilI; Trea-,urer-Mrs. Ori Jeffery; Organist-Mrs. Franciý Werny; Flow&r Ccenittee-Mns. E Stevens, Mns. Dr. Ferguson. League meeting was in charge of Social Vice-Prosident, Miss Audrey Dorland. The meeting opened witl a bymn, followed by prayer by Mm. Grace Wery. The bible lesson war. nead by Miss Majory Martin; Mn,. 0 . Jeffery toek the worship periec. Another hynin was sung, afton which Miss Annie Oke gave a neading; .Miss Grace Werry rendered an in- strumental, after which a social halfl hour was spent. Lengue closed with the beniediction. Popular dcoman. for Cream et Bariey. Final Clearance MENS OVERCOATS 2 BigSpecials --- Don't Miss These Bargains SPECIAL N0. 1 Men's Fancy Tweed and Worsted Over- coats, also Navy Blue Overcoats, Values to $22.50, For $ 14.85 SPECIAL NO. Il MEN'S NAVY BLUE OVERCOATS Chinchilli, Meltons, Whitney Cloths, withý or without beits, Reg. Values up to $30.OO,1 For Only $19.85 EVERY COAT MUST BE SOLD T. B. GILCHRIST Dfrectly Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanvlile ýys S. it- ,il] ze, ce- les e , r-[ s' Ir. 'e ed rs' n- er .S t -r 5i ' UÂ inv n cresaevîl iss Noa Ior21n n,, in the absence of Mr. Wilfr'd Smale, 4th Vice-Pre.sident, who w.as -ittend-ý ir.g Winter School it Cobourg. De- votional part was tak,?n by Mrs. Lew- is Allun. Lesson -was read by Miss Ethel Stephens. Topic-"A good book I have read," was givon by Mrs. Bi'k. Meeting closed with Mfizpah benodiction Mr. Tom Sykes and Mr. Frank Hastings, Toronto, spont Sunday at their homes here.. . Mr. J. B. Horn and daughters, Peter<bono, visited relatives hene on Sunday.Mn. and Mrs. C. Wood, Onono, at Mr. J. L. Johns'.... Mr. Arthur Wakely, Gor- don and Eanl, Oshawa, with lus par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. J. Wakoly, on Sunday... Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Fer- guson visited relatives at Cadmus on Monday .... Mn. and M rs. Milton Slemon and sens, Haydon, visited Mrs. C. Johns recently. T Ihe Wom- en's Institute ave making plans for celebrating their 25th anniversary on Fébruany 7tb. .Mr. Charlie Johns and Mn. L. Johns left Sunday morn-1 ing on a motor trip te o ia, Mich. .Miss Duif, Field Secretanyl of the W C. T. U. for the Province1 ef Ontario, gave a very splendid ad-1 dress te the Sunday Sehool on Sun-I day afternoon. Our Temperancel Superintendent, Miss M. Katerson, is te hoe congratulated on securing the services cf Miss Duf for the ses- sion .... Our Young People's League have aecepted an invitation te visit the Maple Grove beague on Wednes- day night... . The annual congrega- tional meeting of the church is te ho held this Friday evoning. Our last Saturday of bargains, says T. H. Knight. Popular derand for (jir-inofetBanIy. !y TR b1YON Mns. W. McDonald and Katharine, ~Cobourg, are visiting hon parents,l <Mn. and Mrs. W. Stewart.... Mn. and Mns. Ernest Gardiner and baAy ýh Ernestine have neturned te theini -home at Inglehart, New Ontario, af- ter spending a few weeks withi ffnionds hoe...Miss Ruby Virtuel ;h has accepted a position in Bowman- i ville..Miss Edith Smith is home fnom Bownanville.Miss K.Mic- -iCullough visited witih ber aunt, Mrs.1 .D. K. Fraser, Bethesda... N4wly i elected officers of the "Wide Awake" Class for the ensuing yean are: Teachen - Mn. Clinton Bigelew;, President-Lo)rne Annis; Vice Pros.j -Francis Thompson; Secretay- Cordon Brent; Treasuer-Lloyd Hoan...Oun League is canrying the banner te Haydon beague on1 iThunsday evoning. l. .. bagule Thun-' day evening was in change of 4thi Vice Pres., Miss LoIn Richards. The nesignatien ef Miss Rtuby Virtue as Secretaryws accepted. Miss Lav-1 orne Burgess was appointed. Topie "Wbhy oun ago has a Liquer Problem"j by Mn. Clarence Woodley; vocal duet i by Misses M. Moore and K. MeCul- lougb; reading by Mns. D. Hodg-son; neadiUng by Miss Alice Thomprson.. . .-.A lange congregation was eut onj Sunday evening te hean -Miss Duif, Field Socnouary cf W. C. T. U., whe dolivered a splendid address. She ma.de a very strong appeal te the' young peeople te holp guard against the liquen traffie and make ouri countny one o tehepnoud et. -Miss Duff is a very pleusing speaker. She told of the work of the W. C. T. U. in ev-ry part. of the wonld where the Chri.st Spirit had gene. It is ap- paliniz how inany bne'wonies and dlis- tilleries then0 are in oun Domnion. A local W. ( C. T. U. was erganized wîth the following officers: Prosident Mr.L. J. Gýoodiman; Troaure- IMns. .1. R. Truinpoun; Cor. Slc'y_- Mrs. J. C. hIndjley; Roc. Se'y.-Mrs. A. W. A n n;q. Date et meetinýg is to e h tse-cond Wodnesday cf each meonth ....-Mn. and Mns. F. I. Byam and faimilv visitod hon lister, Mns. lalnyd Rohinson, Toronto ...The ,YmPathY cf the community il ex- tendod teo Mrs. Edwand Virtue in the d<ath of hon brother, Mn. Robent James Byers, who passed away on i January 17th at his homo in Carie- vale, Sask. Mn. Byers lived in this viinity fer many yoars. Out go the gnoceie-in corne the carpenters et T. H. Knight's. 1 Popular demnand fon Creaeni of arley. i -I have be a ast Alberta Coal for I ~reers andl I lake.pleai lsrecommending iii OU ail agfrieands. W Z c geo k-now how regiabe our furnace w uging Alberta Codandar Mn ohi' fuel, Aust. Amihracite tncluded.j ,OU hase e quicicer hm~ longer heai. No boie, oa -r'laie, le,?a#hahnd rljnkers. Frem eciuai 1 have become a atroisg titrer in Alberta Coal Onitario ho mes." Robert A. Scau, 536 Palersois Si., Peterbor'ough, '«I have uied L oaiec fmazy geai' in the West ma finel no cealini Ontiario maretl le equaJ for- lich.,m raneIt 61#0 verp gaai/aei oryj fur-aace un." H. A. Bruce, Esq. Siratford, 0, -.1 have My supply Alberta Coo.i in for wnier. I tried il l"a tvinter and founde if msfacury,." M.J. Carter, Esq., Lindsay, Ont. SOLINA SALEM ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor enter-1 Church service at the usual heur MWr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask, Taun- tained '.%r. Taylor's class of boys and, on Sunday, with l'aster Rev. J. R. ton, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Annis, Mt. Mrs. John Bakers class of girls te Trumpour in charge .lad te re- Vernon, recently visited at Mr. a party on Friday evoning. Gaines. port last week's list of sick folk aIl Frank Gilbert's. .Mr. and Mre;. and contests were enjoyed and lunch on the road to recovery ...Mrs. Everett Ormisten, Bowmanville, at scrved and ail report a jelly time. W. M effat, Orono, ils much improvod Mr. W. J. Ormiston's... .Miss Helen The sympathy of the community is in health and wvas able to return te Pascoe was home froni Peterboro extended to tho family of the latej her home on Monday after spendingi over the weekend ..Mrs. H. James Mrs. John Reynolds who passed away some tume in Bowmanville Hospital Columbus, has beon visiting at Mr. in Toronto last Friday aftornoen. :.Mr. G. A. Stephens who under- J. Hephurn's..-Mr. Oliver MeCul- The funeral took place frem her eld went a miner operation at the Bow- lech has purchased a Fordson Tract- home hero on Monday aftorneon. manville Hos9pital last week is a con- or. Obituary appears elsowhore in this valescent at the home of his brother, Propular 'le3niani1 for (C, mi oi Bari-v. paper. Mr. R. T. btepnens, Beech Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pasce, Enfield, Tow..... Mr. F. Cator was at ser_____ visited with Miss Mary Hogarth and vice en Sunday and roported bis; Mrs. R. Pascoe. .Mrs. E. R. Tayler family quite well again after an at- HAYDON visited her sister, Mrs. Wrightson tack of measles and fiu.... .Mr. A.-___1_ Wight, Provide~nce ...Mrs. A. b. Wilkins underwent a sorious opera-1 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley Pascoe spent a few days in Oshawaltion in Oshawa Hospital on Saturdaylat Mrs. Edgerton's, Pontypeol; Mrs. with frien<Is.. . Miss Evelyn Masseyllast ........ Sympathy is extended J. Wright at Mr. T. Ryan's, Torento; cf Oshawa, and Miss Marjery Pas- ite Mrs. Luxton in the death of'- Miss Helen Jehns and Mr. W. White, ce e, Hampten, visited Misses Mar-' her sister whe was buried at Hampton, at Mr. M. Slemon's; Mr. garet and Ruth McKessock. Hampton Cemetery on Monday and Mrs. E. Mountjoy motorod to A jolly tme was spent in the Sun- of this week ........ Glad te Toronto reeently te visit her mether day School-roomn Monday evening learn from Mrs. C. M. Carruthers who fractured her ar . . .. Mr. Bort when the Eldad Young People's So- that her mother, Mrs. Rutherferd, is!Ferguson and Miss Elva Fergusen, ciety entertained Ebenezer yeung able te sit up again after her recelit Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley, people. Our Fresîdent, Mr. Hilton sick spol.. juvenile gatheringr Enniskillen, visited at Mr. E. Brad- Tink opened the meeting and wel- wa held at the home of Mr. and ley's.... .Mr. Leslie Grahami has ne- cemed the Ebenezer young people, Mrs. Leslie Collacott last Saturday tunned to work in the General Mot- then called on Miss Hattie Osberne oevening, when the young people ors, Oshawa.. Congregational meet- te take charge. The group leaders welcomed the new bride of the ing Monday night was well attended for the evening were Mr. Young and neîghborhood and aIl spent a jelly....... Tyrone League s visiting our Miss Frances Hancock. The devo- evening together. Glad to see the1 League on Thursday, January 31st. tional period was taken by Miss Haz- bride and groom were eut te service Evoryone cerne and have a good time el Rundle. The topie on "Bobbie on Sunday ..Roads are very icy .Miss Helen Worden, Miss Meta Burns" was taken by Mn. Clarence and motonists report a very difficult Ashton, Mr. Fred and Carlyle Ashton i Penfound. '.nI. H. F. Osb.orne re-, time in keeping right side up aai were home over the weekend cited "The Cotter's Saturday Night" keeping heading the way they want and Mr. Ian Robertson "Tam te go reminds one of that littie set- Popular lornand for Creani of Barley. O'Shanter", alter which "Auld Lang1 ence that is rather a tongue twiste._________ Syne" was sung. Rival speeches try it-"A slippory slip on a slip-i were given by Messrs. Donald Court- pery slip a slippered man slippd, ho îee and Harold Osborne. Vocal solos slit his lip as slipping he sliped on by Mrs. (Rev.) Stainten. A pro- that slippery slip". minent number was a debate "Re- This is your last chance to buy at1 selved that it la safe te Marry". Mn. T. H. Knight's Store." Y Walter Rundle t.ook the affirmative. Popular demand for Cnt-ar of Bani-y. wieMr. Robertson upheld the neg- ative. Mang geod points were giv- Community singing was enjoyed ,ledHA TN by'Mr. Jas. Hancock, aecompanied by MnJ.BHePtboodag Misspu Haonale. A co lnehtwasi tors Naomi and Aloha, spent Sunday thon put e o n en w hi c ln ch w ithM r.his B .moth r n, PM r C. H em- U S served. Meeting closed with the wihhsmte, I.C on Mizpab benediction. Young people's meeting FridaylC A Pepular denmand for Cream ef Bariey. night, January 25th., was in chargel er of * £4' " Mmue when to ilALBERTA COAL wli Save money on your fuel bill. ricau Heats quscker. la more Iasting. Lese ash. Cleas al, ato handie. Perfect for stove, range or grate. And You WWi like the idea of using cool from our own Cana dian mines. un Hundreds of voluntary testimonial letters, a feu f&r Of which are reproduced in thia advertisement, prove better than our statementa, that ALBERTA COAL is Your guarantee of complete heat satis faction. At last, ALBERTA COAL is available to the people afor of Ontario. Large shipments are here. Your and dealer either lias it or can get it for you if you insist A upon it Tetephone him isoiv for, COAL DRALERS, NOTE: TEADE COUUUSSIOlÇER'S 13RANCE Ont. Province of Aberta o3 BrOrBuiUdin& co Bay St. i of OrTeto.lephonADelaide 49 29 COAL T1I>J lB PPOVUCW 114f S.~- f h M f Our Last Saturday Balance of T. H. Knight's stock of Groceries M u st B e Sold We expeet this will be our last Saturday in the grocery business. Carpenters start in rnaking alterations for the A. & P. Stores just as soon as goods are cleared off shelves. ALMOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Stocks are getting low ,but we stili have a fairly complete assortrnent. Many people find the best way is to corne in the store, look around and pick out the bargains. You are welcome to (Io the sarne thing. TO PUT OFF MEANS DISAPPOINTMENT So do it now-this week-for it will be a long tirne befou'e such values will be available in groceries. In other words this will be the last awful week of tremnen(lous bargains at T. H. KNJGHT'YS Phone 72 Boic manville 1 A COURTICE FARMERS' CLUB Mrs. Levi 13runt and MisS Myrtiel Providence Farmers' Club will Brunt, Enniskillen, are visiting rela- mi-et on Tue&sday, February &thi at tives in this vicinity. . . .Our yung 8 p. M. in Shaw's School. Topie by people received a warm recepti.n in Mýri. C. A. Wight. Co-bourg Wednesday evening wen0. R. gragg, Eari Osborme, 1they presented their play"Aol President. See'y.-Tre.as >goes; into business" to a full house. 4t iva a most appreciative audience If your neighbers don't kaow tell and generou7 in the applause. The thexîî this is T. Il. Knight's Iaet Set- proceeds were $j15O.0O. After the'udyfrgoeybmis performarce the young ladies of Co-ra orgeey agîs bourg served a very niee lunch and1 an enjoyable social hour was spent. MAPLE GROVE wvith the Winter School friends. Mr. _____ Collacutt took our company of 32 The annual gathering of the" Snow- in one cf bis beautiful new buses. den brothers and sisters was he]d re- and although the roadsi were icv he etyathhoefMranMm proved hmefams aeu rv Samuel Snowden when everybody er. Our Pastor, Rev. J. H. Stain- ha<î a very enjoyable time. .Hamp- tonî, was along and kept the sînFington League visited our League on going and altogether we had a jelly Wednesday evening when a very en- UreSunday services were wellI joyablo Urne was spent by .... .. .A attended. Our pastor preached twonmerfthlaisfmouW.. excllnt eron an i te cvenxng S. attended Oshawa Presbyteria.. his sermon was on 'Moses" and the Mi wllow visited finonds illustrated story was on the children Missrelaivi oot .. n cf Israel returning te the proniised Mrs. Will Lymer, Jr., entertained a land .... Our Young People visited number of their neighbors one even- Eldad Leazue on Monday evening. ing last week when aIl spent a very No League this Thursday evening... pesn ie Ms eaPwr Our oun peple f te Lague are Neývcasi7te, spent the weekend at holding a banquet on February 14hom .h.an redso n Particlars ater.George Pow.er were stirry to learn It's such good news they'1l be in: unat he slipped on the ice and fell, from miles around te dlean out T. H.! shaking hinisîf up consideaibly, but Knight's grocery stock at low down! glad te know. no benes broken. prie1 Lay in a stock of groceries at real Have you reno-wed your subscrip-; bargains. Jt's your last chance ait tien? 1 T. H. Knight'sQ. Popu I n i d-man I for rni of Bnrley. li 'lo r i. i . Ifor cream ef Barley. PAGE FOUR

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