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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESINAN, BOWMANVILLE, THTJRSI>AY, JANUARY 31st., 1929 And your own sense of taste will convince you. "SALAD£ TEA si 'Fresia frosn the gardens' FELT'S GJFT SHOP February Specials ALL OUR STOCK IS REDUCED Sa w. can make rooni ton aur Spring stock that weare na-w ondering. Now is the tisue ta buy that watcb that you didn'V geV for Cbistmai. W.e sili bave a good variety of watchea ta chau*e tram at reduceil pices. FELTS JEWELRY W. TeaeL Your Watch To Tell The. Truth BOWMANVILLE KING ST. Blader eaknss EEVEW. T.WOOD, MILLBROO< T roublesome NightS Tk a Whole Evaint nd 36 Bal. Swiftly Relieved lots date* in Field. Cad If you are roubl.ed with buraing Thirty-six ballots were required on snation, Bladder Weakness, fre Tuesday, January 18th at Cobourg quent dally annoyance, gettrng- u"-ighla,ý duil pains in back, lower for Vhe electian ai Reeve W. T Wood abdomien and down hro'ugh grains ai Milèbroak, as warden uft he Unit- you ahould try the anzn value ed Caunties ai Northumberland and ai Dr. Southworth'a "Uratabe"l and Durhami. Four candidates in the »e. wbat a wanderful difference they make! If this grand olil for- field all throu«h he cantest were: mua ofaiàawell kno'wn Physician Reeve W. T. Wood >i MilllSroak brunm -yen Vhe swit and satisfying Reeve montiord Wilson ai Hope eamiort it bas braught Vo dozens township, Reeve Fred Gray of Man- el others, yau aurely will lie tbank- vers toxwnahip, andl Reeve M. J. l'ci and very well pleùe<à,. If it doee Holman ai Clarke '. township. Reeve mot aatiaiy, the. druggist that sUP- Woad led an pi-ctically every bal.ý plied you is authorizeil ta re6turri'M, and bis sîees was well deserved your inaney an tirst box purcbased. I Y nive yq.arsoa splendid service an This gives you a ten-day test of "Ura- ths caunties cancil. tbaba" wthout risk oi sont unless The vote was ai iollows an the pleased with results-.ea0, if YaU final ballot: would know the joy ai peacetul, F WOd resttul aleep andl a normal, health or Wo-ounillors Annis, By- blailder, start the test ta-day gott, Carruthers, Curtis, Finkle, good drugglt ca» aupplay* >. Harnd en, Innis, Jibli, Mills, Morgan, y o.Murphy, Perrin, Quinn, Rickard, Rosevear, Smith, Stone, Thompson, Williams, Willmott, Wood, Van Val-1 kenlurg-22. For Wi Ison-Council lors Finnie, Hancock, Hartt, Hooton, Marra-w z u to o McKnight ,Nelson, M. Wilson-8. Stops headache For Gray-Councillors Goodfel- in 20 minutes Iow, Gray, Hylanil, Parker, Thick- bY the elock. son, Dr. W. E. Wilson-6. 1 For Holian-Councillors Holman, 25e p« box. iMorton-q. Herbs, ail Herbs, Gallagher's Keeps You Wonderfully Well Takie it. Eat better. Sleep, work, play better. Metber Nature's awn good herba, rich inba.t-givrng oartse are what mak Gllahe'sTom e aîud Systenî Builderso gnod. lt rptill v%,wurks woiders for p)eople who aro coristipated<, ruidown, nervous, folk wlia have skin diseuses. Even draded Eczinao yielîds ta it. Try a boulis. It wilI krep yotî clear of colil weather ibIs. i4od, as othîer Cal- Iahr Herbail Househoîd Itcmedies are, JURY & LOVELL, Bowmanvill. HEIPE ODURING MIDIE AGE Woman Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saiau, Ont.-'"I am wilîing to answer letters from Coher wamen, Vo tell tbem the won- dertul gouil Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Comnpound did meI cannothbe Sthankful enougb for the benefits I re- Change ut Lite. 1 da housework andl my troubles maile ~ ti me unfit tu work. A friend advised 1 . , . me:Vo - .yh Veg- etabie Compound. I felt great relief at once, began ta rganmy appetite, andl My nerm =gnbete will recam- mend yaur medIcieta al witb trou- bles like I h.d."-IMB.Joim BENsoN, 112 X-. ChW» 84.. mmiI4 Ot.M Warden Expresses Hi& Thanka Warden Wood thankeil he mcm- bers for electing hum Va the bonor, not only on bis own bebali but an behaîf ai hs village he representeil. He bad been at hs caunties council oins years, and ai hs members wben be caine here first only two were bers now, Reeve Van Voîken- burg oi Seymour and Deputy Reeve Stone ai Camplielîford. Bath bail aken long restai between. Reeve Wilson bail been bers lisions he came but was also out for a ine. He tbanked bis mover andl seconder, though iV lookeil for saine ine as if thene 'wouid be no results of their work. Froin he effect ofths vote it seameil Vo hum as if there shoulil bel some other means ai eîect lgai ,warden. An entire night 'houlId noV lie wasted in electing ane. This counicil 15 00W ;tai-tini- on a new career. For years we' have bail the association of aur laVe clerk andl treasurer, Col. MacNachtan-î andi t i' unfortunate that bc'ias gene, bu, it is up ta bis son who succeeds..b him Vo keep up he traditionîs the Coionel trie<i ta instil into this couneil, whicn is noted for its decorum and tradý- tians. In regard Vo tbe business ta came hefore hs council this year at the December session one oJ the e'c- warden.s referred Vo tht ax.trava- gance of the counities couneil. He %vould like that man ta refer Vo 'be council trom whicb bîe came. This council ba<I pu,. off imîliove- ment.s as long as we could bu-, tbey bail to (.Mein 'the end. Up V. ow~ we bail been able to -et alongz witb. out issuing debentures, but Nvitllin a vaorso wc will have ta issue (le- benurs to the extent oi $600,000, aond if w do the rate will gr) up. TheJ people wbo ask for rhis andl that and 1 are oppos-eil Vo dehentures, but wc cann, V bclp ourse1v,., andl we will hav ta pay a higterato. LasV *ear ths finance comiitte2 diii noV a-k for a-nougb. The scbool matter is onc natter that aboulil l4 taken up in one tarin or another. One farin on ane suds ai he road may be pav- inz a sebool rate oi 25 or 30 inilîs andl another acroshs road m-av on- ]y be paying 8 on 10 nUlls. Tiiere should ble soins way ai equalizing this. Scbaols and roams are our principal items ut expenditure. ____________________c, 0. 55 ~}, 2 NEW DURANT MODELS WHICH ARE PROVING VERY FOPULAR The h caused c and brid morning before r t o ses t] sleigbing also Vo c( ..Mn. W Peterbori been foi weak be .Misa I apent th4 Miss GIs bas reVu in Oronc Sundayi ter's, Mi John Mc: McKay j bis fatb, .Af te-w1 at Newto win Rut] Musknat ing bore ~N wtolvi Mr. Silas INCREASE IN POPULARITY IN TRAVELLER'S AID WORK CLARKE COUNCIL Curtis, Finnie, Gray, Go.Ddfel]ow, er sbippe 0F DURANT CARS Harnden, Hancock, Holman, Hooton, Our atatig _____By Mis& E. M. Werry, Toronto The inaugural meeting of Clarke Innis, Jibb, Milis, Morraw, Parker, flew buyi J. Nornman Thickson, Oshawa, Given1 Council wa-s held on January 14, ait Perrin, Quinn. Mr. Edwi Special Mention at Durant Dealera' Knowing Miss Werry always writesç Orono, *when the members were Legisiative and By-laws-Annis, new car. Convention. splendid hunan interest articles, we sworn in and took the deelaration David:on, Finnie, Gray, Goodfellow, Motber askd. er o snd heStaesran n o ofic beoreA. . SapesM-ii- olmnMurphy, McKnight, Nelson, ator wl During National Motor Show week accasional article-Editor. cipal Clerk. Parker, Rosevear, Smnith, Stone, sYstem W held recently in Toronto over a One evening a lady got off one ai The Board consists of M. I. Hl- Tbickson, VanVolkenburg, Willmott. because il Jthousand Durant dealers and execu- the trains with a wait ait aur statia>n man, Reeve, A. E. Morcon, Dep.ity- ive is i] ives froin coast to coast in l'anada of four houra before the connection Reeve, L. A. Dent, F. B. Lovekin and assembled ait the King Edward Hotei could lie made for bier home. Fred T. Coucb, Couneillors. ta meet in annual convention and to While I was waiting at rny desk Before any 'business was done celebrate the conclusion of the best for the lait incoming train ,she camne Reeve Holinan called on Rev. Win. yr in the history of the Duratan sat beside me, and said: "You Sterling, Minister of Park St. UnitedT yanda arganization. The editor wi.ll neyer know how far-reacbing the Cburch, Orono, who congratulatcd . of The Statesman was bonored witb words you speak will b. in the lives the members on their election 'by ac- A Y ear of an invitation ta the banquet wbich Of those you meet. 1 have been clamation and invoked the Divine was certainly a "Big Durant Nigbt". watching you, you bave a wonderful Blessing on the BOard and their work Durng he veing J. ornanwark". Tna which 1 replied: "We cer- during the year. For this -rervice BIFI H C M A Durig te eenin J.Noriantainly do noV need ta apologize for Mr. Sterling received a unanimous B S N T E C M A Thickson, a formerBo avie boy, our existence; we have ample proof vote of thanks ftrm councýl. who is President of the Thickson that it is worth wbile". Reeve Holman in the thair wasS ~nat Motor Sales of Osbawa, was given "DO you know" she said, aiter a pleased to meet witb the members airnscto special recognition as one ot the short pause, "I would be perfectly last year's council and intiniated that most successful and outstanding Dur- happy only for one thing". "Pas- aur road probleais would as usual 192-8 show- ant dealers in Ontario. This is, in- sibly", I said, "there are few ot us engage the attention of counicil very deed, a great accomplishment wben who would choose exactly the exist- closely. He boped tbat sarine neans 0 i. Thl aiý ane considers Mr. Tbickson is Iocated meg circumstances". Icould be devised whereby gravel l of busin and oerate in1 comuiywih.Iauld see she was greatly ourd-1 could be applied to our roads more 2. Te la is the home of ane ai the world'a ened. Earlier in the evening Ilspeedily than by present metbods. XE'0RLF largest automobile industries. had put in a long distance telephone! Minutes ai meeting Decemnber 15tb ESO IF Roy D. KeiSby, General Manager calli talber bomne, after which I ob- wre read and on motion were re-Il., 3Talt ai Durant Motors ci Canada, Limit- served bier face was crimson. How- ceived and adopted. , . T:cg ý iL ýed, wbu was recently elected a Dir- ever, I di4j not wish Vo probe and R. J. Rowe made application for ,,aiTi Ooa u9A o ector ai Durant Maturs, rincorporat- quietly awaited developinenta. Fin- the office ot assessor and under By- I iortal: ed, was the chiet speaker on this uc- ally, the trutb unfolded. She bail a! la-w No. 913 received the appoint- 5.Rteo casion. He uutL-ned tbe aound pro- good home, a kind husband, Who was ment. maintaii gress of tbe Durant Company in employed by a reliable company and1 Clerk was instructed ta )7der a Canada. Comparisons between 1928 was well-paid for bis labors. fluti supply of dog tage and bave saine G2' 6. Expcnse and 1927 sbawed that the dealer or- lie was a hea'vy drinker and wben' forwarded ta the assess>ir. i gan izýtion had increased 31.5 per the warse for liquor was muet un- Mr. A. A. Drummond, Manager cent; sales in the domestic market kind and did auch indecent things.i Bank uf Commerce, rwrote grving The following figures i;2dicate solid. increased 38.8 per cent; truck sales Yes,, he bad known bietore ber' council a schedule of rates for col- increased 42.2 per cent; export bus- mrig that lie toak the social 1 lectian of taxes comnmencing January ineas increased 42 per cent.; factury fl~ U act, she had neyer ob- i 1eV as follows-5 cents on individual Incoie......$3,605,828.52 wages at the Leaside 'plant increased jected ta that, providing hie did nati accounits under $15 and 10 cents on 49 per cent. And while the induabtry inake Bucb a beast of hiznself. When individual accounts af $15 and Over. Assets.....14,797,720.30 *generally, aid Mr. Kerlby, showed bie was in this condition ahe, always Communications were read and an advanel ai 23.7 iper cent, Durant lottbler temper and then a real scene1 filed firomn Departinent of Public Insuraiice Issued progres lad inereased 35 per cent; was thne rsult. He was su muchi Highways re township rond super- and Revived 20,009,188.00 1928 sales sbowed an increase ai worse since the L C. A. came into!intendents and cîrcular ta counicil re 197.9 P)ér cent over 1925. force, for now he could get it Ssa-I appOintment of &chool attendance B New Durant Modela ily. She bad lost beart coinplete-! officer. ly and had juat been up ta sec bis The clerk was instructed Vo ad'ver- Insurmnce in I The new Durant line of four, and mother, who was a woman ai eighty,. tise in the usual way for a supply six cylindeoe automobiles include tbe ta aee what she wauld say about of cedar. 0 eDurant "40", the tour-cylinder ser- leaving bim, for she fiît she could An order was drawn on the Trees- 8 27 0 iadthe Durant '60", "63" and not stand itniucb langer. tiurer for payment of seven copies of 5,273,8 70oftesix-cylinder series. I askedhe i she would lie happy Municipal World for use of council The Durant "40" modela include ifhe did leave hiin? "0 No" said -Clerk and Road Supt. for 1929. 1Coupe, Four-Door Sedan, Twov o would always be wandering how b. presentative from council Vo attendE 1Sedan and Coupe. 1w5,5. He iia a »nderful uband fjfthe oyd a AscitinConven-EC 4z In the six-cylinder series the wlien sober and 1 love hum dearly.1I ian at Toronto and the Treasurer Vo________ 3Durant "60" appears as a Spe-cial have pj-ayed so bard that he might have the men-Ëberghip fee ut $5.00 INSURANCE Sedan, Special Two-Daor Sedan and refrain froin the drink, but lit does j remitted. L________ iSpecial Coupe, and De Luxe models noV seern any use". 1 Road Supt. Henry was instructed can sý.red n al ofthes. Iaske herf se ha eve pryed o orer 00 f. ofsno OFFICE-EXCOME FFLSIORE LIR L1 BB The Durnt "63" includes * e ia for strength to govern ber temper?" used, 400 ft. between Lots 28 and Sedan, Specal Coupe and De Luxe~ "No" she said. -l had no, thonght 29, Con. 6, and 200 fît. on Con. 6i ai W. BLAKE McMURTRY, moea hle he Durant "7 0" bas a ot that aide ut 1V". hid lîl on Lot 22.ILL, Special Sedan and Special Coupe and As caretully as 1cud1 oneiMessrs. Norman Allun & Son were JDe Luxe mo<lels. out ta bier that in 'bath of heym it appointed sbeep valuators for the ____________________ AIl Durant cars are powered wai a lack ai oantrol and aaked beriycar 1929. The fes taolie $3 per wit Re Sel Cntnenal otosif she did noV Vhfink it would belp ttip. bihRdSa otnna oos ini in bis fight against the liquor The collector of rates was given an ___________________ wbich his year contain a nuntber of appetite fb awta b a at xeso iVn p t ody refinements and improvements ta ro fb aw tha h Fsms-ebrtersi 4thofrte callti a of add greatly ta their power and speed. er iher tenrper? Fbur tes. e oletono The Fors hav an enlosedThen I told ber the story as re- unpaid txs Theel Forsbvea eclsd lated ta me twa weeks beofore, by an M r. John Penwarden was appo3i- wheeî.elderly nman, wbo was waiting for ed men-ber of the Board ai Healtb AIl models are offered in an ex- the saine train ai ah. was. for 1929 wbo with the Rceve and tensve ang aicolo hamones. The man in question bad drank Dr. W. G. McCulîocnh NM.H., con- I ite rooniy doors and spacious heavily the firat fifteen years ai bis stitute the Board with A. J. Staples, ' intrio ad tothecomortblefea- mrrid lfeandMos ofthemoney Cierk, as sccretary. uefthe Durant "0".sa 19ic earned was spent in drink. One Messrs. J. C. Gamey aînd C. A. The uran "6" ba an109-nchnigbt be came home reeîing. He Chapinan wcre appointed atîditors. wbeelbase and a powerful mater. found bis wife kneeling by Vhe bcd-, The follk>ing bills were passedQ u In the Durant "63" the mater bas ide. She pullei bîm dow-n besiîm and paid: an extra long stroke ta provide for ber.« I the morninL- when thel Hydro Plower Com., light for exceedingly smooth performance. effects af the liquor bad Icit hlm, she hall...................... $ 6.66 The Durant "70" features four was still kneeling beside him. H1e 04tel10coisdtie r forward speeds, 70-brsepower mot- was sober naw. H. looked aV this i staternentsde......i.l 2.0do or and buiit-in radiator shutters. figure beside im and wondered at 1 W C Lane, storing cedar 1928 4.00 DuranV engineers dlaim that he ber patience and love. Preaently, hie A. J. Staples, six months' office four speed design reduces vibration, saw himself cantpletely bast and supplies and rent ........ 44.35 cut.s ail and fuel consumption 20 per then yielded bimseif, and pledged R. H. Wood, caretaker ..... . 8.25 cent ,and engine wear 40 per cent. allegiance Vu bis Maker. lJohn Hen ry, road supt. for ur.* C iad h Extra heavy, well-.braced framre "It was my wife's priytrs 1CAdDeceber.............22.7 and extra heavy axies ,bong png blesber, lie said that saved me". lui Municipal World, blank forma for easy andl safe riding, oversized ia the women Oi this world that willl and subscriptions........... 9.63 lia cach package * wheel bearings, two-stage muffler keep it sweet. Keep rig'ht on in IN. Skelding, sheep damages.. 10.00 and twin bain headlamps may lie cit- your gaod wark. Tell the women IJohn Henry, road account for led as contributing to the excellence ofthe W.C.T.U. noV Vo waver in theiri Deceqnber. . ............. 6.6 T eb u at u w oi the Durant "70". d sue efforts. AIl my spare time basi Council adjourned ta meet agaîn T eIeto t u w l The very hest ai hardwood aue been and wil lie in the future spent on Monday, Feibruary 411 fýor gen- ______________________ throughout the body, while the door ta furtber he cause ai Temper-' eral business and appointing fence- handies and ail other hardware bave ance". i viewers and poundkeepers for cu -_____________________ a pine-cone design that is quite ex- M1ter 1 bail olil thias&tory, Vhe 1 rent year. clu.sive. lady said "Thank you so much for' M.J. HoImn, AJ.Sals The new, straight-linc instrument listcning ta my trouble. I bail sncb' A.J. Stale,. arrangement whereby tbey are a pain around my beart when I camne; ev. ~ e grouped in the panel of Butler finish ta talk Vo you, I tbougbt it would ilCO:UNTIES COUNCIL APPOINT is in keeping with the luxuriouEi Coin- break. But it la aIl gane now, and J STANDING COMMITTEES fort ai the wide, roomy bodies with 1 will go home andl try once mare._____ thei for-fitingcuAinq.Ta Asthma Sufferers. I-h. J. D. The tollo'aing committees for the Kellgg'sAstha Reedy year were appainted at Countiesi A Poer i ls On.-r. homs' Kllog'sAstina Reiedycames , Council: EcPero itsasubn- .tie oerai like a helping band Vo a sinking, Finance-Annis, Bygott, Finnic,PAE Ecletri Oi ha a ubte pwerof wimmer. It gives ncw lite and hope FnlGaHrdn otn y its own. AIl who have uaed it know samcthing hee bas came Va believe f'lanklCay, JHarnil, Hon,H- this andl keep iV by thein as the mast impossible. Its benefit is too evi- Iandp, Haî an, Ji lo, i arkner, valuable liniment available. Its dent Vo lie questioned-it is i , ow Muerph, .ord o elsn, akr, Th Jso, ouses are innunierable and for many best argument-its own hest adver- PernRekaurd, WRloseen, Ticksan years iV bas been pized as the lead- tisemnt. If yau suifer tram asth-,iVnoknug WloWlmt ing liniment for man and beast.bi Roads and Bridge-Bygott, Fink- I mia geV istime-Vried reinedy anil le, Gray, Hartt, Hylanil, Jîbli, Mills, J finil belp like thousands af others. Morgan, Morton, McKnight, Nelson, saeb1ilin n Parker, Perrin, Quinn, Riekard, Rose- i iroved aeu ilin n prescrit vear, Smith, Thickson, Tbompson,I Nothing LikeVnVlknug WilasM. iItReevCodR OMS*snW.E Wlo.n Colds Headache Neuritis In tomeand action. THO ASSchools-Carruthers ,Curtis, Day-J Pain Neuralgia Toothact 1 01 [)L7FK-Îiidsen, Finnie, Finkle, Goadfellaw, iareief it uiteilo. ws b EC E l fa mlGrayd40 tne, a 25 OI Harnden, Hylan [,T 1C T fh*i otqu in ogh n STARK VILLIE heavy rain of Friday uîgkt considerable damnage te rad Iges, the train of Saturday ebeing unable to get here noon.. Fariners are anxious bhe snow in order te make g for their various work and over the faîl grain and seeds X .C. Rutbven is home from ro Hospital where he ha@ S two months. Tbough very eli slo'wly gaining atrength Beulah NalloweIl, Toronto, he weekend with ber cousin, adys Rei.... .Mr. Earl Haw urned from visiting friends o.... .Mrs. W. Savery spent in Bowmanville at her si&- Ir. Thos. McMulen .... Mr. cKay is s........ Mr. Wilfred and farnily recently uisited er, Mi. John McKay.......' froin here took in the dane onville on Friday. .. .MEr. Ed- then has returned ta bis , arin aiter giving up farm- e.... Mrs. Jennie Grahamn, ille, is visiting ber brother, LsHallowell .... Drover Foat- ed a car load afi stoek from on on Saturday, with the yer, Mr. Juin Stark, Jr... in Ruthven bas purehazed a r Graves' Woin ExtermLin- .1l drive worrns fruom the without injury to the. child, it action, while fully affect- îld. - -e ibed by physicians for le Lumbago Rheumatism 2nl "Bayer" package Mtains proven directions 3ayer" boxe. ut 12 tablet. es ai 24 anîd 100--Drugglata. Bfet anttaetum oft Mo.oetw- aA.,i Wbil. stila won kiom lic ait imtatlcus, the Tabht twads asti tmc 0.2k,«(km... PHONE 33 Zecords [Y'S HISTORY is of the year Lre-tincrcasc in volume nc:.s. argcst increase in total rars incrcase in a.scis. tnuance of favorable 'y. dinterest on investinents srate further reduced. p rogress-- Incnease $448,203-31 I 1,470,567.35 I 3,290.716.00 Force 7.82 'IOR COMPANY 3ILDING, TORONTO ,District Agent ONT. * PAGE six z 1 1

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