THE ÇNADIN STTESMN, BWMANILLETHURDAY.PAGEM Y 192 Satlsfied Custouners SATIFE customners have been largely esponsble for the growth and prog- ress of this Banik for sixty years. Today, more than ever, we try to bring a human sympathy and an intiniate understanding into our daily business contacts. Ycu îsill liàe barîkng ai The Royal -M The ,Royal BanIk of Canada Bewmanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager L049 IRE. The Personal Element ini Banking Affairs ~IIII - - Between the curtneas and coldness of printed bank forma and the hunian element for whoae use they are desi.gned, are vat opportunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of its staff, la anxious to use any opportunity that arises to demon- strate its value in offering personal advice on fin- ancial irnatters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commarcewill be glad to give intimate counsal upon anoney matters pertaining to your hua- iness TUIE CANADIN BANK 0F COMMERCE (THF STANDARD BNOFWdCANADA 3 Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea is truiy economical. A hall pound inakes almost as many cups as a full pound of ',heap tea costing 50e to 60c. ce IRE» ROSE 'T A is good tes RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE la extra good Make it a rule to add &X0 It'a surprising what a différence OXO makesto plain, ordinary i fare. OXO gives the appetising richness and savour of freshly- ¶1 cooked lean beef to any dish in which it je used. OXO is concentrated Beef 4~ at its Best-the Housewife's ' / Great Economny. * MI LLER75 WORM POWDEFRS ~.fI ~U AISL1S CONDITION UROUONT ON SY THEPE NsaCs OFN W0f £mo RER(THE 0111W TO NORMiAL IIEALTU. NO NR OI 8-LEAANTAS SUCAR STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Headi Office: Reford Building !wBay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Syst.m il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cals At Our Expense $148; that $161 bha paid 'Poteroro -hI ..-..Y. Collegiate Institute for counties pup- It budshealtbadbo ils' attendance; that $2,748.95 lie SuppliESe& % uriah. paid te Wooler Continuation Schojd; tment hron whiChOesnover mc thaît $158.25 ha paid Ed. Nelson, w tumade. l a today, - on t o f ontra n c e e x a i n a t lo n a in C S 'Coun. Carruthers, for the CoDun F. C. VANSTONE 'roperty Commlttee, reaoonmendedBwînll thait the filing systeni for Weut Nor- thmberland roglatry office b. loift COUNTY COUNCIL over until tha June session; that the TRI i IROADS PROGRAM repairs te, the turnkey's residence 1the gaol aiso ba lef t over; that Zib IPermanent Paving For Ail Towns Harnden ha appointad to the Speciai I T and Villages County Proparty Ooxnmitte e. 1 Tni The principal business of the Janu- Coun. G'ray, from the Legislation una ary session of the counties council of and B3y-laws committe, recomnmend- Of Northumnberland and Durhami wasj ed that this council endiirse the raso- thal the eîubiarkat;on on a good roads lution of the Chatham Council as tola plan. The plan calîs for the paving failies of prisaners being adequate- ith of the conne'cting links of the towns iy carad for whîle husbands of such 7 and villages in the countias and the famulies are iucarcerated; that the do n building of a permanenst road ha- rasolution of Simcoe counicil be an. orga tween Norbain and Warkworth and dorsad as to, anending the section of Con4 bhetween Newcastle and Orono this the Highway Iniproverneut Act b3F Schc year, while for the next four yara which township road superintendents You: ten miles of pavement each year will can ho dismissed by the unanjinous char ha built. The cost of the perman-, vote of a council without the con- boar ent work to be done this year will sent of the minisrter o! highways. Undý amontto$29,00forth cintis. By-laws were passed appointing ed; The complete report of the road the following comfmissieners of reg- syst( !ysuperintendent O! the proposed work istry offices: Weat Northumnberland, of t was adopted, and is as followa: Cicun. A. R. Wilmott; East Northum- meel "We wouid recommend that the berland, Coun. Finkle; East Durhamn, set towns and villages, that is, Béowman- Coun. Hancock; West Durham, lin f ville, Port Ho(pe, Cobourg, Newcastle, Coun. Carrutheirs; connty gaol, Coun. vanc Coibos-ne and Brighton connecting Thonipaon; Collegiate Institute Trus links and extensions be completed in trustees for three years: Bowcnan- Fi 1929 at a Cost te the counties of Sp- ville, F. C. Vanatone; Cobourg, Dr.ras proximataly $172,()00. Andj that E. W. Haydan; Oo>lborne, H. S. Key- puis" we aise pave froni Newcastle thru es; Ca.-npbellford, J. C. Bir-minghaim;,pr Oronro to the cametery at a cost Vo Newcastle, Rev. W. P. Rogers; port i nov the counties of approximately $62,- Hope, J. H. Stephens. The Board oi 500; also f rom Norhamn corner to of Management of the House of Re- Ni WarkwOrth, including Warkworth, f uge will ha the waa-den and Couna.1 churi at a cost te the counties of approx- J. N. Stone and A. E. Morton. The gieD imately $25,000. Reforestation c'onmittee will ba ance Then for the following four years Couns. Har-tt and Gray. By-laws reapc that we pava ten miles each year at werealaso passad to boro $600,00 inor1 a cost te the counties Of approxini-1te meet currant expenses and to s in c( ately $500,000, or $125,000 a year.j sue debentures Vo the ameunt of for t This te include fboad No. 38 frein, $125,734.46 te de-fray cost of pave- Offici Mallory's Corners te Campbellford,ijment s in Campbellford, Bowman- Fo froin Trenton te Wooier, and froni ville, Hastings and Millbrook. The raisi Trenton to Carrying Place; Road No. debentures are to run for 20 years1 and 19 f rom Cobourg to Baltimore; Road1 and 1-ear intereat at 5 per cent par1 fund No. 25 froni Ooïb.orne te Castleton; annum. tions Road No. 10 frolm Welcome toi al c Garden Hill; Road No. 57 1foi Bow- MilrsWm Podsat0 el frmnvie t H aptn; r;Road .18 tharoughly that stomachic and in- rË f rm <oburgto amorn; RadNO testinal worms pasa froni tithe child Nýe 16 fro-rn Millbrook to highway. without being noticed and without raisin The nuniber of miles each year inconve-nience tothe sufferer. They maini and the location to be determined are painless and perfect in action, tivea bynen tenger ounty road fhinogv and at ail tumes will 'ho found a each ernentengnee, ouny rad UJ- healthy madicine, atrengthening the wo rk, erintendent, and the represantatives infantile atomach and maintaining it andt of the different municipalities. in rvigoroua operation, go that, be.. St- jThis is not to, affect the program asides being an effective vermifuge, Foi that was aipproved last year of couin- they are tonical and health -grving sight ty road construction and mnainten-0 in their effects. visitif ance1 outaide of the towns and vil-1 ________ ______ gener lages'". Nei The recommandation was approv- Ssi ed in the report »f! the Finance Coin- Ssi mitrtee which recommended that the Thi report of the county road superm- parti tendent, appro-ved by the govern- ges or ment engineer, setting forth the pav.- is reg ing PrO&ram for these countias to ual w comiplete the oonneoting links and joII" versi extensions and commencing the pav- _, use o ing prograni for permanent work on trainii the county road systeni 'be adopted, V for t subject to the location of any of the respor roads heing changed at the diacre- Dom't ho too, easfy Stewa tion of the counity road commission on your liens. A and on the approval of the provincial kaete rdc government te such changes. aua. u&Thy f ou for th tew a dan ase dîbn There was quite a discussion on1,Of dsu on Pceltzy Renulator in locali the report of the Finance Comxnittee, LhdrhBL 14 ie f N=-CUARAN. Couins. Hartt and Morrow moving ~eU~Yu i that the recomjnandatiion ha struck Istewai -out of the report on the ground ofmao econorny, but the motion did not re- mcjoo ceive much support, nîost of thea sioa menbars feeling that the thne for starting permanent wo.rk had arriv- TOU 'e" au-=f t Couns. Wilson and Wilmott 1 U W F i C4DAýb ards, thought that Rosenetath was entitlad loaldd to a mile of Paving, and that the local___________c_ towns and villages should forego --cial Bi thair road grants for an extra three raisin@ lyears, hesides the tan years agreed tnn on last year, if the resolution went@ thilough. This was put through as' , W a resolution. if er i ware 901in9 to do a little hare St. 1. raeg and a littie there Cartwright, C«f uOu rveE should have a mile -of paving. c n o rv It was finally decidaj to leave the tAuuSori noatter to the road conissilon and nLurse pq~uA many superintendent, the council feeling soresi that they would do what was in the B b mwt embark on a system that would not '1tue il work out lika a patchwolrk quilt. dy a Coun. Morgan was in fa-vor of psyE IILINU had. ing the Campbeilford-Brig1iton road K LE B Mno wai as far as Hitton, but it was feît that C@NOIESFO Y the province might taka this road M YILK over as a provincial highway in theaPure near future andj it was advisabla toi ~ leave this over for the itime. if 'a*- this was paved the Castieton-Col- ~ LSII borne rond might ha taken offth ceunty system, he thought. ~ ~ D ~se Coun. Holman in presnting theaiese report of the Finance Comnitttee re- ported that $500 for Northumber- land and $557 for Durham had been FIUE! BABY BOOKS paid in December for the Mothera' write The Borden Co Liùted Dept. Allowance Board. $750 each was B 40,1i40 St. Pe.1 St.'West Mant-el. passd tVo the hospitais o! Cobeourg, for two Baby Welfarc ooa Port Hope and Bowmanviile. The _______________ grant te the Trent Wateo-ways Asso- ciation was n-ot entertaîned; $50 was granted to the Sick Child'ran's Hos- pfitai, $250 to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, and payment Poultr of $60,232.43 te the departnent Ofty highways for the-oun i-s' sh r 1 of W an jrs sap the strength and un- ine the vitality of children. Lthen theni by using Mother es Worm Exrterfrinator to out the parasites. rs Fiee :Before It- There are who have been afflicted with and have driven theni away Dr. Thomaa' Eclectric Ou. Ail ny troubled ahould lose no n applying this splendid rem- as there is nothing like iýt to e It is cheep, but its power is in ay eipras-sed by its low price. (hat Wi1J 0,, When fpar iildren Cry for It 'is hardi7 a household thiat hasn't fi Castoria! At least fiva millior. are neyer without it. If there arf nin your family, there'. aimost ced of its comfort. And any nighl id you very thankfui there's a in the bouse. Just a fcw drops it colic or constipation is relieved; rrhea chacked. A vegetable pra. ababy remedy meant for voung Castoria is about the only*thin@ ve evar heard doctors advise giv. infants. Stronger medicines ar( >s te a tiny baby, howevei ss thay may be to grown-ups Id Caatonia I Remembar the name member to buy it. Lt may spar, aleeplees, afxious night. It hý ready, always safle to use; ir ncies, or for cveryday ailmants [r of the day or night that Bab3 fretful, or rastless. Castoria waE lrepopular with mothers than il y.Every druggist ]bas it. Ni'e AE - Mâ-'. moums for ftonomiy andlfeahthfulness SHRDDED [NITY CHURCH ADOPTS BASIS 0F UNION SYSTEMI The Quarterly Officiai Board of iity United C'hurch have votedj animously to change their systen,1 congregational organization froni Lof the former Methodist to that outlined in the Basis of Union of United Church of Canada. 'he difference in the tiwo systems not in any way affect the separate ,nizations now functioning in the iregation such as the Sunday moi, ail Ladies' Oiganizations and ung People's Sc>cieties. The Lge affects only the varionsI rda of the local congregation. der the former system the per- de of the boards were byoth elect- and appointed, under the new tem ail are elected by members the congregation at the a-nnual ting. Other comparisons are out briefly showing the change the fiinctions and duties of the ioua bodies. istee Board ýrrer system-responsible for, ng money for ail local cburch poses except miniater's isala- ýonsible for maintenance and im- vements to ail church property. iew ayatem-hoid t2he local rch property in trust for the con- iation-responsïble for mainten- eand improvements but are not )naible for the raiaing of nioney have no personal responsibility connection with the trust excppt their own acts. ai Board 'rmer system-responib1e fori ing money for niinister's salaryl for niissionary and maintenance dand ail donations to organiza- 9 outside of local church--gener- vnduct of the affaira of the con- ration-elect representativea to 4bytery. ýeW system-responsible only for ig inoney for missionary and' tenance fund, elect representa- sto, Preabytery, submit a report' year to Congregation on life and' kincluding financial statenient estimates for ensuing year. rards rmer systemn--spiritual over- tof congregation including the ing of sick, helping of needy and mal assistance to the pastor. w aystem--merged into Session. is Board has no actual counter- in the former systeni, it enlar- )n the duties of the stewards and ýpons!b]e for the general spirit- welfare of the congregation andj sight of the forma of worship,1 of church edifices and religionus ng. Its members are ordained their specîi work and are flot )nsible for the raising of funds. xrds new Board who are responsible he raising of ail moneya and of trsements in connection with the congregation. LOfficiai Board in the new sy- is eomiprised of the Session, thel ards and Oiicera of certain rorgauizations such as Sundsiy 1l, Ladies' Aid, W'omen's Mis- xy Society and the like. will be ixoticed that in the new n one Board, namely the Stew- are responsibie for the raiaing isbursing of aill oneys for the congregation and that the Offi- 3oard is only responsible for the ig 01 the mussionary and main- ice fund. YJOUR home ia wbere you enjoy radio and home fa the .best place to test any radio set. Knowing this, we are always glad to instail a Rogers-Batteryless Radio in the home of any responsible fanily-with returu or ex- change privileges if the set is flot entirely satisfactory. You're missing a lot wit/zout a Rogers. For, with the re- markable development of chain broadcasting (flot only of musical programs but of practically all important public and sporting events) radio bas become a year 'round source of entertainment and education. Why not avail yourseif of this invitation anid hear this wonderful new Rogers Highboy? We can arrange a free demonstration in your home on almost any evening you name. Just come in or 'phone us. W. J. BAGNELL., King St. West I Bowmanville i N o t Spasmodic Bargains BUT Every Day Values in De L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite "oTo" Domestie Coke for stoves and furnaces. Blue Grass Cannel-for grates. Pocahontas (Smokeless) for general use. Hard and Soft Wood-sawed and split also Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring Oak-Maple-Birch B. C. Fir Flooring, Ceiling & Trim B. C. Red Cedar Shingles-ali grades Johns-Manville Asbestos Roofing and Shingles Beaver Best Wall, Ten Test Fibre Board, White Pine, Spruce, Hemlock and Jack Pine Joists, Studding, Sheeting and Flooring, Cernent andi Lime. Quotations cheerfully given upon application. Your inquiries solicited. McCIeIIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phones. 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville wook's Regulating Comnpound A SOM .rdiabl. rqowlsgau n thue de. g05 01 etreath...No. 1. , 2&8id N. 8, 85per boa; Bl y &U.dusfrtu,_or "et §aorehcf Llpries THE COCKMEDICINE CO., i ST.U."eey wa, ThP Grrdt FEPgIîh Preparat,n a - ' 1 u ,â Ini og u rr e s t h e uh o le rierw,.us '",ttimak-eb new Bod an old Veins. LUu.d for Nervous 1 spe De*iIiII. Mental at.4flrajn Worry b mdn.Loýx of Eman. ,palpitation <,ý theneruvtîp c pie".Ne $2puMpbox.aa14, w«.TM gWOM 'U.cU.E Caim mONT .. Fil sze biscuits thorouthly baked With hot mîIk -- a biwlful of warmind enerijy for cold days Made IV The Canadien Shredded Wbeat Company. LtL Your Home is the Place to Hear this Wonderful new " Four-Ten" Highboy Rogers Batteryleas ]Radio Ask us to demonstrate 1 ~-no obligation1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVlLLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1929 "Adýim O"lr"ýr .q King St West Bowmanviiie