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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1929, p. 5

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THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSI}AY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929.PAEFV A Genuine List of Money Saving Specials AT DILLICK'S Men's Fine Boots or Ox- fords, Black or Tan, Reg. $4.00,...Clearing $2.98 Ladies' Street Shoes in Patent or Kid, Straps or Oxfords, Clearing $2.85 Ladies' Rubbers ......59c Men's Rubbers .......95c Checked Tea Towefling, Special 12c Yard Men's Work Pants, weil made and roomy, Regu- lar $2.00O..... For $1.39 Misses' Oxfords in Patent or Caif , well made at a Iow price.........$2.75 A. DILLICK King and Division Ste.. BowmaniII. Ont. Week End Specials 5 Only, Men's Blue Overcoats, Reg. $30 For $1 5.00 4 Only, Men's Blue Overcoats, Reg. $35 and $40.00O..................................For $2000 I6 Only, Boys Overcoats at ..............1/2 Price Men's Sweater Coats, Regular $5.00 ... For $ 3.95 Men's Sweater Coats, Regular $4.00 .... For $ 3.00 Men's 2-piece Heavy Ribbed Underwear, Regular each $2.W0..............For $ 1.50 Men's 2-piece Heavy Ribbed Underwear, Regular *each $1.50 ...............For $ 1.00 Boys' 2-piece Fleece Lined, Reg .each '75e For 50c Men's 2-piece Fleece Lined, Reg. each $1 For 75c Ail Winter Gooda Muât Go Regarclless of Price Men's New Spring Suits and Overcoats and Hats Ail Ready For Inspection Corne Eauly and Get First Choice S. G. CHARTRAN One Door West Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 Bowrnanvill r Fva Them A Treat Frachange why not buy your cooking for a while at this store. We have a variety in Fresh Cakes, Pastry, Buns and Bread which will appeal and satisfy the most fastidious appetite. Try us and you'll want more. The Bowmanville Bakery POE97 BOWMAN VILLE Here Are A Few of the Special Offerings At The Economic 5c to $1 Store Coiored Candies, Special .......................... 2 for 5c BaJbici Rubber Bibs, Special......................... 1 Oc jPlate., Spec ial............ .................... 2 for 15e Girs' AIl Wool Tams, Special ........................ 15e Children's Pencil Boxes <filed), Special ............... 15C Ohildren's Large Pencil Boxes (filled), Special .......25e Babieo Nil Wool Bootees, Special........................ 29e Balies Oilcloth Bibs, Special ..........................5e6 Ladies' Patent Leather Hand Bags, Special .............. 79c Ladies' Nice Gingham House Dresses, Special ............ 89c Ladies' Ail Leather Hand ýBags, etc., Special............ q8c Ail ouT yaSd go'ods at 'Bargain Prices. Corne along and look aroutd. Y ou are always welcome at The Economic 5c to $1 Store Next Door to Rosner's Dry Goods Store King St. West'- Opposite Silver St. - Bowmanville Are Your Eyes Able ? Are your eyes able to meet the daiiy demnand made on themn without a feeling of strain? IF NOT we strongiy advise that you give heed to this warning and have them examined and know what assistance they recpiire for comfortable vision. Our Registered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL is busy every day rendering service in this lune. We Shall Be GIad Tc Have You CaII, Phone or Write For Appountment. R.M. Mitchell & Co. Driaggiste and Optonietriste Phone 92 Bowmanvilie Ont. 8.15 p . Boys' Training School (&cIool Building) Admiission Fr. The. publie is invitod MARRIAGES ALLIN-KNIGHT-At Trinit3 lTflited :Church, 1iowmanvil.e, on Snturday, Feh- mary 23 1929, by 11ev. J. U. Robins, '.%r Fred Allun and Miss Emma AI. Knight. daughter 0f the laie Mr. and Mrs. James Knight, both of Bowmanviile. DEATHS 1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 1:-- Miss Betty Sargent spent the' Capt. and Mrs. Albert Norton,1,c weekend with friends in Toronto. Buffalo, N. Y., are renewing ac-r M.s E. I. Eshorne, Torontspn quaintances in his native town. I Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Oshone Messrs. T. A. Dustan and A. Mit- Mrs. H. H. Speare, Toronto, is vis- chell attended the Retail Hardware 'ting Mrs. Milton Jamieson, West- Association Convention in Hamilton mount. last week.1 Miss E. M. Wei-ry, Toronto, spent Mrs. Harry Murphy and daughterj the weekend with Miss Fiorence!I Marlon, Mr. Frank Fowler, Belle-i Werry. Iville, recently visited Mm. and Mrs. Mis Ma-in LugerSania ~ F. B. Hermon, Carlisle Ave. i recent guest of Misses Gladys and, 1 Mr. Robert R. Hoskin of Division Doris Jamieson. Street, who was in Bôwmanville Hus a Mrs. F. J. Manning bas returned pital for an operation has been homeý from visiting her daugbter, Mrs. W. since for soine weeks but is stili con- I. McTavish, Toronto. fined te his bomne.a Mrs. Geo. Halls and daughte.r Dor-ý Mr. T. E. Flaxman, local con-il othy, Kettle, Sask., are visiting beritractor, was this week awarded the, sister, Mrs. R. Bate. contracts by the Ontario Governinent i to build a fine gymnasiuns and also i Mr. Ross Pooley, Buffalo, N. Y., an addition te tuhe scbool building ati spent the weekend wîth bus parents,ý the Boys' Traininsg School. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Pooley.1 Geo. Pritchard informs us his advti Mr. and Mrrs. Jas. Thompson, Port lin The Statesman last week brought Hope, spent Sunday with her p)ar- humn over $75 worth of business first ents, Mr. ard Mrs. H. B. Creeper. two days after paper was printedp Rev. Williamr C. Washington, M. and customers have been comingE A., Division Street, town, continues every day since. Moral: Don't kick I 'in a very low; condition ýbeing entire-labout business if you have anytbing 1 ly heiplesea.i wortb advertising.7 Regular monthly meeting of thel Auxiliary te the Hospital Board will i WEDDING be beld at the Nurses' Residence oni Friday, March lst at 3.30 p. m. AlI Allin-Knight mensbers attend.1h Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rold Hayes, Col- A qutiet wedding was solemnizedm umbus, attended tbe funeral of the on Saturday afternoon in Trinity'i late Mms. Thos. Allun on Saturday, United Cburcb, Bawnianville, when February 16, and visited friends Miss Emma M. Knight, daugbter of here.tbe late Mr. and Mrs. James Knight, Maagr .F.Aichsn f ih and Mr. Fred Allin ,son of the late RMalnankranR. M. Aitbison havte Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Aluin, Lake Roa rea.nkromadthree weekhs' nphainShore, East, Bovmanville, weme unit-1î rti ned fStateshvegenje th i e.in'1 narriage, Rev. J. U. Robins, holitd atmnesely. j no hepastor of the church officiating. ongratiulatins t MssJen am'Only the inijmediate relatives of sayongrtain w itshoos heR- the'happy couple were present. son o CenerathorintediTer Mr. and Mrs. Allin motored toi onto Conervaory IntemedateOsbawa wbere they left by train for iCounterpoînt examination in the a trip te the United States and Theory of -Music. Pupil of Mrs.lWestern Ontario.r Cecil H. Dudley. sur Among those who witnessed the The many fiends in town andsu- marriage were: Mrs. C. A. Bonis- rounding co.untry wilîl be sorry ta teel and son Gerald, Belleville; Missij learn that Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Caw. Jessie Kniglst and Mr. and Mms. Ar-' ker are confined ta their room, Mr. thur Stewart and son Jack of Tor- Cawkerbeing also confined te bis bed onto, Mrs. S. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. for the present. H. J. Knight, Mr. W. W. D<wn, Mms. Mr. T. H. Spence, M.P.P., and J. W .Knight and Miss Helen Knight,v Mrs. R. D. Kilgour, Toronto, Mrs. N. Fraser, New York City, spent Sun- CARD 0F THANKS day witb tbeir aunts, Miss A. V. Cole and Mrs. S. Woodger. Mrs. Caroline Osboone wishes ta Rev. L. S. Wigbt, Belleville, and 'exiPress ber thanks te tbe Woodmen Rev. H. P. L. Seymour, Albert Col- of the World for the prompt paymrent lege, gave The Statesman a friendly of life insurance claim of ber late caîl on Thu.rsday enroute te Toronto husband, W. H. Osborne, and also forn ta attend a meeting at Emmanuel thse kindness of thbe Ordex of the 1.B Collge, ictoia UiverityO.O.F. and S.O.E. Societies of which CollgeVicoriaUnîersty.he was a mensber. .Aaong the Toronto ladies Who ____ are attending the National CouncilM of Women in Ottawa tbis week is AUCTIO14 SALES Mrs. W. A. Quibell. Mms. Quibell (nee Bertha MeQuain), was a formnerý Wednesday, March 6th--Geo. Mal. successful teacher of aur public colmn, Lot 31, Con. 4, Darlington, School staff and welI-known te many whoba 1 giving up farming will seli by Bowmanville people. auction alI of his faims stock, imple-I Master Winton Bagneil canied off ments, etc. Sale at 1 P. M. Sie two first prizes in the Speed Skating bills. Tlseo. M. Sienson, Auctioneei.,l meet la Wbitby last week. Win- Friday, March th-Disersion ton's a chip off the oId block for bis sale Of registered and fu-ily aceredit- dad was also a speed artulst in bis ed Holsteins, Clydesdales and Perch- younger days witbh the ice bJades aens, and implemients, the property but now he prefers to sit 'by the fire- 01 Stanley Buagg, lot 20, Con. 3. aide and enjay bis Rogers battemyless WhitbY VownshiP. Sale at 12 radio. o'clock sharp. See bills. Wni. OfficiaI notice bas been reeeivediMaw, Auctioneer. 8MW tbat Major W. J. Hoar bas been pro.l Atils o Sl moted ta thse staff of Duwbam Regi- ilsFrS e ment and Capt. A. H. (Bert) Boun- O AEA1atiya odhy s&lI bas been placed in Command of'W. T. Symons, phone 160-5, Bowman- 'B' Company at Bowmanville in thelville. 3.1w same reginent. These are bath FOR SLE-One pair second hand de- merited promotions and their manyllivery sleighs In good condition. Bargain. friends affer congratulations. Rice & Ca.., bownanville. -7tf 1 Members of Du.rham Chapter, Or- i O Saiof or h peluiet. 80ie good MeLaughlin cutter. AIplyte. der of tbe Eastern Star, paid a social N . S . Plummer, Liberty St., Bowmanville. visit ta the Susnbeain Chapter, Osb-1 phone 187. 82 awa, Thursday evening. Other~ FOR SALE-CuIter, rubber tired top[j- guesta included Mr. Walker, P.W.P.ibuIF, inlerubser' mounted liamness. and Mis. Walker, P.W.M., of Queen 223, LoomnvîîîWm.MeReynolds, phone' City Chaipter, Tarante, and a nuns-- 23 mavl.- -t ber of visitora from Whitby, Belle-1 GRAIN FOR SALE-Banner Outs andt vill an tbeUnied Sate. TbreeEnglisis 2-rowed Barley, aiso Red Claver, vill an theUnied Sate. Thee ail good dlean seed. Apply ta C. A. Blan- ne'w menbers, were initiated 'by Sun- ohard, Hampton, R. R. 1, phone 350r6. beam, Chapter. A'bountiful lunch ______________8-2w* was served and a social bour plicas-j FOR SALE-Crosîey R. 2 Radio -w7ith antly spent. tubes and twa sets phones, operates on dry batteries. Reasonable prîce. Jack Our senior editar's talk in this. Living, Church SI. East, phone 560, Bow-1 issue is on Leisure Time and how toe_____________________ use it. The Ne-w Outlook af Feb. Ra saeFrSl 27tb says: Heretofore most people Ra saeFrSl considered education almost wholly j WANTED-To buy for cash, five or six![ in terms of work. At the prS«ent roomed bouse, reasonable. Write C. M., time, however, the voices of great 1 180 Antrim St., Pelerbora. educatianists are being raised on be- FO-S L-Nwrikmsdnewt half of educatian in its relation ta ail modern convenlences. AppI te Jas. lesre and it is becoming ganerally E. Fiat. Centre SI.. Bowmanvil?[e, phoane recognized that the great social poob- 384. *t lepmau and the vitiating social ilîs ot FOR SALE-7-roomed briok house, one aur day have their origin in the leis.,1 mile east o! Bowmanville on HighAity, good garden; bard and sof t water; goodJ ure heurs,. barn, chlcken hause and garage. Apply b oMms. W. C. Allin, Bowmanville. R. R. The staff of the Boys' Trainingi No. 4S2ox 16. 9-3w- School ait their montbly get-togetber FARM _OR _SAE ORO REN--Ili I - IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Alex. Taylor wvho passed away March 1, 1923. The roliing stmeams of life pass on, But stli the vacant chair, Recalis t he smile, the love, the voice 0f one who once sat there. Three little words forget-mne-flot, They don't seem rnuch, but mean a lot. Just a rnemory, fond and true, To show dear husband and father, we think of you. Wife and Family. WOTTEN-In loving menuory of a dear husband and father. H-erman R. Wotten, who passed away at Ebenezer February -28, 1928. Dear Hermnan'a lovlngface we wilner forget, Though years may pass away; The loss of hlm we sadly feel As keen as that sad day. Happy hours, we once enjoyed, How dear to memnory still; Your death lias left a vacant place This world can neyer fill. Sadly rnissed by Wife and Daughter Wilma. 9 Wanted WORK WANTED-Farm hand, mnar- ried, needs work.- Flint, cia Mr. A. Milîson, Enniskillen. Ont. 4-tf HELP WANTED-Competent girl forý generai housework. Âpply to Mrs. E. Bradley, 432 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 9-1 HOUSEKEEPER WANTEt>-For home ln Bowmanville. Two aduits. AU con- veniences ln home. No washing. Apply In writing to, The Statesman, Bowman. ville. 8-tf To Let FURNISHED APARTMVENT FOR RENT-Box 51, Bowmanville. 7-tf ROOMS TO RENT-Furnshed or un- furnlshed. Box 61, BowmanvtIle. 7-tf FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT-Six rooms. ail modern conveniences, electrie stove, garage. Apply Mrs. W. F. Qulck, Box 462, Bowmanville, or phone 19. 8-t -BRIGH-T ROOMS TO RIENT-Furnish- ed or unfurnished water and light, one child flot objectea to, phofle 578 after 10 a. m. or before 6 p. m., or write Box 306. Eastern Dainies Farmers' Dairy Hamilton Daines Consolideed Creameries We have Prepared an ana3yais of thse aboya oompanies. Cireulars msiled on request, write or telephone J. P. Johnstone & Co. INVIESTMVENT BANKERS 723-724 Commerce & Transportation Building Toronto 2 TELEPHONE ADEL. 1508 SALESMEN WANTED' To Live In BowmanvilleJ Good position, good wages for good men AppY at once ta Thickson Motor Sales 9 Bond Street West Oshawa Ontario iPATTERSON-In Omono. Fcbmuamy 22, 1929, John Patterson. in hie 77th yeam. TEBBLE-In Clarke, Febmuary 17th., 1929. Martha Hoy, bcioved wi!e of Jon- iathan P. TebbIe. In hem 601h yeam. 1TRULL-In Oshawva, Saîurday, Febru- ,ary 13, 119, Annetta Power Courtice. be- loved wife of Cameron Troul, In hem 67th year. Sister of Mms. A. E. Clemens, lowman ville. DUNNETT--On Wednesday, 20, 1929, at the home o! ber daughter, Mme. Ernest H. Clarke, Auroma, Louisa Hinman, wid- 0W o! the late John P. Dunnett. Interred at Shilob, nomtb of Coibamne. Sister-in- law o! Mme. W. W. and Mme. H. Dick- inson, and aunt o! Mms. Gerald Talcoît Bowmanville. PHONE 186 Lost or Founci Key f ound. Enquire at States- nman Office. LtIST-Wecd chain. Sunday night be- twcun Haydon and Bnwmanville, around Guide IBoard Corner. Il. Ashton, phone 239-21. 9-tf CURLING STONE7 LOST-On Monday, Februarý' 4, 1929, on Kingston Higbway, near Bowmnanville Faim Grounds. FInder please leave at Statesman Office and e. ceive reward. 9-1w- BUFFALO ROBE LOST-On Frlday, Febmamy 151h abou t 5 P. m., between Allins rocery and Maple Grave Corner on the Hlghway^. FInder etumn ta St atmn Office or to Fank Michael, Oshawa, 8-tf We carry a beautiful line of very1 Semi-Trimrned and Sunworthy Wall Papers also the best lines in Paints Varnish and Wall Finishes Estimates Given Free G. Pritchard Painter and Decorator Y ou Are Invited TO VISIT HARRY ALLIN'S GROCERY STORE THIS SAT4JRDAY TO MEET THE Heinz Demonstrator (Mr. Nicholson) who wilI have the famous 57 'varieties of Heinz ways they can be prepared and served. Mr. Nicholson asked us to state in coming to this demonstration you are under no obligation to buy.' Corne and see and sample at our expenoe. One day only-Saturday, March 2nd. GET READY FOR SPRING PLANTING Now's the time to talk over and plIan what you are going to plant this Spring. Already lots of people have booked orders for Shrubs, Ilat Fruit Trees, etc. Corne and get a free catalogue4 Maple Leaf Corn ................10e tin Burford Peas ...........................1etin Oranges 18 and 24 in basket .......55e Largest and Best Assortment of Fish -try fish for a change ini menu. See our windows full of Fresh Vegetables, Flowers and Plants. Cut BOWMAML1LE - wzc- ANNOUNCING the A rrivai of the Spring Custom Tailoring S amples The new season's custom tailoring garnples just received. froni the Society Brand organization comprise an exceptionally broad selection of fine, dependable and exclusive woollens, which anticipate aillcolor and pattern preferences of gentlemen of ex-. acting taste. Over four hundred patterns from which to, choose. If you prefer clothes made to, your individual measurementa, our eustom department of Society Brand Clothes will be able to, rend- er you a very distinguished service-unequalled anywhere at any price for smartness of style and fine workmanship. We cordially invite you to, look them over, whether or not a purchase is contemplated. Sole Agent For Society Brand Clothes Tè, B. GILCHRIST Ph«ooel,Romnil 5 SPRING CAL.LS FOR COLORS IN FOOT WEAIR Brown and Light Colored Shoet are the Vogue for Spring Women's brown sboes in kid and calf leathers, in pump, strap or tie, Priced Froni $4.25 to $9.00 Men's oxfords in black or brown caîf in welted soles, wide tae in plain or fancy stitching, Priced Fa-on $4.50 to $8.50 Boys' and Youtihs' axfords on mannisb lastus, Priced Froni $2.50 te, $4.50 Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120- Bowmanville. HARRV ALUIN, Orocer R Div.ctly Opposite Bank of M.ntroal mm,116- ~Ž.*LLPAP Pritchard's Brighter Homes Store When you think of Painting or Papering a room we wiIl esteem it a pleasure to talk it over with you and give expert advice. zei;;ia PAGE FIVE

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